European Council
The President
Brussels, 23 March 2022
Dear colleagues,
Our European Council on 24 and 25 March will start with a session on Thursday at
4:30 pm with the participation of President Biden. Together we will address Russia's
ongoing military aggression against Ukraine.
After the traditional exchange with the President of the European Parliament, we will
pursue our exchange on Ukraine in a subsequent session, where we will be joined
virtually by President Zelensky.
As the war progresses, we are seeing Russia increasingly attack the civilian population
and target hospitals, schools and shelters. These war crimes must stop immediately.
Those responsible, and their accomplices, will be held to account in accordance with
international law.
In our meeting, we will discuss how to best support Ukraine in these dramatic
circumstances. The Ukrainian people have bravely stepped up to defend their country.
But humanitarian needs within Ukraine are growing dramatically. And millions have had
to flee their homes and leave their loved ones behind. We must continue to provide
humanitarian, political, financial and material support to Ukraine. We will also examine
the specific support we can offer Ukrainian refugees and their hosts.
Sanctions are one of the main tools at our disposal to exert pressure on Russia to change
its course of action. So far, we have adopted some of the strongest measures ever against
Russia and Belarus. Along with our international allies, we have shown a united front.
We must now ensure that these sanctions are not circumvented. We stand ready to move
quickly on further coordinated sanctions.
Against this backdrop, our meeting will also be the occasion to prepare for the EU-China
summit, to be held on 1 April 2022, where the war in Ukraine will be the main topic.
A further foreign policy issue I would like us to address is the political crisis in Bosnia
and Herzegovina.
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