Udvalget for Landdistrikter og Øer 2021-22
ULØ Alm.del Bilag 43
Ms. Laetitia SAINT-PAUL, Vice-President of the National Assembly in charge of coordinating the
parliamentary dimension of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Mr. Jean-François LONGEOT, Chair of the Senate Committee on Sustainable Development
Ms. Laurence MAILLART-MÉHAIGNERIE, Chairwoman of the National Assembly Committee on
Sustainable Development
Mr. Roland LESCURE, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee on Economic Affairs
Ms. Sophie PRIMAS, Chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Economic Affairs
Paris, 21 February 2022
Ladies and Gentlemen Committee Chairpersons,
Dear colleagues,
At the heart of the projects undertaken by the French Presidency of the
Council of the European Union is the environmental ambition, which makes Europe a
pioneer and, we hope, a model for putting an end to the increasingly worrying
deterioration of our planet's climate.
We are convinced that the climate transition, which involves so many
changes, can only succeed if it is understood, accepted, and even appropriated by all
our fellow citizens. The challenges are so high that they will never be met if imposed
from above.
Therefore, we wanted to organize a thematic conference that could meet the
concerns, the difficulties, and the hopes of our fellow citizens, by examining the major
issues brought about by the Green Pact from concrete consequences on the ground, in
our territories.
To this end we have the honor of inviting you to a
decentralized conference
of committee chairpersons in the beautiful Val de Loire Region,
where each of the
topics discussed has a concrete and daily echo. Our debates will take place in the
Grange de Meslay, one of the oldest fortified farms in the world, and a dinner the night
before in the Château du Clos Lucé, the former home of Leonardo da Vinci in Amboise,
places to which we will provide transportation, through a one-hour journey by train, to
and from Paris.
ULØ, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 43: Invitation fra den franske nationalforsamling til interparlamentarisk konference om landbrugspolitik og kvalitetsfødevarer, turisme i lyset af den grønne pagt, regionalfonde og energiomstilling
A first debate, on the morning of 21 March, will focus on the
CAP and the
improvement of the quality of food for European citizens,
which crystallizes the
difficulties but also the tremendous opportunities brought by the new environmental
requirements, in such a way that every day more and more consumers and producers,
in an approach of excellence, are exploring the paths of a future CAFP, Common
Agricultural and Food Policy. This debate will demonstrate the fundamental role of
labels, which guarantee the quality of products to consumers and offer producers
indispensable legal protection. It will highlight the interest of organic farming.
The second debate will emphasize the
decisive role that regional funds
must play in making the energy transition a reality in the territories.
We will discuss
the right place of this concern in the criteria used for the allocation and the evaluation of
European funds, particularly in the transport, renewable energy, and industry sectors.
The necessary synergy with other financial instruments, such as EIB loans or the future
Just Transition Fund, will also be discussed.
The last debate, in the afternoon, will highlight the subject of
too often neglected by the media. As the world's leading tourist destination,
the Union must encourage a significant economic activity while facing the environmental
challenges that it is increasingly posing (transport emissions, particularly air transport,
waste, site, and air pollution, etc.), with tourism accounting for up to 8% of its
greenhouse gas emissions. The EU has a decisive role to play in bringing together the
numerous but scattered national sustainable tourism initiatives, in promoting them, in
better targeting its support to communities faced with large influxes of tourists, and in
developing an ambitious labeling policy.
In accordance with established practice, each parliament may delegate up to
four committee chairpersons, or their representatives, to the conference.
We look forward to welcoming you and wish to express to you, Ladies and
Gentlemen Committee Chairpersons, our highest consideration.
Mr. Jean-François LONGEOT
Chair of the Senate Committee on
Sustainable Development
Ms. Laurence MAILLART-
MÉHAIGNERIE Chairwoman of the
National Assembly Committee on
Sustainable Development
Ms. Sophie PRIMAS
Chairwoman of the Senate
Committee on Economic Affairs
Mr. Roland LESCURE
Chairman of the National Assembly
Committee on Economic Affairs
Ms. Laetitia SAINT-PAUL
Vice-President of the National Assembly
in charge of coordinating the parliamentary dimension
of the French Presidency of the Council
of the European Union