Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2021-22
UPN Alm.del Bilag 142
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Amnesty International is a movement of 10 million people
which mobilizes the humanity in everyone and campaigns
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First published in 2022
by Amnesty International Ltd
Peter Benenson House, 1 Easton Street,
London WC1X 0DW, UK
Cover photo:
Palestinian protesters walk towards the Erez crossing, the only passenger crossing
between Gaza and Israel, during a demonstration in the northern Gaza Strip on 18 September 2018
© Said Khatib / AFP via Getty Images
Index: MDE 15/5141/2022
Original language: English
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
4.1.1 Definitions of apartheid under international law
5.1.1 Palestinians and Jewish Israelis as racial groups
5.2.1 Palestinians in Israel
5.2.2 Palestinians in OPT
5.2.3 Palestinians outside Israel and OPT
5.3.1 Denial of right to equal nationality and status
5.3.2 Restrictions on freedom of movement as a means of control over land and people
5.3.3 Separation of families through discriminatory laws
5.3.4 Use of military rule
5.3.5 Restrictions on right to political participation and popular resistance
5.4.1 Land expropriation laws and policies
5.4.2 Land title settlement: registration of land rights
5.4.3 Discriminatory allocation of expropriated Palestinian land for Jewish settlement
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
5.4.4 Discriminatory urban planning and zoning system
5.5.1 Suppresion of Palestinians’ human development
5.5.2 Discriminatory allocation of resources
5.5.3 Discriminatory provision of services
6.1.1 Relevant crimes under international law
6.1.2 Israeli policies and practices
6.1.3 Pattern of inhuman or inhumane acts
6.2.1 Relevant crimes under international law
6.2.2 Israeli policies and practices
6.2.3 Pattern of inhuman or inhumane acts
6.3.1 Relevant crimes under international law
6.3.2 Israeli policies and practices
6.3.3 Pattern of inhuman or inhumane acts
6.4.1 Relevant crimes under international law
6.4.2 Israeli policies and practices
6.4.3 Pattern of inhuman or inhumane acts
7.1.1 A system and crime of apartheid against Palestinians
7.1.2 Legal remedies
7.1.3 International community inaction
7.2.1 Israeli authorities
7.2.2 Palestinian authorities
7.2.3 UN Human Rights Council
7.2.4 UN Security Council
7.2.5 UN General Assembly
7.2.6 Office of prosecutor of ICC
7.2.7 Other governments and regional actors
7.2.8 Businesses
7.2.9 National and international humanitarian and development organizations
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Al Mezan
Ateret Cohanim
“buffer zone”
against Torture
Association for Civil Rights in Israel, a human rights organization
Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, a human rights
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, a human rights
Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research
Al-Haq – Law in the Service of Man, a human rights organization
Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, a human rights organization
International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of
Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem
formally known as Ateret Yerushalayim, a Jewish settler organization
BADIL Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights
Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights, a human rights organization
B’Tselem – Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, a
human rights organization
access-restricted area located along the fence separating the Gaza Strip from Israel
(UN) Committee against Torture
(UN) Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
(UN) Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
(UN) Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Israeli military unit that oversees all civilian matters for Jewish Israeli settlers and
Palestinian residents in the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem
(Israel’s) Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories
(UN) Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Custodian of
Absentee Property
Custodian for
and Abandoned
Property in Judea
and Samaria
Custodian General
head of an entity appointed by the Israeli minister of finance that manages absentees’
head of an entity under the authority of the Israeli Civil Administration charged with
managing land and property in the occupied West Bank excluding East Jerusalem
head of an entity under the authority of the Israeli Ministry of Justice that manages
all property in Israel when the owners cannot manage it or are untraceable, as well
as playing a significant role regarding properties in East Jerusalem owned by Israelis
before 1948
Defense for Children International – Palestine, a human rights organization
Israeli body established to administer the property of Palestinian refugees and other
property confiscated by the state
policy restricting Palestinian imports to the OPT of goods that Israel deems to
potentially have military, as well as civilian, use
land area (10 dunams = 1 hectare)
Elad-Ir David Foundation, a Jewish settler organization
passenger crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip
(UN) Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
land designated by Israel for the stated purpose of military exercises
gross domestic product
Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, a human rights organization
demarcation line set out in the 1949 Armistice Agreements between Israel and its
neighbours that served as the de facto borders of the State of Israel until 1967
Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism
an Israeli newspaper
HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual, a human rights organization
(Israel’s) High Court of Justice, a function of Israel’s Supreme Court when it exercises
judicial review over executive authorities.
(UN) Human Rights Committee
Human Rights Watch, a human rights organization
Inter-American Court on Human Rights
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, a human rights organization
Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics
International Criminal Court
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
“dual use” policy
Erez crossing
“firing zone”
Green Line
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Ir Amim
Israel Land
Israel Land
Israel Security
Jerusalem Post
Jewish Agency for
Kerem Navot
kibbutz (plural:
“mixed cities”
moshav (plural:
Mossawa Center
nation state law
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
International Court of Justice
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
internally displaced person
(UN) International Law Commission
Palestinian uprising against Israel’s military rule
a human rights organization focusing on Jerusalem
predecessor body to the Israel Land Authority
Israeli government body responsible for managing state land in Israel
Israel’s internal security service (also known as Shabak or Shin Bet)
an Israeli newspaper
operative branch of the World Zionist Organization
Jewish National Fund / Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (Hebrew for Jewish National Fund)
a human rights organization
Jewish community organized as a collective, with communal living and wealth held in
common, and usually based on agriculture or industry
Israel’s parliament
internal investigation unit at the Israeli Justice Ministry
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Israeli state-owned water company
Israeli cities with mixed Jewish and Palestinian populations
member of the Knesset
(Israel’s) Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Jewish agricultural community organized as a cooperative
Mossawa Center – the Advocacy Center for Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel, a
human rights organization
Basic Law: Israel the Nation State of the Jewish People
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Peace Now
Rafah crossing
Rome Statute
“seam zone”
State Comptroller
Times of Israel
+972 Magazine
Hebrew/Arabic name for a region in southern Israel
non-governmental organization
New Israeli Shekel, Israel’s currency
Norwegian Refugee Council, a humanitarian organization
(UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
Office of the (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights
Occupied Palestinian Territories
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, a human rights organization
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, a human rights organization
an NGO
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Palestinian Legislative Council
Palestine Liberation Organization
(Israel’s) Prime Minister’s Office
crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip
Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
section of Palestinian land within the West Bank that falls between the fence/wall and
the Green Line and is therefore severed from the OPT
Israeli ombudsperson with authority to review policies and operations of government
an Israeli newspaper
UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine
UN Conference on Trade and Development
UN General Assembly
UN Children’s Fund
UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
UN Security Council
Union of Agricultural Work Committees
endowment under Islamic law by which an institution holds property for charitable
purposes, often as the result of a donation by an individual or group
World Food Programme, a UN humanitarian programme
World Health Organization, a UN agency
World Zionist Organization
an Israeli online news magazine
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
“Israel is not a state of all its citizens… [but rather] the
nation-state of the Jewish people and only them”
Message posted online in March 2019 by Israel’s then prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu
On 18 May 2021, Palestinians across cities and villages in Israel and the occupied West Bank and Gaza
Strip closed their offices, shops, restaurants and schools, abandoned construction sites, and refused
to report to work for the whole day. In a display of unity not seen for decades, they defied the territorial
fragmentation and segregation they face in their daily lives and observed a general strike to protest their
shared repression by Israel.
The strike was sparked by the Israeli authorities’ plan to evict seven Palestinian families from their homes in
Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian residential neighbourhood near the Old City in East Jerusalem, which has been
repeatedly targeted by Israel’s sustained campaign to expand illegal settlements and transfer Jewish settlers.
To stop the threatened evictions, the Palestinian families launched a campaign on social media under the
hashtag #SaveSheikhJarrah attracting worldwide attention and mobilizing protesters on the ground. Israeli
security forces responded to the protests with the same excessive force they have been using to stifle
Palestinian dissent for decades. They arbitrarily arrested peaceful demonstrators, threw sound and stun
grenades at crowds, dispersed them with excessive force and skunk water, and fired concussion grenades at
worshippers and protesters gathered in the Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
The brutal repression generated a wave of solidarity elsewhere in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)
and amongst Palestinian citizens of Israel, across the Green Line (the demarcation line set out in the 1949
Armistice Agreements between Israel and its neighbours that served as the de facto borders of the State
of Israel until 1967). In Israel, police forces orchestrated a discriminatory campaign against Palestinian
citizens involving mass arbitrary arrests of, and unlawful force against, peaceful protesters, while failing to
protect Palestinians from organized assaults by Jewish attackers following the outbreak of intercommunal
violence. Meanwhile, armed hostilities broke out on 10 May as Palestinian armed groups fired indiscriminate
rockets into Israel from Gaza. Israel responded with a ruthless 11-day military offensive against the territory,
targeting residential homes without effective advance warning, damaging essential infrastructure, displacing
tens of thousands of people and killing and injuring hundreds of others. It thereby exacerbated the chronic
humanitarian crisis caused primarily by Israel’s long-standing unlawful blockade.
For many Palestinians who observed the general strike in Israel and the OPT, these discriminatory and
repressive actions in East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and Palestinian cities and towns, as well as “mixed
cities” with Jewish and Palestinian populations, in Israel represented different manifestations of an overall
system of oppression and domination by Israel. This system, which operates with varying levels of intensity
and repression based on Palestinians’ status in the separate enclaves where Palestinians live today, and
violates their rights in different ways, ultimately seeks to establish and maintain Jewish hegemony wherever
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Israel exercises effective control. By coming out to protest, they were expressing unity, and a rejection of
Israel’s fragmentation of the Palestinian people. A manifesto published on social media by some activists
that same day denounced long-standing Israeli practices and policies that “tried to turn [Palestinians] into
different societies, each living apart, each in its own separate prison”.
Palestinians have been calling for an understanding of Israel’s rule as apartheid for over two decades
and have been at the forefront of advocacy in that regard at the UN. Over time, research conducted
by Palestinian human rights organizations, and more recently some Israeli human rights groups, has
contributed to broader international recognition of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid. Yet states,
particularly Israel’s Western allies, have been reluctant to heed these calls, and have refused to take any
meaningful action against Israel. Meanwhile, Palestinian organizations and human rights defenders who
have been leading anti-apartheid advocacy and campaigning efforts have faced growing Israeli repression
for years as punishment for their work. In October 2021, the Israeli authorities escalated their attacks
on Palestinian civil society even further by misusing counterterrorism legislation to outlaw six prominent
organizations, including three major human rights groups, to shut down their offices and to detain and
prosecute their employees. In parallel, Israel has subjected Israeli organizations denouncing apartheid and
other serious human rights violations against Palestinians to smears and delegitimization campaigns.
Building on a growing body of work, Amnesty International has documented and analysed Israel’s
institutionalized and systematic discrimination against Palestinians within the framework of the definition
of apartheid under international law. This has aimed to determine whether discriminatory and exclusionary
Israeli laws, policies and practices against Palestinians amount to apartheid as a violation of public
international law, a serious human rights violation and a crime against humanity. It has done so by firstly
determining Israel’s intent to oppress and dominate all Palestinians by establishing its hegemony across
Israel and the OPT, including through means of demography, and maximizing resources for the benefit of its
Jewish population at the expense of Palestinians. It has then analysed the laws, policies and practices which
have, over time, come to constitute the main tools for establishing and maintaining this system, and which
discriminate against and segregate Palestinians in Israel and the OPT today, as well as controlling Palestinian
refugees’ right to return. It has conducted this analysis by examining the key components of this system of
oppression and domination: territorial fragmentation; segregation and control through the denial of equal
nationality and status, restrictions on movement, discriminatory family reunification laws, the use of military
rule and restrictions on the right to political participation and popular resistance; dispossession of land
and property; and the suppression of Palestinians’ human development and denial of their economic and
social rights. Furthermore, it has documented specific inhuman and inhumane acts, serious human rights
violations and crimes under international law, committed against the Palestinian population with the intent to
maintain this system of oppression and domination.
In this way, Amnesty International has demonstrated that Israel has imposed a system of oppression and
domination over Palestinians wherever it exercises control over the enjoyment of their rights – across Israel
and the OPT and with regard to Palestinian refugees. The segregation is conducted in a systematic and
highly institutionalized manner through laws, policies and practices, all intended to prevent Palestinians
from claiming and enjoying equal rights to Jewish Israelis within Israel and the OPT, and thus intended to
oppress and dominate the Palestinian people. This oppression and domination have been cemented by a
legal regime that controls (by negating) the rights of Palestinian refugees residing outside Israel and the OPT
to return to their homes. Over decades, Israeli demographic and geopolitical considerations have shaped
policies towards Palestinians in each of the different areas of Israel, East Jerusalem, the rest of the West
Bank and the Gaza Strip in different ways. This means that, today, Israel’s system of control is not applied
uniformly across all areas. Palestinians experience this system in different ways and face differing levels of
repression based on their status and the area in which they live.
The organization has concluded that Israel has perpetrated the international wrong of apartheid, as a human
rights violation and a violation of public international law wherever it imposes this system. It has assessed
that almost all of Israel’s civilian administration and military authorities, as well as governmental and quasi-
governmental institutions, are involved in the enforcement of the system of apartheid against Palestinians
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
across Israel and the OPT and against Palestinian refugees and their descendants outside the territory.
Amnesty International has also concluded that the patterns of proscribed acts perpetuated by Israel both
inside Israel and in the OPT form part of a systematic as well as widespread attack directed against the
Palestinian population, and that the inhuman or inhumane acts committed within the context of this attack
have been committed with the intention to maintain this system and amount to the crime against humanity
of apartheid under both the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute.
This work builds on decades of Amnesty International desk and field research collecting evidence of
violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in Israel and the OPT, and on publications by
Palestinian, Israeli and international organizations in addition to academic studies, monitoring by grassroots
activist groups, reports by UN agencies, experts and human rights bodies, and media articles.
Amnesty International carried out research and analysis in the course of this work between July 2017 and
November 2021. Researchers extensively analysed relevant Israeli legislation, regulations, military orders,
directives by government institutions and statements by Israeli government and military officials. The
organization reviewed other Israeli government documents, such as planning and zoning documents and
plans, budgets and statistics, Israeli parliamentary archives and Israeli court judgments. It also examined
relevant reports and statistics published by Palestinian authorities. The research was guided by a global
policy on the human rights violation and crime of apartheid adopted by Amnesty International in July
2017, following recognition that the organization had given insufficient attention to situations of systematic
discrimination and oppression around the world.
As part of its research, Amnesty International spoke with representatives of Palestinian, Israeli and
international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), relevant UN agencies, legal practitioners, scholars and
academics, journalists, and other relevant stakeholders. In addition, it conducted extensive legal analysis on
the situation, including engaging with and seeking advice from external experts on international law.
Amnesty International’s work on this issue aims to support Palestinian civil society and Israeli organizations
in their efforts to end Israel’s oppression and domination over Palestinians at a time when their work is
becoming increasingly threatened. By doing so, it also hopes to contribute to a greater understanding and
recognition of institutionalized discrimination committed in Israel and the OPT and against Palestinian
refugees as a system and crime of apartheid.
Apartheid is a violation of public international law, a grave violation of internationally protected human rights
and a crime against humanity under international criminal law. Three main international treaties prohibit
and/or explicitly criminalize apartheid: the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination (ICERD), the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of
Apartheid (Apartheid Convention) and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute).
The crime against humanity of apartheid under the Apartheid Convention, the Rome Statute and customary
international law is committed when any inhuman or inhumane act (essentially a serious human rights
violation) is perpetrated in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination
by one racial group over another, with the intention to maintain that system. A regime of oppression and
domination can best be understood as the systematic, prolonged and cruel discriminatory treatment by one
racial group of members of another with the intention to control the second racial group.
Thus, the crime against humanity of apartheid is committed when serious human rights violations are
committed in the context, and with the specific intent, of maintaining a regime or system of prolonged and
cruel discriminatory control of one or more racial groups by another.
The framework of apartheid allows a comprehensive understanding, grounded in international law, of a
situation of segregation, oppression and domination by one racial group over another. Amnesty International
notes and clarifies that systems of oppression and domination will never be identical. Therefore, it does not
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
seek to argue that, or assess whether, any system of oppression and domination as perpetrated in Israel and
the OPT is, for instance, the same or analogous to the system of segregation, oppression and domination as
perpetrated in South Africa between 1948 and 1994.
To determine whether Israel has created and maintained an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression
and domination, Amnesty International looked at the way Israel exerts control over the Palestinian people.
It also considered a number of serious human rights violations that would constitute the crime against
humanity of apartheid if committed with the intention to maintain such a system of oppression and
Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has pursued an explicit policy of establishing and maintaining
a Jewish demographic hegemony and maximizing its control over land to benefit Jewish Israelis while
minimizing the number of Palestinians and restricting their rights and obstructing their ability to challenge
this dispossession. In 1967, Israel extended this policy beyond the Green Line to the West Bank and Gaza
Strip, which it has occupied ever since. Today, all territories controlled by Israel continue to be administered
with the purpose of benefiting Jewish Israelis to the detriment of Palestinians, while Palestinian refugees
continue to be excluded.
Demographic considerations have from the outset guided Israeli legislation and policymaking. The
demography of the newly created state was to be changed to the benefit of Jewish Israelis, while Palestinians
– whether inside Israel or, later on, in the OPT – were perceived as a threat to establishing and maintaining
a Jewish majority, and as a result were to be expelled, fragmented, segregated, controlled, dispossessed of
their land and property and deprived of their economic and social rights.
Jewish Israelis form a group that is unified by a privileged legal status embedded in Israeli law, which
extends to them through state services and protections regardless of where they reside in the territories
under Israel’s effective control. The Jewish identity of the State of Israel has been established in its laws and
the practice of its official and national institutions. Israeli laws perceive and treat Jewish identity, depending
on the context, as a religious, descent-based, and/or national or ethnic identity.
Palestinians are treated by the Israeli state differently based on its consideration of them as having a
racialized non-Jewish, Arab status and, beyond that, as being part of a group with particular attributes that
is different from other non-Jewish groups. With respect to Palestinian citizens of Israel, the Israeli Ministry
of Foreign Affairs officially classifies them as “Arab citizens of Israel”, an inclusive term that describes
a number of different and primarily Arabic-speaking groups, including Muslim Arabs (this classification
includes Bedouins), Christian Arabs, Druze and Circassians. However, in public discourse, Israeli authorities
and media generally refer only to Muslim Arabs and Christian Arabs – those who generally self-identify as
Palestinians – as Israeli Arabs and associate them with Palestinians living in the OPT and beyond, using the
specific terms Druze and Circassians for those other non-Jewish groups. The authorities also clearly consider
Palestinian citizens of Israel as a single group different from Druze and Circassians since they exempt this
group alone from military service in “consideration for their family, religious, and cultural affiliations with the
Arab world (which has subjected Israel to frequent attacks), as well as concern over possible dual loyalties.”
In May 1948, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel announced a Jewish state. Although
it guaranteed the right to “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants”, the right has
not been guaranteed in the Basic Laws, which act as constitutional documents in the absence of a written
At the same time as establishing Israel as a Jewish state, the 1948 Declaration appealed to Jewish people
around the world to immigrate to Israel. In 1950, Israel granted every Jew the right to immigrate to Israel
under the Law of Return, followed by the right to automatic Israeli citizenship under the Nationality Law
of 1952. The Israeli authorities saw this partly as a necessary measure to prevent another attempt to
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
exterminate Jews in the wake of the Holocaust and to provide shelter to Jews who faced persecution
elsewhere in the world. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees displaced during the
1947-49 conflict remained barred from returning to their homes based on demographic considerations.
The essence of the system of oppression and domination over Palestinians was clearly crystallized in the
2018 nation state law, which enshrined the principle that the “State of Israel is the nation State of the Jewish
people” and that the right of self-determination is exclusive “to the Jewish people”.
In parallel, statements by leading Israeli politicians as well as senior civilian and military officials over the
years confirm Israel’s intention to maintain a Jewish demographic majority and to oppress and dominate
Palestinians. Since 1948, regardless of their political affiliations, they have publicly emphasized the
overarching objective of maintaining Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, and stated their intention to minimize
Palestinians’ access to and control of land across all territories under Israel’s effective control. They have
carried this out by seizing Palestinians’ homes and properties and effectively restricting them to living in
enclaves through discriminatory planning and housing policies. The discriminatory intent to dominate
Palestinian citizens in Israel is also manifested through statements that clearly point to the need for a
separate and unequal citizenship structure and the denial of Palestinians’ right to family reunification as a
means of controlling demography.
The intention to dominate and control the Palestinian population in the OPT through discriminatory land,
planning and housing policies as well as the denial of any agricultural or industrial development for the
benefit of Palestinians is equally clear. Since the 1967 annexation of East Jerusalem, Israeli governments
have set targets for the demographic ratio of Jews to Palestinians in Jerusalem as a whole and have made
it clear through public statements that the denial of economic and social rights to Palestinians in East
Jerusalem is an intentional policy to coerce them into leaving the city. Israel’s withdrawal of its settlers from
Gaza, while it maintained control over the people in the territory in other ways, was also expressly linked
to demographic questions, and a realization that a Jewish majority could not be achieved there. Finally,
public materials published by the Israeli government make it obvious that Israel’s long-standing policy to
deprive millions of Palestinian refugees of their right to return to their homes is also guided by demographic
In the course of establishing Israel as a Jewish state in 1948, its leaders were responsible for the mass
expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and the destruction of hundreds of Palestinian villages in
what amounted to ethnic cleansing. They chose to coerce Palestinians into enclaves within the State of Israel
and, following their military occupation in 1967, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They have appropriated the
vast majority of Palestinians’ land and natural resources. They have introduced laws, policies and practices
that systematically and cruelly discriminate against Palestinians, leaving them fragmented geographically and
politically, in a constant state of fear and insecurity, and often impoverished.
Meanwhile, Israel’s leaders have opted to systemically privilege Jewish citizens in law and in practice through
the distribution of land and resources, resulting in their relative wealth and well-being at the expense of
Palestinians. They have steadily expanded Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian territory in violation of
international law.
In 1948, before Israel was established, Palestinians comprised around 70% of the population of Palestine
(then a British mandate territory) and owned about 90% of the privately owned land. Jews, many of whom
had emigrated from Europe, comprised around 30% of the population and they and Jewish institutions
owned about 6.5% of the land.
Israeli authorities have acted to turn that situation on its head. Some of those who fled their homes during
the 1947-49 conflict were internally displaced from their villages, towns and cities to other parts of what
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
became Israel. Others fled to different parts of what was then British mandate Palestine (22% of which fell
under the control of Jordan and Egypt following the conflict – what is now the OPT). Most of the rest fled to
the neighbouring Arab countries of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Israel prevents these Palestinian refugees,
and their descendants, as well as internally displaced persons within Israel, from returning to their former
places of residence.
Palestinians became fragmented even further after the June 1967 war, which resulted in Israel’s military
occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, the creation of a separate legal
and administrative regime to control the occupied territories, and another wave of Palestinian displacement.
The new military regime in the OPT was established on top of a pre-existing multi-layered legal system made
up of Ottoman, British, Jordanian and Egyptian laws – the legacy of the powers that had previously controlled
the area.
In 1994, the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) created the
Palestinian Authority and granted it limited control over Palestinian civil affairs in urban centres. In addition
to failing to end the occupation, the Oslo Accords divided the West Bank into three different administrative
areas, with varying levels of Palestinian and Israeli military and civil jurisdiction, fragmenting and segregating
Palestinians even further to Israel’s benefit. Even though Israel withdrew Israeli settlers from the Gaza Strip
in 2005, it retained effective control over the territory, which it tightened further through an unlawful air, sea
and land blockade, and an official policy separating Gaza from the West Bank, following Hamas’s takeover
of the territory two years later. As a result, the entirety of the West Bank and Gaza Strip remains under Israeli
military occupation, with Israel controlling the Palestinian population living there, their natural resources
and, with the exception of Gaza’s short southern border with Egypt, their land and sea borders and airspace.
Two sets of complementary international legal frameworks continue to apply to the conduct of Israel as
the occupying power with effective control over the OPT: international human rights law and international
humanitarian law.
Palestinians in the OPT living under these separate jurisdictions require permits from the Israeli authorities
to cross between them – from and to the Gaza Strip, annexed East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank
– and are also separated from Palestinian citizens of Israel, both geographically and on the basis of their
status. Meanwhile, Palestinian refugees displaced during the 1947-49 and 1967 conflicts continue to be
physically isolated from those residing in Israel and the OPT through Israel’s continuous denial of their right
to return to their homes, towns and villages.
Palestinian citizens of Israel are subject to Israeli civil laws, which in general afford them greater freedoms
and human rights protections than Palestinians living in the OPT, but nonetheless deny them equal rights
with Jewish Israelis (including to political participation) and institutionalize discrimination against them.
While Palestinians in annexed East Jerusalem also live under Israeli civil laws, they are granted permanent
residence rather than citizenship. On the other hand, Palestinians in the rest of the West Bank remain
subject to Israel’s military rule and draconian military orders adopted since 1967. The vast majority of these
orders no longer apply to the Gaza Strip after Israel removed most aspects of its military rule there with
the withdrawal of settlers in 2005. Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are additionally subject to
Palestinian laws.
Today, Palestinian citizens and permanent residents of Israel comprise some 21% of Israel’s population
and number approximately 1.9 million. Some 90% of Palestinians with Israeli citizenship live in 139 densely
populated towns and villages in the Galilee and Triangle regions in northern Israel and the Negev/Naqab
region in the south, as a result of deliberate segregation policies. The vast majority of the remaining 10% live
in “mixed cities”.
As of July 2021, there were 358,800 Palestinian residents within the boundaries of the Jerusalem
Municipality, comprising 38% of the city’s population. Of these, around 150,000 live in areas segregated
from the rest of the city by the fence/wall and other military checkpoints. Some 225,178 Jewish Israeli
settlers were also living in East Jerusalem in 13 illegal settlements built by the Israeli authorities and in
private homes taken over from Palestinians under discriminatory schemes.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Approximately 3 million Palestinians live in the rest of the West Bank in addition to more than 441,600
Jewish settlers residing in 132 settlements that have been officially established by the Israeli government, as
well as 140 unauthorized outposts that have been established since the 1990s without government approval
and are considered illegal even under Israeli law. Some 2 million Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip. Of
these, around 1.4 million (over 70% of the population) are registered refugees with the UN Relief and Works
Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
Israel’s rule over the OPT through military orders in the context of its occupation has given rise to a false
perception that the military regime in the OPT is separate from the civil system in annexed East Jerusalem
and within Israel. This view ignores the fact that many elements of Israel’s repressive military system
in the OPT originate in Israel’s 18-year-long military rule over Palestinian citizens of Israel, and that the
dispossession of Palestinians in Israel continues today.
The very existence of these separate legal regimes, however, is one of the main tools through which Israel
fragments Palestinians and enforces its system of oppression and domination, and serves, as noted by the
UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), “to obscure [the Israeli apartheid] regime’s
very existence”. Indeed, Israeli policies aim to fragment Palestinians into different geographic and legal
domains of control not only to treat them differently, or to segregate them, from the Jewish population, but
also to treat them differently from each other in order to weaken ties between Palestinian communities, to
suppress any form of sustained dissent against the system they have created, and ensure more effective
political and security control over land and people across all territories.
Over the years, Israel has used military rule as a key tool to establish its system of oppression and
domination over Palestinians across both sides of the Green Line, applying it over different groups of
Palestinians in Israel and the OPT almost continuously since 1948 – with the exception of a seven-month
gap in 1967 – to advance Jewish settlement in areas of strategic importance and to dispossess Palestinians
of their land and property under the guise of maintaining security.
Israel placed its Palestinian citizens under military rule for the first 18 years of its existence (1948-1966) and
used during that time British Mandate Defence (Emergency) Regulations that granted them unrestricted
powers to control the movement of Palestinian residents, confiscate their property, allow for the closure of
entire villages as military zones, demolish their houses, and try them before military courts. Palestinians
required permits to leave their areas of residence, including to access medical care and jobs. Israeli state
institutions placed Palestinians under a system of surveillance and control that deliberately restricted their
political freedoms by banning protests and arresting political activists on account of their political activities.
Israel eventually abolished its military rule over Palestinian citizens in December 1966 after it successfully
prevented internally displaced Palestinians from returning to their homes in empty villages by destroying
them and subjecting their land to forestation. While restrictions on movement were progressively removed,
and the human rights situation of Palestinian citizens of Israel has undoubtedly greatly improved since the
end of the military rule over them, elements of the system remained. The emergency regulations were never
repealed and as of 1967, their application was extended to the occupied West Bank (excluding annexed East
Jerusalem) and Gaza Strip to control the Palestinian population there, prevent any form of dissent, and allow
the Israeli state to dispossess Palestinians of their land and resources. Beyond legislation, the experience
accumulated by the Israeli authorities, during the military rule over Palestinian citizens of Israel constituted
the basis for the military administration in the OPT.
Despite the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, more than 1,800 Israeli military orders continue
to control and restrict all aspects of the lives of Palestinians in the West Bank: their livelihoods, status,
movement, political activism, detention and prosecution, and access to natural resources. Israeli military
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
legislation in the West Bank is enforced by the military justice system. Since 1967, the Israeli authorities
have arrested over 800,000 Palestinian men, women and children in the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, bringing many of them before military courts that systematically fail to meet
international standards of fair trial, and where the vast majority of cases end in conviction.
Palestinians from the Gaza Strip were subjected to Israeli military legislation and tried before military courts
until Israel dismantled its settlements in 2005. Since then, elements of Israeli military law have continued to
apply to the area with regards to the movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza, access to territorial
waters and the “buffer zone” along the fence separating Israel from Gaza.
By contrast, Jewish settlers have been exempted from the military orders governing Palestinians since the
late 1970s after Israel extraterritorially extended its civil law over Israeli citizens residing in or travelling
through the OPT. Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank are therefore brought before Israeli civilian
Israel maintains its system of fragmentation and segregation through different legal regimes that ensure
the denial of nationality and status to Palestinians, violate their right to family unification and return to their
country and their homes, and severely restrict freedom of movement based on legal status. All are intended
to control the Palestinian population and aim to preserve a Jewish Israeli majority in key areas across Israel
and the OPT.
Whilst they are granted citizenship, Palestinian citizens of Israel are denied a nationality, establishing a legal
differentiation from Jewish Israelis. They are also denied certain benefits because of a linked exemption from
military service.
Meanwhile, Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem are not Israeli citizens. Instead, they are granted fragile
permanent residency status that allows them to reside and work in the city, and enjoy social benefits
provided by the Israeli National Insurance Institute and the national health insurance. Under discriminatory
legislation and policies, however, the Israeli authorities have revoked the status of thousands of Palestinians,
including retroactively, if they cannot prove that Jerusalem is their “centre of life”. This has had devastating
consequences on their human rights. By contrast, Jewish Israeli settlers residing in East Jerusalem enjoy
Israeli citizenship and are exempt from laws and measures enacted against Palestinian residents of East
At the same time, Israel has controlled the population registry in the West Bank and Gaza since 1967 and
imposed policies, restrictions and measures to control the demography of the territory. Palestinians in these
territories remain without citizenship and are considered stateless, except for those who have obtained a
citizenship from a third country. The Israeli military issues them with identification cards that enable them to
permanently live and work in the territory. Israel’s control of the population registry since 1967 has further
facilitated the fragmentation of Palestinians and restricted their freedom of movement based on their legal
status and residence.
After the outbreak of the Palestinian
(uprising) at the end of 2000, the Israeli Civil Administration,
a military unit that oversees all civilian matters for Jewish Israeli settlers and Palestinian residents in the
West Bank excluding East Jerusalem, froze most changes to the Palestinian population registry without
prior notification to the Palestinian Authority. The freeze included the suspension of all “family unification”
procedures for Palestinian residents of the OPT who had married foreign nationals. Even though on two
occasions since then Israel committed to granting a small number of family reunification requests as goodwill
diplomatic gestures to the Ramallah-based Palestinian authorities, in general, Israel continues to deny the
conferring of residency status to tens of thousands of foreign nationals who are married to Palestinians from
the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This is profoundly discriminatory; Jewish settlers residing in settlements in
the West Bank face no restrictions in obtaining authorization from the Israeli authorities for their spouses to
enter the occupied territory and reside with them.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
In early 2003, Israel began prohibiting Palestinians registered in Gaza from residing in the West Bank,
arresting thousands and removing them forcibly to the Gaza Strip after labelling them as “infiltrators”. Over
the years, the Israeli authorities authorized some Palestinians to change their addresses from the Gaza Strip to
the West Bank but only implemented their commitment partially. At the same time, thousands of Palestinians
remain undocumented in Gaza as the Israeli authorities have refused to regularize their status since 2008.
These policies have serious consequences on the ability of Palestinians in the OPT to lead a normal life,
particularly in light of stringent restrictions on movement: those in the West Bank who are not registered face
the imminent threat of deportation, are unable to access healthcare, education and social benefits, open a
bank account and have legal jobs, and are effectively prisoners in their homes because of fear of ID checks
at Israeli checkpoints. Undocumented Palestinians in Gaza are also denied their freedom of movement,
and access to healthcare and education in other parts of the OPT and abroad. Overall, restrictions on family
unification interfere with Palestinians’ enjoyment of their rights to privacy, to family life and to marry, blocking
them from conferring residency status to their spouses and children.
Israel continues to deny Palestinian refugees – displaced in the 1947-49 and 1967 conflicts – and their
descendants their right to gain Israeli citizenship or residency status in Israel or the OPT. By doing so, it
denies them their right to return to their former places of residence and property – a right, which has been
widely recognized under international human rights law.
In addition to measures that separate families inside the OPT, Israel has enacted discriminatory laws
and policies that disrupt family life for Palestinians across the Green Line in a clear example of how
Israel fragments and segregates Palestinians through one system of domination. Like other measures
Amnesty International has documented, they are primarily guided by demographic – rather than security –
considerations and aim to minimize Palestinian presence inside the Green Line to maintain a Jewish majority.
Since 2002, Israel has adopted a policy of prohibiting Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza from
gaining status in Israel or East Jerusalem through marriage, thus preventing family unification. The
Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law enshrined the policy in law between 2003 and its expiry in July 2021.
The law barred thousands of Palestinians in Israel and East Jerusalem from living there with their Palestinian
spouses from the West Bank and Gaza. Israel’s then interior minister stated the law was needed because “it
was felt that [family unification] would be exploited to achieve a creeping right of return…”
The 2003 law did not allow spouses from the West Bank or Gaza to receive permanent residency or Israeli
citizenship. Instead, successful applicants received temporary, six-month permits. Amendments to the law over
the years broadened its scope to further limit and deny family reunification for Palestinian citizens of Israel.
When the Israeli government lost the vote to extend the law in July 2021, it signalled its intent to nonetheless
maintain the policy. The interior minister issued instructions not to accept applications from Palestinians for
family unification until new or similar legislation is put in place. Israeli authorities say the policy is necessary
on “security grounds”, but it is implemented in a blanket manner without specific evidence against individuals.
By contrast, the 2003 law explicitly did not apply to residents of Jewish settlements in the West Bank wanting
to marry and live with their spouse inside Israel, making it, and the ongoing policy underpinning it, blatantly
Since the mid-1990s the Israeli authorities have imposed a closure system within the OPT and between
the OPT and Israel, gradually subjecting millions of Palestinians who live in the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip to ever more stringent restrictions on movement based on their legal status. These
restrictions are another tool through which Israel segregates Palestinians into separate enclaves, isolates
them from each other and the world, and ultimately enforces its domination.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Israel controls all entry and exit points in the West Bank and controls all travel between the West Bank and
abroad. Israel also controls all movement of people into and out of the Gaza Strip to the rest of the OPT and
Israel through the Erez Crossing, the passenger crossing from Gaza to Israel. (The Egyptian authorities also
maintain tight Egyptian restrictions on the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt.) With the exception
of East Jerusalemites, who have a permanent residency status in Israel, Palestinians from the OPT
cannot travel abroad via Israeli airports unless they obtain a special permit, which is issued only to senior
businesspeople and in exceptional humanitarian cases.
Israeli military and security forces can ban West Bank Palestinians from travelling abroad, often on the basis
of “secret information” that Palestinians cannot review and therefore challenge. These bans have affected
human rights defenders and activists who travel abroad to advocate for Palestinians’ rights.
For Palestinians in Gaza, travel abroad is nearly impossible under Israel’s illegal blockade and tight Egyptian
restrictions maintained on the Rafah crossing. Gazans must obtain official permits to exit Gaza through
the Erez crossing from the Israeli Civil Administration, which limits its approval to rare exceptions. This has
effectively segregated Palestinians in the Gaza Strip from the rest of the OPT, Israel and the rest of the world.
Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem are allowed to travel abroad via the
same crossings and ports as Jewish citizens. However, they continue to report being subjected to separate
discriminatory and humiliating security checks and interrogations at Israel’s airports based on their national
identity, despite some improvements introduced as a result of a legal petition filed in 2007 by an Israeli
human rights NGO. In addition, the Israeli authorities continue to ban thousands of Palestinian spouses from
the OPT lawfully residing in Israel under military “stay permits” from enjoying the same right.
For Palestinians, travel inside the OPT is difficult, time-consuming and subordinated to Israeli strategic
considerations that favour Jewish settlements and their associated infrastructure. In that sense, it
perpetuates a feeling of powerlessness and domination in Palestinians’ daily lives. Israel imposed a
comprehensive closure system on the movement of Palestinians in the West Bank following the outbreak of
the second
in 2000, which remains in effect in various forms. This closure system includes a web of
hundreds of Israeli military checkpoints, earth mounds and road gates, in addition to blocked roads, and the
winding fence/wall.
The 700km fence/wall, which Israel continues building mostly illegally on Palestinian land inside the
occupied West Bank, has isolated 38 Palestinian localities in the West Bank comprising 9.4% of the area
of the West Bank, and has trapped them in enclaves known as “seam zones”, forcing residents to obtain
special permits for entry and exit to their homes and acquire separate permits to access their agricultural land.
Israel has generally allowed women aged over 50 and men aged over 55 from the West Bank to enter
Jerusalem or Israel without permits, but only if they have no “security” record or ban. Meanwhile,
Palestinians from the Gaza Strip can enter the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, only for urgent and
life-threatening medical conditions, essential business and exceptional humanitarian cases under Israel’s
military “separation policy” between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinians must obtain Israeli military
permits – which has become virtually impossible to do – in order to travel between the areas, with no clear
procedure for making an application or obtaining an outcome.
The permits regime is a military, bureaucratic and arbitrary procedure which applies only to Palestinians in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It does not apply to Jewish settlers, Israeli citizens or foreign nationals, who
generally can move freely within the West Bank and between the West Bank and Israel.
While Israeli laws and policies define the state as democratic, the fragmentation of the Palestinian people
ensures that Israel’s version of democracy overwhelmingly privileges political participation by Jewish Israelis.
In addition, the representation of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the decision-making process, primarily in
the Knesset, has been restricted and undermined by an array of Israeli laws and policies.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Most importantly, Israel’s constitutional law prevents Israeli citizens from challenging the definition of Israel
as a Jewish state and in effect any laws that establish such an identity. While Palestinian citizens of Israel
can vote and run in national elections, in practice their right to political participation is limited, and they
continue to be perceived as the “enemy from within”.
Under Israel’s Basic Law: The Knesset of 1958, the Central Elections Committee can disqualify a party or
candidate from participation in elections if their objectives or actions are meant to negate the definition of
Israel as a Jewish and democratic state; incite racism; or support armed struggles by a hostile state or a
terrorist organization against Israel. In addition, the registration of any party whose goals or actions deny
either directly or indirectly “the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state” is prohibited under the
1992 Law on Political Parties.
Over the years, the Supreme Court has in general overturned attempts by the Central Elections Committee
to ban Palestinian parties and disqualify Palestinian candidates for violating these provisions on the basis of
public statements expressing views deemed unacceptable to the majority of Knesset members. However,
these provisions prevent Palestinian lawmakers from challenging laws that codify Jewish Israeli domination
over the Palestinian minority, and unduly limit their freedom of expression, and as a result, impede their
ability to represent the concerns of their constituents effectively.
Limitations on the right of Palestinian citizens of Israel to participate in elections are accompanied by other
infringements of their civil and political rights that limit the extent to which they can participate in the political
and social life of Israel. This has included racialized policing of protests, mass arbitrary arrests and the use
of unlawful force against protesters during demonstrations against Israeli repression in both Israel and the
OPT. Such measures, which target peaceful protesters, are aimed to deter further demonstrations and stifle
dissent. Upon arrest, Palestinians are routinely placed in pretrial detention; by contrast, Jewish protesters
are generally granted bail. This points to a discriminatory treatment of Palestinians by the criminal justice
system, which appears to treat Palestinians as “suspects” instead of assessing the individual threat they pose.
Israel places severe restrictions on Palestinian civil and political rights, particularly in the West Bank, where
military orders are still enforced. Israeli authorities have since 1967 outlawed more than 400 Palestinian
organizations, including all major political parties and several prominent civil society organizations widely
recognized for the provision of vital services such as legal aid and medical care as well as the quality of their
human rights reporting and advocacy, most recently in October 2021. In addition, the Israeli authorities
often prosecute Palestinians for “membership and activity in an unlawful association”, a charge frequently
levied against anti-occupation activists. Over the years, they have arrested scores of Palestinian lawmakers,
placing them under administrative detention or prosecuting them in military courts in trials that fail to meet
international standards. At the same time, Military Order 101 Regarding Prohibition of Incitement and Hostile
Propaganda Actions punishes and criminalizes Palestinians for attending and organizing an assembly of 10
or more people without a permit for an issue that “may be construed as political”. The order, which does not
define what is meant by “political”, effectively bans protests, including peaceful protests, and stipulates up to
10 years’ imprisonment and/or hefty fines for anyone breaching it.
Palestinians in East Jerusalem, on the other hand, are neither able to participate in political life in Israel
nor in the West Bank. Although they can vote, and run, in municipal elections in Jerusalem, they have
traditionally boycotted them in protest at Israel’s ongoing occupation and illegal annexation of East
Jerusalem, and they remain excluded from national elections.
As a result, protests remain for Palestinians the only means to influence Israeli politics and challenge the
system of oppression and domination in the OPT. Palestinians in the OPT have, over the years, mobilized
and organized non-violent popular resistance against Israel’s military occupation and expansion of
settlements, which has been systematically met with excessive and unlawful force, arbitrary arrests and
prosecution in military courts, as well as undue restrictions on freedom of movement.
Despite the 2005 “disengagement”, Palestinians in the Gaza Strip continue to face Israeli repression for their
popular resistance against the occupation. This has included excessive and often lethal force during protests
near the fence that separates Gaza from Israel.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
In 1948, Jewish individuals and institutions owned around 6.5% of mandate Palestine, while Palestinians
owned about 90% of the privately owned land there. Within just over 70 years the situation has been
Since its creation, the Israeli state has enforced massive and cruel land seizures to dispossess and exclude
Palestinians from their land and homes. Although Palestinians in Israel and the OPT are subjected to
different legal and administrative regimes, Israel has used similar land expropriation measures across
all territorial domains under the Judaization policy, which seeks to maximize Jewish control over land
while effectively restricting Palestinians to living in separate, densely populated enclaves to minimize their
presence. This policy has been continuously pursued in Israel since 1948 in areas of strategic importance
that include significant Palestinian populations such as the Galilee and the Negev/Naqab, and has been
extended to the OPT following Israel’s military occupation in 1967. Today, ongoing Israeli efforts to coerce
the transfer of Palestinians in the Negev/Naqab, East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank under
discriminatory planning and building regimes are the “new frontiers of dispossession” of Palestinians, and
the manifestation of the strategy of Judaization and territorial control.
The land regime established soon after Israel’s creation, which was never dismantled, remains a crucial
aspect of the system of oppression and domination against Palestinians. It consisted of legislation,
reinterpretation of existing British and Ottoman laws, governmental and semi-governmental land institutions,
and a supportive judiciary that enabled the acquisition of Palestinian land and its discriminatory reallocation
across all territories under its control.
While much of the seizure of Palestinian land and property and the destruction of their villages inside
Israel occurred in the late 1940s and 1950s, massive and racially motivated dispossessions continued into
the 1970s. The effects continue to severely impact Palestinians. They are still prohibited from accessing
and using land and property that belonged to them or their families in 1948. The dispossession has also
contributed to the isolation and exclusion of Palestinian citizens from Israeli society, marking them as a
group with perpetual lesser rights and with no right to claim access to lands and properties that have been in
their families for generations.
Three main pieces of legislation made up the core of the Israeli land regime and played a major role in
this process: the Absentees’ Property Law (Transfer of Property Law) of 1950; the Land Acquisition Law of
1953, which retroactively “legalized” expropriation of lands that the state, newly established Jewish localities
and the Israeli army had taken control of using emergency regulations after the 1947-49 conflict; and the
British Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance of 1943, which enabled the minister of finance to
expropriate land for any public purpose. The laws, which remain in force, were instrumental in expropriating
and acquiring Palestinian land and property, leading over the years to their exclusive ownership by the Israeli
state and Jewish national institutions. Since East Jerusalem’s annexation in 1967, the entire Israeli land
regime has been utilized in East Jerusalem for the expropriation of Palestinian land and its conversion mainly
to state land. Israeli authorities have also enacted additional legal tools that affect Palestinian land and
housing rights in East Jerusalem.
The Absentees’ Property Law effectively gave the state control over all property belonging to Palestinians who
were expelled or fled their homes, regardless of whether or not they became refugees outside the country
or were internally displaced from their villages and homes and had settled inside Israel, mostly in nearby
Palestinian villages. They were deemed “absentees” even though they never crossed an international border
and, in many cases, remained within a few kilometres of their homes and land.
The destruction of the Palestinian village of Iqrit near Acre in northern Israel is a clear example of the
cruel application of this policy. In 1948, the Israeli army instructed about 600 residents of Iqrit to leave
their homes “temporarily”. They were never allowed to return. The residents petitioned the Supreme Court
of Israel to be granted their right of return, and won. However, the Israeli Ministry of Defense refused to
implement the decision, fearing it would create a precedent for the return of other Palestinians forced out
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
of their villages. So, in 1951, the ministry destroyed the village except for the church and cemetery. The
Palestinian community of Iqrit now comprises around 1,500 individuals who mostly live 20km away in Al-
Rameh. They continue to fight for their right to return to their homes and land in Iqrit.
Parallel to direct land expropriation by the Israeli government, all pre-1948 Jewish properties in annexed
East Jerusalem held by the Jordanian Custodian of Enemy Property were transferred to the Israeli Custodian
General under an amendment to the 1970 Legal and Administrative Matters Law. The law allowed the
original Jewish owner, or their lawful heirs to request the Custodian General to release such properties back
to them. It applies only to Jewish property owners, not to Palestinians whose properties in West Jerusalem
were confiscated after 1948, and is a clearly discriminatory compensation scheme.
According to one estimate, Israel has expropriated over 10,000 shops, 25,000 buildings and almost 60% of
the fertile land belonging to Palestinian refugees in Israel and East Jerusalem under the Absentees’ Property
In addition to the Israeli state’s allocation of confiscated Palestinian land for advancing Jewish settlement
in Jerusalem, Jewish settler organizations such as Ateret Cohanim and Elad have relied on the 1950
Absentees’ Property Law and the 1970 Legal and Administrative Matters Law to devise a legal scheme to
file eviction cases against Palestinians and dispossess them of their properties, allow Jewish settlers to settle
in predominantly Palestinian neighbourhoods, and further the expansion of Jewish settlements. According
to estimates by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), in 2019, there were
199 Palestinian families, comprising 877 people, facing eviction cases, mainly in the Old City and the
neighbourhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan. Land and property grabs by settlers’ organizations have been
taking place with the assistance of state institutions, including the Custodian General, the Jewish National
Fund and the judiciary.
Israel resorted to emergency and military legislation, some of which mirrored Israeli civil laws, to confiscate
Palestinian land in the rest of the West Bank and, until its unilateral withdrawal in 2005, in the Gaza Strip as
well, in order to establish and maintain its control over the territory by building and expanding settlements
and their related infrastructure, setting up national parks, archaeological sites and military “firing zones”.
In the first decade of the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Israeli authorities proceeded to
confiscate privately owned Palestinian land mainly through requisition orders for alleged military needs, in
addition to expropriation orders, absentee property orders and military orders declaring specific areas as
“closed military zones”. These measures were legitimized by the Supreme Court of Israel, which ultimately
rendered the question of the legality of the settlements non-justiciable.
In addition to laws, Israel has used a selective registration of ownership rights, a discriminatory allocation
of expropriated Palestinian land for Jewish settlement and a discriminatory urban planning and zoning
regime to forcibly transfer Palestinians from their land and properties. The result has been the deliberate
impoverishment of the Palestinian population both within Israel and in the OPT.
The land title settlement process, initiated under the British mandate before 1948, became an additional
tool for Israel’s dispossession of Palestinians across all territorial domains and, ultimately, enabled the Israeli
authorities to transfer millions of dunams (hundreds of thousands of hectares) of state land for Jewish
settlement. The Israeli authorities pursued this policy aggressively in the OPT following a 1979 Supreme
Court decision, which held that the Elon Moreh settlement near the West Bank city of Nablus was illegal
because its purpose was not military, forcing them to drastically reduce the use of requisition orders.
In parallel, the Israeli government enabled Jewish localities and settlements to use the expropriated lands.
In Israel and East Jerusalem, it transferred from the state to Jewish national organizations and institutions,
many of which serve Jews only, while the legal title of the land remained in the state’s name. In the rest of
the OPT, the Israeli government adopted policies that allowed the allocation of state land almost exclusively
to Israeli state institutions and organizations, state and private companies, for the benefit of Jewish Israeli
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
State land in Israel is largely used to develop Jewish towns and localities; Palestinian citizens of Israel are
effectively blocked from leasing land on 80% of state land. Jewish national bodies generally do not lease
land to non-Jews and do not accept them in the housing projects and/or communities they establish on state
lands that have been developed specifically for new Jewish immigrants. About 13% of state land in Israel, or
over 2.5 million dunams, is owned and administered solely through the Jewish National Fund for exclusive
use by Jews.
The establishment and promotion of Israeli settlements in the OPT, which are illegal under international law,
and populating them with Jewish Israeli civilians has been an Israeli government policy since 1967. To date,
some 38% of land in East Jerusalem has been expropriated from Palestinians, most of it privately owned.
The Israeli authorities have used these major land expropriations for the construction of 13 Jewish Israeli
settlements in strategic locations to surround Palestinian neighbourhoods and therefore disrupt Palestinians’
geographic contiguity and urban development.
In the rest of the West Bank, between 1967 and 2009, Israel increased the total area of state land from some
530,000 dunams to 1.4 million dunams, the vast majority of it located in Area C, and allocated nearly half of
it for civilian use. Of this, some 99.76% (674,459 dunams) was allocated for the exclusive benefit of Israeli
settlements, according to information provided by the Israeli military in 2018 to the Israeli NGO Peace Now.
Today, Israeli settlements cover nearly 10% of the West Bank, and their regional councils have jurisdiction
over roughly 63% of Area C (or 40% of the West Bank), where most settlers live. At the end of 2020, there
were 272 settlements and outposts in the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem), in which over 441,600
Israeli settlers were living. As of July 2021, an additional 225,178 Jewish Israeli settlers were living in East
Jerusalem, which was then home to 358,800 Palestinians.
Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are meant to be permanent places of
residence or economic activity for Jewish Israelis and are built solely to serve their needs. The Israeli
authorities provide subsidies, tax incentives and low-cost utilities and resources to encourage Jewish Israelis
to live in these places and to support the settlement economy.
While Israel no longer seizes houses and land from Palestinians in Gaza, it uses unlawful lethal force to
control and restrict Palestinians’ movement in the “buffer zone” separating the territory from Israel and a
similarly access-restricted maritime area off Gaza’s coast. According to human rights organizations, the
“buffer zone” extends to a distance between 300m and 1,500m from the fence and covers a total of about
, or roughly 17% of the total area of the Gaza Strip. It covers over 35% of the agricultural land in Gaza.
Meanwhile, the access-restricted maritime area covers 85% of its fishing waters.
In tandem with the system of land ownership and allocation, zoning and planning policies have been central
in fulfilling Israel’s policies of establishing Jewish control while marginalizing Palestinian communities in both
Israel and the OPT. Planning has been used to expand the Jewish Israeli presence in strategic locations; build
Jewish towns, cities and settlements; obstruct the geographical expansion of Palestinian towns and centres;
and regulate land use and Palestinian access to land for development by zoning it as green areas, industrial
zones or military zones. Such planning was used, for example, to enclose Palestinian localities or erase
Palestinian villages that were demolished after 1948 by designating them as military zones or national parks.
In all areas where Israel exercises full control (in Israel, East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank), a local
outline plan sets out the policy for use of the land for purposes such as residence, industry and green space,
serves as the legal basis for granting building permits and is the main tool through which central government
enables local development. In Israel and East Jerusalem, a local outline plan can only be prepared by an
official governmental authority under the Planning and Building Law of 1965. However, state planners fail to
provide adequate plans for Palestinian localities that consider the needs of the residents.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Similarly, in Area C of West Bank, the Israeli Civil Administration’s planning system does not allow for any
Palestinian representation or meaningful participation and, as a result, does not take account of the Palestinian
population’s needs, and consistently privileges the interests of Israeli settlers. At the same time, the Israeli
Civil Administration uses a selective interpretation of Jordanian law to insist that planning must conform with
outdated British mandate plans, and routinely rejects applications for building permits on this basis.
These discriminatory measures lead to unregulated building and subsequent demolitions in both Israel and
the OPT.
The result has been the complete absence of new Palestinian developments. Since 1948 the state has
established more than 700 Jewish localities in Israel, whereas it has not established any new locality for
Palestinians except for the state-planned Bedouin townships in the Negev/Naqab designed for the forced
urbanization of Bedouins.
According to an estimate by the Mossawa Center, an NGO, in 2019, around 50,000 structures were built
by Palestinian citizens of Israel without a building permit. Under the Planning and Building Law of 1965,
any building or development without a building permit can be “demolished, dismantled or removed” by
relevant Israeli authorities, and its owner may be liable for the cost of the demolition as well as a fine and/or
imprisonment. Between 2012 and 2014, 97% of administrative demolition orders were issued in what Israeli
authorities label the Arab sector, comprising mainly Palestinian citizens of Israel, but also the much smaller
Druze minority.
The Negev/Naqab is a prime example of how Israel’s discriminatory planning and building policies are
designed to maximize land and resources for Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinian land and housing
rights. Instead of zoning Palestinian Bedouin villages in the Negev/Naqab as residential areas, since the
1970s, the Israeli authorities have zoned the villages and the lands around them for military, industrial or
public use. Over the years, Israel has recognized 11 of these villages but 35 remain “unrecognized” with
residents considered to engage in “illegal squatting” and unable to apply for a building permit to legalize
their established or new homes as the lands are not designated as residential. The buildings of whole
communities have been repeatedly demolished as a result. By contrast, Israeli courts have retroactively
approved Jewish communities built without outline plans and building permits in the same area. The lack of
official status also means that the Israeli authorities do not provide these villages any essential infrastructure
or services such as healthcare or education, and residents have no representation in the different local
governmental bodies as they cannot register for or participate in municipal elections.
Similarly, the deliberate refusal to approve zoning plans for Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem
has had a ruinous effect on Palestinian communities hindering their development, including the construction
of public spaces, schools and commercial zones for employment opportunities. Palestinians live in
underdeveloped and densely populated areas in East Jerusalem; they face an acute shortage of housing
while entire neighbourhoods are exposed to a risk of demolition for unlicensed building.
Palestinians comprise 60% of the population in East Jerusalem today, but only 15% of the land is designated
by the Israeli planning authorities for Palestinian residence, with 2.6% of this land zoned for public buildings.
According to data from Peace Now, from 1991 to 2018, only 16.5% of the applications for building permits
approved in Jerusalem were for Palestinians in East Jerusalem, compared to 37.8% for Jewish settlements
in East Jerusalem. The remaining applications approved were for West Jerusalem.
In Area C of the West Bank, the deeply discriminatory urban planning and zoning system means that, in
practice, Palestinians are only allowed to build on about 0.5% (roughly 1,800 hectares) of Area C, most
of which is already built-up. Meanwhile, Israeli authorities have allocated 70% of the land in Area C to
settlements. In July 2019, the Israeli Security Cabinet promised to grant building permits for 715 housing
units for Palestinians. By contrast, it promised building permits for 6,000 housing units for Jewish settlers.
By the end of June 2020, only one building permit had been issued for Palestinians. By contrast, 1,094
building permits were issued for Jewish settlements between July 2019 and March 2020.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Decades of deliberately unequal treatment of Palestinians in all areas under the control of Israel has left
Palestinians marginalized and subject to widespread and systematic socio-economic disadvantage as they
are barred from equitable access to natural and financial resources, livelihood opportunities, healthcare and
education. Discriminatory treatment and allocation of resources by Israeli authorities for the benefit of Jewish
Israeli citizens in Israel and Israeli settlers in the OPT compound the inequalities on the ground.
Across Israel and the OPT, millions of Palestinians live in densely populated areas that are generally
underdeveloped and lack adequate essential services such as garbage collection, electricity, public
transportation and water and sanitation infrastructure. In areas under full Israeli control such as the Negev/
Naqab, East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank, the denial of essential services is inherently linked to
discriminatory planning and zoning policies, and is intended to create unbearable living conditions to force
Palestinians to leave their homes to allow for the expansion of Jewish settlement. In addition, Israeli policies
of exclusion, segregation and severe restrictions on movement in the entirety of the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip mean that Palestinians face difficulties accessing healthcare, including life-saving treatment, and
education even though Israel bears the responsibility under international law to provide such services not
just to its own population but also to Palestinians living under its military occupation. When they manage to
access such services, they are in general inferior to those provided to Jewish Israeli citizens. These policies
severely impact Palestinians’ socio-economic rights and prevent them from fulfilling their human potential.
Palestinians living in Israel and the OPT are unambiguously disadvantaged across all well-being indicators
for which measures are available. They experience higher rates of poverty, and lower levels of labour force
participation, educational attainment and health than Jewish Israelis, including settlers living in the occupied
West Bank. Their lack of enjoyment of a range of economic and social rights is a direct result not only of
their segregation from Jewish Israelis but also from each other through severe restrictions on movement, and
the subjugation of Palestinian human development to the socio-economic interests of Jewish Israelis. Israel
maintains Jewish domination over the Palestinian economy through the exclusion and intentional neglect of
Palestinian communities inside Israel, and the creation of a regime of economic dependency in the OPT in
the context of a prolonged military occupation.
Socio-economic gaps between Palestinian and Jewish Israeli citizens are the result of discriminatory policies
pursued over decades. Historically, Israel prevented its Palestinian citizens from accessing livelihoods under
its 18-year-long military rule, and used them, at different times, as a source of cheap labour in order to
preserve the interests of the Jewish majority. In addition to cruel land seizures, other discriminatory policies
have led to Palestinians’ social and economic deprivation: the exclusion of Palestinian localities from high
priority areas for development, the discriminatory allocation of land and water for agriculture as well as
discriminatory planning and zoning, and the failure to implement major infrastructure development projects
in Palestinian communities.
Without zoning plans, Palestinian communities have been unable to designate land for housing and
industrial use or establish the infrastructure needed for economic development. Today, only 2% of industrial
zones in Israel, which generate a significant tax income, are located within Palestinian localities, which are
poorly connected to other parts of Israel by public transportation or main roads. As a result, Palestinian
communities in Israel lack the infrastructure required for economic development, forcing their population to
seek employment in the Jewish sector, where they face institutional discrimination when competing for jobs.
They also experience discrimination in the allocation of public resources, most of which are distributed to
Jewish localities. For example, Palestinian local authorities collect less tax revenue, largely because of the
disparity in income from non-residential or business taxes, which is in turn the result of discriminatory Israeli
policies. Palestinian localities also receive lower subsidies from the central government intended for specific
expenditures, such as education, welfare, health and cultural services. According to a 2018 survey by the
Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, monthly public expenditure on education and culture in the Jewish sector
was nearly three times more per capita than in the (predominantly Palestinian) Arab sector.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Across the OPT, Israel’s policies of territorial fragmentation and segregation pursued in the context of
a prolonged military occupation have had a devastating effect on the performance of the Palestinian
economy, leaving it disconnected, weak and subordinate to Israel’s geo-demographic goals, and unable to
achieve sustainable and equitable development for the Palestinian population. Whilst the situation in the
OPT has improved over recent decades with regards to some social rights, including maternal mortality,
levels of literacy and education and vaccination rates, in general, living standards have been stagnating or
deteriorating with access to healthcare, employment, education and housing being particularly affected.
The 1994 Paris Protocol between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) entrenched the
dependence of the Palestinian economy on Israel via a customs union that leaves no space for independent
Palestinian economic policies, tying the OPT to the trade policies, tariff structure and value-added tax rate of
Israel. Since 1999, Palestinian gross domestic product (GDP) in the OPT has effectively remained stagnant.
The Palestinian economy suffers from numerous restrictions by Israel on trade that impact on the production
of exports and importable goods. Almost all Palestinian imports and exports transit ports and crossing points
controlled by Israel, where delays and security measures increase costs by an average of USD 538 per
shipment, resulting in a significant and persistent trade deficit.
In addition, Israel imposed a “dual use” policy in 2007 that restricts the entry of any goods it deems
to potentially have military, as well as civilian, use, including chemicals and technology. The list of 117
liable items is vague, including categories such as “communications equipment, communication support
equipment, or equipment with communication functions” that can include items that are found in everyday
use, such as home appliances and medical equipment. This policy only applies to Palestinian importers
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, not to their Israeli counterparts or even to Israeli settlers in the OPT. It
has had a devastating impact on the economy in general, especially on the agriculture, information and
communications technology (ICT) and manufacturing sectors, and has had catastrophic effects in the Gaza
Strip in particular.
Meanwhile, by physically separating East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank, since the second
the Israeli authorities have hindered Palestinians’ ability to access livelihoods and considerably
reduced the city’s role as the main commercial centre for the West Bank. According to the UN Conference
on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), between 1993 and 2013, the Palestinian economy in East
Jerusalem shrunk by approximately 50%, while the fence/wall caused over USD 1 billion of direct losses to
Palestinians in East Jerusalem in the first 10 years since the start of its construction. Elsewhere in the West
Bank, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Israeli-imposed movement restrictions cost
Palestinians 60 million lost work hours per year (equivalent to USD 274 million).
The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential
infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy, leaving the area in a state of perpetual
humanitarian crisis. Indeed, Israel’s collective punishment of Gaza’s civilian population, the majority of whom
are children, has created conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and
electricity, and lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and
building materials.
According to UNCTAD, between 2007 and 2018, due to the Israeli blockade, Gaza’s share of the Palestinian
economy decreased from 31% to 18%. As a result, more than 1 million people were pushed below the
poverty line, with the rate of poverty increasing from 40% in 2007 to 56% in 2017. This entrenched the
dependence of more than 80% of the population on international assistance.
The collapse of Gaza’s economy caused by the blockade has been exacerbated by four Israeli military
offensives in the past 13 years, which have caused huge destruction to civilian property and essential
infrastructure including electricity, water and sewerage and sanitation plants in addition to killing at least
2,700 Palestinian civilians as well as injuring and displacing tens of thousands of others. During this period
Palestinian armed groups have fired thousands of indiscriminate rockets towards cities and towns in Israel
killing or injuring dozens of civilians. In 2019, UNCTAD estimated the cost of the three Israeli military
operations in Gaza between 2008 and 2014 to be at least three times the GDP of Gaza.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Severe movement restrictions have a particularly detrimental effect on the agriculture sector. Prior to 1967,
the agriculture sector employed about a quarter of the labour force in the West Bank and contributed about
a third of its GDP and exports. Following the occupation, the Israeli authorities have deprived Palestinians
and their economy of 63% of the most fertile and best grazing land located in Area C by building settlements
and the fence/wall, and imposing severe restrictions on Palestinians’ movement and ability to access their
The fence/wall has isolated more than 10% of the area of the West Bank, directly affecting 219 Palestinian
localities and causing approximately 80% of Palestinian farmers who have land in the “seam zone” between
the fence/wall and the Green Line to lose access to such land. Farmers wishing to access their farmland in
the “seam zone” are required to obtain military permits, which they must renew repeatedly. For those who
manage to obtain them, access is only permitted on foot and through the specific agricultural gates that
appear on the permits.
In addition, Israel ensures that over 35% of agricultural land in Gaza and 85% of the fishing area along the
Gaza coast are off-limits to Palestinians, enforced by the “buffer zone” and access-restricted maritime area.
An estimated 178,000 people, including 113,000 farmers, can no longer access the farmland in the “buffer
zone”. Since 2014, the Israeli military has aerial-sprayed herbicides over Palestinian crops along the fence
between Gaza and Israel, resulting in the loss of livelihoods for Gazan farmers, with far-reaching health
implications. Although Israel claims that the spraying is intended to “enable optimal and continuous security
operations”, it has not provided any evidence to support this claim.
Ever since the discovery of oil and gas off Gaza’s coast, Israel has repeatedly changed the demarcation of
Gaza’s maritime coast, sometimes reducing it to just 3 nautical miles. The lack of access to sufficient fishing
waters affects an estimated 65,000 Gazans, and has impoverished nearly 90% of fishermen. Additionally,
the Israeli navy uses lethal force against Gazan fishermen working off the coast, and sinks and seizes their
In addition to denying Palestinians’ access to livelihoods through severe restrictions on movement, the
Israeli authorities have systematically and unlawfully appropriated Palestinians’ natural resources for the
economic benefit of their own citizens in Israel and in the settlements, in violation of international law. Israel’s
exploitation of Palestinian natural resources of fertile agricultural land, water, oil, gas, stone and Dead Sea
minerals deprives Palestinians of equal access to or the opportunity to administer, develop and benefit from
their own resources. This severely impinges on their access to livelihoods and socio-economic rights, such
as the rights to food and an adequate standard of living.
Israel’s control of water resources and water-related infrastructure in the OPT results in striking inequalities
between Palestinians and Jewish settlers. The Israeli authorities restrict Palestinians’ access to water in the
West Bank through military orders, which prevent them from building any new water installation without first
obtaining a permit from the Israeli army. They are unable to drill new wells, install pumps or deepen existing
wells, and are denied access to the Jordan River and freshwater springs. Israel even controls the collection
of rainwater in most of the West Bank, and the Israeli army often destroys rainwater-harvesting cisterns
owned by Palestinian communities. Meanwhile, in the Gaza Strip, the coastal aquifer has been depleted by
Israeli over-extraction and contaminated by sewage and seawater infiltration, resulting in more than 95% of
its water being unfit for human consumption.
As a result of these policies, average Palestinian consumption of water in the OPT is about 70 litres a day
per person, with approximately 420,000 people in the West Bank consuming 50 litres a day, less than a
quarter of the average Israeli consumption of about 300 litres per person. For Israeli settlers residing in
Israeli settlements, the average daily water consumption is 369 litres, about six times the amount consumed
by Palestinians. According to the UN, 90% of households in Gaza, which are already impoverished, have to
buy water from desalination or purification plants, costing between 10 and 30 times more than piped water.
The Israeli government discriminates when providing funds to the health system serving Palestinian citizens
of Israel, even though they have worse health than their Jewish Israeli counterparts, and does not provide
any healthcare facilities to Palestinian Bedouins living in unrecognized villages in the Negev/Naqab, forcing
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
them to travel long distances to seek medical care. This is reflected in significant health gaps between the
Jewish and (predominantly Palestinian) Arab populations, with the latter universally scoring worse in official
statistics. For example, in 2019 infant mortality for Arab citizens of Israel (5.4 per 1,000 births) was more
than double that for Jewish Israelis (2.4).
In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel’s half-a-century-long military occupation does not just impact
Palestinians’ standard of health but also their ability to access the necessary care and treatment, in particular
specialized treatment for serious medical conditions available in many cases only in East Jerusalem, Israel
or abroad. Those referred for medical treatment in East Jerusalem or Israel must apply for an Israeli military
permit on humanitarian grounds. Such permits are difficult to obtain and often issued with a delay or denied.
The permit regime has a particularly devastating impact on the health of Palestinians in Gaza where the
blockade, coupled with a chronic energy crisis, has undermined the availability and quality of health services
and left the system close to collapse.
Finally, Israel discriminates against Palestinian students in Israel and East Jerusalem, who receive less
funding than their Jewish counterparts at all levels of school education. An analysis by the Mossawa Center
of the Israeli Ministry of Education’s 2016 budget found that (predominantly Palestinian) Arab students from
disadvantaged backgrounds received 30% less funding per learning hours in primary education, 50% less
funding at the intermediate school level and 75% less funding at the secondary school level than Jewish
students with the same socio-economic status.
Israel has created and maintains an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination over
Palestinians, which is enforced across Israel and the OPT through reinforcing discriminatory laws, policies
and practices, and, when seen as a totality, controls virtually every aspect of Palestinians’ lives and routinely
violates their human rights.
This system of apartheid has been built and maintained over decades by successive Israeli governments
across all territories they have controlled, regardless of the political party in power at the time. Israel has
subjected different groups of Palestinians to different sets of discriminatory and exclusionary laws, policies
and practices at different times, responding to the territorial gains it made first in 1948 and then in 1967,
when it annexed East Jerusalem and occupied the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Over decades,
Israeli demographic and geopolitical considerations have shaped policies towards Palestinians in each of
these territorial domains.
Although Israel’s system of apartheid manifests itself in different ways in the various areas under its
effective control, it consistently has the same purpose of oppressing and dominating Palestinians for the
benefit of Jewish Israelis, who are privileged under Israeli civil law regardless of where they reside. It is
designed to maintain an overwhelming Jewish majority with access to and benefiting from the maximum
amount of territory and land acquired or controlled, while restricting the right of Palestinians to challenge
the dispossession of their land and property. This system has been applied wherever Israel has exercised
effective control over territory and land or over the exercise of the rights of Palestinians. It is realized in law,
policy and practice, and reflected in the discourse of the state from its establishment and until this day.
While international law applies differently to the situations in Israel and in the OPT, this fact does not excuse
prohibited discrimination against Palestinians in any of the areas under Israel’s control. Israel’s treatment
of Palestinians inside Israel is governed by international human rights law, to the exclusion of international
humanitarian law. In the OPT, Israel’s conduct is bound both by the rules of international humanitarian law
relevant to military occupation (law of occupation) and its obligations under international human rights law. The
law of occupation allows, and in some cases requires, differential treatment between nationals of the occupying
power and the population of the occupied territory. However, it does not allow the occupying power to do this
where the intention is to establish or maintain a regime of systematic racial oppression and domination.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The continuing forced displacement of a majority of Palestinians from their land and property in 1947-49
and subsequently in 1967; the forced deportations, forcible transfers and arbitrary restrictions on their
freedom of movement; the denial of nationality and the right of return; the racialized and discriminatory
dispossession of their lands and property; and the subsequent discriminatory allocation of and access to
national resources (including land, housing and water) combine not only to hinder Palestinians’ current
enjoyment of their rights, including access to livelihood, employment, healthcare, food security, water
and sanitation, and education opportunities, but also to ensure that Palestinians cannot as individuals or
communities enjoy a status equal to that of Jewish Israelis in Israel, the OPT and other situations where
Israel exercises control over Palestinians’ enjoyment of their rights, particularly the right of return.
The racial discrimination against and segregation of Palestinians is the result of deliberate government
policy. The regular violations of Palestinians’ rights are not accidental repetitions of offences, but part of an
institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination.
Israel and individuals acting on its behalf have been, in the process of establishing and maintaining a system
of domination and oppression over Palestinians, systematically perpetrating inhuman and inhumane acts as
proscribed, respectively, by the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute.
Amnesty International has examined specifically the inhuman or inhumane acts of forcible transfer,
administrative detention and torture, unlawful killings and serious injuries, and the denial of basic freedoms
or persecution committed against the Palestinian population in Israel and the OPT, which are associated
with and enforce the system of discriminatory laws, policies and practices described above. The organization
has concluded that the patterns of proscribed acts perpetuated by Israel both inside Israel and in the OPT
form part of a systematic as well as widespread attack directed against the Palestinian population, and that
the inhuman or inhumane acts committed within the context of this attack have been committed with the
intention to maintain this system and amount to the crime against humanity of apartheid under both the
Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute.
Israel implements a myriad of laws and policies to force Palestinians in Israel and the OPT into small
enclaves or to leave the territory altogether. In the Negev/Naqab in Israel, East Jerusalem and Area C of
the West Bank, which are under full Israeli control, Israeli authorities enforce similar planning and building
regimes against the Palestinian population, which result in widespread and similar patterns of home and
property demolitions, including structures directly linked to livelihoods, on grounds of the lack of building
permits. They deny communities in these areas the provision of essential services, and in the case of the
OPT take no action against violent attacks by Israeli settlers. Together, these policies create a coercive
environment that aims to force Palestinians to abandon their homes.
Palestinians are caught in a Catch-22 situation. Israel requires them to obtain a permit to build or even erect
a structure such as a tent, but rarely issues them a permit. Consequently, to have shelter or develop their
communities, Palestinians build without a permit. Israeli forces then demolish the structures on the basis
that they were built without a permit. By contrast, Israeli authorities freely allow amendments to plans to
promote development where they are setting up Jewish cities in Israel or Israeli settlements in the OPT.
Since 1948, Israel has demolished tens of thousands of Palestinian homes and other properties across all
areas under its jurisdiction and effective control. This includes the destruction of more than 500 Palestinian
villages in what became Israel following the 1947-49 conflict. Those affected are some of the poorest and
most marginalized communities in both Israeli and Palestinian society, often refugees or internally displaced
persons, who are forced to rely on family and humanitarian actors for shelter and livelihoods.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Israel’s revocation of the permanent residency status of thousands of Palestinians in East Jerusalem has
similarly resulted in forcible transfers.
Additionally, Israel has deliberately destroyed homes and displaced civilians during military operations,
rendering tens of thousands of Palestinians homeless and displaced. The evidence suggests that most of the
destruction was not justified by military necessity and amounted to violations of international humanitarian
law. Considered within the context of the system of oppression and domination, the violations contribute to
maintaining this system of apartheid.
Israel’s discriminatory state policies, regulations and conduct against Palestinians in Israel and the OPT have
involved the crime against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer under both the Rome Statute and
Apartheid Convention.
Since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, the Israeli authorities have made widespread
use of administrative detention to imprison thousands of Palestinians, including children without charge
or trial under renewable detention orders. The military judicial system in the OPT has used these orders to
lock away thousands of Palestinians, including children, for months and at times years. Israel regularly uses
administrative detention against political opponents of the occupation. By contrast, administrative detention
has rarely been used to detain Jewish citizens of Israel.
While administrative detention may be lawful in certain circumstances, Israel’s systematic use of it against
Palestinians indicates that it is used to persecute Palestinians, rather than as an extraordinary and selective
security measure. Consequently, Amnesty International has considered many administrative detainees to be
prisoners of conscience detained as punishment for their views challenging the policies of the occupation.
Also, for decades, the Israel Security Agency, Israel Prison Service and Israeli military forces have tortured
or otherwise ill-treated Palestinian detainees, including children, during arrest, transfer and interrogation.
The Israel Security Agency uses particularly harsh methods to obtain information and “confessions”. Among
the methods regularly reported by Palestinian detainees are painful shackling and binding, immobilization
in stress positions, sleep deprivation, threats, sexual harassment, prolonged solitary confinement and verbal
Israeli courts have admitted evidence obtained through torture of Palestinians, accepting the justification
of “necessity”. Prompt, thorough and impartial investigations by Israeli authorities into allegations by
Palestinians that they have been tortured are extremely rare, effectively giving state endorsement to the
crime of torture.
Israel’s widespread and systematic use of arbitrary arrest, administrative detention and torture on a large
scale against Palestinians, in flagrant violation of fundamental rules and peremptory norms of international
law, forms part of the state’s policy of domination and control over the Palestinian population. It forms part of
the state’s widespread as well as systematic attack on the Palestinian population and constitutes the crimes
against humanity of “imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty” and “torture” under the
Rome Statute and the Apartheid Convention.
Israeli forces have killed and injured thousands of Palestinian civilians in the OPT since 1967, often in
circumstances suggesting that the killings were systematic, unlawful and arbitrary, and with near total
impunity. Such killings and injuries were perpetrated outside the context of armed conflict during Israeli law
enforcement activities in the OPT, including during the suppression of protests, arrest raids, when enforcing
travel and movement restrictions, and conducting house and search operations.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
In some cases, Israeli forces appear to have deliberately targeted medics, journalists and human rights
defenders during protests.
Despite ample evidence of unlawful killings, Amnesty International is not aware of any case in which a
member of any Israeli security force has been convicted of wilfully causing the death of a Palestinian in
the OPT since 1987. In general, prosecutions have been extremely rare. When convictions have occurred,
soldiers have been convicted of manslaughter or lesser offences.
There is also a pattern of Israeli forces and security agents killing Palestinian citizens of Israel, including in
the context of protests against discriminatory Israeli policies and actions, in circumstances that indicate that
the killings were unlawful.
Patterns of excessive use of force against Palestinians during law enforcement operations, information
available about the Israeli military’s “rules of engagement”, as well as Israeli officials’ statements following
such operations particularly during protests, reflect a planned and persistent policy of shooting to kill or
maim Palestinians. They are consistent with the inhuman and inhumane acts of “murder” and “other
inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to
mental or physical health” or the “infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily
or mental harm” under the Rome Statute and Apartheid Convention.
Israel’s systematic denial of the right to a nationality and severe restrictions on movement and residence,
including the right to leave and to return to their country, go beyond what is justifiable under international
law. Their sweeping application has targeted the Palestinian population in a discriminatory manner on the
basis of their racialized identity as Palestinians, affecting their participation in political, social, economic
and cultural life in Israel and the OPT and deliberately prevent their full development as a group. These
restrictions further undermine the enjoyment of a host of basic rights and freedoms, including the rights to
freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, livelihood, work, health,
food and education.
By denying the Palestinian population basic human rights through years of deliberate discriminatory and
exclusionary policies and official statements that are reflected in practice, Israeli authorities have committed
the crime against humanity of, or other inhumane act similar to, “persecution” within the meaning of the
Rome Statute and “denial of basic human rights” that “prevent the racial group or groups from participation
in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate creation of conditions
preventing [its or their] full development” under the Apartheid Convention.
Israel has an obligation under international law to protect all persons within its jurisdiction and control
from violence. In the context of an international armed conflict and a military occupation there may be
circumstances where treating different groups differently is based on lawful grounds without infringing
the prohibition of discrimination. While legitimate security concerns may allow differential treatment of
Palestinians, security-related policies must comply with international law, and ensure that any restrictions on
rights are necessary and proportionate to the security threat.
Amnesty International has shown, however, that Israeli authorities have pursued policies that deliberately
discriminate against Palestinians over a prolonged period and in a particularly cruel manner in ways that
have no reasonable basis in security or “defence”. For example, the prolonged and cruel discriminatory
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
denial of Palestinians’ access to their land and property that was seized in a violent and discriminatory
manner has no security rationale. There is no security basis for the effective segregation of Palestinian
citizens of Israel through discriminatory laws on planning and access to housing or the denial of their
right to claim their property and homes seized under the authority of racist laws. Similarly, arbitrary and
discriminatory interference with the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel to marry and extend rights of
residence to their spouses and children, in the absence of evidence that particular individuals pose a threat,
cannot be justified based on security.
In the context of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, certain limitations on human
rights may be permissible under international humanitarian law if conducted in good faith. However, the
justification for the differential treatment cannot extend to the settlement of Jewish Israelis in the occupied
territories. Nor can it extend to the murders, the targeted killings, the torture, the deportation and forcible
transfers of populations that have been perpetrated in the OPT over the years.
Amnesty International has demonstrated that other policies that Israel has justified on security grounds have
been consistently implemented in a grossly disproportionate and discriminatory manner, resulting in mass,
systematic violations of Palestinians’ human rights. These include Israel’s policies of sweeping, severe and
long-term restrictions on freedom of movement in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
The totality of the regime of laws, policies and practices described by Amnesty International demonstrates
that Israel has established and maintained an institutionalized regime of oppression and domination of the
Palestinian population for the benefit of Jewish Israelis – a system of apartheid – wherever it has exercised
control over Palestinians’ lives since 1948. Amnesty International concludes that the State of Israel considers
and treats Palestinians as an inferior non-Jewish racial group. The segregation is conducted in a systematic
and highly institutionalized manner through laws, policies and practices, all of which are intended to
prevent Palestinians from claiming and enjoying equal rights to Jewish Israelis within the territory of Israel
and within the OPT, and thus are intended to oppress and dominate the Palestinian people. This has been
complemented by a legal regime that controls (by negating) the rights of Palestinian refugees residing
outside Israel and the OPT to return to their homes.
Dismantling this cruel system of apartheid is essential for the millions of Palestinians who continue to live in
Israel and the OPT, as well as for the return of Palestinian refugees who remain displaced in neighbouring
countries, often within 100km of their original homes, so that they can enjoy their human rights free from
discrimination. Among other, more specific, recommendations, Amnesty International is calling on Israel to
remove all measures of discrimination, segregation and oppression currently in place against the Palestinian
population and to undertake a review of all laws, regulations, policies and practices that discriminate on
racial, ethnic or religious grounds with a view to repealing or amending them in line with international human
rights law and standards.
Israel must grant equal and full human rights to all Palestinians in Israel and the OPT in line with principles
of international human rights law and without discrimination, while ensuring respect for protections
guaranteed for Palestinians in the OPT under international humanitarian law. It must also recognize the right
of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to return to homes where they or their families once lived in
Israel or the OPT. In addition, Israel must provide victims of human rights violations, crimes against humanity
and serious violations of international humanitarian law – and their families – with full reparations. These
should include restitution of and compensation for all properties acquired on a racial basis.
The scale and seriousness of the violations documented in this report make it clear that the international
community needs to urgently and drastically change its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
recognize the full extent of the crimes that Israel perpetrates against the Palestinian people. Indeed, for over
seven decades, the international community has stood by as Israel has been given free rein to dispossess,
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
segregate, control, oppress and dominate Palestinians. The numerous UN Security Council resolutions
adopted over the years have remained unimplemented with Israel facing no repercussions for actions that
have violated international law apart from formulaic condemnations. Meanwhile, addressing Israeli violations
against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip merely within the framework of international
humanitarian law, and separately from the violations perpetrated against Palestinians in Israel, has failed to
tackle the root causes of the conflict and achieve any form of accountability and justice for the victims.
Without taking any meaningful action to hold Israel to account for its systematic and widespread violations
and crimes under international law against the Palestinian population, the international community has
contributed to undermining the international legal order and has emboldened Israel to continue perpetrating
crimes with impunity. In fact, some states have actively supported Israel’s violations by supplying it with
arms, equipment and other tools to perpetrate crimes under international law and by providing diplomatic
cover, including at the UN Security Council, to shield it from accountability. By doing so, they have
completely failed the Palestinian people and have only exacerbated Palestinians’ lived experience as people
with lesser rights and inferior status to Jewish Israelis.
While ultimately change can only come from within Israel, the international community can take concrete
actions to pressure Israel into dismantling its apartheid system. The crime against humanity of apartheid
entails individual international criminal responsibility, which applies to individuals, members of organizations
and representatives of the state who participate in its commission. Thus, Israel itself, the Palestinian
authorities, the international community and the International Criminal Court (ICC) should all investigate the
commission of the crime of apartheid under international law.
All states may exercise universal jurisdiction over all persons reasonably suspected of committing the crime
of apartheid, while states that are party to the Apartheid Convention have an obligation to do so including to
prosecute, bring to trial and punish those persons responsible for the crime. This means that states must
conduct prompt, effective and impartial criminal investigations when presented with reasonable evidence
that an individual within their territory or control is reasonably suspected of criminal responsibility or extradite
suspects to another jurisdiction that will do so.
Nearly six years after the ICC Prosecutor announced the opening of a preliminary examination into the
“Situation in Palestine”, in February 2021, the Pre-Trial Chamber concluded that the “Court’s territorial
jurisdiction in the Situation in Palestine extends to the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, namely Gaza
and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” paving the way for investigation into crimes committed in
the OPT since 13 June 2014. On 3 March 2021, the Prosecutor announced that her office was proceeding
to open an investigation into Rome Statute crimes committed in the OPT. Amnesty International is therefore
calling on the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC to consider the applicability of the crime against humanity
of apartheid within its current formal investigation.
While the ICC has held that it has jurisdiction over Rome Statute crimes committed in the OPT, it does not
have jurisdiction over crimes committed within Israel itself. The UN Security Council must therefore ensure
that perpetrators of the crime against humanity of apartheid and other crimes under international law in
Israel and the OPT are brought to justice either by referring the entire situation to the ICC or by establishing
an international tribunal to try alleged perpetrators. The UN Security Council must also impose targeted
sanctions, such as asset freezes, against Israeli officials most implicated in the crime of apartheid, and a
comprehensive arms embargo on Israel.
At the same time, the UN General Assembly should re-establish the Special Committee against Apartheid,
which was originally established in November 1962, to focus on all situations, including Israel and the OPT,
where the serious human rights violation and crime against humanity of apartheid are being committed and
to bring pressure on those responsible to disestablish these systems of oppression and domination.
All governments and regional actors, particularly those that enjoy close diplomatic relations with Israel such
as the USA, the European Union and its member states and the UK, but also those states that are in the
process of strengthening their ties – such as some Arab and African states – must not support the system
Amnesty International
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of apartheid or render aid or assistance to maintaining such a regime, and cooperate to bring an end to this
unlawful situation. As a first step, they must recognize that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid and
other international crimes, and use all political and diplomatic tools to ensure Israeli authorities implement
the recommendations outlined in this report and review any cooperation and activities with Israel to ensure
that these do not contribute to maintaining the system of apartheid. Amnesty International is also reiterating
its long-standing call on states to immediately suspend the direct and indirect supply, sale or transfer of all
weapons, munitions and other military and security equipment, including the provision of training and other
military and security assistance. Finally, it is calling on states to institute and enforce a ban on products from
Israeli settlements.
The Palestinian authorities for their part must also ensure that any type of dealings with Israel, primarily
through security coordination, do not contribute to maintaining the system of apartheid against Palestinians
in the OPT, and should document as necessary and in line with international standards the discriminatory
impacts of Israel’s apartheid on the Palestinian population in the OPT to provide evidence of such impact to
relevant international courts and other bodies.
Businesses too, have a responsibility to assess their activities in Israel and the OPT and ensure that they
do not contribute to or benefit from the system of apartheid, and address such impact when it occurs and
cease relevant activities if it cannot be prevented. Finally, national and international humanitarian and
development organizations must increase advocacy, both public and private, with the Israeli government to
end discrimination and segregation in law, policy and practices against Palestinians in Israel and the OPT,
including through advocacy with donors, and conduct rigorous and ongoing assessments of all projects
and assistance for Palestinians to ensure they are implemented in a way that does not entrench, support or
perpetuate discrimination and segregation of Palestinians.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
This report documents and analyses Israel’s institutionalized and systematic discrimination against
Palestinians. It focuses on the main and foundational elements of Israel’s discrimination against Palestinians
in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and against Palestinian refugees who are outside
Israel and the OPT. The report examines Israeli legislation, policies and practices that affect Palestinians in
all areas under its jurisdiction and effective control (Israel and the OPT), or where their rights are effectively
controlled by Israel.
Amnesty International researched and compiled this report within the framework of the definition of
apartheid under international law, to determine whether discriminatory and exclusionary Israeli law, policies
and practices against Palestinians amount to apartheid as a violation of public international law, a serious
human rights violation and a crime against humanity.
This report is not comprehensive and should not be read as an exhaustive analysis of all forms of
discrimination experienced by Palestinians within Israel and the OPT (or indeed of all forms of discrimination
committed within Israel and the OPT). Amnesty International has documented serious violations of human
rights committed by Israel against Palestinians in both Israel and the OPT, and raised concerns about the
consequences of such violations for Palestinians, since the 1960s. The organization has also documented
violations committed by Palestinian authorities or armed groups against Palestinians and Israelis, which are
not the focus of this report.
Similarly, this report does not imply that discrimination exclusively affects Palestinians in Israel and the OPT.
It does not focus on discrimination experienced by other minority groups, such as the Druze and Circassians,
but it refers to some of the policies that affect the enjoyment of their rights in Israel.
The geographical scope of this report is limited to Israel and the OPT. The report does examine Israeli laws,
policies and practices that affect the rights of Palestinian refugees outside Israel and the OPT by denying
them the right to nationality and residency in their homes in Israel and the OPT, and how this denial affects
Palestinians living within Israel and the OPT. However, it does not address the situation of Palestinian
refugees in their host countries, which Amnesty International has researched and reported on elsewhere.
See Amnesty International, Palestine (State of),
Amnesty International, “Seventy+ Years of Suffocation”,; Amnesty International,
Exiled and Suffering:
Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
(Index: MDE 18/010/2007), 17 October 2007,; Amnesty
Iraq: Human Rights Abuses against Palestinian Refugees
(Index: MDE 14/030/2007), 1 October 2007,
documents/mde14/030/2007/en; Amnesty International,
Denied Refuge: Palestinians from Syria Seeking Safety in Lebanon
(Index: MDE
18/002/2014), 1 July 2014,
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The report also does not address human rights violations or Israeli discriminatory policies against Syrians in
the occupied Golan Heights.
The framework of apartheid, recognized under international law as a violation of public international law,
a serious human rights violation and a crime against humanity, allows a comprehensive understanding,
grounded in international law, of a situation of segregation, oppression and domination by one racial group
over another. Amnesty International notes and clarifies that systems of oppression and domination will never
be identical. Therefore, this report does not seek to argue that, or assess whether, any system of oppression
and domination as perpetrated in Israel and the OPT is, for instance, the same or analogous to the system
of segregation, oppression and domination as perpetrated in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. Instead,
this report analyses the systematic discrimination currently perpetrated by Israel against Palestinians and
determines whether it meets the international definition of apartheid as set out by international law and
treaties, as a violation of public international law, a serious human rights violation and a crime against
Amnesty International has reached a general conclusion on the perpetration of the crime against humanity of
apartheid rather than seeking to establish individual criminal responsibility. Establishing such responsibility
would be the task of domestic or international courts, which in doing so must strictly apply international
standards of fairness. The report thus identifies and allows engagement with the systematic nature of
violations and provides a way forward towards accountability and enjoyment of rights by all.
Amnesty International’s examination of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as potentially a system of apartheid
builds on the growing body of work by human rights groups, legal practitioners, writers and academics.
Palestinians have been advocating for an understanding of Israel’s rule as apartheid for over two decades.
Dismantling Israel’s apartheid was central to the call from Palestinian civil society that established the
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement in 2005. Palestinian human rights organizations, including
members of the Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council, have significantly contributed to the
documentation and analysis of the system and crime of apartheid and have been at the forefront of
advocacy in that regard at the UN. UN Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights in the OPT
have published reports concluding that Israel has committed acts potentially amounting to apartheid and
recommending that the UN General Assembly request the International Court of Justice to assess this
further. In 2017, the UN’s Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), published a report,
which was later withdrawn from its website, stating that Israel had “established an apartheid regime that
dominates the Palestinian people as a whole”.
More recently, the Israeli human rights organizations Yesh Din and B’Tselem (Israeli Information Center on
Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) as well as Human Rights Watch have also examined the situation
and concluded that apartheid is practised in part of or in the whole of the territory under the effective control
of the State of Israel.
Over the years, this research coupled with grassroots campaigning has contributed to a broader international
recognition of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians as apartheid by activist groups, civil society organizations
and media outlets, including some mainstream ones. Yet states, particularly Israel’s Western allies, have
been reluctant to do the same, and have refused to take any meaningful action against Israel despite the
overwhelming evidence. Further, while some diplomats have confidentially recognized Israel’s rule over
Palestinians as apartheid, they have in most cases limited their analysis to Israel’s conduct in the OPT.
Meanwhile, Palestinian organizations and human rights defenders who have been leading anti-apartheid
advocacy and campaigning efforts have faced Israeli repression for years as punishment for their work. In
The Syrian Golan Heights came under Israeli occupation following the 1967 war. Thousands of Syrians were forcibly displaced
from the Golan Heights as a result of the war and the occupation. Israel destroyed more than 100 villages and most of the land was used
to establish illegal Israeli settlements. In 1981, Israel adopted the Golan Heights Law, which extends Israeli jurisdiction and law to the
occupied Golan Heights. The international community has condemned this “annexation” and the Golan Heights is acknowledged to be
occupied territory where international humanitarian law is applicable, with Israel recognized as the occupying power with responsibilities
towards the Syrian population outlined under international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
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October 2021, the Israeli authorities escalated their attacks on the Palestinian human rights movement
even further by designating six prominent civil society organizations as “terrorist organizations”, allowing the
Israeli authorities to shut down their offices, seize their assets and detain and prosecute their employees, in
addition to prohibiting funding or even the public expression of support for their activities. In parallel, Israel
has subjected Israeli organizations denouncing apartheid to smears and delegitimization campaigns.
Amnesty International publishes this report with a view to supporting Palestinian civil society and Israeli
organizations in their efforts to end Israel’s oppression and domination over Palestinians. By doing so, it also
hopes to contribute to a greater understanding and recognition of institutionalized discrimination committed
in Israel and the OPT and against Palestinian refugees as a system and crime of apartheid.
The body of work developed by Palestinian and other human rights organizations provides a spectrum
of analysis and focuses within the legal framework of apartheid. Amnesty International recognizes that
different legal and administrative regimes govern Palestinians across the different territorial domains
where they live: Israel, annexed East Jerusalem, the rest of the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip,
and outside Israel and the OPT. Consequently, the organization also acknowledges that Israel’s system
of oppression and domination over Palestinians has evolved over time, and currently manifests itself
differently and with different levels of severity across the distinct domains. However, given that territorial
and legal fragmentation and segregation are key elements through which Israel enforces its oppression
and domination over Palestinians, Amnesty International believes that the full extent of Israel’s control over
Palestinians is only evident when the whole context of the state’s control over Palestinians in all domains is
taken into consideration. Therefore, instead of assessing separately whether or not Israel has perpetrated
the international wrong and the crime against humanity in each of the territories under its control, Amnesty
International has analysed the system of institutionalized discrimination against Palestinians as a whole.
It has reached its conclusions through legal interpretation that the system and crime of apartheid is best
understood holistically as the intentional, prolonged and cruel control of one racial group by another.
While recognizing the potential validity of the arguments made by some Palestinian human rights groups and
others that apply the right to self-determination as the framework of analysis for the situation in Israel and
the OPT, Amnesty International limits its analysis to legal frameworks that explicitly address institutionalized
racial discrimination. This is because, while the organization recognizes that both the Jewish and the
Palestinian peoples claim the right to self-determination, Amnesty International does not take a position
on international political or legal arrangements that might be adopted to implement that right. Instead, the
organization engages with the reality of the existence of the State of Israel, as well as the mandate for its
creation in UN General Assembly Resolution 181 (II) of 1947, and the fact that, subsequent to 1967, Israel
has exercised effective control over the whole territory of British mandate Palestine.
It considers that the
State of Israel has obligations under international law, including through obligations expressed in General
Assembly Resolution 181 (II), to ensure the right to equality and non-discrimination. Similarly, it considers
that Israel is prohibited by conventional and customary international law from establishing a system of
institutional discrimination against the Palestinian people, from denying Palestinians equal rights with Jewish
Israelis, and from establishing an oppressive system of domination.
Amnesty International examines in this report whether the State of Israel, and public officials acting on
its behalf, have created and maintained a system of oppression and domination that has included ethnic
cleansing, fragmentation and dispossession of the Palestinian inhabitants of the land that made up British
mandate Palestine prior to 1948.
4. Following the end of the First World War, under a League of Nations mandate from 1922 to 1947, Britain ruled over Palestine, a
territory formerly under the control of the Ottoman Empire. Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations provided the legal obligations
of Britain, as the Mandatory Power of Palestine, to provide “administrative advice and assistance” to the local population “until such time
as they are able to stand alone”. League of Nations, General Assembly, “Question of Palestine - Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of
Nations”, 30 April 1947,
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
This report builds on decades of Amnesty International desk and field research collecting testimonies and
evidence of violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in Israel and the OPT, and on
publications by Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights and humanitarian organizations in addition
to academic studies, monitoring by grassroots activist groups, reports by UN agencies, experts and human
rights bodies, and media articles.
Amnesty International carried out research and analysis for this report between July 2017 and November
2021. The research and analysis were guided by a global policy on the human rights violation and crime of
apartheid that Amnesty International adopted in July 2017, following recognition that the organization had
given insufficient attention to situations of systematic discrimination and oppression around the world. This
report follows similar research and analysis conducted on the situation in Myanmar.
Amnesty International extensively analysed relevant Israeli legislation, regulations, military orders, directives
by government institutions and statements by Israeli government and military officials. It reviewed other
Israeli government documents, such as planning and zoning documents and plans, budgets and statistics,
Israeli parliamentary archives and Israeli court judgments. It also reviewed relevant reports and statistics
published by Palestinian authorities.
As part of its research, Amnesty International spoke with representatives of Palestinian, Israeli and
international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), relevant UN agencies, legal practitioners, scholars and
academics, journalists, and other relevant stakeholders. In addition, it conducted extensive legal analysis on
the situation, including engaging with and seeking advice from external experts on international law.
To illustrate the interplay between various long-standing discriminatory laws, policies and practices that
constitute the foundational elements of Israel’s system of oppression and domination, and their devastating
impact on the human rights of Palestinians across Israel and the OPT, the report contains 34 emblematic
case studies. Many of these case studies have been the focus of Amnesty International’s human rights
monitoring and campaigns in Israel and the OPT for years and include evidence compiled by different teams
of researchers over time. To complement long-standing concerns and analyse them through the framework
of apartheid, between February 2020 and July 2021, Amnesty International representatives interviewed 56
people in areas that are the focus of these case studies.
For safety reasons and because of Covid-19 movement restrictions on access, most of these interviews were
conducted remotely. All interviews with Palestinians residing in the Gaza Strip were carried out remotely,
given Israel’s refusal to grant Amnesty International access since 2012. Some people were interviewed several
times and remained in close contact with Amnesty International until the time of publication. The report also
makes use of interviews carried out in the context of relevant work prior to February 2020. Wherever possible,
Amnesty International corroborated information collected through interviews by reviewing photographic and
video evidence and other relevant documentation, such as court documents, all of which are on file.
All interviewees were informed about the nature and purpose of the research as well as how the information
they provided would be used. Oral consent was obtained from each interviewee prior to the start of the
interview and confirmed again at the end of the interview. No incentives were provided to interviewees in
exchange for their accounts. Some interviewees requested that their names not be published for security
reasons; their names and information that could identify them have been withheld in this report.
Amnesty International completed the majority of its research for this report in August 2021. Consequently,
details of patterns of violations and case studies are updated to the end of that month, but not beyond. This
is clarified in references in footnotes. The report does, however, address major relevant developments in
Israeli legislation and government policy in September and October 2021.
5. Amnesty International, “Caged without a roof”:
Apartheid in Myanmar Rakhine State
(Index: ASA 16/7484/2017), 21 November 2017,
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Amnesty International has, over the years, continuously and actively sought to engage with the Israeli
authorities on patterns of violations presented in this report, but has rarely received substantive responses. It
sent a letter to the Israeli minister of foreign affairs on 22 October 2021 to seek a meeting on its work for the
promotion and protection of human rights in Israel and the OPT, including that related to issues covered in
this report, but had not received a response by publication.
Amnesty International extends its thanks to the individuals who consented to speak with its representatives
and provided information for this report. In particular, the organization is deeply grateful to the people who
shared their stories, often at great personal risk, and entrusted it with raising their experiences and exposing
human rights concerns.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The following, by no means comprehensive, set of developments in the history of Palestine and Israel
are pertinent to understanding the issues covered by Amnesty International’s report.
Following the defeat of the Ottoman empire in the First World War, in
the League of Nations
placed Palestine under a British mandate, which lasted until 1947. The area of mandate Palestine
covered what is now Israel and the OPT.
the UN recommended partition of Palestine into a Jewish state (comprising 55% of the
territory) and an Arab state (45%), with international control over Jerusalem and its environs. At that
time, Jews comprised around 30% of the population and Palestinians around 70%. The Palestinian
leadership at the time, as well as Arab states, rejected the UN partition plan.
In the
conflict before and after the
May 1948
declaration of the State of Israel, thousands
of Palestinians and Jews were killed and more than 800,000 Palestinians were displaced from their
homes in the context of attacks on civilians. This experience is known as the
by Palestinians. Some were internally displaced from their villages and cities to other parts of what
became Israel. Others fled to different parts of mandate Palestine (22% of which fell under the control
of Jordan and Egypt following the conflict). Most of the rest fled to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
Since then, Israel has prevented the Palestinian refugees and their descendants, as well as internally
displaced persons within Israel, from returning to their homes.
Palestinians who remained in Israel – around 150,000 people – became entitled to Israeli citizenship.
from 1948 to 1966
they were placed under military rule. Meanwhile,
between 1949 and
the Jewish population more than doubled, mainly through immigration.
After the establishment of Israel, two parts of mandate Palestine remained outside its control: the Gaza
Strip, which was administered by Egypt; and the eastern area, which became known as the West Bank
and was administered by Jordan.
The Arab-Israel war in
which Israel won in six days, led to Israel militarily occupying the West
Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Together, these areas are known as the OPT.
The war also resulted in the displacement of a further 350,000 refugees, the vast majority of them
Palestinians from the OPT, mainly to Jordan. Israel also prevents these Palestinian refugees and their
descendants from returning.
Israel unilaterally (and unlawfully under international law) formalized its 1967 annexation
of East Jerusalem, including Palestinian parts of the city and a surrounding area of about 70km
belonged to about 28 Palestinian villages.
The first
(uprising) by Palestinians against Israel’s occupation began in
December 1987
and ended in 1993 with the signing of the first Oslo Accords. Between
1993 and 1995,
negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) led to more Oslo Accords.
These established the Palestinian Authority and tasked it with limited self-governance of the Gaza Strip
Amnesty International
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and parts of the West Bank and divided the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem and Hebron) into
Areas A, B and C. The establishment of the Palestinian Authority did not change the status of the OPT
under international law as territories under Israeli military occupation.
The Palestinian authorities have varying degrees of administrative responsibility over Areas A and
B, where some 90% of Palestinians live (around 2.8 million people). Israel has full civil and security
authority over Area C, Palestinian rural areas that comprise about 60% of the West Bank and are home
to around 300,000 Palestinians.
September 2000
Palestinians launched a second
against Israel’s military rule in the West
Bank and Gaza Strip. During the uprising, which ended in 2005, Israeli forces killed Palestinians
unlawfully by shooting them during protests and at checkpoints although they were not posing
imminent danger. They also bombed residential areas and carried out extrajudicial executions.
Palestinian armed groups and individuals deliberately killed Israeli civilians by placing bombs in
crowded places and in drive-by shootings both in Israel and in the OPT. In response, the Israeli
authorities collectively punished the OPT’s entire population by imposing severe restrictions on
movement and demolishing hundreds of Palestinian homes.
Israel began constructing a fence/wall in and around the West Bank, mostly on
Palestinian land. The route has meant further appropriation of Palestinian land and the separation and
segregation of Palestinian communities. In 2004, the International Court of Justice advised that the
barrier was illegal.
September 2005,
Israel “disengaged” from the Gaza Strip, withdrawing all military personnel and
some 8,000 Jewish settlers from the territory while retaining control over its airspace, coastal waters
and borders. Many settlers were moved to settlements in the West Bank.
armed clashes between security forces and armed groups loyal to the two main Palestinian
political parties, Fatah and Hamas, culminated in Hamas seizing control of Palestinian government
institutions in the Gaza Strip, and the ousting of forces loyal to Fatah. Since then, Hamas has acted as
the de facto government of Gaza establishing a parallel security and law enforcement apparatus there,
while Fatah remains the dominant party comprising the Palestinian authorities, including government
and presidency, in the West Bank.
Meanwhile, Israel imposed an air, land and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip collectively punishing its
entire population. Since then, Israel has severely restricted the entry of goods and fuel into Gaza, the
export of produce from Gaza and the movement of people between Gaza and the West Bank.
December 2008, November 2012, July 2014
May 2021,
Israel launched military offensives
against Gaza, while Palestinian armed groups fired rockets from the territory into Israel. These
offensives have caused huge destruction to civilian property and infrastructure including electricity,
water and sewerage networks and sanitation plants in Gaza in addition to killing at least 2,700
Palestinian civilians as well as injuring and displacing hundreds of thousands of others. During this
period Palestinian armed groups fired thousands of indiscriminate rockets towards cities and towns in
Israel killing or injuring dozens of civilians.
Most recently, the outbreak of violence in
May 2021
occurred after threatened forced evictions of
Palestinians in East Jerusalem prompted widespread protests.
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Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Originally, “apartheid” referred to a political system formally introduced in South Africa in 1948 (building
on existing racially discriminatory and segregationist laws and policies developed and applied under a
system of minority white rule). The system was characterized by laws, policies and practices that ensured
racial oppression and domination (which included formal racial segregation and discrimination) by one
racial group (“white” South Africans) over others (especially, but not limited to, “black” South Africans).
Formal apartheid finally ended in South Africa in the mid-1990s. Similar systems, although not necessarily
referred to as apartheid, were introduced and maintained in other countries of southern Africa until they
were dismantled at the end of racist minority rule.
After its formal introduction in 1948 and especially in the
1970s, the international community adopted the term “apartheid” to condemn such systems and practices
of formalized racial oppression and domination.
The international community expressly prohibits apartheid in public international law,
human rights law,
and international criminal law.
The totality of these condemnations, prohibitions and
criminalization, including the criminalization in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
that occurred after apartheid in South Africa had ended, makes it clear that the international community
6. Such South African laws included, among many others, the Population Registration Act (1950), which classified citizens into racial
“population groups”; and the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act (1953), which allowed racial segregation of public amenities such as
premises, vehicles and services.
7. See especially Zimbabwe, which became independent in 1980, and Namibia, which became independent in 1990. Three other states
in the sub-region were formally protectorates of the UK and either practised some form of segregation and/or were dependent on links
with the South African economy and thus were subjected to apartheid policies: Botswana, which attained independence in 1964; Lesotho,
which attained independence in 1966; and Swaziland, which obtained independence in 1968. Forms of segregation and systematic
discrimination were also practised in Angola and Mozambique, which became independent in 1975.
8. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has held that apartheid constitutes a “flagrant violation of the purposes and principles of
the (UN) Charter”. See ICJ, Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa)
notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), advisory opinion, 21 June 1971. Dire Tladi, International Law Commission (ILC)
Special Rapporteur, has concluded that the prohibition of apartheid amounts to a peremptory norm of international law. See ILC,
Report on Peremptory Norms of General International Law
(Jus Cogens)
by Dire Tladi, Special Rapporteur,
31 January 2019, UN Doc.
A/CN.4.727, paras 91-101. See also UN Security Council (UNSC), Resolution 418 (1977), adopted on 4 November 1977, UN Doc. S/
Res/418. In addition, see John Dugard and John Reynolds. “Apartheid, International Law, and the occupied Palestinian territory”, August
2013, European Journal of International Law, Volume 24, Issue 3,
See, for example, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).
10. International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid of 1973 (Apartheid Convention) and Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute). In addition, the UN General Assembly (UNGA) had already declared apartheid
a crime against humanity in 1968. See UNGA, Resolution 2396 (XXXIII), adopted on 2 December 1968, UN Doc. A/Res/2396. In addition,
“inhuman acts resulting from the policy of apartheid” are listed as a crime against humanity in Article I(b) of the Convention on the
Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, adopted by UNGA Resolution 2391 (XXIII) on 26
November 1968, entered into force on 11 November 1970.
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intended not only to condemn and criminalize apartheid as practised in southern Africa but wherever a
system of oppression and domination based on race might be enforced.
Currently, three main international treaties prohibit and/or explicitly criminalize apartheid: the International
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD); the International Convention on
the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (Apartheid Convention) and the Rome Statute of
the ICC (Rome Statute).
The 1965 ICERD, which has been ratified by 182 countries, was the first international human rights law
instrument to proscribe and condemn apartheid. It provides in Article 3 that “States Parties particularly
condemn racial segregation and apartheid and undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of
this nature in territories under their jurisdiction.”
Since then, other international human rights law treaties
have explicitly referenced the prohibition of the practice of apartheid.
The ICERD places obligations on states parties to repeal and suppress laws, policies and practices that
establish and perpetuate segregation and apartheid, not only in the territories over which they exercise
sovereignty, but also in the territories beyond their borders over which they exercise effective control.
have a duty to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of people under their jurisdiction, including people
living in territory that is outside national borders but under their effective control.
As such, states parties
are legally obliged not to engage in acts constituting the system of apartheid and to prevent, prohibit and
punish such acts in all situations under their jurisdiction, including where the effect of their actions is felt
Israel ratified the ICERD in 1979 and as a result its legal obligations under the convention
11. Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law,
2020, p. 155; John Dugard and John Reynolds, “Apartheid,
International Law, and the Occupied Palestinian Territory” (previously cited).
12. In addition, “practices of apartheid” are listed as grave breaches of international humanitarian law and war crimes. See, in particular,
Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts
(Protocol I), adopted 8 June 1977, entered into force 7 December 1978, Article 85(4)(c); International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),
Customary International Humanitarian Law, 2005, Rule 156: Definition of War Crimes. Apartheid has also been criminalized under the
following: UN Transitional Administration in East Timor Regulation 2000/15, 6 June 2000, UN Doc. UNTAET/REG/2000/15, Section 5(1)(j);
Statute of the Extraordinary African Chambers Within the Courts of Senegal Created to Prosecute International Crimes Committed in Chad
between 7 June 1982 and 1 December 1990, Article 6(e); Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of
Justice and Human Rights (Annex: Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights), adopted on 27 June 2014.
13. ICERD, adopted by UNGA Resolution 2106 (XX) on 21 December 1965, entered into force on 4 January 1969.
14. UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, adopted on 18 December 1979.
15. This was further upheld by the ICJ, which held that the government of South Africa had maintained “a policy of apartheid” while it
unlawfully administered and occupied Namibia, and was thus “accountable for any violations of its international obligations, or of the rights
of the people of Namibia.” The ICJ ruled that “Physical control of a territory, and not sovereignty or legitimacy of title, is the basis of State
liability for acts affecting other States”. ICJ, Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South
West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), advisory opinion, 21 June 1971, para. 118.
16. For example, the ICJ confirmed that Israel is obliged to extend to people in the OPT the application of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and other treaties to which
it is a state party. See ICJ, Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, advisory opinion, 9 July
2004, paras 110-113. See also UN Human Rights Committee (HRC), General Comment 31: The Nature of the General Legal Obligation
Imposed on States Parties to the Covenant, 26 May 2004, UN Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.13, para. 10; HRC, Concluding Observations:
Israel, 3 September 2010, UN Doc. CCPR/C/ISR/CO/3, para. 9; European Court of Human Rights (Grand Chamber),
Öcalan v. Turkey,
Application 46221/99, 12 March 2003, paras 91 and 110-113.
17. Jurisdiction must be interpreted broadly to cover all situations where the state controls the enjoyment of a protected right. The UN
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) has called on states parties to take appropriate legislative or administrative
measures to prevent acts of transnational corporations registered in the state party that negatively impact on the enjoyment of rights
of indigenous peoples in territories outside that state party. See, for example, CERD, Concluding Observations: USA, 8 May 2008, UN
Doc. CERD/C/USA/CO/6, para. 30; CERD, Concluding Observations: Norway, 2011, UN Doc. CERD/C/NOR/CO/19-20, para. 17. The
UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has also consistently indicated that states parties must refrain from
interfering directly or indirectly with the enjoyment of the Covenant rights by persons outside their territories. See, for example, CESCR,
General Comment 24: State Obligations under the ICESCR in the Context of Business Activities, 10 August 2017, UN Doc. E/C.12/GC/24,
para. 29; CESCR, General Comment 15: The Right to Water, 20 January 2003, UN Doc. E/C.12/2002/11, para. 31. The HRC in its General
Comment 36 on the right to life interpreted the term “jurisdiction” in Article 2 of the ICCPR in functional terms, referring to the ability of
one state to affect the “enjoyment” of the right to life of a person living in another state: “[A] State party has an obligation to respect and to
ensure the rights under article 6 of all persons who are within its territory and all persons subject to its jurisdiction, that is, all persons over
whose enjoyment of the right to life it exercises power or effective control. This includes persons located outside any territory effectively
controlled by the State, whose right to life is nonetheless impacted by its military or other activities in a direct and reasonably foreseeable
manner.” HRC, General Comment 36, Article 6: Right to life, 3 September 2018, UN Doc. CCPR/C/GC/36, para. 63. In its analysis of the
meaning of the term “jurisdiction”, the Inter-American Court on Human Rights (IACtHR) made specific reference to Article 31(1) of the
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. According to the court, Article 1(1) “signifies that the State obligation to respect and to ensure
human rights applies to every person who is within the State’s territory or who is in any way subject to its authority, responsibility or control.”
IACtHR, The Environment and Human Rights, advisory opinion OC-23/17, requested by the Republic of Colombia, 15 November 2017, para. 73.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
are applicable in both Israel and the OPT.
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
(CERD) has concluded that Israel has violated Article 3 of the ICERD, although it has not explicitly used
the term “apartheid”, and called on Israel to eradicate all such policies and practices against non-Jewish
communities and in particular “policies or practices that severely and disproportionately affect the
Palestinian population” in Israel and the OPT.
Further, the prohibition of apartheid under public international law and international human rights law forms
part of customary international law.
The International Court of Justice has held that apartheid is a “flagrant
violation of the purposes and principles of the [UN] Charter”.
The 1973 Apartheid Convention defines apartheid as a crime against humanity and obliges states parties to
investigate and prosecute persons suspected of criminal responsibility for the crime.
There are currently
109 states parties to the Apartheid Convention;
Israel is not a state party.
The Rome Statute of 1998, which also defines apartheid as a crime against humanity in Article 7(1)(j),
requires the usual contextual elements of commission of the crime as part of a widespread or systematic
attack directed against the civilian population, pursuant to a state or organizational policy. There are
currently 123 states parties to the Rome Statute; Israel signed it in 2000 but withdrew its signature in 2002.
In 2015, the State of Palestine became a state party to the Rome Statute and accepted the jurisdiction of
the ICC over alleged crimes, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed in the “occupied
Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, since June 13, 2014”.
Amnesty International considers that apartheid is a crime against humanity under customary international
The International Law Commission has concluded that the prohibition of crimes against humanity is a
peremptory norm of international law, from which no deviation is permitted, that is, no state may withdraw
from its obligation to respect them under any circumstances.
The definition of crimes against humanity
18. In its advisory opinion on the construction of a wall in the OPT, the ICJ held that human rights instruments to which Israel is a party are
applicable to the OPT. ICJ, Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, advisory opinion, 9 July
19. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, paras 21, 22, 23 and 24; CERD, Report,
March 2012, UN Doc. A/67/18, paras 28(24) and 28(27).
20. This conclusion is based on a number of factors, including the wide ratification of treaties prohibiting apartheid (see above); the
condemnation and calls for eradication of apartheid practices in many UN Resolutions, for instance apartheid was deemed a crime against
humanity by UNGA Resolution 2202 A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 and by the UNSC (endorsing the above resolution) in Resolution
556 (1984) of 23 October 1984. It should also be remembered that apartheid is indisputably a form of racial discrimination, which itself
is prohibited under customary international law. For similar academic opinions on the status of apartheid in international law, see, for
instance, Walter Kälin and Jörg Künzli,
The Law of International Human Rights Protection,
2009, p. 70; Carola Lingaas, “The Crime against
Humanity of Apartheid in a Post-Apartheid World”, 2015, Oslo Law Review, Volume 86, pp. 103-7; Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in
International Criminal Law
(previously cited).
21. ICJ, Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security
Council Resolution 276 (1970), advisory opinion, 21 June 1971. The ILC has held that the prohibition amounts to a peremptory norm of
international law. See ILC,
Fourth Report on Peremptory Norms of General International Law
(previously cited), paras 91-101.
22. The International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (Apartheid Convention) was adopted by
UNGA Resolution 3068 (XXVIII) on 30 November 1973, and entered into force on 18 July 1976.
23. Apartheid Convention, Status of treaties,
(accessed on 20 August 2021).
24. Daniel Benoliel and Ronen Perry, “Israel, Palestine, and the ICC”, 2010, Michigan Journal of International Law, Volume 32, repository.; and UN, Treaty Collection: Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court,
25. Rules of customary international law are international legal rules derived from consistent state practice and consistent consideration by
states that these rules are legally binding on them (opinio
Customary international law binds all states irrespective of whether or not
they have joined relevant international treaties.
26. See, for example, paragraph (4) of the commentary on the preamble to the ILC’s draft articles on crimes against humanity in ILC,
Report on the Work of the Sixty-Ninth Session,
2017, UN Doc. A/72/10, para. 46. An assessment by ILC Special Rapporteur Dire Tladi
shows that “[t]he written responses of States to the preambular paragraph of those draft articles also point to the general recognition of
States of the peremptory character of the prohibition of crimes against humanity”. See ILC,
Fourth Report on Peremptory Norms of General
International Law
(previously cited), para. 88. The ILC’s draft articles on crimes against humanity are in ILC, “Draft Articles on Responsibility
of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries”,
Yearbook of the International Law Commission,
2001, Volume II, Part
Two. See also ICC,
Prosecutor v. Ruto and Sang,
Case ICC-01/09-01/11, Trial Chamber, Decision on Mr Ruto’s Request for Excusal from
Continuous Presence at Trial, 18 June 2013, para. 90.
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in the Rome Statute reflects to a large extent the rules of customary international law,
and the inclusion
of apartheid within Article 7 of the Rome Statute suggests that the crime against humanity of apartheid is a
crime under customary international law.
There is therefore strong evidence that the specific definition of
apartheid as a crime against humanity in the Rome Statute reflects customary international law.
This report
applies the definition of the crime against humanity of apartheid in the Rome Statute to reflect customary
international law.
The starting point for a definition of apartheid must be that in Article II of the Apartheid Convention, the first
international convention to explicitly define the crime under international law. It provides that:
… the term “the crime of apartheid”, which shall include similar policies and practices of racial
segregation and discrimination as practised in southern Africa, shall apply to the following
inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one
racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing
Article II then lists specific inhuman acts that committed in this context amount to the crime under
international law of apartheid, ranging from violent ones such as murder and torture to legislative,
administrative and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from participating in
the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and deny them basic human rights and
freedoms. The specific inhuman acts enumerated are:
Denial to a member or members of a racial group or groups of the right to life and liberty of
(i) By murder of members of a racial group or groups;
(ii) By the infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental
harm, by the infringement of their freedom or dignity, or by subjecting them to torture or to
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
(iii) By arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group or groups;
Deliberate imposition on a racial group or groups of living conditions calculated to cause its
or their physical destruction in whole or in part;
Any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups
from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the
deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development of such a group or groups,
in particular by denying to members of a racial group or groups basic human rights and
freedoms, including the right to work, the right to form recognized trade unions, the right to
education, the right to leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right
to freedom of movement and residence, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, and
the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association;
27. The Rome Statute’s Article 7 definition of “crime against humanity” has been accepted by the 123 states parties to the Rome Statute
and is the basis of domestic criminalization of crimes against humanity in many states. This definition was adopted essentially verbatim by
the ILC in draft Article 3 of its “Text of the draft articles on crimes against humanity provisionally adopted by the Commission in 2015”. See
Sixty-Seventh Session (4 May-5 June and 6 July-7 August 2015) Report,
24 August 2015, UN Doc. A/70/10.
28. For other evidence that corroborates the rule under customary international law, the UNGA had already declared apartheid a crime
against humanity in 1968. See UNGA, Resolution 2396 (XXXIII), adopted on 2 December 1968, UN Doc. A/Res/2396. In addition,
“inhuman acts resulting from the policy of apartheid” are listed as a crime against humanity in Article I(b) of the Convention on the
Non-Applicability of Statutory Limitations to War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity, adopted by UNGA Resolution 2391 (XXIII) of 26
November 1968, entered into force on 11 November 1970.
29. See ILC,
Fourth Report on Peremptory Norms of General International Law
(previously cited), paras 91-101.
30. Apartheid Convention, Article II,
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Any measures including legislative measures, designed to divide the population along racial
lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of a racial group or
groups, the prohibition of mixed marriages among members of various racial groups, the
expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial group or groups or to members thereof;
Exploitation of the labour of the members of a racial group or groups, in particular by
submitting them to forced labour;
Persecution of organizations and persons, by depriving them of fundamental rights and
freedoms, because they oppose apartheid.
The Rome Statute provides that the crime against humanity of apartheid is committed when
“inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1”
are committed “in the
context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group
over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime”.
The “special intent” element of the crime of apartheid under the Rome Statute that distinguishes it
from other crimes against humanity is thus the maintenance of a regime of systematic oppression and
There are two main differences between the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. First,
the Rome Statute explicitly requires the existence of “an institutionalized regime of systematic
oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and
committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”
While the Apartheid Convention does
not expressly use the term “institutionalized regime” in the manner in which the Rome Statute
does, a similar requirement can be gleaned from its definition of apartheid. Among other things,
the convention describes the crime of apartheid as including “similar policies and practices
of racial segregation and discrimination as practised in southern Africa,”
which indisputably
involved institutionalized racial oppression and domination. The definition also specifically includes
“legislative measures”,
clearly an “institutionalized” measure, among the “inhuman acts”
constituting offences of apartheid.
Thus, for the proscribed acts listed under both the Apartheid
Convention and the Rome Statute to amount to the crime of apartheid, they must be committed to
(create or) maintain an “institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one
racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining
that regime”.
In this regard it can be noted that the Apartheid Convention focuses more on the “purpose” to create
or maintain such domination, meaning that the crime of apartheid can be committed in the absence
of an existing regime of systematic oppression and domination as long as there is an intent to establish
such a regime, while the Rome Statute requirement that the inhumane acts be committed within the
context of the regime implies that the regime must already exist.
Nevertheless, considering the gravity
and scale of the crime of apartheid, it is unlikely that the crime will be prosecuted in the absence of
an existing system of oppression and domination, especially where the intent is implied from existing
31. Paragraph 1 of the Rome Statute lists types of acts that constitute crimes against humanity.
32. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(h).
33. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(h).
34. Apartheid Convention, Article II,
35. Apartheid Convention, Article II(c).
36. Apartheid Convention, Article I(1).
37. Under the Rome Statute, the
actus reus
includes the requirement that the inhumane acts are perpetrated “in the context” of a regime
of oppression and domination.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
For the purposes of this report, Amnesty International has applied the more stringent (or
narrow) definition in the Rome Statute, which better reflects apartheid as a crime against humanity
under customary international law.
The second difference is that the list of “inhumane” acts proscribed in the Rome Statute appears more
restricted than the list of “inhuman acts” in the Apartheid Convention. Indeed, as shown, the inhuman
acts proscribed in the Apartheid Convention include both inherently violent ones and more systemic
acts designed to prevent a racial group or groups from participation in the political, social, economic
and cultural life of the country and deny them basic human rights and freedoms.
At first glance the list of inhumane acts in the Rome Statute appears restricted to the more violent acts
such as murder and torture. However, a closer look points both to the inhumane act of persecution
proscribed in Article 7(1)(h) and defined in Article 7(2)(g) as “the intentional and severe deprivation
of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity”
as well as “other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious
injury to body or to mental or physical health”, proscribed in Article 7(1)(k), which together would
cover all the proscribed inhuman acts under the Apartheid Convention that do not on the face of it
appear in the Rome Statute definition.
With respect to international human rights law, the ICERD does not define apartheid. However, at
the very least, systems, regimes and practices that meet the definitions contained in the crime of
apartheid under the Apartheid Convention
and the Rome Statute
would amount to a violation
of the international human rights prohibition in the ICERD. The public international law prohibition
of apartheid is best found in an advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice relating to
South Africa’s presence in Namibia (Namibia case), where the violation is defined as “distinctions,
exclusions, restrictions and limitations exclusively based on grounds of race, colour, descent or national
or ethnic origin which constitute a denial of fundamental human rights”.
While the ICERD and public
international law definitions may be broader than the definition under international criminal law, the
violation is considered one of the most grave and serious. Considering the seriousness of the violation,
this report thus applies the structural elements of the international criminal law definition to determine
whether the systematic discrimination practised by Israel against the Palestinian people amounts to
the human rights violation prohibited by the ICERD and public international law, namely whether it
amounts to a system of “oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or
38. International law expert Miles Jackson has argued that “[i]n practice, this difference may not amount to a great deal, given that the
kinds of acts sufficient to ground an inference of the required purpose will often mean that the relevant context under the Rome Statute has
been established”. See Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion on the Interplay between the Legal Regime Applicable to Belligerent Occupation
and the Prohibition of Apartheid under International Law”, 23 March 2021,
occupation-palestine-apartheid, para. 27.
39. International law experts Gerhard Werle and Florian Jessberger have argued that the Apartheid Convention is an important guide to
interpreting the Rome Statute. See Gerhard Werle and Florian Jessberger,
Principles of International Criminal Law,
3rd edition, 2014. See
also Kai Ambos, Christopher K. Hall, Niamh Hayes, Larissa van den Herik, Joseph Powderly and Carsten Stahn (Kai Ambos and others),
“Article 7 – Crimes against humanity” in Kai Ambos and Otto Triffterer (editors),
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:
A Commentary,
3rd edition, 2016, pp. 283-4; and Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion” (previously cited), para. 23, for the rebuttal of any
argument that such acts causing suffering and serious injury to mental or physical health are less serious than the more overtly physical
attacks on the person.
40. The “domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them”. Apartheid
Convention, Article 1.
41. Discrimination that amounts to an “institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other
racial group or groups”: Rome Statute, Article 7.
42. ICJ, Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security
Council Resolution 276 (1970), advisory opinion, 21 June 1971.
43. Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion” (previously cited), paras 27 and 28, comes to the similar conclusion that the customary (public
international law) prohibition on states is contained in the Apartheid Convention, which can thus be seen to give content to the human
rights prohibition in the ICERD and other treaties and statements of international bodies. In this report, Amnesty International has chosen to
modify this definition with the definition of the crime against humanity under the Rome Statute to reflect any modifications to custom that
have arisen from the widespread ratification and domestication of the Statute.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
As per its definition under the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute, the crime against humanity
of apartheid requires the intention to create and/or maintain an institutionalized regime for the purpose of
the systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups. The
Rome Statute explicitly requires the existence of “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and
domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of
maintaining that regime”.
The Apartheid Convention does not expressly use the term “institutionalized
regime”, but a similar requirement can be gleaned from its definition of apartheid. Among other things, the
convention describes the crime of apartheid as including “similar policies and practices of racial segregation
and discrimination as practised in southern Africa,”
which indisputably involved institutionalized racial
oppression and domination. The definition also specifically includes “legislative measures”, clearly an
“institutionalized” measure, among the “inhuman acts” constituting offences of apartheid. Thus, it is
Amnesty International’s assessment that for the proscribed acts listed under both the Apartheid Convention
and the Rome Statute to amount to the crime of apartheid, they must be committed in “the context of an
institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination”.
“Systematic oppression” and “domination” are not defined in either the Apartheid Convention or the Rome
Statute. The terms are very similar and scholars indicate that they should be read cumulatively to mean
ruling or treating people with continual injustice or cruelty while exercising a very strong control or influence
over them.
Drawing from both the dictionary definitions of oppression and domination and the commentary
of experts, these terms should be understood to require the systematic, prolonged, and cruel
treatment by one racial group of members of another with the intention to control the second racial group.
To interpret the term “systematic” in the general definition of crimes against humanity, the ICC,
international criminal tribunals, has used terms such as “non-accidental repetition”,
“following a regular
“continuous commission of crimes”,
and “the organised nature of the acts of violence and
the improbability of their random occurrence”.
The word must be read to have the same meaning in the
definition of the crime of apartheid, requiring an element of organization and planning in relation to the
commission of the crime, which is reinforced by the requirement of the existence of a regime.
44. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(h).
45. Apartheid Convention, Article 2.
46. Kai Ambos and others, “Article 7 – Crimes against humanity” (previously cited), p. 284.
47. Carola Lingaas, “The Crime against Humanity of Apartheid in a Post-Apartheid World” (previously cited), pp. 86, 99.
48. ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Case ICC-01/09, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on
the Authorization of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Kenya, 31 March 2010, para. 96; ICC,
Prosecutor v. Katanga and
Case ICC-01/04-01/07, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, 30 September 2008, para. 397.
49. Quoting, among others, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY),
Prosecutor v. Blaškić,
Case IT-95-14,
Appeals Chamber judgment, 29 July 2004, para. 101; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial
Chamber judgment, 22 February 2001, para. 580, and Appeals Chamber judgment, 12 June 2002, para. 94; and the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR),
Prosecutor v. Akayesu,
Case ICTR-96-4, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 September 1998, para. 580.
50. ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Akayesu,
Case ICTR-96-4, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 September 1998, para. 580. It should be noted, however,
that the court refers to this as the “conventional definition” of a racial group rather than expressly endorsing it.
51. Quoting, among others, ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana,
Case ICTR-95-1, Trial Chamber judgment, 21 May 1999, para.
123; and ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kordić and Čerkez,
Case IT-95-14/2, Trial Chamber judgment, 26 February 2001, para. 17.
52. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Mrkšić and Others,
Case IT-95-13/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 27 September 2007, para. 437; ICTY,
Prosecutor v.
Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 February 2001, para. 429; ICC,
Prosecutor v. Harun and
Case ICC-02/05-01/07, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision on the Prosecution Application under Article 58(7) of the Statute, 29 April
2007, para. 62 (citing ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kordić and Čerkez,
Case IT-95-14/2, Appeals Chamber judgment, 17 December 2004, para. 94,
which in turn cites
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 February 2001, para.
429). See also ICC,
Prosecutor v. Ruto and Sang,
Case ICC-01/09-01/11, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges
Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome Statute, 23 January 2012, para. 179; ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Case ICC-
01/09, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorization of an Investigation into the Situation
in the Republic of Kenya, 31 March 2010, para. 96; ICC,
Prosecutor v. Katanga and Ngudjolo,
Case ICC-01/04-01/07, Pre-Trial Chamber,
Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, 30 September 2008, para. 394. See also ILC,
Report of the International Law Commission,
August 2019,
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The element of an “institutionalized regime” of systematic oppression and domination may entail a wide
range of discriminatory and exclusionary laws, policies and practices that are imposed by the state or,
in certain circumstances, an armed group for the purpose of maintaining domination (or control) by one
racial group over any other racial group or groups. Indeed, “it is this institutionalized element, involving a
state-sanctioned regime of law, policy, and institutions, that distinguishes the practice of apartheid from
other forms of prohibited discrimination.”
A regime in this context is understood to refer to “a method or
system of organising or doing [something]”.
Consequently, apartheid consists of a system of prolonged
and cruel
discriminatory treatment by one racial group of members of another with the intention to
control the second racial group. While the discriminatory treatment must be organized and planned to the
extent that it must not merely be the repetition of incidental and unlinked human rights violations, there
is no need for an expressly adopted plan to subject one racial group to oppression and domination. This
policy element can thus be inferred from the conduct of the perpetrators.
The concept of distinct human races has been discredited and it is recognized that all human beings
make up one biological race.
Nevertheless, states, peoples and individuals continue to discriminate
against other nations, peoples and individuals based on socially constructed understandings of racial
differences, and it is this unjust prejudicial treatment that international law prohibits. Thus, while there is
no objective distinction between different racial groups, international law prohibits discrimination against
others based on perceived membership of racial groups. To enforce this law, courts will be called upon to
explain and apply subjective understandings of manufactured differences.
Although the prohibition and criminalization of the system of apartheid arose in South Africa, the
conventions and treaties that condemn, prohibit and criminalize it are drafted in a universal manner.
Nevertheless, some scholars have argued that reference should be made to the definition of race in South
effectively arguing that race should be synonymous with colour. However, even within the South
African apartheid regime culture was considered an important determinant of “race”.
53. John Dugard and John Reynolds, “Apartheid, International Law, and the Occupied Palestinian Territory” (previously cited), p. 881.
54. Kai Ambos and others, “Article 7 - Crimes against humanity” in
The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary
(previously cited), p. 264.
55. Carola Lingaas, “The Crime against Humanity of Apartheid” (previously cited), pp. 86, 99.
56. See section 4.4 “Crimes against humanity” and ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Tadić,
Case IT-94-1, Trial Chamber, Opinion and Judgment, 7
May 1997, para. 653 (holding that “if the acts occur on a widespread or systematic basis that demonstrates a policy to commit those acts,
whether formalized or not”). See also
Prosecutor v. Bemba,
Case ICC-01/05-01/08, Decision to Hold a Hearing Pursuant to Rule 118(3) of
the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, 15 June 2009, para. 81.
57. Carola Lingaas, “Jewish Israeli and Palestinians as distinct ‘racial groups’ within the meaning of the crime of apartheid?”, 6 July 2021,
58. See, for example, ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Jelisić,
Case IT-95-10, Trial Chamber judgment, 14 December 1999: “… to attempt to define a…
racial group today using objective and scientifically irreproachable criteria would be a perilous exercise whose result would not necessarily
correspond to the perception of the persons concerned by such categorisation. Therefore, it is more appropriate to evaluate the status
of a… racial group from the point of view of those persons who wish to single that group out from the rest of the community. The Trial
Chamber consequently elects to evaluate membership in a… racial group using a subjective criterion. It is the stigmatisation of a group as
a distinct… racial unit by the community which allows it to be determined whether a targeted population constitutes a… racial group in the
eyes of the alleged perpetrators.”
59. Steven Ratner and others,
Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy,
3rd edition,
2009, p. 126. Neither the Apartheid Convention nor the Rome Statute defines the term “racial group”. Indeed, reference to the preparatory
work for the Apartheid Convention confirms the approach of leaving the definition of race to relational and contextual analysis. UNGA,
Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination: Draft Convention on the suppression and punishment of the crime of apartheid – Note by
the Secretary-General, 14 September 1972, UN Doc. A/8768,
60. See, for example, A. B. du Preez, as quoted by Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(cited previously).
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Indeed, while it appears that in the definition of race in South Africa skin colour was one factor it was not
the only way in which the dominant group identified individuals in other racial groups for discrimination.
Further, the term “black” was used, both within South Africa and within the international community in its
response to the crimes committed in South Africa, to refer to all those groups that suffered the oppression of
apartheid (defined broadly and including so-called “Asian”, “coloured” and “native” people).
The concepts
of “race” or “racial group” in South African law were used as subjective tools of oppression and do not
establish the basis of a universal definition of the terms, the meaning of which will depend on the context (as
seen below).
Accepting that the definitions under historic South African law give little assistance in understanding the
concept of “racial group” under international law, and turning to international law itself, neither public
international law nor international human rights law defines the concept of a racial group. International
human rights law instruments have, instead, dealt more broadly with “racial discrimination”. The ICERD
defines “racial discrimination” to mean:
… any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or
ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or
exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic,
social, cultural or any other field of public life.
In the Namibia case, the International Court of Justice also adopted the broader understanding of racial
discrimination. In condemning South Africa’s enforcement of apartheid in Namibia, the court stated:
To establish instead, and to enforce, distinctions, exclusions, restrictions and limitations exclusively
based on grounds of race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin which constitute a denial of
fundamental human rights is a flagrant violation of the purposes and principles of the Charter.
These definitions therefore allow an understanding of race as a social construct that encompass issues such
as “colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin”.
CERD has held that racial discrimination as defined in the
convention covers a wider range of identities to include “caste” and “nationality”,
although the International
Court of Justice has held that “national origin” in the ICERD must be interpreted more narrowly to “denote…
a person’s bond to a national… group at birth”.
Thus, when defining apartheid under international human
rights law or public international law, any systematic denial of fundamental rights arising from distinctions,
exclusions, restrictions and limitations (or any institutionalized regime of oppression and domination) based
solely on “colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin” would constitute the international wrong of apartheid.
61. See an analysis of the often contradictory apartheid laws on this in Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(previously cited), p. 159. See also Carola Lingaas, “Jewish Israeli and Palestinians as distinct ‘racial groups’ within the meaning of the
crime of apartheid?” (previously cited).
62. Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(previously cited), p. 158. At the same time “white” was used by the
regime in South Africa to define all those who benefited from the system of apartheid, collapsing existing distinctions and demonstrating an
evolution of this term within the system of oppression and domination as developed in the country.
63. ICERD, Article1(1).
64. ICJ, Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security
Council Resolution 276 (1970), advisory opinion, 21 June 1971, para. 131.
65. Indeed, in South Africa the definition of race went beyond colour to include concepts such as culture. See Carola Lingaas,
Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(previously cited): “Individuals were categorised on the basis of their appearance, social
acceptance, and descent (or blood, as it commonly was called), the purpose being to define their individual social, economic, and political
66. See, for example, CERD, Report:
Admissibility of the Inter-State Communication submitted by Qatar against Saudi Arabia,
30 August
2019, UN Doc. CERD/C/99/6; and CERD, Concluding Observations: India, 5 May 2007, UN Doc. CERD/C/IND/CO/19, para. 8; CERD,
General Recommendation XXX on Discrimination against Non-citizens, 1 October 2002; CERD, General Recommendation XXIX on Article 1,
Paragraph 1, of the Convention (Descent), 1 November 2002.
67. The ICJ has held: “The Court observes that the definition of racial discrimination in the Convention includes ‘national or ethnic origin’.
These references to ‘origin’ denote, respectively, a person’s bond to a national or ethnic group at birth, whereas nationality is a legal
attribute which is within the discretionary power of the State and can change during a person’s lifetime... The Court notes that the other
elements of the definition of racial discrimination, as set out in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, namely race, colour and descent,
are also characteristics that are inherent at birth…” ICJ, Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination (Qatar
v. UAE),
Preliminary Objections, judgment, 4 February 2021.
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Turning to international criminal law, the situation is equally complicated. The Apartheid Convention and the
Rome Statute both provide that the crime of apartheid relates specifically to the systematic oppression and
domination by “one racial group over any other racial group or groups” with the knowledge and intention
of maintaining that regime. However, the term “racial group” has not been defined in either of these
An initial point here is the link between international human rights law and international criminal law.
The Apartheid Convention invokes the ICERD in its preamble, and thus the understanding of race and
racial discrimination as defined in the ICERD may be relevant to the interpretation of the same term in the
Apartheid Convention,
even if caution is called for to ensure compliance with the requirements of legality,
foreseeability and specificity in the interpretation of international criminal law.
Further, the drafters of the
Rome Statute would have been influenced by the meaning of “racial groups” in the Genocide Convention, by
the understanding in the Apartheid Convention and by the more subjective understanding of race and “racial
group” that had been accepted by both international criminal tribunals and international human rights
mechanisms by the late 1990s.
It is therefore likely that a court applying the definitions in either the Rome
Statute or the Apartheid Convention would give a broad definition to “racial groups”.
International criminal tribunals and courts have discussed and interpreted the term “racial group” in the
context of other crimes (such as genocide) under international law.
The jurisprudence has not been
altogether consistent and has recognized the difficulty in conclusively defining “racial groups”. Initially, there
were attempts to provide a definition of a “racial group” in a way that is largely “objective”, for instance as
“based on the hereditary physical traits often identified with a geographical region, irrespective of linguistics,
cultural, national or religious factors”.
However, international courts later acknowledged that membership of
68. Carola Lingaas recognizes in
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(previously cited) that international human rights law
may assist in the interpretation of international criminal law but argues that the ICERD definition of race would be too broad (noting the
circular definition of race as including “race, colour, descent, and national and ethnic origin”). She relies on Steven Ratner and others,
Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy
(previously cited), p. 126; and Corsin
The Concept of Group Rights in International Law: Groups as Contested Right-Holders, Subjects and Legal Persons,
2012, p. 103.
Other scholars have emphasized the links between the concepts in international human rights law and international criminal law and
advocated adopting the ICERD definition to explain “racial groups” in the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. John Dugard and
John Reynolds, “Apartheid, International Law, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories” (previously cited), p. 886; UN Economic and Social
Commission on West Asia (ESCWA),
Israeli Practices Towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid: Palestine and the
Israeli Occupation,
March 2017, UN Doc. E/ ESCWA/ECRI/2017/1; Evelyne Schmid,
Taking Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Seriously
in International Criminal Law,
2015, p. 142.
69. See Carola Lingaas, “Jewish Israeli and Palestinians as distinct ‘racial groups’ within the meaning of the crime of apartheid?”
(previously cited), which raises the concern that too broad a definition of “racial groups” in the international criminal law context could
violate the principle of legality (particularly related to the requirement of foreseeability). However, the jurisprudence of both international
criminal courts and international human rights bodies leads to a definition of “racial group” as a social construct with possible overlap
with colour, descent, national or ethnic origin, while being primarily a subjective question in the eyes of the perpetrator. Indeed, the
ICTY has cautioned against any attempt to disentangle “national, ethnical, racial or religious groups” as the list appears in the Genocide
Convention since the prohibition appeared aimed at what was recognized before the Second World War as “national minorities” and that
any “attempt to differentiate each of the named groups on the basis of scientifically objective criteria would thus be inconsistent with
the object and purpose of the Convention”. See ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Krstić,
Case IT-98-33, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 August 2001. This
holistic understanding of race and racial discrimination appears to have influenced the drafting of the ICERD and must be the basis of an
interpretation of the Apartheid Convention.
70. See, for example, ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Jelisić,
Case IT-95-10, Trial Chamber judgment, 14 December 1999, para. 70; and ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Blagojević and Jokić,
Case IT-02-60, Trial Chamber judgment, 17 January 2005, para. 667.
71. See, for instance, the discussion in Carola Lingaas, “Imagined Identities: Defining the Racial Group in the Crime of Genocide”,
Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal, June 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1, It is
noteworthy that the Apartheid Convention was modelled on the Genocide Convention and neither treaty defines “racial group”. See Steven
Ratner and others,
Accountability for Human Rights Atrocities in International Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy
(previously cited), p.
126; and Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(previously cited), p. 156.
72. ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Akayesu,
Case ICTR-96-4, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 September 1998, para. 514. It should be noted that the
phrase “often identified with” introduces an element of subjectivity. In addition, the decision is much criticized. International law expert
William Schabas, for example, has noted that the understanding of race expressed in this decision was at odds with the understanding of
race that was prevalent in 1948 when the Genocide Convention was adopted (which was much broader and would have included “national,
ethnic, and even religious minorities”). See William Schabas, “Groups Protected by the Genocide Convention: Conflicting Interpretations
from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”, June 2000, ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, Volume 6, Issue
2, Indeed, in 1948 the term “racial group” would have included groups such as Germans,
Poles and the Jews. See Diane Marie Amann, “Group Mentality, Expressivism, and Genocide”, January 2002, International Criminal
Law Review, Volume 2, Issue 2, p. 98. In fact, in the context of crimes committed by Nazi Germany, a number of courts considered that
Jews constituted a racial group. See, for example, British Military Court,
United Kingdom v. Kramer and Others
(“Belsen Trial”), 1947, 2
L.R.T.W.C. I, para. 106.
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a racial group is largely “a subjective rather than objective concept”.
As a result, international courts have
increasingly (though not always consistently) referred to such groups in terms of perceptions, at times by
victims but more often by perpetrators, since it is the latter that determine who is to be victimized, and on a
case-by-case basis.
Racial groups can therefore be considered as groups “who are perceived as being different and possibly
inferior by other groups on account of particular physical and/or cultural attributes”.
This position has been
summarized as follows: “the question of race is connected to the labelling and stigmatisation of members
of a group, singled out by the perpetrator as targets of his criminal acts. The perpetrator dominates a group
he considers and treats as inferior.”
Thus, “if a group is perceived and treated as a distinct racial group, it
would qualify as a racial group in the meaning of the crime of apartheid.”
It is this subjective understanding of “racial groups” that is applied by Amnesty International in this report
with regard to the crime against humanity of apartheid.
Crimes against humanity are offences committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed
against a civilian population pursuant to, or in furtherance of, a state or organizational policy.
against humanity are among the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a
whole. These crimes constitute crimes under international law, and as such are criminal wherever they are
committed, whether or not they are criminal under domestic law, and whether or not the state concerned
has ratified the Rome Statute. They are prohibited during war or peace. Since the crime of apartheid under
international law is defined as a crime against humanity, those requirements of crimes against humanity
developed under conventional and customary international law must apply.
Four legal requirements are common to all crimes against humanity:
the underlying offence must be committed as part of a “widespread or systematic attack”;
the attack must be “directed against the civilian population”;
73. ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Rutaganda,
Case ICTR-96-3, Trial Chamber judgment, 26 May 2003, para. 56; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Jelisić,
IT-95-10, Appeals Chamber judgment, 14 December 1999, para. 70. See also Carola Lingaas, “The Crime against Humanity of Apartheid in
a Post-Apartheid World” (previously cited), pp. 86-115.
74. ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Bagilishema,
Case ICTR-95-1A, Trial Chamber judgment, 7 June 2001, para. 65; ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Nahimana
and Others,
Case ICTR-99-52, Appeals Chamber judgment, 28 November 2007, para. 496; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Brđanin,
Case IT-99-36-T,
Trial Chamber judgment, 1 September 2004, para. 683. In
the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber used terms such as “policy to attack
civilians perceived to be non-Hema” and “those perceived to be
rather than “objective” descriptions of victim groups. See
Prosecutor v. Ntaganda,
Case ICC-01/04-02/06, ICC Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision Pursuant to Article 61(7)(a) and (b) of the Rome
Statute on the Charges of the
Prosecutor Against Bosco Ntaganda,
9 June 2014, paras 19-21. However, in the ICC’s
Prosecutor v. Al Bashir
case, the Pre-Trial Chamber appeared to adopt a more “objective” approach, although it stated that it need not go into the objective-
subjective debate. Prosecutor v. Al Bashir, Case ICC-02/05-01/09, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision on the Prosecution’s Application for a
Warrant of Arrest against Omar Al-Bashir, 4 March 2009, paras 136-137 and footnote 52. See also the Partly Dissenting Opinion of Judge
Anita Ušacka in the latter case, paras 24-26.
75. Walter Kälin and Jörg Künzli,
The Law of International Human Rights Protection,
2009, p. 369.
76. Carola Lingaas
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(previously cited), p. 164.
77. Carola Lingaas, “The Crime against Humanity of Apartheid in a Post-Apartheid World” (previously cited), pp. 101-102.
78. Rome Statute, Article 7(1).
79. Rome Statute, Article 7(1); Apartheid Convention, Article II,
80. The term “population”, in the definition of crimes against humanity, has been interpreted to imply the “collective nature of the crime
as an attack upon multiple victims”. See ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Case ICC-01/09, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision Pursuant to
Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorization of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Kenya, 31 March 2010, para.
Prosecutor v. Bemba,
Case ICC-01/05-01/08, Decision to Hold a Hearing Pursuant to Rule 118(3) of the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence, 15 June 2009, para. 77; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 22
February 2001, para. 424; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Tadić,
Case IT-94-1, Trial Chamber, Opinion and Judgment, 7 May 1997, para. 644. See also
Prosecutor v. Gotovina and Others,
Case IT-06-90, Trial Chamber judgment, volume II, 15 April 2011, para. 1704, where the court
held that “population” means that “enough individuals were targeted in the course of the attack, or that they were targeted in such a way”
as to make it clear that the victims were more than just “a limited and randomly selected number of individuals” who were targeted, but
that this does not require an attack against the “entire population” or all members of the population.
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the underlying offence must be carried out with knowledge of the attack; and
the attack must be carried out as part of state or organizational policy.
These general requirements establish the context in which specific prohibited acts must take place for them
to be considered crimes against humanity. In addition, each specific crime against humanity requires proof
of additional elements related to the specific underlying offence. Thus, with respect to the crime against
humanity of apartheid, in addition to these general requirements, further requirements include the existence
of a regime of systematic oppression and domination (see section 4.2 “Institutionalized regime of systematic
oppression and domination”), of one racial group over another or others (see section 4.3 “Oppression and
domination of a racial group”) and the commission of inhuman or inhumane acts (see section 4.5 “Inhuman
and inhumane acts”) with the specific intention to maintain (under the Rome Statute), or to establish or
maintain (under the Apartheid Convention), this regime of systematic oppression and domination (see
section 4.6 “Special intent”).
An attack does not need to be both widespread and systematic; an attack that is either widespread or
systematic will suffice. International criminal case law has helped to define what is required for an attack
to be considered widespread or systematic. While one factor involved in determining whether an attack
is widespread is the number of victims or magnitude of the acts,
the term can also have a geographical
The term “widespread” has been interpreted by various international criminal tribunals to
refer to a “multiplicity of victims”, and to exclude isolated acts of violence and can have a geographical
The ICC Pre-Trial Chamber has indicated that the assessment of whether an act is widespread
“is neither exclusively quantitative nor geographical, but must be carried out on the basis of the individual
Therefore, an attack may be “widespread” due to the cumulative effect of multiple inhumane acts or
the result of a single inhumane act of great magnitude.
The term “systematic” means that the crimes and other prohibited acts have been committed in an
organized manner and that it is unlikely they are merely random events.
International courts have
commonly held that the systematic threshold is met when there are “[p]atterns of crimes – that is, the
nonaccidental repetition of similar criminal conducted on a regular basis”.
“Attack directed against any civilian population” is defined in Article 7(2)(a) of the Rome Statute as “a
course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in [Article 7(1)] against any civilian
population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a state or organizational policy to commit such attack.”
jurisprudence of the international criminal tribunals has made it clear that there is no requirement for a
81. See ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Akayesu,
Case ICTR-96-4, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 September 1998, para. 579; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kordić
and Čerkez,
Case IT-95-14/2, Trial Chamber judgment, 26 February 2001, para. 179; ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana,
ICTR-95-1, Trial Chamber judgment, 21 May 1999, para. 123.
82. ILC, Yearbook
of the International Law Commission 2019,
Supplement No. 10, UN Doc. A/74/10, paras 12 and 13. The ICC has held
that an assessment of the quantitative and geographic facts will depend on the facts of each case: ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya,
Case ICC-01/09, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorization of an Investigation into the
Situation in the Republic of Kenya, 31 March 2010, para. 95. See also ICC,
Prosecutor v. Bemba,
Case ICC-01/05-01/08, Trial Chamber,
Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute, 21 March 2016, para. 163.
83. ILC,
Yearbook of the International Law Commission 2019,
Supplement 10, UN Doc. A/74/10, paras 12 and 13.
84. ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Case ICC-01/09, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on
the Authorization of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Kenya, 31 March 2010, para. 95. See also ICC,
Prosecutor v.
Case ICC-01/05-01/08, Trial Chamber, Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute, 21 March 2016, para. 163.
85. ILC,
Yearbook of the International Law Commission 1996,
Volume II, Part Two, para. 4 of the commentary to Article 18 of the draft
Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind, p. 47.
86. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 February 2001, para. 429. See
also ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Blaškić,
Case IT-95-14, Trial Chamber judgment, 3 March 2000, para. 203; and ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Akayesu,
ICTR-96-4, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 September 1998, para. 580.
87. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 February 2001, para. 429. See
also ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Tadić,
Case IT-94-1, Trial Chamber, Opinion and Judgment, 7 May 1997, para. 648.
88. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(a)
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military attack, and that ill-treatment of the civilian population may suffice.
The term “directed” emphasizes
the intention of the attack rather than the physical result of the attack,
meaning that “civilians” are the
primary intended targets of the attack rather than incidental victims.
It is rare for governments to express a policy to direct an attack at the civilian population. Thus, the policy
element is generally implied from the organized nature of the attack,
especially when the crimes consist
of “repeated actions occurring according to a same sequence, or… [follow] preparations or collective
mobilisation orchestrated and coordinated by that State or organisation.”
In the context of the crime against humanity of apartheid the existence of a system of oppression and
domination of one racial group over another would appear by its nature to satisfy the requirement that the
underlying inhuman or inhumane act be committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed
against the civilian population.
Individuals are criminally responsible for crimes against humanity when they commit any of the underlying
offences, as long as they have a degree of knowledge about the contextual elements of the crime. Notably,
perpetrators must have known that their actions were part of a widespread or systematic attack.
an individual does not need to be personally responsible for the actual widespread or systematic attack to
be found guilty; a single act can be sufficient if – and only if – it is carried out in the context of a broader
attack of which the perpetrator was aware.
Individuals, whether civilian or military, can be held criminally
responsible for crimes against humanity for committing, co-perpetrating, indirectly perpetrating, planning,
ordering, or aiding and abetting these crimes, as well as for command responsibility.
It is not required that all members of a civilian population (or racial group) be a target of or subject to
inhuman or inhumane acts. International tribunals have interpreted the term “population”, in the definition of
crimes against humanity, to refer to the “collective nature of the crime as an attack upon multiple victims”
and is more than just “a limited and randomly selected number of individuals”,
but not necessarily the
89. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Perišić,
Case IT-04-81, Trial Chamber judgment, 6 September 2011, para. 82. See also ICTY,
Prosecutor v.
Gotovina and Others,
Case IT-06-90, Trial Chamber judgment, volume II, 15 April 2011, para. 1702; ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Semanza,
Judgment, Case ICTR-97-20, 15 May 2003, para. 327. See also ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1,
Appeals Chamber judgment, 12 June 2002, para. 86.
90. See, for example, ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Blaškić,
Case IT-95-14, Trial Chamber judgment, 3 March 2000, para. 208, footnote 401.
91. See, for example, ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 February 2001,
para. 421: “The expression ‘directed against’ specifies that in the context of a crime against humanity the civilian population is the primary
object of the attack”.
92. ICC, Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, Case ICC-02/11-01/11, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, 12 June 2014, para. 216. The court
held (para. 215) that “an attack which is planned, directed or organised – as opposed to spontaneous or isolated acts of violence – will
satisfy the policy criterion, and there is no requirement that the policy be formally adopted.” The court noted that “… evidence of planning,
organisation or direction by a State or organisation may be relevant to prove both the policy and the systematic nature of the attack,
although the two concepts should not be conflated.”
93. ICC,
Prosecutor v. Katanga,
Case ICC-01/04-01/07, Trial Chamber, Judgment Pursuant to Article 74 of the Statute, para. 1109. See
also ICC,
Prosecutor v. Bemba,
Case ICC-01/05-01/08, Decision to Hold a Hearing Pursuant to Rule 118(3) of the Rules of Procedure and
Evidence, 15 June 2009, para. 81: “The requirement of ‘a State or organizational policy’ implies that the attack follows a regular pattern.
Such a policy may be made by groups of persons who govern a specific territory or by any organization with the capability to commit a
widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population. The policy need not be formalised. Indeed, an attack which is planned,
directed or organized - as opposed to spontaneous or isolated acts of violence - will satisfy this criterion.”
94. Rome Statute, Article 7(1). See also ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kupreškić and Others,
Case IT-95-16, ICTY Trial Chamber judgment, 14
January 2000, para. 556: (“the requisite
mens rea
for crimes against humanity appears to be comprised by (1) the intent to commit the
underlying offence, combined with (2) knowledge of the broader context in which that offence occurs.”). See also ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Tadić,
Case IT-94-1, Appeals Chamber judgment, 15 July 1999, para. 271; ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Kayishema and Ruzindana,
Case ICTR-95-1, Trial
Chamber judgment, 21 May 1999, paras 133-34.
95. See Antonio Cassese and Paola Gaeta,
Cassese’s International Criminal Law,
3rd edition, Chapter 5.
96. See Antonio Cassese and Paola Gaeta,
Cassese’s International Criminal Law,
3rd edition, Chapter 5.
97. See ICC, Situation in the Republic of Kenya, Case ICC-01/09, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute
on the Authorization of an Investigation into the Situation in the Republic of Kenya, 31 March 2010, para. 82;
Prosecutor v. Bemba,
Case ICC-01/05-01/08, Decision to Hold a Hearing Pursuant to Rule 118(3) of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, 15 June 2009,
para. 77; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 February 2001, para.
424; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Tadić,
Case IT-94-1, Trial Chamber, Opinion and Judgment, 7 May 1997, para. 644. See also ILC,
Yearbook of
the International Law Commission 1994,
Volume II, Part Two, p. 40, para. 14: “the definition of crimes against humanity encompasses
inhumane acts of a very serious character involving widespread or systematic violations aimed at the civilian population in whole or in part.”
98. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Kunarac and Others,
Case IT-96-23 and IT-96-23/1, Appeals Chamber judgment, 12 June 2002, para. 90.
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“entire population”. As such, the system of oppression and domination may be achieved by targeting only
part of the group, and subgroups may experience the system of segregation and domination in different ways.
The “inhuman acts” defined under Article II of the Apartheid Convention and the “inhumane acts”
enumerated under Article 7(1) of the Rome Statute constitute the physical element, or factual
circumstances, of the crime against humanity of apartheid, which include the commission of any of the
listed acts as long as the contextual elements are present. While the Apartheid Convention uses the term
“inhuman” and the Rome Statute uses the term “inhumane”, there is no reason to view the two as distinct.
In defining crimes under the Rome Statute, its drafters consistently sought to reflect and reproduce the
definitions of existing crimes under existing international treaties rather than create new ones.
There is no
indication that their intention was different in the case of the crime of apartheid. The drafters of the Rome
Statute were clearly aware of the Apartheid Convention, even “copying and pasting” some of its language.
When determining which “other inhumane acts” are of such similarity to the prohibited acts under Article
7(1) of the Rome Statute so as to constitute the crime of apartheid, it is logical that these acts should
include those that constitute the crime of apartheid under Article II of the Apartheid Convention,
a position
supported by several legal scholars
and one that a reasonable court is likely to adopt.
Therefore, when
interpreting the list of inhumane acts listed in Article 7(1) for the crime against humanity of apartheid, this
report includes the list of inhuman acts from the Apartheid Convention.
The crime of apartheid under customary international law, the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute
requires the special intent to establish or maintain
a system of racial oppression and domination, in
addition to the general knowledge of the commission of the crime required in all crimes against humanity
under the Rome Statute. The mental element (mens rea) of the crime of apartheid is that the perpetrator
99. For instance, the definition of the crime of genocide (Article 8) reproduces, mostly word for word, the definition of the crime under
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (adopted by UNGA Resolution 260 A (III) on 9 December
1948, entered into force on 12 January 1951). The same is true of the list of war crimes (Article 8), which by and large reproduces “grave
breaches” under the four 1949 Geneva Conventions and their two Additional Protocols.
100. The phrase “domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups” in Article 7(2)(h) of the Rome Statute was copied
from Article II(c) of the Apartheid Convention.
101. In other words, “inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or
physical health” (Rome Statute, Article 7(1)(k)), which in the specific circumstances constitute the crime against humanity of apartheid
(Rome Statute, Article 7(1)(j)).
102. Gerhard Werle and Florian Jessberger,
Principles of International Criminal Law
(previously cited), p. 384; Kai Ambos and others,
“Article 7 – Crimes against humanity” (previously cited), p. 284; Carola Lingaas, “The Crime against Humanity of Apartheid in a Post-
Apartheid World” (previously cited), pp. 96-97. Further, the provision in Article 7(2)(h) of the Rome Statute that defines “apartheid”
indicates that the “inhumane acts” constituting apartheid must be “of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1 [of Article 7]”
rather than specifying that they must be limited to precisely such acts, and therefore confirms that the definition includes acts not contained
within the strict confines of paragraph 1. See, for example, Mark Klamberg (editor),
Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal
2017,, p. 59. In addition, the list of inhumane acts in Article 7(1) is open as it includes “other inhumane acts” in
Article 7(1)(k).
103. Indeed, one of the inhumane acts proscribed as a crime against humanity in Article 7 of the Rome Statute is the crime of persecution,
which is defined as “the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of
the group or collectivity”, and as such matches the more extensive list in the Apartheid Convention. See Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion”
(previously cited), para. 23.
104. Under the Rome Statute the special intent is to maintain the system; an intention to establish such a regime would not be sufficient.
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committed inhuman or inhumane acts “with the intention of maintaining that regime”,
or “for the purpose
of establishing and maintaining domination”
in a “calculated” manner”,
and more generally committing
acts “with intent and knowledge”.
The legal requirement of “intent” in the Rome Statute provides that
each perpetrator means to “engage in the conduct” and “to cause [a] consequence or is aware that it will
occur in the ordinary course of events”.
Intent here must not be understood to imply motive,
especially not a requirement of racial hatred or
animosity. The intent required relates merely to creating or maintaining the system. This intent may be
the ultimate goal or it may be incidental to or seen as necessary to achieve some other goal.
While in
some cases the intention to create and maintain a system of oppression and domination will be explicit,
in most cases the special intent will need to be inferred from the facts. Indeed, in the context of genocide,
international tribunals have had to infer intent in a number of cases where it was not explicit, and it has held
that, while this must be done with care,
specific intent “may, in the absence of direct explicit evidence, be
inferred from a number of facts and circumstances”. These include “the general context, the perpetration
of other culpable acts systematically directed against the same group, the scale of atrocities committed, the
systematic targeting of victims on account of their membership of a particular group, or the repetition of
destructive and discriminatory acts.”
The condemnation, prohibition and criminalization of apartheid extend to situations of occupation.
One of
the key aims of the law of occupation is to enable the inhabitants of an occupied territory to live as “normal”
a life as possible, whilst allowing the occupying power to take measures strictly necessary to maintain order
and security.
In the words of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the occupying power
“has a duty to ensure the protection, security, and welfare of the people living under occupation and to
105. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(h).
106. Apartheid Convention, Article II,
107. Apartheid Convention, Article II(c).
108. Article 30 of the Rome Statute sets out the “mental element” of crimes under the Statute generally.
109. Rome Statute, Article 30(2)(b).
110. ICJ, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia
and Herzegovina v. Serbia and
judgment, 26 February 2007, para. 189.
111. Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion” (previously cited), para. 49. See also John Finnis, “Intention
and side effects”, in Intention and
Identity: Collected Essays Volume II,
2011, pp. 173, 176; and Andrew Ashworth and Jeremy Horder,
Principles of Criminal Law,
9th edition,
2019, p. 191.
112. ICJ, Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia
and Herzegovina v. Serbia and
judgment, 26 February 2007, paras 189, 373.
113. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Jelisić,
Case IT-95-10, Appeals Chamber judgment, 5 July 2001, para. 47.
114. For an analysis of the applicable international law to the OPT, see Amnesty International,
Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair
Access to Water
(Index: MDE 15/027/2009), 27 October 2009,; Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank (Index: MDE 15/002/2014), 27 February 2014,
115. The situation of belligerent occupation is partly governed by international humanitarian law, including specific provisions of the Hague
Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annexed Regulations respecting the Laws and Customs of War on
Land (Hague Regulations) of 18 October 1907; the Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War
of 12 August 1949; and customary rules of international humanitarian law applicable to belligerent occupation, including the rule protecting
persons in the power of a party to the conflict, detailed in Article 75 of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August
1949, and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I). The ICJ and UN human rights treaty bodies
have affirmed that an occupying power’s conduct in occupied territory is bound not only by international humanitarian law but also by its
obligations under the international human rights treaties that it has ratified, as well as customary rules of international human rights law.
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guarantee that they can live as normal a life as possible, in accordance with their own laws, culture, and
The Fourth Geneva Convention imposes specific obligations on an occupying power in relation to the
inhabitants of the occupied territory, who are entitled to special protection and humane treatment. The
occupying power is responsible for the welfare of the population under its control. Among other things, the
rules prohibit the occupying power from wilfully killing, ill-treating or transferring or deporting protected
persons. The occupying power is prohibited from settling its own civilians in the occupied territory. It is
strictly prohibited from depriving the occupied population of the protection of the Fourth Geneva Convention,
whether by annexation or other means.
While the law of occupation allows, and in some cases requires, differential treatment between nationals of
the occupying power and the population of the occupied territory,
it does not allow the occupying power to
do this where the intention is to establish or maintain a system of racial oppression and domination as to do
so would violate a peremptory norm of international law
(the prohibition of apartheid).
Further, Article 85(4)(c) of the Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and
Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) of 1977 lists “practices
and other inhuman and degrading practices involving outrages upon personal dignity, based
on racial discrimination”
as grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, when committed wilfully. The
commentary clarifies that it is not an “on the battlefield” violation but concerns acts prejudicial to the rights
of persons in the power of the enemy, which could include civilians, prisoners of war and other persons
de combat.
The war crime of apartheid will thus, among others things, be committed where an occupying
power establishes and maintains a system or regime of oppression and domination of the occupied
population as a racial group with the purpose of benefiting its nationals as a racial group.
Prohibited acts
perpetrated to maintain systems of apartheid when committed in territories under belligerent occupation
would therefore constitute both the crime against humanity of apartheid and the war crime of apartheid.
Apartheid as condemned by the ICERD and public international law constitutes the (creation and)
maintenance of a system or institutionalized regime of oppression and domination by one racial group over
another. In practice this means a system of laws, policies and practices that ensure the prolonged and cruel
discriminatory treatment by one racial group of members of another with the intention of controlling the
second racial group.
116. ICRC, “West Bank: Israel Must Abide by International Humanitarian Law”, 13 September 2018,
israel-must-abide-international-humanitarian-law. See also Hague Regulations, Article 43. However, there are some caveats to this
obligation, including that where the laws, cultures and traditions of the occupied people constitute a grave violation of international human
rights law, the occupying power may be under an obligation to change or prohibit these laws, cultures and traditions, and that failure to do
so may lead to its being held responsible. This obligation would include situations where the laws in place establish a regime or system of
apartheid; see Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion” (previously cited), paras 43 and 44.
117. See Hague Regulations, Article 43, and Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 64. The differential treatment is primarily required because
international humanitarian law prohibits the occupying power from applying its own laws to the population in the occupied territories and
therefore envisages different laws applying to its citizens and the population of the occupied territories.
118. ILC, Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus
Text of the Draft Conclusions and Draft Annex Provisionally Adopted
by the Drafting Committee on First Reading, 2019, UN Doc. A/CN.4/L.936, Draft Conclusion 2.
119. ILC, “Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, with commentaries”,
Yearbook of the International Law
2001, Volume II, Part Two, Commentary to Article 40, para. (4). See also Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion” (previously cited),
paras 56, 59 and 60.
120. The substantive elements of the war crime should be considered to be similar to the general prohibition of apartheid under
international law. See Miles Jackson, “Expert Opinion” (previously cited), para. 74; and Yves Sandoz and others (editors),
Commentary on
the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,
1987, para. 3511.
121. ICRC, Protocol I, Commentary, Article 85, para. 4.
122. See, for example, Miles Jackson “Expert Opinion” (previously cited), para. 74.
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The crime against humanity of apartheid under the Rome Statute and customary international law is
committed when (a) an inhuman or inhumane act, which is a serious human rights violation, (b) is
committed within the context of a system of laws, policies and practices that ensure the prolonged and cruel
discriminatory treatment by one racial group of another with the intention to control the second racial group,
(c) with the special intent of maintaining that system.
123. As seen above, the Rome Statute definition best reflects the definition of the crime against humanity under customary international law.
Since the crime of apartheid is a crime against humanity, these inhuman acts must be committed as part of a widespread or systematic
attack directed against the civilian population. This contextual element will be met in most situations where a system of oppression and
domination is in existence. Each individual perpetrator accused of the crime against humanity of apartheid will also need to have knowledge
of the attack but as this report does not consider individual criminal responsibility there has been no further analysis of this aspect.
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As outlined above, apartheid consists of a system of prolonged and cruel discriminatory treatment by one
racial group of members of another with the intention to control the second racial group. This chapter
examines the extent to which Israel has created such a system of oppression and domination over
Palestinians in all areas under its jurisdiction and effective control, as well as over Palestinian refugees
whose right of return to their homes remains controlled by Israel. It does so by first establishing Israel’s
intent to oppress and dominate all Palestinians by establishing its hegemony across Israel and the OPT,
including through means of demography, and maximizing resources for the benefit of its Jewish population
at the expense of Palestinians. It then analyses the laws, policies and practices which have, over time,
come to constitute the main tools for establishing and maintaining this system, and which discriminate
against and segregate Palestinians in Israel and the OPT today, as well as controlling Palestinian refugees’
right to return. It divides this analysis by the key components of this system of oppression and domination:
territorial fragmentation, segregation and control, dispossession of land and property and the suppression of
Palestinians’ human development and deprivation of their economic and social rights.
The chapter demonstrates how distinct but interlocking administrative and legal systems in different
geographic areas have controlled Palestinians’ legal status, deprived them of the right to nationality, placed
extreme restrictions on their freedom of movement, deprived them of political and civil rights equal to Jewish
Israelis, and precluded any possibility of them enjoying equality in access to land, property and resources.
These policies have had disastrous consequences for Palestinians and have deliberately prevented them
from fulfilling their human potential and accessing equal economic and social rights, further worsening
their situation. The chapter concludes that Israel has created a system of oppression and domination over
Palestinians in all areas under its effective control and over the rights of Palestinian refugees, which amounts
to apartheid as prohibited by public international law and international human rights law.
Israel’s system of control has been built and maintained over decades by successive Israeli
governments across all territories they have controlled, regardless of the political party in power at the
time. Indeed, Israel has subjected different groups of Palestinians to different sets of discriminatory and
exclusionary laws, policies and practices at different times, responding to the territorial gains it made
first in 1948 and then in 1967, when it annexed East Jerusalem and occupied the rest of the West Bank
and the Gaza Strip. Over decades, Israeli demographic and geopolitical considerations have shaped
policies towards Palestinians in each of these territorial domains in different ways. This means that,
today, Israel’s system of control is not applied uniformly across all areas.
Palestinians experience this
124. ESCWA,
Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid Palestine and the Israeli Occupation
(previously cited).
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system in different ways and face differing levels of repression based on their status and the area in which
they live.
Palestinian citizens of Israel are subject to Israeli civil laws, which allow them to vote in national elections
and, in general, afford them greater human rights protections than Palestinians living in the OPT,
but nonetheless deny them equal rights with Jewish Israelis (including to political participation) and
institutionalize discrimination against them. While Palestinians in annexed East Jerusalem also live under
Israeli civil laws, they can only vote in municipal elections, which they routinely boycott in protest at the
prolonged occupation, and have a fragile permanent residency status, which can be revoked on a number
of discriminatory grounds with devastating consequences for their human rights. On the other hand,
Palestinians in the rest of the West Bank remain subject to Israel’s military rule and draconian military
orders, while those in the Gaza Strip have been placed under an unlawful blockade and remain cut off,
under an official “separation” policy, from the rest of the occupied territories as well as the rest of the world,
without access to essential services. Finally, as stated above, Palestinian refugees displaced over the years
remain barred from returning to their land and their homes under discriminatory laws and policies, and
continue to be isolated from other Palestinians in what is today Israel and the OPT.
Israel’s rule over the OPT through military orders in the context of its occupation has given rise to a false
perception that the military regime in the OPT is separate from “the civil regime in annexed East Jerusalem
and pre-1967 Israel”.
This view ignores the fact that many elements of Israel’s repressive military system
in the OPT originate in Israel’s 18-year-long military rule over Palestinian citizens of Israel, imposed merely
months after the creation of the new state in May 1948.
Similarly, Israel extended many of its discriminatory
laws against Palestinians in Israel to Palestinians in the OPT through military orders “in most cases, by
replicating Israeli legislation”.
Perhaps most importantly, this view ignores the fact that the dispossession
of Palestinians in Israel continues today, with millions of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced people
barred from their right to return and denied restitution and compensation. While the human rights situation
of Palestinian citizens of Israel has generally improved since the end of the military rule over them, which
removed among other things stringent restrictions on movement, the discriminatory laws and policies they
were subjected to remain in force today and, crucially, the system that they created was never dismantled.
The full integration of West Bank settlements into Israel’s infrastructure, economy, education and court
systems also points to the existence of one system of oppression and domination. Israeli citizens can travel
unobstructed along major roads linking settlements in the West Bank with Israeli towns across the Green
Line, the demarcation line set out in the 1949 Armistice Agreements between Israel and its neighbours that
served as the de facto borders of the State of Israel until 1967, and the Israeli authorities provide heavy
subsidies, financial and tax incentives and low-cost utilities and resources to encourage Jewish Israelis to live
in settlements.
In addition, Israeli citizens living inside Israel sustain the settlement enterprise by working
or studying in settlements and by visiting attractions and businesses run by them. For both Israelis and
Palestinians across all territorial domains, the Israeli Supreme Court remains the court of final appeal.
To date, much of the analysis of the human rights situation faced by Palestinians in Israel and the OPT,
including by Amnesty International, has been limited by the existence of these separate legal regimes, and
has failed to address Israeli violations against the Palestinian people holistically, despite long-standing calls
by Palestinian activists and, more recently, some Israeli NGOs to change this approach. However, as noted in
125. Nathan Thrall, “The Separate Regime Delusion”, 21 January 2021, London Review of Books, Volume 43, No. 2,
126. Rania Muhareb, “Apartheid, the Green Line and the Need to Overcome Palestinian Fragmentation”, 7 July 2021, EJIL:Talk!,
127. Rania Muhareb, “Apartheid, the Green Line and the Need to Overcome Palestinian Fragmentation”, 7 July 2021, EJIL:Talk!,
128. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: A call to states to stop sustaining illegal settlements” (Index: MDE 15/6296/2017), 7 June 2017,
129. Nathan Thrall, “The Separate Regime Delusion”, 21 January 2021, London Review of Books, Volume 43, No. 2,
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a 2017 report by ESCWA, which concluded that Israel had “established an apartheid regime that dominates
the Palestinian people as a whole”, “the method of fragmentation” serves precisely “to obscure [the Israeli
apartheid] regime’s very existence”.
Indeed, as will be demonstrated in this chapter, Israeli policies aim to
fragment Palestinians into different geographic and legal domains of control not only to treat them differently,
or to segregate them, from the Jewish population, but also to treat them differently from each other in
order to weaken family, social and political ties between Palestinian communities, to suppress any form of
sustained dissent against the system they have created, and ensure more effective political and security
control over land and people across all territories.
Since its establishment in 1948, the State of Israel has pursued an explicit policy of establishing and
maintaining a Jewish demographic hegemony and maximizing its control over land to benefit Jewish Israelis
while minimizing the number of Palestinians and restricting their rights and obstructing their ability to
challenge this dispossession. In 1967, Israel extended this policy beyond the Green Line to the West Bank
and Gaza Strip, which it has occupied ever since. Today, all territories controlled by Israel continue to be
administered with the purpose of benefiting Jewish Israelis to the detriment of Palestinians, while Palestinian
refugees continue to be excluded.
Demographic considerations have from the outset guided Israeli legislation and policymaking. The
demography of the newly created state was to be changed to the benefit of Jewish Israelis, while Palestinians
– whether inside Israel or, later on, in the OPT – were perceived as a threat to establishing and maintaining
a Jewish majority, and as a result were to be expelled, fragmented, segregated, controlled, dispossessed of
their land and property and deprived of their economic and social rights.
In May 1948, the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel announced a Jewish state.
Although it guaranteed the right to “complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants”, this
has not been given full effect through legislation, and the right has not been guaranteed in the Basic Laws,
which act as constitutional documents in the absence of a written constitution. Across all the Basic Laws,
legal provisions on equality are subordinated to those that privilege Jewish Israelis and establish the State of
Israel as Jewish (see below).
At the same time as establishing Israel as a Jewish state, the 1948 Declaration appealed to Jewish people
around the world to immigrate to Israel and build the country. In 1950, Israel granted every Jew the right
to immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return, while two years later, every Jewish immigrant acquired the
right to automatic Israeli citizenship under the Nationality Law of 1952.
The Israeli authorities saw this
partly as a necessary measure to prevent another attempt to exterminate Jews in the wake of the Holocaust
and to provide shelter to Jews who faced persecution elsewhere in the world. In 1970, Israel amended the
Law of Return to extend these rights to the spouses as well as the children and grandchildren of any Jewish
Meanwhile, it pursued a clearly discriminatory policy against Palestinian refugees on racial and
130. ESCWA,
Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid Palestine and the Israeli Occupation
cited). The report was removed from ESCWA’s website shortly after publication following pressure by Israel and other UN member states.
See Reuters, “Senior U.N. official quits after ‘apartheid’ Israel report pulled”, 17 March 2017,
131. ESCWA,
Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid Palestine and the Israeli Occupation
132. State of Israel, Declaration of Establishment of State of Israel, 14 May 1948,
133. See section 5.3.1 “Denial of right to equal nationality and status”.
134. Law of Return (previously cited).
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national grounds. In order to maintain Jewish Israeli domination in the territories it controlled, Israel denied
the right to citizenship and residence to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians displaced during the 1947-
49 conflict or shortly after from land that became recognized as part of the State of Israel, and to hundreds
of thousands more displaced in 1967 from the OPT, as well as to their descendants.
Indeed, Israel considers the existence of the Palestinian refugee population as a potential threat to maintaining
a Jewish majority in Israel and therefore the continued existence of Israel as a Jewish state.
Under Article
3(a) of the Nationality Law of 1952, Israel conditioned the granting of Israeli citizenship to Palestinians on the
requirement that they must have continuously inhabited Israel from the day of its establishment on 14 May
1948 to the day the Nationality Law came into force in April 1952.
The Nationality Law effectively became
the basis for denying Palestinian refugees, and later their descendants, their right to gain Israeli citizenship
or residency status in Israel and thus their right to return to their former places of residence.
Palestinian refugees who left their homes during the 1947-49 conflict or shortly after and are now living in
the West Bank or the Gaza Strip are affected by the same laws and policies and are also prevented from
gaining citizenship or residency status in Israel. Coupled with the fact that Palestinian residents of East
Jerusalem are denied the right to vote, this ensures that Palestinians remain limited in terms of political
participation and their ability to challenge systemic discrimination and oppression, including by becoming an
electoral power.
Over the years Israel has passed laws with constitutional status that provide some protection of the right to
equality while simultaneously reiterating that the State of Israel is Jewish.
Israel has also enacted specific
laws, for example on equal opportunities at work
and equal opportunities for people with disabilities.
Other protections against discrimination have been put in place through decisions by the Supreme Court.
However, these decisions have focused on discrimination based on sex,
sexual orientation
distributive justice,
and have not removed discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel that is based
on their non-Jewish identity. This is due to a provision in the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty that
establishes the law’s purpose as one of protection of “human dignity and liberty, in order to establish in a
Basic Law the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.”
However, under Article 8
of the same Basic Law, the state’s Jewishness is a legal consideration that allows the state to limit the right
135. For a history of Israel’s perspective, see Jacob Tovy,
Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Issue: The Formulation of a Policy, 1948-1956,
2014. For an example of a specific statement, see American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Palestinian Refugees and the Right of
Return”, (accessed on 10 December 2021): “… during an August 9, 1949
meeting between AFSC employee Don Stevenson and Eliahu Elath, the Israeli Ambassador to the US… Stevenson asked Ambassador Elath
if Israel would accept the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes [and] Elath told him that Israel would not because ‘Israel would
commit suicide if she took back all the refugees.’” Amnesty International uses the term “Jewish state” following the terminology used by the
State of Israel since the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel in May 1948. The existing legal construction of Jewish identity
as the sole national identity of the State of Israel was enshrined in the 2018 Basic Law: Israel the Nation State of Jewish People, which
expressly does not recognize any other national identity (see box below).
136. State of Israel, Nationality Law, entered into force on 14 July 1952,
137. State of Israel, Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, 17 March 1992,
(in Hebrew), Section 1(a); Basic Law: Freedom of Occupation, passed on 3 March 1992, amended on 9 March 1994,
Activity/Legislation/Documents/yesod1.pdf (in Hebrew), Section 2(a).
138. State of Israel, Equal Opportunities at Work Law, 3 March 1988, amended multiple times, available at
p214m1_001.htm (in Hebrew).
139. State of Israel, Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law, 23 February 1998, available at
htm (in Hebrew).
140. State of Israel, High Court of Justice (HCJ),
Alice Miller v. Minister of Defense,
Case HCJ 4541/94, judgment, 8 November 1995, p. 94
(an unofficial English translation is available at
Defense.pdf). Israel’s Supreme Court sits as the High Court of Justice when it exercises judicial review over executive authorities.
141. HCJ,
El-Al Israel Airlines Ltd v. Jonathan Danielowitz and National Labour Court,
Case HCJ 721/94, judgment, 30 November 1994 (an
unofficial English translation is available at
142. HCJ,
New Discourse Association HaSiah HaHadash - Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow HaKeshet HaMizrahit v. Minister of National
Case HCJ 244/00, judgment, 29 August 2002, summarized at HaKeshet HaMizrahit,
תועקרקה קבאמ
[Struggle of the Lands], (in Hebrew, accessed on 30 August 2021).
143. State of Israel, Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, passed on 17 March 1992,
(in Hebrew) (an English translation is available at
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to equality and violate other rights that are protected within the Basic Law.
Attempts to amend the Basic
Laws to guarantee equality for Palestinian citizens of Israel have been unsuccessful, on the express grounds
that such attempts “seek to deny Israel’s existence as the state of the Jewish people”.
In 2018, Israel limited the right to equality and non-discrimination even further by enacting the 2018
Basic Law: Israel the Nation State of the Jewish People (see box below).
The law enshrined the existing
legal construction of Jewish identity as the sole national identity of the State of Israel. It expressly does not
recognize any other national identity,
affirms that the right of self-determination is exclusive “to the Jewish
and contains no protection of equality and non-discrimination. Instead, it protects and codifies
pre-existing discriminatory legislation and policies, encapsulated in the most salient aspects of Israel’s
regime of racial and national discrimination against not only its Palestinian citizens but also Palestinians
residing in the OPT. Israeli law thus establishes a superior “Jewish nationality” status that is distinct from
citizenship and the basis for differential treatment of Jewish and non-Jewish citizens.
On 19 July 2018, following extended debate, the Knesset passed Basic Law: Israel the Nation State
of the Jewish People,
which for the first time enshrined Israel exclusively as the “nation state of the
Jewish people” and constitutionally entrenched inequality and racial and national discrimination against
Palestinian and other non-Jewish citizens of Israel. The law, known informally as the nation state law,
is applicable to the territory of Israel and implicitly covers the OPT, especially under Article 7, which
enshrines the development of “Jewish settlement” in Israel as the “historical homeland of the Jewish
The law declares: “The exercise of the right to national self-determination in the state of Israel is
unique to the Jewish People” (Article 1). It also ascribes the symbols of the state, all of which are
Jewish in character (Article 2), and defines Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel (Article 3). The
law establishes Hebrew as the official language, while demoting the status of Arabic from an official
language to one with “special status” (Article 4).
The nation state law reiterates that Israel “shall be open for Jewish immigration” (Article 5), and shall
act, in the diaspora, to preserve the ties between the state and members of the Jewish people (Article
144. Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty (previously cited), Article 8. See also Aharon Barak (former Chief Justice of Israel’s Supreme
תיטרקומדו תידוהי הנידמכ לארשי תנידמ לש היכרע
[The Values of Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State], December 2012, Academia,
Volume 34, (in Hebrew).
145. Israel Democracy Institute,
:דוסי־קוח [Basic Law: Equality], November 2020,
(in Hebrew), p. 22. See also Haaretz, “Knesset Council Bans Bill to Define Israel as State for All Its Citizens”, 4 June 2018,;
State of Israel, Knesset Debates, Session 19 of the Joint Committee of the Knesset Committee and the Constitution, Law and Justice
Committee, the 20th Knesset on 16 July 2018, cited in Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (Adalah), Petition to
Israeli Supreme Court against the Nation-State Law, Case HCJ 5866/18, 7 August 2018 (an unofficial English translation is available at, p. 11; State of Israel, Knesset,
13 ,הנושאר
האירקל םואלה קוח תא הרשיא תפתושמה
March 2018, (in Hebrew).
146. Israel Democracy Institute,
Proposed Basic Law: Equality
(previously cited), p. 22.
147. Roselle Tekiner, “Race and the Issue of National Identity in Israel”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, February 1991,
Volume 23, Issue 1; Dov Waxman and Ilan Peleg, “The Nation-State Law and the Weakening of Israeli Democracy”, Fall 2020, Israel
Studies, Volume 25, Issue 3; Amal Jamal and Anna Kensicki. “Theorizing half-statelessness: a case study of the Nation-State Law in Israel”,
March 2020, Citizenship Studies, Volume 24, Issue 6.
148. State of Israel, Basic Law: Israel the Nation State of the Jewish People, passed on 18 July 2018,
Documents/yesod18.pdf (in Hebrew), Section 1(b) (an unofficial English translation is available at
149. Roselle Tekiner, “Race and the Issue of National Identity in Israel” (previously cited).
150. Basic Law: Israel the Nation State of the Jewish People (previously cited).
151. Adalah, “The Illegality of Article 7 of the Jewish Nation-State Law: Promoting Jewish Settlement as a National Value”, March 2019,
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6), further enshrining the privileges granted to Jews in nationality and status under the Law of Return of
1950 and the Nationality Law of 1952. Israel’s then prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, during a
cabinet meeting on 5 August 2018:
The Nation-State Law, first of all, entrenches the Law of Return. It raises it to another level and
this law, of course, grants an automatic right to Jews, and only to them, to come here and receive
citizenship. The Nation-State Law, for example, prevents the exploitation of the family reunification
clause under which very, very many Palestinians have been absorbed into the country since
the Oslo agreement, and this law helps prevent the continued uncontrolled entry into Israel of
Palestinians. It could be that this law will also be able to assist us in blocking the future entry
of labor migrants… [W]ithout the Nation-State Law it will be impossible to ensure for [future]
generations the future of Israel as a Jewish national state.
Additionally, the law entrenched the racial and national discrimination in Israeli laws and policies
related to land and resources, which are discussed in this report, by highlighting the importance of
“the development of Jewish settlement as a national value” and asserting that the state “shall act to
encourage and promote its establishment and strengthening” (Article 7). This is the first time the term
“Jewish settlement” appears in any Israeli legislation.
The development of Jewish settlement in the
law also includes an underlying intention to develop Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.
The Israeli government considers the settlements in the OPT as part of Israel and has channelled the
application of Israeli law to both settlements and Jewish settlers in the OPT.
The nation state law holds a binding constitutional status, which cannot be modified except by a Basic
Law that is passed with a parliamentary majority of 61 Knesset members.
In 2019, both the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and the UN
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) expressed concerns regarding the
“possible discriminatory effect” of the law with regard to the enjoyment of human rights in Israel by non-
Jewish people. They called on Israel to review it in order to comply with its international human rights law
obligations to eliminate discrimination against non-Jews.
The CESCR also called on Israel to consider
repealing the law and to step up its efforts to eliminate discrimination in the enjoyment of economic,
social and cultural rights, particularly the rights of self-determination and non-discrimination.
In November 2020, the magistrates’ court in the Krayot, a cluster of towns near Haifa, rejected a
petition for schoolchildren’s access to education by Palestinian citizens of Israel living in Karmiel,
citing the nation state law. The decision said that establishing an Arabic school in the town
or funding transport for its Palestinian residents to study in Arabic-medium schools in nearby
communities would undermine the town’s “Jewish character”.
152. State of Israel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), “PM Netanyahu’s remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting”, 5 August
153. Adalah, “The Illegality of Article 7 of the Jewish Nation-State Law: Promoting Jewish Settlement as a National Value” (previously cited).
154. Adalah, “The Illegality of Article 7 of the Jewish Nation-State Law: Promoting Jewish Settlement as a National Value” (previously cited),
pp. 4-6; Eyal Benvenisti and Doreen Lustig, “We the Jewish People – A deep Look into Israel’s new law”, 24 July 2018, Just Security,; CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/
CO/17-19. Paragraph 13 of CERD’s concluding observations states: “Furthermore, while Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory are not only illegal under international law but also an obstacle to the enjoyment of human rights by the whole population, the
Basic Law [nation state law] constitutionally elevates them ‘as a national value’ (Articles 1, 2 and 5)”. Paragraph 14 states: “As regards the
expansion of Jewish settlements, the Committee urges the State party to comply with its international legal obligations, including under the
Fourth Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.”
155. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4; CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27
January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19.
156. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 17.
157. Haaretz, “‘It’s a Jewish City’: Court Rejects Lawsuit by Arab Students, Citing Israel’s Nation-state Law”, 30 November 2020, haaretz.
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In July 2021, the Supreme Court rejected 15 petitions, including ones submitted by the Joint List
of four Palestinian-majority political parties and Meretz, another political party in Israel, as well as
human rights groups such as Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (Adalah)
and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), to strike down the nation state law or any of its
In parallel to the laws, policies and practices described above and in the rest of this chapter, statements by
leading Israeli politicians over the years confirm that the intention to maintain a Jewish demographic majority
and to oppress and dominate Palestinians has guided Israel’s policies since the state’s creation. In February
1948, David Ben-Gurion, then chairperson of the Jewish Agency for Israel, the operative branch of the World
Zionist Organization, before becoming prime minister, openly praised the use of unlawful means to forcibly
and cruelly change the demographic composition of the country to the benefit of Jewish Israelis by expelling
Palestinians and destroying their homes and properties. The night after visiting Lifta, a Palestinian village
in the suburbs of Jerusalem that was completely emptied of Palestinians after they had been expelled from
their homes and fled, he reported:
When you enter the city through Lifta and Romema, through Mahaneh Yehuda, King George Street and
Me’ah She’arim – there are no Arabs. One hundred per cent Jews… What happened in Jerusalem and
in Haifa – can happen in large parts of the country. If we persist it is quite possible that in the next six or
eight months there will be considerable changes in the country, very considerable and to our advantage.
There will certainly be considerable changes in the demographic composition of the country.
Since then, successive Israeli politicians – regardless of their political affiliations – have publicly stated their
intention to minimize Palestinians’ access to and control of land across all territories under Israel’s effective
control. They have carried this out by seizing Palestinians’ homes and properties and effectively restricting
them to living in enclaves. When then prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a message on Instagram
in March 2019 to say that “Israel is not a state of all its citizens” but rather “the nation-state of the Jewish
people and only them”,
he crystallized a policy that had been seven decades in the making.
Already in December 2003, when he was minister of finance, Benjamin Netanyahu said: “If there is a
demographic problem, and there is, it is with the Israeli Arabs who will remain Israeli citizens.” He noted the
need to balance policies that strove to integrate “Israel’s Arabs” while ensuring they did not reach 35% to
40% of the population.
While Benjamin Netanyahu was criticized for his 2003 comments, they were not
the views of an outlier. When prime minister between 1992 and 1995, Yitzhak Rabin said: “The red line for
Arabs is 20 percent of the population; that must not be gone over.” He added: “I want to preserve the Jewish
character of the state of Israel.”
Ehud Barak, when he was prime minister between 1999 and 2001,
equated a “Muslim majority” with “destruction of Israel as a Jewish state”.
Ariel Sharon, as prime minister,
said in a 2002 Knesset debate that while Palestinian citizens had “rights in the land”, “all rights over the land
of Israel are Jewish rights”.
Ehud Olmert said in 2003, while vice prime minister and three years before he
158. Adalah, “Israeli Supreme Court upholds the racist and discriminatory Jewish Nation-State Law”, 8 July 2021,
159. Gershon Rivlin and Elhanan Oren (editors),
The War of Independence: Ben-Gurion’s Diary,
1986, pp. 210-11. Also quoted in Noura
Justice for Some,
2019, p. 48; and in
Ben-Gurion’s Diary
(previously cited), Volume 1, entry dated 7 February 1948, pp. 210-211.
See also Zochrot, “Lifta”,
160. Benjamin Netanyahu, @b.netanyahu, Instagram post, 10 March 2019, (accessed on 1 June 2020).
161. Haaretz, “Netanyahu: Israel’s Arabs Are the Real Demographic Threat”, 18 December 2003, See also
Haaretz, “MKs Slam Netanyahu’s Remarks about Israeli Arabs”, 17 December 2003,
162. Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh,
Birthing the Nation: Strategies of Palestinian Women in Israel,
2002, p. 50.
163. Benny Morris, “Camp David and After: An Exchange (1. An Interview with Ehud Barak)”, New York Review of Books, 13 June 2002,
164. Jonathan Cook,
Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State,
2006, p. 16.
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became prime minister, that “the demographic issue” would “dictate the solution we must adopt” and that
the “formula for the parameters of a unilateral solution are: to maximize the number of Jews; to minimize the
number of Palestinians”.
Statements by leading Israeli politicians make it apparent that the discriminatory intent to dominate
Palestinians is not only manifested through control over land and dispossession but also through a separate
and unequal citizenship structure and the denial of Palestinians’ right to family reunification. In 2005, then
prime minister Ariel Sharon said when commenting on the renewal of the temporary and discriminatory
2003 Citizenship and Entry Law (see section 5.3.1 “Denial of right to equal nationality and status”): “There’s
no need to hide behind security arguments. There’s a need for the existence of a Jewish state.”
later added that the authorities had “a correct and important intention of Israel being a Jewish state with
a massive Jewish majority” and that “we must do everything so that this state remains a Jewish state in
the future”.
Giora Eiland, a national security adviser who in 2005 served on a committee examining
immigration policies, argued that the discriminatory Citizenship and Entry Law “is the way to overcome
the demographic demon”.
The same year, Benjamin Netanyahu, while the finance minister, put it more
directly during discussions over renewing the law: “Instead of making it easier for Palestinians who want
to get citizenship, we should make the process much more difficult, in order to guarantee Israel’s security
and a Jewish majority in Israel.”
Asher Grunis, then deputy president of the Supreme Court and later
its president, rejected in 2012 a constitutional challenge to the discriminatory aspects of the 2003 Israel
Citizenship and Entry Law, writing: “Human rights are not a prescription for national suicide.”
This view
was echoed at the time by Eli Yishai, while serving as minister of interior affairs, who welcomed the Supreme
Court’s decision, similarly stating that approving a larger number of family unification applications from the
West Bank would constitute “national suicide”.
Reporting on 2003 and 2004 statistics that showed a drop in the Israeli birth rate, primarily driven by a
decline among Palestinian citizens of Israel, the Haaretz newspaper in January 2005 attributed to the
finance ministry the view that “the drop of birth rate is a clear result of the cutbacks in child support
allocations over the past two years”. Haaretz quoted a senior finance ministry official, who asked not to be
named, citing the “internal demographic threat” and expressing concern over “the high birth rate of the
Arabs, and especially the Negev Bedouin”. The official said, “we are reversing the graph, to defend the
Jewish majority in the country,” and warned, according to Haaretz, that reinstating the allowance would lead
to the state having to support large families in places like the Negev/Naqab region in southern Israel, which
would have the effect of undermining the Jewish majority.
The perception of Palestinians inside Israel as an internal demographic threat or enemies who must be
either expelled, excluded or controlled has also shaped discriminatory housing and zoning policies in areas
of strategic importance that include a large Palestinian population. For example, in December 2000 Ariel
Sharon, just before he became prime minister, wrote:
In the Negev, we face a serious problem: About 900,000 dunams of government land are not in our
hands, but in the hands of the Bedouin population. I, as a resident of the Negev, see this problem
165. Haaretz, “’Maximum Jews, Minimum Palestinians’”, 13 November 2003,
166. Haaretz, “PM Backs Temporary Law Enforcing Tougher Citizenship Regulations”, 4 April 2003,
167. Haaretz, “PM Defends Tighter Immigration Laws”, 23 May 2005,
168. Haaretz, “Eiland Proposes Citizenship Limitations for Palestinians”, 3 March 2005,
169. Haaretz, “Cabinet Okays Limits on Citizenship for Palestinians”, 16 May 2005,
170. HCJ,
MK Zahava Galon – Meretz-Yahad and Others,
Case HCJ 466/07, judgment, 11 January 2012; +972 Magazine, “Citizenship Law
prefers discrimination over human rights”, 24 January 2012,
171. Los Angeles Times, “Israeli High Court Upholds Controversial Citizenship Law”, 12 January 2012,
172. Haaretz, “Arab Birthrate Drops for First Time in Years”, 24 January 2005,
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every day. It is, essentially, a demographic phenomenon… Out of weakness, perhaps also lack of
awareness about the issue, we, as a country, are doing nothing to confront this situation… The
Bedouin are grabbing new territory. They are gnawing away at the country’s land reserves, and no one
is doing anything significant about it.
The State of Israel, regardless of which party is in power, has continued the policy of dominating Palestinians
through the seizure of lands and the segregation of Palestinian communities. As will be demonstrated in this
chapter, this intention to seize the lands of the Bedouin, to make them homeless, and to replace them with
Jewish Israelis, was implemented by Ariel Sharon as prime minister and continues to be implemented to this
day (see section 5.4.4 “Discriminatory urban planning and zoning system”). In 2009, Israel’s housing minister
Ariel Atias warned against “the spread” of Palestinian communities, saying, “if we go on like we have until
now, we will lose the Galilee.”
At the same time deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon said, “we are losing
the Negev and the Galilee”, and that “in many places there is no contiguous Jewish presence”, confirming
that the government’s aim was “to Judaize the Negev and the Galilee”.
This corroborates the conclusion
that can be inferred from the facts documented in this report that the restrictions on Palestinian communities
inside Israel that lead to them living in enclaves are not accidental but the result of a deliberate policy of the
Israeli government to control and dominate the Palestinian population to the benefit of Jewish Israelis.
Some Israeli politicians who have opposed settlements in parts of the West Bank have made clear their
opposition is based on the fear that this will lead to enfranchisement of Palestinians there, which they see as
a threat to the Jewish nature of the State of Israel. Shimon Peres, while serving as president in 2012, said,
“Israeli settlements in [parts of the West Bank] densely populated with Arabs… can lead to a threatening
demographic change” that “places a Jewish majority in the state of Israel at risk”.
The intention to discriminate against and control the Palestinian population in the OPT through
discriminatory land, planning and housing policies is equally clear. Since 1967, successive Israeli
governments have repeatedly indicated their intention to preserve a Jewish demographic majority in
Jerusalem through planning policies, laws and measures in the city.
The first geo-demographic dilemma
facing Israel as an occupying power arose with the decision to redraw the new Jerusalem boundaries and
the areas that would be de facto annexed in 1967, as the new annexed area included Palestinian villages
and communities way beyond the boundaries of the Jordanian-ruled East Jerusalem municipality. Some
Israeli officials criticized the annexation on 27 June 1967, saying the demographic “price” was high because
the number of Palestinians in the expanded municipality would affect the city’s demographic ratio of Jews
to Palestinians.
As noted by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, an independent research institute
specializing in public diplomacy and foreign policy, “The main consideration guiding the decision makers
was to take control over the maximum area with a minimal Arab population and to prevent the possibility of
the city’s partition in the future.”
In 1975, Israel Kimhi, then director of planning policy at the Interior Ministry, said that “one of the
cornerstones in the planning of Jerusalem is the demographic question” and that preservation of a Jewish
173. Ariel Sharon, “Land as an Economic Tool for Developing Infrastructure and Significantly Reducing Social Gaps”, December 2000,
quoted in Adalah, “Land Disputes in Israel: The Case of the Bedouin of the Naqab”, April 2006,
174. Haaretz, “Housing Minister: Spread of Arab Population Must Be Stopped”, 2 July 2009,
175. Israel National News, “Strengthen the Jewish Periphery”, 22 December 2009,
176. Jerusalem Post, “Peres: Settlement Building Threatens Jewish State”, 10 July 2012,
177. State of Israel, Municipality of Jerusalem, Local Outline Plan – Jerusalem Master Plan 2000, Chapter 7, “Population and Society”, on
file with Amnesty International.
178. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,
Demography, Geopolitics, and the Future of Israel’s Capital: Jerusalem’s Proposed Master Plan,
2010,, p. 12.
179. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,
Demography, Geopolitics, and the Future of Israel’s Capital: Jerusalem’s Proposed Master Plan
(previously cited), p. 12.
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majority would serve as “one of the yardsticks for the success of the solidification of Jerusalem’s status as
the capital of Israel”.
In June 1984, Teddy Kollek, then mayor of Jerusalem, expressed his concerns on
this question, saying: “Like all of us here, it seems to me, I am worried about the balance of power and Arab
growth within and around Jerusalem.”
Since the 1967 annexation of East Jerusalem, Israeli governments have set targets for the demographic
ratio of Jews to Palestinians in Jerusalem as a whole. Successive Israeli government decisions endorsed
a target ratio of 70% to 30%. In 2006, the target was revised to 65% to 35% within the framework of the
regional zoning plan 30/1. In 2009, a new target of 60% Jews to 40% Palestinians, which was set in the
“Jerusalem 2000” Local Outline Plan, was deposited with the Regional Planning Committee.
Whereas the
demographic increase of the Palestinian population of Jerusalem was based on natural growth, the Jewish
demographic growth would be primarily from internal migration and absorption of Jewish immigrants.
Statements by Israeli politicians suggest also that the denial of economic and social rights to Palestinians in
East Jerusalem is not merely a consequence of Israel’s dispossession and segregation policies but rather that
it is intentional. For example, Teddy Kollek, then mayor of Jerusalem, said in 1990:
For Jewish Jerusalem, I did something in the past twenty-five years. For East Jerusalem? Nothing! What
did I do? Nothing. Sidewalks? Nothing. Cultural institutions? Not one. Yes, we installed a sewerage
system for them and improved the water supply. Do you know why? Do you think it was for their good,
for their welfare? Forget it! There were some cases of cholera there, and the Jews were afraid that they
would catch it, so we installed sewerage and a water system against cholera.
Meanwhile, in the rest of the West Bank, already on 7 July 1967, only one month after the Israeli army
occupied the West Bank, Israel’s then prime minister Levi Eshkol said, “The security and the land are in
Israeli hands.”
In a meeting of the Labor Party, which he led, that year, he stated that authorities “covet
the dowry, not the bride”, an apparent reference to wanting the West Bank without the Palestinians who live
In 1996, shortly after becoming Israel’s prime minister and during a visit to Ariel settlement, located
in the north of the West Bank with nearly 20,000 settlers,
Benjamin Netanyahu declared that settlements
were “permanently forever”.
The intention to control the lands and territories of the West Bank to the exclusive benefit of Jewish Israelis,
and with the express exclusion of Palestinians, continues. In 2014, member of Knesset (MK) Yariv Levin,
appointed the following year as Israel’s minister of
(Jewish immigration) and integration, said:
The correct policy, from the point of view of Israeli interests regarding our political ability at the moment,
is to combine the attempt to hold the maximum amount of territory and apply sovereignty over the
maximum amount of territory while keeping the Arab population within it to a minimum. The situation
already exists in Area C, which is under our control – there are little more than fifty thousand Arabs.
180. Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights (Bimkom), “Trapped by Planning: Israeli Policy, Planning, and Development in the Palestinian
Neighborhoods of East Jerusalem”, 2014,, p. 18.
181. B’Tselem (Israeli Information Center on Human Rights in the Occupied Territories),
A policy of discrimination: Land expropriation,
planning and building in East Jerusalem,
January 1997,
pdf, pp. 44-45.
182. Municipality of Jerusalem, Local Outline Plan – Jerusalem 2000 (previously cited), Chapter 7, “Population and Society”, Jerusalem
Center for Public Affairs,
Demography, Geopolitics, and the Future of Israel’s Capital: Jerusalem’s Proposed Master Plan
(previously cited),, pp. 11-12.
183. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs,
Demography, Geopolitics, and the Future of Israel’s Capital: Jerusalem’s Proposed Master Plan,
(previously cited), p. 13.
184. Quoted in B’Tselem,
A policy of discrimination
(previously cited), pp. 44-45.
185. Haaretz, “The ‘Jordanian Option,’ the Plan That Refuses to Die”, 25 July 2007,
186. Orna Ben-Naftali and others,
The ABC of the OPT: A Legal Lexicon of the Israeli Control over the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
2018, p. 519.
187. B’Tselem, Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population, (accessed on 26 August 2021).
188. New York Times, “Netanyahu and the Settlements”, 12 March 2015,
189. Women in Green and the Forum for Sovereignty, “Prepare the Constitutional Ground for the Application of Sovereignty”, Sovereignty
Journal, Issue 1, January 2014,, p. 7.
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Prior to national elections in May 2019, then prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to annex Israeli
settlements in the West Bank, stating: “I will impose sovereignty, but I will not distinguish between settlement
blocs and isolated settlements.” He added: “From my perspective, any point of settlement is Israeli, and
we have responsibility, as the Israeli government. I will not uproot anyone, and I will not transfer sovereignty
to the Palestinians.”
Two months later, he publicly revealed Israel’s intention to continue to control the
entirety of Israel and the OPT: “Israeli military and security forces will continue to rule the entire territory,
up to the Jordan [River].”
Further, when speaking about plans to annex the Jordan Valley, in May 2020,
he stated that “Palestinians have to recognize that we are dictating security rules over the entire territory,”
describing Jericho residents as “subjects”.
The proposals to annex the Jordan Valley to Israel are not new. In fact, such plans were advanced at the
outset of the occupation in 1967 in the Allon Plan, named after Yigal Allon, the then minister of labour.
Its main objective was to ensure “Jewish presence” and avoid annexing areas densely populated by
Israel’s intention to control Palestinians in the West Bank to facilitate the seizure of their land is also apparent
in statements by Israeli leaders over the decades. For example, in a July 1981 meeting of the Ministerial
Committee for Settlement Affairs, then minister of agriculture Ariel Sharon justified designating additional
land in the West Bank as military “firing zones” by citing the “spreading of Arab villagers” in the South
Hebron Hills, according to minutes of the meeting found in the Israeli State Archives by the Akevot Institute
for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research, an NGO that conducts archival research. Ariel Sharon added, “We
have an interest in expanding and enlarging the shooting zones there, in order to keep these areas, which
are so vital, in our hands.”
In February 2021, Avi Naim, who served as director-general for Israel’s Ministry
for Settlement Affairs between July and October 2020, underscored the government’s objective to “prevent
Palestinian territorial continuity” and “keep control of land reserves in Judea and Samaria”, a reference
to the Israeli government-designated administrative territory that encompasses the occupied West Bank
excluding East Jerusalem.
Further, Israeli politicians have made it clear that the OPT would not be allowed to develop for the benefit of
Palestinians. For example, in 1985, then defence minister Yitzhak Rabin said, “There will be no development
[for Palestinians in the OPT] initiated by the Israeli Government, and no permits will be given for expanding
agriculture or industry [there], which may compete with the State of Israel.”
Israel’s withdrawal of its settlers from Gaza, while it maintained control over the people in the territory in other
ways, was also expressly linked to demographic questions, and a realization that a Jewish majority could
not be achieved there. On 15 August 2005, the day the Israeli government set as a deadline for settlers to
voluntarily leave Gaza, then prime minister Ariel Sharon said in an evening address to Israelis, “Gaza cannot
be held onto forever. Over one million Palestinians live there, and they double their numbers with every
190. Associated Press, “Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank settlements if re-elected”, 4 July 2019,
191. Haaretz, “At West Bank Event, Netanyahu Promises No More Settlers, Arabs Will Be Evicted”, 10 July 2019,
192. Haaretz, “Netanyahu Says Palestinians in Jordan Valley Won’t Get Citizenship After Annexation”, 28 May 2020,
193. B’Tselem,
Land Grab: Israel’s settlement policy in the West Bank,
May 2002,
194. State of Israel, Government Secretariat,
תימלועה תינויצה תורדתסהלו הלשממל תפתושמה תובשיתהל הדעוה תבישי
:לוקוטורפ [Minutes: Meeting of the
Joint Settlement Committee for the Government and the World Zionist Organization], 12 July 1981, available at (in Hebrew);
Haaretz, “40-Year-Old Document Reveals Ariel Sharon’s Plan to Evict 1,000 Palestinians from Their Homes”, 9 August 2020,
195. Ynet,
ריחמ גאה
[The Hague Price], 11 February 2021,,7340,I-5885532,00.html (in Hebrew).
196. Edward H. P. Brans and others (editors),
The Scarcity of Water, Emerging Legal and Policy Responses,
International Environmental
Law and Policy Series, 1997,, pp. 146-147; UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD),
Recent Economic
Developments in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
30 June 1986, UN Doc. TD/B/1102,
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The same month, then deputy prime minister Shimon Peres said, “We are disengaging from
Gaza because of demography.”
Meanwhile, as Israel prepared to withdraw from Gaza it also increased efforts to dispossess Palestinians in
the Galilee and the Negev/Naqab – both areas with a large Palestinian population. Haaretz quoted an adviser
to Ariel Sharon as saying in 2003 that the then prime minister “reached the conclusion that following the
enormous investment in settling the territories, it is now necessary to settle the Galilee and the Negev.”
Finally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website make it obvious that Israel’s long-standing policy to deprive
millions of Palestinian refugees of their right to return to their homes is also guided by demographic
considerations. An article published in 2001 explains: “If Israel were to allow all of [the refugees] to return to
her territory, this would be an act of suicide on her part, and no state can be expected to destroy itself.”
The question of race and the existence of racial groups is a fraught one, but one that must be engaged with
to understand the international wrong that is apartheid.
Any attempt at racial categorization is distasteful and complicated, since perceived racial differences often
coincide with other grounds of differentiation such as religion, culture and nationality. For the purpose of this
report, we consider the modern conception of race under international criminal law as primarily a subjective
one, dependant on the perception of the groups but especially that of the alleged perpetrators. The
overriding question here is therefore whether Israel, in its law and practice, and individual Israeli politicians
and officials, in their actions maintaining domination, consider and treat Jewish Israelis and Palestinians as
separate racial groups. This report demonstrates that Jewish Israelis and Palestinians self-identify as different
groups, and crucially that the laws of Israel perceive and treat Palestinians as a separate and inferior group.
The understanding of the existence of two distinct groups is implicit in findings by CERD, which has
expressed concerns with regards to the nation state law of 2018. It stated that Israel maintains segregation
both in Israel and in the OPT, including segregation among “Jewish and non-Jewish sectors”. In Israel, this
is manifested through two systems of education with unequal conditions, as well as separate municipalities,
namely Jewish municipalities and the so-called “municipalities of the minorities”. In the OPT, segregation
results in the existence of “two entirely separate legal systems and sets of institutions for Jewish communities
in illegal settlements on the one hand and Palestinian populations living in Palestinian towns and villages on
the other hand.”
In its 2019 review of Israel, the CESCR called on Israel to amend and/or repeal the nation state law of 2018,
noting the “possible discriminatory effect [of the law]… on non-Jewish people”, and to step up its efforts to
eliminate discrimination faced by non-Jews in their enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, and
rights to non-discrimination and self-determination.
As a matter of legal fact, Jewish Israelis form a group that is unified by a privileged legal status embedded
in Israeli law, which extends to them through state services and protections regardless of where they reside
across the territories under Israel’s effective control. The Jewish identity of the State of Israel has been
established in its laws and the practice of its official and national institutions. Israeli laws perceive and
treat Jewish identity, depending on the context, as a religious, descent-based, and/or of national or ethnic
197. Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network (C-Span), “Israeli Disengagement from Gaza”, 15 August 2005.
198. Irish Times, “Sharon Maintains Control in Face of Demographic Shift”, 20 August 2005,
199. Haaretz, “PMO Issues Rush Order for 30 New Towns in Negev, Galilee”, 20 July 2003,
200. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Do Palestinians have the right to return to Israel”, 15 January 2001,
201. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, paras 21 and 22.
202. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, paras 16 and 17.
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An example of the overlap between race, religion and descent is evident in Israel’s Law of Return,
which defines “Jew” to include “a person who was born of a Jewish mother”.
Palestinians on the other hand are treated by the Israeli state differently based on its consideration of them
as having a racialized non-Jewish, Arab status and, beyond that, as being part of a group with particular
attributes that are different from other non-Jewish groups. With respect to Palestinian citizens of Israel, the
Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially classifies them as being “Arab citizens of Israel”, an inclusive term
that describes a number of different and primarily Arabic-speaking groups, including Muslim Arabs (this
classification includes Bedouins), Christian Arabs, Druze and Circassians.
However, in public discourse,
Israeli authorities and media generally refer only to Muslim Arabs and Christian Arabs – those who generally
self-identify as Palestinians – as Israeli Arabs and associate them with Palestinians living in the OPT and
beyond, using the specific terms Druze and Circassians for those other non-Jewish groups. The authorities
also clearly consider Palestinian citizens of Israel as a single group different from Druze and Circassians
since they exempt this group alone from military service in “consideration for their family, religious, and
cultural affiliations with the Arab world (which has subjected Israel to frequent attacks), as well as concern
over possible dual loyalties.”
As will be demonstrated in the subsequent sections of this chapter, Israeli law, policy and practices, as
exercised differently but consistently in all areas and in all situations under its control, privilege those
identified as Jewish Israelis and discriminate against, exclude and segregate those identified as non-Jewish
people, in general, and, to the deepest extent, those considered as Palestinians. This status is treated in
practice as an immutable characteristic. For example, while Israel recognizes conversion to Judaism,
establishes mechanisms to give effect to such conversion,
in practice the state rejects all applications by
Palestinian citizens of Israel on the basis of “ethnicity” or “security”.
Palestinians who live or have family origins in the territory of British mandate Palestine perceive their
Palestinian identity primarily as one of national origin
(and as part of the Arab people).
There is currently
no Palestinian citizenship, although it was formally recognized under the British mandate.
Regardless of whether individual Palestinians are citizens of Israel living in Israel, or Palestinians living
under Israeli military rule in the OPT, or Palestinian refugees, they overwhelmingly regard themselves as
203. Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa,
Occupation, colonialism, apartheid?: A re-assessment of Israel’s practices in the
occupied Palestinian territories under international law,
2009,; John Dugard and John Reynolds,
“Apartheid, International Law, and the occupied Palestinian territory”, European Journal of International Law, Volume 24, Issue 3, August 2013.
204. Human Rights Watch (HRW),
A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,
27 April 2021,; Law of Return (previously cited).
Indeed, even in South Africa where race was more closely linked to “colour” the question of membership of a “racial group” included
questions of descent. See, for example, Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law,
2020, p. 159: “Individuals were
categorised on the basis of their appearance, social acceptance, and descent (or blood, as it commonly was called), the purpose being to
define their individual social, economic, and political status.”
205. State of Israel, MoFA, People: Minority Communities,
aspx (accessed on 4 August 2021).
206. State of Israel, MoFA, People: Minority Communities (previously cited), “Arab Community Life”.
207. See, for example, ITIM - The Jewish Life Advocacy Center, Guide to Converting to Judaism in Israel,
converting-to-judaism-in-israel (accessed on 27 August 2021).
208. State of Israel, Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), Conversion Authority,
(accessed on 27 August 2021).
209. Jerusalem Post, “‘Palestinian requests to convert to Judaism rejected automatically’”, 1 April 2016,
palestinian-requests-to-convert-to-judaism-rejected-automatically-449987; Michal Kravel-Tovi,
When the state winks: The performance of
Jewish conversion in Israel,
2017, pp. 84-90.
210. As recognized by the ICJ the concept of “national origin” denotes “a person’s bond to a national… group at birth” and thus must
also be understood with respect to the Palestinians as a status that is regarded as immutable. This is not nationality that can be gained
or lost depending on the whims of a state. See ICJ, Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination (Qatar
v. U.A.E.),
Preliminary Objections, judgment, 4 February 2021.
211. Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa,
Occupation, colonialism, apartheid?
(previously cited), pp. 162-163.
212. British Mandate Government of Palestine, Palestinian Citizenship Order, 1 August 1925, cited in Mutaz M. Qafisheh, “Genesis of
Citizenship in Palestine and Israel: Palestinian Nationality in the 1917-1925 Period”, March 2009, Journal of the History of International
Law, Volume 11, Issue 1.
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Palestinian and have deep and shared political, ethnic, social and cultural ties.
Palestinians share a
common language and have similar customs and cultural practices, despite having different religions,
regardless of the territory in which they reside.
Palestinian refugees currently living elsewhere may, and
often do, have genuine links to their host states but this does not diminish or reduce their self-identification
as Palestinians.
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) defines Palestinians as “Arab nationals who,
until 1947, normally resided in Palestine regardless of whether they were evicted from it or have stayed
there,” and considers that this Palestinian nationality is transmitted to children, regardless of whether their
parents reside inside or outside of Palestine.
As will be demonstrated in the subsequent sections of this chapter, Israeli law, policy and practices, as
exercised differently but consistently in all areas and in all situations under its control, privilege those
identified as Jewish Israelis and discriminate against, exclude and segregate Palestinians. This evidence
demonstrates that the State of Israel perceives Palestinians as “different and… inferior… on account
of particular… cultural attributes.”
Considering the definition of “racial group” under international
criminal law,
which emphasizes identification and the intent of the alleged perpetrators, Jewish Israelis
and Palestinians constitute racial groups for the purposes of customary international law, the ICERD, the
Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute.
At the beginning of 1948, Palestinians constituted a majority in British mandate Palestine, comprising some
1.2 million out of a population of some 2 million, and owning about 90% of the privately owned land in the
During the 1947-49 conflict before and after the May 1948 declaration of the State of Israel,
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forcibly displaced in what amounted to ethnic cleansing. Some
were internally displaced from their villages, towns and cities to other parts of what became Israel. Others
fled to different parts of what was then British mandate Palestine (22% of which fell under the control
of Jordan and Egypt following the 1947-49 conflict – what is now the OPT). Most of the rest fled to the
neighbouring Arab countries of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
Israel prevents these Palestinian refugees, and
their descendants, as well as internally displaced persons within Israel, from returning to their former places
of residence (see section 5.2.3 “Palestinians outside Israel and OPT”).
Palestinians became fragmented even further after the June 1967 war, which resulted in Israel’s military
occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, the creation of a separate legal
and administrative regime to control the occupied territories, and another wave of Palestinian displacement –
from areas that became known as the OPT.
213. Carola Lingaas,
The Concept of Race in International Criminal Law
(previously cited), p. 158: ethnicity and race were closely linked
especially at the time when the Apartheid Convention was being drafted.
214. Rashid Khalidi,
Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness,
215. Amnesty International,
The Right to Return
(previously cited).
216. Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), Palestinian National Charter: Resolutions of the Palestine National Council July 1-17, 1968,
Articles 5 and 4 (an English translation is available at The PLO is recognized as the “sole
legitimate representative” of the Palestinian people by over 100 states with which it holds diplomatic relation. It represents the rights of all
Palestinians, wherever they reside, including the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel and receive compensation for
lost property.
217. To paraphrase the definition of racial group set out by Walter Kälin and Jörg Künzli,
The Law of International Human Rights Protection
(previously cited), p. 369.
218. A similar conclusion would be reached in any application of the ICERD, especially since the definition of racial discrimination includes
differentiation based on national or ethnic origin.
219. UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine, Palestine Population Estimates for 1946, 22 March 1949,
insert-210930; Rashid Khalidi,
The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood,
220. UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Palestine Refugees,
(accessed on 4 August 2021).
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The new military regime in the OPT was established on top of a pre-existing multi-layered legal system made
up of Ottoman, British, Jordanian (in the West Bank) and Egyptian (in Gaza) laws – the legacy of the powers
that had previously controlled the area.
Since then, the Israeli authorities have issued hundreds of military
orders that continue to govern many aspects of Palestinian life in the OPT today including access to land
and natural resources as well as the rights to freedom of assembly, expression and movement. These orders,
however, do not apply to Palestinians in East Jerusalem, which Israel annexed in 1967, and nor do they
apply to Israeli settlers living in the occupied West Bank, who are afforded the same rights and protections
under Israeli civil and criminal law as other Jewish Israeli citizens. By contrast, Palestinians in the West Bank
are subjected to a military court system, which falls short of international standards for the fair conduct of
trials and administration of justice.
In 1994, the Oslo Accords between Israel and the PLO created the Palestinian Authority and granted
it limited control over Palestinian civil affairs in urban centres, but failed to end the occupation. The
establishment of the Palestinian Authority and the admission of Palestine as a non-member observer state
at the UN General Assembly in 2012 did not change the status of the OPT under international law. Nor
was this status changed by the withdrawal of Israeli settlers living illegally in Gaza in 2005. The entirety
of the West Bank and Gaza Strip remains under Israeli military occupation, with Israel retaining effective
control over these territories, including the Palestinian population living there, their natural resources and,
with the exception of Gaza’s short southern border with Egypt, their land and sea borders and airspace.
As a result, two sets of complementary legal frameworks continue to apply to the conduct of Israel, as
the occupying power with effective control over the OPT: international human rights law and international
humanitarian law.
However, while preserving the OPT’s status as occupied territory under international law, the Oslo Accords
have added another layer of administrative and legal complexity to the governance of Palestinians in
the OPT, fragmenting and segregating them even further to Israel’s benefit,
while internal Palestinian
political divisions have exacerbated this separation even further. Today, Palestinians in the OPT live under
separate jurisdictions and require permits from the Israeli authorities to cross between them – from and to
the Gaza Strip, annexed East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank and– and are also separated from
Palestinian citizens of Israel, both geographically and on the basis of their status. Meanwhile, Palestinian
refugees displaced during the 1947-49 and 1967 conflicts continue to be physically isolated from those
residing in Israel and the OPT through Israel’s continuous denial of their right to return to their homes,
towns and villages.
This section focuses on Israel’s role in fragmenting the Palestinian population between Israel, the OPT and
neighbouring countries and the resulting situation for Palestinians in each of these areas, as determined by
successive historical events.
Early proponents of a state of Israel stated that they would establish a Jewish national home without
undermining the rights of the native population,
but this did not come to pass. Instead, as mentioned
above, the establishment of a Jewish state led to the mass expulsion of more than 800,000 Palestinians.
221. Amnesty International,
Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water
(previously cited).
222. Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank
(previously cited).
223. ESCWA,
Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid Palestine and the Israeli Occupation
224. UK Foreign Office, “The Balfour Declaration”, official correspondence, 2 November 1917,
E210CA73E38D9E1D052565FA00705C61: “it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and
religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”
225. Ilan Pappé, “Between the Day of the Land and the First Intifada, 1976-1987”,
The Forgotten Palestinians,
2011, Chapter 4, pp. 135-
169; Meron Benvenisti,
Sacred landscape: The buried history of the Holy Land since 1948,
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The number of Palestinians who remained in what became Israel in May 1948 was about 150,000,
of a total population of some 1.2 million non-Jews, mostly Palestinians, counted by the UN in 1946.
became entitled to Israeli citizenship under Israel’s Nationality Law of 1952.
However, from 1948 to 1966,
Palestinian citizens of Israel were arbitrarily placed under military administration in Israel, with their fate
subordinated to the needs and interests of Jewish immigrants and Israeli security considerations (see section
5.3.4 “Use of military rule”).
Even though they regained their freedom of movement and other rights
after the military rule over them ended in 1966, they continue to be subjected to a system of oppression
and domination through discriminatory policies that affect their legal status, access to land, resources and
services, and ultimately their human development (see sections 5.3 “Segregation and control” and 5.4
“Dispossession of land and property”).
According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS), at the end of December 2019 there were 6.7
million Jews, comprising 74% of the population in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem; 1.9 million Arabs,
including citizens and permanent residents of Israel, comprising 21% of the population; and 448,000 others
(non-Arab Christians and people not classified by religion), comprising nearly 5% of the population.
As mentioned above, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that “Arab citizens of Israel” is an inclusive
term that describes a number of different and primarily Arabic-speaking groups, including Muslim Arabs
(this classification includes Bedouins), Christian Arabs, Druze and Circassians.
According to the ICBS, at
the end of 2019, the Druze population stood at approximately 145,000,
while according to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, the Circassian population totalled 4,000 people.
Considering the number of those defined
as Muslim Arabs and Christian Arabs together, the population of Palestinian citizens of Israel amounted to
around 1.8 million, that is some 20% of the total population in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem.
Today, about 90% of Palestinian citizens of Israel live in 139 densely populated towns and villages in the
Galilee and Triangle regions in northern Israel and the Negev/Naqab region in the south. The remaining
10% live in “mixed cities”, including Haifa, Ramla, Lod, Jaffa and Acre. As will be seen below, this has
been the result of deliberate policies by the government of Israel to segregate Palestinian citizens of Israel
into enclaves as part of the wider goal of ensuring the Jewish settlement and control of as much of Israel’s
territory as possible.
Following the 1967 war, Israel extended its control by means of military occupation to the Palestinian
territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Together, these areas are
known today as the OPT. Israel has administered these territories in different ways. It has unilaterally (and
unlawfully under international law) annexed East Jerusalem, and the Israeli military has governed the rest of
the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as occupied territories. The 1967 war also resulted in the occupation of
the Golan Heights, belonging to Syria, and the Sinai peninsula, belonging to Egypt. Approximately 350,000
refugees were displaced from these newly occupied areas, most of whom were Palestinians.
Of these
226. Benny Morris,
Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1998,
1999, p. 259.
227. UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine, Palestine Population Estimates for 1946, 22 March 1949,
228. Yitzhak Reiter,
National Minority, Regional Majority: Palestinian Arabs Versus Jews in Israel,
2009, pp. 21-22.
229. Charles Smith,
Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict: A history with documents,
6th edition, 2007, pp. 229-230. State of Israel,
Knesset Debates, Volume 36, 20 February 1963, p. 1217, cited in John Quigley,
Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice,
1990, p. 109.
230. Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS), “Population of Israel on the Eve of 2020”, 31 December 2019, p. 1,
231. State of Israel, MoFA, People: Minority Communities (previously cited).
232. ICBS, “The Druze population of Israel”, 23 April 2020,
233. State of Israel, MoFA, People: Minority Communities (previously cited).
234. UN Secretary-General (UNSG), Report of the Secretary-General under General Assembly Resolution 2252 (ES-V) and Security Council
Resolution 237 (1967):
The Gussing Report,
15 September 1967, UN Doc. A/6797 (also issued under the symbol S/8158), para. 159.
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refugees, 117,000 had already been registered with the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees
in the Near East (UNRWA), the UN agency mandated to provide humanitarian assistance to Palestinian
refugees, between 1947 and 1952.
Jordan received about 200,000 Palestinians, of whom some 24,600
returned to the OPT in the decades that followed.
The vast majority of Palestinian refugees from 1967
and their descendants are prevented from returning to their former places of residence (see section 5.2.3
“Palestinians outside Israel and OPT”).
In 1967, Israel unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem and included Palestinian parts of the city, as well
as a surrounding area of 64km
, within the boundaries of the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality.
new municipal boundaries of Jerusalem formed an area of 70km
and its eastern part was nearly
12 times larger than the former East Jerusalem municipal area under Jordanian rule. The additional
lands belonged to about 28 Palestinian villages from surrounding areas, with the new boundaries
being delineated to ensure the inclusion of the maximum amount of land with the minimum number
of Palestinians.
On 27 June 1967, Israel passed Amendment 11 to the Law and Administration Ordinance of 1967,
which provided that the “law, jurisdiction and administration” of Israel shall be extended to any
area designated by a government decree.
The next day, Israel passed the Law and Administration
Decree (No. 1) of 1967, under which it extended its law, jurisdiction and administration to the
annexed 70km
of East Jerusalem and surrounding areas.
In 1980, the Israeli Knesset (parliament)
passed the Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel, declaring Jerusalem as the “complete and united”
capital of Israel. The law declares that the jurisdiction of Jerusalem includes all the areas annexed to
the municipality in 1967 under the Law and Administration Decree (No. 1) of 1967.
The law further
prohibits the transfer of the authority of the State of Israel or the Jerusalem Municipality to a foreign
On 1 January 2018, the Knesset adopted a second amendment to the Basic Law: Jerusalem,
Capital of Israel, which required a vote by an increased majority of at least 80 (out of 120) Knesset
members to make any changes to Israel’s sovereignty in Jerusalem.
The approved amendment did
not include a clause on redrawing the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem that had been added in a
previous draft and would have enabled the Israeli government to remove Palestinian neighbourhoods
located beyond the fence/wall (the construction of which began in mid-2002) from the municipal
boundaries of Jerusalem.
235. UNSG,
The Gussing Report
(previously cited), para. 159.
236. UNSG,
The Gussing Report
(previously cited), para. 159; and UNSG, Report:
Persons Displaced as a Result of the June 1967 and
Subsequent Hostilities,
14 July 2004, UN Doc. A/59/151.
237. B’Tselem,
A policy of discrimination: Land expropriation, planning and building in East Jerusalem
(previously cited).
238. B’Tselem,
A policy of discrimination: Land expropriation, planning and building in East Jerusalem
(previously cited), pp. 20-24; and
Terry Rempel, “The Significance of Israel’s Partial Annexation of East Jerusalem”, Middle East Journal, Autumn 1997, Volume 51, Issue 4,, pp. 520-534.
239. State of Israel, Law and Administration Ordinance, Amendment 11, 27 June 1967 (an English translation is available at
240. Ir Amim,
Permanent Residency: A temporary status set in stone,
May 2012,
241. State of Israel, Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel, passed on 30 July 1980,
yesod2.pdf (in Hebrew), Article 1 (an English translation is available at
242. Basic Law: Jerusalem: Capital of Israel (previously cited), Articles 5 and 6.
243. Al-Haq – Law in the Service of Man (Al-Haq),
Legal Brief on Jerusalem: A Legal Analysis of Bills and Legislation to Revoke the
Permanent Residencies of Palestinians and Alter the Status of Jerusalem,
7 March 2018,
244. Ir Amim, “Amendment to Basic Law: Jerusalem approved but in modified form; Will not enable changes to Jerusalem municipal
boundaries”, 2 January 2018,
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As of July 2021, there were 358,800 Palestinian residents within the boundaries of the Jerusalem
Municipality, comprising 38% of the city’s population.
Around 150,000 of them live in areas
segregated from the rest of the city by the fence/wall and other military checkpoints. In order to
maintain a Jewish majority and domination over Jerusalem, Israeli authorities have systematically
conducted mass land expropriation to build Jewish settlements while applying discriminatory and
restrictive policies against Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, mainly through zoning and planning
policies. These severely impede Palestinian urban and demographic growth and the development
of their neighbourhoods, with dire impacts on the enjoyment of socio-economic rights for the local
Palestinian population.
Palestinians living in the annexed East Jerusalem area who were present at the time of the 1967
census conducted by the Israeli army – around 69,000 people – were given the status of “permanent
residency” as per the Entry into Israel Law of 1952. As “permanent residents”, Palestinians in East
Jerusalem are entitled to similar rights enjoyed by citizens of Israel, except the right to vote in the
national legislative elections. In practice, however, they face discrimination in all aspects of their lives.
The Ministry of Interior can easily revoke residency status, unlike citizenship (see sections 5.3.1
“Denial of right to equal nationality and status” and 5.5.3 “Discriminatory provision of services”).
Israel maintains and expands settlements in East Jerusalem and allows 225,178 Israeli settlers to live
in 13 settlements,
which are illegal under international law.
The status of East Jerusalem as occupied territory under international law was not altered by Israel’s
unilateral annexation of it, or by the US government’s recognition of the annexation in 2017.
settlements are deemed illegal under international humanitarian law, and condemned as illegal by
most states and international bodies, including the UN Security Council.
In September 1967, just a few months into the start of its occupation, Israel began constructing
settlements in the occupied West Bank, moving Jewish citizens into them and applying its civil law
to them.
There are currently more than 441,600 Jewish settlers in the West Bank excluding East
Their presence is illegal under international law.
They live in 132 settlements that
have been officially established by the Israeli government, as well as 140 unauthorized outposts
245. Peace Now, Jerusalem, (accessed on 4 August 2021).
246. Peace Now, Jerusalem (previously cited).
247. B’Tselem, East Jerusalem, 11 November 2017 (updated on 27 January 2019), (accessed on 30 August 2021).
248. US Embassy in Israel, Statement by Former President Trump on Jerusalem, 6 December 2017,
president-trump-on-jerusalem (published on 7 December 2020). In response to the US declaration, on 21 December 2017, the UNGA
overwhelmingly adopted Resolution A/ES-10/L.22 on the status of Jerusalem. The resolution reaffirmed that all “decisions and actions
which purport to have altered the character, status or demographic composition of the Holy City of Jerusalem have no legal effect, are
null and void and must be rescinded”, thereby echoing UNSC Resolution 478 (1980) and calling on all states to refrain from establishing
diplomatic missions in Jerusalem. UNGA, Resolution ES-10/19: Status of Jerusalem, adopted on 21 December 2017, UN Doc. A/RES/ES-
10/19, para. 1. A draft UNSC resolution calling for the withdrawal of US recognition was not adopted on 18 December 2017 following a veto
by the USA, but all other 14 members of the council voted in favour. See UN News, “Middle East: Security Council fails to adopt resolution
on Jerusalem”, 18 December 2017,
249. In 1967, the UNSC adopted a resolution calling for the “[w]ithdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent
conflict” and emphasized member states’ commitments under Article 2 of the UN Charter. UNSC Resolution 242 (1967), adopted on 22
November 1967, UN Doc. S/RES/242. In 1980 the UNSC adopted a resolution that further provided that “all legislative and administrative
measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City
of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent ‘basic law’ on Jerusalem, are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith”. UNSC Resolution
478 (1980), adopted on 20 August 1980, UN Doc. S/RES/478. Article 47 of the Fourth Geneva Convention explicitly states that, in the
event of unilateral annexation, the principles of international law, which apply in the situation of belligerent occupation, remain in effect. See
ICJ, Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, advisory opinion, 9 July 2004.
250. Neve Gordon, “Civilian control”, in
Israel’s Occupation,
2008, Chapter 5.
251. Peace Now, Population, (accessed on 3 December 2021).
252. UNSC, Resolution 2334 (2016), 23 December 2016, UN Doc. S/RES/2334.
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that have been established since the 1990s without government approval and are considered illegal
even under Israeli law.
Approximately 3 million Palestinians live in the same territory.
In 1981, Israel established the Civil Administration, a military unit that oversees all civilian matters
for Jewish Israeli settlers and Palestinian residents in the West Bank excluding East Jerusalem, such
as zoning and building permits.
It also has powers over administrative matters for Palestinians in
the OPT, including the population registry; travel and work permits; archaeology and nature reserves;
natural resources management; agriculture; trade and industry; and environmental protection.
Between 1993 and 1995, negotiations between Israel and the PLO led to a series of agreements,
known as the Oslo Accords, between the two parties. These established the Palestinian Authority
and divided the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem and Hebron) into Areas A, B and C. The Oslo
Accords transferred limited and nominal jurisdiction of some civil affairs (such as health, education
and internal security) to the Palestinian Authority, but Areas A, B and C have all effectively remained
under overall Israeli control and continue to be militarily occupied. Israel gave the Palestinian Authority
varying degrees of administrative responsibility over Areas A and B. These two areas include Palestinian
towns and villages where 90% of the Palestinian population live (around 2.8 million people). Meanwhile,
Palestinian rural areas were classified as Area C, comprising about 60% of the West Bank, subjected to
full Israeli civil and security authority, and are today home to around 300,000 Palestinians in addition
to almost all of the 441,600 Israeli settlers living in the occupied West Bank excluding East Jerusalem.
A separate agreement saw the division of the city of Hebron into Palestinian- and Israeli-administered
sectors, known respectively as H1 and H2.
Some 700 Israeli settlers live in H2.
The Oslo Accords
were intended to act as a “transitional arrangement” lasting not more than five years until further
negotiations of a final agreement. However, its terms and implications remain in force today.
In April 2020, Israel’s coalition government formed by then prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu
and his political rival Benny Gantz agreed to start the domestic process of annexing, in violation of
international law, parts of the occupied West Bank that include Israeli settlements and the area known
as the Jordan Valley.
On 13 August 2020, following a deal with the United Arab Emirates, brokered
by the USA, Israel declared in a joint statement by the three countries that it “will suspend declaring
sovereignty” in the West Bank and instead “focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries
in the Arab and Muslim world.”
Although the annexation plan has been suspended, it offered further
evidence of Israel’s intent to maintain control over Palestinians in the West Bank.
253. Peace Now, Population, (accessed on 3 December 2021).
254. State of Palestine, Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS),
تاتشلاو ةيخيراتلا ينطسلف في ينيطسلف نويلم
[Around 13.5 Million
Palestinians in Historical Palestine and the Diaspora], 11 July 2020, (in Arabic).
255. State of Israel, Military Order 947 concerning the Establishment of a Civilian Administration (Judea and Samaria), 8 November 1981.
256. State of Israel, Government,
ןרמושו הדוהיב יחרזאה להנמה
[The Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria],
administration_in_judea_and_samaria/govil-landing-page (in Hebrew, accessed on 4 August 2021); Yesh Din, “Through the lens of Israel’s
interests: The Civil Administration in the West Bank”, December 2017,
257. UN Peacemaker, Protocol Concerning the Redeployment in Hebron, 17 January 1997,
258. B’Tselem, Hebron City Center, 11 November 2017 (updated on 26 May 2019), (accessed on 14 December 2021).
259. UN Peacemaker, Oslo I Accord, 13 September 1993,, Article 1.
260. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Unlawful ‘annexation’ plan promotes ‘law of the jungle’ and must be stopped”, 1 July 2020,
261. US Government, White House Archives, “Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates”, 13
August 2020,
262. On 13 June 2021, a new Israeli government was formed by a coalition led by Naftali Bennett, who replaced Benjamin Netanyahu as
prime minister. Naftali Bennett heads the Yamina (Rightwards) party and supports construction of Israeli settlements in the OPT. As a
minister in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, Naftali Bennett was one of the drivers of the annexation plan of the Jordan Valley. The parties
of the new coalition government do not have a uniform position on the annexation plan, which has been frozen rather than stopped. See
Jerusalem Post, “Israel’s gov’t votes down opposition-backed West Bank annexation bill”, 28 July 2021,
knesset-votes-down-west-bank-annexation-bill-675155 Ayelet Shaked, the interior minister of the new government, said on 22 July 2021 that
settlement construction would continue as before. See Makor Rishon,
היציזופואה אל וז הלשממה תא ליפיש ימ ףוסב"
[Ayelet Shaked: “In the
end, whoever overthrows the government is not the opposition”], 22 July 2021, (in Hebrew).
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Israel seized control of the Gaza Strip from Egypt in June 1967 and the Israeli military governed it as
occupied territory from 1967 onwards. Following the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority gained
limited jurisdiction over the Gaza Strip, but that did not change its status as occupied territory under
international law.
Some 2 million Palestinians live in the Gaza Strip today; of these, some 1.4 million
(over 70% of the population) are registered refugees with UNRWA.
In 2005, as part of what it termed “disengagement” from the Gaza Strip, Israel dismantled its 21
settlements and removed some 8,000 settlers, who then mainly moved to settlements in the West
Bank, and redeployed its ground troops. However, the Israeli army has retained effective control over
Gaza. In 2007, following Hamas’s victory in parliamentary elections the previous year and the infighting
among the Palestinian political factions, the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority suspended operations of
its security forces and official institutions in Gaza while Hamas established a parallel security and law
enforcement apparatus there.
Following Hamas’s takeover, Israel declared the Gaza Strip a “hostile entity”, citing security concerns,
and imposed an air, land and sea blockade on it, preventing any movement of people or goods in or
out of Gaza by air or sea.
Since then, Israel has also restricted the entry of goods and fuel supplies into Gaza and used
“mathematical formulas” to determine how much food to allow into Gaza, limited to what is deemed
“essential for the survival of the civilian population”.
Israel has also severely restricted movement of
people from Gaza to the West Bank to “exceptional humanitarian cases”.
For 14 years, Israeli authorities have isolated Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip from the rest of the
OPT and Israel through a “separation policy”, as it has been termed by a number of Israeli officials.
During a parliamentary question regarding the official status of the separation policy in 2014, then
deputy defence minister Danny Danon said:
Starting in the summer of 2007, following the takeover of the Gaza Strip by terrorist organizations,
Israel has been implementing a separation policy between the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria
[West Bank excluding East Jerusalem]. This policy is backed by the decisions of the Government
of Israel.
This status was confirmed in March 2019 by then prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who stated
that “maintaining a separation policy between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in
Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state”.
263. Amnesty International,
The conflict in Gaza: A briefing on applicable law, investigations, and accountability
(Index: MDE 15/007/2009),
19 January 2009,; Shane Darcy and John Reynolds, “An enduring occupation: the status
of the Gaza Strip from the perspective of international humanitarian law,” Journal of Conflict & Security Law, Volume 15, Issue 2, 11 August
264. State of Israel, MoFA, “Security Cabinet declares Gaza hostile territory”, 19 September 2007,
265. Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement (Gisha),
Separating Land, Separating People: Legal Analysis of Access Restrictions
between Gaza and the West Bank,
28 June 2015,
separating-people-web-en.pdf; Haaretz, “Amira Hass / Israel bans books, music and clothes from entering Gaza”, 17 May 2009, haaretz.
266. For a list of references of official Israeli statements on the separation policy, see Gisha,
Area G: From Separation to Annexation Israel’s
isolation of the Gaza Strip and how it serves annexationist goals in the West Bank,
June 2020,
From_Separation_to_Annexation_2020_EN.pdf, “Annex II”; Gisha, What is the “separation policy”?, June 2012,
267. State of Israel, Deputy Minister of Defense, “Response to question concerning the marketing of goods from the Gaza Strip via Kerem
Shalom Crossing (to MK Zehava Gal-On)”, 4 February 2014,
268. Jerusalem Post, “Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided”, 12 March 2019,
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During the 1947-49 conflict, more than 800,000 Palestinians (who were citizens of British mandate
Palestine) were expelled or fled from Israel and became refugees in the West Bank, Gaza Strip or
neighbouring countries – an experience that Palestinians refer to as the
(catastrophe). The land and
properties of the Palestinian refugees and those internally displaced in Israel by the war were confiscated
and, as mentioned above, some 500 villages were destroyed. Israel replaced names of Palestinian villages
with Hebrew ones.
While Israel only considers those who were forced to leave or fled in 1948, but not their descendants,
as refugees, it denies these Palestinians their right of return as well as the return of their descendants.
Palestinian refugees who fled to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, neighbouring Arab countries or other states
were prohibited, and are still prohibited, from returning to their homes or lands in Israel. About 350,000
people, mostly Palestinians, were displaced as a result of the Six-Day war between Israel and Egypt, Syria
and Jordan in June 1967.
Israel also prohibits these Palestinians from returning to their homes.
Palestinians who were displaced from land that became Israel in the 1947-49 conflict and shortly after
and from the OPT in 1967, as well as their descendants, are considered Palestinian refugees.
are currently 5.6 million such refugees registered with UNRWA.
Some 2.2 million of them are refugees
residing in the OPT, while the remaining 3.4 million continue to be displaced mainly in Jordan, Syria and
Lebanon, where many face dire conditions in overcrowded camps, denial of access to essential services and
human rights violations by the host governments.
Parallel to imposing measures that fragment Palestinians into distinct territorial, legal and administrative
domains, Israel has pursued a strategy of establishing domination through discriminatory laws and policies
that segregate Palestinians into enclaves based on their legal status and residence. In order to maintain
Jewish Israeli domination in Israel and the OPT, Israel also continues to deny millions of Palestinian refugees
displaced in the 1947-49 conflict or shortly after from land in the territory that became recognized as the
State of Israel and subsequently Palestinian refugees displaced in 1967 from the OPT, as well as their
descendants, the right to citizenship and residence by denying them their right of return to their homes in
Israel and/or the OPT.
269. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied: Palestinian land rights in Israel,
2003, p. 69; Alexandre Kedar, “The
legal transformation of ethnic geography: Israeli law and the Palestinian landholder 1948-1967”, 2000, New York University Journal of
International Law & Politics, Volume 33.
270. Oren Yiftachel, “Territory as the kernel of the nation: space, time and nationalism in Israel/Palestine”, 2002, Geopolitics, Volume 7,
Issue 2; Meron Benvenisti,
Sacred landscape: The buried history of the Holy Land since 1948,
271. Jerusalem Post, “Israel says Palestinian refugees number in the thousands, not millions”, 15 October 2018,
Conflict/Israel-says-Palestinian-refugees-number-in-the-thousands-not-millions-569407; State of Israel, MoFA, “Do Palestinian refugees
have a right to return to Israel?”, 15 January 2001,
272. BADIL Resource Centre for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights (Badil),
Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced
Persons 2004-2005,
May 2006,
273. This refusal to allow Palestinian refugees the right to return constitutes an infringement of the right under Article II(c) of the Apartheid
Convention to the right to “leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence.”
The fact that this violation is enforced systematically contributes to the system of oppression and domination of Palestinians. For more
details, see sections 5.2.3 “Palestinians outside Israel and OPT” and 6.4.2 “Israeli policies and practices”.
274. UNRWA, Palestine Refugees, (accessed on 25 August 2021).
275. UNGA, Resolution 302 (IV): Assistance to Palestine Refugees, 8 December 1949, UN Doc. A/RES/302.
276. Amnesty International, Seventy+ Years of Suffocation (previously cited); Amnesty International, Lebanon:
Exiled and Suffering:
Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
(previously cited); Amnesty International,
Iraq: Human Rights Abuses Against Palestinian Refugees
(previously cited); Amnesty International,
Lebanon: Denied Refuge: Palestinians from Syria Seeking Safety in Lebanon
(previously cited);
UNRWA, Commissioner General, “Palestine Refugees in Syria: A Tale of Devastation and Courage”, 14 March 2019,
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This section covers Israel’s denial of Palestinians’ rights to equal nationality and status, and to freedom
of movement; its restrictions on their right to family unification and, for Palestinian citizens of Israel and
residents of East Jerusalem, to extend citizenship or residency to spouses from the OPT; and its undue
limitations on their civil and political rights as a means of suppressing dissent.
As mentioned above, Israel exercises authority over all Palestinians in all territories under its effective control
and over the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in Israel and the OPT. While Palestinian
citizens of Israel are allowed to vote in Israeli national elections, they are denied a nationality, establishing
a legal differentiation from Jewish Israelis, and are discriminated against in their access to civic space.
This is linked, in part, to their exemption from military service. Limitations on the civil and political rights of
Palestinian citizens of Israel further limit the extent to which they can participate in the political and social life
of Israel.
Palestinians in the OPT, on the other hand, remain without citizenship and are considered stateless, except
for those who have obtained a citizenship from a third country. At the same time, Israel has controlled the
population registry in the West Bank and Gaza since 1967 and imposed policies, restrictions and measures
to control the demography of the territories.
While Palestinian citizens of Israel have Israeli citizenship, this has not been translated into their full
societal integration into Israel. This is partly because Israeli law defines Jewish Israelis as national
citizens, whereas Palestinian citizens of Israel are considered citizens but not nationals of Israel and as
such they enjoy different and inferior rights and privileges in law and practice (see also section 5.3.5
“Restrictions on right to political participation and popular resistance”).
The requirements to become an Israeli citizen are set out in the Nationality Law of 1952, which covers
Jewish people and non-Jewish people.
Article 2(a) of the law grants automatic citizenship rights to
every Jewish immigrant under the Law of Return of 1950. As outlined above (see section 5.1 “Intent
to oppress and dominate the Palestinian people), the Law of Return is effectively a nationality law that
grants every Jew, regardless of where they reside in the world, the distinct right to settle in Israel with
full legal and political rights.
An amendment to the law, which was added in 1970, defined a Jew
as a “person who was born of a Jewish mother or has become converted to Judaism and who is not a
member of another religion.”
By contrast, Palestinian citizens of Israel are granted citizenship rights based on residence in Israel.
Article 3(a) of the Nationality Law stipulates:
A person who, immediately before the establishment of the State, was a Palestinian citizen and
who does not become an Israel national under Article 2, shall become an Israel national with
effect from the day of the establishment of the State.
Article 3(a) granted citizenship rights only to those who were registered as residents in the Registration
of Inhabitants Ordinance of 1949, or were residents in the territory that became the State of Israel,
or entered Israel legally from the day of its establishment in May 1948 until the Nationality Law was
enacted in April 1952. While the law granted Palestinians who remained in Israel an Israeli citizenship
status, it stripped Palestinian refugees who fled during the 1947-49 conflict and shortly after of their
277. At the same time Palestinians have been and continue to be subjected to an oppressive regime of property confiscation and
discrimination in access to resources (including housing) that has resulted in their segregation from Jewish Israeli society.
278. Nationality Law (previously cited).
279. Roselle Tekiner, “Race and the Issue of National Identity in Israel” (previously cited); Law of Return (previously cited).
280. Law of Return (previously cited).
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Palestinian citizenship granted under the Palestinian Citizenship Orders of 1925-1942.
policy since 2002, which was enshrined in law in the form of the Citizenship and Entry into Israel
Law, a temporary order that lasted from 2003 to 2021, denies citizens and residents of Israel who
marry Palestinians from the OPT from passing on their legal status in Israel, including residency and
citizenship (see section 5.3.3 “Separation of families through discriminatory laws”).
This unequal and separate citizenship structure has resulted in stark discrimination against Palestinian
citizens in several ways and their segmentation from other Palestinians in the OPT (through imposing
constraints on family life), and has hindered their political and voting rights. The Israeli Ministry of
Foreign Affairs claims that “Arab Israelis are citizens of… Israel with equal rights” and the “only legal
distinction between Arab and Jewish citizens is… civic duty”, because Palestinian citizens are exempt
from military service.
Military service is mandatory in Israel for Jewish Israeli men and women, as
well as Druze and Circassian men. Whilst Palestinians largely refuse to join the Israeli army for national
and political reasons, the exemption of Palestinian citizens of Israel from military service has resulted in
their discriminatory exclusion from substantial economic benefits and opportunities guaranteed under
Israeli law to those who have completed military service.
Military service is mandatory in Israel for Jewish Israeli men and women, as well as Druze and Circassian
men in Israel.
Palestinian citizens of Israel are exempt and, since the establishment of the State of
Israel in 1948, have largely not served in its army for national and political reasons.
The exemption is
not based on law but was established as an administrative practice based on the discretionary powers of
Israel’s army under the provisions of the Defense Service Law of 1986.
To Israeli citizens who complete military service, the state affords substantial economic compensation
and access to employment in certain fields such as the military and security industries, as well as access
to housing subsidies. The Absorption of Discharged Soldiers Law of 1994 and its later amendments
enumerate a broad range of benefits exclusively available to former soldiers, including educational
grants and housing.
By linking benefits to military service, the state ensures that the overwhelming majority of Palestinian
citizens of Israel are excluded from them. While the minority of Jewish Israelis who do not serve in
the army are also denied these benefits, they are at least presented with a meaningful choice. It
is inconceivable for almost any Palestinian citizen of Israel to serve in any army that is occupying
Palestinian land and systematically repressing Palestinians’ rights. The link between benefits and military
service has been the subject of public debate in Israel for decades, focused on the idea of creating a
281. Nationality Law (previously cited).
282. State of Israel, Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order), passed on 31 July 2003 (a Knesset vote extended the law
annually until it expired on 6 July 2021).
283. State of Israel, MoFA, “Arab Israelis”, 20 August 2001,
284. State of Israel, Defense Service Law (Consolidated Version), passed on 30 January 1986 (an English translation is available at
285. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel,
March 2011,
The_Inequality_Report_March_2011.pdf Army service would put them in an untenable position, as a people “whose country is at war with
their nation”, as their situation was famously described in a line attributed to the late Knesset member and former Nazareth mayor, Abd
El-Aziz El Zoubi. See Tablet Mag, “Arabs in Israel: No Service?”, 13 June 2012,
286. Defense Service Law (previously cited), Article 36 (“Power to exempt from or defer service”).
287. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
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mandatory alternative national service for Palestinian citizens of Israel or to use exclusion of Palestinians
from military service in order to justify the privileges that their Jewish Israeli counterparts can enjoy for
serving in the army.
For example, during the 1988 elections, three right-wing Jewish political parties
demanded that Palestinians perform some sort of national service, in parallel to the military service,
before considering their claims for equal rights.
In 2012, the Knesset considered a new national
service law under which Palestinian citizens would be expected to do mandatory national service.
These proposals have been abandoned.
Under Israeli law, Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem are not Israeli citizens and are not residents
of the West Bank. Instead, they are granted fragile permanent residency status that allows them to
reside and work in the city, enjoy social benefits provided by the Israeli National Insurance Institute
and the national health insurance, and vote in municipal elections but not in national elections.
This status may be revoked on a number of discriminatory grounds affecting a wide range of social
and economic rights. While permanent residents can acquire Israeli citizenship if they desire, they
must swear allegiance to Israel, prove they are not citizens of any other country, and demonstrate
some knowledge of Hebrew. Over the years, there has been an increase in the number of residents
requesting Israeli citizenship, but they face a long wait before the Israeli Population and Migration
Authority processes their applications.
Following its annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, Israel applied its “law, jurisdiction and
administration”, but it did not grant Palestinians living in the annexed area Israeli citizenship under
the Nationality Law of 1952. Instead, it conferred permanent residency status on residents of East
Jerusalem under the Entry into Israel Law of 1952, and maintained that such residents could only
acquire Israeli citizenship through naturalization.
People with this status can live and work in
Jerusalem and Israel provided they maintain a presence in the city or Israel. The Entry into Israel Law
grants Israel’s minister of interior discretion to “cancel any permit of residence” granted under the law.
The permanent residency status is not permanent in reality. Israel has enacted legislation and several
policies and measures that have resulted in Palestinians with this status losing their right and ability to
live in the city. By contrast, Jewish Israeli settlers residing in East Jerusalem enjoy Israeli citizenship
and are exempt from laws and measures enacted against Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem. In
this way, Israel has consolidated its sovereignty over the city and restricted the number of Palestinians
288. Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh,
Surrounded: Palestinian soldiers in the Israeli Military,
2008, p. 32.
289. Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh,
(previously cited), p. 32.
290. Tablet Mag, “Arabs in Israel: No Service?” (previously cited).
291. HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the Individual (HaMoked) and B’Tselem,
The Quiet Deportation: Revocation of Residency of East
Jerusalem Palestinians,
April 1997,
292. Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI),
East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019,
May 2019, fef8066e-8343-457a-8902-; B’Tselem,
A policy of discrimination: Land
expropriation, planning and building in East Jerusalem
(previously cited).
293. Jerusalem Institute for Policy and Research,
Residents, not citizens: Israeli policy towards the Arabs in East Jerusalem,
May 2017,; State
of Israel, Entry into Israel Law, adopted on 5 September 1952, amended in 1985, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 2006 (an unofficial English
translation is available at
294. Entry into Israel Law (previously cited), Article 11(a).
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living in East Jerusalem to maintain a Jewish majority in the city – a key policy objective in Jerusalem
since the outset of the occupation.
The Israeli Ministry of Interior has used its discretion to revoke the residency status of thousands of
Palestinian residents of Jerusalem through various policies and measures, affecting a total of 14,701
Palestinians between 1967 and 2020.
In 1996, the Ministry of Interior began implementing a measure known as the “centre of life” policy
that has led to the revocation of the residency status of thousands of Palestinian residents of East
Jerusalem over the years.
Under the policy, which many local human rights organizations have
labelled a “quiet deportation”, the minister of interior can revoke the permanent residency status of
Palestinians if they are unable to prove that Jerusalem is their “centre of life”.
Under Regulation 11A of the Entry into Israel Regulations of 1974, a person is considered to have
settled “outside Israel” if they have lived outside Israel for at least seven years, received a permanent
residency status in a foreign country, or become a citizen of another country.
These and other
conditions are taken as proof that a resident’s “centre of life” is no longer in Israel. In some cases, the
procurement of residency or citizenship in another country, even if the permanent resident has lived
outside Jerusalem for less than seven years, has been a basis for revocation.
The Ministry of Interior places the burden of proof on Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem to prove
that Jerusalem is their “centre of life”; they must provide a set of documents to the Ministry, such as
confirmation of payment of taxes and national insurance bills, rental or home ownership contracts,
electricity and water bills, and proof that their children are in schools in Jerusalem.
Permanent residency status does not guarantee that the holder’s children or non-resident spouse
will be granted the same status. Since 2002, children whose parents are Palestinian residents of East
Jerusalem but are born in the OPT outside of East Jerusalem can no longer be automatically registered
on their parents’ identification cards as Jerusalem residents; their parents must submit an application
for their children.
Under Israel’s policy since 2002, which was enshrined in law in the form of the
Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, a temporary order that lasted from 2003 to July 2021, Palestinian
residents of Jerusalem who marry Palestinians from the rest of the OPT cannot secure residency status
for their spouse to live with them in Jerusalem. This has forced many couples to leave Jerusalem
and lose their residency status under the “centre of life” policy.
The Israeli Ministry of Interior has
also placed onerous conditions on the registration of children of these “mixed couples”, requiring the
parents to apply to register children under the age of 12 with proof that Jerusalem was their “centre of
life” (see section 5.3.3 “Separation of families through discriminatory laws”).
295. For more details on the revocation of resident permits of Palestinian residents of Jerusalem, see HaMoked and B’Tselem,
The Quiet
(previously cited); B’Tselem and HaMoked,
The Quiet Deportation Continues: Revocation of Residency and Denial of Social
Rights of East Jerusalem Palestinians,
September 1998,
pdf; HaMoked and B’Tselem,
Perpetual Limbo: Israel’s Freeze on Unification of Palestinian Families in the Occupied Territories,
July 2006,; and Amnesty International,
Israel and
The Occupied Territories: Torn Apart: Families split by discriminatory policies
(Index: MDE 15/063/2004), 12 July 2004,
documents/mde15/063/2004/en; Amnesty International, “Israeli Supreme Court ruling continues to tear families apart”, 13 January 2012,
296. HaMoked, “Ministry of Interior data: 18 East Jerusalem Palestinians were stripped of their permanent residency status in 2020 as part
of Israel’s ‘quiet deportation’ policy; 10 of them women”, 9 March 2021,
297. HaMoked and B’Tselem,
The Quiet Deportation
(previously cited).
298. State of Israel, Entry into Israel Regulations 5734-1974, adopted on 17 July 1974, Regulation 11 (an unofficial English translation is
available at
299. HaMoked and B’Tselem,
The Quiet Deportation
(previously cited).
300. Amnesty International,
Torn Apart
(previously cited).
301. Amnesty International,
Torn Apart
(previously cited).
302. Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (previously cited), Article 3: a permit to reside or stay in Israel may be granted “… in order
to prevent a child under 12 years of age from being separated from his parent who is lawfully staying in Israel” (an unofficial English
translation is available at
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Israeli authorities can also cancel the residency status of East Jerusalem Palestinians for “breach
of allegiance” based on a 2018 amendment to the Entry into Israel Law that grants the minister of
interior broad discretionary powers to revoke a permanent residency status “if it has been proven to the
Minister’s satisfaction that the status holder performed a deed which involves breach of allegiance to
the State of Israel.”
The amendment defined such a breach to include committing an act of terror as
defined in the Counter-Terrorism Law of 2016, or an act of treason or aggravated espionage under the
Penal Code of 1977.
The Israeli human rights organization HaMoked: Center for the Defence of the
Individual (HaMoked) has warned that the law has no clear criteria for its application, which in effect
may enable the arbitrary revocation of the permanent residency status of Palestinians on the grounds
of “breach of allegiance”.
The amendment was originally proposed by then interior minister Roni Bar-On in 2006 in order to
revoke the residency status of four people elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC). In
January 2006, the four – all Palestinian residents of Jerusalem – were elected after running for the
Change and Reform party, a list affiliated with Hamas that took part in the PLC and municipal elections
in various West Bank cities. Five months later, Roni Bar-On ordered the revocation of their residency
status. Israeli authorities then forcibly transferred the four Palestinians to the West Bank and have not
allowed them to enter Jerusalem since then.
The amendment was eventually enacted into law in September 2017. This followed a verdict by the
Supreme Court of Israel on a petition against the revocation of the residency permits of the four elected
PLC members. The Supreme Court ruled that there was no law that granted the Israeli Interior Ministry
authority to revoke residency status for “breach of allegiance”, and that the minister’s decision was
therefore illegal.
However, the Supreme Court suspended its decision for six months to allow the
minister to seek the Knesset’s support in adopting a new law that would authorize the minister to
revoke the residency status of Palestinian Jerusalemites based on “breach of allegiance”.
The Ministry of Interior revealed that it had revoked the residency status of 13 Palestinians for “breach
of allegiance” between 2007 and 2017 (it would not reveal the total number of such revocations).
The ministry also applied the legislation retroactively against at least two Palestinians for alleged
participation in attacks against Israelis.
In September 2019, HaMoked petitioned the Supreme Court
of Israel to repeal the law and to reinstate the permanent residency status of those affected.
petition was ongoing as of July 2021.
The revocation of the permanent residency of Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem means they
must leave the city, resulting in them losing associated social benefits and access to national health
insurance. In some cases, other family members, such as children or spouses whose residency rights
303. State of Israel, Entry into Israel Law, Amendment 30, passed on 7 March 2018 (an unofficial English translation is available at
304. Entry into Israel Law, Amendment 30 (previously cited).
305. See, for example, HaMoked, “HaMoked contests revocation of status of four East Jerusalem residents for “breach of allegiance to the
State”: retroactive application of unconstitutional legislation”, 9 April 2018,
306. Amnesty International, “Palestinians at risk of losing residency status”, 26 April 2018,
307. Amnesty International, “Palestinians at risk of losing residency status” (previously cited).
308. The Al-Quds University’s Community Action Center submitted a freedom of information request to the Israeli Ministry of Interior
inquiring about the number of residencies revoked for “security” and “breach of allegiance” criteria. The ministry replied on 15 October
2017 that they did not retain the number revoked for “security” reasons. The ministry did divulge that 13 residencies were revoked based
on “breach of allegiance” between 2007 and 2017. See Al-Haq, “Punitive Residency Revocation: The most recent tool of forcible transfer”,
17 March 2018,
309. HaMoked, “HaMoked petitions the HCJ to repeal the law that allows the Minister of Interior to revoke permanent residency status
for ‘breach of allegiance to the State of Israel’ and to cancel its implementation regarding two East Jerusalem men”, 15 September 2019,
310. HaMoked, “HaMoked petitions the HCJ to repeal the law that allows the Minister of Interior to revoke permanent residency status for
‘breach of allegiance to the State of Israel’” (previously cited).
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are dependent on the person whose residency has been revoked, also lose their residency status
in Jerusalem and are expelled from the city.
In other instances, Israel has punitively revoked the
permanent residency status of family members of Palestinians involved in attacks against Jewish Israeli
civilians or soldiers.
Palestinians in the rest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip remain without a citizenship and are
considered stateless, except for those who obtained a citizenship from a third country. The Israeli
military issues them with identification cards that enable them to permanently live and work in the
After Israel’s victory in the 1967 war, it took control of the population registry in the West Bank and
imposed policies, restrictions and measures to control the demography of the territory. It immediately
declared the West Bank and Gaza Strip a “closed military area” and required Palestinian residents to
obtain permits for entry and exit.
Within three months, Israel had conducted a census of Palestinians
in the OPT, including East Jerusalem, and only registered the 954,898 Palestinians who were
physically present. At least 270,000 Palestinians, who were absent at the time for various reasons,
such as work or residence in another country, or had been forcibly displaced or had left as a result of
the war, were denied the right to return to their homes or to live in the OPT.
The Israeli military issued those who were present with identification cards as a condition for
permanent residency in the OPT. Those who wanted to leave were required to obtain special “exit
permits” and leave their identification card behind with the Israeli military. Palestinians who exceeded
the period of their exit permits or people who resided outside the OPT for more than seven consecutive
years were deleted from the population registry.
The Israeli military cancelled the residency status of
about 140,000 West Bank Palestinians as a result of this procedure between 1967 and 1994,
imposed further restrictions on the registration of foreign spouses of Palestinians and their children
during this period.
Some 108,000 Palestinians from Gaza also lost their residency status during the
same period because they had resided abroad for more than seven years and were considered to have
transferred their “centre of life”, or because they had failed to participate in the population censuses
in 1981 and 1988.
After the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1995, Israel re-registered 10,000 of the
West Bank Palestinians and stopped using this procedure to revoke the residency status of Palestinians
in the OPT.
In 1981, the Israeli Civil Administration was established and became the body responsible for
administering the population registry, including the registration of births, deaths, changes of address,
311. HaMoked and B’Tselem,
The Quiet Deportation
(previously cited).
312. Amnesty International, “Palestinians at risk of losing residency status” (previously cited).
313. State of Israel, Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Proclamation 1, 7 June 1967: “curfew is imposed and all movement
forbidden”; State of Israel, Military Order 5, 8 June 1967: “the entire West Bank is a closed military area”; State of Israel, Military Order
18, 13 June 1967: “anyone entering the areas requires a permit”; State of Israel, unnumbered military order, 6 November 1967: “I hereby
grant an entry or exit permit to anyone above the age of 60 who is a resident of Israel and/or a foreign resident who is staying legally in
Israel. As for those below the age of 60, they are permitted to enter together with a companion aged over 60, but they must take certain
roads, avoid refugee camps, military zones and camps or closed areas within certain hours.” See also Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC),
Legal Memo, Revocation of Residency in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
December 2016,
314. HRW,
“Forget About him, He’s Not Here”,
4 February 2020,
315. HaMoked and B’Tselem,
Perpetual Limbo
(previously cited).
316. HRW,
“Forget About him, He’s Not Here”
(previously cited).
317. HaMoked and B’Tselem,
Perpetual Limbo
(previously cited).
318. HaMoked, “‘Ceased Residency’: between 1967 and 1994 Israel revoked the residency of some quarter million Palestinians from the
West Bank and the Gaza strip”, 12 June 2012,
319. HaMoked and B’Tselem,
Perpetual Limbo
(previously cited).
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marriages and divorces in the OPT. In 1995, under the Oslo Accords, the newly established Palestinian
Authority was to take over the administration of the population registry, including the conferring of
residency status and the registration of spouses and children of Palestinian residents who were born
in the West Bank and Gaza Strip or abroad. The Palestinian Authority was required to regularly share
information on the population registry with Israel, while Israel would maintain a copy.
However, in
practice, the Israeli military continued its effective control of the West Bank, including the control of
the population registry and residence in the OPT. The Palestinian Authority took on the administrative
responsibility of accepting requests relating to the population registry and processing relevant fees
before transferring the applications to the Israeli Civil Administration for approval.
Only following
Israel’s approval can the Palestinian authorities issue residents with an identification card, which
became known as the Palestinian identification card.
After the outbreak of the Palestinian
at the end of 2000, the Israeli Civil Administration froze
most changes to the population registry without notifying the Palestinian Authority in advance. The only
changes Israeli authorities continue to regularly process are requests for the registration of children
aged under 16 if at least one of their parents holds a Palestinian identification card and they are
physically present in the West Bank. These measures remain in effect.
The freeze included the suspension of all “family unification” procedures for Palestinian residents of
the OPT who had married foreign nationals. Israel continues to deny the conferring of residency status
to tens of thousands of foreign nationals who are married to Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza
This is profoundly discriminatory; Jewish settlers residing in settlements in the West Bank
face no restrictions in obtaining authorization from the Israeli authorities for their spouses to enter the
occupied territory and reside with them.
Meanwhile, it is not clear whether the Palestinian authorities in the West Bank have continued to
submit applications for new entries to be included in the population registry and follow up on the
According to media reports, thousands of individuals have applied for residency status in the
West Bank and have been left in limbo.
Some affected families have recently held weekly protests
in front of the Palestinian Ministry of Civil Affairs and sometimes in front of the headquarters of the
Israeli Civil Administration to demand they be granted the residency status needed to live together in
the occupied West Bank.
The protests have been joined by Palestinians who are originally from Gaza
and have been unable to change their residency status to the West Bank even though many have lived
there for years.
320. The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip Annex III – Protocol Concerning Civil Affairs, Article
II(28) “Population registry and Documentation”, 28 September 1995, as published by the Israeli MoFA,
guide/pages/the%20israeli-palestinian%20interim%20agreement%20-%20annex%20iii.aspx: “the Palestinian side shall maintain and
administer a population registry and issue certificates and documents of all types” (para. 2), and is obliged to “provide Israel, on a regular
basis,” with information regarding the residents to whom it granted passports and identification cards. The Palestinian side must also
“inform Israel of every change in its population registry, including, inter alia, any change in the place of residence of any resident” (para.
321. HaMoked and B’Tselem,
Perpetual Limbo
(previously cited).
322. HRW, “Forget
About Him, He’s Not Here”
(previously cited).
323. Amnesty International, “Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: Right to family life denied: Foreign spouses of Palestinians barred”
(Index: MDE 15/018/2007, 21 March 2007,
324. Haaretz, “Questions for the Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs”, 2 August 2021,
325. Haaretz, “‘When I Fight With My Husband, I Have Nowhere to Go’: What It’s Like Living as an ‘Illegal Resident’ in the West Bank”, 23
July 2021,
يقح لمشلا لم
, Facebook post, 25 July 2021, “Family Reunification
Campaign Demonstration (video)”.
327. HRW, “Forget
About Him, He’s Not Here”
(previously cited).
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Alia Khalil
Alia Khalil is a Jordanian citizen who has been living without documentation in the West Bank town
of Huwara, south of the city of Nablus, because for 27 years Israel has refused to include her in the
population registry and thereby allow her to live legally with her family. This has devastated her life as
she is unable to commute freely between cities or travel abroad for fear of being caught by the Israeli
army and deported.
Alia Khalil’s family is originally from Salfit, south of Nablus, but have lived in Jordan since 1991.
married a Palestinian from the West Bank in 1994 and moved to the West Bank from Jordan straight
away. She immediately started the family reunification process that would include her in the population
registry and allow her residency in the West Bank. She has received a permit from the Israeli authorities
to leave the West Bank only twice, first following the death of her father in Jordan in 2006, and again for
a family visit in 2007. In 2010, she received a tourist visa that would allow her to stay with her family.
This expired after a few months. She told Amnesty International:
I have been waiting to get my ID [residency status] for the past 27 years. I have been here since
1994, been stuck here really… My husband and children have been able to go see my family in
Jordan [as they have Palestinian identification papers and passports], while I haven’t. I’ll be honest
with you, it breaks my heart every time I see my husband leave with the kids to Jordan. Their [the
Israeli authorities’] continuous decision to refuse to approve our family unification applications
keeps on hindering our stability further. Normally people get married so they can settle down, build
a new life together, and have some kind of stability in their lives. I haven’t tasted that feeling of
stability once, not once since 1994. Imagine living a lifetime of uneasiness and terror. I am upset, I
am mad, and I am distressed, and I want my right to exist in peace. Is this too much to ask?
Alia Khalil described how Israel’s denial of residency status has prevented her from registering for
college or university, opening a bank account, accessing health insurance, being added to her
husband’s health insurance plan, or obtaining a driver’s licence:
My husband was able to add his parents to his health insurance plan while I was left out. I
consider myself lucky as I have not had to deal with any serious illness. But for the past 27 years
every time I needed a doctor it was all at our own expense, which is rather costly.
D. Z.
D. Z., a Jordanian citizen who married a Palestinian resident from the West Bank in 1997, lives on
the outskirts of the city of Ramallah. She has been waiting to have her family reunification application
approved for the past 23 years. As soon as she married in 1997, her husband applied for family
unification. She first entered the West Bank on a “visit permit” that she had to renew every seven
months. In order to renew it, she had to leave the West Bank, travelling to Jordan and then entering the
West Bank again from there. She continued to do this until 2000, when the second
erupted and
the Israeli authorities stopped providing entry permits. She told Amnesty International:
That year it was the intifada, the second one, when I left [the West Bank to Jordan] as normal to
re-enter and obtain a permit from the Israeli authorities, but they didn’t let me in because they
froze entry permits for everyone during that time. That’s when I got stuck in Jordan for 12 years
without being able to go back to Palestine.
328. Though originally from Salfit, West Bank, Alia Khalil was born in Kuwait. Her parents migrated to Jordan after her birth and have been
there ever since. Her parents died, but the rest of her family members remain in Jordan.
329. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Alia Khalil, 22 March 2021.
330. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Alia Khalil, 22 March 2021.
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D. Z.’s husband continued to visit her regularly in Jordan, but he could not move there because of his
job. Their two children stayed with her in Jordan. During that period they had two more children. The
children were unable to obtain her Jordanian nationality due to the “foreign nationality” of her husband,
in accordance with Jordanian law. This meant that the couple had to bear the financial burden of
education fees and medical services at private schools and clinics.
In 2012, the Israeli authorities provided what were referred to as “Ramadan permits” and D. Z. obtained
one. She entered the West Bank and has been there ever since, overstaying her entry permit. This
has left her in constant fear of being caught by the Israeli authorities during random checks or at
checkpoints between different cities and villages. If she were stopped, she could be detained and then
deported to Jordan as she is not a legal resident of the West Bank.
This fear and instability have affected every part of her life, including her access to healthcare, her ability
to work legally and her freedom of movement. Her exhausting situation reached a new level when she
realized she could not be with one of her daughters at a critical moment:
The past 20 years have been one form of torture and these coming ones are another. The straw
that broke the camel’s back was my 20-year-old daughter getting sick. On December 2020, her
kidneys failed and she started undergoing kidney dialysis. She has dialysis three times a week in
a hospital in Ramallah and I have to accompany her. These weekly trips are extremely difficult
as they are; we also undergo the terror of being caught by random Israeli checkpoints that would
probably lead to my deportation, that is with us being merely 20 minutes away by car. Her doctors
determined that she needs a transplant – she needs to undergo this procedure in Jordan where
she will require a six-month recovery period. Six months of me, her mother, not being able to be
with her to support her during this extremely difficult period.
Palestinians wait to cross the Qalandia checkpoint between Ramallah and East Jerusalem, both in the occupied West Bank, as they head to
the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East Jerusalem for the first Friday prayers of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on 2 June 2017
© Abbas Momani / AFP via Getty Images
331. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with D. Z., 23 March 2021.
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In 2008, as a one-time diplomatic gesture towards the Palestinian authorities, Israel committed to
granting 50,000 family reunification requests. According to reports, Israel granted requests only to
those physically present in the OPT at the time,
whereby around 35,000 requests were approved.
However, there is no information publicly available on how many of the 35,000 were actually granted
permanent residency status.
In addition to the restrictions Israel imposed on the Palestinian population registry in the OPT following
the second
in early 2003 Israel began prohibiting Palestinians registered in Gaza from residing
in the West Bank. This policy is based on Military Order 34 of 1967, which declared the West Bank a
“closed military area”.
Under this policy, Israel has arrested thousands of Palestinians and forcibly
removed them from the West Bank to Gaza, even if they had been living in the West Bank for years and
had families and work there.
In 2009, an estimated 25,000 Palestinians with registered addresses in Gaza were living in the West
Bank. Israel refused to recognize their right to live there, labelling them as “infiltrators”. Many of
them are effectively locked in their local areas as they could not travel freely within the West Bank or
In 2011, Israel announced that it would allow 5,000 Palestinians to change their address
from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank, which it implemented partially over subsequent years.
October 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense authorized changes to the population registry for 4,000
people as another “gesture” to the Palestinian authorities, in a move, which fell far short of the
expectations of activists campaigning for family unification. Only 1,200 of these 4,000 people were
actually granted residency status. The remaining 2,800 were merely allowed to change their registered
addresses from the Gaza Strip to the West Bank.
Ibtihal Jaber, from the Gaza Strip, married O. K., from Hebron, in March 2020 in Egypt because they
could not meet or marry in the OPT. Their plan was to obtain their documents together and apply for
a permit to settle in the West Bank. After the pandemic hit and travel restrictions were imposed, their
plans became near impossible. When their visas in Egypt were about to expire, O. K., who was not
allowed to enter Gaza, returned to the West Bank. Ibtihal Jaber, pregnant and not allowed to enter the
West Bank, returned to Gaza. She told Amnesty International at the time: “I am terrified of giving birth in
Gaza, having a baby, and being stuck in Gaza all alone without my husband. And God knows when I’ll
be able to reunite with him. It is terrifying.”
332. B’Tselem, “Israel approves some 32,000 requests for family unification 90,000 Palestinians still waiting”, 11 August 2008,
333. HRW,
A Threshold Crossed
(previously cited), p. 190.
334. According to some reports, about two thirds of couples were given permanent joint status, in a unique instance. See, for example,
Haaretz, “He’s Palestinian, she’s German, but only an Israeli stamp lets them live together in the West Bank”, 16 March 2019: “In
2008, Israel approved more than 23,000 family-unification requests (out of 32,000 applications) in what was termed a ‘diplomatic
335. State of Israel, Military Order 34 regarding Closure of Areas (West Bank Area), 2 July 1967.
336. Gisha,
Restrictions and Removal: Israel’s Double Bind Policy for Palestinian Holders of Gaza ID Cards in the West Bank,
337. HRW, “Forget
About Him, He’s Not Here”;
and Gisha,
Restrictions and Removal
(both previously cited).
338. Gisha,
Separating Land, Separating People
(previously cited).
339. Haaretz, “Israel's 'Gesture' to Palestinians Reveals the Extent of Its Control Over the West Bank and Gaza“, 20 October 2021, haaretz.
340. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Ibtihal Jaber, 25 September 2020.
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She delivered a baby boy, Muhammed, on 1 January 2021. By this time, she had also lost touch with
her husband: “New Year is supposed to be a symbol for a new beginning and new chapters in life. Mine
started with a new baby without his father by his side. What kind of new chapter is this?”
Due to her special circumstances, the Palestinian authorities in Gaza registered her as married despite
her husband not being with her. This allowed her to obtain documentation for her child, but she remains
uncertain about how she can obtain a divorce or child support from her husband after they agreed to
separate because they could not live together.
My father has taken on all of the financial responsibilities regarding my son. He wanted me to have
a stable life. Now he has to carry not only my burden but also that of my son. And I want to make
my husband pay his dues by the rule of the law, but how can we do it? Which courts should I resort
to? Courts in Gaza? They will be useless as they have no jurisdiction in the West Bank, and I have
no one in the West Bank to follow my case, or even present it. I am lost; I have no idea what to do.
In addition, there are approximately 5,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip who remain undocumented
because the Israeli authorities have continuously refused to regularize their status since 2008.
the de facto authorities in Gaza have taken steps to improve their daily lives by issuing them with
temporary identity cards, which are accepted by most employers, healthcare providers and UNRWA,
they are not recognized by the Ramallah-based Palestinian authorities. As a result, these Palestinians
in Gaza still experience difficulties opening a bank account or making any bank transactions given
that banking mechanisms continue to be linked to the Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and,
ultimately, to Israel.
Due to the lack of a legal status, they experience even greater travel restrictions
than the rest of Gaza’s population, and are automatically denied employment and educational
opportunities in the rest of the OPT and abroad in the rare cases they arise. Most importantly, these
added complications mean that those without residence or identity cards cannot access potentially life-
saving medical treatment outside of the Gaza Strip, even in cases of emergency.
Israel’s control of the population registry has thus further facilitated the fragmentation of the Palestinian
people and restrictions on their freedom of movement based on their legal status and residence, or
lack thereof. It has serious consequences on the ability of Palestinians in the OPT to lead a normal life:
those in the West Bank who are not registered face the imminent threat of deportation, are unable to
access healthcare, education and social benefits, open a bank account and have legal jobs, and are
effectively prisoners in their homes because they fear ID checks and arrests at Israeli checkpoints (see
section 5.3.2 “Restrictions on Palestinians’ freedom of movement”).
Undocumented Palestinians
in Gaza are also denied their freedom of movement, and access to healthcare and education in
other parts of the OPT and abroad. Overall, restrictions on family unification in effect interfere with
Palestinians’ enjoyment of their rights to privacy, to family life and to marry, blocking them from
conferring residency status to their spouses and children.
341. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Ibtihal Jaber, 24 March 2021.
342. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor,
The Gaza Strip: Undocumented Citizens,
March 2021, available at
343. NRC,
Undocumented and Stateless: The Palestinian Population Registry and Access to Residency and Identity Documents in the Gaza
January 2012,
344. NRC,
Undocumented and Stateless: The Palestinian Population Registry and Access to Residency and Identity Documents in the Gaza
(previously cited).
345. Al Jazeera, “‘Not a life’: Israel keeps many Palestinians without legal status”, 26 October 2021,
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As stated above, Israel continues to deny Palestinian refugees – displaced in the 1947-49 and 1967
conflicts – and their descendants their right to gain Israeli citizenship or residency status in Israel or the
OPT. By doing so, it denies them their right to return to their former places of residence and property
– a right, which has been widely recognized under international human rights law.
The right to
return to one’s own country is guaranteed under international human rights law.
The right to return
applies not just to those who were directly expelled and their immediate families, but also to those of
their descendants who have maintained “close and enduring connections” with the area.
connections between individuals and territory may exist independently of the formal determination
of nationality held by the individuals.
Israel’s failure to respect the right of return for Palestinians
refugees is thus a flagrant violation of international law that has fuelled decades of suffering on a mass
scale for Palestinian refugees across the region.
The Apartheid Convention lists the inhuman acts to which the term “the crime of apartheid” applies,
including, in Article II(c):
Any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from
participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate
creation of conditions preventing the full development of such a group or groups, in particular by
denying to members of a racial group or groups basic human rights and freedoms… the right to
leave and to return to their country…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides in Article 13: “Everyone has the right to leave any
country, including his own, and to return to his country.” Article 12(4) of the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) codifies the right of return: “No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the
right to enter his own country.”
The UN Human Rights Committee has asserted that the right to return to one’s “own country” also
applies in relation to disputed territories or territories that have changed hands:
The scope of “his own country” is broader than the concept “country of his nationality”. It is
not limited to nationality in a formal sense, that is, nationality acquired at birth or by conferral;
it embraces, at the very least, an individual who, because of his or her special ties to or claims
in relation to a given country, cannot be considered to be a mere alien. This would be the case,
for example, of nationals of a country who have been stripped of their nationality in violation of
international law, and of individuals whose country of nationality has been incorporated in or
transferred to another national entity, whose nationality is being denied them.
346. Palestinian refugees’ right of return, repatriation, restitution, and compensation for their property is recognized by the UNGA. UNGA,
Resolution 194 (III): Palestine – Progress Report of the United Nations Mediator, adopted on 11 December 1948, UN Doc. A/RES/194,
para. 11. See also Amnesty International,
The Right to Return
(previously cited).
347. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights grants the right to return in Article 13: “Everyone has the right to leave any country,
including his own, and to return to his country.” Article 12(4) of the ICCPR codifies the right to return: “No one shall be arbitrarily deprived
of the right to enter his own country.” The HRC has asserted that the right to return to one’s “own country” also applies in relation to
disputed territories, or territories that have changed hands. See Amnesty International,
The Right to Return
(previously cited).
348. HRC, General Comment 27: Freedom of Movement (Article 12), 2 November 1999, UN Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.9. See also
Amnesty International,
The Right to Return
(previously cited).
349. HRC, General Comment 27: Freedom of Movement (previously cited), para. 19.
350. Amnesty International, “Seventy+ years of suffocation” (previously cited).
351. Apartheid Convention, Article II(c).
352. HRC, General Comment 27: Freedom of Movement (previously cited), para. 20.
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The right to return applies not just to those who were directly expelled and their immediate families, but
also to those of their descendants who have maintained “close and enduring connections” with the area.
Lasting connections between individuals and territory may exist independently of the formal determination
of nationality (or lack thereof) held by the individuals, as explained by the Human Rights Committee:
The right of a person to enter his or her own country recognizes the special relationship of a
person to that country... It includes not only the right to return after having left one’s own country;
it may also entitle a person to come to the country for the first time if he or she was born outside
the country (for example, if that country is the person’s State of nationality).
The International Court of Justice delineated a standard for measuring the existence of a “close and
enduring connection” between a person and their “own country”. In the landmark Nottebohm case of
1955, which focused on the determination of nationality, the court held that “genuine” and “effective”
links between an individual and a state were based on “... a social fact of attachment, a genuine
connection of existence, interests and sentiments...” The court also noted:
Different factors are taken into consideration, and their importance will vary from one case to
the next: there is the habitual residence of the individual concerned but also the centre of his
interests, his family ties, his participation in public life, attachment shown by him for a given
country and inculcated in his children, etc.
Other criteria suggested by the court include cultural traditions, way of life, activities and intentions for
the near future. The criteria established by the International Court of Justice are likewise appropriate
when determining a person’s “own country” in that they are regarded as a standard measure of the
effective existence of ties between the individual and the state in question.
A view of Shatila refugee camp, in Beirut, Lebanon, on 31 January 2019, the camp having grown tenfold since it was set
up with around 500 residential units for Palestinian refugees in 1949 © Franco Origlia / Getty Images
353. HRC, General Comment 27: Freedom of Movement (previously cited); Amnesty International,
The Right to Return
(previously cited).
354. HRC, General Comment 27: Freedom of Movement (previously cited), para. 19.
355. ICJ, Nottebohm case (Liechtenstein
v. Guatemala),
Second phase, Judgment, 6 April 1955.
356. Amnesty International,
The Right to Return
(previously cited).
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Since the mid-1990s the Israeli authorities have imposed a closure system within the OPT and between the
OPT and Israel, gradually subjecting millions of Palestinians who live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to ever
more stringent restrictions on movement. These restrictions are another tool through which Israel segregates
Palestinians into separate enclaves, isolates them from each other and the rest of the world and, ultimately,
enforces its domination regime.
Israel controls all entry and exit points in the West Bank and controls all travel between the West Bank and
abroad. Israel also controls all movement of people into and out of the Gaza Strip to the rest of the OPT
and Israel through the Erez crossing, the passenger crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip. With the
exception of East Jerusalemites, who have a permanent residency status in Israel, Palestinians from the
OPT cannot travel abroad via Israeli airports, notably Ben Gurion airport, Israel’s main international airport
located near Tel Aviv, unless they obtain a special permit, which is issued only to senior businesspeople and
individuals with exceptional humanitarian needs.
An international airport was officially inaugurated in Gaza
in 1998 as part of the Oslo Accords, but Israel halted flights there shortly after the start of the second
in 2000 and then bombed it in 2001. Since then it has in effect prevented its reconstruction, as well as the
construction of a seaport.
This means that Palestinians in the OPT must rely on land crossings to travel
abroad, and, with the exception of the Rafah crossing with Egypt, which is regularly shut by the Egyptian
authorities, are dependent on Israel to enter and exit the OPT.
Nearly all Palestinians living in the OPT face restrictions or difficulties travelling abroad. When they manage
to do so, Palestinians must return to the OPT through the same crossing they used to exit the territories.
Palestinians from the West Bank, including those who hold foreign passports, can only travel abroad via
the Allenby / King Hussein crossing with Jordan, which is controlled by Israel. However, Israeli military and
security forces can ban West Bank Palestinians from doing so, often on the basis of “secret information”
that Palestinians cannot review and therefore challenge.
In most cases, they find out about such bans
only upon their arrival at the crossing when they attempt to leave the West Bank. These bans have affected
human rights defenders and activists who travel abroad to advocate for Palestinians’ rights, among others.
For Palestinians in Gaza, travel abroad is nearly impossible under Israel’s illegal blockade, which Israel
imposes on Gaza’s entire population as a form of collective punishment (see section 5.5.1 “Suppression of
Palestinians’ human development”), citing general security concerns, in the absence of specific, concrete
and time-bound evidence. Indeed, travel through the Erez crossing is limited to rare exceptions (see below).
With tight Egyptian restrictions maintained on the Rafah crossing, Gazans must obtain official permits from
the Israeli Civil Administration to exit Gaza. This has effectively segregated Palestinians in the Gaza Strip from
the rest of the OPT, Israel and the rest of the world.
While Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem are allowed to travel abroad
via Israel’s ports, until recently the Israeli authorities banned approximately 4,000 Palestinian spouses from
357. State of Israel, Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT),
Unclassified status of authorizations for entry of
Palestinians into Israel, for their passage from Judea and Samaria into the Gaza Strip, and for their departure abroad, Up to date as of 17
December 2020,
358. Gisha,
Scale of control: Israel’s Continued Responsibility in Gaza Strip,
November 2011,
359. COGAT,
Unclassified status of authorizations for entry of Palestinians into Israel, for their passage from Judea and Samaria into the
Gaza Strip, and for their departure abroad, Up to date as of 17 December 2020,
360. B’Tselem, “A Regime of Jewish Supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is Apartheid”, 12 January 2021,; B’Tselem, Restrictions on Movement, 11 November 2017,
freedom_of_movement (accessed on 30 August 2021). For a recent example of Israel’s policy of travel bans, see Amnesty International,
“Israel/OPT: Court to rubber stamp travel ban on Amnesty campaigner, a bitter blow for justice and human rights”, 31 May 2020, amnesty.
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the OPT with Israeli temporary residency status granted to them under the family reunification process from
enjoying the same right. This policy was reversed through a decision issued by the Supreme Court in June
2019 following a petition filed by HaMoked three years earlier. However, in November 2019, the court failed
to grant the same rights to Palestinian spouses lawfully residing in Israel and the OPT with military “stay
permits”, continuing to segregate over 9,000 families.
Despite their ability to leave and enter Israel via the same crossings as Jewish citizens, Palestinian citizens
of Israel and residents of East Jerusalem continue to report being subjected to separate discriminatory and
humiliating security checks and interrogations at Israel’s airports based on their national identity, despite
some improvements introduced as a result of a legal petition filed in 2007 by ACRI.
The petition had
sought to remove “national identity” as a criterion for assessing the level of security screening for passengers
at Israeli airports;
argued that “Arab” passengers are forced to undergo humiliating treatment that is “not
applied to Jewish passengers; and called for all passengers to be subjected to the same security criteria,
regardless of nationality”. After an eight-year-long legal battle, in 2015, the Supreme Court eventually
rejected the petition, arguing that the changes made to the screening process, which were aimed at
“alleviating the sense of discrimination” and subjecting all passengers to an automated luggage checking
system, had rendered a ruling on the petition inappropriate. By refusing to rule on the systematic distinction
between Jewish and Palestinian citizens in the screening process, the court effectively condoned the
discriminatory policy, stating:
We must wait and see whether the significant changes that have been implemented will truly help
and decrease the differentiation between Israeli citizens of different groups for the purpose of security
checks in Israeli airports.
Meanwhile, Palestinian refugees and their descendants continue to be denied their right to enter Israel and
the OPT and to return to their homes and other property.
With regards to movement within the West Bank, between 1967 and 1991 Palestinians could move freely
within the OPT and between the OPT and Israel. In early 1991, Israel started to require Palestinians from the
West Bank and Gaza Strip to obtain individual permits from the Israeli Civil Administration to enter Jerusalem
and Israel for any purpose, even to receive healthcare.
It was relatively easy for Palestinians to obtain
permits until early 1993, when the Israeli army began gradually to erect military checkpoints and impose a
closure system within the OPT and between the OPT and Israel.
Israel imposed a comprehensive closure system on the movement of Palestinians in the West Bank following
the outbreak of the second
at the end of 2000, which remains in effect in various forms.
closure system includes a web of Israeli military checkpoints, blockades, blocked roads, gates and the
winding fence/wall. In addition to curtailing movement between Palestinian communities, it separates
Palestinians from their agricultural land, and hampers Palestinians’ access to basic services, such as
education and healthcare, and to work. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
361. HaMoked, “A court-facilitated arrangement allows Palestinians with temporary Israeli residency through family unification to fly through
Israel’s international airport; the court rejects demand for a similar arrangement for those with family unification stay permits”, 24 November
362. Sanaa Ibn Bari, “‘Code 43’: This is how I was racially profiled at Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport”, Haaretz, 10 May 2017,
363. ACRI, “Profiling results: Screening Practices Have Improved but Court Rejects Appeal”, 12 March 2015,
364. +972 Magazine, “High Court greenlights racial profiling at Israel’s airports”, 11 March 2015,
365. Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ),
The Israeli Permit Regime: Realities and Challenges,
366. B’Tselem, Restrictions on Movement (previously cited).
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Affairs (OCHA), between January and February 2020 the Israeli military maintained 593 fixed permanent
obstacles, such as checkpoints, earth mounds and road gates in the West Bank.
Since March 2015, Israel has generally allowed women aged over 50 and men aged over 55 from the West
Bank to enter Jerusalem or Israel without permits, but only if they have no “security” record or ban.
Meanwhile, Palestinians from the Gaza Strip can enter the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, only for
urgent and life-threatening medical conditions, essential business and exceptional humanitarian reasons
under Israel’s military “separation policy” between the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where movement
between the two areas has been severely restricted over the years and is considered to be the most extreme
separation in the OPT.
Palestinians must obtain Israeli military permits – which has become virtually
impossible to do – in order to travel between the areas, with no clear procedure for making an application or
obtaining an outcome.
The permits regime, part of the multi-layered closure system, is a military, bureaucratic and arbitrary
procedure that involves the Israeli Civil Administration issuing over 100 types of permits.
The regime
applies only to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It does not apply to Jewish settlers, Israeli
citizens or foreign nationals, who generally can move freely within the West Bank and between the West
Bank and Israel except when Israeli authorities temporarily restrict their movement for specific reasons, such
as Israeli national or Jewish religious holidays. In such cases, the Israeli army declares “general closures” in
the West Bank, and no movement is allowed for Palestinians through checkpoints into East Jerusalem and
Israel, as well as through other checkpoints between Palestinian areas near Israel, except for emergencies.
However, when checkpoints are closed it is difficult and time-consuming for Palestinians to contact the
appropriate Israeli army officials to notify them of an emergency and obtain authorization to pass.
Within the West Bank, Palestinians are prohibited from entering Israeli settlements except as workers bearing
required permits.
The Israeli military declares the jurisdictional boundaries of settlements as closed or
restricted areas, which only Palestinians are prohibited from entering. At the same time, the 700km fence/
wall that Israel began constructing in 2002 mostly illegally on Palestinian land inside the occupied West
Bank, of which 465km is completed,
has isolated 38 Palestinian localities that together cover 9.4% of the
area of the West Bank,
and has trapped them in enclaves known as “seam zones”. These are sections of
Palestinian land within the West Bank that fall between the fence/wall and the Green Line and are therefore
severed from the OPT. Israel’s military commander declared “seam zones” as closed military zones.
a result, all Palestinian residents of these localities or Palestinians who want to visit have to obtain special
permits for entry and exit to their homes and acquire separate permits to access their agricultural land
(see section 5.5.2 “Discriminatory allocation of resources”).
In the declaration, the military commander
exempted Jewish settlers, Israeli citizens and foreign nationals from these restrictions. Israel also maintains
a network of roads in the West Bank where Palestinian vehicles are either fully or partially restricted from
367. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), “Longstanding Access Restrictions Continue to Undermine the Living
Conditions of West Bank Palestinians”, 8 June 2020,–
368. ARIJ,
The Israeli Permit Regime
(previously cited).
369. Gisha,
Separating Land, Separating People
(previously cited).
370. ARIJ,
The Israeli Permit Regime
(previously cited).
371. State of Israel, Military Order 378 concerning Security Directives (Judea and Samaria), 1970; and Declaration Concerning Closure of
an Area (Israeli Settlements), 6 June 2002 (first issued in 1995), available at (in Hebrew).
372. B’Tselem, The Separation Barrier, 11 November 2017, (accessed on 30 August 2021).
373. ARIJ,
The Israeli Permit Regime
(previously cited).
374. State of Israel, Military Declaration 2/03/S concerning the Closing of an Area, 2 October 2003, “Seam Zone”.
375. ARIJ,
The Israeli Permit Regime
(previously cited).
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passage. In Hebron’s Old City, Palestinians are barred from accessing certain streets even on foot, which are
open only to Jewish settlers and foreign nationals.
As such, these restrictions on movement are unlawful, disproportionate and discriminatory as they only
apply to Palestinians. They are also maintained in order to specifically ease and facilitate the movement of
Jewish Israeli settlers, whose presence in the territory is illegal under international law.
In addition to measures that separate families inside the OPT, Israel has enacted discriminatory laws and
policies that disrupt family life for Palestinians across the Green Line. They affect Palestinians across
all domains of Israeli control, in particular Palestinian citizens of Israel and residents of occupied East
Jerusalem who are married to Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip and vice versa, and are a
clear example of how Israel fragments and segregates Palestinians through a single system.
In 2002, the Israeli government passed Government Resolution 1813 prohibiting Palestinians from the West
Bank and Gaza from gaining status in Israel or occupied East Jerusalem through marriage, thus preventing
family unification.
A year later, Israel passed the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law, which barred family
unification for thousands of Palestinians in Israel and East Jerusalem with their Palestinian spouses from
the West Bank and Gaza.
Then minister of interior Avraham Poraz stated that the government decision to
freeze family unification in March 2003 was taken because “it was felt that it [family unification] would be
exploited to achieve a creeping right of return… That is tens of thousands of Palestinian Arabs are coming
into the State of Israel.”
The law, which was a temporary order, had to be extended annually by the Knesset. This happened
successfully until 6 July 2021 when, for party political reasons, the opposition in parliament led by former
prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted against an extension to undermine the governing coalition.
In justifying voting against the extension of the law, Benjamin Netanyahu said the vote “halted [prime
minister Naftali] Bennett and [interior minister Ayelet] Shaked’s attempt to sell the country to [Ra’am chair]
Mansour Abbas and grant citizenship to thousands of Palestinians.”
This was in reference to a deal Naftali
Bennett had reached with the Islamic Party of the South (Ra’am) whereby the latter agreed to support the
extension of the law in return for the proposed extension being reduced to six months, the approval of 1,600
applications from Palestinian families for temporary residency in Israel and the establishment of a committee
to look into granting military-issued permits to 9,700 Palestinians residing in Israel.
However, the government’s failure to pass the extension did not change the policy. Following the vote,
interior minister Ayelet Shaked issued instructions not to accept family unification applications from
376. B’Tselem, “West Bank Roads on which Israel forbids Palestinian vehicles”, 31 January 2017,
377. Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Enduring occupation: Palestinians under siege in the West Bank
(Index: MDE 15/033/2007), 4 June 2007,
378. State of Israel, Ministry of Interior, “The treatment of illegal aliens and the family unification policy regarding residents of the Palestinian
Authority and foreigners of Palestinian origin”, Government Resolution 1813, adopted on 2 May 2002 (an unofficial translation is available
379. Amnesty International,
Torn Apart
(previously cited).
380. Cited in B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Forbidden Families: Family Unification and Child Registration in East Jerusalem,
January 2004, p.
381. Adalah, “The Israeli Knesset did not extend the ban on Palestinian family unification”, 6 July 2021,
382. Times of Israel, “Right-wingers slash [sic] at each other after citizenship ban extension fails”, 6 July 2021,
383. Jerusalem Post, “Bennett to opposition: Show ‘national responsibility’ on Citizenship Law”, 5 July 2021,
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Palestinians until new or similar legislation was put in place.
She also vowed to bring the temporary law
back to the Knesset for another vote to extend it.
Members of the opposition who support the policy of
barring Palestinian family unification but had tactically voted against the extension said they intended to
legislate a Basic Law for immigration that would ensure that Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza are
permanently prevented from obtaining citizenship.
Indeed, a first attempt at passing such a law was made
soon after the vote against extending the temporary order, although it failed.
In line with the instructions, applications by Palestinian couples for family unification were not processed by
the Ministry of Interior, according to media reports in October 2021.
Meanwhile a petition filed by Israeli
human rights organizations urging the Court for Administrative Affairs to compel the Ministry of Interior to
process “requests for status” was still pending as of the end of August 2021.
The 2003 law, which was in effect for 18 years, did not allow spouses from the occupied West Bank and
Gaza Strip to receive permanent residency or Israeli citizenship. Instead, “successful” applicants would
receive temporary six-month permits to enter Israel or East Jerusalem to live with their spouses. The law was
blatantly discriminatory against Palestinian citizens of Israel and residents of East Jerusalem by denying their
right to live with their spouses and families in their own country if they married a Palestinian from the OPT,
while explicitly excluding residents of Jewish settlements in the West Bank.
In 2005, Israel introduced an amendment to the law permitting the Ministry of Interior to reject applications
if the “… applicant is liable to constitute a security risk to the State of Israel…”
Based on this amendment,
in June 2008 Israel imposed a sweeping prohibition on the approval of residency permits for people
registered as Gaza residents, even if they lived in the West Bank, and for anyone else residing in the Gaza
Strip, based on the argument that “the Gaza Strip is a region where activity which may endanger the security
of the State of Israel and its citizens takes place”, and as such it is difficult for the government to conduct
individual security assessments of family unification applicants.
Additional amendments over the years broadened the law’s scope to limit and deny family reunification for
Palestinian citizens of Israel.
In 2007, an amendment expanded the ban on family unification to spouses
from Syria and Lebanon, both of which have substantial Palestinian refugee populations, as well as Iraq
and Iran, all of which Israel considers to be “enemy states”. The exclusion included spouses from these
states with dual nationality. The amendment also allowed the Israeli minister of interior to grant permits
384. Times of Israel, “Interior Ministry said told to stop processing Palestinian reunification bids”, 11 July 2021,
385. Times of Israel, “Shaked vows to bring downed [sic] Palestinian family unification law to another vote”, 7 July 2021,
386. Jerusalem Post, “Why is the Citizenship Law dividing the gov’t? – explainer”, 5 July 2021,
387. Jerusalem Post, “Basic Law for Immigration bill fails in Knesset vote”, 14 July 2021,
388. Times of Israel, “Months after Citizenship Law lapses, ban on Palestinian spouses still in place”, 7 October 2021,
389. HaMoked, “HaMoked together with other Israeli human rights organizations petition the court”, 15 September 2021,
390. Article 1 of the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law defined “resident of the region” as residents of the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
specifically excluding residents of Jewish settlements in these areas. According to Article 2 of the law: “… the Minister of the Interior shall
not grant citizenship to a resident of the region pursuant to the Citizenship Law and shall not give a resident of the region a permit to reside
in Israeli pursuant to the Entry into Israel Law, and the regional commander shall not give such residents a permit to stay in Israel pursuant
to the defense legislation in the region”.
391. State of Israel, Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order), Amendment 2, passed on 28 March 2007, Article 3(d) (an
unofficial translation is available at
392. Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order) (previously cited); HaMoked, “The HCJ rejected HaMoked’s petition against
Government Resolution 3598: the judgment closes the door on family unification between Israelis and Gaza Strip residents”, 15 June 2015,
393. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Israel must repeal the discriminatory citizenship and entry into Israel law” (Index: MDE
15/5737/2017), 19 February 2017,; Adalah, Discriminatory Laws in Israel: ‘Ban on
Family Unification’ - Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (Temporary Order), (accessed on 8 August 2021).
Amnesty International
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and temporary residence in Israel for exceptional humanitarian reasons. The Exceptional Cases Committee
was set up to consider individual cases on a “humanitarian” basis, but it was not made clear what this
The five-person committee, which included representatives from the Ministry of Defense, the
General Security Services (Shin Bet) and the Population Registry, interpreted the law very narrowly. In fact,
the committee only granted relief in a few cases, after very long delays and usually only because the case
had been brought before the Supreme Court of Israel.
According to information from the Israeli Ministry of Interior dated September 2013, between January 2000
and July 2013 some 43% of family unification applications were rejected. Of these, 20% were rejected for
security reasons and 13% because of lack of proof of “centre of life”. Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem
submitted a total of 12,284 family unification applications, of which 5,629 were approved and 4,249 were
rejected. The rest were postponed or delayed.
As stated above (see section 5.3.1 “Denial of right to equal nationality and status”), the Ministry of Interior
also requires children under the age of 12 of these “mixed couples” to be registered, with proof that Israel
is their “centre of life”.
According to the Society of St Yves, a legal support centre in East Jerusalem, from
January 2004 to July 2013 the ministry received 17,616 applications for registering children of “mixed
marriages”. Of these, 12,247 were approved and 3,933 were rejected. As a result, nearly 4,000 children
live separated from at least one of their parents for bureaucratic reasons. The number of children who live in
Jerusalem or elsewhere in the OPT without any official administrative status is likely to be much higher, since
the statistics above only represent cases where the parents attempted to complete the residency procedures.
Many parents are discouraged by the complexity and uncertainty of the process, so do not attempt to resolve
the status of their children.
Although Israeli authorities have traditionally justified the policy as necessary on “security grounds”, they
continue to implement it in a blanket manner without specific evidence-based reasons after almost two
Statements by Israeli officials have made it clear that demographic – rather than security –
considerations underpin the policy.
For example, in its presentation to the Israeli cabinet ahead of the
government vote on the decision to freeze family unification for Palestinian spouses in May 2002, the
Population Administration referred to “the immigration of non-Jews from around the world and primarily from
neighbouring Arab countries and areas of the Palestinian Authority” as “an economic burden on the State
of Israel and primarily a demographic burden.” It concluded: “The growing number of alien Palestinians
obtaining legal status in Israel requires review and statutory change.”
In a debate in the Knesset after
the government decision to freeze family unification, government minister Dani Naveh stated that family
unification of Palestinians was “… an attempt to realize the so-called right of return through the back door”
and that the State of Israel “… clearly has the elemental right to protect itself and preserve its character as a
Jewish state, as the state of the Jewish people…”
394. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Israel must repeal the discriminatory citizenship and entry into Israel law” (previously cited).
395. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Israel must repeal the discriminatory citizenship and entry into Israel law” (previously cited).
396. Society of St Yves,
Palestinian families under threat: 10 years of family unification freeze in Jerusalem,
December 2013,
uploads/d450c02766ff53363d7e583c00c7c5de.pdf, p. 10.
397. Al-Haq,
Annexing a City: Israel’s Illegal Measures to Annex Jerusalem Since 1948,
11 May 2020,
398. Society of St Yves,
Palestinian families under threat
(previously cited), p. 10.
399. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Israel must repeal the discriminatory citizenship and entry into Israel law” (previously cited).
400. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Israel must repeal the discriminatory citizenship and entry into Israel law” (previously cited);
Amnesty International, with HRW and International Commission of Jurists, “Israel/OPT: Joint letter to Israeli Knesset members –
discriminatory family reunification law must not be extended” (Index: MDE 15/032/2005), 22 May 2005,
401. Cited in B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Forbidden Families
(previously cited), p. 18.
402. Cited in B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Forbidden Families
(previously cited), p. 18.
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Politicians who consider themselves centrist are among those who oppose granting family unification to
Palestinians and voted for the extension of the law.
In the run-up to the vote on 6 July 2021, foreign
minister Yair Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid political party, said approvingly: “There is no need to hide from
the essence of the reunification law. It is one of the tools designed to ensure a Jewish majority in the State of
Defence minister Benny Gantz, head of the Kahol Lvan (Blue and White) political party, said: “This
law is essential for safeguarding the country’s security and Jewish and democratic character.”
The law reflected Israel’s long-standing policy aimed at restricting the number of Palestinians who are
allowed to live in Israel and East Jerusalem.
Several petitions by local human rights organizations
challenging the constitutionality of the law before the Supreme Court of Israel in 2006 and 2012 failed.
The court concluded that the law was justified for “security reasons” and was constitutional.
In effect,
these judgments enabled the renewal of a temporary order for 18 years. Meanwhile, international human
rights bodies, including CERD and the CESCR, for years expressed concerns over the discriminatory nature
of the law and called on Israel to revoke it.
Israel’s implementation of the policy barring Palestinian family unification in a blanket manner constitutes
a systematic denial of basic rights, including the rights to nationality and status, freedom of movement,
work, health, education, and family life. The policy has affected thousands of families and forced them to
live apart, abroad or in constant fear of being arrested, expelled or deported. The implementation of this
discriminatory policy is a clear example of how Israel fragments Palestinians into different domains of control
to treat them differently, or segregate them, from the Jewish population, and subjugates their rights to the
aim of maintaining a Jewish majority in Israel.
H. S. (Israel and the West Bank)
H. S. an NGO worker, was born and raised in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. Her family has lived
there since Jewish paramilitary groups forced residents of Lod to flee in 1948 and many found refuge
in and around Ramallah. In 2003, she married her husband, who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel from
Lod, and moved there to live with him. The couple have four children. She told Amnesty International:
“I am a refugee from Lod and grew up in Ramallah, so when I got married and moved to Lod it felt like
going back home in a sense.”
H. S. married when she was 18 and, in accordance with the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law,
had to wait until she turned 25 to apply for family unification. During these years, she stayed without
403. Jerusalem Post, “Palestinians start applying for citizenship under family unification laws”, 8 July 2021,
palestinians-start-applying-for-citizenship-under-family-unification-laws-673271; Times of Israel, “Interior Ministry said told to stop
processing Palestinian reunification bids” (previously cited); Al-Haq,
Annexing a City (previously cited).
404. Times of Israel, “Government reaches agreement on six-month extension on family unification law”, 6 July 2021,
405. Ynet, “With clock ticking, MKs row over law targeting Palestinians married to Israelis”, 5 July 2021,
406. Adalah, “Israel extends validity of Citizenship Law that prevents unification of Palestinian families in Israel”, 1 June 2020,
en/content/view/10022 For more analysis of the law, see Amnesty International,
Torn Apart
(previously cited).
407. Adalah, “Israel extends validity of Citizenship Law” (previously cited).
408. HCJ,
MK Zehava Galon and others v. Attorney General,
Case HCJ 466/07, judgment, 11 January 2012 (an unofficial English translation
is available at
409. CERD, Decision 2 (63): Israel, 14 August 2003, UN Doc. CERD/C/63/Misc.11/Rev. 1; CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 14 June
2007, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/13. See also CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19;
CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4.
410. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with H. S., 10 November 2020.
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documentation in Lod, unable to freely move or access healthcare or other social rights. She lived every
day fearing arrest, expulsion and/or separation from her spouse. Later, this dread of being separated
from her spouse extended to her children. It was during this time that she gave birth to her first two
sons. She told Amnesty International:
There was a constant fear in my life. I was terrified of getting sick for example, because of this
fear of having to go to the hospital without the necessary documents, getting caught [by Israeli
authorities], and paying lots of money to cover for any kind of procedure or treatment… How was
I expected to navigate all of that pressure while being recently married and about to have my first
and second children?
H. S. also described her constant state of fear and anxiety while visiting her family in the West Bank:
When I wanted to visit my family in the West Bank, sometimes I would go there and spend a
month or two, as that is much easier than having to keep going back and forth. I remember
once during the Eid holiday, Israeli soldiers put up a “flying checkpoint”
right before we were
supposed to enter Ramallah. At the time I did not have a permit and we were stopped ¬– it was a
disaster. We had taken a taxi at the time since we did not have a car, and we did not want to risk
using public transport, for the same reason we were stopped, to avoid random checks. I was eight
months pregnant at the time. They [Israeli officers] stopped us and realized that I had no legal
documents to be in this area, so they penalized the taxi driver and I was detained at the military
base near Qalandia checkpoint.
When she turned 25, H. S. applied for family unification. In 2009, she received a permit allowing her to
live with her family in Israel, which she is required to renew every year. She told Amnesty International:
Even though it technically lasts a year, as early as after the first six months elapse, we will have
to start gathering papers, documents, [and] proofs in order to apply for a new permit. We have
folders with documents on top of documents with monthly bills, receipts, rent payments, health
insurance papers, work pay slips for my husband, registration of my kids in schools, phone bills,
and more.
N. J. (East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank)
N. J., a Palestinian resident of Jerusalem from Silwan, married A. F, from Al-Arroub refugee camp near
Hebron in the south of the West Bank, in 1983. They have six children, all of them now adults. The
family lived in Al-Arroub refugee camp and in 1994 they filed a family unification request in order to live
in Jerusalem. Their application was rejected on security grounds. They hired a lawyer to appeal, but
their appeal was also rejected. As a result, N. J. had to quit her job in Jerusalem and went to live with
her family in Al-Arroub.
In 2008, the couple divorced and N. J. moved back to live in Jerusalem. While trying to renew her
permanent residency card that year, the Israeli Ministry of Interior rejected her application and informed
her that her residency has been revoked because she failed to meet the “centre of life” requirements.
Since then, N. J. has been engaged in a legal process to renew her permanent residency status –
without success as of 31 July 2021. Having no permit to stay in Jerusalem or move freely, she has
been confined to Jerusalem and is unable to go to the rest of the West Bank for fear of being arrested
and expelled from Jerusalem if she is stopped at any of the numerous Israeli checkpoints surrounding
the city. The revocation of her permanent residency has also severely restricted her ability to see her
children, all of whom carry West Bank Palestinian identity cards, which do not grant them access to
Jerusalem to visit their mother. Prior to 2008 and her divorce, she was able to see her children at their
411. A temporary military checkpoint. See, for example, Haaretz, “Flying Checkpoints and Traffic Jams: The Genius of the Israeli
Occupation’s Architecture”, 15 June 2020,
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paternal grandmother’s house in the West Bank city of Jericho. This is no longer an option. N. J. told
Amnesty International:
Since 2008, I have not been able to see my children as I please, because I cannot cross Israeli
military checkpoints. I can only see my children and grandchildren through video calls. I have
spent 12 years of my life trying to solve this, but the [Israeli] authorities keep stalling. I have
spent half of my life either at the Ministry of Interior offices or gathering papers for them. This is
exhausting. I am unable to see my sons and daughters enough and this makes it harder. Seeing
them makes everything better, and I cannot have that. I keep reminding myself that at least I was
able to be with them while they were growing up, when most of them attended university, and I
was lucky enough to attend some of their weddings.
Bassam Allan (East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank)
Bassam Allan, from the West Bank village of Sawahreh, married Sawasan Allan, a Palestinian resident
of Jerusalem, in 2008. That year, he obtained a permit to reside in East Jerusalem, and they lived in the
neighbourhood of Jabal Al-Mukabbir until 2017. The couple have five children aged under 18.
Sawasan Allan is a distant relative of Fadi Al-Qunbar, a Palestinian from East Jerusalem who killed four
Israeli soldiers in a ramming attack in Jerusalem on 8 January 2017. In the aftermath of the attack,
then Israeli interior minister Aryeh Deri revoked the residency permits of 14 family members of Fadi
Al-Qunbar, including Bassam Allan, stating: “Let this be known to all who are plotting, planning or
considering carrying out an attack, that their families will pay a heavy price for their actions and the
consequences will be severe and far-reaching.”
On 12 January 2017, just four days after the attack, Bassam Allan was called into the Abu Ghniem
police station in Jerusalem where he was questioned about his relationship to Fadi Al-Qunbar. He was
then summoned to the Ministry of Interior in January 2017 where he was accused of being a member
of the Islamic State armed group and subsequently had his residency permit cancelled. He told
Amnesty International:
I have been living in Jabal Al-Mukabbir for 12 years on the basis of my residency permit. I had to
renew my permit every six months, and for each renewal I needed to go to the Ministry of Interior
with my bills and paperwork to prove that I was living in Jabal Al-Mukabbir. It is a very tiring and
very costly process.
He added:
Israeli forces also raided our house several times, including in 2017 claiming they were searching
for security threats. The Ministry of Interior is using the deterrence excuse to kick us out. I
remember when I signed the papers for the residency permit, there were clauses that said that
permits will be cancelled if the permit holder or first-degree relative commits a security offence.
But they are now doing this to me, even though my wife is a distant relative [of Fadi Al-Qunbar].
On 12 December 2017, an Israeli court found the allegations that Bassam Allan was a member of
Islamic State to be baseless and allowed him to remain in Jerusalem on an interim order that permits
him to stay in Jerusalem and move freely but not to work or enjoy benefits associated with residency
until the end of the legal proceedings. Another court order, issued on 6 August 2020, enabled him to
move within Jerusalem without the risk of arrest until the end of the legal proceedings. Bassam Allan
has no right to work, receive national health insurance or obtain a driver’s licence in Jerusalem, which
are rights reserved to people with residency status. He said:
412. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with N. J., 26 September 2020.
413. HRW, “Israel: Jerusalem Palestinians Stripped of Status: Discriminatory Residency Revocations”, 8 August 2017,
414. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Bassam Allan, 18 August 2020.
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Although I have an order allowing me to stay in Jerusalem, Israeli officers sometimes do not care
or maybe do not understand what it means. I was arrested several times, even after showing the
order, and was taken to a police station before being dropped off at a checkpoint on the West
Bank side [behind the wall where it separates East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank]. The
last time I was stopped by the police was [in April 2020], when I was just a few metres away from
my home. I showed my order and tried to explain to the officers, but they did not care. They first
took me to the police station in Jabal Al-Mukabbir [where Bassam lives with his family] and then to
a checkpoint in Bethlehem [which is 9km from his home], although Sheikh Sa’ed checkpoint was
closer, but I think they wanted to punish me.
Nowadays, I have been staying home a lot. I do not even go out to buy groceries, because even
though I have the necessary papers to allow me to stay, the police do not care and are looking for
people like me.
This situation has cost me a lot. If the legal proceedings do not end in my favour, I have nowhere
to go. But I will stay in my house with my kids. My mother and siblings live in Sawahreh, but I do
not have my own place there. I used to go visit a lot before 2017 but now I arrange for my elderly
and ill mother to come and visit me in Jerusalem. I only see my siblings when they have permits
[to access Jerusalem] and are able to visit. Otherwise, I do not see them.
Bassam Allan explained the implications of the revocation of his residency permit on his life and his
ability to find employment:
Since it began, this whole situation with the family unification process has been extremely difficult,
but nothing compares to the suffering I am going through now without a permit. Since my permit was
cancelled in 2017, I have not been able to find work in a sustained manner. I work in construction.
The drivers who take workers like me in their cars refuse to take me because I do not have a permit.
They worry they will get arrested and fined if they are caught with a worker without a permit. It has
been especially difficult in the last four months; I have not had any work at all and [have] been
borrowing money from friends and relatives just to get by. The debt just keeps on increasing.
A Palestinian woman and children walk past Israeli forces standing guard in front of Qalandia checkpoint near the West Bank city of
Ramallah on 5 June 2014 © Abbas Momani / AFP via Getty Images
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Since Israel’s creation in 1948, Israel has used military administration over different groups of Palestinians in
the territories that formed British mandate Palestine continuously – with the exception of a seven-month gap
in 1967 – to advance Jewish settlement in areas of strategic importance and to dispossess Palestinians of
their land and property under the guise of maintaining security.
In September 1948, Israel announced the establishment of military rule over those territories that had been
designated to form an Arab state under the 1947 UN Partition Plan over which it had taken control. Other
areas inhabited by Palestinians were also placed under military rule soon after. Eventually, some 85% of the
newly created state’s Palestinian population was subjected to military rule in three districts: North, which
included the Galilee; Centre, which covered the Triangle region; and South, which comprised the Negev/
The borders of these districts were drawn up to include as many Palestinian communities and to
exclude as many Jewish communities as possible.
David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister and former head of the World Zionist Organization, explained
that “the military regime came into existence to protect the right of Jewish settlement in all parts of the
A recently published secret annex to a 1956 report on the military rule inside Israel went even
further by stating that the army alone could not protect state lands from Palestinians wishing to return to
their homes and that, in the long run, these could only be protected through Jewish settlement. As a result,
continued military rule over Palestinians was necessary to establish Jewish settlements in all three districts
overseen by the military regime.
The military administration of Palestinians was based on the declaration of a state of emergency and the
Defence (Emergency) Regulations, enacted by the British Mandate in Palestine in 1945, which were used to
control the movement of residents, confiscate property, allow for the closure of villages,
house demolitions,
and crucially, prevent Palestinians from returning to their homes and repopulating their villages.
imposition of martial law deliberately restricted the movement of Palestinians within Israel, who were
subjected to night-time curfews and required to obtain permits to leave their areas of residence, including
to access medical care,
and excluded Palestinians from employment in security-related jobs,
under the
pretext of the state of emergency.
Israeli state institutions worked during this period to place Palestinians
under a system of surveillance and control that also deliberately restricted political freedoms
by banning
protests, arresting political activists and barring them from their homes (and as a result, their livelihoods as
well) under “exile orders” on account of their political activities.
While other non-Jewish Israeli citizens, primarily Circassians and Druze, were also placed under martial law,
they were treated more favourably by the Israeli government as some of them fought alongside Israeli forces
415. Akevot, “The Military Rule 1948-1966: A glimpse into Akevot’s annotated document collection”, 30 June 2021,
416. Akevot, “The Military Rule 1948-1966: A glimpse into Akevot’s annotated document collection” (previously cited).
417. Cited in John Quigley,
The Case for Palestine: An International Law Perspective,
2005, p. 109.
418. Haaretz, “Secret Israeli Document Reveals Plans to Keep Arabs off their Lands”, 31 January 2020,
419. Noura Erakat,
Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine,
2019; Charles Smith,
Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
(previously cited).
420. Akevot, “The Military Rule 1948-1966: A glimpse into Akevot’s annotated document collection” (previously cited).
421. Haaretz, “Secret Israeli Document Reveals Plans to Keep Arabs off their Lands”, 31 January 2020,
422. State of Israel, Knesset Debates, Volume 36, 20 February 1963, p. 1217, cited in John Quigley,
Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to
(previously cited), pp. 109, 137.
423. Yitzhak Reiter,
National Minority, Regional Majority: Palestinian Arabs Versus Jews in Israel
(previously cited).
424. Ahmad Sa’di,
Thorough Surveillance: The Genesis of Israeli Policies of Population Management, Surveillance & Political Control
towards the Palestinians,
425. Akevot, “The Military Rule 1948-1966: A glimpse into Akevot’s annotated document collection” (previously cited).
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during the war that led to the creation of Israel.
David Ben-Gurion declared in 1949: “In this country there
are minorities that are above all suspicion and it is possible to trust them, more or less, like the Circassians
and the Druze.”
The Druze minority was exempted from the restrictions on movement when Israel
imposed martial law on them, which it terminated in 1962.
Israel abolished its military rule over Palestinian citizens in December 1966 after it had successfully
prevented internally displaced Palestinians from returning to their homes in empty villages by destroying
them, and parcelling out their land and subjecting it to forestation, thus removing the need to maintain
their status as closed military zones.
While restrictions on movement were progressively removed, other
elements of the system remained. The 1945 Defence (Emergency) Regulations were not repealed and
instead were enforced against Palestinian citizens of Israel by Israel’s civilian institutions such as the Israel
Police, Israel Security Agency (also known as Shabak or Shin Bet) and the Land Administration. Equally,
some areas where the appropriation of Palestinian land had not been completed remained closed until they
met “certain conditions”, which included the “demolition of structures in abandoned villages, forestation and
declaration of nature reserves”.
Eventually, the situation of Palestinians inside the Green Line improved following Israel’s occupation of the
West Bank and Gaza Strip, where Israel imposed a brutal military rule through many of the laws and policies
used against Palestinians in Israel. According to Akevot, “the experience accumulated from operating the
Military Rule inside Israel, which was translated into several operative military plans, along with the Defence
(Emergency) Regulations, formed the basis for the Military Administration Israel instituted in the territories
occupied in June 1967.”
Importantly, the unit within the Israeli army which administered military rule over
Palestinians in Israel was never disbanded after 1966; it was merely renamed and eventually became the
Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), a unit within the Ministry of Defense tasked
with administering civilian matters in the OPT until today. Indeed, Akevot notes that “the various incarnations
of control over civilians pursuant to military powers (inside Israel until December 1966, a seven-month hiatus
and then from June 7, 1967, to the present day in the Occupied Territories) have always been handled by a
single organic unit that was never disbanded but merely renamed to suit the circumstances.”
Following the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the Israeli military authorities issued a
proclamation that enabled them to use the 1945 Defence (Emergency) Regulations against the population
living in these territories. Over the years, Israel resorted to these regulations extensively to quash
resistance to its military occupation by demolishing or sealing hundreds of houses, deporting residents, or
administratively detaining tens of thousands of people.
Since the late 1970s, Israel has extraterritorially extended its civil law over Israeli citizens residing in or
travelling through the OPT on the basis of the Emergency Regulations Law (West Bank and Gaza – Criminal
Jurisdiction and Legal Assistance) 1967. This enables the Israeli authorities to exempt Israeli citizens from
426. Nitin Rao, “The Circassians of Israel: Maintaining an Exilic Culture in the Zionist Homeland”, March 2020, Kedma: Penn’s Journal
on Jewish Thought, Jewish Culture, and Israel, Volume 2, Issue 5,; and State of Israel, Knesset
Knesset Debates,
Volume 36, 20 February 1963, p. 1217, cited in John Quigley,
Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice
(previously cited), pp. 109 and 134-137.
427. State of Israel, Protocol of the Foreign and Defense Services Committee, 6 June 1949, cited in Randall S. Geller, “The Recruitment
and Conscription of the Circassian Community into the Israel Defence Forces, 1948-58”, 2012, Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 48, Issue
3, p. 389.
428. State of Israel,
Knesset Debates,
Volume 36, 20 February 1963, p. 1217, cited in John Quigley,
Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to
(previously cited), pp. 109 and 135.
429. Haaretz, “Declassified: Israel Made Sure Arabs Couldn’t Return to Their Villages”, 27 May 2019,
430. Akevot, “The Military Rule 1948-1966: A glimpse into Akevot’s annotated document collection” (previously cited).
431. Akevot, “The Military Rule 1948-1966: A glimpse into Akevot’s annotated document collection” (previously cited).
432. Akevot, “The Military Rule 1948-1966: A glimpse into Akevot’s annotated document collection” (previously cited).
433. Al-Haq,
Perpetual Emergency: A Legal Analysis of Israel’s Use of the British Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945, in the Occupied
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the military orders governing Palestinians.
This law is also applicable to foreign nationals who move to
settlements even if they are not Israeli citizens.
Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank are brought
before Israeli civilian courts, rather than Israeli military courts, as a matter of policy.
More than 1,800 Israeli military orders
continue to control and restrict all aspects of the lives of
Palestinians in the West Bank: their livelihoods, status, movement and access to natural resources.
Further, Israeli military orders severely and arbitrarily violate the enjoyment of their rights to freedom of
expression, association and peaceful assembly, particularly when Palestinians protest against the policies of
the occupation.
For example, just two months after its occupation of the Palestinian territories, Israel issued Military Order
101: Order Regarding Prohibition of Incitement and Hostile Propaganda Actions, which punishes and
criminalizes Palestinians for attending and organizing a procession, assembly or vigil of 10 or more people
without a permit for an issue that “may be construed as political”. The order, which does not define what is
meant by “political”, effectively bans protests, including peaceful protests.
It also prohibits the display of
flags or emblems or the publication of any material “having a political significance” without a permit from an
Israeli military commander. Anyone breaching the order faces up to 10 years’ imprisonment and/or a hefty
fine. The order continues to apply in the West Bank.
Israeli military legislation in the West Bank is enforced by the military justice system, particularly military orders
defining criminal “security offences”. Israeli military courts, which had been used to try Palestinian citizens of
Israel when they were subjected to military rule between 1948 and 1966, were established for the OPT on the
first day of Israel’s military occupation on 7 June 1967 under the Defence (Emergency) Regulations.
In 2010,
Military Order 1651 came into effect, consolidated a number of military orders relating to the establishment and
legal procedures of military courts, and defined criminal “security offences”.
The military justice system has
a very high conviction rate. According to data in the military courts’ annual report for 2010, 99.74% of cases
heard in military courts in the occupied West Bank ended in conviction.
Meanwhile, Palestinians from the Gaza Strip were subjected to Israeli military legislation and tried before
military courts until Israel dismantled its settlements in 2005, and ground forces were withdrawn. This marked
the end of most aspects of Israeli military rule of Gaza’s civilian population, although elements of Israeli military
law continue to apply to the area with regards to the movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza, access
to territorial waters and the “buffer zone” along the fence separating Israel from Gaza. Since 2005, however,
Gaza’s residents arrested by Israel are prosecuted under security legislation before civil courts.
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the OPT have been arrested in the context of military rule,
including many protesting against Israel’s military laws and policies. According to an estimate released
by Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer) in 2016, Israel’s authorities
434. Sharon Weill, “Reframing the Legality of the Israeli Military Courts in the West Bank: Military Occupation or Apartheid?” in
Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel,
2011, pp. 140-141.
435. B’Tselem,
Land Grab
(previously cited).
436. Military Court Watch, Military Orders, (accessed on 6
December 2021).
437. Jerusalem Media and Communication Center,
Israeli Military Orders in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank
(1967-1992), 2nd edition,
438. State of Israel, Military Order 101 regarding Prohibition of Incitement and Hostile Propaganda Actions, 27 August 1967 (an unofficial
English translation is available at
439. State of Israel, Military Proclamation 3 concerning the Entry into Force of the Order concerning Security Provisions (West Bank
Area), (undated) 1967. See also Yesh Din,
Backyard Proceedings: The Implementation of Due Process Rights in the Military Courts in the
Occupied Territories,
December 2007,
440. State of Israel, Military Order 1651 regarding Security Provisions (Consolidated Version) (Judea and Samaria)”, 1 November 2009 (an
unofficial English translation is available at
441. Haaretz, “Nearly 100% of All Military Court Cases in West Bank End in Conviction, Haaretz Learns”, 29 November 2011, haaretz.
442. Military Court Watch, Military Orders (previously cited).
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had arrested over 800,000 Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip since
Israel has also maintained a policy of forcibly transferring Palestinian prisoners from the OPT to prisons
inside Israel, a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law (see section 6.1 “Forcible transfer”).
Some 4,236 Palestinians from the OPT, including 267 from the Gaza Strip, were held in Israeli prisons at the
end of May 2020, according to the Israel Prison Service.
As a result of their citizenship status, Palestinian citizens of Israel are the only group of Palestinians living
under Israel’s rule who can vote in its national and municipal elections and be elected as members of
the Knesset. However, while Israeli laws and policies define the state as democratic, the fragmentation
of the Palestinian people ensures that Israel’s version of democracy overwhelmingly privileges political
participation by Jewish Israelis.
In addition, the representation of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the
decision-making process, primarily in the Knesset, has been restricted and undermined by an array of Israeli
laws and policies.
Most importantly, Israel’s constitutional law prevents Israeli citizens from challenging the definition of Israel
as a Jewish state and in effect any laws that establish such an identity. Under Israel’s Basic Law: The
Knesset of 1958, the Central Elections Committee can disqualify a party or candidate from participation in
elections if their objectives or actions are meant to negate the definition of Israel as a Jewish and democratic
state; incite racism; or support armed struggles by a hostile state or a terrorist organization against Israel.
In addition, the 1992 Law on Political Parties prohibits the registration of any party whose goals or actions
deny either directly or indirectly “the existence of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state”.
provisions prevent Palestinian lawmakers from challenging laws that codify Jewish Israeli domination over
the Palestinian minority, unduly limit their freedom of expression and, as a result, impede their ability to
represent the concerns of their constituents effectively. They have also been the basis for repeated and
persistent attempts to disqualify Palestinian parties and candidates from running in successive legislative
elections, although these have generally not been successful.
Over the years the Central Elections
Committee has taken decisions to ban Palestinian parties and disqualify Palestinian candidates for violating
these provisions and then seen the Supreme Court overturn them.
The committee has also rejected
443. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association (Addameer), “Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Prisons”, June 2016,
444. Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits an occupying power from forcibly transferring or deporting people from an
occupied territory. See also Amnesty International, “Israel must end ‘unlawful and cruel’ policies towards Palestinian prisoners”, 13 April
445. B’Tselem, Statistics on Palestinians in the custody of the Israeli security forces,
(accessed on 12 August 2021).
446. Mazen Masri,
The Dynamics of Exclusionary Constitutionalism: Israel as Jewish and democratic state,
447. State of Israel, Basic Law: The Knesset, passed on 12 February 1958,
(in Hebrew). The provision regarding the prohibition of support for armed struggle was added by a 2002 amendment to Section 7(a) on
prevention of participation in elections, p. 7.
448. HRW,
A Threshold Crossed
(previously cited), p.150.
449. Haaretz, “Disqualify Israel’s Central Elections Committee”, 18 February 2021,
450. Most recently, in the run-up to the elections in March 2020, the Supreme Court rejected a decision by the Central Elections Committee
to disqualify Palestinian member of Knesset Heba Yazbak of the Joint List from running in the legislative elections, following a petition filed
by a member of the Likud party claiming that she had “systematically, for years, supported terrorists and spies who have committed horrific
crimes against the State of Israel and its residents”. See Adalah, “Israeli Supreme Court rejects Central Election Committee’s decision to
disqualify Palestinian MK Heba Yazbak from running in March national election”, 10 February 2020,;
Times of Israel, “Elections committee votes to bar Arab MK Yazbak; Supreme Court to have final say”, 29 January 2020,
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requests to disqualify Jewish Israeli members of the Knesset for incitement to racism and then seen the
Supreme Court order their disqualification.
In 2014, the Knesset raised the electoral threshold from 2% to 3.25%, primarily affecting parliamentary
representation of Palestinians and other minority groups in Israel. Adalah and ACRI argued that raising the
electoral threshold for parties to gain seats at the Knesset violated Palestinian citizens’ voting rights and
enabled the disqualification of their candidates and parties.
CERD also noted that raising the electoral
threshold in Israel considerably weakens “the right to political participation of non-Jewish minorities”.
Palestinian Knesset members have been subjected to repeated smear campaigns and intimidation by
government ministers, in addition to judicial harassment in their struggle for equality, and for expressing
support for popular resistance to the Israeli occupation and other political views that challenge the
established narrative of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.
They have also faced discriminatory
disciplinary measures that violate their freedom of opinion and expression. For example, in 2016, the Ethics
Committee suspended three Palestinian Knesset members for meeting families of Palestinian civilians who
had been killed by Israeli forces for attacking or allegedly attacking Israelis even though the purpose of the
meeting was to help these families retrieve the dead bodies of their relatives. Meanwhile, Jewish members
of the Knesset have not faced such repercussions for meeting families of Jewish civilians who carried out
violent attacks against Palestinians.
The Knesset also regularly disqualifies bills related to Palestinians’ rights or political aspirations in Israel.
For example, during the legislative process leading to the adoption of the nation state law on 19 July
2018, Palestinian members of the Knesset proposed a bill in June 2018 offering an alternative definition
of Israel as “a country for all its citizens”. The bill included several articles that were meant to alter the
character of Israel from a state of the Jewish people to a state in which Jews and Arabs enjoy equal status
in terms of nationality. In response, the Knesset Presidium, a body comprising the Knesset’s speaker
and deputy speakers, prevented the bill from even being discussed, arguing that it would negate Israel’s
definition as a Jewish state.
In June 2018, Adalah challenged the decision to disqualify the bill, but the
Supreme Court of Israel dismissed the challenge on 30 December 2018.
The court determined that the
dissolution of the Knesset days earlier, on 26 December 2018, had rendered the petition theoretical and
refrained from criticizing or commenting on the disqualification. These measures have impacted Palestinian
parliamentarians in a discriminatory manner and consequently have eroded their right to equal political
participation in Israel.
Limitations on the right of Palestinian citizens of Israel to participate in elections are accompanied by other
infringements of their civil and political rights that limit the extent to which they can participate in the political
451. For example, ahead of the March 2019 national elections, the Central Elections Committee rejected a petition against Michael Ben Ari,
chairman of the Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party, thereby approving him to run in the election. However, the Supreme Court disqualified
him and banned him from running for the Knesset on grounds of incessant incitement against Arabs. See Haaretz, “Israel’s top court bans
Kahanist leader from election run, okays Arab slates, far-left candidate”, 17 March 2019,
452. Adalah, “Israeli Supreme Court rejects petition against raising electoral threshold”, 14 January 2015,
453. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para. 36.
454. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited); Electronic Intifada, “Supreme Court Dismisses
Criminal Charges Against Knesset Member Azmi Bishara”, 14 February 2006,
455. Amnesty International,
Elected but restricted: Shrinking space for Palestinian parliamentarians in Israel’s Knesset,
September 2019,
456. According to the Knesset’s Rules of Procedures, the Presidium “shall not approve a bill that in its opinion denies the existence of the
State of Israel as the state of the Jewish People, or is racist in its essence”. See State of Israel, Knesset Rules of Procedure, 14 June 2018,
Section G, Chapter 2, para. 75(e) (an English translation is available at
457. Haaretz, “Knesset council bans bill to define Israel as state for all its citizens”, 4 June 2018,
458. Adalah, “Adalah heads to Supreme Court after Knesset speaker, deputies nix legislation of Arab MKs’ bill declaring Israel ‘state of all its
citizens’”, 11 June 2018; HCJ,
MK Jamal Zahalka v. Knesset Speaker,
Case HCJ 4552/18, judgment, 30 December 2018; Adalah, “Israeli
Supreme Court refuses to allow discussion of full equal rights & ‘state of all its citizens’ bill in Knesset”, 30 December 2018,
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and social life of Israel. This has included racialized policing of protests, mass arbitrary arrests and the use
of unlawful force against protesters during demonstrations against land dispossession inside Israel or Israeli
violations against Palestinians in the OPT. Such measures, which target peaceful protesters, are aimed to
deter further demonstrations and stifle dissent. Upon arrest, Palestinians are routinely placed in pretrial
detention; by contrast, Jewish protesters are generally granted bail. This points to a discriminatory treatment
of Palestinians by the criminal justice system, which appears to treat Palestinians as “suspects” instead of
assessing the individual threat they pose.
In one such example, in September and October 2000, Israeli forces killed 13 Palestinian citizens, and
injured hundreds of others during mass demonstrations that erupted across the country in protest at Israel’s
brutal actions in the OPT following the outbreak of the second
Although Israeli police forces,
including snipers, were alleged to have used live ammunition, rubber-coated bullets and tear gas and a
commission of inquiry found that the police used excessive force, the Israeli authorities failed to effectively
investigate these killings and, to Amnesty International’s knowledge, no one was ever brought to justice
(see section 6.3.2 “Israeli policies and practices”).
Over 1,000 demonstrators were arrested, many of
them only for their peaceful participation in the protests. Palestinians constituted the vast majority of those
detained and were accused of throwing stones, assaulting police officers, damaging property or public
order offences such as participating in an unlawful assembly. Many, including children, were subjected to
beatings and other ill-treatment during arrest and interrogation. Although the attorney general stated that
all detainees regardless of their nationality were being remanded in custody, in reality, 89% of Palestinian
detainees were denied bail until the end of proceedings, while only 11% of Jewish Israelis arrested were
detained until the end of their trials.
This exemplified Israel’s approach to its Palestinian citizens as a “‘fifth
column’ to be controlled and contained”.
Similarly, in December 2008-2009 Israeli police forces violently
dispersed largely peaceful mass demonstrations against Israel’s military offensive in Gaza, arresting some
832 protesters. Many of them, including children, were targeted solely for their participation in the protests.
Importantly, while 80% of all detainees, including children, were denied bail and held in custody until
the end of the trial, the overwhelming majority were Palestinian citizens and residents of East Jerusalem.
According to Adalah, not a single detainee from the Tel Aviv district, which included the vast majority
of Jewish protesters, was similarly detained until the end of legal proceedings, pointing to a pattern of
discriminatory treatment of Palestinians detainees.
In a more recent example, during demonstrations and protests that began in May 2021 – primarily against
Israel’s plan to forcibly evict seven more Palestinian families from Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem and
its military operation in Gaza – the Israeli police carried out mass arrests, used excessive force against
peaceful protesters, and tortured and otherwise ill-treated detainees.
This prompted solidarity protests
by Palestinians to spread, including to towns with Palestinian populations inside Israel, and intercommunal
violence broke out. Scores of people were injured, and two Jewish citizens of Israel and one Palestinian
citizen were killed. Synagogues and Muslim cemeteries were vandalized. Armed hostilities broke out on
10 May as Palestinian armed groups fired rockets into Israel from Gaza, and Israel launched an 11-day
military offensive against the Gaza Strip. On 24 May, Israeli authorities launched “Operation Law and Order”
primarily targeting Palestinian protesters. Israeli media said the operation aimed to “settle scores” with
459. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
460. Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Mass arrests and police brutality
(Index: MDE 15/58/00),
November 2000,
461. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
462. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
463. Amnesty International, “Israeli police targeted Palestinians with discriminatory arrests, torture and unlawful force”, 24 June 2021,
Amnesty International
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those involved and to “deter” further demonstrations.
Israeli police also failed to protect Palestinians from
organized attacks by groups of armed Jewish individuals, whose plans were often publicized in advance.
According to the Mossawa Center – the Advocacy Center for Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel (Mossawa
Center), a human rights organization based in Haifa, between 10 May and 10 June 2021, Israeli police
arrested more than 2,150 people, more than 90% of them Palestinian citizens of Israel or residents of East
Jerusalem. The group also said 184 indictments were filed against 285 defendants. According to Adalah,
a representative of the State Attorney’s Office said on 27 May that only 30 Jewish citizens of Israel were
among those indicted. Most Palestinians arrested were detained for offences such as “insulting or assaulting
a police officer” or “taking part in an illegal gathering” rather than for violent attacks on people or property,
according to the Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel.
As stated above, Israel places severe restrictions on Palestinian civil and political rights particularly in
the West Bank, where military orders are still enforced. Israeli authorities have since 1967 outlawed
more than 400 Palestinian organizations, including all major political parties and several prominent civil
society organizations widely recognized for the provision of vital services such as legal aid and medical
care as well as the quality of their human rights reporting and advocacy, most recently in October
2021. In addition, the Israeli authorities often prosecute Palestinians for “membership and activity in
an unlawful association”, a charge frequently levied against anti-occupation activists.
Over the years,
they have arrested scores of Palestinian lawmakers, particularly following Hamas’s electoral victory in
2006, placing them under administrative detention or prosecuting them in military courts in trials that
fail to meet international standards, thus undermining Palestinian political life.
Palestinians in East Jerusalem, on the other hand, are neither able to participate in political life in
Israel nor in the West Bank. Although they can vote and run in municipal elections in Jerusalem,
they have traditionally boycotted them in protest at Israel’s ongoing occupation and illegal annexation
annexation of East Jerusalem,
and they remain excluded from national elections. Meanwhile, the
Israeli authorities prevent any Palestinian political presence, including campaigning, in East Jerusalem,
and have opposed Palestinian general elections being held in the city, despite this being guaranteed
under the Oslo Accords. Most recently, they arrested two Hamas candidates and dispersed meetings in
Jerusalem held ahead of elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council, which were scheduled to take
place in May 2021 before President Mahmoud Abbas decided to postpone them indefinitely.
As a result, protests remain for Palestinians the only means to influence Israeli politics and challenge
the political reality in the OPT. Palestinians in the OPT have, over the years, mobilized and organized
464. For more details, see Amnesty International, “Israeli police targeted Palestinians with discriminatory arrests, torture and unlawful force”
(previously cited).
465. Amnesty International verified 29 text and audio messages from open Telegram channels and WhatsApp, revealing how the apps were
used to recruit armed men and organize attacks on Palestinians in “mixed cities” with Jewish and Arab populations, such as Haifa, Acre,
Nazareth and Lod, between 10 and 21 May. Messages included instructions on where and when to gather, types of weaponry to use and
even clothing to wear to avoid confusing Jews of Middle Eastern heritage with Palestinian Arabs. Group members shared selfies posing with
guns and messages such as: “Tonight we are not Jews, we are Nazis”. For more details, see Amnesty International, “Israeli police targeted
Palestinians with discriminatory arrests, torture and unlawful force” (previously cited).
466. Amnesty International, “Israeli police targeted Palestinians with discriminatory arrests, torture and unlawful force” (previously cited).
467. Sahar Francis, “Israel’s military courts are a stain on international justice”, Guardian, 6 March 2021,
commentisfree/2021/mar/06/israel-military-courts-palestinians-law-uk; Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Designation of Palestinian civil
society groups as terrorists a brazen attack on human rights”, 22 October 2021,
of-palestinian-civil-society-groups-as-terrorists-a-brazen-attack-on-human-rights; Amnesty International, “Israeli shutdown of health
organization will have catastrophic consequences for Palestinian healthcare”, 9 June 2021,
468. Foreign Policy, “Why There’s no Palestinian Protest Vote in East Jerusalem”, 19 November 2018,
469. International Crisis Group, “Why Palestinian Elections Should Get Back on Track”, 30 April 2021,
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popular resistance against Israel’s military occupation and expansion of settlements,
which has been
systematically met with Israeli excessive and unlawful force, arbitrary arrests and prosecution in military
courts, as well as undue restrictions on freedom of movement.
Most notable is the first
of 1987-93, which was brutally repressed.
A new and continued
wave of popular mobilization began around 2002 when Israel began building the fence/wall, expanding
illegal Israeli settlements and expropriating large swathes of land from Palestinian communities near
the fence/wall and/or settlements. Communities in these areas began organizing protests against
the land grab and the military rule that facilitates it on the one hand and oppresses Palestinian
communities on the other. Some of the mobilizations in the villages took the form of weekly peaceful
The village of Nabi Saleh near Ramallah has been a focus of demonstrations and activism against
Israel’s military occupation and land appropriation for settlements. The neighbouring Israeli settlement
of Halamish expropriated land from the village, including a water source. Israeli forces have repeatedly
used excessive force in response to the protests and during search and arrest raids. Such actions have,
since 2009, caused the deaths of four people in the village – Mustafa Tamimi, in December 2011;
Rushdie Tamimi, in November 2012; Izz Al-Din Tamimi, in May 2017; and Saba’ Obaid, in June 2018 –
and wounded hundreds of others, including children.
The Israeli authorities frequently declare the area a closed military zone, particularly during
demonstrations, and close roads leading in and out of the village. This forces residents and visitors to
enter and leave the village via military checkpoints, where many complain that Israeli soldiers harass
them. Israeli soldiers have also deliberately damaged property such as residents’ water storage tanks
located on rooftops.
The army frequently arrests local political activists and human rights defenders, and conducts night
raids in the village, often arresting children accused mostly of throwing stones at Israeli troops. Israeli
forces have also frequently attacked medics seeking to assist people who have been wounded in the
response to the protests and journalists who are reporting on them, including by firing tear gas canisters
and rubber-coated metal bullets.
The combined impact of the army’s repressive and restrictive policies and practices in Nabi Saleh
appears to amount to collective punishment, whereby the population as a whole is penalized, including
those who play no active part in the activism against Israeli rule. Collective punishment of protected
persons in an occupied territory is prohibited under international humanitarian law and when imposed
constitutes a war crime. It is also a serious violation of international human rights law.
Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have also faced Israeli repression for their popular resistance against
the occupation. As stated above, following the 2005 “disengagement”, they are no longer prosecuted
under sweeping military orders that prohibit demonstrations and restrict free expression. However, they
have been subjected to excessive and, often lethal, force during protests near the fence that separates
Gaza from Israel. For example, between March 2018 and December 2019, Israeli forces killed some
470. American Friends Service Committee, Popular Resistance in Palestine, (accessed on
12 August 2021).
471. HRW,
The Israeli Army and the Intifada: Policies that Contribute to the Killings,
August 1990,
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214 Palestinians, including 46 children, and wounded 36,100 others during Great March of Return
protests that demanded an end to Israel’s illegal blockade and the right of Palestinian refugees to
return to their homes.
While some protesters attempted to approach the fence and damage it, and
threw stones, Molotov cocktails and incendiary kites in the direction of the fence, Israeli snipers and
other soldiers shot protesters who were not posing an imminent threat with rubber bullets and live
ammunition using high-velocity military weapons designed to cause maximum harm (see section 6.3
“Unlawful killings and serious injuries”).
Since 1948 the Israeli state has enforced massive and cruel land seizures to dispossess and exclude
Palestinians from their land and homes. Although Palestinians in Israel and the OPT are subjected to
different legal and administrative regimes, Israel has used similar land expropriation measures across all
territorial domains under the Judaization policy. This seeks to maximize Jewish control over land while
effectively restricting Palestinians to living in separate, densely populated enclaves. It does not completely
block Palestinian citizens of Israel from moving to predominantly Jewish localities, as demonstrated by
the fact that some mainly young Palestinians have done so, at least in recent years, but it has managed to
minimize their presence there. This policy has been continuously pursued in Israel since 1948 in areas of
strategic importance that include a significant Palestinian population such as the Galilee and the Negev/
Naqab, and has been extended to the OPT following Israel’s military occupation in 1967. Today, ongoing
Israeli efforts to coerce the transfer of Palestinians in the Negev/Naqab, East Jerusalem and Area C of the
West Bank under discriminatory planning and building regimes are the “new frontiers of dispossession” of
Palestinians, and the manifestation of the strategy of Judaization and territorial control.
The land regime
established soon after Israel’s creation, which was never dismantled, remains a crucial tool in these efforts.
This section focuses on the different land and expropriation laws and policies that Israel has continuously
pursued since 1948 in Israel and as of 1967 also in the OPT to dispossess Palestinians for the sole benefit
of its Jewish population. They include a selective registration of ownership rights through the land title
settlement process, a discriminatory allocation of expropriated Palestinian land for Jewish settlement and
the use of a discriminatory urban planning and zoning regime to forcibly transfer Palestinians from their land
and properties.
Until 1948, the total land purchased by Jewish individuals and institutions in mandate Palestine amounted
to about 1.6 million dunams (160,000 hectares), constituting around 6.5% of its total area.
owned about 90% of the privately owned land in the territory.
At that time, Jews comprised around 30%
of the population and Palestinians around 70%. Within the relatively short period of just over 70 years, a
deliberate Israeli state policy has reversed this situation, often using brutal means, to ensure Jewish Israeli
control over resources.
472. OCHA, “Two Years On: People Injured and Traumatized During the ‘Great March of Return’ are still Struggling”, 6 April 2020,
473. Amnesty International, “Israel: Arms embargo needed as military unlawfully kills and maims Gaza protesters”, 27 April 2018, amnesty.
474. UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), “Israel’s policies violate right to housing and need urgent revision –
UN independent rights expert”, 13 February 2012,
475. Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry,
A Survey of Palestine,
1946, p. 244,
OF%20PALESTINE%20DEC%201945-JAN%201946%20VOL%20I.pdf The remainder of the land was the property of religious institutions,
such as churches, foreigners, including Arabs, and other public land not privately owned.
476. Rashid Khalidi,
The Iron Cage
(previously cited).
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While much of the seizure of Palestinian land and property and the destruction of their villages inside Israel
occurred in the late 1940s and 1950s, massive and racially motivated dispossessions continued into the
1970s. The effects continue to severely impact Palestinians. They are still excluded from their families’ lands,
prohibited from accessing and using land and property that belonged to them or their families in 1948,
discriminated against in access to resources, and effectively restricted to living in enclaves within the state.
Indeed, the definition of Israel as the state of the Jewish people and the commitment to Jewish settlement
of the land has precluded any possibility of Palestinians enjoying equality in access to land, property and
resources, with disastrous consequences for their enjoyment of social and economic rights. It has also
contributed to the isolation and exclusion of Palestinian citizens from Israeli society, marking them as a
group with perpetual lesser rights and with no right to claim access to lands and properties that have been
in their families for generations. In this way, it has segregated Palestinian citizens of Israel in a particularly
cruel manner. This process continues until today, and was most recently reaffirmed by the 2018 nation state
law (see section 5.1 “Intent to oppress and dominate the Palestinian people”), which reiterated that Israel
views “the development of Jewish settlement as a national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its
establishment and strengthening.”
The massive land appropriation took place through a legal regime designed to effect the transfer of
lands from Palestinian hands to Jewish Israeli hands, and to keep them in Jewish Israeli hands while
enabling the Jewish domination and control of these lands to the exclusion of Palestinians.
Following the 1947-49 conflict and the forced displacement of a large proportion of the Palestinian
population, Israel proceeded to institute a land regime that aimed to place as much land as possible
under state control in pursuit of an explicit policy of ensuring Jewish control over land. The Israeli
land regime consisted of land legislation, reinterpretation of British and Ottoman laws, governmental
and semi-governmental land institutions, and a supportive judiciary that enabled the acquisition of
Palestinian land and its discriminatory reallocation.
Between 1948 and the early 1950s, Israel instituted a series of emergency regulations and laws
to seize the land and property belonging to the Palestinian population and to formally transfer the
ownership of this land to the State of Israel, and from the state to the Jewish National Fund (JNF),
known in Hebrew as Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (KKL), municipal councils, Jewish localities and Jewish
individuals and companies.
Three main pieces of legislation made up the core of the Israeli land regime and played a major
role in this process: 1) the Absentees’ Property Law (Transfer of Property Law) of 1950; 2) the Land
Acquisition Law of 1953; and 3) the British Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance of 1943.
The laws and their subsequent amendments, which remain in force, were instrumental in expropriating
and acquiring Palestinian land and property, leading over the years to their exclusive ownership by the
Israeli state and Jewish national institutions.
Since East Jerusalem’s annexation in 1967, the entire
Israeli land regime, with its various laws, land institutions and judicial interpretations, has been utilized
in East Jerusalem for the expropriation of Palestinian land and its conversion mainly to state land.
Israeli authorities have also enacted additional legal tools and amendments that affect Palestinian land
and housing rights in East Jerusalem.
Israel also operates a complex system of land laws to expropriate land, including private Palestinian land,
and allocate it to the illegal settlement enterprise in the occupied West Bank (and, until its unilateral
withdrawal in 2005, in the Gaza Strip as well). In addition to the land laws enforced by the Israeli
477. Basic Law: Israel the Nation State of the Jewish People (previously cited), Article 7.
478. On the Israeli land regime as analysed in this section, see Ahmad Amara and Zinaida Miller, “Unsettling Settlements: Law, Land, and
Planning in the Naqab” in Ahmad Amara and others,
Indigenous (In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Negev/Naqab,
2012, pp. 68-125.
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military in the West Bank, including military regulations and orders that in some cases mirrored existing
provisions under Israeli civil law used to dispossess Palestinian citizens of Israel, and emergency and
security regulations relating to land and property, some Ottoman, British and Jordanian laws that were
applicable in the territory have been applied but subjected to Israeli adjustments or cancellations.
The main laws which were adopted over the years and apply to the different domains of control are
discussed below.
In September 1948, following the proclamation of statehood, the Israeli Provisional State Council enacted
emergency regulations to take over properties of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons
(IDPs). In 1950, the Absentees’ Property Law regulated the question of the property of Palestinian
It effectively gave the state control over all movable and immovable property of all Palestinians
who were expelled or fled their homes, regardless of whether or not they became refugees outside the
country or IDPs in Israel, by defining the latter as “absentee owners”. According to Article 1(b) of the law:
(b) “absentee” means –
a person who, at any time during the period between the 16th Kislev, 5708 (29 November
1947) and the day on which a declaration is published, under section 9(d) of the Law
and Administration Ordinance, 5708-1948, that the state of emergency declared by the
Provisional Council of State on the 10th Iyar, 5708 (19 May 1948) has ceased to exist, was
a legal owner of any property situated in the area of Israel or enjoyed or held it, whether by
himself or through another, and who, at any time during the said period –
was a national or citizen of the Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Trans-Jordan, Iraq
or the Yemen, or
was in one of these countries or in any part of Palestine outside the area of Israel, or
iii. was a Palestinian citizen and left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine.
Hence, all Palestinians who fled or were expelled from their homes after 29 November 1947, and
Arab nationals of the Arab states mentioned in the article, became “absentees” and their movable and
immovable properties became eligible for confiscation and possession by the Custodian of Absentee
Property, the head of an entity appointed by the Israeli minister of finance that manages absentees’
Their status as “absentees” still applies because the “state of emergency” in Israel, which
was declared on 19 May 1948, remains in force.
Under this law, Israel appropriated between 4.2 and 6.6 million dunams (420,000 to 666,000
hectares) of land.
According to Michael Fischbach, who relied on the records of the UN Conciliation
Commission for Palestine (UNCCP), Israel took over 4.45 million dunams of land in private ownership
479. B’Tselem,
By Hook and by Crook: Israeli Settlement Policy in the West Bank,
July 2010,
and_by_crook_eng.pdf; Yesh Din,
The Road to Dispossession: A Case Study - The Outpost of Adei Ad,
18 April 2013,; Badil,
Ruling Palestine
(previously cited).
480. See, for example, Geremy Forman and Alexander Kedar, “From Arab Lands to Israel Lands: The Legal Dispossession of the
Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of 1948”, 1 December 2004, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Volume 22,, pp. 809-830.
481. State of Israel, Absentees’ Property Law, passed on 14 March 1950 (an English translation is available at
482. Absentees’ Property Law (previously cited).
483. State of Israel, Knesset,
םוריח בצמ לע הזרכה
[Declaring a State of Emergency],
תסנכה ןוקיסקל
[Lexicon of the Knesset],
about/lexicon/pages/emergency-announcment.aspx (in Hebrew, accessed on 29 August 2021).
484. For different estimates, see Geremy Forman and Alexander Kedar, “From Arab Lands to Israel Lands: the Legal Dispossession of the
Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of 1948” (previously cited), p. 812: “While estimates of Arab researchers and organizations
have typically been between 5.7 million and 6.6 million dunams, former mandate and UNCCP land official Sami Hadawi reached a figure
of 19 million dunams by classifying ‘state’ and ‘public’ land within Arab village boundaries as refugee land. Israeli officials and researchers
have consistently estimated between 4.2 million and 6.5 million dunams”.
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59,000 apartments and houses (1956), 11,000 businesses (1956),
6,246 bank
and vehicles and other properties.
In order to prevent the return of Palestinians and to use the available land, Israeli authorities
demolished the vast majority of the nearly 500 Palestinian villages deserted during the 1947-49 conflict
and enabled the Custodian of Absentee Property to transfer Palestinian properties to third parties. In
the same year, Israel enacted the 1950 Development Authority Law (Properties Transfer),
founded the Development Authority, a body established to administer the property of the Palestinian
refugees and other property confiscated by the state (under the 1953 Land Acquisition Law – see
below) for the benefit of the state.
The Development Authority was responsible for “developing” the State of Israel through the use of
Palestinian property. It settled immigrant Jewish families in Palestinian refugees’ houses and made
land available to state authorities for the development of new Jewish localities. The 1950 Development
Authority Law authorized the Development Authority to own, sell, lease, build and renovate property,
and conduct property transactions only with the state, the JNF/KKL or a body that was authorized for
this purpose by the state, such as municipal authorities.
Another major transfer of Palestinian refugees’ land was from the Israeli government to the JNF/KKL,
known as the “two million deal”. The first million dunams (more precisely 1,109,769 dunams) were
transferred in January 1949, a month after the passage of UN Resolution 194 on the right of return for
Palestinian refugees. The second million dunams (more precisely 1,271,734 dunams) were transferred
in October 1950.
The JNF/KKL worked with the Israeli government to make these lands available
for Jewish settlement and forestation. Thus, the land of the Palestinian “absentees” was transferred to
various Jewish institutions, governmental bodies and municipal councils, and then leased to individual
Jewish Israelis who either lived in the houses or apartments of Palestinians, or leased the land for
industrial or agricultural purposes. By 1950, the JNF/KKL owned 2.1 million dunams and the state
claimed ownership of 16.7 million dunams of land.
The Absentees’ Property Law included in its definition Palestinian IDPs, numbering about 30,000
people in 1948. These people had been internally displaced from their villages and homes and had
settled mostly in nearby Palestinian villages inside Israel. They were deemed “absentees” even though
they never crossed an international border and, in many cases, remained within a few kilometres
of their homes and land. (For example, Palestinians from Saffuryi settled in Nazareth, Palestinians
from Ma’lul settled in Yafat Al-Nasira, and Palestinians from Iqrit settled in Al-Jish.) These IDPs
became known as the “present absentees”. In 1973, the Knesset passed legislation to compensate
the “present absentees”, but not to allow their return to their lands or villages, even if their lands
were still empty and not possessed by a third party.
However, few Palestinians applied to receive
compensation, refusing to surrender their historical claim to the land, forcing the Knesset to extend the
three-year period to claim compensation.
485. Michael Fischbach,
Records of Dispossession: Palestinian Refugee Property and the Arab-Israeli Conflict,
2000, p. 52.
486. Michael Fischbach,
Records of Dispossession
(previously cited), p. 77.
487. Some of the accounts were later released by Israel: Michael Fischbach,
Records of Dispossession
(previously cited), pp. 197-208.
488. State of Israel, Law of the Authority for Development (Transfer of Properties), passed on 31 July 1950,
lsr_209516.PDF (in Hebrew).
489. Absentees’ Property Law (previously cited), Article 3(4).
490. Michael Fischbach,
Records of Dispossession
(previously cited), pp. 63-65; Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access Denied:
Palestinian Land Rights in Israel,
2003, p. 72.
491. Geremy Forman, “From Arab Land to ‘Israel Lands’: The Legal Dispossession of the Palestinians Displaced by Israel in the Wake of
1948” (previously cited).
492. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 73. The law entitles the IDPs who are Israeli residents
only to compensation and not restitution of their original land. See State of Israel, Absentees’ Property Law (Compensation), passed on 6
July 1973, available at (in Hebrew).
493. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 73.
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In 1948, the Israeli army instructed the nearly 600 residents of Iqrit,
a Palestinian village north-east of
Acre in northern Israel, to leave their residences “temporarily”. The village was declared a military zone
under the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, and they were never allowed to return.
The residents
petitioned the Supreme Court of Israel to be granted their right of return to their lands, and won the
case. The Israeli Ministry of Defense refused to implement the decision. Instead, it issued a new military
order and destroyed the village in 1951 except for the church and cemetery, which remain intact until
today. These actions were taken to ensure that Iqrit did not create a precedent for the return of other
Palestinians to their villages.
The former residents of Iqrit appealed to the Supreme Court several
times and lobbied politically for their return. Their last petition was in 2003 when they asked to return to
their original homes or at least to nearby areas unused by the state.
The court rejected their petition to
return to their original lands, based on the state’s claim that the security situation could not justify their
return, and instead offered them compensation.
The government again expressed its concern that
accepting the petition would have far-reaching implications for other internally displaced citizens, who
would also demand to return to their original villages.
The community of Iqrit now comprises around 1,500 individuals, many of whom live in the village of
Al-Rameh 20km away. Despite Israel’s refusal to grant them their right to return to their original village,
the community has, since the 1970s, held religious and social events at the church there. Shadia
Murqos Sbeit, an Iqrit community activist who has been involved in organizing for the return to Iqrit, told
Amnesty International: “The cemetery and the church play a crucial role, because marriage and death
ceremonies take place in the village, keeping the cycle of life alive.”
Shadia Murqos Sbeit has been involved in the struggle to return to Iqrit since the 1990s when, along
with other young members of the community, she started setting up camps in the village as a way to
return. She said:
We launched the “return camps” as another form of struggle [against our displacement]. We
wanted a struggle that was different, one which did not care about the government or the court
and which made the return and the belonging to the village as central to the struggle, so we
moved to live in the village. We wanted to fight for our community and not only lands. This struggle
continues until today.
The community’s campaign to return to the village continues despite Israel’s continual denial and
actions to stop it. Shadia Murqos Sbeit added:
Our children are now part of the struggle. But [Israeli] authorities continually try to prevent them
from setting up anything outside the church grounds. Some activists are targeted by the police
and some were given orders to stay away from the village. The authorities would confiscate
anything they find outside the church and have uprooted what the activists planted. One time the
authorities handed down an order to remove a donkey they had brought and another for a chicken
pen [they had] set up. Despite all of this, people continue the struggle to return.
494. Al Jazeera, “The Return to Iqrit”, 9 June 2013,
495. Uladzislau Belavusau and Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias,
Law and Memory: Towards Legal Governance of History,
2017, p. 359.
496. Noura Erekat,
Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine
(previously cited), p. 56.
497. Uladzislau Belavusau and Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias, Law and Memory:
Towards Legal Governance of History
(previously cited),
p. 359.
498. Uladzislau Belavusau and Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias,
Law and Memory: Towards Legal Governance of History
(previously cited),
p. 359; Haaretz, “High Court Rejects the Right of Ikrit Refugees to Return Home”, 26 July 2003,
499. Haaretz, “High Court Rejects the Right of Ikrit Refugees to Return Home” (previously cited).
500. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Shadia Murqos Sbeit, 10 August 2020.
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A Palestinian man walks in the rubble of his native Palestinian village of Iqrit, in the Galilee region of Israel, to place the name of the owner
of a destroyed house during a visit on the occasion of Christmas on 25 December 2011 © Ahmad Gharabli / AFP via Getty Images
The case of IDPs from the village of Iqrit is a prime example of Israel’s use of military rule to dispossess
Palestinians and prevent them from returning to their homes and villages – undermining the official
narrative at the time that military rule was necessary to maintain security – while simultaneously
allowing the state to confiscate Palestinian property under the Absentees’ Property Law.
The Absentees’ Property Law also deemed as “abandoned”
property in Israel,
being an
endowment under Islamic law by which an institution holds property for charitable purposes, often as the
result of a donation by an individual or group. This included Muslim holy sites, houses, trade centres and
other buildings, businesses and farm lands. These were then appropriated by the state and transferred
to the Custodian of Absentee Property.
As much as 85% of waqf properties were transferred to
the Custodian of Absentee Property.
Until 1948, the Supreme Muslim Council had administered
properties. Israel considered the council as an “absentee” since most of its members became
refugees. While there are no specific statistics on the confiscated
properties, such properties had
been substantial and a well-established tradition in Palestine since the Ottoman era. According to one
academic study, up to 20% of the cultivated lands in Palestine constituted waqf land in 1948.
Challenges to this mass appropriation of
properties reached the Israeli courts. Due to the
sensitivity and complexity of the matter, including the fact that some of the
properties were also
registered under the name of the trustees (persons or committees) and that some were religious
sites, the Custodian of Absentee Property released the administration of some waqf sites to the Israeli
501. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), pp. 76-80.
502. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 77.
503. Michael Dumper,
Islam and Israel: Muslim Religious Endowments and the Jewish State,
1994, p. 29. See, for example, Hussein Abu Hussein
and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), pp. 76-80; Michael Fischbach,
Records of Dispossession
(previously cited), pp. 39-40.
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Ministry of Religious Affairs. However, to circumvent this decision, in 1965 the Knesset passed a legal
amendment that retroactively authorized the transfer of
ownership directly to the Custodian of
Absentee Property free of any claims or conditions that were put in place when it was endowed.
Following Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem, the Israeli authorities gradually applied the Absentees’
Property Law to further the dispossession of Palestinian land and refugee property in the city. In 1968,
the Israeli State Attorney issued a guideline to the Israeli authorities in charge not to confiscate the
properties of Palestinians who remained in the rest of the West Bank, but allowed the confiscation of
properties of Palestinians and other Arabs who ended up as refugees outside the OPT.
Two years
later, Israel passed the Legal and Administrative Matters Law, which regulated the application of Israeli
laws in annexed East Jerusalem, including the application of the Absentees’ Property Law.
1977, there was limited application of the law in Jerusalem. However, when the Likud Party came to
power that year, the government of prime minister Menachem Begin changed this policy. It passed a
decision in December 1977 that allowed for the confiscation of all “absentees’ properties”, including of
those Palestinians who were still in the OPT.
Israel’s decision to move the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem to encompass East Jerusalem
impacted the lives of Palestinians living in the West Bank who had property or parts of property in the
newly annexed area. The Israeli authorities designated these as “absentees’ properties” and as such
subject to confiscation by Israel, even though in some cases they were located only a few metres from
the Palestinian owners’ homes.
It was not until 1992 that the application of the law drew public attention following the founding of
an inter-ministerial commission to investigate the state’s role, including the use of state funds, in
confiscating properties in East Jerusalem and passing them to private individuals and Jewish settler
organizations, mainly Ateret Cohanim (formally known as Ateret Yerushalayim) and Elad-Ir David
Foundation (Elad).
Both organizations play a central role in the process of ensuring Jewish control
in East Jerusalem, mainly by seeking to settle Jews in the Old City and in Palestinian neighbourhoods
(see section 5.4.3 “Discriminatory allocation of expropriated Palestinian land for Jewish settlement”).
The inter-ministerial commission looked into 68 such properties, a significant proportion of which were
confiscated as “absentees’ properties”.
Despite the Israeli Supreme Court’s approval of the legality of the application of the Absentees’ Property
Law in the 1980s and 1990s,
in 2005 then Israeli attorney general Menachem Mazuz said that
the “absence” of Palestinians who lived in the West Bank and owned property in East Jerusalem was
504. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay, Access denied (previously cited), p. 78; State of Israel, Absentees’ Property (Amendment 3)
(Release and Use of Endowment Property) Law, passed on 2 February 1965, available at (in
Hebrew) (an unofficial English translation is available at
fulltext/absenteepropertyl650202.htm). Cemeteries, in particular, were subjected to extensive violations following their expropriation. For
example, the Mamilla or Maman Allah cemetery in Jerusalem was largely destroyed for construction of the Museum of Tolerance. The
cemetery was expropriated as absentees’ property and then allocated to a company to build the museum. See Campaign to Preserve
Mamilla Jerusalem Cemetery, “Petition for Urgent Action on Human Rights Violations in Mamilla Cemetery by Israel”, 10 February 2010, Another example is the cemetery of Al-Sheikh in Haifa. See Globes Magazine,
םיתמה לע ברקה: "םיהולא םוקמב המצע תא המש לארשי תנידמ
[The Battle over the Dead: “The State of Israel is Taking God’s Role”], 18 January
2018, (in Hebrew).
505. Adalah,
תיחרזמה םילשוריב םידקפנ יסכנ קוח תלחה דגנ תוריתע המכל טפשמה תיב ידידיכ ףרטצהל תושר תשקב
[Request for permission to join as amici curiae
in petitions against the application of the Absentees’ Property Law in East Jerusalem], 4 July 2013,
Amicus%20Opinion_August_2013.pdf (in Hebrew).
506. State of Israel, Legal and Administrative Matters (Regulation) Law (Consolidated Version), passed on 5 August 1970 (an English
translation is available at
507. Ateret Yerushalayim, About the Yeshiva, (accessed on 27 August 2021).
508. HaMoked,
תיחרזמה םילשוריב םידקפנ יסכנ קוח תלחה
[The Application of the Absentees’ Property Law in East Jerusalem], 1 October 2013, (in Hebrew).
509. State of Israel, Supreme Court,
Levi and others v. Afaneh and others,
Civil Appeal 54/82, decision, 19 February 1986; HCJ,
Golan v.
The Special Committee,
Case HCJ 4713/93, judgment, 7 September 1994, referring to Article 29 of the Absentees’ Property Law. It should
be noted that the Jerusalem District Court ruled in one case against the legality of the law, and the decision was appealed by the state.
However, both parties reached an agreement and the appeal was cancelled. Thus no new decision on the legality of the law was made:
State of Israel, Supreme Court,
The Custodian of Absentee Property v. Daqa Noha and others,
Case Civil Appeal 2250/06, decision, 13
February 2014.
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merely “technical” and that there were several legal difficulties arising from the application of the law to
such cases.
The authorities therefore decided that there should be a special commission under the
law to approve the confiscation or the release of “absentees’ properties” in East Jerusalem.
this position was changed in 2010 when a subsequent attorney general, Yehuda Weinstein, concluded
that the law should be applied as before. In April 2015, the Israeli Supreme Court reaffirmed the
applicability of the Absentees’ Property Law to properties in East Jerusalem owned by Palestinians
living in the West Bank, and approved all preceding expropriations carried out under the law.
As a
result, the Absentees’ Property Law continues to be used to confiscate properties in East Jerusalem
whose owners are in the West Bank, despite political criticism.
It also continues to be used as a tool
by settler organizations to increase Jewish presence in East Jerusalem.
The application of the Absentees’ Property Law in East Jerusalem on Palestinian property but not
on Jewish property demonstrates a discriminatory policy.
This conclusion is reinforced by the far
more favourable way in which the Israeli authorities have dealt with property previously belonging to
Jewish owners in East Jerusalem. In 1973, the Knesset passed an amendment to the 1970 Legal and
Administrative Matters Law to address the question of pre-1948 Jewish properties in East Jerusalem.
Under the amendment, the law transferred all pre-1948 Jewish properties in annexed East Jerusalem
held by the Jordanian Custodian of Enemy Property to the Israeli Custodian General, the head of an
entity under the authority of the Israeli Ministry of Justice that manages all property in Israel when the
owners cannot manage it or are untraceable, but also plays a significant role regarding properties in
East Jerusalem owned by Israelis before 1948.
Further, the law stated that, upon the request of the
original Jewish owner or their lawful heirs, the Custodian General will release such properties back
to them.
The law applies only to Jewish property owners, not to Palestinians whose properties, for
example in West Jerusalem, were confiscated after 1948. It is a clearly discriminatory compensation
scheme that only benefits Jewish property owners. It should also be noted that the original Jewish
owners, mainly Jews displaced in the wake of the 1947-49 conflict, received alternative housing from
the State of Israel after 1948.
According to one estimate considering Israel and East Jerusalem together, the Israeli authorities have
expropriated over 10,000 shops, 25,000 buildings and almost 60% of the fertile land belonging to
Palestinian refugees under the Absentees’ Property Law.
The mass confiscation of land was not limited to the property of Palestinian refugees and IDPs. In the
early years following Israel’s creation, there remained a sizeable amount of cultivable lands privately
510. Adalah, “Request for permission to join as friend of the court in petitions against the application of the Absentee Property Law in East
Jerusalem” (previously cited).
511. State of Israel, Ministry of Justice,
םידקפנ יסכנ ןיינעב ןוילעה שמהיבל הנידמה םעטמ ןוכדע תעדוה
[Announcement of update regarding absentee
property on behalf of the State to the Supreme Court], Position of the State Attorney, 29 August 2013,
Pages/NichseyNifkadim.aspx (in Hebrew).
512. Supreme Court,
The Custodian of Absentee Property v. Daqa Noha and others
(previously cited); NRC,
The Absentee Property Law
and its Application to East Jerusalem,
February 2017,
513. Ir Amim,
םילשוריב םידקפנ יסכנ קוח
[Absentees’ Property Law in Jerusalem], (in Hebrew).
514. NRC,
The Absentee Property Law and its Application to East Jerusalem
(previously cited); Ir Amim,
Absentees against their will:
Property expropriation in East Jerusalem under the Absentee Property Law
(previously cited).
515. Ir Amim,
Absentees against their will: Property expropriation in East Jerusalem under the Absentee Property Law,
July 2010 ir-amim.
516. This is a separate role from the Custodian of Absentee Property, who is an appointee of Israel’s minister of finance.
517. Peace Now,
Systematic dispossession of Palestinian neighborhoods in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan,
January 2019,
518. Peace Now,
Systematic dispossession of Palestinian neighborhoods in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan
(previously cited).
519. Jewish News, “Why we need to speak about the Absentee Property Law”, 5 July 2020,
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owned by Palestinian citizens of Israel who were not affected by the Absentees’ Property Law. The
authorities looked for other means to confiscate these lands and transfer ownership to the state. To that
end, the 1953 Land Acquisition Law retroactively “legalized” expropriation of lands that the state, newly
established Jewish localities and the Israeli army had taken control of using emergency regulations
after the 1947-49 conflict. The law also laid the legal basis for further land expropriation.
The Israeli authorities had initially used the British-enacted 1945 Defence (Emergency) Regulations to
declare certain areas as “closed zones” to prevent Palestinians from returning to their lands there or
from farming them.
Together with the restrictions of the military administration over the movement
of Palestinian citizens of Israel, these were an essential component of ensuring Jewish control over
land (see section 5.3.4 “Use of military rule”). The Israeli-enacted Emergency Regulations (Security
Zones) of 1949 then authorized the defence minister to declare security zones and order people to
leave such areas. For example, the eviction of Palestinians from the villages of Iqrit and Biraim was
conducted under these regulations.
The Emergency Regulations (Cultivation of Waste Lands and Use
of Unexploited Water Resources) of 1948 authorized the minister of agriculture to take over uncultivated
The 1949 Emergency Land Requisition (Regulation) Law permitted the “requisition” of land or
buildings “for the defence of the state, public security, the maintenance of essential supplies or essential
public services, the absorption of immigrants of the rehabilitation of ex-soldiers or war invalids.”
The land and property taken over under these emergency regulations were controlled and used by
Jewish localities and institutions. However, the original Palestinian owners still held legal title to the
land. Consequently, the Knesset passed the 1953 Land Acquisition Law that allowed the land to be
confiscated and the legal title of the Palestinian owners to be terminated. Under this law, land could be
registered as state land if:
it was not in possession of a third party on the 1st of April 1952;
it was used or allocated by the state between 14 May 1948, and 1 April 1952, for
development, settlement or security purposes; and
it was still required for any of these purposes.
With a certificate issued by the minister of finance that these conditions applied, the land would be
transferred to the Development Authority. Some 1.25 million dunams were expropriated in Israel under
the Land Acquisition Law, 137,400 dunams of which were expropriated from Bedouins in the Negev/
A small amount of compensation was proposed under this law, but few Palestinians applied
for it. By 2000, Palestinians had filed only 15,975 compensation claims for 205,669 dunams that had
been confiscated under both the Land Acquisition Law and the Absentees’ Property Law.
The main
reason for the low number of applicants was Palestinians’ refusal to legitimize the Israeli confiscation of
their lands. Further, the offered compensation was much lower than the real value of the land.
Another legal tool used to confiscate land still in the hands of Palestinian citizens in Israel and,
as of 1967, land in the hands of Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem was the British-era Land
520. British Mandate Government of Palestine, Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945, Regulation 125,
521. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 81.
522. These regulations were repealed in 1984. See Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 81.
523. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 81.
524. Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality (NCF),
The Bedouin-Arabs in the Negev-Naqab Desert in Israel,
August 2009, tbinternet., p. 36.
525. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 82.
526. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 82.
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(Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance of 1943. Under the ordinance, the minister of finance was
given broad powers to expropriate land for “public purposes”, which are any purposes defined as such
by the minister. The minister is not required to provide details of the purpose and, upon the payment of
compensation, the state takes permanent ownership or temporary use of the land.
The ordinance laid the groundwork for confiscation of lands that still remained in the hands of
Palestinians, allowing confiscation for a range of public purposes beyond those provided in other laws
and regulations. Confiscation for “public purposes” has been abused to transfer land from Palestinians
to the state and for the exclusive benefit of Jewish Israelis and institutions.
The major use of the ordinance began in the mid-1950s as part of the government’s plans for
“Judaizing the Galilee”.
Major Jewish Israeli cities and towns (such as Upper Nazareth, Ma’alot
and Karmiel) were planned to be built in the midst of predominantly Palestinian areas in the Galilee to
obstruct any Palestinian geographic contiguity there.
From the late 1950s, Israel used the ordinance to expropriate massive areas of privately owned
Palestinian land and transfer it for the building and development of Jewish cities, towns and
settlements by allocating it to the JNF/KKL. For example, in 1957 the Israeli authorities used the
legislation to expropriate 1,200 dunams from Palestinian landowners in Nazareth and surrounding
villages to be used to establish the Jewish town of Upper Nazareth.
The law was also used to
expropriate over 20,000 dunams of land surrounding Palestinian villages in the Galilee, triggering
protests in which six Palestinian protesters were killed and more than 100 were injured by Israeli
forces on 30 March 1976.
Palestinians in Israel and the OPT commemorate the event each year
as Land Day.
Under the ordinance, Israel expropriated at least 1.2 to 1.3 million dunams of land from the
Palestinian population in Israel.
According to one academic study, a 1992 report of the Israel
Land Administration, the Israeli government body then responsible for managing state land in Israel,
indicates that the ordinance was invoked in the confiscation of 1.85 million dunams, 92% of which
were privately owned by Palestinians.
In 2001, for the first time, the Israeli Supreme Court challenged, in a landmark precedent, the law
of land expropriation in Israel when examining the confiscation, under the 1943 ordinance, of land
previously owned by Jewish Israeli owners. The
case was brought by the heirs of the original
Jewish owner. The precedent, delivered by a nine-judge bench each with different reasoning, ruled that
if the public purpose that served as the basis for the land expropriation ceased to exist, as a rule the
expropriation is to be cancelled, and the original owner is entitled to the return of the land subject to
exceptions and rules that are to be formulated.
Following the decision, and fearing the large impact
this might have regarding land confiscated from Palestinian owners, the Knesset passed legislation to
circumvent the
decision. The 2010 amendment to the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes)
Ordinance of 1943 affirmed the legality of Israel’s ownership of the land expropriated under this law,
527. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), pp. 86-89; and David Kretzmer, The Legal Status of The
Arabs in Israel, 1990.
528. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 86.
529. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), pp. 86-87.
530. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), pp. 86-89.
531. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), pp. 86-89.
532. Adalah, Land Acquisition Law (Actions and Compensation), (accessed on 15 September 2021).
533. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 88.
534. HCJ,
Karsik and Others v. Israel Lands Authority and Others,
Case HCJ 2390/96, judgment, 13 February 2001,
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even when the land was not used for the original purpose of the expropriation.
The amendment also
authorized the minister of finance to sell the expropriated land to third parties, such as Jewish national
Adalah has documented that the aim of the amendment was primarily to block claims
from Palestinian landowners to land confiscated from them for “public purposes” and which later was
not used for that purpose.
As mentioned above, Israel resorted to emergency and military legislation to confiscate Palestinian
land in the West Bank beyond East Jerusalem and, until its unilateral withdrawal in 2005, in the
Gaza Strip as well, in order to establish and maintain its control over the territory by building and
expanding settlements and their related infrastructure, setting up national parks, archaeological sites
and military “firing zones”. In the first decade of the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, the
Israeli authorities proceeded to confiscate privately owned Palestinian land mainly through requisition
(or land seizure) orders, in addition to expropriation orders, absentee property orders and military
orders declaring specific areas as “closed military zones”.
These measures were legitimized by the
Supreme Court of Israel, which ultimately rendered the question of the legality of the settlements non-
The court held that the expropriation of private land to establish civilian settlements was
legal as long as the expropriation was necessary for security reasons and temporary.
Under requisition orders, Palestinian private owners were forced to “lease” their land to the Israeli
state to build military bases and Jewish settlements, which the Israeli authorities claimed were needed
for security reasons. While the orders were issued for limited periods, and as such were deemed
temporary, the fact that they were renewable, on the one hand, and that they often failed to include an
expiry date, on the other, meant that the requisition was in fact permanent. By contrast, expropriation
orders forcibly transferred Palestinian private ownership rights to the state permanently. Given the
permanent nature of the procedure, expropriation under military orders is authorized only if carried
out for “public purposes” to serve the “local” population through infrastructure such as roads and
public buildings. However, much of Palestinian land in the OPT was expropriated for the sole benefit
of settlers to build settler-only bypass roads. Tens of thousands of dunams were also expropriated for
the construction of Ma’ale Adumim and Ofra settlements near Jerusalem and Ramallah, respectively,
under the guise of constructing an industrial zone and “workers’ accommodations” in these areas.
In addition, vast parts of the OPT were declared as “closed military zones” under military orders, which
prevented any Palestinians, including their legal owners, from accessing them without a special permit.
Such areas include parts of the Jordan Valley and the South Hebron Hills, which are used primarily for
military training, as well as land around settlements.
535. Adalah, “Knesset Enacts New Amendment to the Land Ordinance of 1943 to Block Palestinian Claims for Land Previously Confiscated
by the State”, 25 February 2020,
536. Adalah, Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance – Amendment No. 10, (accessed on 29 August
537. Adalah, “Knesset Enacts New Amendment to the Land Ordinance of 1943 to Block Palestinian Claims for Land Previously Confiscated
by the State” (previously cited).
538. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank,
February 2012,
539. HCJ,
Salama and Others v. Minister of Defense and Others,
Case HCJ 834/78, judgment, 15 January 1979, p. 471; HCJ, Beit El case,
Ayub and Others v. Minister of Defense and Others,
Case HCJ 606/78, 15 March 1979 (see also ICRC, Casebook, “Israel, Ayub v. Minister
of Defence”,; HCJ,
Amira and Others v. Minister of Defense and Others,
HCJ 258/79, judgment, 24 August 1979, para. 90; HCJ, Elon Moreh case,
Dweikat v. Government of Israel,
Case HCJ 390/79, judgment,
22 October 1979, in HaMoked, “Seizure of Private Land for the Purpose of Building Settlements: HCJ 390/79
Dweikat v. Government of
Judgment, 22 October 1979”, 1 January 2010,
540. B’Tselem, “Israeli Settlement in The Occupied Territories as a Violation of Human Rights: Legal and Conceptual Aspects”, March 1997,
541. Bimkom and B’Tselem,
The Hidden Agenda: The Establishment and Expansion Plans of Ma’ale Adummim and their Human Rights
December 2019,
542. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited)
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Mirroring the provisions included in the 1950 Absentees’ Property Law, which the Israeli authorities
used to confiscate land and property belonging to Palestinian refugees and IDPs from the 1947-49
conflict, military orders and regulations concerning absentee property became another tool for the
authorities to seize land and property left behind by Palestinian refugees who fled the West Bank
and Gaza Strip during the 1967 conflict and have in most cases been barred from returning to their
homes. Under Military Order 58 of 1967, “property whose legal owner, or whoever is granted the
power to control it by law, left the area prior to 7 June 1967 or subsequently” is declared “absentee” or
“abandoned” property. The order and its subsequent amendments transferred the administration of all
“absentee” land and property to the Custodian of Absentee Property (and later on to the Custodian for
Government and Abandoned Property in Judea and Samaria, the head of an entity under the authority
of the Israeli Civil Administration charged with managing land and property in the occupied West Bank
excluding East Jerusalem) until the return of its legal owners, who are allowed to claim it back. In
practice however, in the rare cases where Palestinian owners were able to either prove that they were
not absentees or return to the OPT under family unification procedures, they were for the most part
unable to retrieve their land and businesses on the basis that any transaction relating to their transfer,
and which was authorized by the Custodian of Absentee Property, was done in “good faith”.
thousands of dunams of absentee land in the Jordan Valley were allocated for settlement construction
and the establishment of military bases. In 2006, Israeli officials admitted that owners of absentee
land had been placed on a special list to prevent their return to the OPT and bar them from claiming
their property.
In 1979, a Supreme Court decision regarding the Elon Moreh settlement near Nablus forced the Israeli
authorities to change their policy of requisitioning land for military purposes. The court ruled that the
settlement was illegal because its purpose was not military after hearing arguments by both settlers
and the serving army chief of staff at the time challenging the state’s position of military necessity,
which they advanced for ideological and strategic reasons. Since then, the use of requisition orders has
dropped drastically but has not stopped altogether, while land requisitioned until then has never been
returned to its Palestinian owners.
Following the court decision, the Israeli authorities started confiscating large parts of land unregistered
in the Land Registry by declaring them state land based on Military Order 59 of 1967 Concerning State
Under the order, “state property” is defined as any property that belonged to a “hostile
state” before 7 June 1967, “or any property belonging to an arbitration body connected to a hostile
state”. This includes land that was unregistered, or land whose ownership was in the process of being
determined by the courts (see section 5.4.2 “Land title settlement: registration of land rights”) as well
as both movable and immovable property. The order placed all such property under the authority of
the Custodian for Government and Abandoned Property in Judea and Samaria and empowered them
to enter into transactions related to that property which, even if that property was shown subsequently
not to belong to the state, would still stand provided that they were done in “good faith”. As in the case
of “absentee property”, the “good faith” provision prevented the overwhelming majority of Palestinian
owners from retrieving their land even when they had legal claims.
The land title settlement process, which was initiated in 1928 under the British mandate, became an
additional tool for Israel’s dispossession of Palestinians across all domains of control and, ultimately,
543. Badil,
Ruling Palestine
(previously cited).
544. Haaretz, “Ministry Admits ‘Blacklist’ of Palestinians who left W. Bank”, 5 July 2006,
545. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited).
546. Badil,
Ruling Palestine
(previously cited).
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enabled the Israeli authorities to transfer millions of dunams of state land for Jewish settlement.
On the
basis of their Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance of 1928, the British authorities aimed to register land
titles based on surveyed maps that divided land into identified blocs and parcels.
However, by the end
of their mandate, they had only registered the title of some 5.5 million of Palestine’s 26 million dunams, 5
million of which fell within what became Israel.
The British began the process selectively, mostly in Jewish
areas or in areas where land disputes between Jews and Arabs existed.
The British ordinance, with a few
amendments, was incorporated into the Israeli legal system and became known as the Land (Settlement of
Title) Ordinance (New Version) or Land Law in 1969.
Through the legal reinterpretation of Ottoman and
British law and, in the case of the OPT, Jordanian law, changes in the evidentiary rules, together with minor
legal amendments, the Israeli government was able to exploit the unfinished land rights registration process
to appropriate further Palestinian lands across all territorial domains and declare them to be state land.
After 1948, Israel continued the land registration process, starting in the Galilee, where thousands of land
disputes emerged in the second half of the 1950s as a result, and in deserted Palestinian villages and
neighbourhoods in West Jerusalem (Lifta, Ein Karem and Qatamon). The purpose of this process was to
transfer Palestinian refugee land and state land for Jewish settlement. First, the Knesset amended the
rules of adverse possession, the process by which a land’s possessor was able to gain a title to it following
a particular period of time.
Adverse possession was central to Ottoman land law and to Palestine’s land
regime given the general lack of formal title registration until 1948. Under the Ottoman Land Code, to gain
a title by adverse possession, claimants were required to show that they had possessed and cultivated the
land for 10 years without dispute.
The Knesset extended the period required for a claimant to gain a title
by adverse possession more than once and finally stated that the mere declaration of the settlement process
over particular areas would freeze time for the purpose of making a claim by adverse possession, thereby
preventing Palestinians from gaining titles to lands they had possessed before the founding of Israel.
At the same time, the Israeli judiciary developed restrictions on the type and admissibility of evidence
required to prove adverse possession. Whereas the actual possession of land was deemed central to prove
rights during the British mandate, its significance declined dramatically during the 1950s.
The judiciary
547. Alexandre Kedar and others, Emptied Lands:
A Legal Geography of Bedouin Rights in the Negev,
2018; Dov Gavish,
Land and Map:
The Survey of Palestine:
1920-1948, 1991.
548. British Mandate Government of Palestine, Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance, Land Settlement Ordinance 9, 30 May 1928.
549. Dov Gavish and Ruth Kark, “The Cadastral Mapping of Palestine, 1858–1928”, 1 March 1991, the Geographical Journal, Volume 159,
Issue 1,, pp. 70–80; Geremy Forman, “Settlement of Title in the Galilee: Dowson’s Colonial Guiding Principles”,
2002, Israel Studies, Volume 7, Issue 3,, pp. 61-83.
550. Yitzhak Oded, “Land Losses among Israel’s Arab Villagers”, September 1964, New Outlook, pp. 7, 10, 13; Dov Gavish,
Land and Map,
The Survey of Palestine 1920-1948, pp. 201, 203, 205.
551. State of Israel, Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance (New Version), known as Land Law, passed on 17 July 1969 (an English translation
is available at See also Haim Sandberg, “Jerusalem: land title settlement and
expropriation”, Autumn 2004, Journal of Israeli History, Volume 23, Issue 2.
552. State of Israel, Provisional Government, Law and Administration Ordinance, adopted on 19 May 1948,
law/kns0_govt-justice_eng.pdf This ordinance was adopted to maintain legal continuity after the establishment of the State of Israel on 14
May 1948. It provides for all existing laws to remain in force, subject to legal modifications resulting from either the state’s establishment or
subsequent legislation.
553. Under the Ottoman Land Code, possession of land was allocated directly by the government through a title deed (kushan), which
was proof of the individual’s right to use the land, but not of actual ownership. The Ottomans had a clear interest in guaranteeing the
cultivation of the land, which was reflected in Article 78 of the Land Code: “Everyone who has possessed and cultivated
agricultural land]… land for ten years without dispute acquires a right by prescription and whether he has a valid title deed or not, the
land cannot be regarded as abandoned, and he shall be given a new title deed free of charge.” The British Mandate Government treated
the title deed (kushan) as a proof of full ownership of the land. See NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the
West Bank
(previously cited).
554. Richard Tute,
The Ottoman Land Laws with a commentary on the Ottoman Land Code of 7th Ramadan 1274,
media/files/Ottoman-Land-Code-1858-(1927).pdf, Article 78.
555. Alexandre Kedar,
לארשיב תשכורה תונשייתה ינידו
,םואל ,עקרק :טועימ
לש ןמז
לש ןמז
[Minority Time, Majority Time: Land, Nation, and the Law of
Adverse Possession in Israel] (in Hebrew), 1998, Tel Aviv University Law Review, Volume 21, Issue 3.
556. Alexandre Kedar, “The Legal Transformation of Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967”, 12
December 2001, New York University, Journal of International Law and Politics, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp. 923-1000,
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imposed rules that required a higher standard of proof for demonstrating that land was cultivated, setting
a new condition that 50% of land had to be under cultivation and using mandate-era aerial photos taken
in 1945 by the British as proof of lack of cultivation.
It also rejected tax payment records as evidence
of cultivation or to prove rights in land settlement processes.
These judicial rules and precedents were
applied in the Galilee in the 1950s and 1960s, and then applied both in the Negev/Naqab and, after 1967,
in the West Bank (see below).
As pointed out in 1957 by Yosef Weitz, a pivotal JNF/KKL official who
became the first director of the Israel Land Administration: “The aim of work until now has been to secure
state ownership of its lands. The aim now is Yihud ha-Galil [Judaization of the Galilee]…”
Similarly, the head of the Ministry of Justice’s Registration and Settlement Department stated in 1959 that
“[t]he work today is not done for settlement of title purposes only... but especially for clarifying the prospects
of [Jewish] settlement in areas that are mainly inhabited by Arabs, mostly on land claimed by the State.”
Many land disputes between the state and Palestinian landholders reached the Israeli courts. However, in
85% of the cases, the courts ruled in favour of the Israel Land Administration.
In 1951, the Knesset passed the State Property Law, which transferred ownership of all properties of the British
Mandate Government of Palestine to the State of Israel (Article 2), as well as ownership of properties with no owners
(Article 3). The mandate government claimed ownership of over 1 million dunams, so these were transferred
to the State of Israel.
Under the process of land title settlement, the Israeli government also transferred close
to 10 million dunams of land considered as wasteland so that it was classified as state land. Hence, the Israeli
government claimed large tracts of both wasteland and cultivated land. In the Negev/Naqab, the land title
registration process was more complex and remains disputed until today, as the Israeli government deems the land
cultivated by the Bedouin as
(dead or waste) land,
despite their cultivation by Bedouin communities.
In parallel, following the 1947-49 conflict, the Jordanian authorities continued the British-initiated land
registration process in the West Bank, mainly in the Nablus and Ramallah sub-districts and in the Jordan
Valley. By 1967, only about 30% of the West Bank was registered under the land title settlement procedure,
including 12% registered as state land.
In East Jerusalem, Jordan registered only a few land blocs; 90% of
the land remained unregistered at the time of annexation.
The Israeli land authorities failed to register any
of the land transactions in these registered blocs.
In 1968, Israel suspended the land settlement process
in the OPT, including in East Jerusalem.
557. Alexandre Kedar, “The Legal Transformation of Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967” (previously cited).
558. Alexandre Kedar, “The Legal Transformation of Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967” (previously cited).
559. Supreme Court, State of Israel v.
Salah Badaran,
Civil Appeal 518/61, judgment, 8 August 1962;
Ahmad Hamda v. Al Kuatli,
Appeal 323/54, judgment, 10 May 1956. The precedent on land rights and reinterpretation of Ottoman and British law in the Negev
Salim Al-Hawashlih v. State of Israel,
Civil Appeal 218/74, judgment, 2 August 1984. On the land title settlement in the Negev, see
Alexandre Kedar and others,
Emptied Lands
(previously cited). On the West Bank, see B’Tselem,
By Hook and by Crook
(previously cited).
560. State of Israel, Minutes of Supreme Land Settlement Committee, 5 August 1957, cited in Geremy Forman, “Settlement of title in the
Galilee: Dowson’s colonial guiding principles” (previously cited).
561. Alexandre Kedar, “The Legal Transformation of Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967” (previously cited).
562. Alexandre Kedar, “The Legal Transformation of Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967” (previously cited).
563. State of Israel, State Property Law, passed on 6 February 1951, Article 2 (an English translation is available at
law150/laws%20of%20the%20state%20of%20israel-5.pdf). Article 2 states that all property, movable and immovable, that belonged to the
Palestine government during the Mandate became the property of the State of Israel as of 15 May 1948.
564. See NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited), p. 23: “Mewat land (‘dead land’)
is land that was not allotted to anyone, which is not cultivated, and is 2.5 kilometres or more away from the built-up area of the nearest
village. In
land, all aspects of ownership are held by the state. The individual is allowed to acquire rights to
land only if he/she
revived it (agriculturally speaking) and turned it into fertile land…” See also Richard Tute,
Ottoman Land Laws with a commentary on the
Ottoman Land Code of 7th Ramadan 1274
(previously cited), Ottoman Land Code, Articles 6 and 103.
565. Alexandre Kedar and others,
Emptied Lands
(previously cited).
566. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited).
567. Ir Amim, “Monitor Report on the Implementation of Government Decision 3790 for Investment in East Jerusalem, Quarterly Report No.
2 for 2021”, May 2021,
568. Sami Ersheid, “Integrity: Legal Aid, Advocacy, Research and Institutional Strengthening”, webinar in Land Registration Event: East
Jerusalem and the West Bank, 7 April 2021.
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As a result, individuals living in the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem) who wished to register previously
unregistered land had to do it privately under a procedure known as “first registration”. However, the
large amount of evidence required to prove both possession and continuous cultivation of land, the high
costs involved and the length of the procedure meant that it was inaccessible for most Palestinians. The
procedure therefore mostly benefited Israeli settlers and companies who wanted to register the ownership
of land that they had bought, or claimed to have bought, in the West Bank.
Amongst such companies are
subsidiaries of the JNF/KKL whose presence and activities were facilitated through Israeli military orders and
amendments to Jordanian laws (see section 5.4.3 “Discriminatory allocation of expropriated land for Jewish
Over the years, the Israeli authorities were able to exploit the suspension of the land settlement process
and non-registration of individual property rights to gain control over large parts of Palestinian land in the
OPT, including in East Jerusalem, for the sole benefit of its Jewish population. As stated above, following the
1979 Supreme Court ruling on the Elon Moreh settlement (see section 5.4.1 “Land expropriation laws and
policies”) the Israeli authorities largely stopped the requisition of private land in the OPT for the construction
of settlements. Instead, they proceeded to declare hundreds of thousands of dunams of unregistered and
uncultivated land as state land through a simple procedure defined under the Civil Administration’s internal
rules, which did not seek to establish individual property rights.
To declare land as state land, the Custodian for Government and Abandoned Property in Judea and Samaria
merely had to claim ownership of a specific area before making it public by signing a document specifying
its exact location and total area, and delivering it to the
(representative) of the concerned village.
Declarations of state land were in most cases not registered in the Land Registry but kept in a separate
registration system administered by the Custodian for Government and Abandoned Property in Judea and
Samaria. Even though anyone was entitled to submit an objection to a state land declaration within 45 days
of its issuance, in practice, such objections were submitted only in rare cases due to the high costs and
high threshold of evidence required. Further, when examining such cases, the Military Appeals Committees
applied the same higher standard of proof for demonstrating cultivation of land as in the case of the
dispossession of Palestinian land in Israel in the 1950s.
Indeed, the Israeli authorities applied the same
interpretation of Ottoman laws as they did inside Israel in order to redefine land registration requirements to
confiscate Palestinian lands for the benefit of Jewish Israelis.
As a result, despite the Elon Moreh court ruling in 1979, Israel was able to more than double the amount of
state land in the West Bank within 13 years such that it constituted about 25% of the territory by 1992.
had increased it to around 27% of the West Bank by 2010.
Meanwhile, in annexed East Jerusalem, Israel’s non-registration of Palestinians’ land titles has been one of
the key obstacles to urban planning and contributed to home demolitions over the years as registration of
ownership is one of the conditions for issuing building permits. The freeze on land settlement persisted until
the adoption of Government Resolution 3790 in 2018, a five-year plan apparently aimed at “narrowing socio-
economic gaps and economic development in East Jerusalem” (see section 5.5.3 “Discriminatory provision
of services”). In addition to deepening Israel’s control over East Jerusalem in general, and failing to meet the
population’s needs, the plan envisages the full settlement and registration of land rights in East Jerusalem
569. Ir Amim, “Monitor Report on the Implementation of Government Decision 3790 for Investment in East Jerusalem, Quarterly Report No.
2 for 2021” (previously cited).
570. Badil,
Ruling Palestine
(previously cited).
571. Declarations of state land were also allowed to be made on land that was cultivated but that had not been continuously cultivated for
10 years prior to the declaration. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited).
572. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited).
573. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited).
574. B’Tselem,
By Hook and by Crook
(previously cited), p. 24.
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by 2025. While some Palestinians could obtain legal ownership of their lands through this process, Israeli
organizations have warned that the mechanism could be misused to register lands to the state or Jewish
individuals claiming ownership over property purchased before 1948 based on the provisions of the Legal
and Administrative Matters Law of 1970 and the Absentees’ Property Law, without addressing Palestinian
property claims or the rights of long-term Palestinian residents.
As a result, it could become another major
tool of furthering Palestinian dispossession in the city for the purpose of maintaining a Jewish majority.
Indeed, in 2020, the Israeli authorities initiated land registration procedures in the Umm Haroun area
of Sheikh Jarrah based on Government Resolution 3790 in the first land settlement process they had
undertaken in East Jerusalem since the beginning of the occupation in 1967. They did so without informing
the public or the 45 Palestinian families residing in the area, and exclusively registered properties under
the alleged ownership of Jewish owners. The land registration process is being carried out the same time
as ongoing eviction lawsuits filed against Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah by settler organizations (see
section 5.4.3 “Discriminatory allocation of expropriated Palestinian land for Jewish settlement”). A petition by
residents and two Israeli human rights group demanding the immediate freeze of land registration in Umm
Haroun was pending before the Israeli Supreme Court as of the end of August 2021.
In the Gaza Strip, about 30% of the land remained unregistered in 1949 when Egypt took control over the
territory. The Egyptian authorities took some steps to protect land ownership rights, and allowed individuals
who were in physical possession of the land to register it under their name upon payment of a tax. Still,
many landowners chose to only register parts of their land, or not to register it at all, in order to avoid the tax
and, as a result, large parts of Gaza remained unregistered. This also facilitated the Israeli process of land
confiscation for the construction of Israeli settlements following the occupation.
In parallel to the mass land expropriations from Palestinians to the Israeli state and Jewish organizations, the
Israeli government enabled Jewish localities and settlements to use the expropriated lands. In Israel and East
Jerusalem, it transferred land from the state to Jewish national organizations and institutions, many of which
serve Jews only, while the legal title of the land remained in the state’s name. Some 93% of land in Israel
and occupied East Jerusalem, comprising around 19.5 million dunams (1.95 million hectares), is now state
land. The residual 7% of land in Israel is owned by private individuals.
Jewish Israelis own over half of this,
that is around 3.5% to 4% of the total land.
About 80% of Palestinian citizens of Israel are packed into the
remaining 3% to 3.5% of the land.
In the rest of the OPT, the Israeli government adopted policies that allowed the allocation of state land almost
exclusively to Israeli state institutions and organizations, and state and private companies, for the benefit of
Jewish Israeli settlers.
575. Ir Amim, “Monitor Report on the Implementation of Government Decision 3790 for Investment in East Jerusalem, Quarterly Report No.
2 for 2021” (previously cited).
576. Ir Amim and Bimkom, “Israeli initiates land registration procedures in Sheikh Jarrah to advance Jewish settlement”, 4 May 2021,
577. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in the Gaza Strip
(previously cited).
578. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
579. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited); Adva Center,
Lands, Planning and Inequality:
The Division of Space Between Jews and Arabs in Israel,
November 2000.
580. Ruth Sar Shalom and Ruth Weinschenk-Vennor, “Land Registration in the Arab Society in Israel”,
581. ACRI, “Allocation of State Land in OPT”, 23 April 2013,
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Some 93% of land in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem, comprising around 19.5 million dunams
(1.95 million hectares), is now state land. The Israel Land Authority, a state body that succeeded the
Israel Land Administration in 2009, administers state land in Israel and its Council determines how
the land is managed and allocated.
The Council is made up of 14 members including the minister
of housing as chair, seven representatives of government ministries and six representatives of the JNF/
KKL, making it a national institution that explicitly privileges Jews.
State land in Israel is largely used to develop Jewish towns and other localities. Palestinian citizens
of Israel face severe restrictions in accessing state land for their development. They are effectively
blocked from leasing land on 80% of state land.
This is the consequence of exclusionary and
discriminatory policies pursued by Israeli state authorities and Jewish national institutions as well as
residence restrictions based on “admissions committees” (see below) to newly established localities
and neighbourhoods.
Jewish national institutions in Israel have played a significant role in the expropriation of Palestinian
land before and since the creation of Israel in 1948. The World Zionist Organization (WZO) was
established in 1897 and “carried the main responsibility for establishing the State of Israel” as the
main body representing Jewish communities. In 1901, the WZO established the JNF/KKL specifically
to acquire land in Palestine for “the purpose of settling Jews on such lands and properties.”
Jewish Agency for Israel, which was set up in 1929 as the operative branch of the WZO, assists and
encourages Jewish people to settle in Israel. It was chaired between 1935 and 1948 by David Ben-
Gurion, who became Israel’s first prime minister.
Under the World Zionist Organization – Jewish Agency (Status) Law of 1952, the WZO retained a formal
status as a quasi-governmental institution responsible for handling Jewish immigration, absorption and
settlement in Israel.
Both the WZO and the Jewish Agency for Israel have been involved since 1948
in managing and leasing state land from the Israel Land Administration, and subsequently the Israel
Land Authority, to settle Jewish immigrants in Israel, a use of state land which excludes non-Jews.
Before 1948, the JNF/KKL acquired a little over 800,000 dunams in Palestine.
Following the
establishment of Israel, the JNF/KKL continued to act as a custodian and trustee of “Jewish national
The JNF/KKL also played a crucial role as a company registered in Israel that performed certain
state functions on the basis of the Jewish National Fund Law of 1953. The law grants the JNF/KKL a
special status in designing Israel’s land policies in general and entitles it to tax breaks and financial
benefits, while retaining semi-governmental functions.
Its remit includes the purchase and acquisition
of lands and assets in areas in Israel or “in any area subject to the jurisdiction of the Government
of Israel” for the purpose of settling Jews on them, and the reclamation and development of land in
582. State of Israel, Israel Land Authority, About Israel Land Authority, (accessed on 3 August 2020).
583. State of Israel, Israel Land Authority, Israel Lands Council, (accessed on
30 November 2021).
584. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
585. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
586. JNF/KKL, “A Company with Share Capital with No Par Value Memorandum of Association”, 30 December 1953,
HEBREW_FILES/odotenu/Memorandum-of-Association-English.pdf, Article 3(a).
587. Jewish Agency for Israel, Who We Are, (accessed on 3 February 2021).
588. World Zionist Organization – Jewish Agency (Status) Law (5713) of 1952, 24 November 1952 (an unofficial English translation is available
pdf); Stefan Berger and Thomas Fetzer,
Nationalism and the Economy: Explorations into a Neglected Relationship,
10 January 2019.
589. Moshe Aumann,
Land Ownership in Palestine, 1880-1948,
590. JNF/KKL, Jewish People Land, (accessed on 31 January 2020).
591. Adalah, Jewish National Fund Law, (accessed on 31 January 2020).
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After the purchase of 2 million dunams (the “two million deal”) from the state in 1949 and
1950, the JNF/KKL became the largest agricultural landowner in Israel, serving Jews only, as per its
In addition, the JNF/KKL purchased some 360 properties in the West Bank, and claims to be
able to prove ownership for approximately 170 of them. Most of these purchase deals were completed
by Himnuta, a subsidiary of JNF/KKL (see section 5.4.1 “Land expropriation laws and policies”),
following the start of Israel’s occupation in 1967. Some were bought before 1948 directly by JNF/KKL.
In 1960, the Knesset passed the Israel Land Administration Law.
This established the Israel Land
Administration (which became the Israel Land Authority in 2009) to administer state land along with
the Development Authority and the JNF/KKL. That same year the Knesset passed the Basic Law:
Israel Lands, which prevented the sale of land by the Israel Land Administration but allows the lease
of state land to the public, the JNF/KKL or the WZO and the Jewish Agency for Israel for up to 98
years. Under Article 1 of the law, “The ownership of Israel lands, being the lands in Israel of the State,
the Development Authority or the Keren Kayemet Le-Israel [JNF/KKL], shall not be transferred either
by sale or in any other manner.”
A year later, the administration of the JNF/KKL land passed to the
Israel Land Administration.
Jewish national bodies generally do not lease land to non-Jews and do not accept them in the housing
projects and/or communities they establish and other housing projects on state lands that have
been developed specifically for new Jewish immigrants. About 13% of state land in Israel, or over
2.5 million dunams, is owned and administered solely through the JNF/KKL for use by Jews.
discriminatory allocation of state land by the Israel Land Administration to the JNF/KKL, which in turn
only developed the land exclusively for Jewish Israelis, was legally challenged in 2000. In the
ruling, the Supreme Court of Israel held that the state cannot discriminate in the allocation of land on
the basis of religion or nationality, after a Palestinian couple attempted to buy land in a Jewish locality
established by the JNF/KKL on previously public land that had been allocated to it by the Israel Land
The new village had a committee to admit members who could become residents;
one of its admission conditions was military service. The court ruled that this resulted in discriminatory
land allocation. However, the decision stated that its impact was not retroactive. Hence, all past
discriminatory land dispossession and allocation would not be scrutinized.
Following the
ruling, the prevention of Palestinian citizens of Israel from leasing land from
the JNF/KKL became less categorical, but it remains extremely rare for Palestinians to be able to do so
even on new allocations. This is partly because the new allocations are generally for the expansion of
Jewish communities and not Palestinian ones. It is partly because new localities began to utilize other
means of profiling and selecting the residents. The exclusion of Palestinian citizens of Israel from state
land continued, and Jewish national institutions retained their formal status in Israel’s land policies and
592. JNF/KKL, “A Company with Share Capital with No Par Value Memorandum of Association” (previously cited).
593. Yifat Holzman-Gazit,
Land Expropriation in Israel: Law, Culture and Society,
2007; Oren Yiftachel,
Ethnocracy: Land and Identity
Politics in Israel/Palestine,
2006, p. 139.
594. Haaretz, “JNF Approves West Bank, Jerusalem Plans that Could Lead to Palestinian Evictions”, 2 September 2021,
595. The name of the law was later changed to the Israel Land Authority Law.
596. State of Israel, Basic Law: Israel Lands, passed on 25 July 1960, (in Hebrew) (an
English translation is available at
597. JNF/KKL, Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1961.
598. Adalah, “Land Controlled by Jewish National Fund for Jews Only”, 29 July 2007,
599. HCJ,
Aadel Ka’adan v. Israel Land Administration,
Case HCJ 6698/95, judgment, 8 March 2000 (an unofficial English translation is
available at See also Yifat Holzman-Gazit,
Land Expropriation in Israel: Law, Culture and Society,
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development. In 2007, CERD called on Israel to ensure that the WZO, including the Jewish Agency for
Israel, and the JNF/KKL are bound by the principle of non-discrimination in the exercise of their functions.
To circumvent the potential implications of the
ruling, the Knesset passed in 2011 the
Communities Acceptance Law. This allows “admissions committees” to determine who can be admitted
to Jewish communities of fewer than 400 households in the Negev/Naqab and Galilee areas. Under the
Law to Amend the Cooperative Societies Ordinance (No. 8), the “admissions committees” can base their
selection on a set of vague standards, including the candidate’s “social suitability” or lack of “compatibility
with the social and cultural fabric” of the community, which is determined based on a “professional
opinion by someone who is expert in identifying such suitability.”
An “admissions committee” is made
up of five members, including three representatives of the community, one representative of the WZO and
the Jewish Agency for Israel, and one representative of the regional council that has jurisdiction over the
The functioning of the committees is not subject to any supervision by the Israeli authorities.
Adalah has shown that the primary objective of the law is to further marginalize Palestinian citizens of
Israel and other marginalized groups in Israel, and to maintain segregation in housing and residence
based on national identity.
The “admissions committees” operate in 695 agricultural towns and
communities in Israel, which are distributed in 53 regional councils throughout the country that control
around 81% of state land in Israel (excluding Jewish Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank
and Golan Heights).
For instance, in 2017 a new Jewish town scheduled to be built on the ruins of
a Palestinian Bedouin village in the Negev/Naqab specified in its bylaws that the town’s “admissions
committee” would only permit the admittance of individuals to the town “if they meet the following
qualifications: a Jewish Israeli citizen or permanent resident of Israel who observes the Torah and
commandments according to Orthodox Jewish values…”
In 2019, Adalah found that over 20 other
villages had established “admissions committees” despite having more than 400 households, in
violation of the terms of the Law to Amend the Cooperative Societies Ordinance (No. 8).
Israel’s land policies and practices in East Jerusalem, after its occupation in 1967, reflect similar legal
patterns to those in Israel, although it pursued its allocation of land for Jewish settlements and other
localities in East Jerusalem with even more intensity due to the special status and significance of the
city of Jerusalem in Israeli politics.
By 2017, some 38% of land in East Jerusalem had been expropriated from Palestinians, most of it
privately owned.
The Israeli government first confiscated close to 4,000 dunams in East Jerusalem
to build the Jewish settlements of French Hill – Ramat Eshkol and Ma’alot Dafna – and then in
April 1968 confiscated nearly 1,000 dunams to build Neve Ya’aqov, and an additional 116 dunams
for the Jewish Quarter in the Old City. In total, it has constructed 13 Jewish Israeli settlements on
600. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 14 June 2007, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/13.
601. State of Israel, Law to Amend the Cooperative Societies Ordinance (No. 8), 2011 (an unofficial English translation is available at adalah.
org/uploads/oldfiles/Public/files/Discriminatory-Laws-Database/English/12-Admissions-Committees-Law-2011.pdf). See also Adalah, “Israeli
Supreme Court upholds ‘Admissions Committees Law’ that allows Israeli Jewish communities to exclude Palestinian Arab citizens”, 17
September 2014,
602. Law to Amend the Cooperative Societies Ordinance (No. 8) (previously cited), Article 2(B1).
603. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: the Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
604. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: the Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
605. Adalah, “No non-Jews allowed: New Israeli Town of Hiran, to be built upon Ruins of Bedouin Village, is Open to Jewish Residents Only
Contrary to State’s Representations before Supreme Court”, 8 August 2017,
606. Adalah, “Adalah demands Israel cancel illegal ‘admissions committees’ enforcing segregation in dozens of communities across the
country”, 25 June 2019,
607. Ir Amim and Bimkom,
Deliberately Planned: A policy to thwart planning in the Palestinian neighborhoods of Jerusalem,
2017,; B’Tselem, East Jerusalem (previously cited).
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expropriated; even though Israel refers to them as neighbourhoods of Jerusalem, they are illegal
under international law.
The settlements were built in strategic locations to surround Palestinian
neighbourhoods and therefore disrupt Palestinians’ geographic contiguity and urban development.
Most of these confiscations took place under the Land Ordinance (Acquisition for Public Purposes)
of 1943. As of July 2021, there were 225,178 Israeli Jewish Israeli settlers in East Jerusalem and
358,800 Palestinians.
The first organized mass home demolitions by Israeli forces took place between 10 and 12 June 1967
at the end of the Six-Day War, in the Mughrabi (Moroccan) Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. The
demolitions were ordered to create what became known as the Western Wall Plaza.
On 10 June 1967,
Israeli authorities, on the orders of Jerusalem’s then mayor Teddy Kolek, instructed 650 Palestinians to
leave their homes immediately. The day after, Israeli authorities bulldozed 138 buildings and attempted
to erase the Mughrabi Quarter, an area erected eight centuries earlier that included historic buildings
and was home to the Moroccan community of Jerusalem.
A further 15 Palestinian buildings in the
quarter were later destroyed in 1981. The residents were displaced to different places around the world.
This was one of the first steps taken by Israeli authorities to change the geography and demography of
the Old City in Jerusalem. Seeking to rebuild and expand the Jewish Quarter and to make the Western
Wall Plaza, the Israeli government formally confiscated in April 1968 the lands of the Mughrabi Quarter,
Al-Sharaf neighbourhood and the Jewish neighbourhood, totalling 116 dunams (about 137 dunams
by 2011 following further expropriations).
The Israeli authorities prohibited Palestinian families from
buying apartments in the newly constructed blocks in the Jewish Quarter.
In addition to the Israeli state’s allocation of confiscated Palestinian land for advancing Jewish
settlement in Jerusalem, Jewish settler organizations have relied on the Absentees’ Property Law and
the Legal and Administrative Matters Law to devise a legal scheme to dispossess Palestinians of their
properties, allow Jewish settlers to settle in predominantly Palestinian neighbourhoods and further
the expansion of Jewish settlements. Land and property grabs by settler organizations have taken
place with the assistance of state institutions, including the Custodian General, the JNF/KKL and the
608. B’Tselem,
ןהב שומישהו םילשורי חרזמב תועקרק תעקפה לע םינותנ
[Data on land expropriation and use in East Jerusalem], 28 August 2013, (in Hebrew).
609. Ir Amim,
Displaced in their own city: The impact of Israeli policy in East Jerusalem on the Palestinian neighborhoods of the city beyond
the separation barrier,
June 2015,
610. Peace Now, Jerusalem (previously cited).
611. Maryvelma Smith O’Neil, “The Mughrabi Quarter Digital Archive and the Virtual Illés Relief Initiative”, Jerusalem Quarterly, Issue 81,
Ill%C3%A9s%20Relief%20Initiative.pdf, pp. 52-76.
612. See Maryvelma Smith O’Neil, “The Mughrabi Quarter Digital Archive and the Virtual Illés Relief Initiative” (previously cited), p. 52.
613. Nazmi Al-Jubeh,
ديوهتلاو يرمدتلا ينب ام يرصلماو خيراتلا
سدقلا في ةبراغلما ةراحو دوهيلا ةراح
[The Jewish Quarter and the Moroccan Quarter in
the Old City of Jerusalem: History and Destiny between Destruction and Judaization], 2019, pp. 258-260; Tom Segev, 1967:
Israel, the War,
and the Year that Transformed the Middle East,
2008, pp. 422-423.
614. B’Tselem, Data on land expropriation and use in East Jerusalem (previously cited); Nazmi Al-Jubeh,
The Jewish Quarter and the
Moroccan Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem
(previously cited).
615. HCJ, Muhammad Said Burkan v. The Minister of Finance and others, Case HCJ 114/78, judgment, 4 July 1978 (an unofficial English
translation is available at
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In most cases, Jewish settler organizations (for example, Ateret Cohanim and Elad) have reached out
to the Jewish owners or their heirs and bought the rights to properties that belonged to Jewish owners
in 1948. The settler organizations have then asked the Custodian General to transfer, or release,
the management and rights over these properties to them, even if these properties are inhabited by
Palestinian families who have lived in them since as far back as 1948. The releases have enabled the
settler organizations to initiate eviction lawsuits against the Palestinian families living in the properties.
Tens of properties have been released under this law to Jewish individuals and organizations.
According to OCHA estimates in 2019, there were 199 Palestinian families, comprising 877 people,
facing eviction cases and at risk of displacement.
Most of these cases are in the Old City and the
neighbourhoods of Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan. The Israeli government tries to depict such eviction
cases as merely civil lawsuits over disputed properties between different individual parties.
the eviction of Palestinian families and the settling of Jewish settler families in these properties
in predominantly Palestinian neighbourhoods brings with it much distress, dire humanitarian
consequences and creates a coercive environment for the local Palestinians.
Crucially, these eviction
lawsuits are part of a coordinated campaign aimed at consolidating Israeli control over the areas,
forcibly transferring Palestinians and establishing Jewish Israeli presence in their place. They are based
on laws that are inherently discriminatory against Palestinians and offer only limited legal recourse to
them, with courts regularly upholding eviction claims by settlers.
In other examples such as the case of the Umm Haroun area of Sheikh Jarrah, the Custodian General
has sold lands to Jewish settler groups and initiated eviction cases against Palestinian families.
Sheikh Jarrah is a Palestinian residential neighbourhood to the north of the Old City in East Jerusalem.
It has been a target of a sustained campaign to step up forced evictions of Palestinian residents to make
way for Israeli settlers. According to OCHA, since 2009 there have been 21 demolitions in Sheikh Jarrah
(as of 31 July 2021).
Seven Palestinians families in Sheikh Jarrah are facing imminent threat of forced eviction from their
homes after the settler company Nahalat Shimon International filed lawsuits in 2008 with the Jerusalem
Magistrates’ Court to seize their homes, referring to inherently discriminatory laws such as the Legal and
Administrative Matters Law and the Absentees’ Property Law.
Following lengthy legal processes, on 4
616. OCHA, “Settler organization increasing presence in Palestinian neighbourhoods”, 9 August 2019,
617. OCHA, “Settler organization increasing presence in Palestinian neighbourhoods” (previously cited).
618. Peace Now,
Systematic dispossession of Palestinian neighborhoods in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan
(previously cited).
619. OCHA, “Humanitarian Impact of Settlements in Palestinian Neighborhoods of East Jerusalem: The Coercive Environment”, 10 July
620. Ir Amim,
Old City Basin: Mass Palestinian Displacement & the Settlement Enterprise,
27 April 2021,
621. Peace Now,
Systematic dispossession of Palestinian neighborhoods in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan
(previously cited).
622. OCHA, Breakdown of Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 24 August
2021), “Breakdown by community”.
623. The company hopes to build a new settlement with some 200 housing units in the area. For more details, see Amnesty International,
“Israel/OPT: End brutal repression of Palestinians protesting forced displacement in occupied East Jerusalem”, 10 May 2021, amnesty.
NRC, “Stop the provocations and spare Palestinian and Israeli civilians”, 12 May 2021,
and-spare-palestinian-and-israeli-civilians; Ir Amim,
Evictions and Settlement Plans in Sheikh Jarrah: The Case of Shimon HaTzadik,
1 May
2009,, p. 13.
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September 2020, the Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court ordered the eviction of three families – the Hammad,
Daoudi and Dajani families – by no later than 1 August 2021. The court also ordered the families to pay
NIS 30,000 (USD 9,677) for Nahalat Shimon International’s court fees and legal expenses. On 4 March
2021, the Jerusalem District Court rejected an appeal by the three families.
On 8 October 2020, the
court had ordered the eviction of a further four families – the Skafi, Al-Kurd, Abu Hasaneh and Jaouni
families. On 10 February 2021, following an appeal by three of the families, the Jerusalem District Court
dismissed the appeal and ordered them to vacate their homes by 2 May 2021.
In response to the imminent forced eviction of the seven Palestinian families, Palestinians held nightly
demonstrations in the neighbourhood in early May 2021.The families also launched a campaign on
social media under the hashtag #SaveSheikhJarrah attracting worldwide attention and mobilizing
protesters on the ground. On 18 May 2021, Palestinians across cities and villages in Israel and the
occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip closed their offices, shops, restaurants and schools, abandoned
construction sites, and refused to report to work for the whole day. In a display of unity not seen for
decades, they defied the territorial fragmentation and segregation they face in their daily lives and
observed a general strike to protest their shared repression by Israel.
On 19 May 2021, Israeli authorities declared Sheikh Jarrah a closed military zone and limited
Palestinians’ entry into the neighbourhood, while allowing freedom of movement to Jewish settlers.
Palestinian residents continued to demonstrate outside their homes. Israeli security forces responded
to the protests with arbitrary arrests of peaceful demonstrators, the use of excessive force, arbitrary use
of sound and stun grenades as well as arbitrary spraying of skunk water at demonstrators and homes
in Sheikh Jarrah.
They also fired concussion grenades at worshippers and protesters gathered in the
Al-Aqsa mosque compound of the Old City in East Jerusalem.
The repression generated a wave of solidarity elsewhere in the OPT and amongst Palestinian citizens of
Israel, across the Green Line. By coming out to protest, they were expressing unity, and a rejection of
Israel’s fragmentation of the Palestinian people. A manifesto published on social media by some activists
denounced Israel’s long-standing practices and policies that “tried to turn [Palestinians] into different
societies, each living apart, each in its own separate prison”.
Following the nightly demonstrations and international pressure, the Israeli Supreme Court postponed
the hearing at the request of the Israeli attorney general, on grounds related to national security and so
that he would have sufficient time to weigh his potential involvement in the case on behalf of the state.
The attorney general later informed the Israeli Supreme Court that he would not intervene in the eviction
As of the end of August 2021, the outcome in the case was still pending.
624. Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council, Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, Community Action Center, the Civil
Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, “Joint Urgent Appeal to the United Nations Special Procedures on Forced Evictions in
East Jerusalem”, 10 March 2021,
625. Ir Amim, “Update: Attorney General declines request to intervene in eviction cases in Sheikh Jarrah”, 7 June 2021,
626. Middle East Monitor, “Israel declares Sheikh Jarrah a closed military zone”, 19 May 2021,
627. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: End brutal repression of Palestinians protesting forced displacement in occupied East Jerusalem”
(previously cited).
لملأاو ةماركلا نايب
[Manifesto of Dignity and Hope], posted on 18 May 2021 (available in Arabic at
status/1394585550376644611 and in English translation at
629. Haaretz, “Israel’s Top Court Postpones Palestinian Eviction Hearing Amid Jerusalem Violence”, 9 May 2021,
630. Haaretz, “Israel Won’t Intervene in Sheikh Jarrah Case, Making Eviction of Palestinian Families More Likely”, 7 June 2021, haaretz.
com/israel-news/israel-sheikh-jarrah-east-jerusalem-palestinian-eviction-settlers-1.9880960; OCHA, “Response to the escalation in the
oPt (11-17 June 2021)”, Situation Report 4, 18 June 2021,
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A member of the Palestinian Hanun family locks his home’s door on 17 April 2009 in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of occupied East
Jerusalem with a chain in a gesture of protest following a decision by an Israeli court in March to transfer the ownership of their house to a
Jewish settler organization © Ahmad Gharabli / AFP via Getty Images
A Palestinian family whose house was taken over by Israeli settlers sit in the courtyard of their house in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of
occupied East Jerusalem, on 2 December 2009 © Ahmad Gharabli / AFP via Getty Images
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Palestinian, Israeli and foreign activists hold anti-settlement and anti-occupation placards outside a Palestinian house occupied by Jewish
settlers in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem during a weekly protest against Israeli settlement on 29 October
2010 © Ahmad Gharabli / AFP via Getty Images
Israeli forces intervene in a demonstration by Palestinians to mark the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood
of occupied East Jerusalem, on 15 May 2021 © Mostafa Alkharouf / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
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Silwan is another area in East Jerusalem which has been facing immense pressure from ideologically
driven Israeli settler organizations that attempt to take over their lands and homes based on inherently
discriminatory laws and with the full backing of state institutions. It is also a case which illustrates Israel’s use
of archaeological sites and nature reserves in East Jerusalem to minimize Palestinian development in the city
and consolidate Jewish control over strategic areas.
In 1967, Silwan village, located on the southern outskirts of the Old City of Jerusalem, became part of
annexed East Jerusalem. Today, around 40,000 to 45,000 Palestinians live there and it is extremely
The village became home to Palestinian refugees from, among other places, West
Jerusalem after 1948 and from the Mughrabi Quarter of the Old City after 1967. In recent decades,
Silwan – primarily two of its neighbourhoods, Wadi Hilweh and Batn Al-Hawa – has been targeted for
Jewish settlement, led mainly by two Jewish settler organizations – Elad and Ateret Cohanim – backed
by the Israeli government.
Both organizations work to displace Palestinian families living in East
Jerusalem through the Custodian of Absentee Property in order to hand over their homes to Jewish
settlers, and have spearheaded forced evictions in Silwan.
The first major Judaization project in Silwan was the establishment in 1974 of the Ir David (City of David)
National Park in the western part of the neighbourhood of Al-Bustan, instituted by the Israel Nature
and Parks Authority as part of a green belt around the Old City of Jerusalem.
Elad, together with then
housing minister Ariel Sharon, sought to build an additional 200 housing units for Jewish Israeli settlers
in 1992 on the archaeological site. The Israel Antiquities Authority objected and the project was stopped.
Indeed, archaeologists and the Israel Antiquities Authority accused the director of Elad of destroying
historical and archaeological sites.
However, in 1997, the Israel Land Administration transferred state
lands in Silwan to Elad.
Then, in 2005, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority allowed Elad to operate
the City of David site. That same year, the Israeli government allocated an annual budget of NIS 50
million over eight years as part of a plan to develop and preserve the Holy Basin around the Old City. A
significant part of this plan is carried out in collaboration with Elad. A JNF/KKL report shows the strong
connection between the JNF/KKL and Elad in transferring properties to Elad and facilitating its Jewish
settlement enterprise in Silwan.
Over the years Elad has closely supported the Israeli government in expanding the settlement
compounds in Silwan, especially in the Al-Bustan neighbourhood. The organization hires well-resourced
631. Amnesty International, email correspondence with Ir Amim, 28 May 2021, on file with Amnesty International.
632. Eyal Benvenisti and others, “The right to housing of long-term occupants and the competing rights of owners in the case of vulnerable
communities: Summary”, Amicus Curiae Brief to the Israeli Supreme Court, 21 July 2021,
Opinion_Summary_Batan_Al-Hawa_ENG.pdf; Haaretz, “Court okays eviction of Palestinian family because land was once owned”, 20
January 2020,
jews-1.8414592; HCJ,
Sirhan and Others v. Custodian General and Others,
Case HCJ 7446/17.
633. OCHA, “Palestinian Family Evicted from Silwan Neighbourhood in East Jerusalem”, 9 August 2019,
family-evicted-silwan-neighbourhood-east-jerusalem#ftn4 See also B’Tselem, “Batan al-Hawa neighborhood, Silwan: The Next Target for
‘Judaization’ of E. Jerusalem”, 11 December 2016,
634. Ir David Foundation, The Ir David Foundation, (accessed on 26 August 2021).
635. Ir Amim,
Shady Dealings in Silwan,
1 May 2009,, p. 20.
636. Ir Amim,
Shady Dealings in Silwan
(previously cited), p. 19; Emek Shaveh, “Elad’s Settlement in Silwan”, 10 September 2013, alt-arch.
637. +972 Magazine, “Exclusive: Documents reveal decades of close cooperation between JNF and Elad”, 19 October 2020,
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lawyers to file lengthy and exhausting lawsuits against Palestinian families.
It has successfully taken
over approximately 75 Palestinian homes in the Wadi Hilweh neighbourhood of Silwan.
In its early years, Elad acquired Palestinian-owned buildings in Silwan, evicting Palestinian residents
and replacing them with Jewish settlers,
with a declared aim of Judaizing East Jerusalem.
settlement activity in Silwan began in 1991 with the confiscation of the property of the Palestinian
Abbasi family in Wadi Hilweh neighbourhood as an “absentee property”.
To this end, years earlier,
the founding director of Elad, David Beeri, had taken a friend’s tour guide card, changed the photo on
it for his own, brought fake tour groups through the area and, over time, established a friendship with
the Abbasi family, who invited him into their home.
By gaining the family’s trust, David Beeri learned
that some family members were “absentees” living in Arab countries. Together with the lawyers of Ateret
Cohanim and the Israel Land Administration, he called on the Custodian of Absentee Property to declare
the home as an “absentee property”.
The Custodian of Absentee Property obliged in 1987. In 1991,
a joint committee which included the Ministry of Housing and David Beeri, representing Elad, decided
to lease the home to Elad. Following the decision, Elad evicted the Abbasi family and David Beeri moved
in, despite a court ruling that the declaration of the home as an “absentee property” was based on a
false deposition, with “no factual or legal basis” and that the entire process was tainted by “extreme lack
of good faith”.
In 2017, David Beeri was awarded the Israel Prize for special contribution to society
and the state for his role with Elad.
Since then, Elad, through its agents and enabled by the Israeli legal system, has continued to take over
properties in Silwan, and has initiated plans to expand the area designated for tourism into Silwan,
placing some 88 Palestinian homes in al-Bustan neighbourhood at risk of demolition for unlicensed
building as a result of discriminatory planning and building policies.
In the past 13 years, the Israeli
authorities have demolished some 164 structures in Silwan, displacing 260 Palestinians, including 186
children (see section 6.1.2 “Israeli policies and practices”).
638. Haaretz, “Right-wing Israeli Group Elad Received Millions From Shadowy Private Donors”, 6 March 2016,
wing-israeli-group-elad-received-millions-from-shadowy-private-donors-1.5413604; Haaretz, “Israeli Court Evicts Palestinian Family From
East Jerusalem Home, Lets Settlers Take Over”, 19 June 2019,
639. Ir Amim, “Old City Basin Watch: Siam Family Evicted from Home in Wadi Hilweh, Silwan”, 10 July 2019,
640. Ir Amim,
Shady Dealings in Silwan
(previously cited), pp. 11-18; Haaretz, “Israel to Give Highest Honor to Leader of Group That Settles
Jews in Arab Jerusalem”, 16 March 2017,
jews-in-arab-jerusalem-1.5449825; and Emek Shaveh, “Elad’s Settlement in Silwan”, 10 September 2013,; Al
Jazeera, “Jerusalem simmering over ‘Judaisation’ plan’”, 13 October 2014,
641. New York Times, “Settlers Move Into 4 Homes in East Jerusalem”, 9 June 1998,
642. Ir Amim,
Shady Dealings in Silwan
(previously cited), p. 13.
643. Haaretz, “The Republic of Elad”, 23 April 2006,; Emek Shaveh, “Elad’s Settlement in Silwan”, 10 September
644. Ir Amim,
Shady Dealings in Silwan
(previously cited), p. 13.
645. State of Israel, Jerusalem District Court,
Legacy of the late Ahmad Hussein Musa al-Abbasi and Others v. the Jerusalem Development
Authority and Others,
Civil Case 895/91, 1991.
646. State of Israel, Ministry of Education,
לארשי יסרפ
[Israel Prizes], 2017,
winners2017/davidbeeri/DavidBeeryCV.htm (in Hebrew).
647. Peace Now,
Settlement Under the Guise of Tourism: The Elad Settler Organization in Silwan,
12 October 2020,
settlement-under-the-guise-of-tourism-the-elad-settler-organization-in-silwan; Haaretz, “‘You Want a Girl? How Many?’: Tapes Reveal How
Right-wing Group Tried to Make East Jerusalem Jewish”, 7 January 2018,
group-tried-to-make-east-jerusalem-jewish-1.5730050; Ir Amim,
The Giant’s Garden: The “King’s Garden” Plan in Al-Bustan,
May 2012,; and Al-Haq,
Parallel Report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights on the Occasion of the Consideration of the Third Periodic Report of Israel,
1 September 2011,
648. OCHA, Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 26 August 2021),
“Community: Silwan”.
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Elad, with the support of the Israeli government, has further ambitious – and controversial – plans to
build a massive new visitor complex and cable car station for the City of David tourist site with the aim
of drawing millions of tourists into the area.
Elad is also proposing to turn part of the City of David
into a large residential complex for Israeli settlers.
The use of archaeology and tourism by the Israeli
government and Elad as a cover for forcibly displacing the Palestinian residents of Silwan and installing
Jewish settlers has been widely criticized.
Digital tourism companies have also contributed to the
illegal situation created by the presence and growth of settlement enclaves in East Jerusalem.
In parallel, since 2001, Ateret Cohanim has been trying, with the support of Israeli authorities, to forcibly
evict 84 Palestinian families from Batn al-Hawa neighbourhood, claiming the land is rightfully owned by
a Jewish trust active in the area more than 100 years ago.
In 2001, three people affiliated with Ateret Cohanim were appointed as trustees of an old Jewish
endowment and in 2002 the Custodian General transferred land in the Batn Al-Hawa neighbourhood to
the settler organization. This allows Ateret Cohanim to make eviction claims on Palestinian families who
built their homes lawfully after 1948 and to purchase additional tracts of land previously managed by the
Custodian General.
Ateret Cohanim has been accused of using methods that include bribery, straw
companies and the exploitation of legal technicalities to gain ownership of Palestinian homes.
Today, Ateret Cohanim plays an active role in detecting unlicensed construction and provides
information to the relevant municipal units, which later appropriate the land.
According to the Israeli
NGO Peace Now, Ateret Cohanim has filed eviction lawsuits against 84 Palestinian families living in the
Batn Al-Hawa area of Silwan, putting 700 Palestinians at risk of being forcibly evicted.
According to Ir
Amim, an Israeli rights group that focuses on Jerusalem:
The Ateret Cohanim settler organization is waging one of the most comprehensive state-backed
settler takeover campaigns in East Jerusalem through initiating mass eviction proceedings against
Palestinian families in Batan Al-Hawa.
649. Emek Shaveh, “Elad’s Kedem Center in Silwan was Approved by All the Planning Committees”, 19 July 2017,
650. Al-Haq, “88 Palestinian Houses to be demolished for Israeli Park”, 11 February 2012,;
Emek Shaveh, “Change in National Parks Law to Harm Natural and Heritage Sites, Play into Hands of Silwan Settlers, and Perpetuate Harm
to Palestinians”, 27 June 2018,; Haaretz, “Right-wing Group Pushes Bill to Allow Residential
Construction at Jerusalem’s ‘City of David’ National Park”, 4 July 2018,
651. Amnesty International,
Destination: Occupation: Digital Tourism and Israel’s Illegal Settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories
(Index: MDE 15/9490/2019), January 2019,; UN Human Rights Council,
Report of the
Secretary General: Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan,
April 2017, UN Doc. A/HRC/34/39, pp. 5-6; Guardian, “Israel using tourism to legitimise settlements, says EU report”, 1 February 2018,
652. Amnesty International, Destination: Occupation (previously cited).
653. Ir Amim and Peace Now,
Broken Trust: State Involvement in Private Settlement in Batan Al-Hawa, Silwan,
May 2016,
654. Peace Now,
Broken Trust: State Involvement in Private Settlement in Batan al-Hawa, Silwan,
May 2016,
uploads/2016/10/Broken-Trust-Settlement-in-Batan-al-Hawa-Silwan-1.pdf, pp. 4, 8, 9; Peace Now, “The Court Ruled to Evict Another Eight
Families in Batan Al-Hawa, Silwan”, 6 February 2020,
655. Ir Amim,
Shady Dealings in Silwan,
1 May 2009,, pp. 15-19. See also T’ruah: The
Rabbinic Call for Human Rights,
Rabbis File Legal Complaints in Regard to Israeli Group for Trading in Prostitution,
17 January 2018, truah.
org/press/rabbis-file-legal-complaints-in-regard-to-israeli-group-for-trading-in-prostitution; Haaretz, “‘You Want a Girl? How Many?’: Tapes
Reveal How Right-wing Group Tried to Make East Jerusalem Jewish”, 7 January 2018,
656. Al-Haq,
House Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinian from Jerusalem,
26 August 2020,
cached_uploads/download/2020/08/26/house-demolitions-and-forced-evictions-in-silwan-web-1598440511.pdf, pp. 27-42. See also Peace
Now, “Court Rules to Evict Palestinian Rajabi Family in Silwan because of Discriminatory Property Law”, 20 January 2020,
657. Peace Now, “The Court Ruled to Evict Another Eight Families in Batan Al-Hawa, Silwan”, 6 February 2020,
658. Ir Amim, “Court Rules to Uphold Eviction Order of 8 Families From Batan Al-Hawa”, 24 November 2020,
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On 24 November 2020, Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court ordered the eviction of eight Palestinian families in
Batn Al-Hawa to be replaced by settlers.
Jewish settlements, houses and compounds in the heart of Palestinian neighbourhoods have a disastrous
impact not only on the displaced Palestinian families, but also on the entire neighbourhood and daily life
of the Palestinians. Settlers are usually armed, and their compounds are fenced and protected by private
security companies, which leads to friction with the local Palestinians. In several cases, these tensions
have led to violent confrontations that usually end with the arrest and injury of Palestinians, including
children. The settlers’ control over land and property in Silwan has also led to the fencing of these sites,
blocking passages that served the local Palestinian population and disrupting their lives.
A Palestinian woman walks past
Israeli border policemen during
the demolition of a Palestinian
house by Jerusalem municipality
workers in the Silwan
neighbourhood of occupied East
Jerusalem, on 5 November 2008
© Menahem Kahana / AFP via
Getty Images
Israeli policemen guard a
bulldozer demolishing a house
in the Silwan neighbourhood of
occupied East Jerusalem, on 5
November 2008 © Menahem
Kahana / AFP via Getty Images
659. Peace Now, “District Court Rejects the Appeal of 8 families from Batan Al-Hawa Ordering their Eviction”, 24 November 2020,
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A building belonging to
Palestinians is demolished with
bulldozers under the observation
of Israeli forces in the Silwan
neighbourhood of occupied East
Jerusalem, on 15 August 2017
© Mostafa Alkharouf / Anadolu
Agency / Getty Images
Israeli authorities demolish
a Palestinian shop in the
Al-Bustan area of the Silwan
neighbourhood of occupied East
Jerusalem, on 29 June 2021 ©
Active Stills
Establishing and promoting Israeli settlements in the OPT and populating them with Jewish Israeli
civilians has been an Israeli government policy since 1967. The first Israeli settlement of Kfar Etzion
was created in the south of the occupied West Bank just three months into the occupation, in
September 1967.
As explained above, Israeli settlements and their related infrastructure were initially built on privately
owned land that was requisitioned for “military needs” or expropriated for “public purposes”. Between
1967 and 1979, some 47,000 dunams were requisitioned for the construction of 14 settlements.
The settlement enterprise gained pace with the policy shift towards “state land declarations” following
the 1979 Elon Moreh Supreme Court ruling (see section 5.4.1 “Land expropriation laws and policies”).
Between 1967 and 2009, Israel had increased the total area of state land from some 530,000 dunams
to 1.4 million dunams, the vast majority of it located in Area C of the West Bank, and allocated nearly
660. B’Tselem,
Land Grab
(previously cited)
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
half of it for civilian use. Of this, some 99.76% (674,459 dunams) was allocated for the exclusive
benefit of Israeli settlements, according to information provided by the Israeli military in 2018 to
Peace Now.
According to data obtained by ACRI in 2013, the Israeli Civil Administration allocated
approximately a third of state land to the WZO (for the development of settlements), while the rest
was allocated to Israeli ministries, state companies, local and regional councils and mobile phone
companies. By contrast, Palestinians have been allocated only 1,625 dunams.
Such a discriminatory allocation of state land was authorized under Government Resolution 730 of
1979, which allowed the use of state land for three purposes only: military facilities, Jewish settlements
and housing for Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. As a result of this decision, state
land in the OPT can be allocated for Palestinian construction only for the benefit of refugees, while the
rest of the population must use privately owned land.
Further, much of the state land allocated by Israel for settlement construction and expansion is located
on the central mountain ridge in the West Bank, in areas surrounding Palestinian villages. This process
therefore contributed hugely not only to dispossessing Palestinians of a vital resource but also to the
fragmentation of Palestinian land into separate enclaves, restricting their natural growth, and ensuring
a geographic domination of Israeli settlements located on hilltops over Palestinian villages in cultivated
All Israeli settlements in the OPT are illegal under international law, regardless of their status under
Israeli law.
As already mentioned, there are currently more than 441,600 Jewish settlers in the West
Bank excluding East Jerusalem.
Their presence is illegal under international humanitarian law. They
live in 132 settlements that have been officially established by the Israeli government, as well as 140
unauthorized outposts that have been established since the 1990s without government approval and
are considered illegal even under Israeli law.
In practice, the outposts are backed by senior officials
and military officers, and Israeli authorities often immediately connect them to services such as water
and electricity, to be authorized retroactively.
In February 2017, the Knesset adopted the Law for the
Regularization of Settlement in Judea and Samaria to allow Israeli authorities to expropriate privately
owned Palestinian land and retroactively “regularize” settlements and outposts built on such land.
The law was suspended shortly after, and the Supreme Court of Israel ruled in June 2020 that the law
was unconstitutional.
Today, Israeli settlements cover nearly 10% of the West Bank, and their regional councils have
jurisdiction over 1.65 million dunams of land in Area C – roughly 63% of Area C (or 40% of the
West Bank) where most settlers live.
Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip are banned
from using this land, which is declared a closed military zone, and can only enter it as workers
661. Peace Now, “State land allocation in the West Bank - For Israelis only”, 17 July 2018,
662. Peace Now, “State land allocation in the West Bank - For Israelis only” (previously cited).
663. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in the West Bank
(previously cited).
664. Eyal Weizman, “The Vertical Apartheid”, openDemocracy, 13 July 2017,
665. UNSC, Resolution 2334 (2016), 23 December 2016, UN Doc. S/RES/2334.
666. Peace Now, Population, (accessed on 3 December 2021).
667. Peace Now, Population, (accessed on 3 December 2021).
668. B’Tselem, Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population, 16 January 2019, (accessed on 30
August 2021); Yesh Din, “Under the Radar: Israel’s silent policy of transforming illegal outposts into official settlements”, 11 March 2015,
669. State of Israel, Law for the Regularization of Settlement in Judea and Samaria, 13 February 2017 (an unofficial English translation is
available at
670. Adalah, “Initial analysis of the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision in the Settlements Regularization Law Case”, 15 June 2020, adalah.
org/en/content/view/10035; HCJ,
Silwad Municipality and Others v. The Knesset and Others,
Case HCJ 1308/17, judgment, 9 June 2020.
671. OCHA, “Area C of the West Bank: Key humanitarian concerns”, 18 August 2014,
humanitarian-concerns-august-2014; B’Tselem, Settlements, 16 January 2019, (accessed on 27 August 2021).
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bearing special military permits.
They are also prohibited from entering jurisdictional boundaries of
settlements, which the Israeli military also declares as closed or restricted areas. Over 400km of bypass
roads that connect Israeli settlements are inaccessible or only partially accessible to Palestinians.
Further, the route of the fence/wall has been designed to encircle many Israeli settlements and
effectively bars thousands of Palestinians from their agricultural land in addition to fragmenting the
West Bank into separate enclaves.
Israeli settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are meant to be permanent places of
residence or economic activity for Jewish Israelis and are built solely to serve their needs. Successive
Israeli governments have unequivocally supported the expansion of Israeli settlements in the OPT,
through a combination of legal and administrative measures.
Israel has channelled and applied its
own civil legislation through military orders that have enabled the authority of governmental institutions
to be extended within the boundaries of the settlements.
It also provides subsidies, tax incentives
and low-cost utilities and resources to encourage Jewish Israelis to live in these places and to support
the settlement economy.
The settlement economy, which sustains the presence and the expansion
of settlements, straddles the construction, agriculture, manufacturing, services and tourism sectors.
The impact of this discriminatory land regime is perhaps best exemplified in the Jordan Valley where
the vast majority of Palestinian land has been allocated to serve Israeli interest and enable authorities
to exploit Palestinian resources with even greater intensity than elsewhere in the West Bank in line
with their stated intent to fully control and even annex the area (see section 5.1 “Intent to oppress and
dominate the Palestinian people”).
The Jordan Valley constitutes almost 30% of the West Bank and 40% of Area C. Nearly 90% of the
Jordan Valley has been designated as Area C, under full Israeli control, where about 65,000 Palestinians
live in over 50 communities and some 11,000 Israeli settlers live in 36 illegal Israeli settlements and
18 outposts that are illegal even under Israeli law.
The remaining 10% is home to Palestinian towns
and cities, including Jericho, located in areas designated as A or B under the Oslo Accords. These
Palestinian communities are enclaved by Area C and are effectively cut off from each other and the rest
of the Jordan Valley.
The Jordan Valley contains some of the OPT’s most fertile lands. In addition, it is scarcely populated
and includes the largest land reserves in the West Bank, making it the most suitable area for any future
672. State of Israel, Order concerning Security Directives – Judea and Samaria, Local command order 378, 1970; State of Israel,
Declaration concerning Closure of an Area (Israeli Settlements), 6 June 2002 (first issued in 1995).
673. B’Tselem, Restrictions on Movement, 11 November 2017, (accessed on 30 August 2021); OCHA,
“West Bank Area C: Key humanitarian concerns”, 21 December 2017,
674. Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Territories: Surviving under siege: The impact of movement restrictions on the right to
(Index: MDE 15/001/2003), 7 September 2003,
675. For a timeline of Israeli government policies on settlement expansion see UN Human Rights Council,
Report of the Independent
International Fact-Finding Mission to Investigate the Implications of the Israeli Settlements on the Civil, Political, Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights of the Palestinian People throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,
7 February 2013, A/
HRC/22/63, pp. 24-39.
676. Two relevant military orders have authorized the Military Commander to regulate the management of municipal local settlement
councils: Military Order 892 concerning Administration of Regional Councils (Settlements), 1 March 1981; and Military Order 783
concerning Administration of Regional Councils (Judea and Samaria), 25 March 1979. See also B’Tselem, Land Grab (previously cited).
677. B’Tselem, By Hook and by Crook (previously cited), pp. 37-48; UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
Israeli settlements in the
Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan,
UN Doc. A/HRC/34/39, 13 April 2017.
678. B’Tselem, The Jordan Valley, updated on 11 November 2017, (accessed on 30 August 2021)
679. B’Tselem, The Jordan Valley (previously cited).
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development of urban centres, and economic activity such as agriculture or energy projects. However,
the Israeli authorities have effectively turned the Jordan Valley into an Israeli enclave within the OPT.
They have barred Palestinians from using, or even entering, 85% of the area by allocating the land
for several different, sometimes overlapping, purposes thus enabling it to consolidate its control over
land whilst excluding its Palestinian population. As stated above, in the early years of the occupation,
the Israeli authorities allocated thousands of dunams of absentee land for military bases and
settlement construction. As of the end of 2017, nearly 50% of the Jordan Valley had been designated
as state land, while 46% had been declared a “closed military area”, including “firing zones” and
settlements’ jurisdictional areas, effectively making it off-limits to Palestinians. Some 20% was
allocated to nature reserves; two thirds of this land were also declared military “firing zones”.
Many of these “firing zones” are placed in some of the most marginalized communities in the Jordan
The Israeli army routinely demolishes Palestinian homes and structures in these “firing
zones” (see section 6.1.2 “Israeli policies and practices”); by contrast, the Israel authorities have
changed the status of some “of these “firing zones” to allow for the expansion of Israeli settlements
located partially or completely in them.
Palestinian residents face settler violence, harassment by
soldiers and access restrictions, all contributing to a coercive environment that puts pressure on
Palestinian communities to leave these areas.
Additionally, Israeli authorities have imposed severe building restrictions on Palestinians living in the
Jordan Valley and have carried out extensive demolitions of Palestinian structures that “lack building
permits”, claiming that the demolitions are simply enforcement of planning and building laws (see
section 6.1 “Forcible transfer”).
Finally, Israeli settlers have also used the complex land system in Area C combined with Israel’s severe
restrictions on Palestinians’ freedom of movement into their agricultural lands to take over uncultivated
Palestinian land and unregistered land near settlements. Without authorization, some Israeli settlers
have managed to cultivate such lands for three years consecutively, enabling them to claim them in
Israeli civil courts.
According to Kerem Navot, an Israeli human rights organization, between 1997
and 2012 Israeli settlers took over nearly 24,000 dunams in this way, including 10,000 dunams that
were privately owned by Palestinians.
With some 2 million people inhabiting 365km
, the Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated
areas in the world.
The problems linked to that density are compounded by increasingly
restricted access to land and substantial destruction of Palestinian residents’ property as a result of
discriminatory policies by Israel’s army.
Historically, Israel established settlements in the Gaza Strip and applied similar discriminatory laws,
policies and practices to the territory to seize some of the most fertile land from the Palestinian
680. B’Tselem, The Jordan Valley (previously cited).
681. OCHA,
The Humanitarian Impact of Israeli-Declared “Firing Zones”
in the West Bank, August 2012,
682. OCHA,
The Humanitarian Impact of Israeli-Declared “Firing Zones” in the West Bank
(previously cited); Haaretz, “IDF Cancels Status
of Firing Zone to Enable Expansion of Nearby Settlement”, 8 March 2015,
683. Kerem Navot,
Israeli Settlers’ Agriculture as a Means of Land Takeover in the West Bank,
August 2013, f35bf8a1-b11c-4b7a-ba04-, p. 107.
684. Kerem Navot,
Israeli Settlers’ Agriculture as a Means of Land Takeover in the West Bank
(previously cited).
685. Gisha, Gaza Up Close, (accessed on 27 August 2021).
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population. Between 6% and 12% of land confiscated through military orders in the Gaza Strip was
allocated to Israeli settlements, fragmenting the geographic continuity of the territory.
In 2005,
guided primarily by demographic considerations, Israel withdrew its settlers and ground troops and
subjected the territory to a land, sea and air blockade, controlling all aspects of Palestinian lives
within the territory.
While Israel no longer seizes houses and land from Palestinians in Gaza, it uses unlawful lethal force to
control the “buffer zone”, or access-restricted area located along the fence separating the territory from
Israel, and the similarly access-restricted maritime area off Gaza’s coast. Israel’s military designated
the areas as “high risk” and enforces movement restrictions through the use of force, often including
unnecessary lethal force, when Palestinian civilians, often farmers or protesters, pose no threat to
The precise parameters of the “buffer zone” were not declared by Israel, although in 2009 it
warned against going within 300m of the fence.
According to human rights organizations, the “buffer
zone” extends to a distance between 300m and 1,500m from the fence and covers a total of about
, or roughly 17% of the total area of the Gaza Strip.
It extends over 35% of the agricultural
land in Gaza. Meanwhile, the access-restricted maritime area covers 85% of its fishing waters.
In 2010, OCHA estimated that Israeli restrictions on access to land and fishing areas directly affect
approximately 12% of Gaza’s population.
The current Israeli restrictions on land use in the “buffer zone” have been gradually imposed since
the outbreak of the second
in 2000. Since then, the Israeli military started restricting access to
agricultural areas near the fence that separates the Gaza Strip and Israel by enforcing a “no go” zone
near the fence. By mid-2006, Israeli forces had completely levelled the land and demolished all civilian
homes and structures located between 300m and 600m from the Green Line, forcibly displacing all
families and communities from this area.
Israel claims that it maintains the “buffer zone” to ensure the security of its soldiers and citizens. While
such security concerns are legitimate and international humanitarian law authorizes Israel as the
occupying power to prohibit or restrict access to certain areas as a necessary security measure, such
measures cannot deprive the occupied population of their fundamental rights and must ensure their
safety and well-being.
Israel’s enforcement of the “buffer zone” does not meet such requirements
and often results in violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.
At the same time, Israel’s use of force in Gaza has seen massive destruction of houses, property,
infrastructure and large swathes of farmland, in addition to many deaths and serious injuries of
Palestinian civilians (see section 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’ human development” and section
6.3 “Unlawful killings and serious injuries”).
686. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in the Gaza Strip
(previously cited).
687. Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Al Mezan),
Effects of Aerial Spraying on Farmlands in the Gaza Strip,
February 2018,
en/uploads/files/15186958401955.pdf, p. 2.
688. Al-Haq,
Shifting Paradigms - Israel’s Enforcement of the Buffer Zone in the Gaza Strip,
23 August 2011,
html, Chapter 2; Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR),
Gaza Strip: Attacks in the border areas and their consequences,
689. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in the Gaza Strip
(previously cited), p. 16; Al Mezan,
2013 Statistical Report on
Israeli Attacks in the Access Restricted Areas,
January 2014,, p. 3.
690. Al Mezan,
2013 Statistical Report on Israeli Attacks in the Access Restricted Areas
(previously cited), pp. 3-4.
691. OCHA and World Food Programme (WFP),
Between the Fence and a Hard Place: The Humanitarian Impact of Israeli-
Imposed Restrictions on Access to Land and Sea in the Gaza Strip,
August 2010,
692. Al Mezan,
2013 Statistical Report on Israeli Attacks in the Access Restricted Areas
(previously cited), p. 3.
693. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 27.
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In tandem with the system of land ownership and allocation, planning and zoning policies have been central
in fulfilling Israel’s policies of establishing Jewish control while marginalizing Palestinian communities in both
Israel and the OPT. Planning has been used to expand the Jewish Israeli presence in strategic locations; build
Jewish towns, cities and villages; obstruct the geographical expansion of Palestinian towns and centres; and
regulate land use and Palestinian access to land by zoning it as green areas, industrial zones or military zones.
Across Israel and the OPT, Palestinians residing in unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev/Naqab, East
Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank are most affected by Israel’s discriminatory planning and zoning
system, which exposes their houses to a risk of demolition and deprives them of basic services.
Discriminatory planning, building and housing policies in Israel, which are linked primarily to the state’s
policy of large-scale confiscation of land and allocation of state land, as outlined above, affect the 1.9
million non-Jewish citizens of Israel, the vast majority of whom are Palestinian. Restrictive planning and
building regulations, and discriminatory enforcement of these, make the homes of Palestinians much
more likely to be demolished. Whereas government policies and planning regulations have curtailed
the growth and development of Palestinian towns and villages, in the Jewish sector the policy has been
to expand existing towns and villages and establish hundreds of new villages. As mentioned above,
about 90% of Palestinian citizens of Israel live in 139 localities that control less than 3% of state land
in Israel.
The vast majority of the remaining 10% live in “mixed cities”, including Haifa, Ramla, Lod,
Jaffa and Acre. By contrast, there are over 1,000 Jewish localities, with large municipal areas, that
have developed infrastructure and low population density.
Since 1948 the state has established more than 700 Jewish localities in Israel, whereas it has not
established any new locality for Palestinians except for the state-planned Bedouin townships in the
Negev/Naqab, which are designed for the forced urbanization of Bedouins.
In fact, nearly 500
Palestinian localities were destroyed by Israel after 1948, and tens of Palestinian villages that predated
the state, or to which Palestinians were relocated after 1948, were excluded from the zoning maps and
are now deemed illegal under Israeli planning laws. As a result, they are routinely subject to demolition
by the Israeli authorities (see below).
In 1965, Israel enacted the Planning and Building Law, which Israeli authorities used to devise
planning schemes for Palestinian localities in Israel and create tight jurisdictions for their development
and the expansion of their infrastructure.
Israeli authorities zoned as non-residential areas most
of the privately owned Palestinian land that had not been confiscated under different laws. The law
regulated and centralized all building and land use management under the authority of the Ministry
of Interior. In 2015, some of this responsibility shifted to the Ministry of Finance.
Crucially, the
694. Badil,
Forced Population Transfer: The Case of Palestine: Discriminatory Zoning and Planning: Working Paper No. 17,
695. See, for example, ICBS,
תורחא תויפרגואג תוקולחו םיבושיי
[Localities and Other Geographical Entities], (in Hebrew, accessed on 29
August 2021); Oren Yiftachel, “Ghetto citizenship: Palestinian Arabs in Israel” in Mada Center for Applied Research,
Israel and the
Palestinians–Key Terms,
696. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: the Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited); Oren Yiftachel, “Ghetto citizenship: Palestinian
Arabs in Israel” (previously cited), p. 59; Bimkom and Arab Center for Alternative Planning,
Outline Planning for Arab Localities in Israel,
697. Hussein Abu Hussein and Fiona McKay,
Access denied
(previously cited), p. 69; Alexander Kedar, “The Legal Transformation of
Ethnic Geography: Israeli Law and the Palestinian Landholder 1948-1967” (previously cited), p. 946. On unrecognized villages and house
demolition in the Beersheba region, see, for example, NCF,
698. Sharri Plonski,
Palestinian Citizens of Israel: Power, Resistance and the Struggle for Space,
699. State of Israel, Planning and Building Law, passed on 14 July 1965 (an English translation is available at
law/kns5_planning_eng.pdf); State of Israel, Ministry of Interior, Planning Administration, (accessed on14
August 2021); State of Israel, PMO,רוידה
רבשמ םע תודדומתהל הלשממב ן''לדנה לוהינ הנבמ תמאתה
[Adapting the Government’s Real Estate Management
Structure to Deal with the Housing Crisis], Government Resolution 125, 25 June 2015, (in Hebrew).
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law established a three-tiered system of planning bodies, at the local, district and national levels,
each responsible for land use and planning under the different jurisdictions. The law also devised a
hierarchy whereby the planning starts at the local level, then moves to district level and ends at the
national level.
The local outline (or master) plan serves as the initial step of development of localities in Israel, by
setting out the planning policy of the locality through zoning and designation of land use. It is the legal
basis for issuing building permits and the main tool through which central government enables local
development. Palestinian localities must rely on relevant Israeli ministries to devise and prepare their
local outline plans. However, state planners fail to provide adequate plans for Palestinian localities that
consider the needs of the residents and often take unreasonable time in preparing and updating local
outline plans for Palestinian localities.
According to a survey conducted by Bimkom – Planners for Planning Rights (Bimkom) and the
Arab Center for Alternative Planning, two NGOs, of 119 Palestinian localities in Israel at the end of
December 2011,
75 had local outline plans initiated between 2000 and 2011 – some of which
were up to date and others of which were at various stages of approval – while no updated local
outline plan had been initiated for the remaining 44 localities.
This means that, prior to 2000,
none of the Palestinian localities had been granted permission to expand, construction being allowed
only within the municipal residential boundaries of the locality, despite the fact that the Palestinian
population had increased 11-fold since the founding of Israel.
By contrast, for Jewish localities, the
central government promotes and initiates local development plans with an underlying assumption of
future expansion, so large land reserves for housing, employment and public lands are zoned for the
jurisdiction of the locality.
As a result, it has been possible to re-zone agricultural land not just for
building houses but also for constructing commercial properties. In addition, over the years, the Israel
Land Administration and its successor, the Israel land Authority, have readily approved the re-zoning
of land in kibbutzim (Jewish communities organized as collectives, with communal living and wealth
held in common, and usually based on agriculture or industry) and moshavim (Jewish agricultural
communities organized as cooperatives) from agricultural to commercial use.
In the absence of a statutorily approved local outline plan that includes appropriate allocation of land
zoned for housing, or if a locality is not recognized, all residential construction is prohibited. Thus, it is
nearly impossible for Palestinians in many localities in Israel to apply for and obtain building permits.
This long-standing problem has prompted many Palestinians to build homes without permits, with the
constant threat that the Israeli authorities will demolish them. According to an estimate by the Mossawa
Center in 2019, around 50,000 structures were built by Palestinian citizens of Israel without a building
Under the Planning and Building Law of 1965, any building or development without a
700. Planning and Building Law (previously cited).
701. Bimkom,
Outline Planning for Arab Localities in Israel
(previously cited).
702. The 119 Palestinian localities constituted almost all of the Palestinian localities in the northern and central districts, but excluded
Palestinian localities in the Negev/Naqab, “mixed cities” and Palestinian localities that were merged with Jewish cities. See, for example,
Outline Planning for Arab Localities in Israel
(previously cited).
703. Bimkom,
Outline Planning for Arab Localities in Israel
(previously cited).
704. ACRI and others,
Kaminitz Law (Draft Planning and Construction Law) (Amendment 109) 5776-2016,
29 January 2017,
il/en/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/2017.2.5-keminitz-law-position-paper-eng.pdf; Adalah, “Deliberate Obstacles, Not Failures: Adalah’s
Response to the State Comptroller’s Report on the Housing Crisis in Israel”, 28 April 2015,
705. Bimkom,
Outline Planning for Arab Localities in Israel
(previously cited).
706. Amnesty International,
Under the rubble: House Demolition and Destruction of Land and Property
(Index: MDE 15/033/2004), 17 May
707. See, for example, ACRI, “Before Demolishing – Let People Build Legally!”, 17 January 2017,
demolishing-let-people-build-legally; and HRW, “Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians: Palestinian Towns Squeezed while
Jewish Towns Grow”, 12 March 2020,
708. Mossawa Center – the Advocacy Center for Palestinian Arab Citizens in Israel (Mossawa Center), “The 2019 State Budget
and Government Resolution 922”, 2019,
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building permit can be “demolished, dismantled or removed” by relevant Israeli authorities, and its
owner may be liable for the cost of the demolition as well as a fine and/or imprisonment.
Between 2012 and 2014, 97% of administrative demolition orders were issued in what Israeli
authorities label the Arab sector, comprising mainly Palestinian citizens of Israel, but also the much
smaller Druze minority. For Palestinian Bedouins in the Negev/Naqab, the buildings of whole
communities have been repeatedly demolished. At the same time, Israeli courts have retroactively
approved Jewish communities built without local outline plans and building permits in the same area
(see box below and section 6.1 “Forcible transfer”).
In 2017, Israel passed Amendment 116 to the Planning and Building Law of 1965, known as the
Kaminitz Law, intended to increase the “enforcement and penalization of planning and building
especially in the Arab sector. In 2019, then Israeli minister of justice Ayelet Shaked
revealed the actual intent of the law:
When we made the Kaminitz Law, the goal was to toughen the enforcement over illegal
construction mainly in the Arab sector; the authorities enforce the law on Jewish farmers as well…
I do not want to cancel the law because it led to good results in the Arab sector, but we need to
see how we can change the law. After all, it is overly onerous toward residents of moshavim.
One of the main consequences of these various policies is an acute housing shortage for Palestinians
in Israel. According to estimates by Israel’s State Comptroller in 2015, an ombudsperson reporting
to the Knesset with the authority to review the policies and operations of government, the Palestinian
population needed 13,000 new housing units per year.
However, Adalah reported in 2017 that
only about 7,000 units were being built, mostly through private construction.
This leaves an annual
shortfall of 6,000 housing units in Palestinian localities. Yet, the Israel Land Authority and Ministry
of Construction and Housing discriminate against Palestinian communities in the allocation of land
and housing units in favour of Jewish localities and mixed cities. For example, in 2016, the Israel
Land Authority issued tenders for the construction of 49,903 housing units in Jewish Israeli localities
(excluding “mixed cities”, which have 5,528 housing units), but only of 4,151 housing units in “Arab
localities” (6.4% of all new construction tenders).
The Negev/Naqab is a prime example of how Israel’s discriminatory planning and building policies
are designed to maximize land and resources for Jewish Israelis at the expense of Palestinian land
and housing rights (see box below). Since the 1970s, regional and local zoning plans have left the
Palestinian Bedouin villages in the Negev/Naqab “off the map” such that they are invisible in Israel’s
development policies. Instead of zoning such villages as residential areas, the Israeli authorities have
zoned them and the lands around them for military, industrial or public use. Over the years, Israel has
recognized 11 of these villages but 35 remain “unrecognized” with residents considered to engage
in “illegal squatting” (see box below). Residents of these villages cannot apply for a building permit
to legalize their established or new homes as the lands are not designated as residential.
The lack
709. Planning and Building Law (previously cited), Articles 78, 204 and 205.
710. Adalah, “Adalah’s Objections to Discriminatory ‘Kaminitz Bill’ for Harsh Enforcement of Planning & Building Law in Israel”, 30 March
2017,; Ir Amim and others,
Amendment 116 to the Planning and Building Law and the Palestinian
Neighborhoods in East Jerusalem,
July 2019,
711. Jerusalem Post, “Ayelet Shaked: Kaminitz Law meant for Arabs”, 30 December 2019,
712. State of Israel, State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel,
רוידה רבשמ
[The Housing Crisis], 2015,
Report_279/f43ab2c3-db98-447c-8e49-8b3977bc660d/003-diur-1-new.pdf (in Hebrew).
713. Adalah, “Adalah’s Objections to Discriminatory ‘Kaminitz Bill’ for Harsh Enforcement of Planning & Building Law in Israel” (previously
714. Adalah,
רוידה םוחתב םיניטסלפה םיחרזאה דגנ תיתטישה הילפאה תכשמנ
[Systematic discrimination continues against Palestinian citizens in the field
of housing], March 2017, (in Hebrew).
715. Oren Yiftachel, Ethnocracy:
Land and Identity Politics in Israel/Palestine,
2006, pp. 199-200; Ahmad Amara and others,
(In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Negev/Naqab,
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of official status also means that the Israeli authorities do not provide these villages any essential
infrastructure or services such as healthcare or education, and residents have no representation in the
different local governmental bodies as they cannot register for or participate in municipal elections (see
sections 5.5.3 “Discriminatory provision of services” and 6.1 “Forcible transfer”).
The non-recognition of Bedouin villages is related to Israeli policies of concentration and urbanization
of the Bedouin, and Israel’s denial of Bedouin land rights in the Negev/Naqab.
In stark contrast,
Israel views the development of the Negev/Naqab for Jewish communities as “one of the most
important national tasks”.
In 2005, the Israeli government adopted the Negev Development Plan
and established a new ministry tasked with its implementation. The plan aimed to increase the
Jewish population in the region from 535,000 to 900,000 by 2015. In pursuit of the plan’s goals, law
enforcement agencies increased house demolitions in unrecognized Bedouin villages and intensified
legal efforts to take over Bedouin land by declaring it state land.
The plan also sought to establish
and promote new Jewish towns and retroactively legalize construction by Jewish citizens, even when
it did not adhere to planning laws, and include the construction in regional plans.
Finally, the Israeli
government appointed several commissions and teams to look into the housing and land questions,
leading to the drafting of the Law for Regularizing Bedouin Habitation in the Negev, also known as the
Prawer-Begin Bill, in 2013.
The aim of the draft law was to “regularize” the land and housing question, including the 35
unrecognized Bedouin villages, through the forcible relocation of their population.
Although the bill
was shelved, the body that it established to coordinate and implement demolition orders in the Negev/
Naqab continues to operate. The Southern Directorate of Land Law Enforcement, operating under the
authority of the Ministry of Public Security, deals solely with the enforcement of land and planning laws
in Bedouin localities, and coordinates the administrative home demolitions with other enforcement
bodies, including the Israeli police.
There are now more than 100 Jewish towns in the Negev/Naqab.
By contrast, municipal councils of
Bedouin townships in 2008 had jurisdiction over a mere 1.9% of land in the northern Negev/Naqab
region, even though the Bedouins comprise over a quarter of the population in the area.
716. NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to the UN Human Right Committee,
9 April 2018, p. 1.
717. State of Israel, Israel Land Administration,
The Bedouin of the Negev, (accessed on
24 August 2021).
718. State of Israel, MoFA,
Regularization of Bedouin Communities in the Negev: Summary of the public hearing on the Draft Law
and recommendations for policy and for amendments to the Draft,
23 January 2013,
719. Ahmad Amara,
عبسلا ئرب ءاضق في ضيارلأا لىع ءلايتسلاا
نـم ةـيناثلا ةجولما في ةءارـق
[A Reading of the Second Wave of
Zionist Land ‘Redemption’: Seizing Land in Beersheba], 2019, Istishraf for Future Studies, Issue 4,
Pages/Istishraf04_2019_07_Ahmad%20Amara.pdf (in Arabic), pp. 168-196; Ahmad Amara,
بقنلا برع يرجهت ةداعإو يرجهتل جذونم نايرحلا مأ
Al-Hiran is an example of the displacement and re-displacement of the Arabs of the Naqab], 2018, Journal of Palestine Studies, Issue 114, (in Arabic), pp. 76-85; Ahmad Amara, “The Negev Land Question:
Between Denial and Recognition”, 2012/13, Journal of Palestine Studies, Volume 42, Issue 4,
abstract/162935; Adva Center – Information on Equality and Social Justice in Israel,
Current plans for developing the Negev: A critical
January 2007,, p. 14.
720. State of Israel, Negev Development Authority Law (Amendment 4), passed on 12 July 2010, clause on “Negev Individual Settlements”
(retroactively recognized Jewish farms, but not Bedouin villages); HRW,
Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s
Unrecognized Bedouin Villages,
2 March 2008,; ACRI and others, Position Paper:
Principles for Arranging Recognition of Bedouin Villages in the Negev (cited previously).
721. Adalah, “Knesset approves forced displacement of Arab Bedouin”, 25 June 2013,; Amnesty
Israel: Knesset Urged not to Pass Law that would Forcibly Evict Tens of Thousands of Negev/Naqab Bedouin
(Index: MDE
15/008/2013), 20 April 2013,; Amnesty International, “Israel: Flawed Consultations Place
Bedouin at Risk of Forced Eviction” (Index: MDE 15/006/2014), 24 March 2014,
722. NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to the UN Human Right Committee
(previously cited).
723. ACRI and others,
Position Paper: Principles for Arranging Recognition of Bedouin Villages in the Negev
(cited previously).
724. HRW,
Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages
(cited previously), p. 29.
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The Negev/Naqab is home to around 250,000 Palestinian Bedouin citizens of Israel.
They live in three
types of settlements: 35 unrecognized villages; seven governmental planned townships; and 11 newly
recognized villages. Tens of thousands of Bedouin in the Negev/Naqab live in homes under demolition
orders because they cannot obtain building permits. For decades, they have struggled to gain ownership
and recognition of their villages by Israeli authorities.
Unlike other Bedouin communities, the Negev/Naqab Bedouins have for centuries relied largely on
agriculture alongside pastoralism.
Prior to the establishment of Israel, over 92,000 Bedouins, who
are the Indigenous inhabitants of the region, lived in the Negev/Naqab and owned land under a clearly
defined, traditional system of individual and communal land ownership,
as well as under applicable
local state laws.
Following the establishment of Israel, estimates suggest that between 11,000 and
18,000 Bedouins remained in Israel.
Like the rest of the Palestinian citizens of Israel, they gained
Israeli citizenship. However, Israel declared their ancestral lands as “closed military areas”.
Land grabs during Israel’s military rule
During the 18-year military rule over Palestinians (1948-1966), starting in 1951 Israel confined 12 of
the remaining 19 Bedouin tribes in the Negev/Naqab to the Siyag, an area of approximately 1.5 million
dunams (150,000 hectares) known for its poor fertility, compared to the 13 million dunams controlled
by the tribes prior to 1948.
Bedouins were also prohibited from cultivating their land, and isolated
from other tribes in the Negev/Naqab and the rest of the Palestinian population in Israel.
They needed
special permits from the military governor to search for jobs, pursue education or access grazing
lands. The coercive restrictions resulted in the loss of their traditional way of life and accelerated their
sedentarization or forced settlement.
Israel utilized the applicable laws to expropriate Palestinian land in the Negev/Naqab, such as the
Absentees’ Property Law and the Land Acquisition Law, especially Bedouin land outside the Siyag, and
declared it as state land. Today, the combined area of all the recognized Bedouin villages in the Negev/
Naqab amounts to just 1% of the total area of the Southern District of Israel, even though Bedouins
represent 35% of the population in the district.
Discriminatory zoning and planning
According to the ICBS, approximately half a million Jewish Israelis live in 126 predominantly Jewish
communities in the Negev/Naqab.
As of 2016, these communities consisted of 38 kibbutzim, 77
725. ACRI, “The Unrecognized Bedouin Villages in the Negev – Facts and Figures”, 31 December 2019,
726. Alexandre Kedar and others,
Emptied Lands
(previously cited). See also, for example, World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous
Peoples, Israel: Bedouin, (accessed on 24 August 2021), “Profile”.
727. World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, Israel: Bedouin (previously cited).
728. Alexandre Kedar and others,
Emptied Lands
(previously cited).
729. ACRI and others,
Principles for arranging recognition of Bedouin villages in the Negev,
May 2011,
730. Ahmad Amara and others,
Indigenous (In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited).
731. Ahmad Amara and others,
Indigenous (In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited).
732. Ahmad Amara and others,
Indigenous (In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited).
733. ICBS,
Statistical Abstract of Israel,
2018, 10 September 2018,
2018-No-69.aspx, “2.17 Localities and Population, by Population Group, District, Sub-District and Natural Region”. See also Adalah,
Nomads Against their Will,
September 2011,
734. NCF,
Discrimination in Numbers Collection of Statistical Data – The Bedouin Community in the Negev/Naqab,
January 2017, Figure 1
and Table 2,
Amnesty International
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cooperative and community settlements, and 11 local councils and towns. An overwhelming majority of
these communities – 115 of the 126 – have “admissions committees” that effectively block the Bedouin
community and other Palestinian citizens of Israel from residing in them.
In recent years, Bedouin
residents have slowly been moving to a handful of local councils and towns that do not have an explicit
approval process that excludes their residency.
Israeli authorities zoned Bedouin land, including villages that were established before 1948, as
agricultural land or for military use, rather than for residential use.
They also failed to regularize the
planning status of the 46 Bedouin villages under any regional or municipal structure.
Between 1968 and 1990, Israel established seven government-planned townships – Kuseife, Tel
Sheva, Rahat, Hura, Laqye, Ar’ara Banegev and Segev Shalom – to force the settlement of Bedouin
and 156,000 Bedouins now reside there. The state’s deliberate neglect of the seven townships
has resulted in the highest poverty and unemployment rates in the country, high crime rates and
other socio-economic problems that make them undesirable to the residents of the rural Bedouin
Parts of the seven townships are not connected to the water system, the sewage disposal
system, the electrical power grid or means of communication.
At the same time, Israeli authorities
swiftly connect illegal outposts and individual farms for Jewish citizens to the water and electricity
According to the ICBS, all seven of the planned townships are ranked in the lowest socio-
economic cluster.
In comparison, every Jewish locality in the Negev/Naqab ranks in a higher
socio-economic cluster.
By 1999, successive Israeli governments had recognized 11 of the 46 Bedouin villages and incorporated
them into two Bedouin regional councils – Neve Midbar and Qassum (previously Abu Basma).
villages are home to around 16,000 Bedouins. Although the Israeli authorities recognize these villages,
they remain excluded from the state’s development plans, making it difficult for residents to acquire
building permits or receive state services and infrastructure. Many residents still live with the risk of
home demolitions because of a lack of building permits.
Although residents in these recognized
villages had previous eviction and village demolitions lifted, their circumstances remain extremely
complicated, similar to those in the unrecognized villages.
735. NCF,
Discrimination in Numbers: Collection of Statistical Data – The Bedouin Community in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited),
p. 13; HRW, “Israel: Discriminatory Land Policies Hem in Palestinians”, 21 May 2020,
land-policies-hem-palestinians#; ACRI,
A Setback in the Fight Against Discrimination in Housing,
17 September 2014,
il/en/2014/09/17/setback-housing; Adalah,
Israeli Supreme Court upholds “Admissions Committees Law” that allows Israeli Jewish
communities to exclude Palestinian Arab citizens,
19 September 2014,
736. Ahmad Amara and others,
Indigenous (In)Justice: Human Rights Law and Bedouin Arabs in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited).
737. NCF,
Accessibility of public and private services in Arab localities, and institutionalized discrimination against Arab public sector
employees in the Negev”,
21 March 2013,
738. State of Israel, State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel, 2014
םיפסכה תנש תונובשחלו
תנשל ג66 יתנש חוד
[Annual Report 66c for
2015 and the Accounts for Financial Year 2014], 24 May 2016, (in Hebrew), pp. 958-959.
739. HRW,
Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages
(previously cited). See also +972
Magazine, “The Unequal Right to Water in Unrecognized Bedouin Villages”, 1 March 2013,
740. ICBS,
Characterization and Classification of Geographical Units by the Socio-Economic Level of the Population,
2015, 5 August
the-Population-2015.aspx, “Localities (Municipalities, Local Councils, and Localities Within Regional Councils), in Ascending Order of the
Socio-Economic Index”, Table 7,
741. NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to the UN Human Right Committee
(previously cited), p. 9.
742. Oren Yiftachel and others, “Between Rights and Denials: Bedouin Indigeneity in the Negev/Naqab”,
Environment and Planning A,
July 2016, Volume 48, Issue 11, on file with Amnesty International, p. 16.
743. State of Israel, State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel, 2014
םיפסכה תנש תונובשחלו
תנשל ג66 יתנש חוד
[Annual Report 66c for
2015 and the Accounts for Financial Year 2014], 24 May 2016, (in Hebrew), pp. 958-959.
744. Sharri Plonski, “Material Footprints: The Struggle for Borders by Bedouin-Palestinians in Israel”, 13 March 2018, Antipode: A Radical
Journal of Geography, Volume 50, Issue 5,, p. 9.
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The remaining 35 villages, which are home to around 68,000 people, remain without an official
recognized status or planning structure. As a result, it is nearly impossible for residents to acquire
building permits or obtain housing plans, forcing many to build without permits under the constant
threat of home demolitions and subsequent forced displacement.
In 2013, Israel tried to “regularize”
the situation through the Law for Regularizing Bedouin Habitation in the Negev, also known as the
Prawer-Begin Bill, which aimed at forced relocation of the villages’ population in the area.
the bill was shelved, the body that it established to coordinate and implement demolition orders in the
Negev/Naqab, the Southern Directorate of Land Law Enforcement, continues to operate.
Since then,
Israel has aggressively intensified its use of home demolitions (see section 6.1 “Forcible transfer”).
Israeli authorities repeatedly insist that Bedouins in the 35 unrecognized villages can relocate to the
recognized villages in the Negev/Naqab. Most residents refuse this “voluntary” displacement and
relocation, especially as it would mean giving up their claim to their land.
Alongside the complete denial of any legal rights of land ownership of the Bedouin in the Negev/
Naqab, and as part of its policy to forcibly urbanize the community in enclaves, the Israeli government
has offered compensation for Bedouin land claims. This approach was first established in 1975 by
the Albeck Committee, which suggested that the government should go “beyond the letter of the law”
and offer compensation to the Bedouin claimants on the condition that they agree to move to one of
the planned townships.
Since then, the Israeli government’s position has been one of complete legal
denial, on the one hand, and partial practical recognition of Bedouin land rights through compensation,
on the other.
The offer of compensation has been amended several times and framed in different
resolutions of the Council of the Israel Land Administration (the predecessor of the Israel Land
Authority), while remaining based on the logic of the Albeck Committee’s compensation scheme.
The Bedouin have generally viewed the offers as insufficient and unjust. Accordingly, as of 2008 only
12% of the original land claims (380 out of 3,220) had been settled, covering an area of 205,670
dunams (about 18% of the total claimed lands).
Government attempts have continued in parallel to
resolve this matter by appointing other committees that have produced further recommendations.
745. HRW,
Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages
(cited previously).
746. See Amnesty International, “Israel: Flawed Consultations Place Bedouin at Risk of Forced Eviction” (Index: MDE 15/006/2014),
24 March 2014,; Amnesty International, Israel: Knesset urged not to pass law that
would forcibly evict tens of thousands of Negev/Naqab Bedouin (Index: MDE 15/008/2013), 20 April 2013,
747. State of Israel, Ministry of Public Security,
ןיעקרקמ יניד תפיכא םואיתל םורד תלהנמ
[Southern Directorate for the Coordination of Land Law
Enforcement], (in Hebrew), “About”; NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to the
UN Human Right Committee
(previously cited).
748. NCF and Adalah, NGO Report to the UN Human Right Committee (previously cited), p. 3.
749. The Albeck Committee’s recommendations offered the Bedouin compensation to the value of 20% of the land in the form of land on a
different site, or money, or an agricultural water quota. This compensation was available only to claims of over 400 dunams. State of Israel,
Ministry of Justice, Letter to the Legal Adviser to the Government, the Adviser to the Prime Minister on Arab and Druze Matters, and to
the Director of the Israel Land Administration, regarding the arrangement of the lands of the Siyag and northern Negev (marked “secret”),
signed by Plia Albeck, 17 July 1974 (in Hebrew), on file with Amnesty International), pp. 3-5; NCF,
The Arab-Bedouins of the Naqab/Negev
Desert in Israel: Shadow Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD),
May 2006,
english/bodies/cerd/docs/ngos/NCf-IsraelShadowReport.pdf, p. 8.
750. Ahmad Amara, “The Negev Land Question: Between Denial and Recognition”, 2013, The Journal of Palestine Studies, Volume 42,
Issue 4, p. 37.
751. See, for example, Israel Land Administration, Resolution 1028, 2 May 2005,
Decisions/Decision/1028 (in Hebrew); Israel Land Administration, Resolution 996, 4 March 2004,
canceled-decisions/Decisions/Decision/996 (in Hebrew); Israel Land Administration, Resolution 932, 24 June 2002,
CouncilDecisions/#/canceled-decisions/Decisions/Decision/932 (in Hebrew); Israel Land Administration, Resolution 813, 9 October 1997, (in Hebrew).
752. State of Israel, Goldberg Committee,
גרבדלוג טפושה תדעו חוד
[Report of the Judge Goldberg Committee], 11 December 2008,
BlobFolder/reports/goldberg/he/Doch_Vaada_Shofet_Goldberg.pdf (in Hebrew).
753. The government established seven different committees between 1996-2000, see Ahmad Amara,
The Negev Land Question
(previously cited), p. 38.
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Most significant was the Goldberg Committee, which was appointed in 2007. Its recommendations
were later incorporated with several changes into the proposed Prawer-Begin Bill.
The state-offered
alternatives for the Bedouin are displacement and forced urbanization, denial of legal land rights, and
alternative lands that were deemed back in 1975 to be unjust and insufficient. Since 1975, the Bedouin
community has grown about eightfold and the proposed compensation remains nearly the same.
Meanwhile, new Jewish Israeli communities have been established following a push to Judaize the
Plans for these new towns and cities are advanced by Israeli authorities, including the
Ministry for Development of the Negev and Galilee
and the Ministry of Construction and Housing.
The Settlement Division of the WZO serves as the government’s arm for planning and implementing the
settlement of these communities.
Jewish Israeli groups such as the OR Movement, a group dedicated
to expanding Jewish settlement in the Negev/Naqab and Galilee, also plays a coordinating role, working
closely with Israeli authorities (including 11 ministers) to develop new Jewish communities.
2002 and 2021, the OR Movement developed eight new communities and expanded 63 others in the
Negev/Naqab and Galilee.
Discriminatory home demolitions and forced evictions
Israeli authorities have enforced home demolitions, forced evictions and other punitive measures
disproportionately against Bedouins as compared with Jewish Israelis not conforming to planning laws
in the Negev/Naqab.
Most unlicensed Jewish buildings and farms built without outlined plans and
building permits are retroactively approved or never face a demolition order.
Israeli courts have helped
entrench this discrimination through retroactively approving dozens of Jewish Israeli communities
and farms, contrary to the same planning laws that result in the demolition of Bedouin homes.
example, in 2016 the Beersheba Magistrates’ Court ruled in favour of an Jewish Israeli citizen for
unlawful construction of guest rooms for a hospitality business in the illegally constructed Jewish village
of Azuz in the Ramat Negev Regional Council. The defendant argued that selective law enforcement was
taking place as planning and construction enforcement does not apply to the residents of Azuz, using
the argument that the entire village was built without permits. The court accepted that the Ramat Negev
Regional Council does not enforce planning and construction laws against Jews while it does against
Bedouins in the same district.
An investigation by the National Unit for Building Inspection in the
754. Adalah, “Knesset approves forced displacement of Arab Bedouin”, 25 June 2013,
755. The Jewish National Fund currently has a major development plan in the Negev/Naqab with hopes to double the population there
and settle 500,000 new residents. See, for example, Jewish National Fund, Community Building - Our Blueprint Negev Strategy,
our-work/community-building/our-blueprint-negev-strategy (accessed on 24 August 2021). See also, for example, Times of Israel, “Israel
Planning 11 New Towns in Negev Desert”, 27 November 2014,
756. State of Israel, Ministry for Development of the Negev and the Galilee,
negev_and_galilee, “About” (accessed on 24 August 2021).
757. BBC News, “Israeli Push to Fulfil Desert Dream Unsettles Negev Bedouin”, 17 January 2013,
758. Haaretz, “The Israeli Government’s Twilight Zone That Helps Settle the West Bank”, 3 March 2015 (updated on 10 April 2018),; World Jewish Congress,
Report: Israel
considering construction of new settlements in Negev desert,
16 June 2014,
759. Haaretz, “OR Movement//Planting Seeds for a Better Future”,
760. OR Movement, Building the Future of Israel,, “Why we exist” (accessed on 21 August 2021); OR
Movement,, “OR Communities” (accessed on 21 August 2021).
761. HRW,
Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages
(previously cited).
762. NCF,
The Arab-Bedouins of the Naqab/Negev Desert in Israel: Shadow Report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination (CERD)
(previously cited), p. 15.
763. State of Israel, Negev Individual Settlements – Negev Development Authority Law, Amendment 4, 2010. The amendment allows for
the retroactive recognition of dozens of Jewish individual settlements/farms in the Negev/Naqab that were established without permits
and contrary to planning laws. See Adalah, Negev Individual Settlements - Negev Development Authority Law – Amendment No. 4, 2010, (accessed on 30 August 2021).
764. +972 Magazine, “The risk of building while Bedouin”, 26 February 2016,
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Southern District revealed that enforcement of the planning and building laws targets Bedouin citizens
The court’s dismissal of the case served as de facto approval of the state’s discrimination against
the Bedouin.
Forcible transfer under the guise of social and economic development
On 12 February 2017, Israel’s cabinet approved Government Resolution 2397, a five-year Socio-
Economic Development Plan for Negev Bedouin,
and allocated it NIS 3 billion (USD 968 million). The
plan was developed under the Authority for the Development and Settlement of the Bedouin (Bedouin
Authority), which is a unit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The Bedouin Authority
was originally established in 1999 to settle Bedouin land claims and regularize “permanent dwellings”
for the Bedouin community in the Negev/Naqab.
Over the years, however, the Bedouin Authority
became the main government body responsible for several Bedouin-related issues, including planning,
land agreements, water allocation and health services.
The Bedouin Authority has been criticized as
a discriminatory body complicit in the forcible displacement of Bedouins from their homes in order to
Judaize the Negev/Naqab.
The Bedouin Authority is promoting the Socio-Economic Development Plan for Negev Bedouins as
a genuine effort to improve life for Bedouins in the Negev/Naqab. However, the plan conditions the
provision of state funding on the execution of forced evictions and home demolitions, including in the
35 unrecognized Bedouin villages that are excluded from the benefits of the plan.
Several government
ministers refused to even approve the draft plan until additional measures to ensure the destruction
of the unrecognized villages were included.
The plan fails to offer any way for recognition of the
unrecognized villages, and it mandates the Bedouin Authority to prioritize evacuating the Bedouin
communities living in the unrecognized villages.
In addition, pressure has increased on Bedouin communities by enforcement agencies working to
advance the plan. For example, according to the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, “this
mechanism of ‘enforcement promoting regulation’ is exercised through judicial injunctions; imposition
of high fines (up to NIS 300,000); the constant presence of inspectors and police forces in the field;
threats; and the use of drones.”
It is also important to note that the Bedouin Authority is primarily run
by people from outside the Bedouin community. According to the website of the Bedouin Authority, 13
of the 14 members holding executive positions are Jewish Israelis. Only one member comes from the
Bedouin community.
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) criticized the plan,
noting that it was “accompanied by forced urbanization, evictions and displacements and the State party
765. NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to the UN Human Right Committee
(previously cited), p. 5.
766. State of Israel, PMO, 2021-2017
בגנב תיאודבה הייסולכואה ברקב יתרבח ילכלכ חותיפל תינכת
[Plan for the socio-economic development among the
Bedouin population in the Negev 2017-2021], Government Resolution 2397, 12 February 2017,
dec2397 (in Hebrew).
767. State of Israel, PMO, “The Establishment of the Authority for Regularization of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev”, Government
Resolution 1999, 15 July 2007, available at NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to the UN Human Right Committee
(previously cited).
768. NCF,
On (In)Equality and Demolition of Homes and Structures in Arab Bedouin Communities in the Negev/Naqab,
June 2020,, p. 23.
769. NCF,
On (In)Equality and Demolition of Homes and Structures in Arab Bedouin Communities in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited).
770. State of Israel, Government Resolution 2397 (previously cited),, p. 2.
771. Marker,
םינש שמחב לקש דראילימ
3 -
הלשממב םיאודבה תינכות רושיא תא ובכיע ןיול ביריו טנלג
[Gallant and Yariv Levin Postponed Approval of the
Government Bedouin Plan – NIS 3 Billion over Five Years], 15 January 2017, (in Hebrew).
772. NCF,
On (In)Equality and Demolition of Homes and Structures in Arab Bedouin Communities in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited),
p. 4.
773. State of Israel, Bedouin Development and Settlement Authority in the Negev,
[About], last updated on 13 September 2017,
he/departments/about/odot_harashut (in Hebrew, accessed on 24 August 2021).
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continues to demolish homes and schools in Bedouin communities such that Bedouins are forced to
In January 2019, the Bedouin Authority published the Strategic Plan for the Regulation of the Negev,
which seeks to forcibly transfer 36,000 Bedouins for the purpose of expanding military training areas
and to create “economic development projects”.
The plan is scheduled to be implemented over
several years and has been criticized by UN human rights experts.
Israel’s Southern District Planning
and Building Committee has taken the plan forward and convened to discuss the establishment of
camps to temporarily house the tens of thousands of Bedouin citizens of Israel who are meant to be
forcibly displaced.
In East Jerusalem, the Israeli authorities have also utilized their zoning and planning laws and practices
to further Jewish domination over Palestinians. On the one hand, Israel has confiscated a third of the
land in annexed East Jerusalem for Israeli settlements. On the other, its planning, building and housing
policies have precluded expansion of Palestinian neighbourhoods and communities by zoning most
of their land as green spaces such as nature reserves and parks, and restricting the expansion of
existing Palestinian neighbourhoods. Zoning and planning policies systematically discriminate against
Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem and severely impede the development of their neighbourhoods,
with dire impacts on the socio-economic rights of the local population.
Since the annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, planning for Palestinian neighbourhoods in East
Jerusalem has been focused on maintaining a Jewish Israeli majority in the “united city”, a policy
reflected in official documents and statements by Israeli policymakers.
Although the Planning and
Building Law of 1965 (see above) required the preparation of a plan for a locality within three years,
Israeli planners failed to do this for East Jerusalem, leaving Palestinian neighbourhoods there without a
local outline (or master) plan.
A local outline plan sets out the policy for use of the land for purposes
such as residence, industry and green space, and serves as the legal basis for granting building
A local outline plan can only be prepared by an official governmental authority under the
Planning and Building Law of 1965.
As explained above, the lack of an up-to-date local outline plan
can lead to unregulated building and subsequent demolitions.
774. UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Concluding Observations: Israel, 17 November 2017,
UN Doc. CEDAW/C/ISR/CO/6, para. 54.
775. State of Israel, Israeli Authority for the Development and Settlement of the Bedouins in the Negev, “Strategic Plan for the Regulation
of the Negev: In the Coming Year, a Quarter of the Negev’s Scattered Bedouin Population will be Evacuated for the Benefit of National
Projects”, 28 January 2019 (an unofficial English translation is available at
776. Six UN Special Rapporteurs, Letter addressed to the Representative of the State of Israel (regarding the issue of forced evictions
targeting the Bedouin minority), 1 May 2019,
777. Adalah, “Israel Launches Plan to Force its Own Bedouin Citizens into Refugee Displacement Camps”, 10 October 2019,
778. B’Tselem,
A policy of discrimination: Land expropriation, planning and building in East Jerusalem,
January 1997,
779. Planning and Building Law (previously cited), Article 62(a). This provision was abolished in 1995 pursuant to Amendment 43 to the
Planning and Building Law, 1995.
780. Bimkom,
Trapped by planning: Israeli policy, planning and development in the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem,
781. Bimkom,
Trapped by planning
(previously cited).
782. Planning and Building Law (previously cited), Articles 61-65, “Local Outline Scheme”.
783. Bimkom and Arab Center for Alternative Planning,
Outline planning for Arab localities in Israel,
Amnesty International
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In August 2004, a national planning committee introduced the “Jerusalem 2000” local outline plan.
The plan is considered to be key to shaping Israeli planning policies in East Jerusalem. Even though
the plan has not been deposited for public review and is thus non-binding or a basis to issue building
permits, the Jerusalem Municipality has stated that it does “constitute the planning policy in the
The planning authorities have already used it to reject at least two Palestinian zoning plans,
maintaining that they are not consistent with the “Jerusalem 2000” plan.
Israeli rights groups have
concluded that the plan violates Israeli law and bypasses the statutory procedure of the planning
In 2013, Bimkom petitioned the Jerusalem administrative court against the unlawful use of
the plan, but its case was dismissed.
The “Jerusalem 2000” plan is the first to include East and West Jerusalem in a single plan.
provides that municipal planning in Jerusalem should seek to “maintain a ratio of 70% Jews and
30% Arabs” in the city in accordance with “governmental decisions”. Noting that “demographic
trends” indicated “a population of approximately 60% Jews and 40% Arabs” in Jerusalem in 2020,
the plan proposes to “draw residents from other areas in the country” and “reduce negative migration
from the city” in order to maintain a “solid Jewish majority in the city”.
It will do this by providing
“sufficient housing” (more houses) in existing neighbourhoods, building new Jewish neighbourhoods,
subsidizing housing units to lower housing costs, and ensuring “the quantity and quality of a number
of employment places, services, quality of life, and urban experiences”.
The plan acknowledges
that the “Arab population suffers from housing problems due to the significant size of the population
and lack of financial resources”. In response to this, the plan recommends the “densification and
thickening” of existing neighbourhoods, “rehabilitation of the refugee camps within its borders” and
building residential areas for “wealthy Arab households”.
In East Jerusalem today, Palestinians comprise 60% of the population but only 15% of the land is
designated by the Israeli planning authorities for Palestinian residence, with 2.6% of this land zoned for
public buildings.
By contrast, since 1967 the Israeli authorities have permitted and actively enabled
settlements, built illegally on land expropriated for the exclusive use of Jewish Israelis, to be established
and expanded in East Jerusalem.
The deliberate refusal to approve zoning plans for the development of Palestinian neighbourhoods
in East Jerusalem has had a ruinous effect on Palestinian communities, making it difficult for them
to obtain building permits. According to data from Peace Now, from 1991 to 2018, Israeli authorities
approved applications for 9,536 building permits for Palestinians in East Jerusalem (16.5% of the
57,737 applications for building permits approved in Jerusalem), compared to 21,834 applications
784. State of Israel, Municipality of Jerusalem, 2000 'סמ –
םילשורי ראתמ תינכת
[Local Outline Plan – Jerusalem 2000],
residents/planningandbuilding/cityplanning/masterplan (in Hebrew).
785. HRW,
Separate and Unequal: Israel’s discriminatory treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
sites/default/files/reports/iopt1210webwcover_0.pdf, p. 49.
786. Bimkom, “Jerusalem District Planning Committee Using Jerusalem 2000 Outline Plan Unlawfully”, 21 April 2013,
press-release-jerusalem-district-planning-committee-using-jerusalem-2000-outline-plan-unlawfully; State of Israel, Jerusalem District
Bimkom and Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) v. Chair of the Jerusalem District Planning and Building Committee and
Petition to the Jerusalem District Court acting as Court of Administrative Affairs, 21 April 2013,
787. ACRI, “Panel Unlawfully Using Outline Plan for Jerusalem”, 1 October 2013,
788. Bimkom,
Trapped by planning
(previously cited).
789. State of Israel, Municipality of Jerusalem, “Local Outline Plan - Jerusalem 2000”,
cityplanning/masterplan; Francesco Chiodelli, “The Jerusalem Master Plan: Planning into the conflict”, 2012, Journal of Palestine Studies,
Issue 51,
790. Municipality of Jerusalem, “Local Outline Plan – Jerusalem 2000” (previously cited).
791. Municipality of Jerusalem, “Local Outline Plan – Jerusalem 2000” (previously cited).
792. Ir Amim and Bimkom,
Deliberately Planned
(previously cited).
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for permits for settlements in East Jerusalem (37.8%).
The remaining 26,367 applications for
permits were approved in West Jerusalem. Peace Now also noted that the average number of housing
units approved in Israeli neighbourhoods in both East and West Jerusalem was 10.5 units per
permit, compared to 3.5 units per permit in Palestinian neighbourhoods.
This reality forces many
Palestinians to build without permits and therefore risk having their homes demolished (see section 6.1
“Forcible transfer”).
The inadequate planning in Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem hinders the development
of the community as a whole, including the construction of public spaces, schools and commercial
zones for employment opportunities.
Palestinians live in underdeveloped and densely populated
areas in East Jerusalem where the average size of a Palestinian household is six, compared to just
over three people per Jewish Israeli household in Jerusalem.
The consequence is grinding poverty
for Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem (see section 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’ human
The Israeli fence/wall is another major obstacle to Palestinians in East Jerusalem and its environs, as
it cuts through the city and isolates it from the rest of the West Bank. By the time Israel completed
the fence/wall in Jerusalem in 2016, its route had diverged from the municipal boundaries annexed
in 1967 to carve out enclaves that were detached from the city and resulted in their severe neglect
by Israeli authorities.
It has left the Palestinian neighbourhoods of Shuafat refugee camp, Anata
(comprising the three adjacent neighbourhoods of Ras Khamis, Ras Shehadeh and Al-Salaam) and
Kufr Aqab, within the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem, but beyond the fence/wall. Around 100,000
Palestinians with permanent Jerusalem residency live in these locations, and they must now pass
through Israeli checkpoints every time they need to enter the rest of the city or receive essential
Israeli authorities deliberately neglect these neighbourhoods and do not provide them with
municipal services, including waste removal, road maintenance, education and adequate connection
to water, electricity and sewerage infrastructure. In 2017, Israeli members of the Knesset tried to pass
a bill to split the areas that are detached from Jerusalem’s boundaries by the fence/wall from the rest of
Jerusalem and place them under a different municipal body in an attempt to alter the demographic ratio
in Jerusalem.
The “Greater Jerusalem” Bill (known in Hebrew as “Jerusalem and its daughters”) was
struck off the parliamentary agenda on 29 October 2017 due to international pressure.
Israeli authorities have also created a deeply discriminatory urban planning and zoning system in the
rest of the OPT, which continues to be applied in Area C of the West Bank. As described above (see
section 5.4.3 “Discriminatory allocation of Palestinian land for Jewish settlement”), most settlement
construction takes place in Area C, and all aspects of life for Palestinian communities there have
793. The remaining 45.7% of permits approved in Jerusalem were approved in West Jerusalem. See Peace Now, “Jerusalem Municipal
Data Reveals Stark Israeli-Palestinian Discrepancy in Construction Permits in Jerusalem”, 12 September 2019,
794. Peace Now, “Jerusalem Municipal Data Reveals Stark Israeli-Palestinian Discrepancy in Construction Permits in Jerusalem” (previously cited).
795. Bimkom,
Trapped by planning
(previously cited).
796. Ir Amim and Bimkom,
Deliberately Planned
(previously cited).
797. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019”, May 2019,
798. ACRI,
Implications of establishing a separate local authority for the neighborhoods beyond the barrier in Jerusalem,
November 2017,
799. Ir Amim,
Displaced in their own city
(previously cited), p. 26.B’Tselem gave the figure of 140,000 in 2019, including an unknown
number of Palestinians with West Bank IDs. B’Tselem, East Jerusalem (previously cited).
800. Haaretz, “Bill Would Allow Parts of Jerusalem to Be Transferred to a New Israeli Local Authority”, 25 July 2017,
801. Reuters, “U.S. pressure delays Israel’s ‘Greater Jerusalem’ bill: legislator”, 29 October 2017,
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remained under full Israeli control since 1967. As already mentioned, Area C is home to around
300,000 Palestinians in addition to almost all of the 441,600 Israeli settlers living in the occupied West
Bank excluding East Jerusalem. However, Israeli authorities have allocated 70% of the land in Area C
to settlements and less than 1% to Palestinians.
In practice, Palestinians are only allowed to build on
about 0.5% (roughly 1,800 hectares) of Area C, most of which is already built-up.
Like many other aspects of Palestinian life in the West Bank, zoning and planning in Area C is
subject to a combination of selectively applied Ottoman, British and Jordanian laws amended by
a series of Israeli military orders issued since 1967 to advance Israeli territorial and demographic
objectives in the area. Adopted in 1971, Military Order 418 deprived Palestinians from any decision-
making in the planning of their development and land use by cancelling local planning committees
in Palestinian villages and transferring licensing powers from Palestinian municipalities to regional
planning committees and the Civil Administration’s Higher Planning Council, a body made up of
Israeli government officials and settler representatives.
Under the military order, the council is
empowered to cancel or change any plan or licence at any time, as well as to authorize people to build
without obtaining a permit. In parallel, the order authorized the military commander to appoint Special
Planning Committees for new planning areas provided that they did not include “the jurisdiction of a
municipality or a village council” and, as a result, excluded Palestinian communities.
By contrast,
such committees were appointed for all municipal authorities (local and regional councils) in Israeli
settlements in the West Bank given that they were all built in new planning areas. Amongst other
things, these committees are empowered to prepare planning schemes based on which they can
issue building permits – a right which is denied to Palestinian villages in the same area.
the Civil Administration’s planning system does not allow for any Palestinian representation or
meaningful participation and, as a result, does not take account of the Palestinian population’s needs,
demographic and economic interests, or traditions, while consistently privileging the interests of settlers
at the same time.
Further, the Israeli authorities use a selective interpretation of Jordanian law to insist that planning
must conform with British mandate outline plans that were drafted in the 1940s and that have never
been updated since, making any “legal” construction virtually impossible. Indeed, the British mandate-
era plans no longer reflect the needs of the Palestinian population in the West Bank or modern-day
planning, and include areas where construction permits have been exhausted. Crucially, they have
never been reviewed even though, under Jordanian law, planning authorities must review such plans
at least once every 10 years. Rather than enabling Palestinian development, these plans “serve as an
effective tool for limiting Palestinian construction, demolishing homes and blocking development”, as
B’Tselem has argued.
The Israeli Civil Administration has also avoided approving local outline (or master) plans of Palestinian
communities in Area C, where 90% of Palestinian communities remained without any outline plan in
Indeed, the Israeli Civil Administration routinely rejects applications for building permits on
the basis that they do not match British outline plans, forcing Palestinians to build without permits,
which are needed for all basic and livelihood structures, such as a tent or a fence, and exposing them
to a risk of demolitions. The Israeli Civil Administration approved just 21 of the 1,485 Palestinian
802. Marya Farah, “Planning in Area C: Discrimination in Law and Practice”, 2016, Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and
Culture, Volume 21, Issue 3,
803. B’Tselem,
Acting the Landlord: Israel’s Policy in Area C, the West Bank,
June 2013,
804. Badil,
Ruling Palestine
(previously cited).
805. B’Tselem,
Fake Justice: The Responsibility Israel’s High Court Justices Bear for the Demolition of Palestinian Homes and the
Dispossession of Palestinians,
February 2019,
806. NRC,
A Guide to Housing, Land and Property Law in Area C of the West Bank
(previously cited).
807. B’Tselem,
Fake Justice
(previously cited).
808. B’Tselem,
Acting the Landlord
(previously cited).
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applications for building permits in Area C between 2016 and 2018.
In a rare move, in July 2019,
the Israeli Security Cabinet vowed to grant building permits to 715 housing units for Palestinians in
Area C, in addition to 6,000 housing units for settlers there.
By the end of June 2020, only one
building permit had been issued for Palestinians, allowing for the construction of six housing units.
Meanwhile, 1,094 building permits were issued for Jewish settlements from July 2019 to March 2020.
The dire situation in the villages of Umm al-Khair and Khirbet Susiya in the South Hebron Hills in
Area C of the West Bank illustrates the impact of Israel’s discriminatory planning, zoning and building
policies on Palestinians’ rights to adequate housing, adequate standard of living and water.
Umm Al-Khair
Umm Al-Khair is a Palestinian village in the South Hebron Hills that is inhabited by people from the
Al-Hathaleen tribe, who were displaced from Tel Arad in the Negev/Naqab in 1948 during the 1947-49
conflict. Following their expulsion, they bought the land of Umm Al-Khair from Palestinian residents of
Yatta. Umm Al-Khair has a population of approximately 200 people, including around 50 children. Most
of the residents are shepherds.
The village has 151 structures with pending demolition orders from Israeli authorities.
Nearly every
building has already been demolished at least once and rebuilt by residents. According to OCHA, since
January 2009 (as of 12 June 2021), Israeli authorities had demolished 40 structures, 29 of which are
homes, resulting in the displacement of 155 people.
The adjacent Israeli settlement of Carmel, which was established in 1981 and now has approximately
437 settlers, lies on land confiscated from residents of Umm Al-Khair. Some sections of the settlement
are within 100m of Umm Al-Khair. Unlike the settlement of Carmel, which was swiftly provided with
modern infrastructure, the village of Umm Al-Khair is not connected to any infrastructure networks and
is denied permits to build any. Israeli settlers from Carmel persistently harass, and sometimes attack,
residents of Umm Al-Khair, often while they are in the field with their livestock.
Residents of Umm Al-Khair must purchase water through private Palestinian companies, which deliver
water to the community. Residents pay around NIS 30 (USD 10) per cubic metre of water, as well as
a transportation fee of NIS 150 (USD 48).
Some families pay up to NIS 400 (USD 129) per day to
provide water for their families and livestock.
Residents use solar panels for electricity, many of them
given to the community by the German government through a humanitarian project. The solar panels
often fail to provide enough electricity for families to adequately heat their homes in the winter.
809. Times of Israel, “11 months after announcement, Israeli building permits for Palestinians stalled”, 24 June 2020,
810. Peace Now, “On Israel’s decision for Palestinian construction permits in Area C”, 31 July 2019,
811. OCHA,
West Bank demolitions and displacement: An overview,
June 2020,
812. OCHA,
West Bank demolitions and displacement
(previously cited).
813. Good Shepherd Collective, “Um al-Khair”, (accessed on 27 August 2021).
814. Ta’ayush: Arab Jewish Partnership,
Demand that the Carmel settlement take responsibility and stop the stone-throwing on Umm al-
1 September 2017,; Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Tariq Hathaleen, community activist, 12
October 2020; guybo111, “Settlers of Carmel attacking and chasing away Palestinian shepherds and flocks 24.1.2014”, 27 January 2014,
815. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Eid Hathaleen, 12 October 2020.
816. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Eid Hathaleen, 12 October 2020.
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In 2016, in an effort to stop the ongoing demolitions and seek a way to develop the infrastructure of
their community, residents of Umm Al-Khair submitted a local outline (or master) plan to the Israeli Civil
Administration. As a result, on 19 December 2016 the Israeli Supreme Court froze pending demolition
orders for three years. In June 2019, Israeli authorities rejected the plan, stating that the community had
constructed infrastructure without building permits. The same month the community submitted another
local outline plan to the Israeli Civil Administration, thus freezing the pending demolition orders for a
further three years.
Eid Hathaleen, an artist and activist from the community, told Amnesty International:
For a long time, communities living in the South Hebron Hills were looking for a way to stop or
freeze the ongoing demolitions. We know that Israelis [authorities] will never greenlight any master
plan we submit, we do it just to buy more time before the next demolition. It is inevitable. It will
take a long time until we can live a life without apartheid, and we are positive we will continue
to suffer more in the near future. It has taken so long for the world to see our reality. Until the
USA and the international community stop supporting Israeli apartheid, the demolitions will not
stop. The massive support from governments around the world makes what is not normal seem
Tariq Hathaleen, an English teacher and activist from the community, told Amnesty International:
We know that the confiscations and demolitions are being done to stop the ability of Palestinians
in the village to develop and build, even though this is our land. Some families have demolition
orders on their homes or barns from over 11 years ago.
On top of the demolition orders, we also face settler harassment. Settler harassment means we
suffer constantly, in between the demolitions we are never free from psychological violence. Since
2016 it has come from the settlers living in Carmel as well as by the Israeli settler organization
Regavim. They fly drones over our community two maybe three times a week just to survey us.
Instead of the settlers sending Israeli soldiers to terrorize us, they send over a drone. We are now
always under surveillance.
We live a life of inequality, and all we want is a life with justice. It is simple really. Life should be
filled with peace and quiet not fear and terror. Life without apartheid would just be a more normal
life, that is all that we want.
Khirbet Susiya
The Palestinian village of Khirbet Susiya is home to around 250 people, who have traditionally earned
a living from shepherding and olive trees.
In 1983, the Israeli settlement of Susya, which currently
has a population of 1,170 settlers, was established near the village on private Palestinian land that
Israeli authorities declared to be state land.
In 1986, when about 25 families were living on their
private land in ancient Khirbet Susiya, the Israeli Civil Administration declared the village’s land an
“archaeological site” and the land was confiscated “for public purposes”. As a result, the Israeli military
expelled Palestinian residents from their homes. Having no other option, the families moved to what
remained of their land outside the archaeological site, about 500m from their village. They received no
817. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Eid Hathaleen, 12 October 2020.
818. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Tariq Hathaleen, 12 October 2020.
819. B’Tselem, Khirbet Susiya – a village under threat of demolition, (accessed on 27 August 2021).
820. In 2002, settlers also established an “outpost” inside the boundaries of the archaeological site. See Emek Shaveh, “Susya – The
Displacement of Residents Following the Discovery of an Ancient Synagogue”, 12 September 2016,; OCHA,
“Susiya: a community at imminent risk of forced displacement”, June 2015,
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offer of alternative residence or compensation, which are key safeguards to ensure respect for their right
to adequate housing and to avoid forced evictions. In 1991, the Israeli military forced them from that
location, later claiming it was to enforce Israeli planning and building laws in the area.
The Palestinian villagers relocated again to where the village currently stands, and live in tents and
temporary shelters. Israeli authorities have issued demolition orders against all 170 structures in the
village, which include 32 residential tents and shacks, 26 animal shelters, 66 family utility structures, 20
cisterns, 20 latrine units, two clinics, a school and a kindergarten. Approximately half of these structures
have been funded by international donors and provided as humanitarian assistance.
Palestinian residents have repeatedly tried to obtain building permits, but Israeli authorities have refused
to issue them and instead, in 1999, 2001 and 2011, demolished many of the Palestinians’ new shelters.
In 2012, the Israeli Civil Administration issued demolition orders for over 50 structures in Khirbet Susiya.
The orders stated that they were renewals of demolition orders originally issued in the 1990s on grounds
of lack of building permits. The residents therefore live with the constant fear that their homes will be
They have been fighting a legal battle for years to prevent this from happening.
A petition by the
Palestinian residents against the demolition orders was filed at the Supreme Court of Israel in February
2014 and, as of the end of August 2021, was still pending.
The Supreme Court refused to issue an
interim injunction freezing demolitions until a ruling on the case, as it normally does in such cases.
Palestinians therefore live with the constant fear that their homes will be demolished.
They have been
fighting a legal battle for years to prevent this from happening.
In February 2018, the Supreme Court
decided that the state could immediately demolish seven other structures, which served 42 people –
about half of them children.
Israeli authorities continue to block water cisterns and wells serving the village, severely impacting the
Palestinian residents’ right to access safe, affordable water.
Israel has refused to connect the village
to the water and sewerage system and electricity networks. Residents are forced to pay for water to be
trucked in from a nearby Palestinian town. In 2015, the UN estimated that about a third of villagers’
income was spent paying for water.
This situation constitutes a breach of Israel’s obligation to provide
an affordable supply of water and puts at risk the realization of other human rights, such as the right to
an adequate standard of living and food.
By contrast, the nearby Susya settlement has been granted a generous local outline plan that allows
Israeli settlers to develop housing and infrastructure.
Susya settlement is also connected to the
electricity, water and sewerage networks, and has a municipal swimming pool. Meanwhile, its adjacent
outpost of Susya North West, which was established in 2001 without building permits and in violation of
821. OCHA, “Susiya: a community at imminent risk of forced displacement” (previously cited).
822. B’Tselem, Khirbet Susiya – a village under threat of demolition (previously cited).
823. OCHA, “Susiya: a community at imminent risk of forced displacement” (previously cited).
824. B’Tselem, Khirbet Susiya – a village under threat of demolition (previously cited).
825. B’Tselem, Khirbet Susiya – a village under threat of demolition (previously cited).
826. B’Tselem, Khirbet Susiya – a village under threat of demolition (previously cited).
827. B’Tselem, Khirbet Susiya – a village under threat of demolition (previously cited).
828. Amnesty International,
Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water
(previously cited).
829. OCHA, “Susiya: a community at imminent risk of forced displacement” (previously cited).
830. CESCR has stated that water, and water facilities and services, must be affordable for all: “The direct and indirect costs and charges
associated with securing water must be affordable, and must not compromise or threaten the realization of other Covenant rights.” CESCR,
General Comment 15 (previously cited), para. 12(c)(ii).
831. OCHA, “Susiya: a community at imminent risk of forced displacement” (previously cited).
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Israeli law, was connected by the authorities to the water, sewerage and electricity networks and has no
pending demolition orders against it.
The loss of land has forced the Palestinian village to cut back the size of its herds. Azam Nawaj’a said he
used to have 150 sheep, but now can only manage to look after 25. He also told Amnesty International
that settlers often come to destroy the village’s olive trees. He said that three years earlier they had cut
down 300 of his olive trees.
According to OCHA, Israeli settlers vandalized and damaged 800 olive
trees and saplings in Khirbet Susiya in 2014 alone.
Restrictions on access to land have also impacted access to water. Fatima Nawaj’a, a resident of Khirbet
Susiya, told Amnesty International:
We used to depend on the wells we build and rain-fed water, but they [settlers and Israeli
authorities] have kept either taking over our sources of water or destroying them, rendering them
unusable. Some of us were able to rebuild our destroyed wells, but they were smaller in size, and
so the only way to get water was through rainwater. When we run out of this form of water we have
to buy water. We buy five litres of water for NIS 35. Keep in mind that we are going through all of
this while the settlers living on our land have zero restraints on access to water, or anything else for
that matter: electricity, healthcare, education and work opportunities.
The most recent demolition in Khirbet Susiya took place on 20 April 2021 when Israeli authorities
demolished a tent in which a family lived.
Israeli security forces pull away a Palestinian man who was protesting the demolition of a number of Palestinian homes built without a permit
in his village of Umm Al-Khair in the occupied West Bank, on 9 August 2016 © Wisam Hashalamoun / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images
832. B’Tselem, Khirbet Susiya – a village under threat of demolition (previously cited).
833. Amnesty International, interview in person with Azam Nawaj’a, resident, 7 June 2018, Khirbet Susiya.
834. OCHA, “Susiya: a community at imminent risk of forced displacement” (previously cited).
835. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Fatima Nawaj’a, resident, 23 April 2021.
836. OCHA, Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 27 August 2021).
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Children inspect the wreckage after Israeli authorities demolished a nunber of Palestinian homes built without a permit in the village of
Umm Al-Khair in the occupied West Bank, on 9 August 2016 © Wisam Hashalamoun / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images
A Palestinian woman collects her belongings amidst the rubble of her home after it was demolished by Israeli authorities in the village of
Al-Maleh in the occupied West Bank, on 25 June 2012 © Jaafar Ashtiyeh / AFP / Getty Images
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Belongings from a Palestinian family house are scattered on the ground, after the house was demolished earlier that day by Israeli forces in
the village of Umm Al-Khair in the occupied West Bank, on 9 August 2016 © Active Stills
Israel’s fragmentation, segregation and land confiscation policies and practices described above have
left Palestinians marginalized, impoverished and subject to widespread and systematic socio-economic
disadvantage across all domains of control. Decades of discriminatory treatment and allocation of resources
by Israeli authorities for the benefit of Jewish Israeli citizens in Israel and Israeli settlers in the OPT have
compounded the inequalities on the ground. Overall, Palestinians across all domains of control are denied
the same opportunities to earn a living, engage in business and support themselves and their families as
Jewish Israelis. Instead, they experience discriminatory limitations on access to and use of farmland, water,
gas and oil, amongst other natural resources, as well as restrictions on the provision of health, education and
other essential services.
This section focuses on Israeli policies aimed at suppressing Palestinians’ human development, the
discriminatory allocation of natural and economic resources for the socio-economic development of
Jewish Israelis and the discriminatory provision of services to Palestinians across Israel and the OPT with a
particular focus on the rights to access to water, to healthcare and to education as emblematic examples.
Palestinians living in Israel and the OPT are unambiguously disadvantaged across all well-being indicators
for which measures are available. Their lack of enjoyment of a range of economic and social rights is a direct
result not only of their segregation from Jewish Israelis but also from each other through severe restrictions
on movement, and the subjugation of Palestinian human development to the socio-economic interests of
Jewish Israelis.
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Israel has designed policies to maintain Jewish domination over the Palestinian economy through the
exclusion of Palestinian communities inside Israel, and the creation of a regime of economic dependency in
the OPT in the context of a prolonged military occupation. This has prevented Palestinians from achieving
sustainable development in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
At the same time, Israel has sought to mask this reality. In its 2019 review of Israel, CERD criticized the lack
of comprehensive, updated statistics on the socio-economic status of the different population groups living
in Israel and in the territories under its jurisdiction or effective control. It recommended that it provide such
statistics disaggregated by, amongst other factors, ethnic or national origin and languages spoken.
further criticized Israel for not including information on the socio-economic status of the population living
in the OPT, noting that Israel bears obligations as set out in the ICERD and international law towards the
population of the OPT.
Israel’s long-standing discriminatory policies towards its Palestinian citizens have not only impeded
their socio-economic development but also resulted in a large gap between them and their Jewish
Israeli counterparts, in terms of standard of living, livelihood opportunities, education, welfare,
healthcare and cultural services.
These gaps have been created by successive Israeli governments
over more than seven decades through policies and practices which have aimed, on the one hand,
to restrict Palestinians’ access to the labour market in order to protect Jewish Israelis’ preferential
access to employment and, on the other, to make Palestinians dependent on economic opportunities
provided by the state and the Jewish sector by intentionally hampering the development of Palestinian
communities and their economy.
The resulting subordination of the Palestinian economy
“further reinforced the socio-economic inequality between the two population groups”
with some
researchers arguing that it was an integral part of Israeli state-building “aimed at controlling the
[Palestinian] minority”.
Historically, Israel adopted socio-economic policies towards its Palestinian citizens that are similar
to those it pursues towards Palestinians in the OPT today, such as using them, at different times,
as a source of cheap labour in order to preserve the interests of the Jewish majority. As explained
above, during the period of military rule in Israel (1948-1966), Palestinians inside the Green Line
were subjected to tight restrictions on movement primarily designed to expropriate land. Heavily
reliant on agriculture for their livelihoods until 1948 and without access to farmland, Palestinians
were forced to seek economic opportunities in the Jewish sector. Their access to work, however,
depended on obtaining work permits, a system established to protect Jewish citizens’ jobs at a time
of unemployment caused by rapid immigration and economic problems. Restrictions were gradually
837. In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Change including 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
These goals relate to, amongst others, ending poverty, ending hunger and achieving food security, ensuring healthy lives and promoting
well-being for all, ensuring availability and sustainable management of water for all, reducing inequality within and among countries,
making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and sustainable and ensuring quality education for all. For more information, see UN
Department of Economic and Social Affairs:
838. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, paras 7-8. See also, for example, para. 24
regarding the lack of comprehensive and disaggregated data in respect of employment.
839. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para. 9.
840. See, for example, Mossawa Center, “The 2019 State Budget and Government Resolution 922”, 2019,
file/12019%20State%20Budget%20and%20Government%20Resolution%20922.pdf See also, for example, Mossawa Center,
Paper from the Mossawa Center on the Israeli State Budget and The Government Decision for Economic Development in the Arab
Community for the Years 2016-2020,
841. Ahmad H. Sa’di, “Incorporation without integration: Palestinian citizens in Israel’s labour market”, August 1995, Sociology, Volume 29,
No. 3, pp. 429-451.
842. Noah Lewin-Epstein and Moshe Semyonov,
The Arab Minority in Israel’s Economy, Patterns of Ethnic Inequality,
2019, Routledge
843. Nimer Sultany, “The Making of an Underclass, the Palestinian citizens in Israel”,
Winter 2012,
Israel Studies Review, Volume 27, Issue
2, pp. 190-200.
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eased as Israel experienced huge economic growth prompting the need for an increased labour force
mainly in the construction sector.
Palestinian citizens of Israel were eventually incorporated into the labour market and, following
the 1967 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, replaced by Palestinians from the OPT to
perform the majority of the most insecure and lowest paid jobs. However, inequalities persisted
and became more entrenched as Israel created jobs for its Palestinian citizens in the sectors it was
keen to develop for the benefit of its Jewish population whilst simultaneously pursuing a strategy of
neglect and underdevelopment of Palestinian localities. Over the years, in addition to massive land
seizures, the following policies have had a particularly detrimental effect on Palestinian communities
in Israel: the exclusion of Palestinian localities from high priority areas for development; discriminatory
allocation of land and water for agriculture; discriminatory planning and zoning, and the delegation
of major infrastructure development projects to Israeli state institutions involved in the expropriation
of Palestinian land such as the WZO and the Jewish Agency for Israel, resulting in the prioritization
of infrastructure projects in Jewish localities, while failing to put in place a similar mechanism in
Palestinian communities (see sections 5.5.2 “Discriminatory allocation of resources” and 5.5.3
“Discriminatory provision of services” for more details).
As a result of these policies Palestinian communities in Israel are segregated from Jewish localities
and lack the infrastructure required for economic development, forcing their population to seek
employment in the Jewish sector, where they then face institutional discrimination when competing for
jobs, particularly those with higher status.
In noting that average measures alone do not give a complete picture of well-being conditions
and that assessing well-being outcomes at the country level requires taking into account differences
between people and population groups, the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) highlighted that Arab populations
living in Israel are clearly disadvantaged across all well-
being dimensions for which measures are available.
They experience higher rates of poverty,
and lower levels of labour force participation, educational attainment and health. These multiple
disadvantages are likely to be mutually reinforcing with, for example, low educational attainment
leading to unfavourable labour market outcomes.
One key indicator of this well-being gap is the poverty rate among Palestinian citizens of Israel, which is
amongst the highest in Israel. In 2020, 23% of Israeli citizens lived under the poverty line,
to 35.8% of Palestinian citizens of Israel.
844. Ahmad H. Sa’di, “Incorporation without integration: Palestinian citizens in Israel’s labour market”, August 1995, Sociology, Volume 29,
No. 3, pp. 429-451.
845. Ahmad H. Sa’di, “Incorporation without integration: Palestinian citizens in Israel’s labour market”, August 1995, Sociology, Volume 29,
No. 3, pp. 429-451.
846. Noah Lewin-Epstein and Moshe Semyonov,
The Arab Minority in Israel’s Economy, Patterns of Ethnic Inequality,
847. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) well-being dimensions include income and wealth, jobs
and earnings, housing conditions, health status, work and life balance, education and skills, social connections, civic engagement and
governance, environmental quality, personal security, and subjective well-being. These are very similar to Israeli well-being frameworks
that include material standard of living, employment and work-leisure balance, infrastructure and housing, health, leisure, community
and culture, education and skills, personal and social well-being, civic engagement and governance, environment, personal safety, and
Information technology. See, for example, OECD,
Measuring and Assessing Well-being in Israel,
January 2016,
848. The term Arab populations here reflects the classification provided in the OECD report, which sometimes refers to them as “Arab
Israelis”, which appears to reflect the category of Arab citizens of Israel defined by the Israeli MoFA, which provides that Arab citizens of
Israel is an inclusive term that that describes a number of different and primarily Arabic-speaking groups, including Muslim Arabs (this
classification includes Bedouins), Christian Arabs, Druze and Circassians. Palestinian citizens of Israel make up the vast majority of this
category. See section 5.2.1 “Palestinians in Israel”.
849. OECD,
Measuring and Assessing Well-being in Israel
(previously cited).
850. Jerusalem Post, “About two million Israelis live below the poverty line – report”, 22 January 2021,
851. See section 5.2.1 “Palestinians in Israel”.
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A 2018 socio-economic survey by the ICBS showed that the proportion of individuals who describe
themselves as poor is 3.5 times higher among Arab residents (27.6%) compared to Jewish residents
(7.6%). (The vast majority of those described as “Arabs” are Palestinians; see section 5.2.1
“Palestinians in Israel”.) The same survey found that the average monthly net income per household in
the Arab sector is NIS 12,700 (USD 4,097), compared to NIS 18,720 (USD 6,051) in the Jewish sector
in Israel.
The poverty rate among Arab households with young children is 63%, compared to 32.3%
in the whole population.
As described above, Bedouin residents of the unrecognized villages in the Negev/Naqab are amongst
the most marginalized populations in Israel (see section 5.4.4 “Discriminatory urban planning and
zoning regime”). They live in extreme poverty and have the lowest education levels and incomes,
alongside the highest infant mortality and unemployment rates, in the country.
In its 2019 review,
the CESCR expressed concern “about the high and growing incidence of poverty” in Israel, including
among Palestinian citizens of Israel, who include Bedouins. It also noted the high level of income
inequality, which is the highest of the 37 member states of the OECD.
That same year, CERD
expressed concern that non-Jewish minority groups, in particular Palestinian communities, continued
to face limitations in the enjoyment of their right to work and were concentrated in low-paying sectors.
It called on Israel to “[i]ntensify its efforts to increase the labour market participation of non-Jewish
minority groups, in particular Palestinians and Bedouins, especially women belonging to these
communities, including by providing education and training tailored to their experience and level of
job skills and by considering the establishment of special measures.”
This was also reflected in the
CESCR’s 2019 review when it expressed concern that certain groups such as “Bedouins” and “Arab
women” continued to be limited in the enjoyment of their right to work and were concentrated in low-
paid sectors.
More broadly, Palestinian citizens’ access to the labour market in Israel remains limited even though
educational attainment outcomes have improved for both Palestinian men and women in recent
The gap for Palestinian women is particularly significant as, although more have joined the
formal workforce over recent decades, their participation rate remained low at 34% in 2018, and
was only half of the equivalent employment rate of Jewish Israeli women (estimated at 68% in 2018).
Meanwhile, according to ICBS data, in 2018, some 65% of Palestinian men were formally employed,
but the majority (60%) worked in lower-status and lower-skill jobs compared to 27% of Jewish Israelis
performing such jobs.
The confinement of Palestinians to poorly resourced enclaves, institutional
discrimination and “outright prejudice against Palestinians” are amongst the key reasons behind these
socio-economic gaps between Palestinian and Jewish Israelis.
852. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, 20 years since October 2000:
structural health discrimination between Arabs and Jews,
2020,, p. 30.
853. ICBS, 2018
יתרבחה רקסה
[Social Survey 2018], (in Hebrew),
“Social Mobility”, Table 12, 20+, by financial concessions and feelings of poverty.
854. Inter Agency Task Force on Israeli Arabs Issues, The Issue: Negev Bedouin, (accessed on 25 August
2021); Kathleen Abu-Saad, “Indigenous Data Matter: Spotlight on Negev Bedouin Arabs”, 22 October 2016, Lancet, Volume 388, Issue
10055,, pp. 1983-1984.
855. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 42.
856. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, paras 38(b) and 39(b).
857. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, paras 24 and 25.
858. IZA Institute of Labor Economics,
How is the Covid-19 Crisis Exacerbating Socioeconomic Inequality among Palestinians in Israel?,
September 2020,
859. IZA Institute of Labor Economics,
How is the Covid-19 Crisis Exacerbating Socioeconomic Inequality among Palestinians in Israel?
(previously cited).
860. IZA Institute of Labor Economics,
How is the Covid-19 Crisis Exacerbating Socioeconomic Inequality among Palestinians in Israel?
(previously cited).
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Across the OPT, Israel’s discriminatory policies of territorial fragmentation and segregation pursued in
the context of a prolonged military occupation have had a hugely detrimental effect on the performance
of the Palestinian economy, leaving it disconnected, weak and subordinate to Israel’s geo-demographic
goals, and crucially, unable to achieve sustainable and equitable development for the Palestinian
population. Whilst the situation in the OPT has improved over recent decades with regards to some
social rights, including maternal health, literacy and vaccination rates, in general, living standards have
been stagnating or deteriorating with access to healthcare, employment, education and housing being
particularly affected.
Since 1999, Palestinian gross domestic product (GDP) in the OPT has effectively remained stagnant
clearly pointing to the “suppression of human potential” and economic growth resulting from Israel’s
oppression and domination of Palestinians.
In 2019, GDP growth in the West Bank was 1.15%,
down from 2.3% in 2018, the lowest rate since 2012.
The Palestinian economy suffers from
numerous restrictions by Israel on trade that impact on the production of exports and importable
goods. Almost all Palestinian imports and exports transit ports and crossing points controlled by Israel,
where delays and security measures increase costs by an average of USD 538 per shipment, resulting
in a significant and persistent trade deficit. In 2019, the trade deficit was 33.7% of GDP.
Israel’s restrictions on movement in the OPT are not limited to people, but also control the movement
of goods into and out of the territories. Israel imposed a “dual use” policy in 2007 that restricts the
entry of any goods it deems to potentially have military, as well as civilian, use, including chemicals
and technology. This policy only applies to Palestinian importers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip,
not to their Israeli counterparts or even to Israeli settlers in the OPT. It has been devastating for
Palestinians and their small economy in general, especially for the agriculture, information and
communications technology (ICT) and manufacturing sectors, and has had catastrophic effects in the
Gaza Strip in particular.
Since 2007, Israel has progressively expanded the list of products and goods liable under the “dual use”
policy so that it now comprises 117 items.
The “List of Dual-Use Goods requiring Approval for Entry
into the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria Area” was published for the first time in 2017 following a legal
battle, according to Israeli human rights organization Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement
It includes a general list of 56 items for the totality of the OPT, and an additional 61 items
specifically for Gaza, which goes well beyond standard international practice, according to the World
861. UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967, Report, 19 October 2016,
UN Doc. A/71/554.
862. UNCTAD, “Fifty years of occupation have driven the Palestinian economy into de-development and poverty”, 12 September 2017,
863. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people: Developments in the economy of the Occupied Palestinian
5 August 2020, UN Doc. TD/B/67/5, para. 2.
864. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), paras 2 and 11.
865. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019,
documents-reports/documentdetail/942481555340123420/economic-monitoring-report-to-the-ad-hoc-liaison-committee, pp. 14-33.
866. Gisha, “Controlled dual-use items – in English”, undated
867. Gisha, “The dual use list finally gets published but it’s the opposite of useful”, 20 April 2017,
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Relaxing the “dual use” list would lead to an additional, cumulative GDP growth of 6% to the West
Bank economy and about 11% in Gaza by 2025, according to a 2019 analysis by the World Bank.
The list is vague, including categories such as “communications equipment, communication support
equipment, or equipment with communication functions”. These categories can include items that
are found in everyday use, such as home appliances and medical equipment.
Further, authorization
of access to the items requires going through a permit process administered by the Israeli Civil
Administration, but final approval is granted by the Israel Security Agency.
Israel controls all aspects of exporting from the Gaza Strip, including the types of goods that can be
exported, where they can be exported to and when they can leave the territory. Between 2007 and
2014, Israel only allowed goods from Gaza to be exported abroad and not to Israel or the rest of the
Since late 2014, Israel has permitted a limited list of agricultural and manufactured goods to
be sold in the West Bank (such as textiles) and Israel (such as eggplants and tomatoes).
There is no
security rationale for Israel’s punitive restrictions on exports from Gaza,
which have resulted in dire
economic conditions and violated the human rights of the civilian population.
Between 1 January and 31 October 2020, on average 7,056 trucks per month entered Gaza compared
to 10,400 trucks per month in 2005, before Israel significantly restricted the transfer of goods into the
Gaza Strip.
In April 2019, the World Bank called on Israel to reform and ease the cumbersome “dual use” policy
to align with international standards outlined in various international legal instruments and developed
by relevant international organizations.
It stated that it had resulted in “severe fiscal shock” on the
Palestinian economy and living standards of Palestinians in the OPT.
The 1994 Paris Protocol entrenched the dependence of the Palestinian economy on Israel via a
customs union that leaves no space for independent Palestinian economic policies, tying the OPT to
the trade policies, tariff structure and value-added tax rate of Israel. Moreover, Israel collects trade
tax revenues on behalf of the Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and then transfers them to the
Palestinian authorities. This allows Israel to control two thirds of Palestinian tax revenue and entails
the leakage of Palestinian fiscal resources to the treasury of Israel, estimated at hundreds of millions
of US dollars per year. The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) partially estimates
the Palestinian fiscal leakage, from six main sources, to be equivalent to 3.7% of Palestinian GDP or
17.8% of total tax revenue. Between 2000 and 2017, the Palestinian fiscal leakage was estimated to
be USD 5.6 billion, or 39% of GDP in 2017.
868. Gisha, “Controlled dual-use items – in English” (previously cited); World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison
Committee 2019
(previously cited), Annex II.
869. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), para. 52.
870. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), para. 25.
871. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), para. 29(d).
872. Gisha, “Exit of goods from Gaza via Kerem Shalom Crossing”, 30 June 2021,
873. Gisha, “Exit of goods from Gaza via Kerem Shalom Crossing” (previously cited).
874. Gisha, “The dual use list finally gets published but it’s the opposite of useful” (previously cited).
875. Gisha, Entrance of goods to Gaza from Israel 01/2010-10/2020, October 2020, (accessed on 30 August 2021).
876. For a detailed discussion of the international standards regulating and controlling the use of “dual use” goods, see World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited).
877. World Bank, “World Bank Calls for Reform to the Dual Use Goods System to Revive a Stagnant Palestinian Economy”, 17 April
878. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 51.
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In addition, every year Palestinians from the OPT lose substantial financial resources in income tax
and social security payments made by Palestinians working in Israel, without benefiting from any
corresponding public expenditure on services that would serve their communities.
The blockade and Israel’s repeated military offensives have had a heavy toll on Gaza’s essential
infrastructure and further debilitated its health system and economy. Indeed, Israel’s collective
punishment in Gaza of the civilian population, the majority of whom are children, has created
conditions inimical to human life due to shortages of housing, potable water and electricity, and
lack of access to essential medicines and medical care, food, educational equipment and building
In its 2019 conclusions, CERD expressed concern that the long-standing blockade of
the Gaza Strip violates the right to freedom of movement and impedes the ability to access essential
services, especially healthcare.
According to UNCTAD, between 2007 and 2018, due to the Israeli blockade, the economy grew by
less than 5% and its share of the Palestinian economy decreased from 31% to 18%. As a result, GDP
per capita shrank by 27% and more than 1 million people were pushed below the poverty line, with the
rate of poverty increasing from 40% in 2007 to 56% in 2017.
The proportion of people surveyed in
Gaza who said they found it difficult or very difficult to live on their current income increased from 63%
in 2011 to 74% in 2016.
The World Bank concluded that, by 2018, Gaza had effectively been reduced to a safety-net state, with
over 75% of its households relying on some form of social assistance. It further stated that this reality,
combined with a nearly universal lack of access to reliable water and electricity services and restrictions
on access to medical services outside the region, was widely recognized as a humanitarian crisis.
This entrenched the dependence of more than 80% of the population on international assistance.
However, UNCTAD also noted that such assistance has been insufficient to prevent deep crises of
poverty, food insecurity, hygiene and health, as well as electricity shortages and a dearth of safe
drinking water.
By 2019, GDP growth was virtually at zero, with the territory failing to rebound from
two consecutive contractions: minus 7.7% in 2017 and minus 3.5% in 2018. Therefore, the real GDP
per capita declined by 2.8%.
The unemployment rate in Gaza was 45.1% in 2019.
According to UNCTAD, between 2007 and 2018 the estimated cumulative economic cost of Israel’s
occupation in Gaza amounted to USD 16.7 billion – six times the value of Gaza’s GDP in 2018.
poverty rate increased from 40% to 56% between 2007 and 2017.
879. UNCTAD,
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential,
2019, UN Doc. UNCTAD/GDS/APP/2019/1.
880. Amnesty International,
Suffocating: The Gaza Strip under Israeli Blockade
(Index: MDE 15/002/2010), 18 January 2010,
881. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para. 44.
882. Al Jazeera, “Over 1m Palestinians under poverty line in besieged Gaza: UN”, 25 November 2020,
fifty-six-percent-of-gazan-under-the-poverty-line-un; UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people
(previously cited),
paras 23 and 52.
883. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
27 September 2018,
westbankandgaza/publication/economic-monitoring-report-to-the-ad-hoc-liaison-committee-september-2018, para. 41.
884. World Bank, “West Bank and Gaza Poverty and Shared Prosperity Diagnostic 2011-2017”, 14 August 2018, openknowledge.
pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y, p. 7.
885. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 21.
886. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 2.
887. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 26.
888. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited).
889. UNCTAD,
Economic costs of the Israeli occupation for the Palestinian people: The Gaza Strip under closure and restrictions,
13 August
2020, UN Doc. A/75/310.
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The blockade has also had a detrimental impact on food security in the Gaza Strip. Much of the
available food is provided by the UN and other aid agencies or smuggled in through tunnels running
under the Egypt-Gaza border and then sold on at exorbitantly high prices to Gaza’s beleaguered
Israeli authorities have severely restricted the entry of goods into Gaza and have been
using “mathematical formulas” to determine the entry of food “essential for the survival of the civilian
In 2018, OCHA reported a 68% prevalence of food insecurity in Gaza,
even though most households
in Gaza reported that they received some form of food assistance or social transfers from Palestinian
governmental bodies or international organizations.
According to UNRWA, before the blockade
began in June 2007, 80,000 Palestinian refugees in Gaza received urgent food aid. In 2019, that figure
was over 1 million.
Further, a 2019 nutrition needs assessment in Gaza found that 18% of pregnant
women and 14% of lactating mothers were malnourished and only 14% of children under five years of
age had a minimum acceptable diet.
The collapse of Gaza’s economy caused by the blockade has been exacerbated by four Israeli
military offensives in the past 13 years, which have caused huge destruction to civilian property
and infrastructure in addition to killing at least 2,700 Palestinian civilians as well as injuring and
displacing tens of thousands of others. During this period Palestinian armed groups fired thousands of
indiscriminate rockets towards cities and towns in Israel killing or injuring dozens of civilians. In 2019,
UNCTAD estimated the cost of the three Israeli military operations in Gaza between 2008 and 2014 to
be at least three times the GDP of Gaza.
Between 2000 and 2005, at least 2,500 homes were destroyed along the “buffer zone” outside the
context of military offensives.
Israel’s four major military operations in Gaza between 2008 and
2021, carried out within the context of the illegal blockade devastated civilian housing and essential
infrastructure, including electricity, water and sewerage and sanitation plants.
890. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Suffocating Gaza - the Israeli blockade’s effects on Palestinians”, 1 June 2010,
891. Gisha,
Separating Land, Separating People
(previously cited), p. 2; Haaretz, “Israel Bans Books, Music and Clothes From Entering
Gaza”, 17 May 2009,
892. OCHA, “2018: More casualties and food insecurity, less funding for humanitarian aid”, 27 December 2018,
893. OCHA,
Food insecurity in the oPt: 1.3 million Palestinians in the Gaza strip are food insecure,
14 December 2019,
894. UNRWA, “More Than One Million People in Gaza – Half of the Population of the Territory – May Not Have Enough Food by June”, 13
May 2019,
895. UNICEF, WFP and Save the Children,
Gaza Strip Nutrition Multi-sectoral Assessment,
27 May 2019,
896. UNCTAD,
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential
(previously cited), p. 12.
897. HRW,
Razing Rafah,
17 October 2004,; Amnesty
Under the rubble: House demolition and destruction of land and property
(Index: MDE 15/033/2004),
documents/MDE15/033/2004/en, p. 18.
898. B’Tselem,
Human Rights Violations during Operation Pillar of Defense,
May 2013,
operation_eng.pdf; B’Tselem, Fatalities during Operation Cast Lead,
(accessed on 12 August 2021); B’Tselem, 50 Days: More than 500 Children: Facts and figures on fatalities in Gaza, Summer 2014, (accessed on 12 August 2021).
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Approximately 60,000 homes and other properties were damaged or destroyed during these military
Only a small proportion of properties destroyed in the conflicts between 2008 and 2014 were
reconstructed before the 2021 military offensive. For example, Israeli air strikes destroyed or damaged
around 17,800 homes in the 2014 assault on Gaza and, by 2019, around a fifth of the homes destroyed
were still either destroyed or heavily damaged, leaving more than 100,000 Palestinians homeless in the
largest displacement in the OPT since 1967.
In 2019, UNCTAD estimated the cost of the three Israeli
military operations in Gaza between 2008 and 2014 to be at least three times the GDP of Gaza.
Prior to the 2014 Israeli attacks there was a shortage of at least 75,000 housing units in Gaza, largely as
a result of building stoppages caused by restricted imports. Even when materials are allowed into Gaza,
increased shipping, storage and compensation costs raise prices and make construction unaffordable
for many. Additionally, blocked access to Gaza of staff and contractors delays or stops building and
infrastructure projects.
Between 2006 and 2017, there were 297 incidents in which Israeli forces targeted water, energy and
agriculture infrastructure in Gaza, usually during military offensives.
During the 10-21 May 2021
offensive, Israeli army attacks wrought massive destruction on Gaza’s infrastructure yet again, which the
ICRC said will take years to rebuild.
Israel’s military offensives against the Gaza Strip have also undermined Gazans’ access to education.
For example, of the seven schools destroyed during Israel’s 2014 offensive, only one had been rebuilt
by August 2016.
While damaged schools have been repaired, even prior to 2014 there was a shortage
of over 200 schools in Gaza. This has resulted in severe overcrowding in most of Gaza’s schools,
many of which function on a double shift basis – hosting one school in the morning and another in the
The impact of the May 2021 offensive resulted in 331 damaged educational facilities.
Since 2007, Israel has in general refused to allow into Gaza much of the construction materials needed
to rebuild civilian infrastructure such as cement and wooden planks under the Israeli military’s “dual
899. About 18,000 residential units were either completely destroyed or heavily damaged during Operation “Protective Edge”. See Amnesty
Families Under the Rubble: Israeli Attacks on Inhabited Homes
(Index: MDE 15/032/2014), 5 November 2014,
en/documents/MDE15/032/2014/en, p. 5. More than 2,174 housing units and 207 factories and businesses were damaged or destroyed
during Operation “Pillar of Defense”. See Al Mezan,
Statistical Report on: Persons Killed and Property Damaged in the Gaza Strip by the
Israeli Occupation Forces during “Operation Pillar of Cloud”,
2013,, Tables 17, 20, 21. More than
3,000 homes and hundreds of other properties were destroyed and more than 20,000 were damaged during Operation “Cast Lead”. See
Amnesty International,
Israel/Gaza: Operation ‘Cast Lead’: 22 days of death and destruction
(Index: MDE 15/015/2009), 2 July 2009,, p. 54. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Public Works and Housing, from the
start of the escalation until 12pm on 21 May 2021, 1,042 housing and commercial units were destroyed; another 769 units were severely
damaged and rendered uninhabitable; and a further 14,536 units suffered minor damage. The Education Cluster (of UN and Palestinian
institutions) reported that 53 education facilities had been damaged since the start of the escalation. According to the Health Cluster (of
UN and Palestinian institutions), as of 21 May 2021, six hospitals and 11 primary healthcare centres had been damaged, with one centre
suffering severe damage. One hospital was not functioning due to lack of electricity. See OCHA, “Escalation in the Gaza Strip, the West
Bank and Israel (covering 12:00 20 May – 12:00 21 May)”, 21 May 2021,
900. B’Tselem,
4.5 years after Israel destroyed thousands of homes in Operation Protective Edge: 13,000 Gazans still homeless,
3 March
901. UNCTAD,
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential
(previously cited), p. 12.
902. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
19 September 2016,
903. Erika Weinthal and Jeannie Sowers, “Targeting infrastructure and livelihoods in the West Bank and Gaza”, International Affairs, March
2019, Volume 95, Issue 2, pp. 334-340.
904. ICRC, “The International Committee of the Red Cross welcomes this ceasefire after 11 intense days of torment, death and destruction
for civilians in Gaza and in Israel”, 21 May 2021,
905. HRW, “Gaza’s Education in Rubble”, 12 September 2014,
906. HRW, “Gaza’s Education in Rubble” (previously cited).
907. UNICEF, “Education case study: State of Palestine”, 19 November 2021,
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use” policy (see box above).
It allowed such materials to enter Gaza for the first in 2014, following
its military offensive, under the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM), which was set up that year.
The GRM enables the Ramallah-based Palestinian authorities and the government of Israel to approve
projects, beneficiaries and vendors of materials for reconstruction, while the UN monitors that the
materials have gone to the intended beneficiaries. In 2019, some 80% of cement needed for housing
reconstruction was imported through the GRM.
In August 2020, Israel imposed a three-week punitive ban on the entry of construction materials and
fuel for Gaza’s power plant, which reduced Gaza’s power supply and impaired the health, water and
sanitation systems.
After the ceasefire that ended the May 2021 conflict, the international community pledged to rebuild
Gaza. The US government promised a serious effort to be coordinated with the Palestinian authorities
in Ramallah that should not benefit the Hamas de facto administration in Gaza. Despite this, the Israeli
authorities have maintained a strict closure of the crossings into and out of Gaza, severely restricting the
movement of people and goods.
The UN had launched reconstruction efforts by October 2021.
A Palestinian man assesses the damage to his home after it was hit by an Israeli air strike in the city of Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza
Strip, on 14 May 2021 © Mahmud Hams / AFP via Getty Images
908. State of Israel, MoFA, “Gaza: List of Controlled Entry Items”, 4 July 2010,
lists_controlled_entry_items_4-jul-2010.aspx See also Gisha,
Information sheet: Dark-gray lists,
31 January 2016,
909. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), p. 17.
910. Gisha, “Gaza authorities extend lockdown by 72 hours; Kerem Shalom is operating but Israel continues to block entry of fuel for Gaza’s
power plant”, 27 August 2020,; Gisha, “Israel reverses punitive restrictions imposed in recent weeks, including
its ban on entry of fuel into Gaza but leaves the regular ‘closure’ in place”, 1 September 2020,
911. Gisha, “Israel’s restrictions at Gaza crossings are impairing civilian infrastructure, crushing the economy, and violating human rights”,
12 July 2021,
912. UN News, “Build consensus or ‘face increasingly desperate reality’, warns Middle East envoy”, 19 October 2021,
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The Gaza Strip's only power
plant’s fuel depot is seen
engulfed in flames after it was hit
by an Israeli air strike on 29 July
2014 © Ali Jadallah / Anadolu
Agency / Getty Images
Palestinian girls play next to a
sewage pipe amid the rubble
of damaged houses following
a ceasefire between Israel and
Hamas, in the city of Beit Hanun
in the northern Gaza Strip on 24
May 2021 © Mahmud Hams /
AFP via Getty Images
Dozens of Palestinian children
and family members attend a
candlelit vigil on the rubble of
homes destroyed by an Israeli
military strike to commemorate
children and other civilians
killed during the 11-day conflict
between Israel and Palestinian
armed groups, in Gaza City in
the Gaza Strip, on 25 May 2021
© Marcus Yam / Los Angeles
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According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Israeli-imposed movement restrictions cost
Palestinians in the West Bank 60 million lost work hours per year (equivalent to USD 274 million)
and about 80 million litres of fuel.
The World Bank estimates that easing road obstacles alone,
one element of the restrictions, just enough to improve market access by 10%, would increase local
output in the West Bank by 0.6% and, therefore, GDP per capita in the West Bank would be 4.1% to
6.1% higher than its current level.
In 2019, this was equivalent to a total loss of between USD 589
million and USD 876 million. A 2019 study by the Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem concluded
that closures substantially reduce the probability of being employed, hourly wages and the number of
days worked, while at the same time increasing the number of working hours per day. The study also
concluded that checkpoints alone cost the West Bank economy at least 6% of GDP and that placing
a checkpoint one minute away from a locality reduces the probability of being employed by 0.41%,
the hourly wage by 6.3% and the working day by 2.6%.
At the same time, in 2017, the World
Bank estimated that the removal of all Israeli restrictions on Area C alone could bring about additional
cumulative growth of 33% for the West Bank economy by 2025.
According to the World Bank, the Palestinian agriculture sector’s productivity has declined because of
Israeli restrictions on accessing water and agricultural land in Area C, and the “dual use” policy that
includes key agricultural production items.
For instance, the restrictions on imported fertilizers have
created a range of problems for the Palestinian agricultural sector, such as low productivity and soil
degradation. In 2015, UNCTAD estimated that agricultural productivity in the OPT had declined by
20-30% since the enforcement of importation restrictions on fertilizers.
While the ICT sector is one
of the fastest growing sectors in the OPT, according to the Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency,
the Palestinian ICT sector continues to be forcibly integrated into the Israeli system and also faces
severe limitations as a result of this dependency and other Israeli restrictions on the sector, including
the “dual use” restrictions on the transfer of ICT equipment.
According to the World Bank, the sector
has only grown from 0.1% of GDP in 1994 to 4% in 2019.
The World Bank also reported that the
capacity of the manufacturing sector in the OPT had stagnated as a result of the multi-layered system
of Israeli restrictions, including the “dual use” policy, resulting in the decline of the share of the sector
in the Palestinian economy.
While the manufacturing sector contributed 19% of the Palestinian GDP
in 1994, this had dropped to around 10% by 2019, according to the World Bank.
The situation of the OPT as a reservoir of cheap labour for Israel and Israeli settlements constrains
the further development of the Palestinian economy. For example, the furniture sector has been
913. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 19.
914. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 19.
915. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 20.
916. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
18 September 2017,
publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/515891504884716866/economic-monitoring-report-to-the-ad-hoc-liaison-committee, p. 19.
917. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), p. 22.
918. UNCTAD,
The Besieged Palestinian Agricultural Sector,
2015, UN Doc. UNCTAD/GDS/APP/2015/1, p. 22.
919. Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency, ICT, (accessed on 29 August 2021).
920. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), p. 23; World Bank,
Telecommunication Sector in the Palestinian Territories: A Missed Opportunity for Economic Development,
2 January 2016, documents1.; and Who
Signal Strength: Occupied the Telecommunications Sector and the Israeli Occupation,
July 2018,
uploads/2018/09/signal-strength-occupied-the-telecommunications-sector-and-the-israeli-occupation-1-1.pdf, p. 2.
921. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), para. 47.
922. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), p. 18.
923. World Bank,
Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee,
3 April 2019 (previously cited), p. 19.
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significantly inhibited by the continuous flow of skilled workers to competitors in Israel that can afford
to pay higher wages.
According to UNCTAD, in 2019 nearly 10% of the workforce, comprising
133,000 Palestinians, in the West Bank were employed in Israel and settlements.
While a study cited
by UNCTAD found that Palestinians working in Israel and settlements increased factor income (income
derived from factors of production such as land, capital and labour) received from Israel, it said that
this “also decreases labour supply to the domestic market, dampens incentives to invest in human
capital and negatively affects GDP growth.”
Systematic restrictions on the freedom of movement of Palestinians in East Jerusalem, including the
fence/wall and the presence of Israeli settlements that segregate and isolate East Jerusalem from the
rest of the West Bank (and Gaza Strip) are also a key obstacle to East Jerusalemites’ ability to access
livelihood opportunities, and drastically hinder their political, economic, cultural and social lives.
On the one hand, the economy of East Jerusalem remains dependent on the West Bank for services
and for the production and trading of goods, but, on the other, it is also dependent on Israeli regulatory
systems, and subordinated to its demographic imperatives and settlement strategies. As a result, it is
not integrated in either system, and finds itself in a “developmental limbo”.
By physically separating
East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank, since the second
the Israeli authorities have
considerably reduced the city’s role “as the mercantile and trading centre for the West Bank”.
According to UNCTAD, between 1993 and 2013, the Palestinian economy in East Jerusalem had
shrunk by approximately 50%, while the fence/wall caused over USD 1 billion of direct losses to
Palestinians in East Jerusalem in the first 10 years since the start of its construction mainly through lost
trade and employment opportunities.
For East Jerusalem’s merchants and other businesses, Israel’s permit regime and restrictions on
movement have meant limited travel of worshippers for Friday prayers in Al-Aqsa mosque in the
Old City or for work and education and a resulting loss of clients. By 2009, 25% of East Jerusalem’s
businesses were forced to shut down due to the closure system. At the same time, job opportunities
in East Jerusalem have remained limited because of, among other things, Israel’s land grabs and
discriminatory planning and building procedures preventing any Palestinian-led activity in the
construction sector, in addition to a rapidly growing labour force.
At the same time, Israel’s discriminatory policies relating to land use, planning and housing and
residency rights, which are aimed at hampering the natural growth of the city’s Palestinian population,
have contributed to high poverty rates amongst Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Indeed, every year,
Palestinians in East Jerusalem lose between NIS 630 million (USD 203 million)
and NIS 1.4 billion
(USD 452 million) – approximately NIS 80,000 (USD 25,806) per family – because they cannot prove
924. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 28
925. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 27.
926. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 29; Johanes Agbahey
and others, “Access to Israeli labour markets: Effects on the West Bank economy”, 22 June 2016, Institute of Agricultural Development in
Transition Economies (IAMO), 2016 IAMO Forum,
927. UNCTAD,
The Palestinian economy in East Jerusalem: Enduring annexation, isolation and disintegration,
2013, UN Doc. UNCTAD/
928. UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967, Report, 19 October 2016,
UN Doc. A/71/554.
929. UNCTAD,
The Palestinian economy in East Jerusalem: Enduring annexation, isolation and disintegration
(previously cited).
930. UNCTAD,
The Palestinian economy in East Jerusalem: Enduring annexation, isolation and disintegration
(previously cited).
931. The exchange rate used is NIS 3.10 to USD 1, valid as of 10 December 2021.
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ownership rights and therefore cannot secure a mortgage.
The poverty has been exacerbated even
further by a disabling economic environment, restricted investments, and decades of neglect by the
municipal authorities in providing essential services (see section 5.5.3 “Discriminatory provision of
services”). Today, some 72% of Palestinian families live below the poverty line, compared to 26% of
Jewish Israeli families in the city, pointing to the systematic exclusion of Palestinians from the Israeli
state despite East Jerusalem’s annexation. The picture is even bleaker when it comes to children. As of
2019, 81% of Palestinian children in Jerusalem (most of them residing in East Jerusalem) lived below
the poverty line, compared to 38% of Jewish children in Jerusalem.
Employment statistics reflect similar patterns of inequality to those of Palestinian citizens of Israel,
with higher labour participation rates among Jerusalem’s Jewish residents (77% in 2019) than
among its Palestinian population (50%).
While more Palestinian men from East Jerusalem were in
active employment in 2019 than Jewish men residing in the city (72% versus 78 %) this is mainly
due to low levels of employment amongst Jewish ultra-orthodox men, many of whom opt to study
in yeshivas instead of working. In addition, the majority of Palestinian men from East Jerusalem
tend to work in low paid, lower skill jobs in the construction, transportation and storage services,
accommodation and food services sectors and trade. By contrast, the vast majority of Jewish men
work in higher skill jobs in education, local and public administration, professional and scientific
services, trade and human health and social services.
This inequality is even greater when it comes
to Palestinian women, of whom only 23% were formally employed in 2019 compared to 81% of Jewish
women living in Jerusalem. According to the Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research, the low level of
workforce participation among Palestinian women is primarily due to lower levels of education, the
non-recognition of Palestinian academic degrees by Israeli employers in the city, limited Hebrew and
English language skills and lack of childcare support in East Jerusalem.
Israel’s occupation and fragmentation of the OPT has detrimentally impacted the enjoyment by
Palestinians of their right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health,
the underlying determinants necessary for the enjoyment of good health and well-being.
In this
respect, the World Health Organization (WHO) has highlighted the following:
The underlying conditions of life needed for enjoyment of good health and wellbeing by
Palestinians are… detrimentally affected by the situation of ongoing military occupation of the
West Bank and Gaza Strip… In addition to death and injury, exposure to violence has longer-
term implications for physical and mental health, with Palestinian adolescents having one of the
highest burdens of mental disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
932. International Crisis Group,
Reversing Israel’s deepening annexation of occupied East Jerusalem,
12 June 2019,
933. ACRI, 2019
םינותנו תודבוע
[East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019], May 2019,
3cb7a245f88d448ef43f4890fb.pdf (in Hebrew), p. 2; and Al-Haq and others,
Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israel’s Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports,
10 November 2019,
934. Michal Korach and Maya Choshen,
Jerusalem Facts and Trends 2021,
2021, Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research,
935. Michal Korach and Maya Choshen,
Jerusalem Facts and Trends 2021
(previously cited).
936. Michal Korach and Maya Choshen,
Jerusalem Facts and Trends 2021
(previously cited).
937. ICESCR, Article 12(1).
938. CESCR, General Comment 14: The Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health (Art. 12), 11 August 2000, UN Doc.
E/C.12/2000/4, para. 12(a), para. 9.
939. World Health Organization (WHO),
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory:
2018, 2019, available at
occupied-palestinian-territory/who-right-health-occupied-palestinian-territory-2018, p. 9.
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Data collected in 2013 indicated that about 54% of Gaza’s children had post-traumatic stress disorder
as a result of Israeli military attacks and the blockade.
A 2017 study indicated that the OPT had the
largest burden of mental disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
The lack of adequate healthcare services for Palestinians, primarily resulting from Israel’s prolonged
occupation, has resulted in lower life expectancy and higher infant and maternal mortality rates
in comparison to Israeli settlers residing in the West Bank. In 2019, life expectancy at birth for
Palestinians in the OPT was 74 years;
infant mortality was 17 per 1,000 live births;
and maternal
mortality was reported to be 27 deaths per 100,000 live births.
By comparison, in the same year
Israeli settlers had a life expectancy of nearly 83 years;
an infant mortality rate of 3 deaths per 1,000
live births;
and a maternal mortality rate of three deaths per 100,000 live births.
Policies guiding the allocation of resources in Israel, other than those relating to land, as evidenced in the
patterns of discriminatory distribution of public resources to localities, have also heavily favoured Jewish
Israelis. Meanwhile, these policies deny Palestinian citizens of Israel equal access to resources necessary for
the enjoyment of their social and economic rights.
The situation is even more acute in the OPT, where Israeli authorities have systematically and unlawfully
appropriated Palestinians’ natural resources for the economic benefit of their own citizens in Israel and in the
settlements, in violation of international law.
Israel’s exploitation of Palestinian natural resources of fertile
agricultural land, water, oil, gas, stone and Dead Sea minerals deprives Palestinians of equal access to, or
the opportunity to administer, develop and benefit from their own resources. This severely impinges on their
access to livelihoods and socio-economic rights, such as the rights to food and an adequate standard of
living. In addition, Israeli policies of exclusion, segregation and restrictions on movement prevent Palestinians
from accessing the resources that they are in theory able to exploit, and that are essential for their livelihood.
The income inequality between Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jewish Israelis is reflected in the lack of
equal expenditure on public services. According to the ICBS, there were 255 local authorities in Israel in
2018, of which there were 77 municipalities, 124 local councils and 54 regional councils.
About 90% of
Palestinian citizens of Israel live in 139 localities, of which 112 are under the jurisdiction of 77 Palestinian
local councils, 25 under regional Jewish authorities, and two are part of Jewish local councils.
remaining 10% live in “mixed cities” under the jurisdiction of their respective municipalities.
940. Basel El-Khodary and others, “Traumatic events and PTSD among Palestinian children and adolescents: The effect of demographic
and socioeconomic factors”, March 2020, Front Psychiatry, Volume 11, Issue 4,
941. Raghid Charara and others, “The burden of mental disorders in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1990–2013”, 17 January 2017,
PLOS One,; WHO, Director-General,
Health conditions in the occupied
Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan,
5 November 2020, UN A73/15.
942. State of Palestine, Ministry of Health, 2019
يونسلا يحصلا ريرقتلا ينطسلف
, June 2019,
Pe1AW6z2W6ZDvbJbuYGykdfV6B1lEulthrx5QMAyC_5WFKDTWWGKW3O7rk4vgIUzRlhJdSYyQXxFKscP6Uqz3UhrxoWLcHlT.pdf, p. 13.
943. UNICEF, State of Palestine, (accessed on 29 August 2021).
944. UNICEF, State of Palestine (previously cited).
945. Macrotrends, Israel Life Expectancy 1950-2021, (accessed on 29 August 2021).
946. UNICEF, Israel, (accessed on 29 August 2021).
947. UNICEF, Israel (previously cited).
948. Hague Regulations, Article 55.
949. ICBS, “Population in localities, by population group, end of 2019”, undated,
950. Badil,
Forced Population Transfer: the case of Palestine,
December 2014,
research/working-papers/wp17-zoninig-plannig-en.pdf, p. 16.
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Historically, the exclusion of Palestinian localities from national development projects and the lack of
authorized zoning plans have been the major obstacles to economic development for Palestinians in Israel.
Without such zoning plans, Palestinian communities have been unable to designate land for housing
and industrial use or establish the infrastructure needed for economic development.
Today, only 2% of
industrial zones in Israel, which generate a significant tax income, are located within Palestinian localities,
which are poorly connected to other parts of Israel by public transportation or main roads.
Local authorities in Israel provide “local services, such as water supply, sewage systems, garbage disposal,
road paving and maintenance, installation and maintenance of public gardens and parks, social services,
and establishment of institutions for sports, education, culture and health”. Central government remains
responsible for “education, health, welfare and religious services”.
The income of the local authorities
comes from the local taxes paid by its residents and budget transferred from the central government.
Local authorities with limited resources rely on government subsidies to ensure they can continue to provide
services. A 2014 report by the rights groups Sikkuy and Injaz found that, while local taxes make up 66% of
the revenue for localities across Israel, they constitute only 31% of the budget for Palestinian localities.
Palestinian local authorities collect less tax revenue, largely because of the disparity in income from non-
residential or business taxes – the consequence of discriminatory Israeli policies described throughout this
report. Palestinian localities also receive lower subsidies from the central government intended for specific
expenditures, such as education, welfare, health and cultural services. The subsidies received fail to meet
the reasonable and essential needs of the Palestinian localities,
and are lower than those received by
Jewish localities in Israel and even lower than those received by Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.
According to the 2018 ICBS survey, monthly public expenditure on education and culture in the Jewish
sector (NIS 3,612 per capita) is nearly three times more than in the Arab sector (NIS 1,250 per capita).
The monthly expenditure on housing in the Jewish sector (NIS 4,234 per capita) is nearly 1.5 times higher
than in the Arab sector (NIS 2,937 per capita).
The discrimination in the agriculture sector is also striking:
in 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development allocated only 1% of its budget to the Arab
sector while transferring grants to Jewish farmers, according to the Mossawa Center.
Current policies
compound decades of discrimination in the sector, widening the socio-economic gap between Palestinian
and Jewish citizens. In 1981 for example, 81.15% of farmland was located on state land owned by both the
Israeli state and the JNF/KKL. Of this, only 0.17% was allocated to Palestinian farmers. Similarly, the Israeli
authorities have discriminated against Palestinians when allocating water for farming and irrigation.
In a
more recent example, in April 2020 the Israeli government allocated an economic recovery budget of NIS
2.8 billion to local authorities amid the Covid-19 pandemic, of which only NIS 47 million or roughly 1.7% of
the budget was transferred to Palestinian local authorities in Israel, despite Palestinians making up 19% of
951. Noah Lewin-Epstein and Moshe Semyonov,
The Arab Minority in Israel’s Economy: Patterns of Ethnic Inequality,
952. HRW,
A Threshold Crossed
(previously cited), p. 156.
953. Knesset, Local Government in Israel, (accessed on 27 August 2021).
954. Knesset, Local Government in Israel (previously cited).
955. Sikkuy and Injaz – Center for Professional Arab Local Governance, “From Deficits and Dependence to Balanced Budgets and
Independence: The Arab Local Authorities’ Revenue Sources”, April 2014,
pdf, p. 4; HRW,
A Threshold Crossed
(previously cited), p. 156.
956. Mossawa Center, “The 2019 State Budget and Government Resolution 922” (previously cited).
957. Adva Center,
Central Government Subsidies of Municipal Budgets, 1997-2017,
18 August 2018,
958. ICBS, 2018
תיבה קשמ תואצוה רקס ךותמ םינותנ שש ליגל תחתמ רתוי וא םידלי ינש םע תיב יקשמ
[Households with two or more children under six years
old, figures from Household Expenses Survey 2018], 9 July 2020, (in
959. Mossawa Center, “The 2019 State Budget and Government Resolution 922” (previously cited).
960. Ahmad H. Sa’di, “Incorporation without integration: Palestinian citizens in Israel’s labour market”, August 1995, Sociology, Volume 29,
No. 3, pp. 429-451.
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the population and being one of the largest groups living in poverty.
Palestinian local authorities protested
this discriminatory allocation, arguing that a funding total of NIS 70 million per month was needed to enable
Palestinian local councils to deal with the effects of the pandemic.
In 2015, Israel decided to allocate about NIS 12.3 billion (USD 3.97 billion) over five years for Arab
local authorities in Israel, known as the Economic Development Plan for the Arab Sector 2016-2020 or
Government Resolution 922. This was focused on closing the gaps in planning and housing, employment,
transportation and education in Arab society.
The Mossawa Center commented that, while the resolution
was a step in the right direction, it scarcely began to narrow or even address the gaps between the Arab
community and the Jewish majority in Israel accumulated over years of unequal resource allocation.
Indeed, in the early 1960s, Israel allocated merely 0.2% of its national budget for development in Arab
localities, rising to 1.3% in the 1970s despite the fact that Arabs constituted well over 10% of Israel’s total
population at the time. This underfunding has continued since then pointing to a long-standing pattern of
institutional discrimination.
The Mossawa Center further noted that it was difficult to discern the degree
to which the Israeli government fulfilled its commitments in the resolution and that the government only
transferred a fraction of the promised budget between 2016 and 2018.
On 4 and 5 November 2021 the Knesset approved the state budget proposed by the coalition government.
These votes marked the first state budget approved since March 2018 and provided for investment in public
utilities and infrastructures, for welfare, economic and trade reform, and for planning in all state sectors.
The budget amounted to NIS 609 billion (USD 196 billion) for 2021 and NIS 573 billion (USD 185 billion)
for 2022. The budget included NIS 26.5 billion (USD 8.5 billion) for a five-year plan until 2026 aimed at
the socio-economic development of Arab communities. It also included NIS 2.5 billion shekels (USD 806
million) for a national plan to combat crime and violence in those communities, including for the hiring
of 1,100 police officers to patrol streets. The plan also promises the creation of a new Bedouin city in the
Negev/Naqab and the recognition of three Bedouin villages.
The next step for the approved budget will be
the breakdown of expenditure in specific areas, with decisions expected from individual ministries in early
2022. For instance, the 2021-22 education budget does not specify how much of the budget for building
new classrooms and repair of school buildings will go to schools in Palestinian and other Arab localities in
Israel where the medium of instruction is Arabic.
The planned investment is significant and welcome, but
the outcome will only be clear once there is implementation of a plan to reverse decades of discrimination,
rather than to plan development from unequal starting points.
Palestinians in the West Bank have traditionally relied on agriculture to earn a living. Prior to 1967, the
agriculture sector employed about a quarter of the labour force and contributed about a third of its GDP
961. New Arab, “Arab councils in Israel go on strike to protest coronavirus funding discrimination”, 5 May 2020,
962. New Arab, “Arab councils in Israel go on strike to protest coronavirus funding discrimination” (previously cited).
963. Arab Center for Alternative Planning,
Follow up on Government Resolution 922,
964. Mossawa Center, “The 2019 State Budget and Government Resolution 922” (previously cited).
965. Noah Lewin-Epstein and Moshe Semyonov,
The Arab Minority in Israel’s Economy: Patterns of Ethnic Inequality,
966. Al-Monitor, “Arab Israeli party celebrates budget passage”, 8 November 2021,
967. State of Israel, Government, 24-ה
תסנכל תשגומ ביצקתה ירקיע
םיפסכה תונשל העצה הנידמה ביצקת
[State budget proposal for the
financial years 2021-2022: Budget highlights submitted to the 24th Knesset], August 2021,
main-2021-2022/he/state-budget_2021-2022_state-budget-main-2021-2022-file.pdf (in Hebrew).
968. State of Israel, Government,
ךוניחה דרשמ
תסנכל םישגומ רבסה ירבדו
םיפסכה תונשל ביצקת תעצה
[Budget proposal for the financial
years 2021-2022 and explanatory notes submitted to the 24th Knesset by the Ministry of Education], August 2021,
documents/budget/Budget11-Education.pdf (in Hebrew); Mossawa Center,ברה
םינשל הנידמה ביצקתמ םיברעה םיחרזאה לש םיכרצה
ילכלכ חותיפו םירעפ תריגסל תיתנש
[The needs of Arab citizens in the state budget for the years 2022-2021 and in the multi-year plan
for closing gaps and economic development 2022-2026], November 2021, (in Hebrew).
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
and exports.
Following the occupation, Israel’s various policies – including building settlements and
the fence/wall, and severe restrictions on Palestinians’ movement and ability to access their land – have
deprived Palestinians and their economy of 63% of the most fertile and best grazing land in the West Bank,
located in Area C.
Today, every aspect of the Palestinian economy is affected by Israeli policies. For
example, Palestinian producers must bear costs of exporting and importing that are twice as high as those
of their Israeli counterparts, while procedures for importing require four times the amount of time Israeli
importers spend on similar activities, due to the different trading costs and duration requirements imposed
by Israeli authorities.
The olive harvest is an important aspect of Palestinian agriculture and economy and is considered a
cultural and social event. Between 80,000 and 100,000 families rely on the harvest for their income,
including unskilled labourers and more than 15% of working women.
UNCTAD has highlighted that
Palestinian agricultural livelihood is undermined by the uprooting of and damage to olive trees to facilitate
settlement expansion. In 2018 alone, Israel uprooted 7,122 olive trees, bringing the total to over 1 million
trees destroyed since 2000.
In 2019, the rate of such incidents rose by 16% compared to the previous
year and by more than 100% compared to 2017.
During the 2019 olive season (September-November),
60 incidents were recorded in connection with the uprooting of over 2,700 trees and the destruction of
approximately 160 tonnes of produce.
The fence/wall has worsened the situation by isolating more than 10% of the area of the West Bank, directly
affecting 219 Palestinian localities, where 2,700 homes and structures were isolated and a further 5,300
homes and structures were damaged as a result of its construction. Some 80% of Palestinian farmers who
have land that is between the fence/wall and the Green Line (known as the “seam zone”) have lost access to
such land.
For those who still have some access, the restrictions impede essential year-round agricultural
activities impacting both olive productivity and value. A sample of 16 trees on each side of the separation
barrier indicated that trees in the “seam zone” were half as productive as trees on the other side of the
In total, the fence/wall undermined the livelihood of 35,000 households.
Palestinians wishing to access their farmland in the “seam zone” are required to obtain military permits,
which they must renew repeatedly.
Those who manage to obtain permits face further obstacles to access
and effectively farm their land. Access is only permitted on foot and through the specific agricultural gates
that appear on the permits. Israeli soldiers guard the gates, which open two or three times a day. If farmers
require a tractor or specific agricultural tools, they must apply for special and additional permits.
In 2019, Israel’s military designated 74 gates and five checkpoints to allow access to agricultural land, of
which only 11 gates opened daily, 10 opened intermittently and most of the remaining 53 only opened
during the olive season, according to OCHA.
Meanwhile, that year the Israeli military rejected 4,659 of
969. UNCTAD,
The Besieged Palestinian Agricultural Sector
(previously cited), pp. 9 and 11.
970. UNCTAD,
The Besieged Palestinian Agricultural Sector
(previously cited), p. 16.
971. UNCTAD,
The Besieged Palestinian Agricultural Sector
(previously cited), p. 14.
972. Palestine Trade Center (PalTrade),
The State of Palestine National Export Strategy: Olive Oil Sector Export Strategy 2014 – 2018,
973. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 38.
974. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 38.
975. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 38.
976. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 40.
977. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 40.
978. PCBS, “H.E. Dr. Awad, highlights the Forty Four Annual Commemoration of Land Day in Statistical Figures”, 30 March 2020,
979. OCHA, “Fewer permits granted to access land behind Barrier”, 20 March 2019,
980. OCHA, “Longstanding Access Restrictions Continue to Undermine the Living Conditions of West Bank Palestinians” (previously cited).
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
7,483 requests for “seam zone” permits by Palestinians, a 62% refusal rate. Of these refusals, only 1-2%
were based on security issues. The rest were rejected on bureaucratic grounds or because the Israeli military
claimed that the land for which the permit was submitted was not in the “seam zone”, in some instances
claiming that the land was specified as being in the West Bank.
Israel also places undue restrictions on movement of people and goods, affecting agriculture and the fishing
sector in the Gaza Strip and exacerbating high poverty rates and the food insecurity faced by more than two
thirds of Gaza’s population.
In addition, Israel has carried out acts of wanton destruction that have directly
harmed these sectors on which Gazans have historically depended for their livelihoods.
As mentioned above, over 35% of agricultural land in Gaza is off-limits to Palestinians, enforced by the
“buffer zone”, which makes the activity a high-risk venture (see section 5.5.2 “Discriminatory allocation of
An estimated 178,000 people, including 113,000 farmers,
can no longer access this area.
According to Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Al Mezan), from 1 January to 19 November 2020, there
were 553 incidents of violations against farmers and agricultural lands in the “buffer zone”, which resulted in
many Palestinians being injured. On 13 October 2020, for instance, Israeli forces entered 300m into the Gaza
Strip with bulldozers and tanks and severely damaged large areas of agricultural land in addition to irrigation
systems and piping.
According to OCHA, between 1 January and 19 October 2020, many of the 42 Israeli
military incursions into the Gaza Strip included bulldozing agricultural land and destroying crops.
Ministry of Agriculture estimated a USD 27 million loss in the agriculture sector’s greenhouses, agricultural
lands and poultry farms as a result of the destruction caused by Israel’s military offensive in May 2021.
The Israeli army informed Palestinians that they could farm up to 100m from the fence in 2014, yet it has
attacked Palestinian farmers in this area, sometimes killing or injuring those present in circumstances
suggesting deliberate attacks.
According to Gisha, between 2010 and 2017 there were 1,300 incidents
involving live fire by Israeli forces against farmers, herders, scrap collectors, demonstrators and other Gaza
residents near the fence separating Gaza from Israel; at least 161 Palestinians were killed and more than
3,000 injured.
Nisreen Qudeh’s case illustrates the cumulative difficulties faced by farmers in the Gaza Strip resulting from
years of restrictions under the illegal blockade, Israeli military attacks on farmland and property in the “buffer
zone” and limited water and electricity supply.
981. HaMoked, “Military data: in 2019-2020, majority of farmers’ requests to reach their lands beyond the Separation Barrier are denied
and for reasons unrelated to security”, 30 June 2020,
982. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para. 44.
983. OCHA and WFP,
Between the Fence and a Hard Place
(previously cited), p. 5.
984. Prior to the restrictions policy imposed by the Israeli authorities, farmers and fisherman had access to lands and waters along the Gaza
Strip’s perimeter. The fishing area restriction policy came into force on the eve of the second intifada while the restriction on agricultural
land began in late 2008. See OCHA and WFP,
Between the Fence and a Hard Place
(previously cited).
985. OCHA and WFP,
Between the Fence and a Hard Place
(previously cited), p. 5.
986. Al Mezan, “Human rights groups demand Israeli military end incursions into Gaza’s farmlands, compensate farmers for damages”, 11
November 2020; Gisha, “Incursions of Israeli bulldozers into the Strip destroys crops”, 18 October 2020,
987. OCHA, “Protection of Civilians Report: 6 - 19 October 2020”, 23 October 2020,
988. Reuters, “Factbox: Palestinians, Israelis count cost of 11-day fight”, 20 May 2021,
989. See, for example, Al Mezan, “Human rights groups demand Israeli military end incursions into Gaza’s farmlands, compensate farmers
for damages”, 11 November 2020,
za%E2%80%99s+farmlands%2C+compensate+farmers+for+damages; Al-Haq,
Israel Routinely Attacks Palestinian Civilians in the Buffer
24 March 2016,; B’Tselem, “Military carries on firing at Palestinian farmers by Israel-
Gaza border”, 29 October 2013,
990. Gisha, Closing In: Life and Death in Gaza’s Access Restricted Areas, (accessed on 30 August 2021).
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Nisreen Qudeh is a farmer who lives in Khuza’a, a village in the south of the Gaza Strip adjacent to
the fence separating the territory from Israel. She has four brothers; one was killed by Israeli forces
in 2002. Her father, Abdul Kareem, died in Jordan during cardiac surgery in 2005. She lives with
her mother, who has a disability and needs to have regular medical check-ups. In 2014, the Israeli
military offensive on Gaza destroyed her home. She told Amnesty International what happened:
It was a nightmare. The [Israeli] army deployed heavy fire power and was attacking people,
residential buildings, roads and public infrastructure. I was watching friends and neighbours
dying in front of me. Some of them were torn to pieces. My mother and I had to leave our
home in Khuza’a because of the intense shelling. We went to stay at my brother’s home in [the
nearby city of] Khan Younis on 24 July. We were told then by our neighbours that our house was
completely destroyed. We stayed at my brother’s home in Khan Younis until the war ended, and
then we went back to our home. We were shocked to see how the house was turned to rubble.
They destroyed my life and all of my family’s savings and hard work when they destroyed our
house. Till now I do not know how they destroyed it so easily. My family invested over NIS
200,000 [USD 64,516] to build the 150m2 house.
Nisreen Qudeh’s plant nursery was damaged during the strike, causing damage worth around USD
10,000. Israeli authorities did not compensate her or her family. She has been farming for the last
20 years, but the Israeli blockade on Gaza has increasingly limited her ability to tend to her land
and export her products. Her family owns 2 dunams of land in Khuza’a, 500m from the fence that
separates Gaza and Israel. There, she primarily grows tomatoes as they need less water than other
crops, she said.
Each plant needs a little over one litre of water per day. Although that does not seem to be
much, but with the limited water resources in Gaza, it is too much for us. We have been
completely reliant on water pumped from other areas in the Gaza Strip since the high salinity
of underground water in our area renders it unsuitable for irrigation. We must pay over NIS 100
[USD 32] per hour to pump water to the area. This is too expensive for us. We sometimes spend
as much as 70% of our farming revenue on water and fertilizers alone, leaving us with very little
reward for our hard work throughout the year…
The energy crisis is also a big issue for us, and its impact is extremely negative. We sometimes
need electricity for irrigation systems, but it is only available four to six hours per day and often
during the night, forcing us sometimes to work at night in the dark.
I personally do not export any of what we produce outside of the Gaza Strip because it is
extremely difficult to do so due to the blockade. We sell what we produce only to local markets
in the Gaza Strip. I know that this option does not make us generate much revenue, but it is a
safer option for us.
This situation is unbearable. I do not think that farmers in other parts of the world need to
face the same challenges. The blockade on Gaza and the previous wars have had a significant
impact on agriculture, severely limiting our access to clean water, land, resources and other
markets in the world. These challenges have made the already high levels of food insecurity in
Gaza Strip even worse.
991. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Nisreen Qudeh, 4 November 2020.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Israeli tanks are seen near the Nahal Oz crossing between the Gaza Strip and Israel on 24 February 2010, while a group of Palestinians
demonstrated nearby against the military zone Israel created on Palestinian land as a buffer between its border areas and the Gaza Strip
during its 22-day military offensive into Gaza between late December 2008 and January 2009 © Mahmud Hams / AFP via Getty Images
Since 2014, the Israeli military has aerial-sprayed herbicides over Palestinian crops along the fence between
Gaza and Israel. Israel claims that the spraying is designed to “enable optimal and continuous security
yet has not provided any evidence to support this claim. In 2016, Israel admitted to spraying
an estimated 12km
from the north to the south of Gaza.
Israel also takes advantage of westward-blowing
winds that carry the herbicides beyond the purportedly targeted area near the fence into the Gaza Strip.
However, the herbicides have destroyed crops and farmlands hundreds of metres deep into Gaza, resulting
in the loss of livelihoods for Gazan farmers.
The ICRC has warned that the damage goes beyond the
immediate economic cost as it has far-reaching health implications.
One of the herbicides used is the
probable carcinogen glyphosate, which poses health risks to Palestinians living adjacent to the fence.
April 2020, Israel’s herbicide spraying damaged 588 dunams of farmland in Gaza, harming the livelihoods of
93 farmers and exacerbating the lack of sufficient food, according to Gisha.
In its 2019 review, the CESCR expressed concern about the long-lasting and hazardous impact of the aerial
herbicide spraying by private companies hired by Israel’s Ministry of Defense in areas adjacent to the fence
between Israel and Gaza, particularly with respect to the impact on crop yield and on the soil in nearby areas.
992. +972 Magazine, “IDF admits spraying herbicides inside the Gaza Strip”, 28 December 2015,
993. Forensic Architecture, Herbicidal Warfare in Gaza, (accessed on 15
August 2021).
994. Forensic Architecture, Herbicidal Warfare in Gaza (previously cited).
995. Forensic Architecture, Herbicidal Warfare in Gaza (previously cited).
996. Haaretz, “Farm Warfare: How Israel Uses Chemicals to Kill Crops in Gaza”, 9 July 2018,
997. Adalah, “Human rights groups demand Israel immediately halt renewed aerial herbicide spraying along Gaza fence”, 16 January 2020,; see also, Haaretz, “Farm Warfare: How Israel Uses Chemicals to Kill Crops in Gaza” (previously cited).
998. Gisha, “Hundreds of dunams of crops in Gaza destroyed by aerial herbicide spraying conducted by Israel”, 7 May 2020,
999. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 44.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
In parallel, restrictions by Israel on access to the sea and on the importation of essential equipment, together
with the ban on fish exports, have severely impacted the fishing industry. Israel also restricts how far off the
coast fishermen can go, rendering inaccessible to Palestinians 85% of the fishing area agreed with Israel
under the Oslo Accords, and prompting the CESCR to express concern in 2019.
In 1995, Israel agreed to designate a maritime zone stretching 20 nautical miles from the Gaza coastline
for “fishing, recreation and economic activities” for Palestinians.
In fact, this agreement has no basis in
international law (the State of Palestine, under Article 57 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, can
declare an Exclusive Economic Zone of 200 nautical miles and claim permanent sovereignty over natural
resources contained within a 60 nautical mile continental slope).
Yet Israel has even broken its 20
nautical mile agreement. It has only allowed Palestinians to fish within 6 nautical miles of Gaza’s coastal line,
primarily to facilitate Israel’s exploitation of Palestinian natural gas and oil discovered 13 nautical miles off
the Gaza Strip’s coastal line (see below).
Ever since the discovery of natural oil and gas in 1999, Israel has repeatedly changed the demarcation of
Gaza’s maritime space, sometimes reducing it to a mere 3 nautical miles,
causing deliberate harm to a
sector that is struggling to survive. An Israeli senior naval official outlined the rationale behind this policy:
“These fields have strategic significance and could be easily a target for our neighbours… Usually to protect
an area, we just make a sterile zone around it. But we can’t do that in international territory.”
In 2019 alone, Israel changed the Gaza fishing zone nine times and Palestinian fishermen were informed
19 times of changes to Israel’s demarcation of the allowed fishing zone,
including full bans on three
occasions. To enforce the restrictions, Israel uses lethal force against Palestinian fishermen working
off Gaza’s coast,
and routinely submerges and seizes fishing boats,
and damages other fishing
Al Mezan’s monitoring and documentation shows that, between the start of 2012 and
November 2019, the Israeli navy has attacked Palestinian fishermen with live fire 1,483 times. Six fishermen
have been killed and 132 injured, including six children. In the same period, the Israeli navy has arrested
547 fishermen, 40 of them children, confiscated 177 boats and damaged and destroyed 101 boats.
Over the years, the uncertainty and restrictive measures have discouraged Gazans from upgrading and
maintaining boats and fishing equipment, so the industry has not been able to take advantage of expanded
fishing limits when they are introduced.
The CESCR has expressed concern about the confiscation of and
damage to fishing boats, which has deprived Palestinians of their means of subsistence.
1000. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 44.
1001. Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, 28 September 1995, Annex I, Article XIV.
1002. Al-Haq,
Israel’s Deadly Catch,
November 2015,
pdf, p. 8.
1003. Al-Haq,
Israel’s Deadly Catch
(previously cited), p. 12; UNCTAD,
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian
People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential
(previously cited).
1004. Al Mezan,
2013 Statistical Report on Israeli Attacks in the Access Restricted Areas
(previously cited).
1005. Jewish Independent, “Resource Security Plan: Gas Field Protection to Cost Navy $700 million”, 15 February 2013,
1006. Gisha,
Changes to Gaza’s fishing zone implemented by Israel in 2019,
30 January 2020,
1007. Gisha, “Fisherman shot dead by the Israeli navy, Gaza fishermen go on strike”, 18 May 2017,; Al-Haq,
Annexing Energy,
August 2015,
1008. Gisha, “High Court rules in favor of Gisha, Adalah and Al Mezan in petition to return boats seized by Israel from Gaza fishermen: ‘The
description of the boats’ condition suggests indifference to their fate’”, 1 December 2019,
1009. Adalah,
Israel to return 65 boats to Gaza fishermen following human rights NGOs’ petition to Israeli Supreme Court,
21 May 2019,
1010. Al-Haq and others,
Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israel’s
Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports
(previously cited).
1011. UNCTAD,
Report on UNCTAD assistance to the Palestinian people,
5 August 2020 (previously cited), para. 22.
1012. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 44.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The actions of the Israeli authorities have devastated the economic and social conditions of approximately
4,080 fishermen registered with the Fishermen’s Syndicate and approximately 1,000 workers in fishing-
related occupations.
This has led to the collapse of the sector and resulted in approximately 95% of the
fishermen living below the poverty line in 2018,
According to an earlier source in 2011, nearly 90% of
fishermen were “poor” or “very poor” then, a percentage that had sharply increased from 50% in 2008.
The lack of access to sufficient fishing waters is also estimated to affect a total of 65,000 people in Gaza.
The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics reported the number of workers in the fishing sector in 1997 at
around 10,000.
Zakaria Baker is a fisherman and the coordinator of Gaza’s local Fishermen Committees, part of the
Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), one of the largest civil society organizations supporting
fishermen and farmers in the OPT. It was criminalized by Israeli authorities in October 2021 and is now
at risk of being shut, its assets confiscated and its workers arrested and prosecuted. Zakaria Baker told
Amnesty International that Israel harasses and provokes Palestinian fishermen in Gaza, who are often
subjected to arbitrary arrests, spraying of their boats with skunk water and confiscation of or shooting at
their boats by Israel’s navy at sea. According to UAWC documentation, 18 fishermen were wounded by
Israeli attacks on fishermen at sea from January to August 2020 and at least nine others were arrested,
including a minor. He added that seven boats were severely damaged, a large amount of fishing
equipment was destroyed, and five boats were seized. He told Amnesty International: “The Israeli navy
invades our fishing zone anytime at free will, they can confiscate boats which cost from USD 10,000 to
20,000. Imagine the damage this will cause to the fisherman whose boat has been confiscated.”
Israel severely limits the area in which fishermen can work, frequently changing the permissible fishing
zone. In 2019 Israel expanded the fishing range allowed for Gaza fisherman to 15 nautical miles,
but Zakaria Baker explained that this expansion was confined to the southern part of the zone that
neighbours Egypt, whereas the northern fishing zone near the border with Israel is still strictly limited to
6 nautical miles. Israel only allows small boats to sail into the expanded part of the fishing zone. He told
Amnesty International: “They [Israeli authorities] keep changing the map whenever they want. It’s so
vague that it needs a surveying engineer to decode it, instead of simple fishermen, who lack basic GPS
navigation tools due to Israel’s blockade.”
He added that in recent years there has been an increase in incidents where the Israeli navy demands
that fishermen remove their clothes, jump in the water and swim over to navy vessels:
The navy demands that fishermen swim over to them naked regardless of how cold the water is. In
the winter, they need to swim in really cold water. This is not just a violation of their dignity, it also
puts their lives at risk for no reason.
1013. Al-Haq and others,
Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israel’s
Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports
(previously cited), para. 84. See also, for example, Al Mezan, “Fact Sheet: The Human and
Financial Losses of Fishing Under Occupation”, 15 October 2019,
1014. B’Tselem, “2018: Plight of Gaza fishermen after Israel’s gradual destruction of their sector”, 11 February 2019,
1015. Al-Haq,
Shifting Paradigms Israel’s Enforcement of the Buffer Zone in the Gaza Strip,
23 June 2011,
download/alhaq_files/publications/Shifting-Paradigms.pdf, p. 9.
1016. Al-Haq,
Shifting Paradigms Israel’s Enforcement of the Buffer Zone in the Gaza Strip
(previously cited), p. 9.
1017. Al Mezan,
باترقلاا رطخ
ةزغ رحب
[Gaza’s sea… the danger in approaching], 4 July 2020,
aijfDeqLhN75bOBTxBfOPZ2RdUheyoC3QWo-qaL5oObs_56gc (in Arabic).
1018. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Zakaria Baker, 20 August 2020.
1019. OCHA, “COVID-19 Emergency Situation Report 17 (29 August – 8 September 2020)”, 8 September 2020,
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
According to Zakaria Baker, Israel’s navy also uses powerful water cannons to flood their fishing boats,
intentionally damaging electrical equipment because it is expensive to fix and without them the boats will
not work. He added that this makes many fishermen in Gaza afraid to set out to sea.
The livelihoods of over 3,000 fishermen and other workers in professions associated with the
fishing sector have been hugely affected [by Israel’s restrictions and attacks]. These people are
the main providers for their families. They have no other source of income. Imagine how their lives
will look like now.
Fishermen in Gaza pay a heavy price for working in this sector. We suffer from the blockade
and severe restrictions on movement by Israel’s navy and now with measures taken to stop the
spread of Covid-19, there is even a greater economic uncertainty and increased concern for the
food security of Gaza’s civilian population. For example, it is now sardine season, one of the most
profitable fishing seasons of the year. But with the Israeli restrictions on access to the fishing zone
it enforces in Gaza’s maritime area, the frequent changes it makes to its demarcation, and the
violent enforcement methods it employs thwart us from making any profit during this season. All
these measures are severely affecting the livelihoods of thousands of fishermen, undermining what
was once an important sector in the Gaza Strip’s economy.
Palestinian fishermen prepare their nets near the port of Gaza City in the Gaza Strip on 30 September 2012, a day after a Palestinian
fisherman was killed and another was wounded by the Israeli navy, which was reinforcing restrictions on fisheries © Mahmud Hams / AFP /
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Since 1967, Israel has sought to control all water resources and water-related infrastructure in the OPT,
which has had a major impact on Palestinian communities and their agricultural activities. The amount of
water that Israel makes available to Palestinians is restricted to a level which does not meet their needs and
does not constitute a fair and equitable share of the shared water resources. Today, only 10% of Gaza’s
population has direct access to safe and clean drinking water, while some 660,000 Palestinians in the West
Bank are estimated to have limited access to water.
Two months after the start the occupation, Israel placed all water resources in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
under its military control.
In November 1967, the Israeli authorities issued Military Order 158 – Order
Amending the Water Supervision Law, which stated that Palestinians throughout the West Bank could not
construct any new water installation without first obtaining a permit from the Israeli army. Since then, the
extraction of water from any new source or the development of any new water infrastructure requires permits
from Israel, which are nearly impossible to obtain. Palestinians living under Israel’s military occupation
continue to suffer the devastating consequences of the military order. They are unable to drill new wells,
install pumps or deepen existing wells, in addition to being denied access to the Jordan River and freshwater
springs. Israel even controls the collection of rainwater in most of the West Bank, and the Israeli army often
destroys rainwater-harvesting cisterns owned by Palestinian communities.
As a result, according to a
report by UNCTAD in 2017, nearly 93% of cultivated Palestinian land was not irrigated.
While restricting Palestinian access to water, Israel has effectively developed its own water infrastructure
and network in the West Bank for the use of its own citizens in Israel and in the settlements. Israel has
transferred 82% of Palestinian groundwater into Israel and for the use of Jewish settlements, while
Palestinians must purchase over 50% of their water from Israel.
The Israeli state-owned water company
Mekorot has systematically sunk wells and tapped springs in the occupied West Bank to supply its
population, including those living in illegal settlements, with water for domestic, agricultural and industrial
Mekorot does sell some water to Palestinian water utilities, but the amount is determined by the
Israeli authorities, which often cut or decrease the amount provided, leaving many Palestinian communities
without water or underserved by an essential water supply.
Due to continuous restrictions on tapping water resources, many Palestinian communities in the West Bank,
especially in Area C, have no choice but to buy water brought in by trucks at much higher prices, ranging
from USD 4 to USD 10 per cubic metre. As a result, Palestinians pay on average at least eight times more
for water than Israeli settlers.
Consequently, in some of the poorest communities, such as in the Jordan
Valley, water expenses can, at times, use up half of a family’s monthly income.
Israeli settlers living in
the West Bank face no such restrictions and water shortages, and enjoy and capitalize on well-irrigated
farmlands and swimming pools.
1020. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
The allocation of water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in East
23 September 2021, UN Doc. A/HRC/48/43.
1021. Military Order 92 granted complete authority over all water-related issues in the OPT to the Israeli army. See Military Order 92
concerning Jurisdiction over Water Regulations, 15 August 1967 (an unofficial English translation is available at
1022. B’Tselem, Water Crisis, 11 November 2017 (updated on 3 June 2021), (accessed on 29 August 2021); World
Securing Water for Development in West Bank and Gaza,
Securing-water-for-development-in-West-Bank-and-Gaza-sector-note.pdf; Amnesty International,
Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair
Access to Water
(previously cited).
1023. UNCTAD,
UNCTAD Assistance to the Palestinian People: Developments in the Economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
September 2017, UN Doc. TD/B/64/4, p. 4.
1024. UNCTAD,
The Besieged Palestinian Agricultural Sector
(previously cited), p. 29.
1025. Amnesty International, “The Occupation of Water”, 29 November 2017,
1026. Al-Haq,
Water for one People Only: Discriminatory Access and ‘Water-Apartheid’ in the OPT,
download/alhaq_files/publications/Water-For-One-People-Only.pdf, p. 49.
1027. Amnesty International, “The Occupation of Water” (previously cited).
1028. Amnesty International, “The Occupation of Water” (previously cited).
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The inequality in access to water between Israelis and Palestinians is striking. Average Palestinian
consumption in the OPT is about 70 litres a day per person, with approximately 420,000 people in the West
Bank consuming 50 litres a day,
less than a quarter of the average Israeli consumption of about 300
litres. For Israeli settlers residing in Israeli settlements, the average daily water consumption is 369 litres,
about six times the amount consumed by Palestinians.
The devastating impact of Israel’s discriminatory allocation of the OPT’s natural resources for the benefit
of Jewish Israelis is perhaps best exemplified in the Jordan Valley. As an area with extremely fertile lands,
abundant water resources – including a third of the underground water reserves in the West Bank – and
Dead Sea mineral deposits, it has great potential for agricultural and industrial development and tourism
for Palestinians.
Instead, it is home to some of the West Bank’s poorest Palestinian communities, who
live in an increasingly coercive environment deliberately designed by the Israeli authorities to force them to
relocate; they have no access to electricity, running water or their traditional livelihoods, and face an ever-
present risk of having their homes and other property demolished by the Israeli army.
Although the Jordan Valley contains vital land reserves for the natural expansion of Palestinian towns
and cities, Israel has taken over most of the land with a view to enabling its de facto annexation.
As stated already, Israel endeavours to minimize Palestinian presence in the Jordan Valley by barring
Palestinians from using 85% of the land, restricting their access to water resources and refusing
their application for building homes. Over the years, Israeli authorities have used different legal and
coercive measures to enforce this, including the systematic appropriation of Palestinian land for
the establishment and expansion of Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley, as well as the unlawful
exploitation of Palestinian natural resources there. Agriculture is the largest economic sector in the
Jordan Valley for Israeli settlers, who cultivate 33,000 dunams (3,300 hectares) of land, earning them
USD 130 million annually.
Vast mineral deposits in the Dead Sea are also exclusively extracted by
Israel, which exercises total control over the northern basin of the Dead Sea that lies in the OPT. The
Israeli economy benefits from this by around USD 3 billion annually.
Palestinian dispossession continues until today. In March 2016, Israel appropriated a large tract of land
in the Jordan Valley for settlement expansion, declaring it to be state land.
The appropriation of the
2,342 dunams was the largest land seizure by Israel in the West Bank since August 2014. In April 2019,
Israel also seized over 350 dunams of Palestinian agricultural land in the northern part of the Jordan
Historically, the Palestinian communities in the Jordan Valley earned their livelihoods through farming
and herding goats and sheep, and selling the milk and cheese they produced. However, various Israeli
1029. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
The allocation of water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in East
(previously cited).
1030. Al-Haq and others,
Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israel’s
Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports
(previously cited), p. 51.
1031. Al-Haq,
Settling Area C: the Jordan Valley Exposed,
SettlingAreaCTheJordanValleyExposed.pdf, p. 16.
1032. HRW,
Separate and Unequal: Israel’s Discriminatory Treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
19 December
2010,, p. 69.
1033. World Bank,
Area C and the Future of the Palestinian Economy,
en/257131468140639464/pdf/Area-C-and-the-future-of-the-Palestinian-economy.pdf, p. 22.
1034. Haaretz, “Israel Seizes Large Tracts of Land in West Bank, Report Says”, 15 March 2016,
1035. Middle East Monitor, “Israel to seize hundreds of dunams in Jordan Valley”, 10 April 2019,
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policies have made it impossible for many of them to farm or keep more than a few animals because
they cannot access sufficient water or land. Of the 42 Israeli drillings for extracting groundwater in the
West Bank, 28 are in the Jordan Valley. These 28 provide Israel with some 32 million cubic metres
of water a year, most of which is allocated to the settlements,
thereby allowing them to intensively
farm throughout the year, with most of the produce being exported. Meanwhile, Palestinian farmers are
forced to neglect their farmland or switch to less water-intensive crops because of Israel’s discriminatory
policies on Palestinians’ access to water in the Jordan Valley.
In parallel, Israel has consolidated complete control of all water resources and water-related infrastructure
in the Gaza Strip, including the coastal aquifer, which is the only freshwater resource in Gaza. The coastal
aquifer is located under the coastal plain of Israel and the Gaza Strip. Its yearly sustainable yield is estimated
at up to 450 million cubic metres in Israel and a mere 55 million cubic metres in Gaza.
The aquifer has
been depleted by over-extraction and contaminated by sewage and seawater infiltration,
resulting in more
than 95% of its water being unfit for human consumption.
Despite the dire water shortage in the Gaza Strip, Israel not only does not allow the transfer of water from the
West Bank to Gaza,
but also diverts water from the southern West Bank, preventing Gaza’s coastal aquifer
from its natural source of replenishment.
Israel has also deprived Palestinians in the OPT of access to the oil and gas under their land and coastal
waters, which has consequently denied them economic development and opportunities to realize other
socio-economic rights, such as the right to work. The OPT lies above a sizeable reservoir of oil and natural
gas resources in Area C of the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, according to
The Levant Basin Province in the Eastern Mediterranean is one of the most important sources
of natural gas in the world.
Yet Palestinians have been prohibited from exploiting these reserves, estimated at 1.525 billion barrels of
oil with an estimated value of USD 99.1 billion, to both meet their energy needs and generate fiscal and
export revenues.
UNCTAD estimates that since the beginning of the drilling of two natural gas reserves
off Gaza’s coast in 2000, the Palestinian economy has been deprived (at a conservative estimate) of USD
2.57 billion.
1036. B’Tselem,
Dispossession and Exploitation: Israel’s Policy in the Jordan Valley and Northern Dead Sea,
May 2011,
publications/summaries/dispossession-and-exploitation-israels-policy-jordan-valley-northern-dead-sea, p. 21.
1037. Amnesty International, “The Occupation of Water” (previously cited).
1038. Amnesty International,
Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water
(previously cited), p. 10.
1039. UNICEF, “Searching for clean water in Gaza”, 10 January 2019,
1040. B’Tselem, “Water in Gaza: Scarce, polluted and mostly unfit for use”, 17 August 2020,
1041. Amnesty International, “The Occupation of Water” (previously cited).
1042. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
The allocation of water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in East
(previously cited).
1043. UNCTAD,
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential
(previously cited).
1044. US Department of the Interior,
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Levant Basin Province, Eastern
March 2010,, p. 1.
1045. UNCTAD,
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential
(previously cited), p. 25.
1046. UNCTAD,
The Economic Costs of the Israeli Occupation for the Palestinian People: The Unrealized Oil and Natural Gas Potential
(previously cited), p. 26.
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Stone quarrying is Palestinians’ largest export industry, but Israel’s control of the OPT has restricted
Palestinian access to these resources. In addition, Israel has refused to grant permits for new Palestinian
quarries or to renew existing licences.
Meanwhile, Israel carries out quarrying activities in the OPT,
in contravention of the law of occupation. In 2009, Israeli rights group Yesh Din petitioned the Supreme
Court of Israel to demand the halt of all Israel’s quarrying activities in the OPT. The group found that three
quarters of output from quarrying was transferred to Israel, in clear violation of international law.
2012, the Court rejected the petition and effectively “legalized” the activities of Israeli corporations.
Multinational corporations are also involved in quarrying activities in the OPT, contributing to the direct
funding and maintenance of Israeli settlements, and benefiting from Israel’s discriminatory policies against
While the northern basin of the western bank of the Dead Sea lies in the OPT, Israel exerts total control
over the area and has been generating revenues from it since 1967. Within 10 years of its occupation,
Israel had initiated the establishment of 19 settlements in the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea area.
Currently, the regional councils of 37 settlements have de facto jurisdiction over 86% of this area.
The six
Israeli settlements solely in the Dead Sea area exploit Palestinian fertile lands and extract minerals for their
agriculture and tourism.
Jordan controls the eastern side of the Dead Sea. Israel and Jordan have been
extracting minerals, primarily potash and bromine, and together reap annual revenue of USD 4.2 billion
from selling these products.
Palestinians are not allowed by Israel to exploit the Dead Sea for its mineral
If they were, they would generate approximately USD 920 million for their economy, or almost 9%
of GDP, according to an estimate by the World Bank in 2013.
Israel has also used archaeological excavations to retain and control more land for the construction of
Jewish-only settlements and exploit Palestinians’ natural resources, while barring Palestinians from using or
accessing the land.
Since the outset of its occupation, Israel has effectively retained control of tourism
and archaeological sites in the West Bank. Israeli authorities found and excavated 980 archaeological sites
1047. Environmental Justice Atlas, Israeli Stone Quarrying in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”,
the-occupied-palestinian-territory (accessed on 29 August 2021).
1048. Yesh Din,
Petition to halt all Israeli quarry and mining activities in the West Bank,
9 March 2009,
in-the-west-bank; Hague Regulations, Article 55.
1049. Yesh Din,
Petition to halt all Israeli quarry and mining activities in the West Bank
(previously cited).
1050. Yesh Din,
Petition to halt all Israeli quarry and mining activities in the West Bank
(previously cited); Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale
Ondernemingen (SOMO) and Al-Haq, Violations Set in Stone, February 2020,
1051. Aseil Abu-Baker and Marya Farah, “Established Practice: Palestinian Exclusion at the Dead Sea”, 1 February 2020, Journal of
Palestine Studies, Volume 49, Issue 2, pp. 48–64.
1052. UN Human Rights Council,
Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission to Investigate the Implications of the Israeli
Settlements on the Civil, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Palestinian People throughout the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, including East Jerusalem
(previously cited), para. 36.
1053. Aseil Abu-Baker and Marya Farah, “Established Practice: Palestinian Exclusion at the Dead Sea” (previously cited), pp. 48–64.
1054. World Bank,
Area C and the Future of the Palestinian Economy,
2 October 2013,
en/137111468329419171/pdf/AUS29220REPLAC0EVISION0January02014.pdf, p. 11.
1055. World Bank,
Area C and the Future of the Palestinian Economy
(previously cited),
1056. World Bank, “Access to Area C Key to Economic Recovery”, 3 December 2013,
1057. Emek Shaveh, “Appropriating the past: Israel’s archaeological practices in the West Bank”, 26 December 2017,
en/appropriating-the-past-israels-archaeological-practices-in-the-west-bank; David Keane and Valentina Azarova, “UNESCO, Palestine and
archaeology in conflict”, 2013, Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, Volume 41.
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there, including 349 in East Jerusalem, between 1967 and 2007.
Jewish settlers, other Israeli citizens
and Israel’s military have illegally moved archaeological artefacts unearthed in the OPT and displayed them
as Jewish and Israeli in exhibitions in Israel and abroad, in contravention of international law and treaties on
cultural property.
Israel’s intensive destruction and capture of archaeological sites significantly deprives
Palestinians of the right to their cultural heritage and property.
Further, the development of archaeological
sites in the occupied West Bank sustains surrounding settlements, mainly through tourism, and exacerbates
patterns of human rights violations against Palestinians in nearby communities. Indeed, in recent years, the
Israeli authorities have increased their financial support to the tourism industry linked to settlements.
Israeli settlers have established several Jewish settlements under the guise of archaeological
excavations. For instance, in 1979, Jewish settlers moved into what became the settlement of
Shilo, in the north of the West Bank near Nablus, on the pretext that they were there to work as
The settlement later received official government approval and its municipal boundary
was expanded in 1992 to include the Palestinian-owned farmland containing the ancient ruins and an
archaeological site.
Since the late 1990s, settlers have established more than 10 new settlements
on the surrounding hills, and continue to expand them through the confiscation of Palestinian-owned
Shilo settlement alone now houses 3,000 Jewish Israeli settlers. The Israeli government and
settler organizations have identified the archaeological site in Shilo as one of the most important visitor
attractions in the West Bank.
Palestinians from the neighbouring farming villages of Qaryut and Jalud must acquire special permits
from the Israeli military to access their privately owned land close to the settlements. In total, Jalud has
lost approximately 35,000 dunams (3,500 hectares) and Qaryut more than 20,000 dunams (2,000
hectares) of land.
This includes farmland and groves that are now included within the boundaries of
the archaeological site.
The consequences for Palestinians of these restrictions and the loss of land
have been harsh.
1058. Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Resource Centre (Diakonia),
Occupation Remains: A Legal Analysis of the Israeli
Archaeology Policies in the West Bank: An International Law Perspective,
December 2015,
1059. Diakonia,
Occupation Remains
(previously cited); Ahmed Rjoob, “The impact of the Israeli occupation on the conservation of
cultural heritage sites in the occupied Palestinian territories: The case of ‘salvage excavations’”, 2009, Conservation and management of
archaeological sites, Volume 11, Issues 3-4,
1060. Israel has irreversibly destroyed or damaged numerous Palestinian archaeological sites since 1967. For example, Israel destroyed
the Mughrabi (Moroccan) Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, transferred archaeological finds from the Palestine Archaeological Museum
in East Jerusalem to the Israel Museum in West Jerusalem, and enforced the siege of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem in 2004,
destroying parts of the Church. See Ahmed Rjoob, “The impact of the Israeli occupation on the conservation of cultural heritage sites in the
Occupied Palestinian Territories” (previously cited). The right of everyone to take part in cultural life is protected by ICESCR, Article 15.
1061. Amnesty International,
Destination: Occupation
(previously cited).
1062. The archaeological pretext is narrated in a history of Shilo published on the settlement’s website: Shilo Forum, “On the road to Shilo”,
undated,; Emek Shaveh gives an assessment of the heritage of the site,
Tel Shiloh (Khirbet Seilun) Archaeological
Settlement in the Political Struggle over Samaria,
November 2014,
1063. Yesh Din, “Petition to prevent the transfer of management of the archaeological site Tel Shiloh to the right-wing ‘Mishkan Shiloh
Association’”, 8 October 2016,
1064. Yesh Din, “Settlement Blocs that Sever the West Bank – the Shilo Valley as a case study”, 4 October 2016,
1065. State of Israel, PMO,
תשרומ תינכת"
תימואל תשרומ תויתשת תמצעה"
[Empowerment of National Heritage Infrastructures - “Heritage Plan”],
21 February 2010, Government Resolution 1412, (in Hebrew).
1066. OCHA and others,
Settlement expansion, displacement and fragmentation in the southern Nablus Governorate,
April 2015,
1067. Amnesty International, interview in person with Abu Imad, one of the owners of the land, 10 June 2018, Qaryut.
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Palestinian residents have to endure various Israeli policies, such as barring them from using the main
road leading from Qaryut to the south of the West Bank as it passes close to the archaeological site, in
addition to state-sponsored settler violence.
Bashar Muammar, a resident of Qaryut, told Amnesty
International in 2018,
People are leaving the village now because we are isolated. Many people sold their lands and
houses and moved out to Ramallah. The village is not located next to the main road any more so
no one would come here, unless they have a reason to. Many shops have recently closed because
their business was not working properly.
In stark contrast to the restrictions placed by Israel on the residents of Qaryut and Jalud, the Israeli
government has supported ambitious plans by the settlers to develop the archaeological site into a
major tourist attraction. In 2010, the Israeli authorities handed over management of the site to a private
organization run by settlers,
which in 2013 opened a new museum and auditorium.
In 2014, the
settlers also published plans for the expansion of the tourist facilities, including a vast new visitor and
conference centre with a capacity to accommodate 5,000 people a day.
Residents of surrounding
Israeli settlements have sought to profit from the growth in tourism by advertising their homes on digital
tourism websites, such as Airbnb and
The Israeli settlement of
Shilo as it appears from
the village of Qaryut in the
occupied West Bank, on 6
June 2015 © Active Stills
1068. Amnesty International,
Destination: Occupation
(previously cited).
1069. Amnesty International, interview in person with Bashar Muammar, 10 November 2018, Qaryut.
1070. Emek Shaveh, “Two High Court Petitions in case of Tel Shiloh against settlers’ management of archaeological site and construction of
a tourism complex”, 11 October 2015,
1071. The new museum, as well as the film shown in the auditorium, highlight the belief that several important Biblical episodes took
place at the location. By contrast, Amnesty International researchers noted, when visiting on 7 June 2018, that the museum and the film
downplay or ignore the most significant ruins at the site: two mosques and a Byzantine church. The presence – for centuries – of Arabs
on the land is ignored. Indeed, the site’s managers present Tel Shiloh as an integral part of Israel and there is an Israeli flag flying at its
1072. The plan has been contested by the Israeli organization Emek Shaveh, which filed a petition with the High Court; a decision was
pending as of the end of August 2021. See, for example, Emek Shaveh,
Tel Shiloh (Khirbet Seilun): Archaeological Settlement in the
Political Struggle over Samaria
(previously cited).
1073. Amnesty International,
Destination: Occupation
(previously cited).
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Across Israel and the OPT, millions of Palestinians live in densely populated areas that are generally
underdeveloped and lack adequate essential services such as garbage collection, electricity, public transportation
and water and sanitation infrastructure, and often face arbitrary restrictions in their access to healthcare.
In areas under full Israeli control such as the Negev/Naqab, East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank,
the denial of essential services is inherently linked to discriminatory planning and zoning policies, which
force Palestinians to build without permits, and is intended to create unbearable living conditions to force
Palestinians to leave their homes to allow for the expansion of Jewish settlement. In addition, Israeli policies
of exclusion, segregation and severe restrictions on movement in the entirety of the West Bank and the
Gaza Strip mean that Palestinians face difficulties accessing healthcare, including life-saving treatment, and
education even though Israel bears the responsibility under international law to provide such services not
just to its own population but also to Palestinians living under its military occupation. When they manage to
access such services, they are in general inferior to those provided to Jewish Israeli citizens. These policies
severely impact Palestinians’ socio-economic rights and prevent them from fulfilling their human potential.
As mentioned above, even though Palestinian residents of Jerusalem comprise 38% of the population
of the city, they receive less than 10% of Jerusalem Municipality’s budget; Jewish Israeli residents (most
of whom live in West Jerusalem) receive more than 90%.
Palestinians live in densely populated areas
of the city that lack adequate essential services, which are inferior to services provided to residents and
citizens in other parts of Israel, including education and healthcare. Despite some recent improvements,
their neighbourhoods are poorly connected to other parts of the city with public transportation and the
road network has been intentionally designed to prevent future urban expansion. Roads are narrow and
full of holes, and are unsuitable for the large volume of traffic in the densely populated area. They are
also unsafe, and largely lack barriers and sidewalks.
Residents in East Jerusalem face discrimination in the provision of services in virtually all aspects of
their daily lives. For example, despite high poverty rates in East Jerusalem, according to ACRI, access
to welfare services is extremely limited with only six offices providing assistance to nearly 335,000
people. By contrast, some 570,000 Jewish Israeli residents of Jerusalem have access to 19 such offices,
meaning that on average, welfare offices in East Jerusalem deal with nearly double the number of clients
as offices in West Jerusalem.
In 2019, a report by Israel’s State Comptroller criticized both the Jerusalem municipality and the
Israeli government for their discriminatory treatment of Palestinians in East Jerusalem. It noted that the
service provided by the Ministry of Interior’s Population and Immigration Authority to residents of East
Jerusalem was “far inferior to that given to citizens in the rest of the country”. Amongst other concerns,
the report also noted disproportionately higher poverty rates amongst East Jerusalem and disparities in
the handling of garbage collection between East and West Jerusalem. For example, despite the fact that
38% of the city’s total population live in East Jerusalem, the municipality only makes 7% of dumpsters
and 6% of garbage disposal routes available to East Jerusalemites.
1074. Nathan Thrall, “Rage in Jerusalem”, 4 December 2014, London Review of Books, Volume 36, Issue 23,
1075. UN Habitat,
Right to Develop: Planning Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem,
1076. ACRI,
East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2021,
May 2021,
1077. Haaretz, “Garbage and poverty: Watchdog blasts Israel’s services to Arab East Jerusalem”, 2 June 2019,
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In another example of unequal provision of services, there are only eight post offices in East Jerusalem
compared to 33 such offices in West Jerusalem, numbers which are not proportionate to the difference
in the size of the two populations.
Similarly, there is a shortage of public parks and playgrounds in
Palestinian neighbourhoods. While there are “hundreds of playgrounds” in West Jerusalem, according
to Bimkom, by 2019 the authorities had only built 20 playgrounds in East Jerusalem, which they rarely
maintain leading to their rapid deterioration.
For the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem residing in isolated communities beyond the fence/wall,
who constitute more than a third of the Palestinian population of East Jerusalem, the situation is much
Israeli authorities severely neglect and discriminate against them in budget allocation and
municipal services, while directing spending to Jewish Israeli neighbourhoods in Jerusalem.
In May 2018, the Israeli government adopted Government Resolution 3790 on “Narrowing Socio-
Economic Gaps and Economic Development in East Jerusalem”, which allocated NIS 2 billion (over USD
645 million) to improve education, create jobs and upgrade public spaces in East Jerusalem. Although
the plan has the potential to improve essential services, the allocated budget is unlikely to address socio-
economic gaps between East and West Jerusalem created by years of deliberate neglect. Crucially, it
failed to change discriminatory planning and building policies and, as such, does not address the root
causes behind the discriminatory provision of services. The real motivation behind the plan appears
to be to further consolidate control over East Jerusalem with analysts noting that “The Netanyahu
government has conceded that its neglect of East Jerusalem has failed to induce Palestinians to
(See below for details on funding for education allocated under this Government Resolution.)
Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip and other discriminatory policies have created a water and sanitation
crisis characterized by an acute shortage lack of potable water, reduced ability to filter water and water
pollution. The routine power cuts and lack of equipment and resources to treat sewage, wastewater and solid
waste puts the population of Gaza at increased risks of waterborne diseases and other health problems in
the context of a collapsing health sector.
As a result of these various factors, the piped water in Gaza is unfit for human consumption and Palestinians
are not able use it for drinking or cooking. Instead, according to OCHA, 90% of households in Gaza, which
are already impoverished, have to buy water from desalination or purification plants, costing between 10 and
30 times more than piped water. It is commonly delivered by water tankers.
1078. ACRI,
East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2021
(previously cited)
1079. Bimkom, “Playgrounds alongside community gardens in the Palestinian neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem”, 25 November 2019,
1080. See, for example, ACRI,
East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2021
(previously cited); Al-Haq,
East Jerusalem: Exploiting Instability
to Deepen the Occupation,
Annexing a City: Israel’s Illegal Measures to Annex Jerusalem Since 1948,
1081. Ir Amim,
Jerusalem Municipality Budget Analysis for 2013: Share of Investment in East Jerusalem,
December 2014,
1082. International Crisis Group,
Reversing Israel’s Deepening Annexation of Occupied East Jerusalem,
12 June 2019,
1083. Al-Haq and others,
Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israel’s
Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports
(previously cited), para. 83.
1084. OCHA, “Increased electricity supply improves access to water and sanitation in Gaza”, 6 September 2020,
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In 2021, water and sanitation infrastructure in Gaza reached a crisis point, exacerbated by the stringent
restrictions imposed for over 14 years by Israel on the entry into Gaza of material and equipment necessary
for its development and repair. As a result, Gazans lose on average 40% of their domestic supply because
of leakages in Gaza’s old water infrastructure, which has sustained considerable damage over the years.
During Israel’s 50-day military operation in the Gaza Strip in 2014,
Israeli forces destroyed the main
water and sanitation infrastructure.
Israel also targeted infrastructure during the 10-21 May 2021 military
operation in the Gaza Strip. According to OCHA, water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure was severely
affected, with wastewater networks, pipelines, wells, a wastewater pumping station and service vehicles
damaged in 93 Israeli strikes. Compounded by the lack of power supply, three main desalination plants
providing drinking water for more than 400,000 people suspended operations as did sewage treatment
facilities, resulting in more than 100,000 cubic metres of untreated or partially treated wastewater being
discharged into the sea every day.
Further, the limited entry of fuel and the damage to the electricity
network reduced access to electricity to a daily average of four to six hours throughout Gaza, further limiting
the provision of water and treatment of sewage.
An estimated 800,000 people lacked regular access to
piped water.
Palestinians in East Jerusalem also suffer from poor water and sanitation infrastructure,
in part because
they are connected to different water systems with only some areas connected to the Israel national water
network, and older houses not connected to any water grid or sewage infrastructure.
As of 2018, only
44% of Palestinian households in East Jerusalem were formally connected to the network supplying water
for drinking and other domestic purposes, with residents of communities beyond the fence/wall most
Further, an assessment by the Hagihon water company estimated in April 2021 that some 24km
of new sewage lines were needed in East Jerusalem, partly to eliminate the use of cesspits.
According to
ACRI, this is the result of the authorities’ failure to provide plans for Palestinian neighbourhoods and to set
up infrastructure that takes into account population growth.
In addition, Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and the rest of West Bank, including specialized industrial
zones located in and around settlements, contribute to the pollution of fresh water and groundwater with
both treated and untreated waste, as well as the pollution of air and soil. In one example, Wadi al-Nar, which
is considered the most polluted area of the West Bank, receives 13 million cubic metres of sewage each
year from Jerusalem and Palestinian communities. Whilst Israel recently began the construction of filtration
and purification facilities to treat sewage in the area, the project is seemingly intended to benefit only Israeli
settlers by treating their wastewater and providing them with treated water for irrigation.
1085. B’Tselem, “Water in Gaza: Scarce, polluted and mostly unfit for use”, 17 August 2020,
1086. Amnesty International,
Families Under the Rubble: Israeli Attacks on Inhabited Homes
(previously cited).
1087. OCHA,
Gaza Water Disaster: Damages to Water Infrastructure,
15 August 2014,
1088. OCHA, “Escalation in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Israel: Flash Update #11 covering 12:00 20 May – 12:00 21 May”, 21 May
1089. OCHA,
The United Nations and NGOs launch a humanitarian plan to support Palestinians affected by the recent escalation
(previously cited).
1090. OCHA, “Escalation in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Israel: Flash Update #11 covering 12:00 20 May – 12:00 21 May”
(previously cited).
1091. State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel, 2 ,םילשורי
חרזמב תויברעה תונוכשב האורבתו ןויקינ
June 2019,
Pages/Reports/2735-10.aspx; Haaretz, “Garbage and Poverty: Watchdog Blasts Israel’s Services to Arab East Jerusalem”, 2 June 2019,
1092. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
The allocation of water resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in East
(previously cited).
1093. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019”, May 2019,
1094. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019” (previously cited).
1095. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
The Allocation of Water Resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in East
(previously cited).
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As mentioned above, as a result of discriminatory planning and zoning policies, which force Palestinians
to build homes and other structures illegally, the Israeli authorities do not provide adequate housing or
essential services such as water and sanitation, healthcare, education, public transport or electricity to 35
unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev/Naqab and the vast majority of Palestinian communities in Area
C of the West Bank even though they constitute some of Israel’s and the OPT’s most vulnerable populations.
According to OCHA, in 2016, some 180 Palestinian rural communities in the West Bank – located primarily
in Area C – did not have access to running water and an additional 122 communities did not have regular
supply despite being connected to the water network.
They are also prevented from repairing existing
infrastructure including water cisterns and, as mentioned above, are forced to rely on water trucking at a
high price and rainwater harvesting (see section 5.5.3 “Discriminatory provision of services”). Given that
these alternatives rarely meet their domestic and livelihood needs, many families limit their daily water
consumption exposing them to health risks, which also result from poorer hygiene.
Similarly, the vast majority of these communities are not connected to wastewater services and do not
have access to functioning external or internal latrines, according to a humanitarian assessment carried
out in June 2021. Further, existing sanitation facilities “do not satisfy the WHO minimum requirements for
adequate hygiene, privacy, and dignity”.
Meanwhile, Jewish settlements located in Area C enjoy regular
water supply and are connected to a wastewater infrastructure.
The plight of Palestinians in Al-Hadidiya in the Jordan Valley illustrates these disparities.
The village of Al-Hadidiya is in the north of the Jordan Valley on land the Palestinian residents leased
from the West Bank governorate of Tubas. The village’s nearly 200 residents earn their living as
shepherds and farmers.
Israel established the settlements of Ro’i in 1976, which has a population of
175 settlers;
and Beka’ot in 1972, which has a population of 182 settlers, allocating them parts of the
farmland of Al-Hadidiya.
Al-Hadidiya is not connected to a water grid and is deliberately cut off from any regular water supply
despite its proximity to Beka’ot, which has a water pump installed by the Israeli state-owned water
company Mekorot. The pump provides water only to the settlements of Ro’i and Beka’ot. As a result, the
average water consumption of a Palestinian in Al-Hadidiya is 20 litres per person per day, compared to a
daily water allotment for household use alone per settler of over 460 litres (over 23 times more).
Before Israel’s occupation of the West Bank in 1967, residents of Al-Hadidiya lived a few kilometres
east of the village’s current location. The site was declared to be a “firing zone” and the residents were
1096. OCHA, “Water tankering projects target the most vulnerable communities in Area C”, 10 August 2016,
1097. OCHA, “Palestinians strive to access water in the Jordan Valley”, 22 June 2021,
1098. OCHA, “Palestinians strive to access water in the Jordan Valley”, 22 June 2021,
1099. PCBS, 2017-2021
عمجتلا بسح ةيلماشلا راوغلأاو سابوط ةظفاحلم ماعلا فصتنم في ردقلما ناكسلا ددع
[Projected Mid-Year Population for Tubas &
Northern Valleys Governorate by Locality 2017-2021], (in Arabic, accessed on 29
August 2021).
1100. ICBS, “Population in localities, by population group, end of 2019” (previously cited).
1101. B’Tselem, “Al-Hadidyeh, February 2010: Israel effectively pressuring Palestinian Bedouin community to leave the Jordan Valley”, 22
February 2010,
1102. See, for example, B’Tselem, The Village of al-Hadidiyah, 12 January 2014, (accessed on 29
August 2021)
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ordered to vacate it in 1997. The residents filed a petition to the Supreme Court of Israel against the
expulsion, which was rejected in 2003, and the residents were forced to leave. However, the Israeli
Civil Administration issued demolition orders for structures built in the new location as well, claiming
it was designated agricultural land.
The villagers filed another petition in March 2004, but it was
rejected in December 2006 after the Supreme Court declined to intervene in the actions of the Civil
Administration. Palestinian residents of the community have been forcibly displaced at least five times
since 2006.
Due to these and other policies, the Israeli authorities have forced the residents of Al-Hadidiya to live
in extremely difficult conditions. The Palestinians are forbidden from building permanent structures
by discriminatory planning and building laws and are consequently forced to live in tents and shacks
that provide little protection from the harsh weather. Israeli authorities consider these structures to
be “illegal” and have demolished them on several occasions. According to OCHA, between January
2009 and 19 August 2020, Israel demolished 119 structures in Al-Hadidiya, displacing 142 people
and affecting a total of 430 people.
Of these demolished structures, 37 were homes and 63 were
agricultural structures.
Children of the community need to travel more than 10km to go to the nearest school in the village of
Tammun, also in the Tubas governorate. While residents of Al-Hadidiya must travel several kilometres
to buy water for cooking and other basic needs, Israeli settlers living in the surrounding settlements
have well-watered gardens and pools, and use water for intensive farming.
Abu Saqer, a community leader in Al-Hadidiya, told Amnesty International:
In one incident, which took place on 11 October 2020, one of our young men was attacked by
Israeli settlers, while he was herding his sheep. According to their allegations, he was invading
the settlement’s “space” so they chased him out of the area, scared his sheep, followed him
home, and ransacked his home.
In another incident, the settlement’s security guards attacked my youngest daughter Sumoud,
14 years old, as she was attending to our sheep on nearby land that I have sowed and cared for.
It was 10 in the morning, and a security officer raced through with his jeep trying to scare my
daughter and our herd, and I’m not sure if this was because it was too hot or if he was moving
too fast but his jeep rolled over, killing four of our sheep. Imagine that my daughter Sumoud,
only 14 years old, had to deal with this on her own. Think of the ramifications this will have on
Sumoud and children like her in the future.
Residents in Al-Hadidiya reported an increase in settler violence, arrests and bans on grazing during
1103. B’Tselem, The Village of al-Hadidiyah (previously cited).
1104. UN Development Programme,
In Focus: Bedouins in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
September 2013,
papp/docs/Publications/UNDP-papp-reserach-bedouinsoPt.pdf, p. 7.
1105. OCHA, Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 24 August 2021),
“Breakdown by community”.
1106. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Abu Saqer, 13 October 2020.
1107. Mondoweiss, “COVID-19 in Palestine: Annexation in the Jordan Valley”, 17 September 2020,
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A Palestinian woman examines the damage caused to her house, after Israeli forces demolished it earlier that day in the hamlet of
Al-Hadidiya in the Jordan Valley region of the occupied West Bank, on 11 October 2018. The demolition was conducted on grounds of
building without an Israeli-issued building permit © Active Stills
None of the unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev/Naqab region of Israel is properly connected to the
national water network, meaning that villagers access water through expensive third-party suppliers, a central
water point in the village or a central water point in a neighbouring village.
They are also forced to rely
on generators for electricity. Meanwhile, residents in nearby Jewish localities enjoy state-provided services
including running water, electricity and access to municipal sewerage systems.
In its 2019 concluding remarks CERD expressed concern at the general substandard living conditions of
the Bedouin in both the unrecognized villages and the recognized townships in the Negev/Naqab.
CESCR has also expressed concern that none of the unrecognized villages in the Negev/Naqab is connected
to the national water network and that the majority of Bedouin villages, recognized or unrecognized, are not
connected to a sewage disposal infrastructure.
The case of Al-Araqib is emblematic of the deprivation of social and economic rights faced by residents of
unrecognized Bedouin villages as a result of Israel’s planning and building regime.
1108. NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to the UN Human Right Committee
(previously cited), p. 10.
1109. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para. 28.
1110. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 46.
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The village of Al-Araqib is home to the Al-Turi tribe. The village is located north of Beersheba in the
Negev/Naqab desert and is one of the 35 unrecognized villages, rendering any construction illegal
in the village. Israeli authorities have demolished Al-Araqib many times. Following the repeated
demolitions, many residents have left the village and the current residents are forced to live in the
vicinity of the village cemetery. At least 400 people lived in the village before demolitions began in
2010, according to the NCF.
Al-Araqib was established during the Ottoman period on land that was purchased by the village’s
residents in 1906.
Shortly after the creation of Israel in 1948, residents of Al-Araqib were
told to temporarily vacate their village after it was declared a military zone. Residents were then
permanently banned from returning. In the 1970s, former residents submitted multiple claims of
land ownership to Israeli authorities to allow them to return to Al-Araqib. They were all rejected.
In the early 2000s, residents returned to live on their land in Al-Araqib without permission, even
though Israeli authorities deemed them as trespassers and did not recognize the village. On 27
July 2010, Israeli forces demolished the entire village and since then had destroyed it at least 186
times as of April 2021.
Residents continue to rebuild their tents and small homes, or some of
them, after each demolition. In 2019, residents were required to pay the state NIS 1.3 million (USD
419,000) for their own eviction costs.
The Israeli authorities’ actions in Al-Araqib systematically violate the villagers’ right to adequate
housing, a right enshrined in the ICESCR. Amnesty International has repeatedly condemned
demolitions that aim to forcibly evict residents of Al-Araqib from the land they have lived on for
Israeli authorities have long denied residents of Al-Araqib essential state services. No state health or
education services are provided because of the village’s unrecognized status. Instead, residents rely
on informal infrastructure networks. For example, villagers travel to the city of Rahat, 6km away, to
access schools and receive basic healthcare. Al-Araqib is also disconnected from the Israeli water
network and electricity grid, forcing residents to rely on private generators, solar panels and water
brought from trucks at a much higher price. Residents who buy water from Mekorot, the Israeli state-
owned water company, pay up to 67% more for water than those connected to the state-provided
water network.
Residents are also forced to transport water in containers for up to 18km.
By contrast, the Jewish community of Givot Bar, adjacent to Al-Araqib, has an abundance of water
and state-provided services. In 2004, the community was established by the minister of housing,
spearheaded by the OR Movement, which constructed 10 mobile homes overnight.
1111. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), “Demolishing the Green Line: A tale of Two ‘States’ but one Agenda … and
One Solution”, 30 October 2018,;
NCF, On the Map: the Arab Bedouin Villages in the Negev-Naqab: al-‘Aragib, (accessed on 25 August 2021).
1112. NCF,
On (In)Equality and Demolition of Homes and Structures in Arab Bedouin Communities in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited).
1113. NCF, Home Demolitions, (accessed on 25 August 2021).
1114. Haaretz, “Israeli Court Orders Bedouin to Pay Cost of Their Eviction From Unrecognized Village”, 8 August 2019,
1115. Adalah, “Water in the Naqab (Negev): Source of Life, Tool of Expulsion”, February 2013,
1116. NCF, On the Map: the Arab Bedouin Villages in the Negev-Naqab: al-‘Aragib, (accessed on 25 August
1117. Haaretz, “Tribal Lands (Cont.)”, 14 July 2006,
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community was promptly connected to electricity, water and sewerage networks. According to the
OR Movement’s website, the community houses 170 families today and plans to house 500 by the
end of the decade.
The community has outdoor swimming pools and green lawns, and hopes to
encourage tourism to the area.
Since 2010, residents of the village have been peacefully protesting every week to demand
government recognition of their ownership of their lands and to commemorate the demolition of
their village.
The Israeli authorities have targeted and arrested prominent Bedouin human rights defender Sayyah
Abu Mdeighim Al-Turi and his family for fighting for the right of Al-Araqib residents to adequate
housing and for defending Bedouin land in the Negev/Naqab at large.
On 21 September 2020,
an Israeli magistrates’ court sentenced three members of the Al-Turi family to terms of imprisonment
after convicting them of crimes related to their human rights work.
Bedouins from the Al-Turi family pray near their demolished home after Israeli authorities escorted by security forces demolished tents and
buildings in the unrecognized village of Al-Araqib in the Negev/Naqab region of Israel, on 27 July 2010 © Menahem Kahana / AFP via Getty
1118. OR Movement, About Givot Bar, (accessed on 25 August 2021), “Givot Bar”.
1119. OR Movement, About Givot Bar (previously cited); Airbnb, Givot Bar Community Rent Choices,’ot-Bar-
type=unknown (accessed on 24 August 2021).
1120. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Prominent Bedouin Leader Imprisoned by Israel: Sheikh Sayyah Abu Mdeighim al-Turi” (Index:
MDE 15/9702/2019), 21 January 2019,
1121. Housing and Land Rights Network, “Palestine/Israel: Naqab Land Defenders Imprisoned”, 22 September 2020,
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Israeli border policemen
stand guard as Bedouin
women sit on what was left
from their house as Israeli
authorities arrive to destroy
temporary houses in the
unrecognized village of Al-
Araqib in the Negev/Naqab
region of Israel, on 10
August 2010 © Uriel Sinai /
Getty Images
An Israeli police officer
watches as a bulldozer
demolishes a Bedouin
family’s house in the
unrecognized village of Al-
Araqib in the Negev/Naqab
region of Israel, on 12 June
2014 © Active Stills
The Israeli government discriminates when providing funds to the health system serving Palestinian citizens
of Israel, even though they have worse health than their Jewish Israeli counterparts (see section 5.5.2
“Discriminatory allocation of resources”), which in large part is due to socio-economic factors: education;
employment; allocation of land for residential use; lack of infrastructure, including connection to the national
electricity grid; running water; paved roads; sewage disposal systems; regulation and control of air and
noise pollution; high urban density; and lack of designated funding for urban development that enables and
encourages healthy lifestyles.
1122. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
20 Years since October 2000: Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 6; NCF and Adalah, “Violations of Human Rights of the Arab Bedouin Community in the Negev/Naqab: International
Day of Human Rights 2019”, 10 December 2019, p. 5.
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As the NGO Physicians for Human Rights – Israel points out, the discrimination and exclusion of Arab
citizens and residents in Arab localities also negatively impact their ability to engage in health-promoting
lifestyles and preventive medicine leading to illnesses such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes even
though health gaps between the Jewish and Arab populations could be greatly reduced by providing
sufficient resources for determinants of health to all Arab local localities.
Additionally, nutritional
insecurity, another factor closely connected to illnesses associated with nutrition and stress, is far more
prevalent in the Arab population.
Palestinian citizens of Israel also face physical barriers to accessing healthcare services. For example,
40.5% of Jewish respondents to a 2018 ICBS survey (see section 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’ human
development”) stated there was a direct bus route from their home to a local medical facility, compared to
only 14.6% of Arabs respondents. Similar inequalities were observed for patients making appointments:
77.9% of Jewish respondents compared to 54.5% of Arab respondents stated they were given an
appointment within a week of their request.
For Palestinian Bedouins living in the Negev/Naqab, accessibility of health services is even worse, as there
are no medical clinics in most Bedouin villages.
Israel does not provide healthcare facilities or medical
services in unrecognized villages. These villages are not connected to public transport, forcing families to
travel long distances to receive basic healthcare.
Adalah has argued that Israeli authorities intentionally
make healthcare inaccessible for Palestinian citizens of Israel in unrecognized villages, in part to create a
coercive environment to force residents to leave the villages.
At the same time, the higher poverty rates of the Arab population prevent many from being able to purchase
supplementary and private health insurance. In recent decades, the Israeli government has adopted a
policy of privatization and budgetary erosion of social programmes, which have undermined public services,
including healthcare for all Israeli citizens, but with a more critical impact on marginalized communities
such as the Arab population.
The effects of these policy changes have weakened public health services,
reduced medical staffing in the geographic periphery, and complicated access to medical offices and clinics
for newborn babies.
This, combined with worse health outcomes, means that Arabs are likely to spend
much more on medication than their Jewish counterparts, despite having less income.
Palestinians’ unequal access to health services in Israel is reflected in a range of health outcomes and
impacts their enjoyment of their right to health. Various official statistics reveal significant health gaps
between the Jewish and Arab populations, with the latter universally scoring worse. According to a study
based on Israeli government data in 2019: infant mortality for Arab citizens of Israel (5.4 per 1,000 births)
was more than double that for Jewish Israelis (2.4); average life expectancy for Arab citizens of Israel was
79.5 compared to 83.1 for Jewish Israelis; and mortality rates due to illness among Arab citizens of Israel
were, per 1,000 people, 7.1 for men and 4.9 for women, compared to 5.5 for men and 3.9 for women
1123. Mossawa Center, “The 2019 State Budget and Government Resolution 922” (previously cited); Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
20 Years since October 2000: Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited).
1124. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
20 Years since October 2000: Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 6.
1125. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
20 Years since October 2000: Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 45.
1126. NCF and Adalah, “Violations of Human Rights of the Arab Bedouin Community in the Negev/Naqab: International Day of Human
Rights 2019” (previously cited), p. 21.
1127. NCF and Adalah, “Violations of Human Rights of the Arab Bedouin Community in the Negev/Naqab: International Day of Human
Rights 2019” (previously cited).
1128. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel,
March 2011, p. 11.
1129. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, 20 Years since October 2000:
Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 8.
1130. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, 20 Years since October 2000:
Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 8.
1131. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, 20 Years since October 2000:
Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 28.
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among Jewish Israelis.
Self-assessed health is lower for respondents among Arab citizens of Israel (49%
assessed their health as very good), compared to Jewish Israeli respondents (56% assessed their health as
very good).
In addition, the ICBS 2018 social survey found that 16.1% of Arab respondents forewent medical treatment
for financial reasons, more than double the rate of Jewish respondents (7.9%).
Moreover, the proportion
of Arab respondents who stated they had to forego medication for this reason (16.7%) was three times
higher than among Jewish respondents (4.8%).
In its 2020 review, CERD expressed concern about the disproportionately poor health status of the
“Palestinian and Bedouin” populations, including shorter life expectancy and higher rates of infant mortality
compared to the Jewish population.
Similar concerns were also expressed by the CESCR in 2019.
In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel’s half-a-century-long military occupation does not just impact
Palestinians’ standard of health but also their ability to access the necessary care and treatment, in particular
specialized treatment for serious medical conditions. Israel does not extend coverage of its health system
to the OPT (excluding annexed East Jerusalem), despite its obligations under international humanitarian
law to ensure and maintain public health and hygiene in the occupied territory and under human rights
law to ensure the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health to everyone under its effective
Israel does, however, provide health coverage for Israeli settlers in the same territory.
The Oslo Accords transferred the responsibility for the provision of healthcare of Palestinians in Gaza and
the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem, to the Palestinian authorities, who face numerous Israeli-imposed
constraints on their capacity to fulfil such responsibilities.
As a result, according to the WHO, the health
sector in the OPT is fragmented and largely donor-dependent; it also lacks adequate specialized health
services and remains underfunded, which exacerbates its fragility.
In addition to the Ramallah-based Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the de facto Hamas
administration in the Gaza Strip, healthcare in the OPT is provided by UNRWA as well as a range of private
and non-governmental institutions. In Area C of the West Bank, where the Palestinian authorities have no
jurisdiction, healthcare for Palestinians is largely provided through mobile clinics that are run by private and
non-governmental organizations.
Although Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem are entitled to Israeli health services and health insurance
provided in Jerusalem and the rest of Israel, in practice, they rely on a network of six Palestinian-run private
hospitals for their primary healthcare.
The hospitals also provide specialized medical treatment for
1132. With respect to mortality as a result of illness, the rate is much higher among Arabs. For example, the cancer mortality rate for Jewish
males is about 38% compared to 47% for Arab males. Among women, the rate is 31% and 38.4% respectively. Physicians for Human
Rights – Israel,
20 Years since October 2000: Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 29.
1133. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
20 Years since October 2000: Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), pp. 5-6.
1134. ICBS,2018
יתרבחה רקסה
[Social Survey 2018], (in Hebrew).
1135. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
20 Years since October 2000: Structural Health Discrimination between Arabs and Jews
(previously cited), p. 45.
1136. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, para. 38(c).
1137. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 54.
1138. Under the right to health, healthcare goods, facilities and services should be available in sufficient quantity within the state; accessible
to everyone without discrimination; respectful of medical ethics and culturally appropriate; and scientifically and medically appropriate
and of good quality. To be considered “accessible”, these goods and services must be accessible to all, especially the most vulnerable or
marginalized sections of the population; within safe physical reach for all sections of the population; and affordable for all. CESCR, General
Comment 14 (previously cited), para. 12(a).
1139. WHO, Director-General,
Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian
(previously cited).
1140. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited).
1141. The East Jerusalem Hospital Network consists of six hospitals: Makassed Islamic Charitable Society Hospital, Augusta Victoria
Hospital, Palestine Red Crescent Society Hospital, St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group, Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre and Saint
Joseph Hospital.
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Palestinians from the rest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, referred by the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
The consequence of this overreliance on donor funding was exemplified by the impact of a 2018 decision
of the US administration to cut USD 25 million in financial aid to the East Jerusalem Hospital Network. This
affected critical medical care, including cardiac surgery, neonatal intensive care, radiation therapy and
paediatric dialysis, especially for Palestinian patients referred by the Palestinian Ministry of Health from other
parts of the OPT, where such services are unavailable.
When specialized and potentially life-saving healthcare is unavailable in medical facilities in the rest of the
West Bank and the Gaza Strip, patients are referred to East Jerusalem, Israel or abroad. However, this option
is often hindered by the discriminatory Israeli policies and practices described throughout this report.
Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank referred to receive medical care in East Jerusalem or Israel, as
well as medical staff who hold West Bank IDs, must apply for an Israeli military permit on humanitarian
grounds to access medical facilities there. On average, each year around 200,000 Palestinians are required
to apply for these permits either to receive medical care in East Jerusalem or Israel, or for family members
to accompany patients, according to the WHO.
There are usually more than 2,000 permit applications
each month for patients from Gaza, of which a third are for cancer treatment. Nearly 80% of all permits are
approved; the remaining 20% are either denied or not approved in time.
The permits are difficult to obtain and the process for obtaining them remains unclear. The vast majority of
unsuccessful applicants do not receive explanations for the denial or delay of their permits.
According to
the WHO, “While there is no published eligibility criteria for obtaining a permit, data collection and interview
findings indicate that factors which appear to affect edibility [sic] include age, sex, residency, civilian status,
timing of travel, kind of medical treatment, and family relationships, in addition to unexplained ‘security’
reasons of Israeli authorities.”
The permit regime has a particularly devastating impact on the health of Palestinians in Gaza where the
blockade and other Israeli policies of segregation, coupled with a chronic energy crisis, have undermined the
availability and quality of health services and left the system close to collapse. Additionally, the Ramallah-
based Palestinian authorities’ reduction of essential services to the Gaza Strip, including electricity and
medical supplies, undermines Palestinians’ right to health. Egypt has kept the Rafah crossing mostly closed
since 2013, which has also restricted access to healthcare.
As a result, Palestinians in Gaza are unable to enjoy and access adequate healthcare including life-saving
and other emergency medical treatment. Treatment for cancer
and other chronic illnesses as well
as specialized paediatric, cardiology and haematology services are severely limited due to severe and
continuous shortages of medicines and medical equipment, which Israel prohibits from entering under the
1142. Lutheran World Federation, “US Cuts Funding to East Jerusalem Hospital Network”, 8 September 2018,
us-cuts-funding-east-jerusalem-hospital-network; DW media, “US cuts $25 million from hospitals serving Palestinians”, 22 April 2020,
1143. UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967, Report, 15 March 2018,
UN Doc. A/HRC/37/75.
1144. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 51; Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
Divide and Conquer: Inequality in Health,
8 January 2015,, p. 48.
1145. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 51; Physicians for Human Rights – Israel,
Divide and Conquer: Inequality in Health
(previously cited), p. 48.
1146. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), pp. 27 and 29; WHO, Director-General,
conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan
(previously cited), p. 23.
1147. WHO,
Right to Health: Crossing barriers to access health in the occupied Palestinian territory,
2013, p. 16.
1148. Amnesty International and others, “Israel: Record low in Gaza medical permits; 54 died in 2017 awaiting Israeli permit (joint
statement)” (Index: MDE 15/7882/2018), 13 February 2018,
1149. For example, Gaza completely lacks radiotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy treatment is available but very limited in terms of supply
and variety.
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“dual use” policy (see section 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’ human development”).
to the WHO, the policy has also affected the supply of electricity generators for hospitals; communications
equipment for coordinating ambulances and emergency response; and a large number of people with
disabilities, as certain materials and equipment, such as nuclear scanning technology,
as well as
carbon fibre and epoxy resins used in some types of prosthetic limbs, are prohibited from being delivered
to Gaza, leaving patients with heavier and more uncomfortable alternatives.
The WHO also reported
that Palestinians have to pay more for medication than international standard prices because of import
restrictions and their limited ability to negotiate lower prices.
In addition, Israel has not allowed certain types of medical equipment to leave Gaza for repair. For instance,
after three years of denying permits, in June and July 2020, following legal intervention by Gisha, the Israeli
authorities finally allowed a device used for treating burns, the only one of its kind in Gaza, to be shipped
for repair.
In parallel, punitive measures taken by the Palestinian authorities in the West Bank to reduce
essential services to the Gaza Strip since 2017 have exacerbated the impact of Israeli restrictions. They too
have violated Gazans’ right to health by reducing their access to medical supplies and electricity essential for
the healthcare system.
Meanwhile, Egypt has kept the Rafah Crossing mostly closed for the population in
Gaza since 2013, which has also restricted access to healthcare.
The Covid-19 pandemic has further debilitated the health system. According to OCHA, as of March 2021,
50% of essential drugs were at zero-stock level (less than a month’s supply) compared with 45% in February
due to the impact of Covid-19. This percentage was the highest recorded since September 2019.
May 2021, there were more than 9,500 active cases in Gaza
and just over 38,000 residents had been
– far short of what is needed for a population of some 2 million. In April 2021, hospitals were
already struggling to admit new patients with insufficient intensive care capacity and shortage of essential
As a result, Palestinians from Gaza are often forced to rely on the more advanced healthcare in East
Jerusalem and elsewhere in the West Bank, in Israel and abroad. Yet the Israeli authorities often delay
permits and sometimes fail to provide them at all.
According to the WHO, patients applying to leave Gaza
for healthcare in 2018 had the second lowest approval rate recorded by the WHO since 2006, with 15,834
1150. Israel prohibited the import of a PET/CT scanner used in cancer diagnosis and treatment for a hospital in Nablus. See Haaretz, “The
Miraculous Tale of the West Bank’s First University Hospital and Its ‘Very Israeli’ CEO”, 19 August 2017,
1151. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 8.
1152. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 8; HRW, “Gaza: Israeli restrictions harm people
with disabilities. Neglect by Hamas authorities, armed conflict cause further hardship”, 3 December 2020,
1153. WHO, Director-General,
Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian
(previously cited), para. 19.
1154. Gisha, “With Gisha’s assistance, critical goods brought in to the Strip and medical equipment exits Gaza for repair”, 25 August 2020,
1155. OCHA, “The humanitarian impact of the internal Palestinian divide on the Gaza Strip”, 23 June 2017,
1156. Amnesty International and others, “Record-low in Gaza medical permits; 54 died in 2017 awaiting Israeli permit” (previously cited).
1157. OCHA, “Gaza Strip: Snapshot: March 2021”, 27 April 2021,
1158. WHO, “OPT- Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report 75”, 6 May 2021,
1159. Even though Israel’s vaccination campaign started in December 2020 – to cover Israeli citizens, East Jerusalem residents, Israeli
settlers in illegal settlements in the West Bank and later Palestinian workers in Israeli settlements – in Gaza access to vaccinations was
intermittent and slow. See Al Jazeera, “First batch of COVAX-supplied vaccines arrives for Palestinians”, 17 March 2021,
1160. ICRC, “Gaza: Vicious new COVID-19 wave hits during Ramadan as vaccine doses trickle in”, 20 April 2021,
1161. Amnesty International and others, “Israel: Record low in Gaza medical permits; 54 died in 2017 awaiting Israeli permit” (previously
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of 25,811 patient permit applications approved (61.4%).
This low level persisted until July 2020.
January to May 2020, 67% of patient applications for permits to leave Gaza were successful.
It appears that, in some cases, Israel’s denial of permits to leave Gaza for medical treatment is intended
as a punitive measure. For example, in the context of the Great March of Return protests, according to
OCHA, Israeli forces injured over 8,000 Palestinian civilians with live ammunition, 1,200 of whom require
long-term rehabilitation, including 156 who had to have limbs amputated.
According to the WHO, the
permit approval rate for Palestinians injured in the Great March of Return protests who needed treatment
outside Gaza was significantly lower than the overall approval rate for patient permit applications to exit
Gaza. Between 30 March 2018 and 30 September 2019, there were 591 patient permit applications from
Palestinians injured in the Great March of Return protests; 18% (104) were approved, 27% (161) were
denied and 55% (326) were delayed.
This pattern applied to children as well as to adults. According
to a 2019 report by the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the OPT, the approval rate
for permit applications for children to cross into Israel for medical treatment was significantly lower for
Palestinian children injured during demonstrations in Gaza than for children injured in other circumstances.
In 2018, 22% of applications were approved, compared with an average approval rate of 75% for other
cases involving children.
Even when children have their permit applications to exit Gaza for treatment approved, they are often denied
the companionship of those most able to support them. In 2018, Israel refused to allow either parent to
accompany their child for healthcare outside Gaza in the case of 5,256 patient permit applications relating to
1,821 children.
More stringent security checks, which Israel put in place in November 2015, have also contributed to delays
in permits being issued. Under the new directives, in order to receive permits male patient companions
aged between 16 and 55 and female patient companions aged between 16 and 45 must face more intensive
security investigations. Further, all “patients may be called for security interrogation as a prerequisite to permit
processing”, according to the WHO.
Indeed, in 2018, the WHO recorded 133 patients and 52 patient
companions who were called for security interrogation. Human rights organizations have also documented
many cases where Palestinian patients or their companions were called in for interrogation by the Israeli
authorities, who attempted to coerce them into collaborating in exchange for treatment. In addition, Israeli
forces arrested one patient and four patient companions at the checkpoint at the Erez crossing in 2018.
Israeli restrictions on movement have been directly responsible for patient deaths in Gaza and have
compounded the suffering of ill Palestinians.
The WHO reported that 54 patients, 46 of whom had cancer,
died while waiting for their permits in 2017, which witnessed the lowest approval rate of medical permits –
1162. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited).
1163. WHO, “Health access barriers for patients in the occupied Palestinian territory: Monthly report - July 2020”, 8 September 2020,
1164. WHO, “Palestinian patient voices: Patients in the Gaza Strip unable to access healthcare”, June 2020,
1165. In the context of the Great March of Return protests, Israeli forces shot tear gas canisters, some of them dropped from drones, rubber
bullets and live ammunition, mostly by snipers. As a result, 214 Palestinians, including 46 children, were killed, and over 36,100, including
nearly 8,800 children, were injured. During the same period, one Israeli soldier was killed and seven others were injured during the
demonstrations. See OCHA, “Two years on: people injured and traumatized during the ‘Great March of Return’ are still struggling”, 6 April
1166. WHO,
Health Access: Barriers for patients in the occupied Palestinian territory,
September 2019,
palestine/documents/september_monthly_report_2019.pdf?ua=1, p. 3.
1167. UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967, Report, 21 October
2019, UN Doc. A/74/507.
1168. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 8.
1169. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 37.
1170. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 67.
1171. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), pp. 35-48; Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP),
“Palestinian Child Dies after being Denied Access to Hospital by Israeli Authorities”, 27 January 2017,
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54% – between 2012 and 2019.
It is possible that some of these deaths might not have occurred but for
the delays caused by the blockade. In 2019, a survival analysis conducted by the WHO found that “cancer
patients initially denied or delayed permits to access chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy outside Gaza from
2015 to 2017 were 1.5 times less likely to survive in the following six months or more, compared to those
initially approved permits.”
The case of Abdul Nasser Al-Yazji, a two-year-old boy who died of cancer whilst waiting for an Israeli permit
to enter Jerusalem for urgent medical treatment, exemplifies the suffering of thousands of patients and their
families in the Gaza Strip.
Abdul Nasser Al-Yazji was just two years old when he died on 28 August 2020 in the Gaza Strip. He
was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma of the cervical spine, a rare type of cancer in the neck, in 2019
when he was 18 months old. His parents were trying to get him to a hospital in East Jerusalem to receive
specialist treatment, but Israeli authorities did not grant them a permit to leave in time. He had been
admitted to Abdel Aziz Rantisi Specialist Hospital for Children, which provides oncology services in Gaza,
where doctors had confirmed he had cancer.
Abdul Nasser Al-Yazji was first given radiology treatment at the hospital in Gaza, but his condition did not
improve. On 8 February 2020, he was transferred to Al-Ahli Hospital in the West Bank city of Hebron for
chemotherapy. The Israeli Civil Administration granted permits to him and his mother, Jawaher Al-Yazji,
to leave the Gaza Strip for two weeks for medical treatment in the West Bank. He had surgery to remove
the tumour from his neck and he and his mother returned to the Gaza Strip on 22 February 2020.
Abdul Nasser Al-Yazji’s health condition deteriorated and, on 27 June 2020, he was admitted to Gaza’s
Abdel Aziz Rantisi Hospital for treatment. Medical examinations and a scan revealed the tumour had
regrown and that the cancer had spread to the lung. On 8 July 2020, doctors in Gaza recommended
that he be transferred to Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem, where he could receive urgent and
specialist medical treatment. The family applied for an exit permit through Erez crossing on the same
day, but they did not receive an answer before he died around a month later. The family tried reaching
out to the Civil Administration office but were told that they were not processing any permits since the
Ramallah-based Palestinian authorities had cut ties with the Israeli authorities, following Israel’s declared
plans of annexation in April 2020.
On 20 August 2020, while waiting for the permit to be issued, Jawaher Al-Yazji told Amnesty International:
The Gaza Strip is under siege, meaning we always need to deal with the humiliation of the Israeli
occupation in order to get medical treatment outside of Gaza. When we went in February, we
applied to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Palestinian Authority, which works with the Israeli
Civil Administration. There, we were told that it would take five days to organize the authorization
documents: two on the Palestinian side and three more days to get an answer from the Israeli
side. And if you have a security issue, the process will take much longer.
If my son dies at the hospital here, it is not that the cancer has killed him, rather it is the
occupation. The fact that we cannot even get a proper medical treatment outside of the Gaza Strip
is what is making people surrender to the illness. Our life is miserable, and it is not getting any
better. We just pray that one day this injustice will go away.
1172. Amnesty International and others, “Record-low in Gaza medical permits; 54 died in 2017 awaiting Israeli permit” (previously cited);
WHO, Director-General,
Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan
(previously cited).
1173. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Jawaher Al-Yazji, 20 August 2020.
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Empty shelves of medicines
in Al-Shifa Hospital on 11
May 2017 © Momen Faiz /
NurPhoto via Getty Images
By implementing this arbitrary permit denial policy, Israel is failing to fulfil its obligation to ensure access to
health facilities, goods and services on a non-discriminatory basis to Palestinians under its effective control,
violating Palestinians’ right to the highest attainable standard of health and, in the most extreme cases, their
right to life.
In its 2019 review, the CESCR expressed concern regarding Israel’s “lengthy and complicated exit-permit
system”, in addition to “the very limited availability of healthcare services and the deteriorating quality of
health-care services in the Gaza Strip due to restrictions on ‘dual use’ items, including essential medical
The CESCR called on Israel to “[i]mmediately lift the blockade and closures on the Gaza
Strip”. It recommended that Israel “[f]acilitate the entry of essential medical equipment and supplies and the
movement of medical professionals from and to Gaza” and “[r]eview the medical exit permit system with a
view to facilitating timely access to all medically recommended healthcare services by residents of Gaza”.
In addition to restricting the movement of people, Israel also bars Palestinian ambulances travelling from
the rest of the West Bank from entering East Jerusalem. A procedure known as “back-to-back” transfer
operates, where Palestinian patients must switch to Palestinian Red Crescent Society ambulances with
Israeli-licensed plates at checkpoints before they can be transferred to receive medical care in East
Jerusalem; patients must also receive security clearance from Israeli authorities beforehand.
In 2018,
84% of the 1,462 recorded journeys by Palestinian ambulances requiring entry to East Jerusalem from other
parts of the West Bank had to follow this procedure, diverting health resources as at least two ambulances
need to be available for the transfer at checkpoints, and delaying transit.
According to data collected
by the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, the average delay at checkpoints for “back-to-back” transfer
procedures in emergency cases was 24 minutes.
In 2019, 90% of Palestinian ambulance journeys to
Jerusalem were required to follow this “back-to-back” transfer procedure.
1174. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 58.
1175. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 59.
1176. MAP, “‘Sometimes patients die’: Barriers facing Palestinian ambulances entering East Jerusalem”, 24 November 2017,
1177. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 52.
1178. MAP,
Health under occupation,
September 2017,
1179. WHO, Director-General,
Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian
(previously cited), para. 36.
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Israel’s territorial division of parts of East Jerusalem, which has left some Palestinian communities beyond
the fence/wall, and the imposed movement restrictions have hindered the ability of Palestinian residents
of East Jerusalem in these areas to access adequate primary healthcare services in a timely manner. For
instance, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the movement restrictions impeded access to healthcare services
for Palestinians in East Jerusalem and exacerbated the health crisis.
L. M.
L. M. works at a school near the Old City in East Jerusalem and lives with her family in Kufr Aqab, which
is segregated from the rest of the city by the fence/wall and military checkpoints. She is married with five
children. The family is forced to live in Kufr Aqab because they do not have permanent residency or the
necessary permits to allow them to live in East Jerusalem. L. M. must cross through Israeli checkpoints
to reach work or receive healthcare. She told Amnesty International:
I work at the Schmidt-Schule Jerusalem [school], so living in Jerusalem would be a lot easier… I
need to get off the bus [from Kufr Aqab] and cross the [Qalandia] checkpoint on foot. Sometimes
there are so many people waiting at the checkpoint, and it can be suffocating. I now have
problems with my leg, and it makes it hard and painful to walk sometimes, especially when
climbing this new bridge they [Israeli authorities] installed at Qalandia checkpoint. I am often late
for work. I also need to cross whenever I need to go see a doctor. My doctor works at a clinic close
to the school where I work.
When the Covid-19 lockdown measures were first imposed in Jerusalem, Palestinian residents of East
Jerusalem living in Kufr Aqab and Shuafat refugee camp, both beyond the fence/wall, could no longer
access health facilities in the rest of the city. Thousands of them were left with no access to Covid-19
testing clinics for several weeks.
Palestinians had to rely solely on receiving testing and treatment in West
Jerusalem and the rest of Israel, where facilities are better equipped to treat certain conditions and illnesses.
Only after a petition to the Israeli Supreme Court by Adalah and the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in
Jerusalem was submitted on 8 April 2020 did Israeli health authorities commit to opening Covid-19 clinics
and testing centres in Kufr Aqab and Shuafat refugee camps and in Silwan, also in East Jerusalem.
three clinics opened on 15 April 2020, nearly two months after the first confirmed cases of Covid-19, and
were operated by one of the state-mandated medical service providers in Israel. Additional testing facilities
were opened at a later stage and were run by the Jerusalem Municipality.
Over the years, Israel’s army has repeatedly targeted medical facilities during its military offensives.
According to the NGO Medical Aid for Palestinians, 147 hospitals and clinics, and 80 ambulances, were
damaged or destroyed in military offensives on Gaza between 2008 and 2017.
In the same period, 145
medical workers – most of them ambulance drivers – were killed or injured.
1180. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with L. M., 18 August 2020.
1181. +972 Magazine, “East Jerusalem scrambles to prevent COVID-19 outbreak before Ramadan”, 22 April 2020,
1182. Adalah, “Following Adalah’s Supreme Court petition, Israel to open coronavirus testing centers in East Jerusalem neighborhoods
beyond the separation wall”, 14 April 2020,
1183. MAP, “Infographic: Attacks on medical facilities and personnel in the West Bank and Gaza”, 1 October 2017,
archive/post/627-infographic-attacks-on-medical-facilities-and-personnel-in-the-west-bank-and-gaza; WHO,
Right to health in the occupied
Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited).
1184. Al Mezan,
Medical Care Under Siege: Israel’s Systematic Violation of Gaza’s Patient Rights,
February 2018,
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During the May 2021 military operation, Israel damaged or destroyed 28 health facilities in Gaza, including
nine hospitals and 19 primary care clinics, according to OCHA.
Two of Gaza’s prominent health
physicians were killed. On 16 May 2021, Israel carried out air strikes against residential buildings and streets
in Gaza city, which destroyed two residential buildings belonging to the Abu Al-Ouf and Al-Kolaq families,
killing at least 30 people.
Among those killed were Ayman Abu Al-Ouf, head of internal medicine at Al-
Shifa hospital, who was also supervising the ward for severe Covid-19 cases, and Mooein Ahmad Al-Aloul, a
psychiatric neurologist.
The attack blocked Al-Wehda Street, a main road leading to Al-Shifa hospital. The
next day, an Israeli attack on a building severely damaged the neighbouring medical complex that contained
the main Covid-19 laboratory.
In another example, the WHO noted unprecedented attacks on the health sector in the context of the Great
March of Return protests that began in March 2018 along the fence between Gaza and Israel. It reported
369 attacks against health personnel in the Gaza Strip in 2018, leading to the death of three health workers
and the injury of 570.
At times of heightened tensions, Israeli security forces have also carried out violent raids on Palestinian
hospitals and medical personnel in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in some cases preventing
doctors from providing out urgent medical treatment. According to Medical Aid for Palestinians, between
October and December 2015, attacks by Israeli security forces resulted in damage to 92 ambulances and
injuries to 147 medical workers, in addition to eight hospitals being raided.
Such raids are usually aimed
at arresting injured Palestinian protesters whilst they are seeking medical care, and have involved the
harassment and intimidation of staff with machine guns and stun grenades.
More recently, during the protests in Sheikh Jarrah in early May 2021,
Israeli forces impeded the work
of Palestinian health workers in East Jerusalem by preventing them from treating the wounded, delaying
transportation of injured people, and physically assaulting paramedics and ambulances.
According to
the American Near East Refugee Aid, at least 41 healthcare workers were injured in the West Bank, and 21
medical service vehicles were damaged or confiscated. It also reported physical attacks, harassment and
restrictions on the movement of healthcare workers, paramedics and ambulances.
Across Israel and the OPT, Israel undermines Palestinians’ right to education through underfunding and
discriminatory urban planning and zoning policies. In the West Bank and Gaza Strip, access to education for
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians is additionally restricted by Israeli violations of freedom of movement
1185. OCHA, “Gaza Strip: Escalation of Hostilities as of 3 June 2021”, 6 June 2021,
june-2021; Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Pattern of Israeli attacks on residential homes in Gaza must be investigated as war crimes”,
17 May 2021,
1186. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Pattern of Israeli attacks on residential homes in Gaza must be investigated as war crimes”, 17
May 2021,
1187. Al Jazeera, “‘Huge loss’: Experienced Gaza doctors killed in Israeli attacks”, 17 May 2021,
1188. WHO, “Escalation in the occupied Palestinian territory”, 20 May 2021,
1189. WHO,
Right to Health in the occupied Palestinian territory: 2018
(previously cited), p. 10.
1190. MAP,
Health under occupation,
September 2017,
1191. Amnesty International, “Israeli forces carry out violent hospital raids in ruthless display of force”, 25 July 2017,
1192. See section 5.2.2 “Palestinians in OPT”.
1193. MAP,
MAP’s letter to the UK Government on attacks on Palestinian healthcare,
20 May 2021,
pursuing-protection-for-palestinian-healthcare-workers-and-medical-facilities-at-the-un-security-council; Palestinian Red Crescent Society,
Targeting Palestine RCS medical teams continues in Jerusalem,
10 May 2021,
1194. American Near East Refugee Aid,
New Situation Report from Palestine,
7 June 2021,
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and military operations targeting schools or conducted in their vicinity. In general, these discriminatory
policies have a severely detrimental effect on the quality of education provided to Palestinian students,
and lead to high drop-out rates. Ultimately, they affect Palestinians’ human development, and the ability to
sustain themselves and their families.
Israel has an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil the right to education in both Israel and the OPT under
international human rights law. In addition, as the occupying power, it has a duty to ensure the right to
education in the OPT under international humanitarian law including by “facilitat[ing] the proper working of
all institutions devoted to the care and education of children”.
The public education system in Israel is run by both the central government and local authorities.
Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jewish Israelis study in separate schools throughout the public education
system, whereby students are generally sorted into four main streams: three for the Jewish Israeli community
(secular, religious and ultra-orthodox) and one for the Arabic-speaking community (Palestinian, including
Bedouin, Druze, and Circassian minorities).
The language of instruction for Arabic-speaking communities
is Arabic,
but it is mandatory for them to learn Hebrew.
With the exception of East Jerusalem, Israel does not currently operate or serve the education system for
Palestinians in the OPT, whereas it does run the education system for Israeli settlers residing in illegal
settlements across the West Bank. Since 1994, Palestinian authorities, along with private institutions and
UNRWA, have operated the education system for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
provides primary and junior secondary schooling education to registered Palestinian refugees in the OPT,
including East Jerusalem, free of charge, in addition to offering vocational and technical training courses and
university scholarships to qualified refugee youth.
In East Jerusalem, the Israeli Ministry of Education and the Jerusalem Municipality are responsible for
providing public education for Palestinian students. Based on an agreement with the Palestinian authorities,
state schools in East Jerusalem have until recently been solely teaching the Palestinian curriculum. However,
in recent years, some state schools have adopted the Israeli curriculum in exchange for additional funding.
Israel discriminates against Palestinian students in Israel and East Jerusalem by underfunding the Arab
education sector, excluding Arab educators from decision-making bodies, and by failing to provide adequate
infrastructure and facilities.
They receive less funding than their Jewish counterparts at all levels of school
education. An analysis by the Mossawa Center of the Israeli Ministry of Education’s 2016 budget found that
Arab students from disadvantaged backgrounds received 30% less funding per learning hours in primary
education, 50% less funding at the intermediate school level and 75% less funding at the secondary school
1195. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 50.
1196. State of Israel, MoFA, Education: Primary and Secondary,
and%20secondary.aspx (accessed on 10 December 2021), “Administration and Structure”; OECD,
Education Policy Outlook: Israel,
1197. OECD,
Education Policy Outlook: Israel
(previously cited).
1198. State of Israel, MoFA, Education: Primary and Secondary,
and%20secondary.aspx (accessed on 10 December 2021), “School System”
1199. Foreign Policy, “The two-school solution”, 18 May 2016,
1200. RecoNow,
The Higher Education System in Palestine: National Report,
May 2016,
1201. European Commission,
Higher Education in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
1 July 2014, available at
1202. Reuters, “‘Carrot not stick’: Israel pushes its curriculum in Palestinian schools”, 29 June 2017,
1203. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel (previously cited); OECD, Education policy outlook Israel
(previously cited).
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level than Jewish students with the same socio-economic status.
In 2016, only 526 classrooms were built
in Arab localities, compared to 2,171 classrooms built in the Hebrew education system. In 2018, the Israeli
Ministry of Education recognized the need for merely 2,416 additional classrooms in Arab localities. A year
later, the Israeli state budget allocated NIS 58.4 million (USD 18.8 million) for the construction of classrooms
in Arab localities, falling far short of meeting the needs of the community, according to the Mossawa
At the same time, Arab localities were experiencing a shortage of 7,000 classrooms.
The Israeli authorities’ discriminatory underfunding of Palestinian schools in East Jerusalem is equally clear.
According to an analysis of the Jerusalem Municipality budget carried out by Haaretz in 2016, “funding for
the western Jerusalem school [was] immeasurably higher than that of its East Jerusalem counterpart.”
Haaretz found that the Jerusalem Municipality transferred less funding to Palestinian public schools in
East Jerusalem than the already low budget allocated to them by the Ministry of Education. By contrast,
Jewish schools received consistently more funding from the municipality than their allocated budget.
inquiry by a Meretz party city councillor confirmed these findings: 11 out 17 Palestinian high schools in East
Jerusalem received less than their allocated share of the government’s allocated budget in 2016.
The underfunding of Palestinian state schools in Israel and annexed East Jerusalem, coupled with
discriminatory urban planning policies and a discriminatory provision of other essential services described
elsewhere in this section, lead to classroom overcrowding, lower quality of education and gaps in educational
attainment between Palestinian and Jewish Israeli students and, ultimately, to a high drop-out rate.
The situation is particularly severe in the unrecognized villages in the Negev/Naqab where Palestinian
Bedouins have few or no educational facilities given the government’s refusal to provide such services, based
on these villages’ lack of official status under discriminatory planning and zoning policies. Those that exist
are poorly equipped and severely overcrowded.
Indeed, in its 2020 concluding observations CERD expressed concern about the disproportionately high
drop-out rates among Bedouin students in the Negev/Naqab and the significant gaps in the educational
achievements between Arab students and Jewish students, as well as the shortage of classrooms and
kindergartens in Bedouin localities.
Similar concerns were expressed by the CESCR in 2019 about drop-
out rates and gaps in educational achievements, as well as the shortage of classrooms and kindergartens in
Bedouin areas.
Similarly, the shortage of classrooms is a major impediment to free education for Palestinians in East
Jerusalem. The Ministry of Education and the Jerusalem Directorate of Education are responsible for
providing education to 127,198 Palestinian children eligible for school. Of these, as of May 2019, only
108,598 were actually enrolled in the public education system: 41.1% in 65 public schools in East
Jerusalem, with the remainder either enrolled in “recognized but not official” schools (43.2% of the students
1204. Mossawa Center, “Analysis of the Ministry of Education’s Budget for 2016”, 25 April 2017,
1205. Mossawa Center, “The 2019 State Budget and Government Resolution 922” (previously cited).
1206. Mossawa Center, “The 2019 State Budget and Government Resolution 922” (previously cited).
1207. Haaretz, “Arab Students in Jerusalem get less than half the funding of Jewish counterparts”, 23 August 2016,
1208. Haaretz, “Arab Students in Jerusalem get less than half the funding of Jewish counterparts” (previously cited)
1209. Haaretz, “Arab Students in Jerusalem get less than half the funding of Jewish counterparts” (previously cited)
1210. Ir Amim and ACRI,
Annual Status Report: The Failing East Jerusalem Education System,
August 2013,
1211. Adalah,
The Inequality Report: The Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel
(previously cited).
1212. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 December 2019, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-1, para. 38(a).
1213. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 62
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in 105 schools),
or in private schools (15.7% of the students in 79 schools), principally as result of the
shortage of classroom facilities provided by Israeli authorities.
In 2019, public schools in East Jerusalem had a shortage of 1,983 classrooms out of a total shortfall of
3,800 classrooms in the entire city.
Already in February 2011, the Israeli Supreme Court recognized
the government and municipal authorities’ failure to provide sufficient funding to Palestinian schools
in East Jerusalem leading to an acute and chronic shortage of classrooms, and held that this violated
the constitutional right to equal access to education for Palestinian students.
The court gave the
Ministry of Education and the Jerusalem Municipality a five-year period to resolve the shortage of
classrooms in Palestinian schools in East Jerusalem.
Yet, as of May 2019, only 314 new classrooms
had been completed in East Jerusalem since the court’s ruling. In 2019, the State Comptroller said that
the municipality had failed in its obligation to provide free access to education due to the shortage of
The Jerusalem Municipality states that it intends to provide an additional 834 classrooms by
2022. Even if implemented, this would still fail to meet students’ learning needs.
In addition, existing classrooms are often inadequate for teaching.
In 2016, 43% of East Jerusalem
public school classrooms were overcrowded with many located in rented houses.
Ir Amim also expressed
concern that many schools in East Jerusalem lack open spaces and have sub-standard sanitary conditions
due to a shortage of cleaning staff and unavailability of sanitation supplies.
In parallel with underfunding and blatant neglect, Israeli discriminatory practices aimed at coercing
Palestinians in East Jerusalem to leave the city have also a severe impact on their right to education. Israel
extends its policy of home and structure demolitions in East Jerusalem to Palestinian schools constructed
without building permits, which as detailed above are nearly impossible to obtain. According to the UN, in
2019, eight schools in East Jerusalem had pending “stop work” or demolition orders issued against them,
which would affect around 1,100 students if implemented.
In addition, movement restrictions in different
parts of East Jerusalem impede access to education for children living in the communities isolated by the
fence/wall, and expose them to a risk of harassment, attacks and/or arrest by Israeli soldiers.
The combined effect of inadequate teaching conditions, restrictions on movement and high poverty rates
means that over 14% of Palestinian children in East Jerusalem were not enrolled in any educational
institution in 2019.
In 2020, the number of Palestinian children not registered in any formal education
rose to 30% mainly due to disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, exposing the fragility of the
education system in East Jerusalem,
and disparities between Palestinian and Jewish Israeli children’s
1214. “Recognized but unofficial” schools are funded and licensed by the Israeli Ministry of Education but are privately operated and
charge tuition. See Ir Amim,
Falling between the Cracks: Student Dropout and the Shortage of Classrooms in East Jerusalem,
August 2015,
1215. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019” (previously cited).
1216. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019” (previously cited).
1217. ACRI, “HCJ: Authorities Have 5 Years to Provide Public Education in East Jerusalem”, 6 February 2011,
high-court-ruling-authorities-have-5-years-to-provide-free-public-education-in-east-jerusalem; Ir Amim,
Falling between the Cracks: Student
Dropout and the Shortage of Classrooms in East Jerusalem
(previously cited).
1218. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019” (previously cited).
1219. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019” (previously cited).
1220. ACRI, “East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures 2019” (previously cited).
1221. ACRI, “5 Year ‘Grace-Period’ for Education in East Jerusalem has Ended”, 1 February 2016,
1222. ACRI, “5 Year “Grace-Period” for Education in East Jerusalem has Ended” (previously cited).
1223. Ir Amim,
The State of Education in East Jerusalem: Discrimination against the Backdrop of Covid-19,
September 2020,
1224. UNICEF and Education Cluster, “Map: Schools under the risk of demolition in the West Bank 2019”, 22 June 2020, available at
1225. ACRI,
East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures, 2021
(previously cited).
1226. ACRI,
East Jerusalem: Facts and Figures, 2021
(previously cited).
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accessibility to distance learning through the availability of a computer and internet account at home.
Further, approximately a third of Palestinian adolescents in Jerusalem do not complete 12 years of schooling
compared to a drop-out rate for Jewish Israeli students in the city of an estimated 1.5%.
As stated above, in May 2018, the Israeli government announced that it would invest NIS 1.85 billion in
infrastructure and services in East Jerusalem to address its residents’ socio-economic needs. According to Ir
Amim, however, 43.4% of the education budget intended to reduce gaps between West and East Jerusalem
is conditioned on Palestinian schools’ adoption of the Israeli curriculum.
This strategy was confirmed by
the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the OPT when he expressed concern in 2019
that Israel was attempting to further erode Palestinian identity and autonomy by persuading schools in East
Jerusalem to change the curriculum in return for more investment.
Israeli discriminatory urban planning policies aimed at coercing forcible transfers, severe restrictions on
movement and repeated military attacks are the primary reasons why Palestinian students face obstacles
in accessing education in the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, in addition to the Palestinian
authorities’ failure to sufficiently prioritize education and an underfunding crisis.
This has resulted in a
severe shortage of learning facilities.
In 2019, 43 Palestinian schools in Area C of the West Bank were subject to demolition or “stop work” orders
due to lack of permits, affecting around 4,100 students and hindering any maintenance or expansion of
school infrastructure.
In general, many schools in Area C do not meet safety and well-being standards.
They are located in rented houses, or in caravans, and in some cases are built out of tyres. Many lack
sanitation facilities and play areas, and have water leakages, and broken windows. In addition, Palestinian
children in more than one third of Area C lack access to primary schools, with many having to walk long
distances, exposing them to violence and harassment by Israeli settlers
and soldiers who rarely intervene
to stop such attacks. As a result, some families adopt “negative coping mechanisms” and take their children
out of school.
More broadly, in 2018, the UN documented 118 incidents of Israeli actions interfering with the right to
education in the OPT, affecting 23,188 children and impacting their access to education.
More than half
of these incidents related to the firing of live ammunition, tear gas and stun grenades into or near schools
by Israeli forces, while the other incidents pertained to the threat of demolition of schools, closures, settler
violence and harassment at military checkpoints.
1227. Ir Amim,
The State of Education in East Jerusalem: Discrimination against the Backdrop of Covid-19
(previously cited).
1228. Al-Haq and others,
Joint Parallel Report to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Israel’s
Seventeenth to Nineteenth Periodic Reports,
10 November 2019,
1229. Ir Amim,
The State of Education in East Jerusalem: Budgetary Discrimination and National Identity,
August 2018,
1230. UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967, Report, 21 October
2019, UN Doc. A/74/507, para. 23.
1231. UNICEF, “Right of Education for 1 Million Palestinian Children at Risk”, 11 September 2017,
1232. Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI),
Education Under Occupation: Access to Education in the
occupied Palestinian territory,
February 2013,; UN Human
Rights Council,
Report of the independent fact-finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political,
economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,
February 2013, UN Doc. A/HRC/22/63, para. 53.
1233. UNICEF and Education Cluster, “Map: Schools under the risk of demolition in the West Bank 2019” (previously cited).
1234. UNICEF and Education Cluster,
Education Cluster Strategy: Palestine 2020-2021,
22 June 2020, available at; UN Human Rights Council,
Report of the independent fact-
finding mission to investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements
(previously cited).
1235. UNICEF and Education Cluster,
Education Cluster Strategy: Palestine 2020-2021
(previously cited).
1236. UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territories Occupied since 1967, Report, 21 October
2019, UN Doc. A/74/507, para. 26.
1237. For case information, see Amnesty International, Seventy+ Years of Suffocation (previously cited).
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Since 2008, four major rounds of Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip have had a particularly
devastating impact on the right to education of Palestinians living there. For example, during the 2014
Israeli military operation in Gaza, nearly 615 educational facilities, including kindergartens, schools, and
tertiary education institutions were damaged or destroyed, affecting 350,000 students, according to the UN
Development Programme.
By February 2017, the UNDP programme had completed the rehabilitation
and reconstruction of 37 educational facilities, benefiting 88,311 students.
The May 2021 military
offensive further exacerbated Gaza’s education crisis, resulting in 331 damaged educational facilities.
Together with disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Israeli violations placed some 18,089 Gazan
children at risk of dropping out from school.
Over the years, repeated Israeli air strikes on schools, and restrictions under the “dual use” policy (see
section 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’ human development”) preventing the entry of construction
materials necessary for the reconstruction and repair of education facilities, have caused a serious shortage
of classrooms. This has led to schools operating on a shift basis. For example, out of 274 UNRWA schools
across the Gaza Strip, 84 operate on a single-shift basis, 177 on a double-shift basis, and 13 on a triple-
shift basis.
In addition, thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been unable to access higher education outside
Gaza, including in the West Bank, since Israel imposed its blockade,
which not only violates their right to
education but also may have lifelong consequences for their ability to support themselves and their families.
The restrictions on access to education come on top of the already severely limited opportunities through
which Palestinians can generate an income and access livelihood opportunities. There are a number of
important programmes that continue to be unavailable in Gaza, including medical engineering and some
doctoral programmes.
The combined impact of such restrictions places Palestinians in Gaza at risk of
ongoing and deepening poverty and deprivation, suppressing their human potential.
Indeed, in its 2019 review, the CESCR expressed concern about the blanket ban on allowing Gazan
students to leave Gaza to attend university imposed since 2014, and concluded that the “dual-use” policy
undermines the ability of students in the Gaza Strip to enjoy their right to education, “particularly in the fields
of science and engineering, and the benefits of scientific progress and its applications due to the lack of
essential education materials and equipment”.
More broadly, the CESCR expressed concern at Israeli restrictions on Palestinians’ access to education in the
OPT due to a shortage of school facilities in the OPT resulting from demolition orders, difficulties in obtaining
building permits and importing construction materials under the “dual-use” policy; searches of Palestinian
schools by Israeli security forces; repeated harassment and threats against teachers and students by both
Israeli security forces and Israeli settlers at checkpoints or along roads.
1238. UN Development Programme, “Right to Education in the Gaza Strip”, 1 May 2017,
1239. UN Development Programme, “Right to Education in the Gaza Strip” (previously cited).
1240. UNICEF, “Education case study: State of Palestine” (previously cited)
1241. UNICEF, “Education case study: State of Palestine” (previously cited).
1242. UNRWA, Education in the Gaza Strip, (accessed on 10 December 2021).
1243. Gisha, “Students from Gaza blocked for Travel to Studies Abroad”, 14 January 2021,
1244. Gisha, “The Impact of the Separation between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank on Higher Education”, May 2010,
1245. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 66.
1246. CESCR, Concluding Observations: Israel, 12 November 2019, UN Doc. E/C.12/ISR/CO/4, para. 64.
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As this chapter has demonstrated, Israel has created and maintains an institutionalized regime of systematic
oppression and domination over Palestinians, enforced across different domains through reinforcing
discriminatory laws, policies and practices that, when seen as a totality, control virtually every aspect of
Palestinians’ lives and routinely violates their human rights. Israel’s control over Palestinians within Israel,
East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank, and Gaza, and over the right of return of Palestinian refugees,
manifests itself differently but consistently has the same purpose of dominating and oppressing Palestinians
for the benefit of Jewish Israelis, both generally and within the same areas, who are privileged under Israeli
civil law regardless of where they reside. The discrimination and segregation are self-evidently systematic as
it is realized in law, policy and practice.
Since its establishment in 1948, the State of Israel has created and continues to maintain a system designed
to ensure an overwhelming Jewish majority with access to and benefiting from the maximum amount of
territory, land, and resources acquired or controlled for the benefit of Jewish Israelis while restricting the
rights of Palestinians to challenge this dispossession. This system has been applied wherever Israel has
exercised effective control over territory and land or over the exercise of the rights of Palestinians. It is
realized in law, policy and practice, and reflected in the discourse of the state from its establishment and
until this day.
While laws and policies define the State of Israel as democratic, this chapter has shown that the regime
in Israel and the OPT is structurally built and maintained to benefit Jewish Israelis, whilst dispossessing
Palestinians, of rights and preventing them from challenging the regime of systematic oppression and
While international law applies differently to the situations in Israel and in the OPT, this fact does not excuse
prohibited discrimination against Palestinians in any of the areas under Israel’s control. Israel’s treatment
of Palestinians inside Israel is governed by international human rights law, to the exclusion of international
humanitarian law. In the OPT, Israel’s conduct is bound both by the rules of international humanitarian law
relevant to military occupation (law of occupation) and its obligations under international human rights law.
The law of occupation allows, and in some cases requires, differential treatment between nationals of the
occupying power and the population of the occupied territory. However, it does not allow the occupying
power to do this where the intention is to establish or maintain a regime of systematic racial oppression and
domination (see section 4.7 “Apartheid in situations of belligerent occupation”). Given the reality of over five
decades of annexation, illegal settlements and dispossession of the occupied population, there is no doubt
that Israel’s differential treatment Palestinians in the OPT does not adhere to the law of occupation. In fact,
it is a serious and flagrant violation of its obligations under international human rights law and international
humanitarian law.
This chapter illustrates how, through fragmentation and segregation, denial of Palestinians’ right to equal
nationality and status; systematic violation of their rights to freedom of movement, family unification and
return to their country and their homes; and blocking their ownership of and access to land, the State of
Israel subjects Palestinians to systematic oppression and domination and denies them human rights. In
order to ensure Jewish domination over land and territory, Israel created a land acquisition and allocation
regime consisting of legislation, reinterpretation of existing British and Ottoman laws, governmental and
semi-governmental land institutions, and a supportive judiciary that enabled land dispossession and
discriminatory reallocation of such lands across all territories under its control. The result has been the
deliberate impoverishment of the Palestinian population both within Israel and in the OPT.
The continuing forced displacement of a majority of Palestinians from their land and property in 1947-49
and subsequently in 1967; the forced deportations, forcible transfers and arbitrary restrictions on their
freedom of movement; the denial of nationality and the right of return; the racialized and discriminatory
dispossession of their lands and property; and the subsequent discriminatory allocation of and access to
national resources (including land, housing and water) combine to hinder Palestinians’ current enjoyment
of their rights, including to access to livelihood, employment, healthcare, food security, water and sanitation,
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and education opportunities. They ensure that Palestinians cannot as individuals or communities enjoy a
status equal to that of Jewish Israelis in Israel, the OPT and other situations where Israel exercises control
over Palestinians’ enjoyment of their rights, particularly the right of return.
While Palestinian citizens of Israel can vote in national elections, in practice their right to political
participation is limited and they continue to be perceived as the “enemy within”. However, this is not the
primary way in which they have been subjected to segregation, oppression and domination by Israel. As
this chapter has shown, Palestinian citizens of Israel were systematically dispossessed of land, property and
housing through many of the same practices which are currently applied against Palestinians in the OPT and
continue to be largely denied access to public land for development and to natural and financial resources
on the basis of their racial and national status under Israeli law. This has led directly to the impoverishment
and alienation of Palestinian communities and their effective exclusion from civil and political life. They have
no effective recourse to the courts for redress of these violations.
This regime of systematic oppression and domination is of a prolonged and sustained nature: many of the
discriminatory laws, policies and practices in Israel were brought in during the years following the creation of
the State of Israel in 1948 and have been applied to the OPT since 1967. These laws, policies and practices
are blatantly discriminatory on the basis of membership of racial groups,
particularly cruel in their
impact on the lives of Palestinians and are deliberately applied as a matter of official policy to Palestinians
in Israel and the OPT, and to Palestinian refugees living outside Israel and the OPT. Almost all of Israel’s
civilian administration and military authorities, as well as quasi-governmental institutions, are involved in the
enforcement of this regime of discrimination against and segregation of Palestinians, across Israel and the
OPT and against Palestinian refugees and their descendants outside Israel and the OPT.
The intention to maintain this regime can be inferred from the prolonged nature of the cruel and
discriminatory treatment, which indicates the non-accidental nature of the oppression and domination
perpetrated against Palestinians, and from statements by successive Israeli political leaders of various
political parties, who have emphasized the overarching objective of maintaining Israel’s identity as a Jewish
state and the fact that this is perceived to require preventing Palestinians from full enjoyment of equal rights.
This regime of oppression and domination was clearly crystallized in the nation state law adopted in 2018
that constitutionally enshrined racial discrimination against non-Jewish people in Israel and the OPT. The
essence of this system has also been communicated in numerous statements by senior civilian and military
officials, who have promoted, maintained and enforced the institutionalized regime of systematic oppression
and domination of Palestinians, being fully aware of, and therefore fully responsible for, the atrocious
consequences the regime has for the Palestinian population.
The racial discrimination against and segregation of Palestinians is the result of deliberate government
policy. The regular violations of Palestinians’ rights are not accidental repetitions of offences, but part of an
institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination.
As described above apartheid as condemned by the ICERD and public international law constitutes, at
the very least, the (creation and) maintenance of a system or institutionalized regime of oppression and
domination by one racial group over another. This chapter has documented a system of laws, policies and
practices that ensure the prolonged and cruel discriminatory treatment of Palestinians with the intention of
controlling them and therefore demonstrates that Israel has committed the international wrong of apartheid
against the Palestinian people. This chapter has also demonstrated that Israel has committed serious
violations of human rights within the context of this regime of systematic oppression and domination with the
goal of maintaining it. These acts include murder and unlawful killings, arbitrary detention, torture, forcible
transfer (which was partly documented in this chapter) and other grave violations of international human
rights and international humanitarian law. Many of these acts constitute inhuman and inhumane acts as
prohibited by respectively the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. These are assessed further in the
following chapter.
1247. In section 5.2 “Palestinians and Jewish Israelis as racial groups”, Amnesty International showed that Jewish Israelis and Palestinians
constitute racial groups for the purposes of the ICERD, the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute.
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In the process of creating and maintaining the system of oppression and domination over Palestinians
described above, individuals, acting on behalf of the State of Israel, have committed inhuman and inhumane
acts as proscribed by respectively the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. An assessment of
these violations is relevant to determining whether the crime of apartheid has been committed in Israel and
the OPT as each of these serious human rights violations would constitute the crime against humanity of
apartheid if committed in the necessary context. The analysis provided in this chapter gives an overview of
some of the serious human rights violations committed within the context of the system of oppression and
domination over Palestinians to determine whether they amount to inhuman or inhumane acts. It also assists
in determining whether there has been the commission of a widespread or systematic attack on the civilian
population with the intention of creating or maintaining a system of oppression and domination.
Amnesty International has examined specifically the inhuman or inhumane acts of forcible transfer,
administrative detention, torture, unlawful killings and serious injuries, and the denial of basic rights and
freedoms or persecution committed against the Palestinian population in Israel and the OPT, and that are
associated with and enforce the system of discriminatory laws, policies and practices already discussed
in detail above. The set of acts analysed below is not exhaustive and does not imply that Israel is not
responsible for committing other inhuman or inhumane acts as defined under respectively the Apartheid
Convention and the Rome Statute.
These proscribed actions have been analysed because they demonstrate most starkly the inhuman
treatment meted out to Palestinians and illustrate other violations perpetrated against Palestinians in the
territories under Israel’s effective control.
Article 7(1)(d) of the Rome Statute criminalizes “deportation or forcible transfer of population” as a crime
against humanity. Forcible transfer occurs when there is displacement within the territory of one state,
whereas deportation presumes displacement beyond state borders.
The crime against humanity of
forcible transfer is defined in the Rome Statute as the “forced displacement of the persons concerned by
expulsion or other coercive acts from the area in which they are lawfully present, without grounds permitted
under international law”.
The Apartheid Convention criminalizes “the deliberate creation of conditions
1248. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Krstić,
Case IT-98-33, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 August 2001, para. 521.
1249. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(d).
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preventing the full development of such a group or groups”, for example, through measures that make it
impossible to remain in a given community.
As provided by the Rome Statute, and as has been interpreted by ad hoc international criminal tribunals,
the term “forced” in the context of forcible transfer is not confined to expulsions or “physical force”. It
also includes “threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention,
psychological oppression or abuse of power against such person or persons or another person, or by
taking advantage of a coercive environment”,
or “factors other than force itself [that] may render an
act involuntary”.
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has also ruled
that the creation of adverse living conditions, such as cutting off water, electricity and telephone services,
harassment, arrests and house searches, that made it impossible for those targeted to remain and induced
their movement, constitutes forcible transfer.
A key criterion for assessing the coercive and arbitrary nature of the transfer is the absence of a “genuine
wish to leave”
or a “genuine choice to go”
by the individuals displaced from the area in which they
are lawfully present. The ICTY has clarified that the lawful presence requisite “is intended to exclude only
those situations where the individuals are occupying houses or premises unlawfully or illegally and not to
impose a requirement for ‘residency’ to be demonstrated as a legal standard.”
Thus, the ICTY case law
has primarily focused on the coercive nature of the “unlawful transfer”, which is “crucial for diminishing the
importance of examining the
of the place of residence from which persons are removed”.
Additionally, the forcible transfer or deportation of the population of an occupied territory, either within or
outside the occupied territory, may constitute a war crime under Article 8(2)(a)(vii) of the Rome Statute.
Forcible transfer is absolutely prohibited under international humanitarian law.
Only “imperative military
reasons” or the protection of the displaced population could justify their partial or total transfer,
must be limited by the “temporariness of the transfer” and the right of the displaced population to return
immediately upon the end of hostilities.
Across Israel and the OPT, Israel’s destruction of Palestinian homes, agricultural land and other property
is intricately linked with Israel’s long- standing policy of land appropriation for the benefit of its Jewish
population. In the Negev/Naqab in Israel, East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank, which are under full
Israeli control, Israeli authorities enforce planning and building regimes against the Palestinian population
that result in widespread and similar patterns of home and property demolitions, including structures
1250. Apartheid Convention, Article II(c).
1251. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Stakić,
Case IT-97-24, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 March 2006, para. 281; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Krnojelac,
Case IT-97-25, Trial Chamber judgment, 17 September 2003, paras 229 and 233; and ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Krajišnik,
Case IT-00-39,
Trial Chamber judgment, 27 September 2006, paras 724 and 730. See, for example,
Prosecutor v. Krstić,
Case IT-98-33, Trial Chamber
judgment, 2 August 2001, paras 528-530.
1252. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Krnojelic,
Case IT-02-60, Trial Chamber judgment, 17 January 2005, para. 475. See also ICTY,
Prosecutor v.
Case IT-97-24, Trial Chamber judgment, 22 March 2006, para. 281.
1253. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Krajišnik,
Case IT-00-39, Trial Chamber judgment (previously cited).
1254. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Naletilić and Martinović,
Case IT-98-34, Trial Chamber judgment, 31 March 2003, para. 519.
1255. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Krstić,
Case IT-98-33, Trial Chamber judgment (previously cited), para. 528 and what follows.
1256. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Popović and Others,
Case IT-05-88, Trial Chamber judgment, 10 June 2010, para. 900.
1257. Yutaka Arai, Amicus Brief on the Direct or Indirect Transfer of Palestinians within the Occupied Territories, 1 July 2010, available at, p. 6.
1258. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 49(1).
1259. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 49(2).
1260. Eyal Benvenisti,
Expert Opinion on the prohibition of Forcible Transfer in Susya Village,
30 June 2021, p. 4 (an unofficial English
translation is available at
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directly linked to livelihoods, on grounds of the lack of building permits.
This policy coerces the transfer
of Palestinians or leaves many facing the threat of home demolition and displacement. The effect is to
concentrate Palestinians into small enclaves and reduce their demographic presence and future growth,
while disproportionally favouring the Jewish Israeli population in these areas.
As analysed above, although the legal system applied by Israel to Palestinians in Israel and East Jerusalem
differs from that imposed on Palestinians in the rest of the West Bank, Israeli authorities have enforced
a discriminatory and to a large extent similar planning and building regime against Palestinians in these
communities, where the pattern has a similar logic and aims using slightly different means (see section
5.4.4 “A discriminatory planning and zoning system”). The restrictive and discriminatory planning laws and
policies in Israel, East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank have made it extremely difficult or virtually
impossible for Palestinians to obtain building permits from the Israeli authorities, leaving many of them with
little choice but to build without permits, risking home demolitions and subsequent forced displacement.
Since 1948, Israel has demolished tens of thousands of Palestinian homes and other properties across
all areas under its jurisdiction and effective control.
This includes the destruction of more than 500
Palestinian villages in what became Israel following the 1947-49 conflict. Those affected are some of
the poorest and most marginalized communities in both Israeli and Palestinian society, often refugees or
internally displaced persons, who are forced to rely on family, friends and humanitarian actors for shelter
and livelihoods.
Homes and other property built with the assistance of foreign donors have been amongst
those targeted for demolitions.
Demolitions continue today and are usually carried out for three main reasons: unlicensed building, alleged
military or security needs or as punishment. As shown above (see section 5.4.4 “Discriminatory urban planning
and zoning system”), in the Negev/Naqab, where Israeli authorities refuse to recognize 35 Bedouin villages,
between 2013 and 2018 there were 7,298 demolitions in the Palestinian Bedouin communities over lack
of permits, of which 6,100 were “self-demolitions”, in which owners destroy their own homes or structures
that have demolition orders against them in order to avoid paying heavy fines and the cost of demolition to
the Israeli authorities,
and 1,974 were of structures intended for residential purposes, according to the
Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality.
According to the Ministry of Public Security, demolitions of
Bedouin homes in the Negev/Naqab tripled between 2013 and 2017.
In 2019 alone, 2,241 structures were
demolished, either by state forces or by the owners after they received the demolition order or a warning. This
represented an increase of 146% compared to the previous year, and a 221% increase compared to 2013.
In East Jerusalem, Israeli authorities demolished 1,360 structures, displacing 2,462 people, over the lack
of building permits, from 1 January 2009 to 5 August 2020, according to OCHA.
B’Tselem, for its part,
recorded the demolition of 1,632 structures, including 1,136 housing structures and 496 non-residential
structures in East Jerusalem between 1 January 2004 and 31 July 2021, which in total displaced 3,659
Such demolitions have been more widespread in Area C of the West Bank, where, between
1261. See section 5.4 “Dispossession of land and property”.
1262. ICAHD,
Israel’s Demolition of Palestinian Homes: A Fact Sheet,
20 April 2021,
1263. Amnesty International,
Under the rubble: Home demolition and destruction of land and property
(Index: MDE 15/033/2004), May
1264. Israeli authorities issued a bill for demolitions over the lack of building permits. Many Palestinians cannot afford to pay the cost so end
up demolishing their own homes or properties so as not to incur those expenses as well.
1265. NCF,
Mechanism for Dispossession and Intimidation: Demolition Policy in Arab Bedouin communities in the Negev/Naqab,
2019,, pp. 11-13.
1266. NCF and Adalah,
NGO Report to UN Human Right committee
(previously cited), p. 4.
1267. NCF,
On (In)Equality and Demolition of Homes and Structures in Arab Bedouin Communities in the Negev/Naqab
(previously cited).
1268. OCHA, Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 21 July 2021).
1269. B’Tselem, House Demolitions: Demolition on the pretext of unlawful construction,
(accessed on 25 August 2021).
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1 January 2009 and 12 August 2020, Israeli authorities demolished or seized 5,339 structures over the lack
of building permits and as a result 7,548 people were displaced.
In the case of unlicensed building, Israeli authorities have consistently maintained that the demolition of
Palestinian houses is based on planning considerations and carried out in accordance with the applicable
law. When Palestinians build houses illegally (because they cannot obtain planning and building permits),
the houses are destroyed. However, Israeli officials have discriminated in the application of planning laws
and policies in the Negev/Naqab in Israel, East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank. They strictly
enforce planning prohibitions where Palestinian houses are built and freely allow amendments to plans to
promote development where Israeli authorities are setting up Jewish cities in Israel or Israeli settlements
in the OPT.
For instance, the Israeli Civil Administration has enforced sanctions against construction
without permits in Area C of the occupied West Bank in a discriminatory manner, issuing demolition orders
against thousands of Palestinian homes and other structures, but issuing them less often in relation to
structures built without permits by Israeli settlers.
For example, between 1988 and 2014, the Israeli Civil
Administration issued 14,087 demolition orders against Palestinian structures in Area C and executed nearly
20% of them. In the same period, it issued 6,948 demolition orders against structures in Israeli settlements,
and executed 12% of them.
Forced evictions and demolitions are usually carried out by demolition crews, accompanied by security
officials, who may arrive at any time, giving families little notice or opportunity to remove their possessions.
Recent years have shown a spike in the rate of “self-demolitions”.
Israel carries out its policy of home and structure demolitions based on the lack of building permits in the
context of other discriminatory laws and policies it applies to Palestinians. Some of these laws relate to the
planning and building regimes, such as the refusal to connect these communities to water and sanitation
networks or electricity grids, or provide them with schools or healthcare centres, thereby precluding
Palestinians from meaningfully exercising their rights to livelihood, adequate housing and residence. Other
policies are designed and relate to maintaining a regime of domination over Palestinians, such as Israel’s
severe restrictions on movement in the OPT, its declaration of adjacent lands as closed military areas or
“firing zones”, its expansion of settlements and its failure to protect the Palestinian population against Israeli
settlers’ attacks and intimidation. Together, these policies create a coercive environment with the aim of
forcing Palestinians in these communities to leave their homes to ensure a Jewish demographic majority
and retain Israeli control over these areas and allow for the creation and expansion of Jewish localities and
settlements, as shown above. Many Palestinians from East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank have left
their homes to areas adjacent to their original homes or to areas under the nominal administrative control of
the Palestinian authorities.
Within the OPT, Israel has also pursued other policies that have resulted in systematic punitive home
demolitions. Since 1967, Israel has been punitively demolishing homes of families of Palestinians suspected
or convicted of attacks against Israeli soldiers or civilians across the OPT or in Israel, regardless of whether
they are the owners of the property or not.
Israel’s military claims that the policy is carried out for
security and military purposes to deter other attacks, yet it stopped using the policy for lack of evidence
1270. OCHA, Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 21 July 2021).
1271. See section 5.4 “Dispossession of land and property”.
1272. See, for example, Adalah, “Court to hear Adalah’s defense arguments against evacuation of 500 residents of Ras Jrabah”, 14 June
1273. Amnesty International, “Israeli authorities must transfer planning powers to Palestinians in Area C of the occupied West Bank” (Index:
MDE 15/1430/2015), 9 April 2015,
1274. OCHA,
Under Threat: Demolition orders in Area C of the West Bank,
7 September 2015,
1275. OCHA, “Record Number of Demolitions, including Self-Demolitions, in East Jerusalem in April 2019”, 14 May 2019,
1276. See, for example, HaMoked, The Punitive Demolition of Homes,
(accessed on 30 August 2021); Al-Haq,
Israel’s Punitive House Demolition Policy: Collective Punishment in Violation of International Law,
19 July 2011,
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of its effectiveness in 1998 (Israel reinstated it in 2001 during the second
and in 2005 (Israel
reinstated its official use in 2014, but used it exceptionally in 2009 to demolish a home and seal two
others in East Jerusalem).
The Supreme Court of Israel rubber-stamped the punitive home demolitions policy in 2014, and left
the administrative practice to be carried out at the discretion of the Military Commander, without court
supervision or proceedings.
However, this policy has been undoubtedly punitive in nature and
constitutes collective punishment, which is expressly prohibited under international law.
According to
B’Tselem, Israel punitively demolished 1,012 houses and sealed seven others between 1 January 2001
and 21 August 2020, effectively leaving 4,548 people homeless.
Additionally, the Israeli army has conducted several military operations in the OPT over the years,
which have also resulted in widespread home demolitions and the forced displacement of thousands
of Palestinians.
Some of these attacks involved air strikes deliberately targeting inhabited residential
buildings and family homes.
In the Gaza Strip, Israel’s military operation in 2014 destroyed or rendered
uninhabitable about 18,000 housing units and a further 37,650 housing units were damaged (see
section 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’ human development”).
With 485,000 people – or 28% of
Gaza’s population – displaced at the peak of the hostilities, the operation resulted in the largest internal
displacement in the OPT since 1967, leaving 108,000 people homeless, according to the UN. As of
February 2019, over 12,300 of these people were still displaced.
In its military operation in the Gaza
Strip between 10 and 21 May 2021, Israel destroyed or severely damaged 2,291 housing and commercial
units (see section 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’ human development”),
and, at the height of the
violence, over 113,000 Gazans were internally displaced.
The destruction of property in the OPT not justified by military necessity is also a violation of international
humanitarian law. The destruction of property by an occupying power is prohibited “except where such
1277. Israel relies on Regulation 119(1) of the Defence (emergency) Regulations of 1945, enacted during the British Mandate of Palestine, to carry
out punitive home demolitions: HaMoked, “Regulation 119 of the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945”,
1278. HCJ,
Qawasmeh and Others v. Military Commander of the West Bank Area,
Case HCJ 5290/14, HCJ 5295/14, HCJ 5300/14,
judgment, 7 August 2014, available at
1279. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 33(1): “No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed.
Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited… Reprisals against protected persons and their
property are prohibited”. On punitive home demolitions in the OPT, see, for example, HaMoked, “The Punitive Demolition of Homes”, hamoked.
org//timeline.aspx?pageID=timelinehousedemolitions; B’Tselem, “Massive collective punishment: homes of 149 Palestinians suspected of no
wrongdoing demolished since Oct. 2015; hundreds more under threat”, 21 April 2016,
homless_hundreds_threatened; OHCHR, “Palestinian homes must cease to be a target, UN human rights experts say”, 25 November 2014,; Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Israel Resumes Punitive
House Demolitions” (Index: MDE 15/035/2014), 21 November 2014,
1280. B’Tselem, House Demolitions: Demolition of houses as punishment,
(accessed on 30 August 2021).
1281. See, for example, Amnesty International,
Israel/Gaza: Operation ‘Cast Lead’: 22 days of death and destruction
(Index: MDE
15/015/2009), 2 July 2009,; Amnesty International,
Families Under the Rubble: Israeli
Attacks on Inhabited Homes
(previously cited); Amnesty International,
Nothing is immune: Israel’s destruction of landmark buildings in
(Index: MDE 15/029/2014), 9 December 2014,; Amnesty International,
Friday: Carnage in Rafah during 2014 Israel/Gaza conflict
(Index: MDE 15/2139/2015), 29 July 2015,
1282. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT, Pattern of Israeli attacks on residential homes in Gaza must be investigated as war crimes”,
17 May 2021,
1283. OCHA, “Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza Emergency Situation Report (as of 4 September 2014, 08:00 hrs)”, 4 September 2014,
1284. OCHA, “March Escalations in Gaza Result in More Displacement”, 14 May 2019,
1285. OCHA, “Gaza Strip: Escalation of Hostilities as of 3 June 2021”, 6 June 2021,
june-2021; Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Pattern of Israeli attacks on residential homes in Gaza must be investigated as war crimes”, 17 May
1286. OCHA, “Response to the escalation in the oPt: Situation Report No. 2 (28 May - 3 June 2021)”, 6 June 2021,
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destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations”
– even with ample forewarning. In
fact, “extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out
unlawfully and wantonly,” is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and is a war crime.
The following case studies of home demolitions in Umm Al-Hiran in the Negev/Naqab, Silwan in East
Jerusalem and Khirbet Khumsa and Khan al-Ahmar in Area C of the West Bank are emblematic of Israel’s
long-standing policies towards Palestinians in Israel and the OPT. They illustrate the interplay between
discriminatory zoning and building regimes, land appropriation policies enabled by a supportive judiciary,
and the deliberate creation of a coercive environment through the denial of basic services, on the one hand,
and continued attacks and harassment by settlers and security forces, on the other – all intended to minimize
Palestinian presence and establish Jewish domination and control over specific areas of strategic importance.
Umm Al-Hiran is one of the 35 unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev/Naqab, located in the
north-east of the region and home to 350 Palestinians.
These Bedouin families were displaced from
their original land in Wadi Zubala in the western Negev/Naqab following the establishment of the State
of Israel. The original lands of the village had been purchased in 1940 by the JNF/KKL, which allocated
part of the lands to the Jewish kibbutz of Shuval, which was established in 1946.
In 1952, the Israeli
army seized the lands of the village and ordered the residents to leave. They were never allowed to
return and experienced expulsion twice again until their final resettlement in Umm Al-Hiran in 1956.
For decades, the residents of Umm Al-Hiran lived in dire socio-economic conditions and lacked basic
services, while waiting to return to their original place of residence or gain legal recognition of their
current location. However, in 2003, the National Council for Planning and Building approved the
founding of the Jewish settlement Hiran in place of the village of Umm Al-Hiran. The villagers began to
receive eviction and demolition orders the following year.
In 2009, Israeli authorities approved plans to use Umm Al-Hiran’s land to build a town “with institutions
intended to serve the religious Jewish community” to be named Hiran.
In May 2015, the Supreme
Court of Israel approved the plan and ruled that the land belongs to the state and that it is entitled to
withdraw its permission for Umm Al-Hiran inhabitants to live there.
After receiving demolition and eviction orders, the residents initiated legal proceedings to cancel the
orders before an Israeli magistrates’ court.
During the proceedings and in their briefs, the residents
raised several alternatives to the destruction of their village and their subsequent displacement. These
1287. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 53.
1288. See, for example, list of grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 147.
1289. Adalah, “Umm al-Hiran residents to Israeli Supreme Court: Stop demolition of our village”, 10 April 2018,
1290. Adalah,
Nomads Against Their Will: The attempted expulsion of the Arab Bedouin in the Naqab: The example of Atir–Umm al-Hieran,
September 2011,
1291. NCF, On the Map: the Arab Bedouin Villages in the Negev-Naqab: Umm al-Hiran, (accessed on 21
August 2021).
1292. HRW,
Off the Map: Land and Housing Rights Violations in Israel’s Unrecognized Bedouin Villages,
30 March 2008,
1293. HRW, “Israel/Palestine: Bedouins Face Imminent Displacement: Government to Demolish Villagers’ Homes to Build Jewish Town”, 24
November 2016,
1294. HRW, “Israel/Palestine: Bedouins Face Imminent Displacement: Government to Demolish Villagers’ Homes to Build Jewish Town”
(previously cited).
1295. State of Israel, MoFA, “Behind the Headlines: Background on the Bedouin localities of Hiran in southern Israel”, 18 January 2017,
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included the legal recognition of their village in its current location instead of the building of a Jewish
locality; their village becoming part of the future Hiran locality; and their return to their original lands.
The different legal proceedings pertaining to Umm Al-Hiran and the eviction orders lasted 13 years.
Throughout the proceedings, Israeli authorities rejected all proposals and retained the legal argument
that the Bedouin were trespassers on state lands.
The legal proceedings ended on 5 May 2015 when the Israeli Supreme Court dismissed the petition
and ordered the eviction of the village in the same month.
The ruling was contingent on an
alternative housing solution for the residents. Israeli authorities proposed the nearby state-planned
township of Hura, 8km south-west of Umm Al-Hiran, as the alternative. However, this option was
not viable, as Hura was already overcrowded and suffering a serious housing shortage for its own
Meanwhile, the Israeli authorities began work on the new Jewish locality of Hiran in 2015.
the court decision in May 2015, the Israeli authorities ploughed the agricultural fields of Umm Al-Hiran
and destroyed the crops. In January 2016, the court rejected a request to appeal its decision.
In 2017, Adalah uncovered a document from Hiran’s cooperative association’s bylaws that said its
“admissions committee” would permit the admittance of individuals to the town “if they meet the
following qualifications: a Jewish Israeli citizen or permanent resident of Israel who observes the Torah
and commandments according to Orthodox Jewish value.”
On 18 January 2017, the authorities began evictions. A large number of Israeli police, with bulldozers
and other special vehicles, stormed the village of Umm Al-Hiran before dawn. They encircled the area,
blocked the entry and exit of people and vehicles, and demolished eight houses, arresting and injuring
tens of residents. One resident, Ya’qub Abu Al-Qia’an, a 50-year-old teacher, was unlawfully killed (see
section 6.3.2 “Israeli policies and practices”).
According to the Negev Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality, some of the residents who had already
been evicted after their homes were destroyed sought to build homes and reside in Hura township.
The plan to build the Jewish community of Hiran is supported by the JNF/KKL and key NGOs, including
the OR Movement.
According to the OR Movement’s website, it hopes to settle up to 2,400 families,
or some 10,000 residents, in Hiran.
The website also states that Hiran has “received construction
approval from all institutions and authorities, and is now in the process of construction of the community
in practice.” It further states that over 30 families are currently living in a nearby town waiting to move
into Hiran once it is built.
1296. Adalah,
Nomads Against Their Will: The attempted expulsion of the Arab Bedouin in the Naqab: The example of Atir–Umm al-Hieran,
September 2011,, p. 24.
1297. Supreme Court,
Al-Qi’an and Others v. The State of Israel,
Case PCA 3094/11, judgment, 5 May 2015 (an unofficial English
translation is available at
1298. NCF, On the Map: the Arab Bedouin Villages in the Negev-Naqab: Umm al-Hiran (previously cited).
1299. Adalah, “No non-Jews allowed: New Israeli town of Hiran, to be built upon ruins of Bedouin village, is open to Jewish residents only
contrary to state’s representations before Supreme Court”, 8 August 2017,
1300. Forensic Architecture, “Killing in Umm al-Hiran”, investigation initiated 19 January 2019,
1301. Haaretz, “A ‘Special Problem’: How Israel Is Transplanting the Bedouins of Hiran”, 16 November 2013,
bedouin-land-is-taken-1.5290752 See also T’ruah, “Statement on JNF and OR Movement’s ‘Bedouin’ Fashion Show to Raise Money for
Towns that Discriminate Against the Bedouin”, 31 August 2917,
show-to-raise-money-for-towns-that-discriminate-against-the-bedouin; OR Movement, About Chiran,
(accessed on 30 August 2021).
1302. OR Movement, About Chiran (previously cited).
1303. OR Movement, About Chiran (previously cited).
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Bedouin women sit
next to the ruins of their
demolished houses in the
unrecognized Bedouin
village of Umm Al-Hiran, in
the Negev/Naqab region of
Israel, on 18 January 2017
© Active Stills
A group of Palestinian
Bedouins pack their stuff
after Israeli security forces
demolished houses in the
unrecognized village of
Umm Al-Hiran village in
the Negev/Naqab region
of Israel, on 18 January
2017 © Mostafa Alkharouf
/ Anadolu Agency / Getty
As mentioned above,
Silwan is a very densely populated part of East Jerusalem lying to the south of
the Old City, with 40,000 to 45,000 Palestinians
living in an area of merely 5.5km
. For decades, it has
been the target of home demolitions under Israel’s discriminatory policies relating to planning and building
in Jerusalem. Silwan comprises nine neighbourhoods, including Ras Al-Amoud, Wadi Yasul, Wadi Hilweh
and Al-Bustan.
Since the 1980s, it has seen intense levels of settler activity due to its strategic location.
1304. For more information on settlement expansion in Silwan, see box in section 5.4.3 “Discriminatory allocation of expropriated
Palestinian land for Jewish settlement”.
1305. Amy Cohen, Director of International Relations and Advocacy, Ir Amim, email to Amnesty International, 28 May 2021, on file with
Amnesty International.
1306. The other five neighbourhoods are: Wadi al-Rababa, Batn al-Hawa, Wasat al-Balad, Wadi Qadoum and Ein al-Loza.
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The increase in the Palestinian population over the decades and the impediments precluding any
development create unbearable living conditions that amount to a coercive environment. Coupled
with this, Israeli authorities have historically neglected Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem,
deliberately avoiding investing in infrastructure and services, including roads, pavements, water and
sewerage systems, schools and cultural institutions (see sections 5.5.1 “Suppression of Palestinians’
human development” and 5.5.3 “Discriminatory provision of services”).
Israel has been moving its citizens into the neighbourhood since the 1980s.
Several hundred
settlers live inside enclaves in Wadi Hilweh and Batn Al-Hawa within heavily protected settlement
The expansion of settlements in Silwan is led by two settler organizations – Elad and
Ateret Cohanim – with support, funding and protection from Israeli authorities. Palestinians do not
receive the same.
As outlined above, these two organizations work to displace Palestinian families
living in East Jerusalem through the Custodian of Absentee Property in order to hand over their homes to
Jewish settlers, and have initiated scores of eviction claims against Palestinians in the area.
The deliberate refusal to approve zoning plans for Silwan has made it virtually impossible for Palestinian
residents to obtain building permits. Over the years, hundreds of Palestinian homes that were
consequently built without a permit have been demolished or expropriated.
According to OCHA,
between January 2009 and July 2021, Israeli authorities demolished 164 structures in the Silwan
neighbourhood, resulting in the forced displacement of least 260 Palestinian residents, including 186
More than 66% of these demolitions happened in the last four years, with 17 demolitions
taking place in 2020 alone.
Today, there are over 2,000 Palestinian residents of Silwan who are at
imminent risk of forcible transfer as a result of demolition orders.
In the neighbourhood of Wadi Yasul, 44 residential structures are threatened with demolition owing to
the entire area’s designation by the Jerusalem Municipality as a “green zone”,
an area designated for
1307. B’Tselem, East Jerusalem (previously cited).
1308. OCHA,
Humanitarian Impact of Settlements in Palestinian Neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem: the Coercive Environment,
10 July
1309. The two settlements are Ma’ale HaZeitim and Ma’alot David. Ma’ale HaZeitim was established in 1998, with a population of at
least 670 Israeli settlers. Ma’alot David was established in 2009 and has over 100 housing units; PASSIA, “Jerusalem 2008 – Chronology
of Events”, 2008,; OCHA,
Humanitarian Impact of Settlements in Palestinian Neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem: the Coercive Environment,
10 July 2018, ochaopt.
1310. According to the Israeli NGO Peace Now, the Israeli Ministry of Housing budget funds private security companies meant to protect
settlers’ complexes in Palestinian neighbourhoods in East Jerusalem. In recent years, the annual budget for East Jerusalem security
has been nearly NIS 100 million (USD 32.3 million). This amount is equivalent to spending NIS 3,000 (USD 968) each month on every
individual settler in these complexes. See Peace Now,
Settlement Under the Guise of Tourism: The Elad Settler Organization in Silwan,
October 2020, See also Ir Amim,
Dealings in Silwan
(previously cited), p. 35.
1311. Al-Haq,
House Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinian from Jerusalem,
26 August 2020, alhaq.
1312. OCHA, Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 21 August 2021).
1313. OCHA, Data on Demolition and Displacement in the West Bank, (accessed on 21 August 2021).
1314. Approximately 22% of East Jerusalem is zoned as “green areas” where Palestinian construction is strictly forbidden. The zoning of
green areas has long been a common practice by Israeli authorities to stop legal Palestinian development and expansion in areas where the
state plans to build or expand Jewish-only settlements. Israeli zoning laws allow municipal authorities to zone any un-expropriated land as
a “green area”. This effectively bars Palestinian development in these areas as Palestinian residents are forbidden from building on “green
areas”. However, these areas are often re-zoned for Jewish settlement construction as well as for the construction of Jewish national or
historical parks. See ICAHD,
Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territory Briefing to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights:
47th Session,
November 2011,;
Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, Coalition for Jerusalem, Society of St. Yves, Catholic Center for Human Rights,
East Jerusalem: De-Palestinization and Forcible Transfer of Palestinians: a Situation of Systematic Breaches of State Obligations under
the ICCPR,
2014,; NRC,
Wadi Yasul -
Silwan, East Jerusalem: NRC Displacement Monitoring Map,
July 2020,
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public and not residential development. As a result, since 1977, Wadi Yasul’s 500 residents have been
unable to acquire proper building permits leaving their homes at risk of demolition.
For years, residents submitted alternative local outline plans requesting to re-zone Wadi Yasul as a
residential area. However, Israeli authorities rejected multiple versions of the plans on the grounds that
they differed from the city’s future plans, which designate the area as a “green zone”.
On 3 February
2020, the community appealed to the Jerusalem District Court over the continuous rejection of their
plans. A hearing was scheduled on 31 May 2020. However, the residents of Wadi Yasul agreed with the
Israeli authorities to postpone the final court hearing until December 2020 to allow the community to
meet the Jerusalem District Planning Committee to try and reach an agreement on the plans. The fate
of the majority of the structures in Wadi Yasul was thus tied to the outcome and decision of the District
Planning Committee on the proposed plan by the community.
Meanwhile, in June 2010, Elad, with government backing, published plans to expand the area
designated for tourism into Silwan, to create an area called the King’s Garden.
This would mean
the demolition of 88 Palestinian homes in the Al-Bustan neighbourhood and the forced eviction of
more than 1,500 people.
To justify this, in 2015 the Jerusalem Municipality told the Palestinian
community that all the houses in Al-Bustan had been built illegally. Yet, like other Palestinian areas in
East Jerusalem (and Area C of the West Bank), the discriminatory planning regime meant that residents
of Al-Bustan had had no choice but to build or extend homes without a permit.
In the meantime,
the municipality imposed fines on the homeowners, who were already living in dire poverty.
In 2017,
16 of the homes in Al-Bustan, housing at least 118 individuals, received demolition orders, placing
them at imminent risk of demolition.
Residents of Al-Bustan began to prepare an alternative plan in
order to retroactively legalize the homes with demolition orders. Israeli authorities had rejected previous
plans by Al-Bustan residents.
A freeze on the demolition of the 16 threatened homes was granted by
court order from June to October 2020. The community continued to send extension requests as they
prepared their alternative plan for the area. In late February 2021, the Jerusalem Municipality submitted
an objection to the community’s requests to freeze the demolition orders and asked the municipal court
to authorize demolition.
On 29 June 2021, Israeli authorities demolished a butcher’s shop owned
1315. Since the 1970s Wadi Yasul has been designated a “green area” placing dozens of Palestinian families living there at risk of
imminent demolition. See OCHA, “Wadi Yasul: a Community at Risk of Mass Displacement”, 20 June 2019,
yasul-community-risk-mass-displacement See also Ir Amim, “Demolitions in Wadi Yasul Symbolize Politically Motivated Discrimination in
Planning”, 17 April 2019,
1316. OCHA, “Wadi Yasul: a Community at Risk of Mass Displacement”, 20 June 2019,
1317. Ir Amim,
The Giant’s Garden
(previously cited).
1318. Al-Haq,
Parallel Report to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights on the Occasion of the Consideration of the
Third Periodic Report of Israel,
1 September 2011,
ISR_47_9141_E.pdf; and Ir Amim,
The Giant’s Garden
(previously cited).
1319. See section 5.3.2 “East Jerusalem”.
1320. B’Tselem, Al-Bustan Neighborhood – Garden of the King, 16 September 2014,
garden_of_the_king (accessed on 29 August 2021); ACRI, “East Jerusalem Facts and Figures 2017”, updated on 24 May 2017, law.acri.
1321. Al-Haq,
House Demolitions and Forced Evictions in Silwan: Israel’s Transfer of Palestinians from Jerusalem,
26 August 2020, alhaq.
org/cached_uploads/download/2020/08/26/house-demolitions-and-forced-evictions-in-silwan-web-1598440511.pdf, p. 33.
1322. In 2009, Israeli authorities rejected residents’ proposed plan to change Al-Bustan from a “green zone” to a “residential zone”. In
June 2010, the local planning committee pushed the King’s Garden plan without discussing it with the residents. Residents initiated legal
proceedings before the Jerusalem District Court to review that decision. In January 2011, the District Court dismissed their claim and in
June 2012 the Supreme Court upheld the District Court’s decision. See NRC, “Case Summary: Al Bustan – Silwan, East Jerusalem”, 12
April 2021, on file with Amnesty International.
1323. Ir Amim, “Reignited Plan For ‘King’s Garden’ Park Threatens To Displace Over 1000 Palestinians From Al Bustan, Silwan”, 25 March
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by the Al-Rajabi family in Al-Bustan.
At least 13 Palestinians were injured as authorities dispersed
protesters during the demolition.
Mohammed Al-Rajabi, a resident of Al-Bustan whose home was demolished by Israeli authorities on 23
June 2020, described to Amnesty International the devastating effects of the demolition on his family:
I lived in the house for two months before it was demolished. I mean we were dealing with a
pandemic spreading, and normally these things take time but with us it went down really quick.
They had court orders to demolish my house within weeks of me starting to construct my house.
And since my house was in the middle of a crowded area and impossible to demolish with a
bulldozer they used a machine saw to cut my house in half… anything to make it uninhabitable.
I know that this could have been avoided if I’d got a building permit, but it’s impossible. This could
not have been avoided; it’s as if it’s been designed this way and there is no exit. My house was
going to be demolished in all cases, no matter what I do.
The municipality is asking me to pay them for the demolition also. They need NIS 100,000 [USD
32,258] to cover the expenses of my demolition. They even said that the cost is this high because
it took more manpower to accomplish than regular demolitions with machinery and bulldozers.
This is extremely hard to deal with. It might be difficult to put into words… and I sensed that it was
harder on my kids than on us. They were really excited for us to have this new home. I’m going
to keep the photos from that day and show them to my children when they grow up, so they do
not forget what happened to us. I will tell them: “You see what kind of memories I have to pass on
to you?” My plan was for them to have a warm family home close to their loved ones and family
members. Now I’m passing on the memories of their first childhood home being destroyed.
Israeli authorities also systematically discriminate in the enforcement of building laws against
Palestinians in Silwan, and fail to enforce the same laws or issue demolition orders against illegally
constructed structures in Israeli settlements in the area. For example, according to Bimkom, the
Israeli authorities failed to vacate the seven-storey building known as Beit Yehonatan, which the settler
group Ateret Cohanim built in 2002 without a permit on an 800m2 plot in Al-Bustan.
In 2007, a
court ordered the building to be sealed and vacated, but to date the municipal authorities have not
implemented the order.
The expansion of settlement compounds in Silwan, along with an increased presence of Israeli security
forces and private security guards to protect them, has led to rising tensions among residents,
which contributes to creating a coercive environment. This has led to many reported security incidents
in Silwan involving children, who are often accused of throwing stones at Israeli settlers and security
1324. NRC, “Israeli authorities demolish shop in Silwan, 15 families at imminent risk”, 29 June 2021,
1325. Reuters, “Police, Palestinians clash as Israel begins demolition in Jerusalem’s Silwan”, 29 June 2021,
1326. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Mohammed Al-Rajabi, 16 October 2020.
1327. Bimkom and Ir Amim,
Making Bricks Without Straw: The Jerusalem Municipality’s New Planning Policy for East Jerusalem,
1 January
1328. Ir Amim,
Shady Dealings in Silwan
(previously cited), p. 18.
1329. Settlers are accompanied by security guards from the Housing and Construction Ministry when entering and leaving the vicinity;
Haaretz, “Number of Jewish Silwan Residents Doubles in Overnight Mission”, 1 October 2018,
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personnel. Many children have been arrested.
For example, a 17-year-old boy told Amnesty
International in August 2018 that he had been detained three times. “There’s not one kid you see in the
streets who hasn’t at least been arrested once in this neighbourhood,” he said.
Arrests often lead to other forms of abuse. Over the years, Amnesty International and other organizations
have documented how Israeli security forces have used unnecessary force to arrest or detain Palestinian
children in East Jerusalem and elsewhere in the OPT.
Palestinian residents stand by the rubble of a shop demolished by Israeli authorities in the Silwan neighbourhood of occupied East
Jerusalem, on 29 June 2021 © Ahmad Gharabli / AFP via Getty Images
In Area C of the West Bank, Palestinian communities in the Jordan Valley have been repeatedly targeted
for demolition. According to B’Tselem, the Israeli Civil Administration demolished at least 698 Palestinian
residential units in the Jordan Valley between January 2006 and September 2017. The demolished
structures were home to at least 2,948 Palestinians, at least 1,334 of whom were children. Of these, 783
Palestinians, including 386 children, had their homes demolished at least twice. From January 2012
to September 2017, the Civil Administration additionally demolished at least 806 non-residential units,
including agricultural structures.
1330. According to the UN there have been more than 560 cases of detention of children in Silwan since 2012. See OCHA, “Humanitarian
Impact of Settlements in Palestinian Neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem: the Coercive Environment”, 10 July 2018,
1331. Amnesty International, interview in person with resident of Silwan, 4 August 2018, Silwan.
1332. Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank
(previously cited); HRW, “Israel: Security
Forces Abuse Palestinian Children”, 19 July 2015,
1333. B’Tselem, The Jordan Valley (previously cited).
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Khirbet Humsa
Khirbet Humsa, a Palestinian village of approximately 177 residents, is located in the northern
Jordan Valley on land leased from the Palestinian city of Tubas in the north of the West Bank.
community earn their living as shepherds and farmers. The Israeli settlements of Ro’i, Beka’ot and
Hemdat surround the village.
Since 2007, Amnesty International has been documenting Israeli violations against residents of
Khirbet Humsa, including multiple demolition incidents and denial of water as means of expulsion.
Palestinians living in Khirbet Humsa and other similar communities are among the most economically
marginalized in the OPT. They face harsh winters and summer heat exceeding 400C, and recently the
Covid-19 pandemic, without access to adequate health facilities. The constant eviction of residents has
had a devastating economic and social impact, as well as taking a psychological toll on the residents.
Residents of Khirbet Humsa fear that army bulldozers may return at any time to destroy their homes.
Israeli authorities prevent Palestinian residents of Khirbet Humsa from connecting to electricity or
water grids or drilling new wells in the area. The community obtains its water by travelling and filling
a water tanker at the Ain Shibli spring, 15km away.
Since 1972, the land of Khirbet Humsa has
been designated as a “firing zone”, which prohibits Palestinian construction and is often used as an
instrument for mass expulsion of Palestinian Bedouins, especially those living in Area C.
Some 12km north-east of Khirbet Humsa lies the Israeli settlement of Hemdat, which was established
in 1997 and has a population of 296 Israeli settlers.
In 1999, Israeli authorities introduced an
amendment to the military order regarding Firing Zone 903, which adjusted the borders of the zone
to allow an enclave outside it for the settlement of Hemdat.
The redrawing of the borders privileged
Jewish Israeli settlers, allowing them to live freely in the firing zone.
Analysis of these military zones illustrates that – rather than serving a “military need” – their purpose is
to drastically reduce the ability of Palestinians to use the land while transferring as much of the land as
possible to Israeli settlers.
The settlement of Hemdat has large homes and, like other settlements,
is connected to the Israeli water and electricity grids. The settlement harvests dates and flowers. The
Jewish settlers have a per capita water usage of 172 litres per day.
1334. Peace Now, Settlements Map, Khirbet Humsa, (accessed on 30 August 2021).
1335. Amnesty International,
Israel/Occupied Territories: House Demolition/Forced Eviction
(Index: MDE 15/029/2007), 27 April 2007,; Amnesty International, “Israeli army destroys Palestinian homes”, 14 February
2008,; Amnesty International, “Palestinian
homes demolished without warning”, 11 March 2008,
warning-20080311; Amnesty International, “Palestinian homes at risk in occupied West Bank”, 8 June 2009,
news/2009/06/palestinian-homes-risk-occupied-west-bank-20090608; Amnesty International,
Thirsting for Justice: Palestinian Access
to Water Restricted
(Index: MDE 15/028/2009), 27 October 2009,, p. 5; Amnesty
International, “Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: Families Without Homes Following Demolition” (Index: MDE 15/028/2011), 22
June 2011,; Amnesty International, “Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories:
Further Information: Israeli Army Destroys Homes for Sixth Time” (Index: MDE 15/012/2013), 8 July 2013,
1336. Amnesty International,
Troubled Waters: Palestinians Denied Fair Access to Water
(previously cited), p. 46.
1337. Kerem Navot,
A Locked Green: Declaration of closed areas in the West Bank,
March 2015, f35bf8a1-b11c-4b7a-ba04-05c1ffae0108., p. 43.
1338. Kerem Navot,
A Locked Green
(previously cited), p. 69; ICBS, “Population in localities, by population group, end of 2019” (previously
1339. Kerem Navot,
A Locked Green
(previously cited), p. 67.
1340. Kerem Navot,
A Locked Green
(previously cited), p. 64.
1341. Ma’an Development Center,
Cultivating Dispossession: Israeli Settlements in the Jordan Valley,
uploads/2017/11/3-Cultivating-Dispossession-Israel-Settlements-in-the-Jordan-Valley-Maan-Development-Center-2013A-1.pdf, p. 13.
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On 3 November 2020, Israeli forces entered the herder community of Khirbet Humsa and demolished
or confiscated 29 residential and livelihood structures, displacing 73 people, including 41 children,
in what was the largest forced displacement incident recorded in recent years.
The Israeli Civil
Administration followed through with the demolitions, stating that the living structures were built illegally
in a firing zone.
The first tent confiscated was the home of Nitham Abu Kbash, a herder and father of
three. His residential structure was confiscated a further five times in February 2021. He told Amnesty
Having lived my whole life in [Khirbet] Humsa, I have never seen it like this before. The army is
trying every single way to get rid of us. God knows how we are still here. Never did we have to deal
with what we went through [in November] last year, where every few days they would come and
demolish our homes. I know they are trying to use Humsa as an example, because if they succeed
in displacing us it can be a model for them to use elsewhere. I know the Israelis are choosing to do
their demolition campaigns during the winter, during the hardest part of the year because we are
most vulnerable. They know how hard it is to survive during the winters in the Jordan Valley. They
probably never thought we would remain resilient – that we would stay.
Between November 2020 and July 2021, Israeli authorities demolished or confiscated at least 210
residential and livelihood structures, displacing at least 392 residents, including 227 children.
Five out of six of these demolitions took place during February 2021. Many of these structures were
donated to the residents of Khirbet Humsa as part of a humanitarian response to the community’s
vulnerability to the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the severe winter conditions in the northern Jordan
Valley. Many of the residents faced repeated demolitions of their homes and livelihood structures,
sometimes only days after rebuilding them after a previous demolition or confiscation.
During demolitions on 1 February, COGAT informed the community that they must relocate to a site near
the village of Ain Shibli where their confiscated structures would be returned.
Nitham Abu Kbash
described the psychological impact of these demolitions on his children:
The main virus our community faces is the Israeli army, not Covid-19. My kids are always scared;
we are all always scared. When the army comes in and your children are terrorized and crying and
outside in the pouring rain, I promise you, there is no human being on this earth that is meant
to be able to handle that. The only way to describe it is as a tragedy. And what are we supposed
to do? We don’t have anywhere to go. Even when the international community, including the EU,
came to Humsa for solidarity, the army came in and confiscated our tents in front of diplomats
and EU representatives. At first we were happy that the EU came; we thought we would be safe,
that they would be able to stop the demolitions. But we were wrong; no one can protect us.
1342. OCHA, “West Bank witnesses largest demolition in years”, 4 November 2020,
demolition-years; OCHA, “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Flash Update #1 Humsa - Al Bqai’a”, 5 February 2021,
1343. OHCHR, “UN experts condemn Israel’s demolition of houses in Palestinian Bedouin community”, 19 November 2020,
1344. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Nitham Abu Kbash, 23 March 2021.
1345. See OCHA, “West Bank witnesses largest demolition in years”, 4 November 2020,
demolition-years; OCHA, “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Flash Update #1 Humsa - Al Bqai’a”, 5 February 2021,
humsa-al-bqaia-flash-update-1; OCHA, “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Flash Update #2 Humsa - Al Bqai’a”, 11 February 2021,; OCHA, “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Flash Update #3 Humsa - Al Bqai’a”, 17
February 2021,; OCHA, “Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Flash Update #5 Humsa
- Al Bqai’a”, 25 February 2021,
1346. OCHA,
West Bank witnesses largest demolition in years,
4 November 2020,
demolition-years; OCHA,
Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt): Flash Update #1 Humsa - Al Bqai’a,
5 February 2021,
1347. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Nitham Abu Kbash, 23 March 2021.
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The evictions in Khirbet Humsa hinder the community’s ability to have an adequate livelihood as their
livelihood structures for livestock are often demolished or confiscated as well. Nitham Abu Kbash said:
Because of the demolitions I have had some of my sheep die from the conditions outside when
they confiscated the tent where they live. Other times we didn’t have water to give them after they
confiscated our water tanks. What did my sheep do to deserve to die? My family survives off our
livestock; it is our only means of living. I ask anyone with a conscience to pressure the Israelis to
do one thing: to stop the demolitions and to allow us to live our life and to tend to our animals. We
are not asking for much.
Residents of the Khirbet Humsa community in the Jordan Valley region of the occupied West Bank collect some of their belongings that
were earlier confiscated and dumped in the area of Ein Shibli by Israeli forces, on 8 July 2021 © Active Stills
Jahalin of Khan Al-Ahmar
The Jahalin Bedouin communities currently residing in the West Bank originate from the Tel Arad area
in the Negev/Naqab. In the 1950s, Israeli authorities forcibly displaced the Jahalin tribe from their
original lands. They subsequently moved to the West Bank and continued their traditional pastoral way
of life and established seasonal migration paths between Jerusalem and Jericho until they settled in
and around the eastern periphery of Jerusalem on lands leased from Palestinian landowners in the area
(primarily in Abu Dis, Al-Ezariyeh, Anata, Al-Tur and Al-Issawiyya).
In mid-1951, they registered as
Palestinian refugees with UNRWA and they are currently the largest Bedouin tribe among Palestinian
refugees in the West Bank.
1348. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Nitham Abu Kbash, 23 March 2021.
1349. Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Stop the transfer: Israel about to expel Bedouin to expand
(Index: MDE 15/001/2012), 8 February 2012,
1350. Jahalin Solidarity, “Bedouin Palestine Refugees: the Jahalin Tribe in the Eastern Jerusalem Periphery”, 2012,
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There are currently 18 Bedouin communities that belong to the Jahalin tribe who live in and around
the eastern periphery of Jerusalem,
totalling more than 3,000 people, half of whom are children.
These communities belong to the larger group of 46 Bedouin communities in the central West Bank who
are at “a high risk” of forcible transfer by Israeli authorities, according to the UN.
Since 1967, the Israeli military has restricted vast expanses of the Jahalin’s grazing land by declaring
them military zones or nature reserves, confiscating land for building settlements and prohibiting the
Bedouin from using them. As a result, the Jahalin’s seasonal movement and traditional way of life
became impossible and they were forced to settle in small encampments in the eastern periphery of
Jerusalem and south of the West Bank. These areas were subsequently designated as Area C, where the
Israeli military retains full control of all civilian affairs, including planning and zoning.
In 1975, Israel expropriated 30,000 dunams (3,000 hectares) of the area where the Jahalin lived to
build the Ma’ale Adumim settlement. This is currently the third most populous Israeli settlement in the
West Bank with nearly 40,000 settlers.
In the following years, Israel expropriated yet more land,
began constructing Ma’ale Adumim, and established the Mishor Adumim industrial zone and the
settlements of Kfar Adumim, now with a population of over 4,300 Israeli settlers,
and Kedar, with
around 1,500 settlers.
In the 1990s, the area became particularly significant due to Israel’s plan to annex the settlements and
connect them to Jerusalem, known as the E1 (an abbreviation of East 1) plan. The E1 plan envisages
the expansion of around 4,000 housing units, hotels, an industrial area and a large Israeli border
police station to serve as the border police headquarters for the West Bank area. The police station was
officially opened in 2008 and much of the infrastructure is already in place. The E1 plan has not been
fully implemented by successive Israeli governments due to international opposition, mainly from the
EU and the US government. If implemented, the plan will effectively cut the geographic contiguity of the
West Bank, with a solid line of Israeli settlements dividing the northern and southern parts of the West
Bank. The E1 plan will also prevent development of the Palestinian neighbourhoods of Al-Tur and Al-
Issawiyya in East Jerusalem.
In 2004, the construction of the fence/wall in the area began, cutting off the Jahalin Bedouins from
Jerusalem. Along with the expansion of settlements, the fence/wall enclaved the Jahalin in the area and
placed them under further threat of forced displacement. When the Israeli government announced its
annexation plans in May 2020, it stated that it was highly likely to annex the Ma’ale Adumim settlements’
bloc to Israel.
As a result of the establishment and expansion of settlements, the Jahalin Bedouins in the area were
forcibly displaced and their homes demolished by Israeli authorities in 1994, 1997 and 1998.
1351. OCHA, “Tightening of coercive environment on Bedouin communities around Ma’ale Adumim settlement”, 11 March 2017, ochaopt.
1352. B’Tselem, Ma’ale Adumim Area, 16 November 2013 (updated on 18 May 2014), (accessed on 30
August 2021), “Communities Facing Expulsion”.
1353. OCHA, “46 Bedouin Communities at Risk of Forcible Transfer in the Central West Bank: A Vulnerability Profile”, 2017,
page/46-bedouin-communities-risk-forcible-transfer-central-west-bank-vulnerability-profile (accessed on 26 August 2021).
1354. Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Stop the transfer: Israel about to expel Bedouin to expand
(previously cited).
1355. Peace Now, Ma’ale Adumim, (accessed on 26 August 2021).
1356. Peace Now, Kfar Adumim, (accessed on 26 August 2021).
1357. Peace Now, Keidar, (accessed on 26 August 2021).
1358. Times of Israel, “Netanyahu to initially annex 3 settlement blocs, not Jordan Valley – officials”, 10 June 2020,
1359. B’Tselem, Ma’ale Adumim Area, 16 November 2013 (updated on 18 May 2014), (accessed on 30
August 2021), “Communities Facing Expulsion”.
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2011, Israeli authorities have proposed plans to forcibly transfer all the communities in the area. These
plans, along with home demolitions and forced evictions, have worsened social and legal conditions
and increased pressure on the Jahalin to leave. The plans had not been implemented as of end of
August 2021.
Because they lack access to grazing lands in the area, many of the Bedouin communities have
abandoned their traditional way of life and currently depend on humanitarian assistance. More than half
of the communities are food insecure; none of the communities has access to the electricity grid; and
only half are connected to water networks.
The village of Khan Al-Ahmar is home to approximately 180 Bedouins from the Jahalin tribe, more than
half of whom are children.
The village has more than 160 structures, including a school, a mosque,
kitchens, animal shelters and a clinic, mostly made of corrugated metal, wood and makeshift materials
such as tyres. The Israeli settlement of Kfar Adumim is just 2km from the village.
For years, Israel has been trying to forcibly transfer the residents of Khan Al-Ahmar, to expand
settlements in the region and has issued demolition orders against every structure in the village built
without permits. Amnesty International has documented the demolitions of at least 25 homes in Khan
Al-Ahmar over the lack of building permits between 2008 and 2018.
On 24 May 2018, following a nine-year legal battle against the demolition orders, the Supreme Court
of Israel ruled in favour of razing the entire community and relocating Palestinian residents elsewhere,
finding “no reason to intervene in the decision of the minister of defence to implement the demolition
orders issued against the illegal structures in Khan Al-Ahmar.”
A few days later, the Israeli Civil
Administration approved the construction of 92 new homes for Kfar Adumim.
Abu Khames, the
spokesperson and a resident of the community, told Amnesty International in June 2018:
If this was an Israeli village, the court ruling would have been completely different… If a settler
house was built nearby, the Israeli Civil Administration would open an entire road for that house,
and provide it with electricity and water, but for us, we have been struggling for years to have such
essential services provided to us, and instead we get nothing other than a Supreme Court ruling
that would displace us from our land.
On 4 July 2018, the Israeli army attempted to forcibly evict the residents of Khan Al-Ahmar, violently
attacking them and solidarity activists. This triggered further legal action by the community in the hope
of protecting their village by petitioning the Supreme Court. On 5 September 2018, the court upheld its
decision and rejected the community’s petition. The decision to demolish an entire community in the
OPT generated wide international condemnation including by the Prosecutor of the ICC. Seemingly as a
result of this pressure, the authorities refrained from carrying out the demolitions.
This is in turn led to a petition to the Supreme Court by Israeli settler organization Regavim, which
pushed for the demolition orders to be implemented.
1360. Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Stop the transfer: Israel about to expel Bedouin to expand
(previously cited).
1361. OCHA, “UN officials call on Israel to abandon plans to demolish and transfer Khan al Ahmar – Abu al Helu community”, 1 June
1362. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Israeli court approves a war crime by ruling in favour of demolishing the entire village of Khan
al-Ahmar”, 5 September 2018,
1363. HCJ,
Eid Hamis Jahalin and Others v. Minister of Defense and Others,
Case HCJ 3287/16, judgment, 25 April 2018 (an unofficial
English translation is available at
1364. Haaretz, “Israel to Build 92 New Settlement Homes Near Bedouin Village Slated for Demolition”, 30 May 2018,
1365. Amnesty International, interview in person with Abu Khames, 6 June 2018.
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On 29 November 2020, the Supreme Court ruled on this petition, stating that, if the residents of Khan
Al-Ahmar did not reach a settlement with the Israeli military and civil administrations, the demolition
orders would be implemented on 15 July 2021.
Following the ruling, the Israeli authorities asked the
court for more time to prepare plans for the implementation of the demolition order citing Covid-19 and
considerations relating to the “diplomatic-security situation”. This prompted a second petition to the
Supreme Court by Regavim. When the court scheduled a hearing on this for 6 March 2022, it criticized
the state for “inaction and feet dragging” over the demolitions.
Demonstrators block an Israeli army bulldozer from preparing the ground for the demolition of the Palestinian Bedouin village of Khan Al-
Ahmar in the occupied West Bank, on 4 July 2018 © Active Stills
As outlined in Chapter 5, in East Jerusalem, the revocation of the permanent residency status of thousands
of Palestinians is a central and widespread Israeli policy that results in the forcible transfer of Palestinians
“without grounds permitted under international law”.
Between 1967 and 2019, according to the Israeli
Ministry of Interior, Israel revoked the residency status of 14,683 Palestinians from East Jerusalem, which
had the effect of forcibly transferring them out of Jerusalem unless they remained there in conflict with Israeli
Israel pursues this policy to ensure a Jewish majority in Jerusalem, as indicated by official planning
documents developed by the Jerusalem Municipality and statements by a range of senior Israeli officials.
1366. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Abu Khames, 31 March 2021.
1367. Chen Maanit, “Israel ‘Inconsistent’ on Khan al-Ahmar Eviction, Top Court Says, Granting State Yet Another Extension”, Haaretz,
29 September 2021,
1368. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(d). See section 5.2.2 “East Jerusalem”. See section 5.2.2 “East Jerusalem”.
1369. HaMoked, “Ministry of Interior data: 40 East Jerusalem Palestinians were stripped of their permanent residency status in 2019
as part of Israel’s “quiet deportation” policy; a significant increase compared to 2018”, 28 June 2020,
aspx?dID=Updates2174; see section 5.2.2, “East Jerusalem”.
1370. See section 5.3.2 “East Jerusalem”.
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Additionally, between 1967 and 1992, according to B’Tselem, Israel deported 1,522 Palestinians from the OPT as
a punitive measure, often targeting opponents of Israel’s occupation and its policies.
Israel stopped deporting
Palestinians after 1992 with the exception of 2002, when it deported 13 Palestinians from the OPT.
Salah Hammouri is a French-Palestinian lawyer who lives in the neighbourhood of Kufr Aqab in East
Jerusalem. He holds a Jerusalem residency permit and works as a field researcher for Addameer, a legal
aid and prisoners’ rights NGO, which was declared – together with five other civil society groups – as a
“terrorist organization” in October 2021. UN human rights experts condemned this move as a misuse
of counterterrorism measures and a “frontal attack on the Palestinian human rights movement, and on
human rights everywhere”.
The Israeli authorities have persistently harassed him and violated his rights
to freedom of movement and family, his residency rights, and his right to live in his city of birth. He is at
risk of forcible deportation as the Israeli authorities have taken action to revoke his residency status.
Since the second
in 2000, Israeli authorities have detained Salah Hammouri several times,
including twice when he was placed under administrative detention – for five months in 2004 and for 13
months in 2017.
In 2005, he was sentenced to seven years in prison after being convicted of planning an attack on
the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef. Shortly before his release, the then French
minister of foreign affairs expressed regret at the fact that the Israeli authorities refused to shorten Salah
Hammouri’s sentence given the lack of strong evidence against him.
He was eventually released in
December 2011, three months before the end of his sentence under a prisoner exchange deal. After his
arrest, Salah Hammouri was offered a deal (negotiated by the French consulate) of being deported to
France for 10 years instead of being imprisoned, but he refused in fear of prolonged exile.
In September 2014, Israel imposed a six-month travel ban on Salah Hammouri preventing him from
entering the West Bank and hindering his progress towards achieving a degree in law from Al-Quds
University near Abu Dis in the West Bank. The ban was renewed twice for a total of 18 months. He was
only able to go back to university after the ban was lifted.
During the 18 months, he was also unable
to go to his workplace at Addameer in Ramallah in the West Bank.
On 3 September 2020, the Israeli Ministry of Interior notified Salah Hammouri of its intention to revoke
his permanent residency status on the grounds of “breach of allegiance” to the State of Israel.
1371. B’Tselem,
Deportation of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories: The Mass Deportation of December 1992,
3 June 1993, btselem.
1372. State of Israel, MoFA, “13 Palestinian terrorists from the Church of the Nativity to be deported-10-May-2002”, 10 May 2002,
il/mfa/mfa-archive/2002/pages/13%20palestinian%20terrorists%20from%20the%20church%20of%20the%20n.aspx; Midde East Monitor,
“17 years since Palestinians deported following Church of Nativity siege”, 13 May 2019,
1373. OHCHR, “UN experts condemn Israel’s designation of Palestinian human rights defenders as terrorist organisations”, 25 October
1374. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Further Information: NGO worker’s arbitrary detention prolonged: Salah Hammouri” (Index: MDE
15/7967/2018), 8 March 2018,
1375. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Palestinian NGO worker released: Salah Hammouri” (Index: MDE 15/9264/2018), 25 October
1376. HRW, “Israel Detains French Human Rights Worker Without Charge”, 10 December 2017,
1377. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies, “Palestine: Human Rights Organisations Send Urgent Appeal to UN Special Procedures
on the Imminent Threat of Forcible Transfer/Deportation of Salah Hammouri for “Breach of Allegiance”“, 5 October 2020,
1378. Addameer, “The Case of Salah Hammouri: Ongoing Harassment of Human Rights Defenders”, 1 March 2021,
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was given 30 days to challenge this decision by submitting a written response to the Israeli interior
minister, which would later be examined ahead of a final decision. Salah Hammouri said:
The “breach of allegiance to the State of Israel” will affect my work. We [Addameer] are already
under constant inspection by the Israeli authorities for the work we do in the field of human rights,
but with this accusation of theirs, we’ll be even put under further surveillance of every activity we
do: every visit I make to meet Palestinian prisoners, every conference I attend, and briefing I join…
The scope of their accusations is so broad it could literally include anything and hinder my work –
and anyone who does such work – in defending prisoners and Palestinians’ rights… If you ask me
what’s my worst fear in all of this, it’s having to leave my country by force with no hope of being
able to come back. In a nutshell, I do not want to leave, and I refuse to be forced to do so.
On 29 June 2021, Israeli interior minister Ayelet Shaked announced the adoption of recommendations
to revoke the permanent residency of Salah Hammouri based on “breach of allegiance”, confirming her
intentions to proceed with approving the process. Israeli attorney general Avichai Mendelblit and minister
of justice Gideon Sa’ar must still approve the revocation.
Israeli authorities have also banned his wife, Elsa Lefort, a French national, from entering Israel and
the OPT since 5 January 2016, citing security concerns and forcing the family to live apart. They can
only see each other when Salah Hammouri visits her in France every few months.
The couple’s
family reunification requests to the Israeli Ministry of Interior to allow the family to live together in the
OPT have all been rejected on security grounds because Salah Hammouri was released through a
prisoner exchange deal. The most recent application for family unification was on 20 April 2021. Salah
Hammouri told Amnesty International:
As to how all of this affects me personally, I will not say this is something we get used to, but it became
rather another daily life obstacle I have to deal with – being separated from my family, this ongoing
and never-ending uncertainty and feeling uneasy all the time. This has affected my relationship with
my son, between me being here and him in France with his mother, only meeting every few months
and over video calls. And my wife is currently pregnant, and we are awaiting a newborn, and as
much as we’re excited we are also worried. Imagine my wife gives birth in France and I’m there with
her, then they do not allow me back in the country. I have family here, friends, my work, and life.
Salah Hammouri
© Addameer
1379. Addameer, “Urgent Intervention: Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked Adopts Recommendations to Revoke the Permanent
Residency of HRD Salah Hammouri”, 5 July 2021,
1380. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Salah Hammouri, 23 March 2021; Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Palestinian
NGO worker released: Salah Hammouri” (previously cited).
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In the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, Israel has engaged in another systematic
and widespread policy since 1967 – the forcible transfer of Palestinian detainees, including children, to
prisons inside Israel.
It has also transferred prisoners from the rest of the OPT to the Gaza Strip, either as
a condition of release or as a punitive measure, which also amounts to forcible transfer.
As outlined above (see section 5.3.4 “Use of military rule”), since 1967, Israeli security forces have arrested
over 800,000 Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, according to an
estimate by Addameer.
All but one of the 17 prisons where Palestinians from the OPT are detained are
located inside of Israel in breach of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which states that protected
persons accused of offences should be detained in the occupied territory. This long-standing policy is not
only unlawful but also cruel and has devastating consequences for the rights of detainees to family visits in
addition to undermining their right to education. Even though the Israeli Prison Service Regulations grant all
prisoners family visits once every two weeks, Palestinians from the OPT visit much less frequently as they are
required to apply for permits to enter Israel, which are often denied on unspecified “security” grounds.
Across Israel and the OPT, Israeli authorities have employed a set of interrelated discriminatory policies and
practices that have directly caused the displacement and dispossession of Palestinian communities, created
unbearable living conditions for Palestinians that have coerced their displacement, or put them at high risk of
forced displacement, amounting to a state-sanctioned policy of forcible transfer of population. These policies
have been carried out in a widespread and systematic manner, combined with violent acts. This has been
widely documented by Amnesty International and other local and international human rights organizations,
as well as by the UN, over the decades.
The process of forcible transfer is the result of organized governmental policy, as indicated by laws, formal
planning documents and statements by senior officials that have stated in some instances that such policies
are pursued to change the demographic nature of these localities to ensure a Jewish majority. Israel also
continues to deny Palestinian refugees displaced in 1948 and 1967 the right to return to their homes and
property or the right to residency or citizenship in Israel or the OPT.
The restrictions on Palestinians amount to a violation, on discriminatory grounds, of the right to freedom of
movement. In addition to the severity of the deprivation of freedom of movement, these restrictions have
led to the deprivation of a raft of other rights similarly enshrined in international law,
underlining the wide
reach of this crime against Palestinians in Israel and the OPT.
Israel’s discriminatory state policies, regulations and conduct against Palestinians have involved the crime
against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer in violation of fundamental rules of international law
as provided in the Rome Statute, as well as denying to members of a racial group the right to freedom
of movement as prohibited in the Apartheid Convention. Within the OPT, policies of unlawful deportation
or transfer, which are carried out neither for military necessity nor the protection of the population of the
occupied territory, also constitute war crimes under the Rome Statute.
1381. See section 6.2 “Administrative detention and torture” on other policies affecting Palestinian detainees.
1382. Addameer, “Deportation as policy: Palestinian prisoners & detainees in Israeli detention”, 18 April 2016,
deportation-policy-palestinian-prisoners-detainees-israeli-detention; Middle East Monitor, “Church of the Nativity deportees ask to be part of
Hamas-Israel prisoner swap”, 20 April 2020,
1383. Addameer, “Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israeli Prisons”, June 2016,
1384. Amnesty International, “Israel must end ‘unlawful and cruel’ policies towards Palestinian prisoners”, 13 April 2017,
1385. See, for example, ICJ, Advisory Opinion on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian
Territory, advisory opinion, 9 July 2004, paras 130-4, 136-7.
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Article 7(1)(e) of the Rome Statute criminalizes “[i]mprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical
liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law” as a crime against humanity. Similarly, the
Apartheid Convention criminalizes both the “arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a
racial group”.
The prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment is absolute
and non-derogable, even during a declared state of emergency or armed conflict.
Both the Apartheid
Convention and the Rome Statute reflect this absolute prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment, and
establish that “torture” amounts to the crime against humanity of apartheid when “committed in the context
of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other
racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime”. Article II(a)(ii) of the
Apartheid Convention criminalizes:
… the infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm, by
the infringement of their freedom or dignity, or by subjecting them to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment.
Under Article (7)(1)(f) of the Rome Stature, torture is defined as a crime against humanity. Torture and other
ill-treatment committed in occupied territory violates international humanitarian law and, under Article (8)(2)
(a)(ii) of the Rome Statute, is defined as a war crime.
Since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, the Israeli authorities have made widespread
use of administrative detention to imprison thousands of Palestinians, including children, without charge or
trial under renewable detention orders.
There are no exact figures on the number of administrative detention orders issued against Palestinians
since 1967 because the Israeli authorities have not consistently made them available to NGOs or the wider
Monitoring by Israeli and Palestinian human rights organizations shows that its use has fluctuated
over the years, rising at times of heightened tensions in the OPT. Israel held more than 5,000 Palestinians,
some repeatedly, in administrative detention between the beginning of the first
in December 1987
and June 1989.
Approximately two months after the outbreak of the second
on 13 December
2000, there were only 12 administrative detainees. The number rose drastically following a major military
offensive in the West Bank codenamed “Operation Defensive Shield”, reaching 960 administrative detainees
in December 2002 and 1,119 in April 2003. Numbers remained high (between approximately 600 and 850
at any given time) until the end of 2009 when they dropped below 300 before rising again in 2014.
At the
end of May 2020, 352 Palestinians, including two children, all from the occupied West Bank, were held as
administrative detainees, according to information provided by the Israel Prison Service to B’Tselem.
1386. Apartheid Convention, Article II(a)(iii).
1387. UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Convention against Torture), Article
2; ICCPR, Article 4(2).
1388. See B’Tselem, Statistics on Palestinians in the custody of the Israeli security forces (previously cited).
1389. Amnesty International,
Israel/Occupied Territories: Administrative detention: Despair, uncertainty and lack of due process
(Index: MDE
15/003/1997), 29 April 1997,
1390. B’Tselem, Administrative detention: Statistics, (accessed on 30 August 2021).
1391. B’Tselem, Administrative detention: Statistics (previously cited).
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Data made available to B’Tselem also shows that, while the vast majority of administrative detainees held
between January 2011 and July 2020 received orders lasting up to a year, many others were held for up to
two years and a minority for over that time. For example, out of 548 Palestinians administratively detained
on 21 January 2009, 330 had been held for up to a year, 176 for periods ranging between one and two
years, and 39 for periods ranging between two and three and a half years. One detainee had been in
administrative detention for a period between four and four and a half years, and two others for more than
four and a half years.
Administrative detention is a form of detention under which individuals are detained by state authorities
without intent to prosecute them in a criminal trial and is based on secret security grounds that the
defendant and their lawyer cannot review. Administrative detention is used to circumvent the legal
protection and due process guaranteed for all persons deprived of their liberty under international law.
While not completely prohibited under international law, the use of administrative detention is only
permitted in exceptional circumstances, subject to stringent safeguards.
However, Israel’s systematic
use of administrative detention against Palestinians indicates that it is used to persecute Palestinians
rather than as an extraordinary and selectively used preventative measure. This is evident given that Israel
labels Palestinians as “security detainees”, and practice and evidence have shown that this is a pretext to
persecute and deprive people of their fundamental rights and freedoms because they challenge Israel’s
occupation and its policies.
Under Military Order 1651,
Israeli military commanders have autonomous discretion to issue individual
temporary administrative detention orders of up to six months to detain Palestinians if there are “reasonable
grounds” to presume that an individual presents a risk to “the security of the area” or to “public security”.
The military commander can extend administrative detention orders indefinitely. Under Military Order 1651,
a Palestinian administrative detainee must be brought before a military judge within eight days of issue or
renewal of the detention order, or released.
Although administrative detainees have the right to appeal
every detention order and are entitled to legal counsel of their choice, neither the lawyer nor the detainee
is informed of the details of the evidence against them. A military judge has the power to uphold, shorten
or cancel the order. If the order is upheld, Palestinian detainees can contest the military judges’ rulings by
petitioning the Supreme Court of Israel.
The Supreme Court has issued rulings emphasizing the importance of judicial review,
and stating that
administrative detention may only be used as a preventative measure against an individual posing a danger
to security that no other means will prevent.
However, it has not set clear substantive standards for
reviewing administrative detention, has rarely examined whether military judges’ decisions conform to its
own rulings, and has been reluctant to intervene in specific cases or question the privileged intelligence
information on which detention orders are based.
1392. B’Tselem, Administrative detention: Statistics (previously cited).
1393. In the context of an occupation, the Fourth Geneva Convention specifies that a civilian may only be interned or placed in assigned
residence if “the security of the Detaining Power makes it absolutely necessary” (Article 42) or, in occupied territory, for “imperative reasons
of security” (Article 78).
1394. Military Order 1651 went into effect on 2 May 2010, replacing and consolidating a number of Israeli military orders effective since
1967 (an unofficial English translation is available at
1395. Local commanders can issue administrative detention orders. These terms are not defined in the military order, and their
interpretation is left to the discretion of military commanders. See Military Order 1651, Chapter I, Article B.
1396. Military Order 1651, para. 287(b).
1397. For a good summary of these rulings, see Shiri Krebs, “Lifting the Veil of Secrecy: Judicial Review of Administrative Detentions in the
Israeli Supreme Court”, 2012, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Volume 45, No. 3, pp. 668-669.
1398. See, for example, HCJ,
Nasrallah v. Commander of Military Forces in the West Bank,
Case HCJ 814/88, judgment;
Ajuri v. Commander
of Military Forces in the West Bank,
Case HCJ 7015/02, judgment;
Sajadiya v. Minister of Defense,
Case HCJ 253/88, judgment.
1399. David Kretzmer,
The Occupation of Justice: The Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories,
2002, pp. 132-135.
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Since 2005, Israel has used the Internment of Unlawful Combatants Law of 2002 to place Palestinians from
the Gaza Strip under administrative detention.
Although judicial review takes place before a civil court,
rather than a military court, the procedural safeguards under the law are weaker than those of Military Order
1651. The detainee must be brought before a district court judge within 14 days of the date of the detention
order. The judge can only cancel the order if they find that the (very malleable) conditions for it are not
satisfied. As the order is of indefinite duration, there is no provision for the judge to shorten it. Once an order
is approved, the detainee is brought before a district court judge every six months; the judge can only annul
the order if they find that release of the detainee will not harm state security (contrary to the presumption
under the law), or that there are special (unspecified) grounds for release. Decisions of the district court may
be appealed to the Supreme Court, but such cases are heard by a single Supreme Court judge who reviews
the case according to the same stipulations as the District Court. In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled that the
law was unconstitutional.
According to B’Tselem and HaMoked, Israel held 39 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip under this law in 2009,
releasing most of them later that year.
There is no clear information on how many Palestinians from Gaza
have been held under the law since then, but B’Tselem found that a Palestinian from the Gaza Strip was
held in administrative detention under the Internment of Unlawful Combatants Law from August 2014 to
April 2018.
Israel justifies the use of administrative detention as a necessary preventative measure used “as the
when evidence against an individual “engaged in illegal acts that endanger the security
of the area and the lives of civilians” cannot be presented in ordinary criminal proceedings “for reasons
of confidentiality and protection of intelligence sources”.
However, evidence collected by Amnesty
International and other human rights groups over the decades indicates an intentional Israeli policy to detain
individuals, including prisoners of conscience, solely for the non-violent exercise of their right to freedom of
expression and association,
and punish them for their views challenging the policies of the occupation.
1400. According to an Israeli Supreme Court ruling from 2008, detention under the Internment of Unlawful Combatants Law is a form
of administrative detention, and therefore restrictions that apply to the use of administrative detention under Military Order 1651 or the
Emergency Powers (Detention) Law also apply to internment under this law. The court held that the status of “unlawful combatant” does not
exist in international humanitarian law, that such persons are civilians entitled to the protections of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and that
the state must prove that the individual poses a danger or a threat. Nevertheless, the justices did not discuss the presumptions specified in
the law. In effect, the law enables the state to hold detainees indefinitely under presumptions of guilt that render the judicial review almost
meaningless. See Amnesty International,
Starved of Justice: Palestinians Detained without Trial by Israel
(Index: MDE 15/026/2012), 6 June
1401. B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Without Trial: Administrative Detention of Palestinians by Israel and the Internment of Unlawful Combatants
October 2009,
1402. B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Without Trial
(previously cited).
1403. B’Tselem, Administrative detention: Statistics (previously cited).
1404. Israeli authorities maintain that the use of administrative detention in the OPT is consistent with Article 78 of the Fourth Geneva
Convention, which states: “If the Occupying Power considers it necessary, for imperative reasons of security, to take safety measures
concerning protected persons, it may, at the most, subject them to assigned residence or to internment.” According to the commentary of
Jean Pictet, a leading authority on the Geneva Convention, “such measures can only be ordered for real and imperative reasons of security;
their exceptional character must be preserved.” Furthermore, “in occupied territories the internment of protected persons should be even
more exceptional than it is inside the territory of the Parties to the conflict”, and detainees can only be interned within the occupied territory,
not inside the occupying state. Israel’s practice of administrative detention over many years clearly violates these provisions. See ICRC,
Commentary on Article 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention,
1405. According to responses from the Israeli Ministry of Justice to urgent appeals from Amnesty International members regarding
individuals held under administrative detention. See Amnesty International,
Starved of Justice: Palestinians Detained without Trial by Israel
(previously cited).
1406. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Report:
Human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East
21 February 2018, UN Doc. A/HRC/37/42; Addameer,
Administrative Detention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: a Legal
Analysis Report,
2016,; Addameer,
Administrative Detention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Between Law and Practice,
December 2010,
en-addameer-administrative-detention-between-law-and-practice-december-2010.pdf; Amnesty International, “Israel: Release Palestinian
prisoner of conscience detained without charge or trial”, 24 May 2017,
prisoner-of-conscience-detained-without-charge-or-trial; Al-Haq, “Administrative Detention in the Occupied West Bank: Law in the Service
of Man”, 1986,;
B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Without Trial
(previously cited).
1407. Military Order 101. See also HRW,
Born Without Civil Rights: Israel’s Use of Draconian Military Orders to Repress Palestinians in the
West Bank,
17 December 2019,
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Israel’s intention to crack down on dissent to the occupation is also evident by its policy to release
administrative detainees if they agree to leave the OPT and go into exile abroad for a specified time, in
contravention of international law that prohibits the forcible transfer or deportation of the population of an
occupied territory. The policy also undermines Israel’s justification of the use of administrative detention as a
necessary preventative measure against Palestinians.
Within the OPT, administrative detention mechanisms are discriminatory against the Palestinian population,
evident by the differential access to two bodies of Israeli laws and courts, one for Palestinians and another
for Israeli settlers.
For Israeli settlers in the West Bank, administrative detention orders are issued under civil Israeli law and
administrative detainees are brought before civilian courts. Israel relies on the provisions of the Emergency
Powers (Detention) Law of 1979 to hold Israeli settlers residing in the occupied territory under administrative
detention orders.
The law is also used to detain Israeli citizens and Palestinian residents of occupied East
Jerusalem. Under the law, the Israeli minister of defence must have “reasonable grounds to presume that
the security of the state or public security require the detention”.
Similarly to the military order applicable
to Palestinians in the West Bank, the administrative order can be issued for up to six months and renewed
indefinitely. As for the judicial review of the administrative detention order, orders against Israeli settlers
(and other Israeli citizens) must be reviewed within 48 hours by an Israeli civilian judge at a district court.
The court is also required to automatically review the order no later than three months after the first judicial
review. The detainee can appeal the decision of the district court to the Supreme Court. Proceedings at both
the district court and Supreme Court are held behind closed doors and evidence justifying the order can be
withheld from the detainee and their lawyer.
In contrast to the widespread use of administrative detention orders against Palestinians, such orders have
rarely been used against Jewish Israeli settlers. According to B’Tselem, Israel has used administrative
detention orders against Israeli citizens, including settlers, but they remain isolated cases.
In one emblematic case of the devastating consequences of Israel’s abusive use of administrative detention
to punish Palestinians for their legitimate non-violent political activities and their dissenting views, Ahmad
Qatamesh, an academic from Ramallah, has spent a total of more than 10 years in Israeli prisons without
charge or trial between 1992 and 2017. The repeated renewals of his administrative detention orders
have not only had a detrimental effect on his mental health but also on his family. Amnesty International
campaigned for his immediate and unconditional release as a prisoner of conscience.
Ahmad Qatamesh is a writer and university professor from Ramallah in the West Bank. Israeli authorities
have arbitrarily arrested and detained him for his peaceful expression of his political views, including
in his writing and teaching. He has spent over 10 years in administrative detention and four years in
prison on charges of membership in the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a left-
wing political party with an armed wing, banned by Israel.
Israel has consistently violated his rights
to freedom of expression and association and his right to work and earn a livelihood, with a devastating
1408. Amnesty International,
Starved of Justice: Palestinians Detained without Trial by Israel
(previously cited).
1409. The Emergency Powers (Detention) Law of 1979 is also used against Israeli citizens inside Israel, including Palestinian citizens of
Israel, and Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem.
1410. British Mandate Government of Palestine, Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945, Regulation 125,
1411. For example, in 2011, Israel issued 12 settlers with administrative detention orders for periods ranging from three months to a year.
See B’Tselem, “Restraining orders issued to settlers are unacceptable”, 3 August 2011,
1412. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Ahmad Qatamesh, 28 October 2020.
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impact on his life and health. Ahmed Qatamesh is also an outspoken critic of Palestinian authorities in
the West Bank and Gaza.
His first arrest was in the 1970s, when he spent four years in prison on charges related to involvement
in the PFLP. In 1992, Israeli authorities accused him of continued membership in the PFLP, which he
denied, and held him as an administrative detainee for six years without charge or trial.
Between April 2011 and December 2013,
Israeli forces held Ahmed Qatamesh in administrative
detention over allegations that he was a member of the political bureau of the PFLP.
He was arrested
once again on 15 May 2017 and placed in administrative detention for three months.
Israeli forces arrested him most recently on 24 December 2019 during a sweep of arrests of Palestinians
associated or perceived to be associated with the PFLP in the aftermath of the killing of a 17-year-
old Israeli girl, Rina Shnerb, near the West Bank settlement of Dolev on 23 August 2019.
On 30
December 2019, he was charged according to military law with “giving services” and “providing
a lecture” to an “illegal organization”. On 2 January 2020 a military court approved his release on
condition that he made a bail payment of NIS 7,000 (USD 2,258) and attended all court hearings.
However, on the same day he was handed an administrative detention order and kept in detention until
his release on 30 July 2020. Ten days before his release, the military court sentenced him to a four-
month suspended prison sentence valid for three years.
Ahmad Qatamesh’s repeated arrests, periods of imprisonment and uncertainty about lengths of
detention (due to the nature of administrative detention) have taken a toll on him and his family. He told
Amnesty International:
When I was arrested back in 1992 my daughter Haneen was only three years old, but she had to
suffer with me all the while to see her father in prison twice every month. She began to understand
the meaning of imprisonment at a very young age, yet she never really stopped raising big
questions, asking again and again, “How long will it go on for?” As the end of each renewal to the
administrative detention order approached, hopes of being reunited with family would be raised.
But all it took to destroy this hope and postpone happiness, time after time, was for the Israeli
Military Commander to issue a new administrative detention order...
When you are in administrative detention, you know the date of your detention, but not the date of
your release, which is in the hands of whoever gave the detention order. It’s a form of continuous
psychological torture for the detainee and his family, who go through the trauma all over again
when the detention order is renewed.
His wife, Suha Barghouti, told Amnesty International:
Since the very beginning of our relationship, we have suffered and continue to suffer until now
because of Ahmad’s continued arrest. Our marriage produced one child, who also suffered
terribly, and had a troubled childhood because her father wasn’t often around...
1413. Amnesty International, “Israel and the Occupied Territories: Torture / ill-treatment: Ahmad Sulayman Musa Qatamesh” (Index: MDE
15/022/1992), 10 September 1992,
1414. Amnesty International, “Palestinian academic given detention extension must be released”, 25 April 2013,
1415. Amnesty International, “Palestinian academic given detention extension must be released” (previously cited).
1416. Amnesty International, “Israel: Release Palestinian prisoner of conscience detained without charge or trial”, 24 May 2017, amnesty.
1417. Haaretz, “Shin Bet: Dozens of Palestinian Faction Members Arrested for Planning West Bank Terror Attacks”, 18 December 2019,
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The experience of being in administrative detention was not only mentally exhausting for Ahmad,
but also for us. Each time the order end date approached, we would prepare ourselves for his
release, only to then get shocked by the news of a renewal. The experience is mentally and
psychologically draining.
Ahmad Qatamesh
© Private
Palestinian administrative detainees – as well as other Palestinian prisoners held by Israel – are routinely
subjected to torture and other ill-treatment; poor prison conditions, including inadequate medical care;
detention in prisons inside Israel rather than in the OPT; and prohibitions on family visits.
Many Palestinian administrative detainees have reported they were routinely tortured and otherwise ill-
treated during arrest and interrogation, especially by the Israel Security Agency.
The use of administrative
detention may result in arbitrary detention and, if prolonged or repeated, can amount to cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatment or punishment.
The UN Committee against Torture has also repeatedly concluded
that the use by Israel of administrative detention, particularly for “inordinately lengthy periods”, violates the
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Convention
against Torture), and called upon Israel to urgently end this practice.
Torture and other ill-treatment during arrest and interrogation of Palestinians in Israel and the OPT is
widespread. For decades, Palestinian detainees, including children, have reported torture or other ill-
treatment by the Israel Security Agency, the Israel Prison Service and Israeli military forces during arrest,
transfer and interrogation. Prompt, thorough and impartial investigations by Israeli authorities into such
allegations are extremely rare.
1418. See, for example, Addameer,
The Systemic Use of Torture and Ill-treatment at Israeli Interrogation Centers… Cases of Torture
Committed at al-Mascobiyya Interrogation Center,
23 January 2020,
pdf; Addameer,
“I’ve Been There”: A Study of Torture and Inhumane Treatment in al-Mascobiyeh Interrogation Center,
2018, addameer.
org/sites/default/files/publications/al_moscabiyeh_report_0.pdf; Addameer,
Aggression by Special Units of Israeli Prison Service against
Prisoners and Detainees during Transfers and Raids,
13 December 2014,
of_the_ips.pdf; Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI),
“Ticking Bombs”: Testimonies of Torture Victims in Israel,
May 2007,
1419. Convention against Torture, Article 16. See also Amnesty International,
Starved of Justice: Palestinians Detained without Trial by Israel
(previously cited).
1420. See CAT, Concluding Observations: Israel, 3 June 2016, UN Doc. CAT/C/ISR/CO/5, paras 22-23; CAT, Concluding Observations:
Israel, 23 June 2009, UN Doc. CAT/C/ISR/4, para. 17; CAT, Concluding Observations: Israel, 23 November 2001, UN Doc. CAT/C/XXVII/
Concl.5, para. 6(e).
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Widespread patterns of torture and other ill-treatment by Israeli security forces against Palestinians have
been documented for decades, particularly in the OPT. Amnesty International’s reporting on torture by
Israel began in the 1970s.
In the 1980s and 1990s, it and other human rights organizations recorded
widespread torture during and after the first
In 1997, CAT made the following damning conclusion:
… the methods of interrogation, which were described by nongovernmental organizations on the basis
of accounts given to them by interrogatees and appear to be applied systematically, were neither
confirmed nor denied by Israel. The Committee, therefore, must assume them to be accurate. These
methods include: (1) restraining in very painful conditions, (2) hooding under special conditions, (3)
sounding of loud music for prolonged periods, (4) sleep deprivation for prolonged periods, (5) threats,
including death threats, (6) violent shaking, and (7) using cold air to chill; and are in the Committee's
view breaches of article 16 and also constitute torture as defined in article 1 of the Convention. This
conclusion is particularly evident where such methods of interrogation are used in combination, which
appears to be the standard case.
In 1999 the Israeli Supreme Court delivered a landmark ruling that both revealed and outlawed various
methods of torture systematically employed by the Israel Security Agency and other Israeli security forces,
overwhelmingly against Palestinian detainees and prisoners.
In 2000, a report by the Israeli State
Comptroller concluded that, during the first
between 1988 and 1992, the Israel Security Agency
“used systematic torture against Palestinians and regularly lied about it”.
Despite these official conclusions and ruling, human rights organizations have continued to report
widespread torture and other ill-treatment from the 2000s to the present day. The Public Committee Against
Torture in Israel publishes yearly situation reports.
Other Israeli organizations have documented violations
in general and in particular interrogation facilities.
Palestinian organizations have done similarly, covering
Israeli practices in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Particularly harsh are methods used by the Israel Security Agency to obtain information and “confessions”,
practices well documented by Amnesty International and other human rights organizations.
1421. Amnesty International,
Report and Recommendations of an AI Mission to the Government State of Israel
(Index: MDE 15/002/1980),
7 June 1979,
1422. See, for example, HRW,
Israeli Interrogation Methods Under Fire After Death of Detained Palestinian: Israel's Supreme Court to
Rule on Legality of Interrogation Guideline,
1 March 1992,; HRW,
Torture and ill-treatment: Israel's
Interrogation of Palestinians from the Occupied Territories,
1 June 1994,; Al-Haq,
for Security: the Systematic Torture and Ill-treatment of Palestinians in Israel,
publications/Torture_for_Security.pdf; Amnesty International,
“Under constant medical supervision”: Torture, ill-treatment and the
health professionals in Israel and the Occupied Territories
(Index: MDE 15/037/1996), 13 August 1996,
1423. CAT, Consideration of Special Report of Israel: Summary Record, 4 September 1997, UN Doc. CAT/C/SR.297/Add.1.
1424. HCJ,
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel v. the Government of Israel,
Case HCJ 5100/94, judgment, 6 September 1999.
1425. See Guardian, “Israeli government report admits systematic torture of Palestinians”, 11 February 2000,
1426. PCATI, Publications,
1427. See B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Absolute Prohibition: The Torture and Ill-Treatment of Palestinian Detainees,
May 2007,
publications/summaries/200705_utterly_forbidden; B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Kept in the Dark: Treatment of Palestinian Detainees in the
Petah Tikva Interrogation Facility of the Israel Security Agency,
October 2010,;
B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Backed by the System: Abuse and Torture at the Shikma Interrogation Facility,
December 2015,
1428. See, for example, Addameer,
The Sounds of Silence: Isolation and Solitary Confinement of Palestinians in Israeli Prisons,
December 2009,; Al-Mezan,
Torture and other Forms of Cruel, Inhumane and
Degrading Treatment against the Palestinian Population in Gaza Strip by the IOF,
July 2011, available at
files/English/Publications/On%20Torture%20(English).pdf; Addameer,
Torture Positions in Israeli Occupation Prisons,
2 September 2020,
1429. See, for example, Addameer,
“I’ve been There”
(previously cited); Addameer,
Israeli Prison Service against Prisoners and Detainees
during Transfers and Raids
(previously cited); PCATI,
“Ticking Bombs”
(previously cited); Amnesty International,
Israel: Blind to violations,
deaf to obligations: Israel’s human rights record: Amnesty International updated submission to the UN Universal Periodic Review,
September 2013
(Index: MDE 15/015/2013), 1 October 2013, amnesty; Amnesty
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Briefing to the Committee against Torture
(Index: MDE 15/040/2008); 30
September 2008,; Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories:
Update of the Briefing to the Committee against Torture
(Index: MDE 15/014/2009), 30 September 2008,
Amnesty International
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reported by Palestinian detainees include painful shackling and binding; immobilization in stress positions;
sleep deprivation; the use of threats, including against family members; sexual harassment; the extensive
use of prolonged solitary confinement; and verbal abuse. All these methods amount to torture or other
ill-treatment. Interrogations under torture can last for weeks, with the detainee routinely denied access to a
Torture and other ill-treatment are frequently inflicted with the complicity of medical professionals,
especially on detainees staging prolonged hunger strikes.
Palestinian children are among those subjected to torture and other ill-treatment, including to obtain
“confessions”, and are denied access to counsel or family visits.
At the end of June 2020, according
to B’Tselem, at least 151 children were held in Israeli prisons, at least two of them in administrative
According to UNICEF, the UN Children’s Fund, ill-treatment of Palestinian children in the
Israeli military detention system is “widespread, systematic, and institutionalized throughout the process,
from the moment of arrest until the child’s prosecution and eventual conviction and sentencing”.
rights organizations have come to similar conclusions. Defense for Children International – Palestine
concluded in 2016: “Out of 429 West Bank children detained between 2012 and 2015, three-quarters
endured some form of physical violence following arrest.”
It has reported regularly on the torture and
other ill-treatment of Palestinian children, including solitary confinement, blindfolding and violent methods
of restraint.
Save the Children has also documented physical abuse of children in military detention
across the West Bank.
B’Tselem and HaMoked reported in 2017 on the abuse of hundreds of Palestinian
teenagers arrested every year in East Jerusalem:
… it is a case of a plain and clear policy followed by the various authorities: the police who carry out
the arrests; the IPS (Israel Prison Service) which keeps the
boys incarcerated in harsh conditions;
and finally, the courts, where judges virtually automatically extend the boys’ custodial remand, even in
cases when the arrest was unwarranted to begin with, even when the interrogation is already over, and
even in cases of boys complaining of being subjected to physical abuse.
Even though it is contrary to international law, the Israel Security Agency justifies interrogations where
detainees are tortured or otherwise ill-treated as “necessity interrogations”.
The Israeli Ministry of
Justice refuses to release any information on what “necessity interrogations” entail. According to the Public
1430. For recent examples of Palestinian detainees subjected to torture during prolonged interrogation by Israel Security Agency Officers in
2019, see Addameer,
The Systematic Use of Torture and Ill-Treatment at Israeli Interrogation Centers… Cases of Torture Committed at al-
Mascobiyya Interrogation Center,
21 January 2021,
centers-cases-torture; Amnesty International,
Starved of Justice: Palestinians Detained without Trial by Israel
(previously cited).
1431. See, for example, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel and PCATI,
Doctoring the Evidence, Abandoning the Victim: The Involvement
of Medical Professionals in Torture and Ill-treatment in Israel,
October 2011,
1432. According to Israel Prison Service information, from 2012 to 2015, Israel held an average of 204 Palestinian children in custody
each month. See Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCI-Palestine), “Palestinian Children Incarcerated at Higher Rate, Abuses
Routine”, 18 July 2017,; CAT, Concluding Observations:
Israel, 3 June 2016, UN Doc. CAT/C/ISR/CO/5.
1433. B’Tselem, Statistics on Palestinian Minors in the Custody of Israeli Security Forces, updated on 28 April 2020,
minors_in_custody (accessed on 30 August 2021).
1434. UNICEF,
Children in Israeli Military detention: Observations and Recommendations,
6 March 2013,
1435. DCI-Palestine,
No Way to Treat a Child: Palestinian Children in the Israeli Military Detention System,
14 April 2016,
palestinian_children_in_the_israeli_military_detention_system, p.8
1436. DCI-Palestine and World Organization Against Torture (OMCT),
Ill-treatment and Torture of Palestinian Children in Israeli Military
Detention and Use of Excessive Force by Israeli Forces,
27 March 2016,
OMCTisrael.pdf; DCI-Palestine,
Isolated and Alone: Palestinian Children held in Solitary Confinement by Israeli Authorities for Interrogation,
2 December 2020,
1437. Save the Children,
Bound, Blindfolded and Convicted: Children held in military detention,
April 2012, resourcecentre.savethechildren.
net/sites/default/files/documents/5899.pdf; Save the Children,
Defenceless: The Impact of Israeli Military Detention on Palestinian Children,
1438. B’Tselem and HaMoked,
Unprotected: Detention of Palestinian Teenagers in East Jerusalem,
October 2017,
files/publications/201710_unprotected_eng.pdf, p. 30
1439. PCATI, “Torture in Israel 2021: Situation report”, (accessed on 29 August 2021).
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Committee Against Torture in Israel, at least 15 people in August and September 2019 were subjected to
“necessity interrogations”.
The UN Committee against Torture has expressed concern about Israel’s use
of what it termed its “necessity defence”, and has reiterated that the “prohibition of torture is absolute and
non-derogable and that no exceptional circumstances whatsoever may be invoked by a State party to justify
acts of torture”.
Israeli legislation does not contain an absolute prohibition on torture and does not define torture and other
ill-treatment as a crime,
allowing for the practice to continue with impunity. While Israel’s Supreme Court
in 1999 ruled that torture and other ill-treatment were generally prohibited, it permitted interrogators to use
what the Court described as “physical interrogation methods” in “ticking bomb” situations, and allowed
them to escape criminal liability or even investigations under the “defence of necessity”.
The Supreme
Court of Israel never interpreted or limited the scope of the so-called “ticking bomb” situation, leaving it to
the discretion of the Israel Security Agency to broadly interpret the situation and implicitly to continue to use
torture and other ill-treatment against Palestinian or “security suspects”.
Since the Supreme Court decision in 1999, Israeli interrogators have tortured hundreds of Palestinians, citing
the “ticking bomb” plea, and not one of them has been prosecuted.
According to the Public Committee
Against Torture in Israel, between 2001 and 2020, over 1,300 complaints of torture were submitted to
the Israeli Ministry of Justice, resulting in only two criminal investigations and no indictments.
In 2021,
several UN Special Rapporteurs called on Israel to end impunity for torture and other ill-treatment.
Israel’s widespread and systematic use of arbitrary arrest, administrative detention and torture on a large
scale against Palestinians, in flagrant violation of several prohibitions under international law, forms part
of the state’s policy of domination and control over the Palestinian population. Israel’s laws and policies of
administrative detention and torture have therefore involved the crimes against humanity of “imprisonment
or other severe deprivation of physical liberty” and “torture”, which are prohibited under the Rome Statute
and the Apartheid Convention. When committed in the OPT, acts of torture and other ill-treatment are also
war crimes.
Under Article 7(1)(a) of the Rome Statute, “murder” is listed as a prohibited inhumane act, which may
constitute the crime against humanity of apartheid when committed in the context of an institutionalized
regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over another, with the intention of
maintaining that regime. The Apartheid Convention also lists the “murder of members of a racial groups
or groups” as an inhuman act and a crime of apartheid when “committed for the purpose of establishing
1440. PCATI, “Torture in Israel 2020: Situation report”, 2020,
1441. Convention against Torture, Article 2(2); CAT, Concluding Observations: Israel, 3 June 2016, UN Doc. CAT/C/ISR/CO/5, para. 14.
1442. CAT, Concluding Observations: Israel, 3 June 2016, UN Doc. CAT/C/ISR/CO/5.
1443. HCJ,
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel v. the State of Israel,
Case HCJ 5100/94, 6 September 1999. See, for example,
“Ticking Bombs”
(previously cited).
1444. PCATI,
“Ticking Bombs”
(previously cited); Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Legally-sanctioned torture of Palestinian detainee left
him in critical condition” (previously cited).
1445. PCATI, Torture in Israel Today, (accessed on 29 August 2021).
1446. OHCHR, “Israel must end impunity for torture and ill-treatment – UN experts”, 8 February 2021,
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and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and
systematically oppressing them”.
By using the term “murder”, both the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute have specified that the
killings have led to arbitrary deprivation of the right to life, which is protected under international human rights
committed on a widespread or systematic basis as part of an “attack on a civilian population”, meaning
there is some degree of planning or policy to commit the crime.
Murder has been defined as the “the death
of the victim which results from an act or omission by the accused, committed with the intent either to kill or to
cause serious bodily harm with the reasonable knowledge that it would likely lead to death.”
Additionally, the Rome Statute criminalizes “[o]ther inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally
causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.”
The Apartheid
Convention prohibits the “infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental
harm, by the infringement of their freedom or dignity… “
Wilful killing and wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health. also are listed as grave
breaches under the Fourth Geneva Convention,
and war crimes under the Rome Statute.
criminal tribunals have clarified that the term murder has an identical meaning to the war crime of wilful
The ICTY found that the “mental element” (mens
that is intent and knowledge of the act, is
what distinguishes wilful killing from any other killing, providing that “there is demonstrated an intention on
the part of the accused to kill, or inflict serious injury in reckless disregard to human life”.
Israeli forces have killed and injured thousands of Palestinian civilians in the OPT since 1967, often in
circumstances suggesting that the killings were systematic, unlawful and arbitrary, and with near total
impunity. Recent decades have seen a mounting toll of deaths and injuries of Palestinians as a result of
shooting or other violence by Israeli soldiers outside the context of armed conflict in the OPT. In Israel,
too, there has been a pattern of killings of Palestinian citizens of Israel in law enforcement activities in
circumstances that indicate that the killings were unlawful.
According to B’Tselem, between September 2000 and February 2017 Israeli forces killed 4,868 Palestinians
in the OPT, including 1,793 children, outside the context of armed conflict.
Law enforcement activities
in the OPT, such as supressing protests, carrying out raids to arrest people, enforcing travel and movement
restrictions, and conducting search operations, stem from Israel’s administration of occupied territory.
In conducting such activities, Israeli forces are exercising a policing function that is governed under
1447. Apartheid Convention, Article 2(a)(1).
1448. ICCPR, Article 6.
1449. HRC, General Comment 31 (previously cited), para. 18; and UN Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-
legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions Principles on Extra-legal Executions), Principle 1.
1450. ICTY,
Blagojević and Jokić,
Case IT-02-60, Trial Chamber judgment, 17 January 2005, para. 556. See also, in particular, ICTR.
Prosecutor v. Akayesu,
Case ICTR-96-4, Trial Chamber judgment, para. 589; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Delalić and Others (Čelebići Case),
ICTY-96-21, Trial Chamber judgment, 20 February 2001, para. 439; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Blaškić,
Case IT-95-14, judgment, paras 153, 181
and 217; ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Jelisić,
Case IT-95-10, Trial Chamber judgment, 14 December 1999, paras 35 and 63 (in the latter case, the
Trial Chamber ruled that a perpetrator of murder must have had the intention to cause death; the foreseeable consequence theory was not
1451. Rome Statute, Article 7(1)(k).
1452. Apartheid Convention, Article II(a)(ii).
1453. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 147.
1454. Rome Statute, Article 8(2)(a)(i) and 8(2)(a)(iii).
1455. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Delalić and Others (Čelebići Case),
Trial Chamber judgment, 20 February 2001, paras 421-422.
1456. ICTY,
Prosecutor v. Delalić and Others (Čelebići Case),
Trial Chamber judgment, 20 February 2001, para. 439.
1457. B’Tselem,
Getting Off Scot-Free: Israel’s Refusal to Compensate Palestinians for Damages Caused by Its Security Forces,
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international human rights law.
Policing activities against civilians during belligerent occupation may never
be conducted like hostilities against combatants, as they do not meet the threshold of hostilities regulated
by international humanitarian law.
Both the Israeli army and the police, including the border police, have
authority to carry out policing activities in the OPT; in East Jerusalem, however, only the Israeli police exercise such
authority. The police, not the army, have policing powers in relation to Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank.
In the context of Palestinian protests in the OPT, the conduct of Israeli forces appears to be intended to
stifle dissent and freedom of expression. Palestinians frequently protest against Israeli occupation, as well
as the policies and practices that underpin it, such as the blockade on Gaza, the creation and expansion
of illegal settlements, land seizures, closures, arrests and detentions. The right to peaceful protest is of
particular importance for Palestinians in the OPT, as they have no opportunity to influence the policy of the
occupying power through voting or other such means. Israeli authorities, however, view such protests as
a threat to security, and have since the beginning of its occupation criminalized them.
During protests,
demonstrators often resort to low-level violence, throwing stones and rocks at Israeli soldiers but without
posing any serious risk to them due to the distance and the heavily protected nature of their positions.
In return, Israeli forces use a wide variety of measures against the protesters. These include less lethal
means such as tear gas, pepper spray, stun grenades (sound bombs) and hand-held batons. However,
Israeli forces frequently resort to lethal means and fire rubber-coated metal bullets and live firearms
ammunition at protesters, causing deaths and injuries. In some cases, they have also killed or injured
demonstrators by firing tear gas directly at them from close range or by using tear gas in enclosed spaces
causing asphyxiation. In many cases, Israeli forces have used unnecessary or excessive force, unlawfully
killing hundreds of Palestinian protesters, including children, when there was no imminent threat to life and
wounding thousands more often seriously. The pattern of unlawful killings and infliction of serious injuries
against Palestinian demonstrators appears to be aimed at eliminating opposition to Israel’s policies and
practices in the OPT. Amnesty International has documented this pattern over decades.
Other human
rights organizations have done similarly.
Israeli forces regularly obstruct and prevent medical personnel from providing medical care to injured
protesters, contributing in some cases to their death.
They have also attacked medics seeking to assist
the wounded,
and human rights defenders and journalists who are present to document abuses or report
1458. In particular, the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, Eighth UN Congress on the
Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 27 August to 7 September 1990, UN Doc. A/CONF.144/28/Rev.1 at 112 (1990).
1459. Marco Sassòli and others,
How Does Law Protect in War? Cases, Documents and Teaching Materials on Contemporary Practice in
International Humanitarian Law,
2011, Chapter 14, p. 4; OHCHR,
International Legal Protection of Human Rights in Armed Conflict,
p. 66; Louise Doswald-Beck, “The right to life in armed conflict: does international humanitarian law provide all the answers?”, December
2006, International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 88, Issue 864,
1460. B’Tselem, Military Order 101, (accessed on 26 August 2021).
1461. See, for example, Amnesty International,
Israel/Occupied Territories and the Palestinian Authority: Five years after the
Oslo Agreement: Human rights sacrificed for security
(Index: MDE 02/004/1998), 31 August 1998,
MDE02/004/1998/en; Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Territories: Excessive use of lethal force
(Index: MDE 15/041/2000),
18 October 2000,; Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Territories: State
assassinations and other unlawful killings
(Index: MDE 15/005/2001), 21 February 2001,;
Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Territories: Broken lives – A year of intifada
(Index: MDE 15/083/2001), 13 November 2001,; Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Territories and the Palestinian Authority:
Killing the future: Children in the line of fire
(Index: MDE 02/005/2002), 29 September 2002,
en; Amnesty International, Israel and the Occupied Territories:
Israel must put an immediate end to the policy and practice of assassinations
(Index: MDE 15/056/2003), 3 July 2003,; Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied
Palestinian Territories: Enduring occupation: Palestinians under siege in the West Bank
(Index: MDE 15/033/2007), 4 June 2007, amnesty.
org/en/library/info/MDE15/033/2007/en; Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank
cited); Amnesty International, “One year on from protests, Gaza civilians’ devastating injuries highlight urgent need for arms embargo on
Israel” (previously cited).
1462. See, for example, B’Tselem,
The Occupation’s Fig Leaf: Israel’s Military Law Enforcement as a Whitewash Mechanism,
May 2016,; Al-Haq,
Al-Haq Report on Killings in 2019,
5 May 2019,
1463. UN General Assembly,
Implementation of Human Rights Council resolutions S-9/1 and S-12/1,
5 April 2018, UN Doc. A/HRC/37/38,, para. 16; Al-Haq, “IOF Targets Palestinian Civilians with Lethal Force,
Killing 13 across the OPT”, 22 November 2018,; Al-Haq,
Repression of Non-violent Protest
in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: Case Study on the village of al-Nabi Saleh, 2011,
publications/Nabi-Saleh.pdf; Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank
(previously cited).
1464. Amnesty International, “Six Months On: Gaza’s Great March of Return”, 2018,
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on protests, including by firing tear gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets at them. In some cases,
Israeli forces appear to have deliberately targeted medics, journalists and human rights defenders during
Also well documented is the pattern of misuse of lethal force and firearms, including intentional lethal use
of firearms, by Israeli forces against Palestinians during law enforcement operations in the OPT when there
was no imminent threat to life or without exhausting less lethal means of neutralizing a perceived threat.
Additionally, Israeli forces frequently and recklessly fire at or deploy less lethal weapons against bystanders,
or damage property of nearby residents.
The Israeli authorities treat as classified information (for security reasons) the “rules of engagement” guidance
issued to soldiers and border police to advise and instruct them as to when and in what circumstances they
may resort to force, including lethal force, and what actions, if any, they must take beforehand – for example,
to issue warnings.
Some details about the rules have been shared on rare occasions.
One such instance
was when some details came to light about the open-fire regulations during the suppression of the Great
March of Return protests in the Gaza Strip in 2018. Over a year into the protests, in July 2019, it emerged that
the Israeli military had allowed and instructed Israeli snipers to fire at protesters’ lower limbs above the knee
under their open-fire regulations. After it became clear that such regulations were leading needlessly to deaths
and devastating injuries, snipers were briefed to aim below the knee.
In the OPT, Israeli forces have carried out unlawful killings, caused serious injuries of Palestinians, and
damaged Palestinian property, with near total impunity. The Israeli military justice system has consistently
failed to deliver justice for Palestinian victims of unlawful killings or serious injuries and their families.
Amnesty International is not aware of any case in which an Israeli army soldier or member of another
security force has been convicted of wilfully causing the death of a Palestinian in the OPT since 1987.
Israeli soldiers and other security forces personnel have rarely been prosecuted at all in connection with the
killings of Palestinians in the OPT, although many of the killings appear to have been unlawful. Convictions
have been even rarer. When such convictions have occurred, soldiers have been convicted of manslaughter
or lesser offences.
In 2016, B’Tselem decided to stop referring cases of unlawful killings or injuries of
Palestinians during law enforcement operations to the Israeli authorities for investigations after 25 years of
doing so, because of the “ineffectuality” of the Israeli military justice system, which continues to cover up
unlawful acts and protect perpetrators, rather than provide justice for victims.
1465. Amnesty International, Trigger Happy (previously cited); “Six Months On: Gaza’s Great March of Return” (previously cited); Amnesty
International, “Six Months On: Gaza’s Great March of Return” (previously cited).
1466. See, for example, Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank
(previously cited); B’Tselem,
The Occupation’s Fig Leaf
(previously cited).
1467. Israeli forces have used tear gas against homes, sometimes injuring people inside – mainly by the asphyxiating effects of tear gas –
and have deliberately damaged property such as residents’ water storage tanks located on rooftops.
1468. See, for example, B’Tselem,
The Occupation’s Fig Leaf
(previously cited); B’Tselem,
Crowd Control: Israel’s Use of Crowd Control
Weapons in the West Bank,
January 2013,
1469. Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank
(previously cited).
1470. B’Tselem, “After the Supreme Court Praised the Open-Fire Policy, the Military Admits: We killed Protestors for No Reason”, 24 July
2019,; Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT:
Further Information: Gazan’s second leg saved from amputation: Yousef al-Kronz” (Index: MDE 15/8234/2018), 17 April 2018, amnesty.
1471. Amnesty International,
Trigger-Happy: Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank
(previously cited); Amnesty International,
force and accountability for unlawful killings by Israeli forces in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
(Index: MDE 15/4812/2016), 27
September 2016,; Amnesty International, “Submission to The United Nations Independent
Commission Of Inquiry On Protests In The Occupied Palestinian Territory”, 16 November 2018, on file with Amnesty International.
1472. See, for example, Amnesty International, “Conviction of Israeli soldier must pave the way for justice for unlawful killings”, 4 January
1473. B’Tselem,
The Occupation’s Fig Leaf
(previously cited); B’Tselem, “Follow-up: Military Police and MAG Corps investigations of civilian
Palestinian fatalities in West Bank, as of April 2011”, 30 April 2013 (updated on 26 January 2021),
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Senior Israeli officials have contributed to a culture of impunity by arguing in specific cases that killings
and injuries during law enforcement operations were justified and carried out pursuant to orders, and that
perpetrators should not be reprimanded or prosecuted.
Some have even called on police and soldiers
to kill Palestinians they suspect of attacking Israelis irrespective of whether lethal force is actually strictly
necessary to protect life.
The pattern of unlawful killings and serious injuries inflicted by Israeli forces on Palestinians in the OPT is
illustrated by the killing and wounding of Palestinian protesters during the Great March of Return in Gaza in 2018.
On 30 March 2018, Palestinians in Gaza, including refugees, launched the Great March of Return, a series
of weekly mass demonstrations along the fence between Gaza and Israel to demand their right to return
to their villages and towns in what is now Israel, and to press for an end to Israel’s blockade on Gaza.
Even before the protests began, senior Israeli officials publicly threatened that any Palestinian
approaching the fence would be shot, and deployed snipers near the fence.
In addition, Israeli officials
have threatened, endorsed or encouraged the use of lethal force against protesters. Then defence
minister Avigdor Lieberman warned protesters that they were “playing with their lives” before the
protests began.
He later said that Israeli soldiers on the Gaza border “did what was necessary”.
At least 17 Palestinians were killed and 5,500 others injured on the first day of protests on 30 March
During the demonstration, some Palestinian protesters approached the fence in a show of
defiance. Amnesty International documented in April 2018 that many of the serious injuries were to
the lower limbs, including the knees, causing serious bone and tissue damage, with large exit wounds
measuring 10-15mm similar to war wounds.
Doctors told Amnesty International that such serious
injuries would likely face further complications, infections and some form of physical disability, such
as paralysis or amputation. According to the international humanitarian organization Médecins Sans
Frontières, half of the more than 500 patients admitted to its clinics on 1-19 April 2018 were treated for
1474. Former education minister Naftali Bennett responded to a question about the Israeli army using a shoot-to-kill policy on Palestinian
children along the fence that separates Gaza and Israel by saying, “They are not children ¬¬– they are terrorists. We are fooling ourselves.
I see the photos.” See Times of Israel, “Bennett says IDF should shoot to kill Gazans who cross border”, 8 October 2018, timesofisrael.
com/bennett-says-idf-should-shoot-to-kill-gazans-who-cross-border Former education minister Naftali Bennett called for Israeli soldier Elor
Azaria, convicted of manslaughter in the deliberate killing of a wounded Palestinian, to be pardoned. Bennett said, “Today a soldier who
killed a terrorist who deserved to die, who tried to slaughter [another] soldier, was placed in shackles and convicted as a criminal.” See
Haaretz, “Netanyahu Supports Pardon for Convicted Hebron Shooter Elor Azaria”, 4 January 2017,
support-pardon-for-elor-azaria-1.5481858 In a Facebook post, former minister of foreign affairs Avigdor Liberman said, “No attacker, male
or female, should make it out of any attack alive”. Avigdor Liberman, Facebook post, 13 October 2015,
posts/1072953826050898 (in Hebrew).
1475. HRW, “Israel/Palestine: Some Officials Backing ‘Shoot-to-Kill’”, 2 January 2017,
1476. On 31 March 2018, the Israel Defense Forces spokesperson issued the following statement on its Twitter account (@
IDFSpokesperson): “Yesterday we saw 30,000 people; we arrived prepared and with precise reinforcements. Nothing was carried out
uncontrolled; everything was accurate and measured, and we know where every bullet landed”. The tweet was later removed, but a
screenshot of it is available on Al-Haq’s website. Al-Haq, “30 March: 15 Palestinians Killed, More than a Thousand Injured, as IOF Violently
Suppress Palestinian Protestors in the Gaza Strip”, 31 March 2018,
1477. Haaretz, “Lieberman warns Gaza protesters Hamas is playing with your lives”, 30 March 2018,
1478. Jewish Telegraph Agency, “Israeli soldiers ‘did what was necessary’ on Gaza border, defense minister says”, 1 April 2018, jta.
1479. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Stop the use of lethal and other excessive force and investigate deaths of Palestinian protesters”,
31 March 2018,
1480. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Gazan at imminent risk of losing his second leg: Yousef al-Kronz”, 12 April 2018,
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injuries “where the bullet has literally destroyed tissue after having pulverized the bone”.
The nature
of these injuries shows that Israeli soldiers were using high-velocity military grade weapons designed to
cause maximum harm.
Although the demonstrations were generally peaceful, there were individuals who threw stones and
Molotov cocktails at Israeli forces and some launched incendiary kites and balloons into Israel, resulting
in some fires, including of crops.
By the end of 2019, Israeli forces had killed 214 civilians, including 46 children, and injured over 8,000
others with live ammunition. A total of 156 of those injured had to have limbs amputated, according to OCHA.
More than 1,200 patients require long-term, complex and expensive therapy and rehabilitation, and tens
of thousands more require psycho-social support, neither of which the resources in Gaza can provide.
Palestinian protesters run for
cover after Israeli forces launched
tear gas canisters during a
demonstration along the border
between the Gaza Strip and
Israel, east of Gaza City, in which
Palestinians were killed and
seriously injured, on 22 June 2018
© Mahmud Hams / AFP via Getty
Razan Al-Najjar
On 1 June 2018, Israeli sniper fire killed 21-year-old Razan Al-Najjar, a paramedic with the Palestinian
Medical Relief Society, while she was treating injured protesters to the east of the southern city of Khan
Younis, near the fence separating the territory from Israel, during the Great March of Return protests.
She was wearing her white coat, clearly identifying her as a paramedic.
She was shot in the chest at approximately 6.45pm. According to an investigative report by the New York
Times, the sniper fired one round of live ammunition into the crowd.
Moments earlier, Razan Al-Najjar
1481. Médecins Sans Frontières, “MSF teams in Gaza observe unusually severe and devastating gunshot injuries”, 19 April 2018,
1482. See, for example, Amnesty International, “One year on from protests, Gaza civilians’ devastating injuries highlight urgent need for
arms embargo on Israel” (previously cited); Haaretz, “‘42 Knees in One Day’: Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters”,
6 March 2020,
1483. OCHA, “Two years on: people injured and traumatized during the ‘Great March of Return’ are still struggling” (previously cited).
1484. New York Times, “A Day, a Life: When a Medic Was Killed in Gaza, Was It an Accident?”, 30 December 2018, nytimes.
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and three other Palestinian paramedics moved closer to the fence to provide medical assistance to two
injured protesters. All four held their hands up in the air, indicating that they meant no harm.
she nor her colleagues posed any threat to Israeli forces. Razan Al-Najjar was transferred to hospital,
where she was pronounced dead at approximately 7.10pm.
Amnesty International had interviewed Razan Al-Najjar six weeks earlier, on 16 April 2018, while
documenting cases of paramedics and medical workers who had been injured by live ammunition or
tear gas inhalation during the protests. She told Amnesty International:
I am here in the field from 7am until 10pm with my team. We paid with our own money from
our pockets for the supplies we are using. Our team yesterday was intensely targeted. We were
targeted with tear gas in this tent right here, in the middle of the tent where we are now. There are
so many critical injuries, like cases of amputations of the limbs and direct head injuries. Instead of
support or help… we get targeted instead by the Israeli army. I have been injured four times, and
even until now I am still getting injuries.
On 5 June 2018, during an initial examination of the killing, the Israeli military found that no shots
were deliberately or directly aimed towards Razan Al-Najjar.
On 29 October 2018, the Israeli Military
Advocate General rejected the findings and ordered the military police to open a criminal investigation –
almost five months after she was killed.
The results of the investigation have yet to be made public.
Amnesty International believes that Razan Al-Najjar was wilfully killed, a grave breach of the Geneva
Conventions and a war crime.
Razan Al-Najjar (right),
a 21-year-old Palestinian
paramedic, works with a
colleague to tend to an
injured man at an emergency
medical tent after clashes
with Israeli security forces
after a demonstration near the
border between the Gaza Strip
and Israel, east of Khan Yunis,
on 1 April 2018 © Said Khatib
/ AFP via Getty Images
1485. According to the detailed findings of the independent international commission of inquiry on the protests in the OPT, Razan and the
other paramedics held their hands up in the air to indicate to Israeli forces that they meant no harm. See UN Human Rights Council,
of the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,
Doc. A/HRC/40/CRP.2, 18 March 2019, para. 524.
1486. New York Times, “A Day, a Life: When a Medic Was Killed in Gaza, Was It an Accident?” (previously cited).
1487. Amnesty International, interview in person with Razan Al-Najjar, 16 April 2018.
1488. Israel Defense Forces, Twitter post, 5 June 2018,
1489. Times of Israel, “IDF launches criminal probe into killing of Gazan medic in June”, 29 October 2018,
criminal-probe-into-killing-of-gazan-medic-in-june; Haaretz, “Israeli Army Opens Criminal Investigation Into Killing of Gaza Medic”, 29
October 2018,
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Adham Al-Hajjar
Adham Al-Hajjar is a freelance journalist and lives in Gaza City. On 6 April 2018, while he was covering
the Great March of Return demonstrations, Israeli snipers positioned along the fence separating Gaza
from Israel shot him. The bullet hit his left knee, splintering the bone and damaging muscles and the
femoral nerve. He told Amnesty International:
I went down to the fence like any other day to cover the demonstrations at Al-Malaka. At around
2pm or 3pm I was wearing my press jacket and helmet and I remember I wanted to take a photo
of a demonstrator near the fence. I went to take the photo, and the second I lifted my camera
the next thing I remember was fainting and then realizing I was shot. I kept going in and out of
consciousness. Luckily there was another photographer who carried me to the field medic and
then to Al-Shifa Hospital. I was wearing my press jacket and clearly holding a camera, and the
snipers could see this. This same day… they killed journalist Yasser Murtaja and shot and injured
another journalist.
Adham Al-Hajjar has had a series of operations in Gaza, Egypt and Jordan since his injury. He continues
to suffer from partial paralysis of his foot, and requires a knee replacement and ankle surgery. He is
unable to obtain the medical help he needs in Gaza because of the debilitated health services there, and
Israel will not allow him to travel elsewhere. He told Amnesty International:
I barely sleep any more. My leg hurts
every night, the pain is always there. I
wake up in the morning and walk to my
friend’s house close by to drink coffee.
I need to do this just to leave my room
and to move around or else all I am left
with is my mind, and thinking, and it is
The bullet that entered my leg did
not just enter and leave my body. It
entered and stopped everything; it
stopped my life. I look back at the last
three years and ask what have I done?
Nothing. What has progressed in my
life? Nothing. Just because a soldier
pulled the trigger without thinking of
how it would devastate my life. Not just
my life, but my family’s life. Did he or
she ever think about what this would
cause? The pain, the loss. I am walking
around as a dead man, everything in
my life froze from the moment that
bullet entered my leg.
Adham Al-Hajjar © Private
1490. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Adham al-Hajjar, 31 March 2021.
1491. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Adham al-Hajjar, 31 March 2021.
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Over recent decades, Israeli forces and security agents have killed dozens of Palestinian citizens and
residents of Israel in law enforcement activities in circumstances that indicate that the killings were unlawful.
These have taken place in the context of the policing protests against discriminatory Israeli policies and
actions in Israel and the OPT and during other, often discriminatory, law enforcement activities. The
perpetrators of the violence have enjoyed near total impunity. This pattern is illustrated by Israeli state killings
of Palestinian citizens and residents of Israel between 2000 and 2017.
Israeli forces and security agents continue to kill unlawfully Palestinian citizens of Israel, including in the
context of protests against discriminatory Israeli policies and actions in Israel and the OPT and in other,
often discriminatory, law enforcement activities. Such a pattern is possible because of the near total
impunity that perpetrators of such violations enjoy.
In 2000, Amnesty International documented the killing of 13 Palestinians, most of them citizens of
Israel, by police and other security forces in Israel and East Jerusalem between 29 September and 8
October 2000,
as well as the injury of hundreds of others and the arrest of more than 600 people
in protests across Israel against Israeli policies in the OPT at the beginning of the second
A commission of inquiry into the killings,
established by the Israeli government, found in 2003 that
there was no justification for the killings. Despite this, in 2008 the Israeli attorney general closed the
investigations into the killings without finding any wrongdoing or indicting any officer.
According to the Mossawa Center, between October 2008 and May 2021 Israeli police killed more than
45 Palestinian citizens of Israel. The organization also documented three cases of Israeli police killing
unarmed Palestinian residents of Israel in the same period. A further 15 Palestinian citizens were killed
by Jewish citizens and private security agents. The combined total of 63 does not include Palestinian
citizens killed in what the authorities classify as “security incidents”. According to the Mossawa Center,
only two police officers were convicted in cases of killings during this period.
An investigation by Sikha Mekomit, a Hebrew-language media organization, published in January 2019,
revealed that in the previous five years the Israeli police had killed 14 citizens of Israel, of whom nine
were Palestinians, one was of Ethiopian origin and the rest had “Middle Eastern surnames”. According
to the report, the incidents were not security related and no perpetrator was held accountable for the
On 7 November 2014, Israeli police shot and killed Kheir Hamdan, 22, in Kafr Kanna in northern Israel
after he had approached a police vehicle following the arrest of another man from the village. According
to Adalah, Kheir Hamdan banged on the police vehicle’s windows with an object and then ran away
1492. Amnesty International,
Israel and the Occupied Territories: Broken lives – A year of intifada
(previously cited).
1493. Adalah, “The October 2000 Killings (October Uprising)”, 30 September 2020,
1494. Following public pressure, the Israeli government established the Commission of Inquiry into the Clashes between Security Forces
and Israeli Citizens in October 2000, also known as the Or Commission, in November 2000, to “investigate the clashes with security
forces... in which Jewish and Arab Israeli citizens were killed and wounded.” The Commission’s mandate did not extend to examining acts
of torture or ill-treatment carried out on those arrested by security forces in connection with the demonstrations in Israel. See Amnesty
Israel and the Occupied Territories: Broken lives – A year of intifada
(previously cited).
1495. Adalah, “The October 2000 Killings (October Uprising)” (previously cited).
1496. Mossawa Center,
يواتبنع يرنم ةلئاع قفاري ةاواسم زكرم
[The Mossawa Center accompanies Mounir Anabtawi’s family], 29 March 2021, (in Arabic).
1497. Sikha Mekomit,
םושיא יבתכ ספא ,יתרטשמ ירימ וגרהנ םיחרזא רשע-העברא םינש שמחב
[In five years: 14 citizens were killed by police gunfire, zero
indictments], 23 January 2019, (in Hebrew).
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
when the officers got out. The officers shot Kheir Hamdan while he was running away and not posing
an imminent threat to lives.
Mahash, the internal investigation unit at the Ministry of Justice, closed
the complaint. Following a petition to the Supreme Court, the Court asked the State Attorney Office to
consider interrogating only one of the policemen who had shot Kheir Hamdan and mistreated him while
he was injured. No indictment was filed.
In the early morning of 18 January 2017, Israeli police shot at 47-year-old teacher Yaqoub Abu Al-
Qi’an in the village of Umm Al-Hiran in the Negev/Naqab while he was driving back from his mother’s
house during a raid by the Israeli forces to carry out demolition orders against homes and structures
in the village. As a result, Yaqoub Abu Al-Qi’an lost control of his vehicle, inadvertently striking and
killing a policeman. Even though Yaqoub Abu Al-Qi’an had already sustained a gunshot injury, the
police again opened fire on him with live ammunition, assuming that the loss of control of the car was
an intentional attack. Bleeding in the car, the police prevented paramedics from helping Yaqoub Abu
Al-Qi’an for three hours.
The forensic investigation concluded that he bled for about 30 minutes
before dying, indicating that he would have lived if he had received proper medical treatment. Public
statements made at the time by Israeli minister Gilad Erdan
and police commissioner Peretz
described Yaqoub Abu Al-Qi’an as a terrorist and a radical Islamist who had wanted to kill the
policemen. The Israeli police held his body for a week and released it after a Supreme Court hearing that
allowed only a conditional burial,
which limited the number of people who could attend.
A comprehensive analysis and study of the available footage and recordings by the Forensic Architecture
group found that Yaqoub Abu Al-Qi’an was shot despite not posing any imminent threat to security
forces or others.
Yet, the Israeli State Prosecutor officially closed the investigation by the Israeli
police into what appears to have been an extrajudicial execution, and cleared the officers involved
of any misconduct, even though a department in the Israeli Ministry of Justice had found police
Adalah and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel petitioned against the
decision to close the investigation and, as of the end of August 2021, were awaiting an outcome.
The culture of impunity in relation to state killings in Israel sits within a broader lack of accountability
for police violence in the country. Between 2011 and 2013, according to a study by Adalah, 11,282
complaints of police harassment and brutality were filed with Mahash, the internal investigation unit at
1498. Adalah, “Adalah Statement on the Killing of Kheir Hamdan by Israeli Police”, 9 November 2014,
1499. HCJ,
Rafat Hamdan v. State Attorney and Others,
Case HCJ 4845/17, judgment, 28 December 2019. See also Haaretz, “Israel’s
High Court Orders Trial for Cop Who Killed Israeli Arab, Four Years After Case Was Closed”, 28 October 2019,
1500. Physicians for Human Rights – Israel, “Why was Ya’qub Abu Al-Qi’an Left Bleeding to Death?”, 15 September 2019,
1501. +972 Magazine, “The killing of a Bedouin man is a weapon in Netanyahu’s war for survival”, 9 September 2020,
1502. Times of Israel, “Autopsy on Bedouin driver may discredit claims of terrorism”, 21 January 2017,
1503. +972 Magazine, “When the High Court has to intervene so a Palestinian family can mourn”, 24 January 2017,
1504. NCF, “The Time has Come for Israel to Recognize the Bedouin Villages of Atir and Umm Al-Hiran”, December 2015,
1505. Forensic Architecture, Killing in Umm al-Hiran, 19 January 2019,
(accessed on 30 August 2021).
1506. Haaretz, “Bedouin Was Driving Slowly When Cops Killed Him as ‘Car-rammer,’ but Police Closed the Case”, 3 May 2018, haaretz.
1507. Adalah, “Israel’s perception of Palestinian citizens as ‘enemy’ continues to grant blanket impunity to police for killings”, 1 October
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
the Ministry of Justice. The report found that Mahash closed 93% of the complaints; only 3.3% of the
cases filed (373 complaints) led to disciplinary action against police officers, and only 2.7% (306 files)
led to criminal prosecution.
A report by the State Comptroller in 2017 found serious deficiencies with regards to accountability for
violations by police officers. It stated that while the unit receives thousands of complaints a year, many
are not investigated at all and only dozens lead to disciplinary action or criminal proceedings.
The persistent failure of Israeli authorities to punish the perpetrators and hold them accountable
perpetuates a culture of police violence particularly against Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Patterns of excessive use of force against Palestinians during law enforcement operations, information
available about the Israeli military’s “rules of engagement”, as well as Israeli officials’ statements on
responding to such operations particularly during protests, reflect a planned and persistent policy of
shooting to kill or maim Palestinians. The policy has led to the killing of thousands of Palestinians and the
wounding of hundreds of thousands, many of whom have been left with permanent, catastrophic and often
life-changing injuries.
These practices are consistent with the inhuman and inhumane acts of “murder” and “other inhumane acts
of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical
or the “infliction upon the members of a racial group or groups of serious bodily or mental harm”
enumerated in the Rome Statute and the Apartheid Convention.
Additionally, under international humanitarian law, Palestinians in the OPT are “protected persons” entitled
to special protection and humane treatment at all times.
As such, the intentional and unjustified killing
and injury of Palestinians in the OPT during law enforcement operations may amount to the war crimes of
wilful killing or wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health.
1508. See, for example, Adalah,
Mahash: Green Light for Police Brutality,
September 2014,
1509. Globes,
ןידל ודמעוה םירטוש
תומילא לע תונולת
6,300 :רקבמה [State Comptroller: 6,300 complaints of violence – only 200 police
officers were prosecuted], 5 April 2017,
c4wtYPeiSJwYI-NPs5jVh04lvtczPkqAb_lHoE (in Hebrew).
1510. Rome Statute, Article 7(1)(k).
1511. Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 27(1).
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The Apartheid Convention identifies acts listed in Article II(c), which defines the crime of apartheid, as including:
Any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from
participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate creation
of conditions preventing the full development of such a group or groups, in particular by denying to
members of a racial group or groups basic human rights and freedoms, including the right to work,
the right to form recognized trade unions, the right to education, the right to leave and to return to their
country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence, the right to freedom
of opinion and expression, and the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
The acts enumerated in Article II(c) appear to follow and complement the list of rights guaranteed under
Article 5 of the ICERD, reinforcing the fundamental responsibility of states parties in guaranteeing the
enjoyment of these rights through the prohibition and elimination of racial discrimination in all its forms.
Further, the list of acts is intended to be “illustrative and inclusive rather than comprehensive and exclusive”,
meaning that not all these rights need to be violated in order to establish the crime of apartheid. Other
prohibited acts found in Article 5 of the ICERD might be considered if they are relevant to preventing
“participation” and “full development” of the racial group.
The Rome Statute provides that crimes against humanity (which include apartheid) may involve “… other
inhumane acts of a similar character [to those provided elsewhere in Article 7(1)] intentionally causing great
suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.”
This provision, which was included in
the statutes of previous international tribunals,
is designed to ensure that acts not explicitly criminalized in
Article 7(1) but similar to them in “nature and gravity”
are not excluded.
Several scholars have maintained that for the purposes of acts constituting the crime of apartheid, the acts
listed in Article II(c) of the Apartheid Convention may fall under Article 7(1)(k) (“other inhumane acts”) of
the Rome Statute, in conjunction with its Article 7(1)(j) (“apartheid”). In this context, experts on the Rome
Statute have explained why these acts enumerated in Article II(c) may be considered, in the context of
apartheid, as crimes against humanity:
Although some may contend that some of the other acts listed in Article II, such as the denial of the
right to work or to education, although of course, very serious deprivations, are not of the same nature
as the acts listed in Article 7, para.1, this contention overlooks the devastating impact on the lives of
those denied these rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and guaranteed by
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and on society deprived of the full
potential of its members.
1512. Virginia Tilley,
Beyond Occupation: Colonialism and International Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territories,
2012, p. 146.
1513. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(k). While the analysis here will focus on the Rome Statute, the Apartheid Convention’s criminalization, in
Article II(c), of “denying to members of a racial group… basic human rights” roughly covers the specific violations and crimes addressed
in this section, bearing in mind that causing malnutrition involves violating “basic” human rights such as to an adequate standard of living,
including food, and to life, in particular of children.
1514. The ICC Pre-Trial Chamber distinguished the Rome Statute’s provision for “other inhumane acts” from that of previous tribunals
by stating that, unlike them, Article 7(2)(k) is not a “catch-all provision” but rather “contains certain limitations, as regards to the action
constituting an inhumane act and the consequence required as a result of that action.” See ICC,
Prosecutor v. Katanga and Ngudjolo,
ICC-01/04-01/07, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision on the Confirmation of Charges, 30 September 2008, para. 450.
1515. ICC, Elements of Crimes, UN Doc. PCNICC/2000/1/Add.2 (2000), Article 7(1)(k)(2).
1516. Mark Klamberg,
Commentary on the Law of the International Criminal Court,
2017, p. 60.
1517. Kai Ambos and others, “Article 7 – Crimes against humanity – the crime of apartheid”, in Otto Triffterer and Kai Ambos (editors),
Rome Statute of the ICC: A Commentary,
2016, pp. 283-4.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The “intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the
identity of the group or collectivity”
on “political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender… or
other grounds that are recognized as impermissible under international law”
constitutes the crime against
humanity of persecution, as per the Rome Statute, when committed in the context of other Rome Statute crimes.
hAs analysed in Chapter 5, Israel imposes a wide range of discriminatory and exclusionary laws, policies and
practices against the civilian Palestinian population that have clear – and foreseeable – consequences for the
enjoyment of human rights and amount to “deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development”
of Palestinian communities in Israel and more acutely in the OPT. Some of these discriminatory laws extend to
Palestinian refugees, who were formerly citizens of British mandate Palestine, and their descendants, residing
in the OPT or outside Israel and the OPT. While some of the violations are the direct result of official policy and
conduct, others result from more “downstream” and indirect consequences, where policies severely impede the
enjoyment of other rights, including economic, social and cultural rights.
The systematic denial of the right to a nationality and severe restrictions imposed by Israel on movement
and residence, including the right to leave and to return to one’s country, go beyond what is justifiable under
international law. Their sweeping application has targeted the Palestinian population in a discriminatory
manner on the basis of their racialized identity as Palestinians. Thus, these restrictions obstruct Palestinians’
participation in political, social, economic and cultural life in Israel and the OPT and deliberately prevent their
full development as a group. These restrictions further undermine the enjoyment of a host of basic rights
and freedoms, including the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of peaceful assembly
and association, livelihood, work, health, food and education, as has been demonstrated in this report.
Beyond that, Israel has also imposed laws and policies that have restricted the enjoyment of these rights and
contributed to the “deliberate creation of conditions preventing the full development” of Palestinians.
Israel denies Palestinian refugees outside Israel and the OPT the right to citizenship and prevents them from
returning to their homes. This is a serious violation of Palestinian refugees’ “right to leave and to return to their
country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence”
and, committed as it has
been as part of the system of oppression and domination, the violation amounts to an inhuman or inhumane
act under respectively the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. In addition, by violating these rights
Israel prevents Palestinian refugees from “participating in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the
country,” which appears intended to ensure that Palestinians with the right to vote remain a minority within Israel.
The case of Mustafa Al-Kharouf, who together with his family has been trying to legalize his status in East
Jerusalem for over 22 years, first as a child and then as an adult, exemplifies the wide-ranging impact of
Israel’s discriminatory citizenship and status policies on the fundamental rights of those affected who are
unable to lead a normal life.
Mustafa Al-Kharouf is a Palestinian photojournalist who was born to an Algerian mother and a
Palestinian Jerusalemite father. He lives in occupied East Jerusalem with his wife, Tamam Al-Kharouf,
and their children Asia, Iyad and Iyas. Israel denies Mustafa Al-Kharouf the right to live in Jerusalem and
maintains a threat to deport him. Israel’s measures deny him his right to reside within his own country,
freedom of movement, access to health, and the right to work.
1518. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(g).
1519. Rome Statute, Article 7(1)(h).
1520. Apartheid Convention, Article II(c).
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Mustafa Al-Kharouf moved to East Jerusalem with his family from Algeria when he was 12. Soon after
the family returned to East Jerusalem, they submitted family unification requests with Israeli authorities,
requesting a legal status to reside in the city. However, they were subjected to the “centre of life”
condition that the Israeli authorities have applied in a discriminatory manner to Palestinian Jerusalemites
since 1988. Mustafa Al-Kharouf’s family had to wait six years before meeting that condition. By the time
they met the condition, Mustafa Al-Kharouf had turned 18 and his family was unable to apply for child
registration or family unification on his behalf, rendering him stateless.
Mustafa Al-Kharouf then started a long legal battle with the Israeli Ministry of Interior to validate
his legal status in East Jerusalem. He holds a temporary Jordanian travel document, which Jordan
issues for stateless Palestinians living in East Jerusalem. He was also granted a temporary work visa
by Israeli authorities on humanitarian grounds, but this was only valid from 27 October 2014 to 1
October 2015.
In June 2016, the Israeli Ministry of Interior refused to renew his work visa citing “security reasons”.
His lawyer, Adi Lustigman, from the Israeli human rights organization HaMoked, believed that the
ministry’s rejection was related to his work as a photojournalist documenting human rights abuses by
the Israeli authorities in East Jerusalem. In May 2017, Mustafa Al-Kharouf’s lawyer filed an appeal at a
court of appeal. After negotiations, the Ministry of Interior allowed him to submit an application for family
unification and to stay at his home in East Jerusalem until a decision was made. However, the ministry
rejected his application for family unification on 23 December 2018. The decision, according to his
lawyer, was based on an unsupported claim that Mustafa Al-Kharouf is an activist with Hamas and that
he is engaged in illegal activity.
On 21 January 2019, Mustafa Al-Kharouf’s lawyer appealed the decision rejecting the family unification
request. A few hours later, at approximately 1am on 22 January 2019, Israeli police and immigration
inspectors, acting on a Ministry of Interior deportation order, raided his home and arrested him. He
was held in Givon prison in the Negev/Naqab inside Israel, in contravention of international law. On 3
April 2019, an Israeli district court rejected Mustafa Al-Kharouf’s appeal regarding the family unification
request. However, the court gave an interim order not to deport him so he could bring his case before
the Supreme Court.
During the night of 21-22 July 2019, Israeli immigration authorities took Mustafa Al-Kharouf from
Givon prison and attempted to deport him to Jordan through the Allenby/King Hussein crossing,
but Jordanian authorities refused him entry. He was then taken to the Wadi Araba crossing, where
Jordanian authorities again refused him entry. This deportation attempt lasted over half of a day during
which Mustafa Al-Kharouf’s whereabouts were unknown to either his family or his lawyer. Mustafa Al-
Kharouf’s lawyer was later informed that he was being taken back to Givon prison to be held in custody
“pending deportation”.
On 25 September 2019, the Israeli Tribunal for Review of Custody of Illegal Aliens ruled that Mustafa
Al-Kharouf must be released if he was not deported within a month. On 24 October 2019, Mustafa
Al-Kharouf was released from detention after spending nine months in prison. Under the terms of
his release he had only 21 days to obtain a legal status to reside in East Jerusalem or else leave the
His lawyer asked for an extension.
1521. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Palestinian photojournalist at imminent risk of being ripped away from his family”, 23 May 2019,
1522. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Stateless Palestinian Released on Bail: Mustafa al-Kharouf” (Index: MDE 15/1336/2019), 5
November 2019,
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Mustafa Al-Kharouf currently holds a temporary permit of residence that must be renewed every three
The visa allows him to travel between East Jerusalem, the rest of the West Bank and Israel,
but he is unable to work or access healthcare under Israel’s national health insurance schemes. As each
expiry date approaches the anxiety heightens for him and his family. His wife, Tamam Al-Kharouf, told
Amnesty International:
It hasn’t been easy. I thought the worst part was over when he was finally released from prison, but
it is not. Mustafa hasn’t been handling this well; my husband is still being treated as if he was a
visitor and not a resident of his city… He’s been accused of being an activist for Hamas, whatever
this means. And these were the grounds they relied on to reject our family reunification request
once again… To be honest, I am a little at ease because his deportation is no longer an option
since the countries they want to deport him to are refusing to allow it. I mean now, our worst-case
scenario is that we move to a place like Kufr Aqab, which is problematic to be honest. It will be
difficult for Mustafa, as I’ll be able to move freely, while he will be limited and stuck – regarding
commuting, accessing health facilities, and being able to do his job as a photojournalist.
Mustafa Al-Kharouf told Amnesty International:
There is no way out. I try to normalize my situation as much as possible or else I will go crazy or
depressed. I do everything with an expiry date on it, whether they are my visas, my activities, my
movement. According to my release terms, I have to be home by 10pm and could leave only after
5am every day. I never put myself in a position of risk; this risk would entail being caught and sent
back to prison just because that day an Israeli authority figure might stop me randomly at a “flying
checkpoint” or during a random search and ask for my papers… and require me having to explain
my situation from scratch for them for hours and hours. I avoid these situations; I rarely ever go
to the West Bank just so I don’t have to deal with soldiers at Qalandia checkpoint. I’ve left one big
prison to enter another or if we’re being more accurate, I was always in prison – it just changed
form a little.
Mustafa Al-Kharouf and his family last submitted a family reunification request in May 2020. The
Ministry of Interior rejected it in December 2020 again based on allegations that he posed a “security
threat” to Israel. The family appealed, but on 30 May 2021 Mustafa Al-Kharouf’s lawyer notified him
that this had been rejected on security grounds based on secret information. He spoke to Amnesty
International after receiving the news:
I do not understand this logic, or lack of it. I could understand them beating me, shooting me,
detaining me, as they have done, due to my work, but cannot understand the rationale of holding
secret evidence against me and keeping on flipping my life upside-down every few months just
because they can. I want to tell my lawyer to ask them to make sure that I am the person in
question, to double-check if they have me mixed up with someone else, or to ask them to at least
let me know how they’ve affiliated me with Hamas for example, or am doing work that somehow
displeases the State of Israel. I wish I could get to meet face to face with whoever it is sitting
behind a desk and making these irrational decisions about my life. I need some kind of logic to
understand my situation, because none of this makes any sense.
1523. A temporary residence permit issued under Article 2(a)(5) of the Entry into Israel Law. It is used for asylum seekers.
1524. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Tamam Al-Kharouf, 22 March 2021.
1525. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Mustafa Al-Kharouf, 20 April 2021.
1526. Amnesty International, interview by voice call with Mustafa Al-Kharouf, 2 June 2021.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Mustafa Al-Kharouf hugs his wife and their daughter in the company of his mother after 10 months of detention in an Israeli jail, on 24
October 2019 © Faiz Abu Rmeleh / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
Israeli authorities’ intent to commit the crime against humanity of persecution is evident from their long-
standing discriminatory laws, policies and practices against the Palestinian population in the OPT that
have resulted in numerous restrictions on fundamental rights, including arbitrarily restricting Palestinians’
freedom of movement and residence in their communities, their right to family life, and their rights to access
livelihoods, housing, food, water, essential healthcare services and education. These serious violations have
been committed in the context of the multiple commission of crimes under the Rome Statute within the
territory of Israel and the OPT. In almost every instance, the persecution faced by the Palestinian population
tracks the acts of persecution enumerated in Article II(c) of the Apartheid Convention.
Amnesty International has therefore concluded that, at least as regards the denial of human rights of the
Palestinian population through years of deliberate discriminatory and exclusionary policies and official Israeli
statements that are reflected in practice, Israeli authorities have committed the crime against humanity
of, or other inhumane act similar to, “persecution” within the meaning of the Rome Statute and “denial
of basic human rights” that “prevent the racial group or groups from participation in the political, social,
economic and cultural life of the country and the deliberate creation of conditions preventing [its or their] full
development” under the Apartheid Convention.
Israeli authorities justify on security grounds many of the policies presented in this report, including
policies of land confiscation, denial of building and planning permits, residency revocations, restrictions
of movement, and violations of civil and political rights. It is true that the State of Israel has an obligation
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
under international law to protect all persons within its jurisdiction and control from violence, and therefore
has a duty to ensure security within all territories that it controls. In the context of an international armed
conflict and a military occupation there may be circumstances where treating different groups differently is
based on lawful grounds and this may therefore occur in a manner that does not infringe the prohibition of
discrimination. Indeed, as set out above, international humanitarian law allows, and in certain circumstances
requires, nationals of the occupying power and the occupied population to be treated differently. However,
security-related policies must comply with international law, including by ensuring any limitations or
restrictions to rights are necessary and proportionate to the security threat. As this report illustrates, Israeli
authorities have, on the contrary, pursued policies that deliberately discriminate against Palestinians over a
prolonged period and in a particularly cruel manner in ways that have no reasonable basis in security, but
which can be explained much more readily as consequent to an intent to control the Palestinian people and
exploit their resources.
Firstly, many of the violations that are documented in this report simply have no justification in security or
“defence”. The prolonged and cruel discriminatory denial of Palestinians’ access to their land and property
that was seized in a violent and discriminatory manner has no security rationale. There is no security basis for
the effective segregation of Palestinian citizens of Israel through discriminatory laws on planning and access to
housing. The denial of their rights to claim their property and homes seized under the authority of racist laws,
or to move into and reside wherever they wish, including in what have been designated as exclusively Jewish
communities, is more likely to lead to security challenges than to encourage harmonious relations.
Other violations against the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel also fall short of a link to security. Arbitrary
and discriminatory interference with the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel to marry and extend rights of
residence to their spouses and children, in the absence of evidence that particular individuals pose a threat,
cannot be justified on security grounds.
There is no security justification for the bifurcation of nationality
and citizenship within Israel and the limitations that this imposes on Palestinians in exercising their rights.
The real reason for these violations and the intention for the differential action must be sought elsewhere.
Secondly, and as seen above, differential treatment in occupied territories cannot be tolerated where the
intention of the difference is to privilege the nationals of the occupying power to the lasting detriment of
the occupied population. As established above, certain limitations on human rights may be permissible in
situations of occupation, and thus administrative detention in East Jerusalem, the rest of the West Bank or
the Gaza Strip may be justifiable under international law if conducted in good faith and adhering to the law of
occupation. However, this justification for the differential treatment cannot extend to the settlement of Jewish
Israelis, whether with the tacit consent or active support of the State of Israel, in the occupied territories. It
cannot extend to the murders, the targeted killings, the torture, the deportation and other forcible transfer of
populations that have been perpetrated in the OPT and documented in this report.
Thirdly, while some policies that have the effect of discriminating against Palestinians may have been
designed to fulfil legitimate security objectives, they have been implemented in a blanket manner and for
prolonged periods, thus failing to comply with international law. For example, this report details Israel’s
policies towards Palestinians in Gaza following the withdrawal of settlers and troops in 2005 and during the
time the territory has been under the de facto administration of Hamas. The report illustrates how policies
of sweeping, severe and long-term restrictions on freedom of movement, for example, have no security
justification. Meanwhile, certain policies, such as the creation of access-restricted zones around Gaza, both
on land and in the sea, may have been designed for a legitimate security purpose, namely to prevent Hamas
from using these areas to launch attacks against Israelis. However, their implementation over a prolonged
period has resulted in systematic violations of human rights. This report shows that the policy to maintain
these zones has resulted in systematic violations of human rights with severe impact on the livelihoods of
Palestinians, particularly farmers and fishermen who are violently denied access to agricultural land and
fishing waters within them.
1527. In other words, the differential treatment is not proportionate to any legitimate aim of the state (including the legitimate aim of
ensuring the security of the state and its nationals).
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The report provides other examples of such Israeli policies, including the declaration of closed military
zones, the use of administrative detention, and the imposition of certain restrictions on movement such as
travel bans and blocking access to certain areas. Taken out of context, these could be seen as grounded in
legitimate security concerns. However, examined in the context of systematic discrimination and oppression,
and in the light of the mass human rights violations these policies have entailed, it becomes clear that the
element of genuine security considerations has been far outweighed by the clear, and illegitimate, intent
to dominate and oppress. The report demonstrates that these policies, while justified by Israel on security
grounds, have consistently been implemented in a grossly disproportionate and discriminatory manner,
resulting in mass, systematic violation of Palestinians’ human rights.
Consequently, security is not a viable explanation for the prolonged and cruel discrimination to which
Palestinians have been subjected. Instead, the evidence of widespread, systematic and cruel violations
documented in this report leads to the conclusion that the intention is to ensure Jewish Israeli domination over
and oppression of Palestinians in all areas under Israel’s control. This intention can be inferred from Israel’s
systematic privileging of Jewish Israelis over Palestinians in all geographical territories under its control, by its
discriminatory denial of the right of return to all Palestinian refugees, by the illegal settlement of its citizens
in the occupied territories and its exploitation of the resources there, and by its illegal annexation of East
Jerusalem and extension of lesser rights to Palestinians living there compared to Israeli citizens.
This chapter has demonstrated that Palestinians have been subjected to acts proscribed under customary
international law and by both the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute, in Israel and the OPT and in
all situations where Israel exercises control over Palestinians’ enjoyment of their rights. Where these serious
human rights violations are committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed at a civilian
population pursuant to or in furtherance of a state or organizational policy, and with the intention to maintain
the systematic, cruel and prolonged control of the Palestinians to the benefit of Jewish Israelis, these amount
to crimes against humanity of apartheid.
The evidence set out demonstrates that multiple (indeed a multitude) of proscribed acts have been committed
in Israel and the OPT and against Palestinians whose rights are under the control of Israel. These serious
human rights violations have been committed in the context of a system of oppression and domination of the
Palestinian people by the Israeli state for the benefit of Jewish Israelis with the intention of maintaining that
regime. By their very nature, such discriminatory, segregationist laws, policies and practices are systematic.
Further, the attack is widespread because the crimes have been committed in a way that is “massive,
frequent, [and] carried out collectively with considerable seriousness and directed against a multiplicity of
The attack against the Palestinian population is therefore both widespread and systematic.
Considering among other things the legally mandated nature of many of these inhuman and inhumane acts
and the failure of Israeli courts to provide remedies or to end these violations, the only logical inference is
that these violations have been committed as part of an attack directed at the civilian population “pursuant
to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack”.
The nature of the
proscribed acts documented in this chapter make it clear that these violations have been “planned, directed
or organized” by the Israeli authorities and indeed that many of these violations have been committed on
the basis of and with reference to Israeli laws and official policies, and thus by their very nature have been
committed in furtherance of a state policy. The only conclusion, after careful consideration of the factual
findings, is that they form part of a widespread as well as systematic attack directed against the Palestinian
population, and that the crimes committed within the context of this attack constitute crimes against
humanity as defined in international law.
1528. ICTR,
Prosecutor v. Akayesu,
Case ICTR-96-4, Trial Chamber judgment, 2 September 1998, para. 580.
1529. Rome Statute, Article 7(2)(a).
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
This report analyses whether institutionalized discrimination committed in Israel and the OPT and against
Palestinian refugees amounts to a system of apartheid as well as whether the serious human rights violations
committed within the context of implementing this system constitutes the crime of apartheid.
Amnesty International has considered whether Israeli laws, policies and practices deployed against
the Palestinian people violate international human rights law as well as whether they constitute crimes
under the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. Amnesty International understands apartheid as
condemned by the ICERD to constitute the creation and maintenance of a system or regime of oppression
and domination by one racial group over another. The crime of apartheid is committed when inhuman or
inhumane acts are committed within the context of a widespread or systematic attack directed at a civilian
population with the intention of creating or maintaining such a system of oppression and domination by one
racial group over any other racial group or groups.
The totality of the regime of laws, policies and practices described in this report demonstrates that Israel
has established and maintained an institutionalized regime of oppression and domination of the Palestinian
population for the benefit of Jewish Israelis – a system of apartheid – wherever it has exercised control
over Palestinians’ lives since 1948. The report concludes that the State of Israel considers and treats
Palestinians as an inferior non-Jewish racial group. The segregation is conducted in a systematic and
highly institutionalized manner through laws, policies and practices, all of which are intended to prevent
Palestinians from claiming and enjoying equal rights with Jewish Israelis within the territory of Israel and
within the OPT, and thus are intended to oppress and dominate the Palestinian people. This has been
complemented by a legal regime that controls (by negating) the rights of Palestinian refugees residing
outside Israel and the OPT to return to their homes.
Israel has ensured that the Palestinian people are segmented into different geographical areas and treated
differently with the intention and effect of dividing the population while consistently preventing its members
from exercising their fundamental human rights. Thus, the legal fragmentation of the Palestinian population
between Israel, East Jerusalem, the rest of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and the refugee communities
serves as a foundational element of the regime of oppression and domination of Palestinians. This legal
fragmentation denies Palestinians the possibility of realizing equality within Israel and the OPT.
Other aspects of the system of oppression and domination include legal regimes that ensure the denial
of nationality and residence, denial of family life, severe restrictions on freedom of movement, and
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
discriminatory seizure and allocation of and access to resources. All of these have enabled and resulted in
grave violations of social and economic rights, including access to housing, adequate standards of living,
livelihoods, work, healthcare, food security, water and sanitation, and education. The outcome of these legal
regimes has been the prolonged and cruel violation of the human rights of individual Palestinians wherever
Israel exercises control over their enjoyment of these rights.
Israel’s system of institutionalized segregation and discrimination against Palestinians, as a racial group, in
all areas under its control amounts to a system of apartheid, and a serious violation of Israel’s human rights
obligations. Almost all of Israel’s civilian administration and military authorities, as well as governmental
and quasi-governmental institutions, are involved in the enforcement of a system of apartheid against
Palestinians across Israel and the OPT and against Palestinian refugees and their descendants outside the
territory. The intention to maintain this system has been explicitly declared by successive Israeli political
leaders, emphasizing the overarching objective of maintaining Jewish Israeli domination by excluding,
segregating and expelling Palestinians. The intention was clearly crystallized in the 2018 nation state law,
which constitutionally enshrined racial discrimination against non-Jewish people in Israel and the OPT.
Senior civilian and military officials have also issued numerous public statements and directives over the
years that reveal, maintain and enforce the institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination
of Palestinians, being fully aware of, and therefore fully responsible for, the atrocious consequences the
regime has for the lives of the Palestinian population.
Israel continues to perpetrate widespread as well as systematic human rights violations against the
Palestinian population against a backdrop of decades of state-sponsored discrimination, segregation and
persecution that has targeted the Palestinian population as a whole on the basis of their non-Jewish identity
and national status. This report documents inhuman and inhumane acts, serious human rights violations
and crimes under international law, committed against the Palestinian population with the intent to maintain
this system of oppression and domination.
Amnesty International has examined specifically the inhumane acts of forcible transfer, administrative
detention and torture, unlawful killings and serious injuries, and the denial of basic freedoms or persecution
committed against the Palestinian population in Israel and the OPT. The organization has concluded that
the patterns of proscribed acts perpetrated by Israel form part of a systematic as well as widespread attack
directed against the Palestinian population, and that the inhuman or inhumane acts committed within the
context of this attack have been committed with the intention to maintain this system and amount to the
crime against humanity of apartheid under both the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute.
Legal remedies exist, including at the international level, to address, at least in part, the system and crime of
apartheid perpetuated by Israel against Palestinians.
The State of Palestine is pursuing one through the UN human rights system. On 23 April 2018, the
State of Palestine submitted against Israel one of the first interstate communications to CERD.
communication was deposited pursuant to Article 11(1) of the ICERD, which provides the following:
If a State Party considers that another State Party is not giving effect to the provisions of this
Convention, it may bring the matter to the attention of the Committee. The Committee shall then
transmit the communication to the State Party concerned. Within three months, the receiving State
shall submit to the Committee written explanations or statements clarifying the matter and the remedy,
if any, that may have been taken by that State.
1530. CERD,
Interstate communication State of Palestine v. Israel,
February 2020,
InterstateCommunications.aspx (accessed on 28 July 2021).
1531. For more information, see, for example, David Keane, “ICERD and Palestine’s Inter-State Complaint”, 30 April 2018,
icerd-and-palestines-inter-state-complaint He notes: “Of the international human rights treaties, only the ICERD has a compulsory inter-state
complaints mechanism, found in Articles 11-13, which applies to all States Parties upon ratification.”
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The State of Palestine’s interstate communication provided that Israel “has violated articles 2, 3 and 5 of
the Convention with regard to Palestinian citizens living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East
The claim is based on the fact that the prohibition of apartheid, as a system of institutionalized
discrimination, entails an obligation on the State of Israel to “condemn racial segregation and apartheid
and undertake to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature in territories under their
CERD has concluded that Israel has violated Article 3 of the ICERD, although it did not
explicitly used the term “apartheid” in reaching these conclusions, and called on Israel to eradicate all such
policies and practices against non-Jewish communities and in particular “policies or practices that severely
and disproportionately affect the Palestinian population” in Israel and the OPT.
Following responses and further statements by both the State of Israel and the State of Palestine, CERD
decided on 12 December 2019 that it had jurisdiction to deal with the interstate communication submitted
by the State of Palestine.
On 30 April 2021, it rendered the interstate communication by the State of
Palestine admissible,
and requested its chair, in accordance with Article 12(1) of the ICERD, to move the
communication to an ad hoc conciliation commission.
Another remedy involves investigations and prosecutions, since the crime against humanity of apartheid
entails individual international criminal responsibility,
which applies to individuals, members of
organizations and representatives of the state who commit and participate in the commission of the crime
of apartheid.
Thus, all those with jurisdiction over the commission of the crime against humanity of
apartheid, including Israel itself, the Palestinian authorities, the international community and the ICC,
can and should investigate the commission of these crimes. Where there is reasonable suspicion that
individuals bear individual criminal responsibility for the commission of these crimes, they can and should
ensure their prosecution.
States may exercise universal jurisdiction over all persons reasonably suspected of committing the crime
under international law of apartheid.
Articles IV and V of the Apartheid Convention, read together,
create an obligation on states parties to exercise universal jurisdiction over the crime against humanity of
1532. CERD,
Inter-State communication submitted by the State of Palestine against Israel: decision on admissibility,
17 June 2021, UN
Doc. CERD/C/103/4, para. 2.
1533. ICERD, Article 3.
1534. CERD, Concluding Observations: Israel, 27 January 2020, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/17-19, paras 21-24; CERD, Concluding
Observations: Israel, 28 February 2012, UN Doc. CERD/C/ISR/CO/14-16, paras 24, 27, 28.
1535. See, for example, CERD,
Inter-State communication submitted by the State of Palestine against Israel,
12 December 2019, UN Doc.
1536. CERD,
Decision on the admissibility of the inter-State communication submitted by the State of Palestine against Israel,
20 May 2021,
UN Doc. CERD/C/103/R.6, para. 65,
1537. CERD,
Decision on the admissibility of the inter-State communication submitted by the State of Palestine against Israel
cited), para. 66.
1538. Rome Statute, Article 25. See also, for example, Apartheid Convention, Articles 1-3.
1539. See, for example, Apartheid Convention, Article 3: the modes of responsibility are described as “[c]ommit, participate in, directly
incite or conspire in the commission of the acts” or “[d]irectly abet, encourage or co-operate in the commission of the crime of apartheid.”
See also, for example, Rome Statute, Article 25(3): “a person shall be criminally responsible… if that person… [c]ommits… [o]rders,
solicits or induces… aids, abets or otherwise assists in [the] commission or… attempted commission [of such a crime]… contributes to the
commission or attempted commission of such a crime by a group of persons acting with a common purpose… [or] [a]ttempts to commit
such a crime…”
1540. See Amnesty International,
Universal Jurisdiction: The duty of states to enact and enforce legislation - Chapter Five: Crimes against
(Index: IOR 53/008/2001),, pp. 5-8. See also Amnesty International,
Supreme Court Judgment: 50 years on, its significance today
(Index: IOR 53/013/2012), 6 June 2012,
uploads/2021/06/ior530132012en.pdf, p. 6. This quotes the Israeli Supreme Court in
Attorney-General of the Government of Israel v.
judgment, 29 May 1962: “Not only do all the crimes attributed to the appellant bear an international character, but their harmful
and murderous effects were so embracing and widespread as to shake the international community to its very foundations. The State of
Israel therefore was entitled, pursuant to the principle of universal jurisdiction and in the capacity of a guardian of international law and an
agent for its enforcement, to try the appellant.”
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
The International Law Commission’s 2019 Draft articles on Prevention and Punishment of
Crimes Against Humanity provide that “the State in the territory under whose jurisdiction the alleged offender
is present shall, if it does not extradite or surrender the person to another State or competent international
criminal court or tribunal, submit the case to its competent authorities for the purpose of prosecution.”
The obligation to exercise universal jurisdiction on states parties to the Apartheid Convention includes the
obligation to prosecute non-nationals for the crime of apartheid committed in the territory of a non-state
party, where the accused is within the jurisdiction of a state party.
States parties are obliged to prosecute,
bring to trial and punish those persons responsible for the crime of apartheid, which means that states must
conduct prompt, effective and impartial criminal investigations when presented with reasonable evidence
that an individual within their territory or control is reasonably suspected of criminal responsibility.
The Apartheid Convention also provides that states parties to the convention are obliged “to grant extradition
in accordance with their legislation and with the treaties in force.”
This provision amounts to a duty
on states parties to extradite persons where this is sought for the purposes of prosecution for the crime
under international law of apartheid. Coupled with the obligation of states parties in Articles IV and V, the
convention creates the legal obligation on states under public international law to prosecute persons who
commit serious international crimes where no other state has requested extradition (aut
dedere aut judicare
obligations) on states parties to the convention.
States parties to the Rome Statute have affirmed “that the most serious crimes of concern to the international
community as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured by taking
measures at the national level and by enhancing international cooperation”. The Rome Statute also provides
“that it is the duty of every State to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for international
crimes”. In light of these provisions, states parties to the Rome Statute should ensure that they investigate and
prosecute perpetrators of the crime against humanity of apartheid in line with their Rome Statute undertakings.
The State of Palestine became a state party to the Rome Statute on 2 January 2015 and has accepted the
jurisdiction of the ICC over alleged crimes, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed in
the “occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, since June 13, 2014.” On 16 January 2015,
the ICC Prosecutor announced the opening of a preliminary examination into the “Situation in Palestine”
1541. See, for example, Roger S. Clark, “Offences of international concern: Multilateral treaty practice in the forty years since Nuremberg”,
1 January 1988, Nordic Journal of International Law: “The plain meaning of these two articles combined is that universal jurisdiction is
overwhelmingly supported by the preparatory work of the Convention.” See also, for example, Amnesty International,
Universal Jurisdiction:
The duty of states to enact and enforce legislation – Chapter Five
(previously cited), pp. 3-4; and M. Cherif Bassiouni,
Crimes against
2011, p. 283.
1542. ILC, Draft articles on Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity, 2019, Article 10,
1543. See, for example, Introductory note by John Dugard to the Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid,
30 November 1973,; and Carsten Stahn,
A Critical Introduction to International Criminal Law,
January 2019, p. 68. See also UN Commission on Human Rights,
Implementation of the International Convention on the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid,
19 January 1981, UN Doc. E/CN.4/1426, paras 21-22: “although [the Apartheid Convention] may
be viewed as aiming in part at preventing the spread of [apartheid] practices to States parties, its primary thrust is against the practices of
a non-State party. Moreover, to the extent that the term
is given a generic definition applicable to practices of States… it must be
presumed that no State indulging in such practices would also be a State party to the Apartheid Convention. Accordingly, the distinctive
essence of the Apartheid Convention is that it addresses the consequences for States generally of conduct occurring within another
State… This distinctiveness is of central importance to the question of implementation, for unlike other related instruments the
Convention cannot and does not rely on cooperation of the State wherein the reported human rights violation has occurred. On the contrary,
it concerns itself with co-operation of States within which no such violations have occurred.”
1544. Apartheid Convention, Article XI.
1545. See, for example, UN Commission on Human Rights,
Implementation of the International Convention on the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid,
19 January 1981, UN Doc. E/CN.4/1426, paras 49-50: “In addition the conduct prohibited by
article II of the
Convention includes
inter alia
conduct deemed a ‘crime under international law’ and conduct regarding which
an international duty to prosecute or extradite exists [under the convention]… the conduct in question should be criminalized under the
national criminal law of the signatory States and thus embody the maxim
aut dedere aut judicare”.
In relation to the “international penal
tribunal” mentioned in the Apartheid Convention, although consideration was given in 1980 to the establishment of a special international
criminal court to try persons specifically for the crime of apartheid (see UN Doc. E/CN.4/1426, 19 January 1981), no such court has yet
been established. However, it has been held that (in relation to Article VI of the Genocide Convention) that “there can be no doubt that the
[International Criminal] Court qualifies as an ‘international penal tribunal’.” See ICC,
Prosecutor v Al Bashir,
Case ICC-02/05-01/09-302,
Pre-Trial Chamber, decision, Minority Opinion of Judge Marc Perrin De Brichambaut, 6 July 2017, paras 10-13. As such, Article V in the
Apartheid Convention gives significant weight to the argument that the ICC could serve as a fundamental forum for the prosecution of the
crime of apartheid.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
in order to establish whether the Rome Statute criteria into opening an ICC investigation are met, as per
the court’s procedures. On 15 May 2018, the State of Palestine made a referral pursuant to Articles 13(a)
and 14 of the Rome Statute. The referral requested the Prosecutor “to investigate, in accordance with the
temporal jurisdiction of the Court, past, ongoing and future crimes within the court’s jurisdiction, committed
in all parts of the territory of the State of Palestine”.
On 20 December 2019, the ICC Prosecutor
concluded that “all the statutory criteria under the Rome Statute for the opening of an investigation… into
the situation in Palestine” had been met, but requested a ruling from the Pre-Trial Chamber on “the scope of
the territorial jurisdiction” of the ICC in Palestine.
On 5 February 2021, the Pre-Trial Chamber concluded
that the ICC finds that the “Court’s territorial jurisdiction in the Situation in Palestine extends to the territories
occupied by Israel since 1967, namely Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem”,
the way for investigation into crimes committed in the OPT since 13 June 2014. On 3 March 2021, the
Prosecutor announced that her office was proceeding to open an investigation into Rome Statute crimes
committed in the OPT.
While the ICC has held that it has jurisdiction over Rome Statute crimes committed in the OPT, it does
not have jurisdiction over crimes committed within Israel itself. However, the UN Security Council has the
power to refer to the ICC situations where it appears that one or more of the Rome Statute crimes have been
committed, which would include the crime against humanity of apartheid (as defined in the Rome Statute),
regardless of whether or not the state in question is a state party to the Rome Statute.
The right to truth entails an obligation on Israel to promptly, impartially and effectively investigate human
rights violations and to ensure that the truth of apartheid and violations of human rights are publicized.
The right to justice requires a remedy against human rights violations, and obliges Israel and the
international community to combat impunity and to bring perpetrators to justice through fair trials.
Finally, the right to reparation entails a right of victims to full, prompt and effective compensation, restitution,
rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.
While “reparation” is often equated with
compensation or the provision of certain compensatory benefits in response to wrongdoing, procedural
rights to an investigation, to truth and to justice are equally central to reparation.
The right to reparation of
1546. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Call to support ICC investigation into ‘situation in Palestine’ and safeguard ICC independence”
(Index: MDE 15/1986/2020), 16 March 2020,
1547. ICC, Preliminary examination: Focus: Alleged crimes committed in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, since
13 June 2014, (accessed on 19 August 2021).
1548. ICC, Situation in the State of Palestine, Case ICC-01/18, Pre-Trial Chamber, Decision on the “Prosecution request pursuant to article
19(3) for a ruling on the Court’s territorial jurisdiction in Palestine”, 5 February 2021, para. 118.
1549. Amnesty International, “Israel/OPT: Historic breakthrough as Prosecutor confirms initiation of ICC investigation in Occupied
Palestinian Territories”, 3 March 2021,
1550. Rome Statute, Article 13(b). So far, the UNSC has referred two situations, that of Darfur, Sudan, and Libya to the ICC. UNSC,
Resolution 1593 (2005), adopted on 31 March 2005, UN Doc. S/RES/1593; and UNSC, Resolution 1970 (2011), adopted on 26 February
2011, UN Doc. S/RES/1970.
1551. See, for example, International Commission of Jurists,
The Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Gross Human Rights Violations: A
Practitioners’ Guide,
2018, p. 283: “The right to truth entails the right of victims and relatives to know the truth not only about the facts and
circumstances surrounding human rights violation, but also the reasons that led to them and the implicated authors. This knowledge must
be disclosed and made public not only to the victims and their relatives but also, unless it causes harm to them, for the benefit of society as
a whole.”
1552. See, for example, International Commission of Jurists,
The Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Gross Human Rights Violations: A
Practitioners’ Guide,
2018, p. 283: “Victims and relatives of human rights violations have a right to a prompt, thorough, independent, and
impartial official investigation, capable of leading to the identification and, if appropriate, the punishment of the authors. The investigating
authority must be personally and institutionally independent and vested with the necessary powers and resources to conduct a meaningful
investigation. Victims and their relatives have a right to effective participation in the investigation. Officials who are under investigation
should be suspended during the time of the investigation.” See also p. 26: “The prosecution of perpetrators of gross human rights violations
can also in itself constitute a form of reparation, i.e., satisfaction, and contributes to the right of victims and their family to truth and to the
combating of impunity as an element of guarantees of non-recurrence.”
1553. See, for example, UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of
International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, December 2005, Principle 18: “[reparation]
includes the following forms: restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition”.
1554. REDRESS,
Justice for Victims: The ICC’S Reparations Mandate,
20 May 2011,
ICC_Reparations_May2011.pdf, p. 10.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
violations of international law obligations is recognized in customary international law. The right of individuals
to effective remedy and reparation for violations of their human rights is found in many international
and other international law instruments.
The UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross
Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law
“provide a timely and useful tool for the implementation of victims’ rights at national level, as well as a
benchmark for international bodies such as the International Criminal Court.”
They also provide that,
in accordance with domestic law and international law, victims should be provided with full and effective
reparation, including restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction and guarantees of non-repetition.
While Israel is not a party to the Rome Statute, any international criminal process that may pursue individual
criminal responsibility for the crime against humanity of apartheid should similarly provide for reparations
to victims, as provided in Article 75 of the Rome Statute. Reparations within an international criminal law
process should oblige those responsible for serious crimes to repair the harm they caused to victims and
enable justice proceedings to ensure that offenders account for their acts. They should also – to the extent
achievable – relieve the suffering caused by crimes under international law; afford justice to victims by
alleviating the consequences of the wrongful acts; and deter future violations.
Despite the legal remedies that exist and the other action that could have been taken, for over seven
decades, the international community has stood by as Israel has been given free rein to dispossess,
segregate, control, oppress and dominate Palestinians. The numerous UN Security Council resolutions
adopted over the years have remained unimplemented with Israel facing no repercussions for actions that
have violated international law apart from formulaic condemnations.
Without taking any meaningful action to hold Israel to account for its systematic and widespread violations
and crimes under international law against the Palestinian population, the international community has
contributed to undermining the international legal order and has emboldened Israel to continue perpetrating
crimes with impunity. In fact, some states have actively supported Israel’s violations by supplying it with
arms, equipment and other tools to perpetrate crimes under international law and by providing diplomatic
cover, including at the UN Security Council, to shield it from accountability. By doing so, they have
completely failed the Palestinian people and have only exacerbated Palestinians’ lived experience as people
with lesser rights and inferior status to Jewish Israelis.
Meanwhile, addressing Israeli violations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip
merely within the framework of international humanitarian law, and separately from the violations perpetrated
against Palestinians in Israel, has failed to tackle the root causes of the conflict and achieve any form of
accountability and justice for the victims.
1555. See, for example, Rome Statute, Article 75; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 8; ICCPR, Articles 2(3), 9(5) and 14(6);
Convention Against Torture, Article 14(1); International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, Article 24.
1556. See, for example, Updated Set of Principles for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Through Action to Combat Impunity, 8
February 2005, UN Doc. E/CN.4/2005/102.
1557. REDRESS,
Justice for Victims: The ICC’S Reparations Mandate
(previously cited), p. 13.
1558. See, for example, UN Basic Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of
International Human Rights Law and Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, Principle 18; International Law Commission,
Draft articles on Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity, 2019, Article 12,
articles/7_7_2019.pdf Within the Rome Statute, reparations are awarded against a convicted person in the form of restitution, compensation
and rehabilitation, and they may be ordered on an individual basis, collectively (for example to communities affected), or both (ICC Rules
of Procedure and Evidence, Rule 97). While reparations in the form of satisfaction are not provided for in the Rome Statute, the ICC has
ordered “symbolic” measures and reparations awards. See
Prosecutor v. Lubanga,
Case ICC-01/04-01/06, judgment, 7 August 2012,
para. 222. Although Article 75 of the Rome Statute lists restitution, compensation and rehabilitation as forms of reparations, this list is not
exclusive. Other types of reparations, for instance those with a symbolic, preventative or transformative value, may also be appropriate, as
well as publishing an apology made by a convicted person.
1559. ICC,
Prosecutor v. Lubanga,
Case ICC-01/04-01/06, judgment, 7 August 2012, para. 179.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Given these conclusions, Amnesty International is providing the following wide-ranging recommendations
to the Israeli authorities and other relevant stakeholders to dismantle the system of apartheid against
Palestinians and end the associated human rights violations.
It is making recommendations to the Israeli authorities covering laws, practices and policies that relate to
Palestinians in general, as well as specific ones relating to each of the domains of control – Israel, East
Jerusalem, the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip – and Palestinian refugees outside Israel and the
OPT. It also has a few recommendations for the Palestinian authorities.
In addition, given the scale and seriousness of the violations documented in this report, it is calling on the
international community to urgently and drastically change its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
recognize the full extent of the crimes that Israel perpetrates against the Palestinian people. Based on this,
it is making recommendations to UN bodies, the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC, other governments and
regional actors, businesses and national and international humanitarian and development organizations.
The UN, in particular, must take all steps to reasonably ensure the rights of Palestinians violated by the
system of apartheid established in Israel and the OPT. To do this they must put pressure on the government
of Israel to dismantle the system of oppression and domination and ensure individual remedies and
reparations to all those whose rights have been violated.
Dismantling this appalling system of apartheid is essential for the millions of Palestinians who continue to live
in Israel and the OPT, as well as for the return of Palestinian refugees who continue to be displaced in the
region, so that they can enjoy their basic human rights free from discrimination.
End the system of apartheid by dismantling measures of discrimination, segregation and oppression
currently in place against the Palestinian population and undertake a review of all laws, regulations,
policies and practices that discriminate on racial, ethnic or religious grounds, and repeal or amend
them to bring them into line with international human rights law and standards, in particular Israel’s
obligations to ensure the principle of non-discrimination under international law.
Grant equal and full human rights to all Palestinians in Israel and the OPT in line with principles of
international human rights law and without discrimination, while ensuring respect for protections
guaranteed for Palestinians in the OPT under international humanitarian law.
Immediately order members of all state authorities to end and refrain from all future conduct that
violates international law, including forcible transfer of population, arbitrary arrest, administrative
detention, torture and other ill-treatment, unlawful killings and infliction of injuries, as well as restrictions
on other fundamental rights, such as arbitrarily restricting Palestinians’ freedom of movement and
residence in their communities, their right to family life, and their rights to access livelihoods, housing,
food, water, essential healthcare services and education.
Suspend from active duty any military or official personnel suspected of ordering or committing grave
violations of international law pending the completion of investigations.
Develop clear guidelines requiring law enforcement officials to report abuses, and ensure that officers at
all levels of the chain of command know about these guidelines and are held responsible for enforcing
them, with penalties imposed, following fair proceedings, for failing to report, or covering up, violations
or misconduct by security forces.
Order prompt, impartial, independent and effective investigations into all allegations of crimes against
humanity and other serious human rights violations by state officials and actors. Where there is
sufficient admissible evidence, bring those reasonably suspected of individual criminal responsibility,
including command responsibility, to trial in proceedings that meet international standards of fairness.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Hold accountable any private individual preventing or attempting to otherwise restrict the enjoyment of
rights of others.
Provide victims of human rights violations, crimes against humanity and serious violations of
international humanitarian law – and their families – with full reparations. These should include
restitution of and compensation for all properties acquired on a racial basis, including restitution of and
compensation for properties confiscated by the Custodian of Absentee Property.
Accede to the Apartheid Convention and to the Rome Statute; issue a declaration accepting the ICC’s
jurisdiction since 1 July 2002; and incorporate the provisions of these treaties into domestic law.
Repeal or substantially amend legislation that facilitates discrimination against Palestinian citizens of
Israel, including the nation state law.
Provide constitutional protection to the principle of non-discrimination by introducing it into Israel’s
Basic Laws.
Introduce specific safeguards to ensure that no individual is arbitrarily deprived of their citizenship,
including by amending the 1952 Nationality Law.
End policies that prevent Palestinians’ family unification, refrain from pursuing the enactment of a
new version of the Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law in force from 2003 to 2021 and ensure that
processing family unification applications for spouses and children of Israeli citizens and Palestinian
residents of Jerusalem and of the OPT is done according to the principle of non-discrimination,
examining each case on an individual basis and on its merit.
Ensure an end to discrimination in the exercise of the right of all people to participate in public
life, including by voting and standing for election. In particular, take effective steps to increase the
representation and participation of minorities in decision-making processes, and refrain for disqualifying
them on discriminatory grounds such as political opinion.
Revoke discriminatory policies that allow for discrimination against Palestinian citizens of Israel based
on military service in accessing social and economic benefits or certain forms of work in Israel.
Provide adequate provisions to ensure non-discrimination, transparency and accountability in terms of
distribution and use of state land in Israel, and reform the role and/or scope of responsibilities of quasi-
state Jewish institutions in order to achieve this end.
Ensure adequate remedies, including just compensation and restitution, for all those whose land was
illegally expropriated as state land.
Repeal or amend discriminatory laws and policies governing the zoning and allocation of land in Israel
and ensure that such laws and policies are implemented in a manner that respects the prohibition of
discrimination on grounds including race, religion, national or ethnic origin and descent.
Cancel all outstanding orders for evictions and demolitions and introduce a moratorium on future
evictions and demolitions until the law is amended in a manner that complies with international
standards and thereby ensures Palestinians are not subjected to forced evictions.
Immediately grant legal recognition and status to the unrecognized villages in the Negev/Naqab. Legal
security of tenure should be afforded to the residents of these villages. Sustainable access to safe,
potable drinking water, electricity, sanitation, sewage, refuse disposal, emergency services, medical
care and education must be guaranteed to all residents. Efforts to forcibly remove the inhabitants of
unrecognized villages should be immediately halted.
Ensure access to effective redress and reparation to those who have had their homes demolished as a
result of discriminatory policies.
Ensure that Palestinian citizens of Israel, especially in the Negev/Naqab, have equitable access to land,
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
local authority resources, water and electricity necessary for their economic development, including
the development of their industrial, agricultural and other activities necessary to enjoy their rights to an
adequate standard of living, water, food, adequate housing, health and work.
Ensure equal access to state resources and funding related to access to livelihoods, health and
education irrespective of race, nationality, religion or gender.
Establish an official monitoring mechanism to ensure that livelihoods, health and education programmes
and services in Israel are implemented free from discrimination.
Immediately cease all settlement activity as a first step towards dismantling all Israeli settlements and
related infrastructure in East Jerusalem, and relocate Israeli civilians living in such settlements outside
of the OPT.
Cease the arbitrary revocations of the residency of Palestinian residents in East Jerusalem.
Establish a mechanism to promptly re-examine, according to the principle of non-discrimination, cases
of arbitrary revocations of residency.
Resume the processing of family unification applications for families that include Palestinian residents of
the rest of the OPT and do so in an expeditious and non-discriminatory manner. Establish a mechanism
to promptly process the backlog of thousands of applications and to re-examine, according to the
principle of non-discrimination, applications that were refused prior to the suspension of the processing
of applications.
Immediately stop the destruction of houses, land and other properties without absolute military
necessity as prescribed by international humanitarian law. Anyone whose property has been unlawfully
destroyed without adequate prior notification and the effective opportunity to challenge the decision
before a court of law should receive reparation and be allowed, where possible, to rebuild their property
in the same place.
Transfer the responsibility for planning and building policies and regulations in East Jerusalem to the
local Palestinian communities.
Allow the Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, especially those beyond the fence/wall, to access
the land, local authority resources, water and electricity necessary for their economic development,
including the development of their industrial and agricultural activities and other activities necessary to
enjoy their rights to an adequate standard of living, water, food, adequate housing, health and work.
Ensure Palestinians in East Jerusalem have access to their social and economic rights to livelihoods,
healthcare and education without undue obstructions, and halt any discriminatory and restrictive
policies that may hinder their access to these rights.
Immediately cease all settlement activity as a first step to dismantling all Israeli settlements and related
infrastructure in the West Bank and relocating Israeli civilians living in such settlements outside the OPT.
Immediately end policies and practices that confer privileged access to resources for Israeli settlers in
the West Bank.
Resume the processing of family unification applications for foreign spouses and families of Palestinian
residents of the West Bank and do so in an expeditious and non-discriminatory manner.
Establish a mechanism to promptly process the backlog of thousands of applications and to re-examine,
according to the principle of non-discrimination, applications that were refused prior to the suspension
of the processing of applications.
Ensure Palestinians enjoy their right to freedom of movement without discrimination of any kind, by
ending the regime of closures in its current form, as well as other forms of restrictions on freedom of
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
movement of people and goods, that result in collective punishment. Ensure that any restrictions on
movement are only imposed if they are absolutely necessary to respond to a specific security threat or
for other compelling reasons and are non-discriminatory and proportionate in terms of their impact and
duration, and do not target whole communities.
Stop the construction of the fence/wall inside the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which results
in unlawful restrictions on the right to free movement of Palestinians and the arbitrary destruction or
seizure of their homes and property, and undermines other rights, including the rights to adequate
housing, to work, to an adequate standard of living and to respect for family life. Sections of the fence/
wall already constructed that violate these rights should be removed.
Immediately stop the destruction of houses, land and other properties without absolute military
necessity as prescribed by international humanitarian law. Anyone whose property has been unlawfully
destroyed without adequate prior notification and the effective opportunity to challenge the decision
before a court of law should receive reparation and be allowed, where possible, to rebuild their property
in the same place.
Transfer responsibility for planning and building policies and regulations in the West Bank to the local
Palestinian communities.
Allow the Palestinian population to access natural resources in the West Bank, including fertile
agricultural land, water, oil and gas resources, stone and Dead Sea minerals, in a manner that satisfies
their personal and domestic needs and for their economic development, including the development
of their industrial and agricultural activities and other activities necessary to enjoy their rights to an
adequate standard of living, water, food, adequate housing, health and work.
Ensure Palestinians in the West Bank have access to their social and economic rights to livelihoods,
healthcare and education without undue obstructions, and halt any discriminatory and restrictive
policies that may hinder their access to these rights.
Lift the blockade on the Gaza Strip and other forms of arbitrary restrictions on freedom of movement
of people and goods that result in collective punishment. Any restriction may only be imposed if it is
necessary to respond to security threats, is non-discriminatory and proportionate in terms of its impact
and duration, and is imposed on named individuals, not on whole communities.
Allow the passage into Gaza of aid, fuel, electricity and other necessities to resume unhindered.
Allow all patients in need of medical treatment not available in Gaza to leave and guarantee that they will
be allowed to return after their treatment.
Allow into Gaza as a matter of urgency the material and equipment necessary for the construction and
repair of water and sanitation facilities, and the quantities of fuel necessary for operating these facilities,
and ensure that water is never used as an instrument of political or economic pressure under any
Resume the processing of family unification applications for foreign spouses and families of Palestinian
residents of Gaza and do so in an expeditious and non-discriminatory manner.
Establish a mechanism to promptly process the backlog of thousands of applications and to re-examine,
according to the principle of non-discrimination, applications that were refused prior to the suspension
of the processing of applications.
Immediately stop the destruction of houses, land and other properties without absolute military
necessity as prescribed by international humanitarian law. Anyone whose property has been unlawfully
destroyed without adequate prior notification and the effective opportunity to challenge the decision
before a court of law should receive reparation and be allowed, where possible, to rebuild their property
in the same place.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Allow the Palestinian population to access natural resources in Gaza, including fertile agricultural
land, as well as fishery, water, oil and gas resources, in a manner that satisfies their personal and
domestic needs and for their economic development, including the development of their industrial
and agricultural activities and other activities necessary to enjoy their rights to an adequate standard of
living, water, food, adequate housing, health and work.
Ensure Palestinians in Gaza have access to their social and economic rights to livelihoods, healthcare
and education without undue obstructions and halt any discriminatory and restrictive policies that may
hinder their access to these rights.
Recognize the right of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to return to homes where they or their
families once lived in Israel or the OPT, and to receive restitution and compensation and other effective
remedies for the loss of their land and property.
Document as necessary and in line with international standards the discriminatory impact of Israel’s
system of apartheid against the Palestinian population in the OPT to provide evidence of such impact to
relevant international courts and other bodies.
Ensure that operations and any type of dealings with Israel, primarily through security coordination, do
not contribute to maintaining the system of apartheid against Palestinians in the OPT.
As a council and through the mandates it creates:
Assess whether the denial of nationality, restrictions on movement, freedom of assembly, association
and religion, participation in public life, and access to healthcare, education, livelihoods, housing,
employment, food security, and water and sanitation, constitute crimes under international law, in
particular the crime against humanity of apartheid.
Provide recommendations and assistance designed to dismantle these and other systems of oppression
and domination.
Impose targeted sanctions, such as asset freezes, against Israeli officials most implicated in the crime of
Impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel. The embargo should cover the direct and indirect
supply, sale or transfer, including transit and trans-shipment of all weapons, munitions and other military
and security equipment, including the provision of training and other military and security assistance.
Explore avenues to bring perpetrators of crimes under international law to justice, in particular if Israel
itself fails to investigate and prosecute those responsible for crimes against humanity and other human
rights violations perpetrated against the Palestinian population in Israel and the OPT. This could include
referring the entire situation to the ICC or establishing an international tribunal to try alleged perpetrators of
international crimes.
Re-establish the Special Committee against Apartheid, which was originally established under UN
General Assembly Resolution 1761 (XVII) of 6 November 1962, to focus on all situations, including
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Israel and the OPT, where the serious human rights violation and crime against humanity of apartheid
are being committed and to bring pressure on those responsible to disestablish these systems of
oppression and domination.
Consider the applicability of the crime against humanity of apartheid within the current formal
investigation of crimes under international law committed in the OPT since 13 June 2014.
(in particular those that enjoy close diplomatic relations with Israel such as the USA, the European Union
and its member states and the UK, as well as those that are in the process of strengthening their ties, such
as some Arab and Africa states)
Do not support the system of apartheid or render aid or assistance to maintaining such a regime, and
cooperate to bring an end to this unlawful situation.
Immediately suspend the direct and indirect supply, sale or transfer, including transit and trans-
shipment to Israel of all weapons, munitions and other military and security equipment, including the
provision of training and other military and security assistance.
Institute and enforce a ban on products from Israeli settlements in your markets and regulate
companies domiciled in your jurisdiction in a manner to prohibit companies’ operation in settlements or
trade in settlements goods.
Exercise universal jurisdiction in investigating any person under your jurisdiction who may reasonably
be suspected of committing crimes against humanity or other crimes under international law. Ensure
that all proceedings meet international standards of fairness and do not involve seeking or imposing
the death penalty. There should be no time limit for prosecuting crimes against humanity, nor should
immunity from prosecution or amnesties be granted for such crimes.
Ensure that your legal and institutional frameworks enable the effective investigation and prosecution of
perpetrators of the crime against humanity of apartheid.
Use all political and diplomatic tools at your disposal to ensure Israeli authorities implement the
recommendations outlined in this report and ensure that human rights are central to all bilateral and
multilateral agreements with the Israeli authorities, including by exercising due diligence to ensure that
these do not contribute to maintaining the system of apartheid.
Publicly recognize that international crimes, including the crime of apartheid, are being committed in
Israel and the OPT.
Adopt adequate procedures and codes of conduct in accordance with international standards to ensure
that your own activities in Israel and the OPT are not contributing to or benefiting from the system of
apartheid; address such impact when it occurs and cease relevant activities if it cannot be prevented.
Increase advocacy, both public and private, with the Israeli government to end discrimination and
segregation in law, policy and practices against Palestinians in Israel and the OPT, including through
advocacy with donors.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Conduct rigorous and ongoing assessments of all projects and assistance for Palestinians to ensure they
are implemented in a way that does not entrench, support or perpetuate discrimination and segregation
of Palestinians.
Continue and strengthen efforts to counter discrimination against Palestinians in Israel and the OPT,
including by strengthening national and international networks working on these issues.
Amnesty International
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
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UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 142: Rapport fra Amnesty International: Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians. Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity
Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has pursued a policy of
establishing and maintaining a Jewish demographic hegemony
and maximizing its control over land to benefit Jewish Israelis while
restricting the rights of Palestinians and preventing Palestinian
refugees from returning to their homes. In 1967, Israel extended
this policy to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which it has occupied
ever since.
Amnesty International has analysed Israel’s intent to create and
maintain a system of oppression and domination over Palestinians
and examined its key components: territorial fragmentation;
segregation and control; dispossession of land and property; and
denial of economic and social rights. It has concluded that this
system amounts to apartheid. It has also documented unlawful
acts committed by Israel against Palestinians with the intent to
maintain this system, including forcible transfers, administrative
detention and torture, unlawful killings, denial of basic rights and
freedoms and persecution. It has concluded that such acts form
part of a systematic as well as widespread attack directed against
the Palestinian population and amount to the crime against
humanity of apartheid.
Israel must dismantle this cruel system and the international
community must pressure it to do so. All those with jurisdiction
over the crimes committed to maintain the system should
investigate them.
INDEX: MDE 15/5141/2022