Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2021-22
UPN Alm.del Bilag 32
Udenrigsudvalget, Forsvarsudvalget, Udlændinge- og
Integrationsudvalget og Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn
Udvalgenes og Nævnets medlemmer og stedfortrædere
10. november 2021
Invitation til lukket ekspertmøde om situationen i Syrien
Folketingets Udenrigsudvalg arrangerer et lukket ekspertmøde om situatio-
nen i Syrien.
Ekspertmødet finder sted
tirsdag den 23. november 2021 kl. 13.15
i vær. 2-133 og via Teams.
På ekspertmødet vil Marie Forestier, researcher fra Amnesty International, og
Nadia Hardman, researcher fra Human Rights Watch, holde oplæg med ud-
gangspunkt i deres seneste rapporter om emnet.
De to rapporter er vedlagt og kan også læses via links her:
Amnesty Internationals seneste rapport om Syrien (51 sider) (udkom
den 7.9.2021):
Syria: "You're going to your death" Violations against
Syrian refugees returning to Syria
Human Rights Watch’ seneste rapport om Syrien (83 sider) (udkom
den 20.10.2021):
lives are like death”
CV’er for Marie Forestier
og Nadia Hardman nedenfor.
De to eksperter deltager via Teams.
Tilmelding til mødet skal ske til
[email protected]
senest tirsdag den
16. november 2021.
Mødet gennemføres kun, hvis minimum 3-4
MF’er til-
melder sig.
Med venlig hilsen
Amalie Andresen,
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 32: Invitation til lukket ekspertmøde om situationen i Syrien den 23. november 2021
CV for Marie Forestier
Amnesty International
Marie Forestier is a researcher and advisor on refugee and migrant rights for
the MENA region at the International Secretariat of Amnesty International.
Her work has focused on how civilians have been affected by conflict, dis-
placement, Syrian refugees and women's rights. She has been working in the
MENA region for a decade, as a journalist and as a researcher for academia
and various NGOs.
CV for Nadia Hardman,
Researcher, Refugee and Migrant Rights Division, Human Rights Watch
Nadia Hardman is a researcher in the Refugee and Migrants Rights Division
of Human Rights Watch, monitoring and documenting human rights abuses
against asylum seekers, refugees, and migrant populations.
Prior to Human Rights Watch,
she led the International Rescue Committee’s
protection program for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and was based in Mosul,
Iraq with the Norwegian Refugee Council working with internally displaced
persons (IDPs) between 2017 and 2018. Nadia has worked with refugee and
IDP populations in Myanmar, Thailand and Palestine and was a Program
Lawyer for the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute working
on rule of law issues in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Egypt and Tajikistan from
2013 to 2015. She is a qualified UK lawyer with a Masters in Human Rights
from University College London. Nadia speaks fluent French and Italian.
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