Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2021-22
UPN Alm.del Bilag 315
European Council
The President
Brussels, 20 June 2022
Dear colleagues,
With war back in Europe, we have taken unprecedented action, projecting the EU's
geopolitical clout. We now need to take further steps to strengthen our continent’s
security and stability. This will be the main focus of our European Council meeting on
23-24 June.
Now is the time to acknowledge that the future of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia lies
within the EU. I will invite you to grant candidate status to Ukraine and Moldova. In
parallel, we will continue to provide Ukraine with strong humanitarian, military,
economic and financial support.
The Western Balkans are important to the EU, and the EU is important to the Western
Balkans. We must therefore re-energise the enlargement process and advance the
integration of our Western Balkan partners. We will meet them before our formal
European Council.
Peace, security and prosperity in a rules-based international order are values the EU
shares with other European partners. The idea of a European political community has
been presented to foster political dialogue and cooperation. We will engage in a strategic
discussion on how to reinforce our relations to address issues of common interest.
The consequences of the war are being felt far beyond our region. Russia is weaponising
food supplies, stealing grain, blocking ports and turning Ukrainian farmlands into
battlefields. This affects many countries, especially in Africa, risking famine and political
and social instability. Building on our efforts to help Ukraine export its grain, we will
discuss further measures to tackle these issues.
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 - B-1048 Bruxelles/Brussel - Belgique/België
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 315: Hyrdebrev fra formanden for Det Europæiske Råd forud møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 23.-24. juni 2022
The Conference on the Future of Europe has involved European citizens and made
proposals aiming at improving the functioning of our Union. Proper follow-up will be
The current situation requires an in-depth discussion during our Euro Summit, in the
presence of the President of the European Central Bank and the President of the
Eurogroup. We will also have to determine how we want to move forward on the Banking
Union and Capital Markets Union.
We will meet on Thursday 23 June at 9:30 with the Leaders of the Western Balkans. We
will then continue with our European Council meeting, which will start at 15:00 with our
traditional exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament.
I look forward to seeing you in Brussels.
Charles MICHEL