Udvalget for Landdistrikter og Øer 2021-22
ULØ Alm.del Bilag 43
Conference of Committee Chairs of the
Parliaments of the 27 Member States
and the European Parliament
on European policies on behalf of citizens (CAP,
regional funds, and sustainable tourism in the
new context of the Green Deal)
Location: Val de Loire (organized by the Assemblée
Date: 20 and 21 March 2022
ULØ, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Invitation fra den franske nationalforsamling til interparlamentarisk konference om landbrugspolitik og kvalitetsfødevarer, turisme i lyset af den grønne pagt, regionalfonde og energiomstilling
Sunday 20 March
Form 2:00 PM
Welcoming of delegations
Gare Montparnasse
17 boulevard de Vaugirard, 75014 Paris
4:31-5:43 PM
TGV Paris-Tours
(accreditation and distribution of
badges on board)
Welcoming at the Tours train station and transfer to
the hotels
6:45-7:15 PM
Departures from the hotels
Château du Clos Lucé
2 rue du Clos Lucé, 37400 Amboise
From 7:00
Visit (by group) of the Castle of the Clos-Lucé
Convivial aperitif-testing session of AOP products
from France
Dinner « atmosphère renaissance » in the Halle
Eiffel of the Clos-Lucé
Return to the hotels
8:30 PM
10:30 PM
ULØ, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Invitation fra den franske nationalforsamling til interparlamentarisk konference om landbrugspolitik og kvalitetsfødevarer, turisme i lyset af den grønne pagt, regionalfonde og energiomstilling
Monday 21 March
8:30 AM
Departure from the hotels to the Grange de Meslay
Grange de Meslay
1 rue de Meslay, 37210 Parçay-Meslay
Accreditation at the conference venue for participants
who have not yet been registered
9:00-9:10 AM
Opening session
Welcome address by Ms. Laetitia SAINT-PAUL,
Vice-President of the National Assembly in charge of
coordinating the parliamentary dimension of the
French Presidency of the Council of the European
Union, on behalf of the President of the National
Assembly, Mr. Richard FERRAND
9:15-10:45 AM
Session 1: CAP and the improvement of food
quality for European citizens
Introduction and chairing of the debate:
woman of the National Assembly Committee on
Sustainable Development
Mr. Roland LESCURE, Chairman of the National
Assembly Committee on Economic Affairs
Ms. Sophie PRIMAS, Chairwoman of the Senate
Committee on Economic Affairs (tbc)
Mr. Jean-François LONGEOT, Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Sustainable Development (tbc)
ULØ, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Invitation fra den franske nationalforsamling til interparlamentarisk konference om landbrugspolitik og kvalitetsfødevarer, turisme i lyset af den grønne pagt, regionalfonde og energiomstilling
Keynote Speaker:
Ms. Stella KYRIAKIDES, European commissioner on
Health and Food Safety (tbc)
Mr. Pascal CANFIN, Chair of the European
Committee on the Environment, Public Health and
Food Safety (tbc)
Mr. Olivier DE SCHUTTER, former UN Special
Rapporteur on the Right to Food and co-chair of the
Expert Panel on Sustainable Food Systems, professor
at the university of Louvain
Ms. Karine JACQUEMART, Executive Director of the
NGO Foodwatch
Mr. Grant COCHRAN, Director of the food traceability
start-up Oritain
Debate with parliamentarians
10:45-11:00 AM
Coffee break
ULØ, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Invitation fra den franske nationalforsamling til interparlamentarisk konference om landbrugspolitik og kvalitetsfødevarer, turisme i lyset af den grønne pagt, regionalfonde og energiomstilling
11:00-12:30 PM
Session 2: Regional funds at the service of the
energy transition
Introduction and chairing of the debate:
woman of the National Assembly Committee on
Sustainable Development
Mr. Roland LESCURE, Chairman of the National
Assembly Committee on Economic Affairs
Ms. Sophie PRIMAS, Chairwoman of the Senate
Committee on Economic Affairs (tbc)
MR. Jean-François LONGEOT, Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Sustainable Development (tbc)
Keynote Speaker:
Ms. Elisa FERREIRA, European commissioner on
Cohesion and Reforms
Mr. Younous OMARJEE, Chair of the European
Parliament Committee on Regional Development
Mr. François BONNEAU, President of the Centre-Val
de Loire Region, representing the Association of
French Regions
Mr. Stefano BONACCINI, President of the Emilia-
Romagna Region, former President of the Conference
of Presidents of Italian Regions
A representative of the European Investment Bank
Ms. Zoé LAVOCAT, Climate and Transition Director of
the Climate Action Network
Debate with parliamentarians
Group photo
ULØ, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Invitation fra den franske nationalforsamling til interparlamentarisk konference om landbrugspolitik og kvalitetsfødevarer, turisme i lyset af den grønne pagt, regionalfonde og energiomstilling
12:30-2:30 PM
2:30-4:00 PM
Session 3: Sustainable tourism in the new context
of the Green Deal
Introduction and chairing of the debate:
Ms. Laetitia SAINT-PAUL, Vice-President of the
National Assembly in charge of coordinating the
parliamentary dimension of the French Presidency of
the Council of the European Union
woman of the National Assembly Committee on
Sustainable Development
Ms. Sophie PRIMAS, Chairwoman of the Senate
Committee on Economic Affairs (tbc)
Mr. Jean-François LONGEOT, Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Sustainable Development (tbc)
Ms. Alessandra PRIANTE, Regional Director Europe
of the World Tourism Organization
Ms. Audrey AZOULAY, Director General of UNESCO
(tbc) or her representative
Mr. Nikolaos STAMPOLIDIS, Director of the Acropolis
of Athens (tbc)
Mr. Jean-Marie PERRIER, President
Association for Fair and United Tourism
Mr. Henri GISCARD D’ESTAING, Director of the Club
Med (tbc)
Mr. Jean-Pierre PERNAUT, journalist (tbc)
Debate with parliamentarians
ULØ, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Invitation fra den franske nationalforsamling til interparlamentarisk konference om landbrugspolitik og kvalitetsfødevarer, turisme i lyset af den grønne pagt, regionalfonde og energiomstilling
4:00 PM
Closing of the conference and convivial interlude
with AOP products from France
4:30 PM
5:17-6:32 PM
Transfer to the train station
TGV Tours-Paris Montparnasse
Departure of delegations