Ref. Ares(2022)3128578 - 21/04/2022
Mikolaj Ratajckyk
Senior Legal Adviser
Department – Legal & Procurement
Executive Directorate
Ms Sadia Akbar Manan
Chefkonsulent / Senior Executive Legal
Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority
(sent by e-mail only)
Subject: Your consultation request on access to documents
Dear Ms Akbar Manan,
Thank you for your e-mail dated 30 March 2022, by which you inform the European Union Aviation
Safety Agency (EASA) that the Danish Civil Aviation and Railway Authority (DCARA) has received on 21
March 2022 a request from a Member of Danish Parliament regarding access to EASA's ADR
standardisation inspection report of 7 December 2021, related to EASA’s ADR standardisation
inspection of the DCARA, which took place from 27 September to 01 October 2021.
In your e-mail you request confirmation from EASA under Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 1049/2001
Members of National Parliaments are given a special status by EU regulation and therefore
can be granted a special access to documents, in this case, to Inspection Report of 7 December 2021.
After assessing your request, we would like to inform you that Regulation (EU) 1049/2001 does not
provide any special status/treatment for requests coming from Members from National or the
European Parliament. In fact, the current common administrative practice is that, as regards requests
for access emanating from Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), these are in principle
registered and treated in the same way as any other requests submitted by citizens or legal persons.
Said this, we recommend that you assess this request taking into account whether the Member of the
Parliament requesting access is i) acting on behalf of the Danish Parliament (meaning for example that
that there is an Investigation Committee ongoing, in the context of which the request is made, etc.) or
ii) he/she is requesting access as an individual person.
If the requester is acting on behalf of the Parliament (case i) referred above), we believe you should
follow any relevant special protocol or procedure there might be in place at national level to share this
type of confidential information between the National Administration and the Parliament (as for
Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to
European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
An agency of the European Union
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