The President
H.E. Mr. Richard Ferrand
Assemblée Nationale
13 January 2022
Dear Mr. President,
Thank you for your letter of 14 December 2021 concerning the budget of the OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly. I certainly appreciate your interest in our work, and I take good note of your
concerns over the budget increase voted by our Standing Committee in July 2021.
I can assure you that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly places great importance on the use of
public of funds for its activities. These past years, the OSCE PA has ensured in a consensual and
transparent manner among its fifty-seven delegations that our budget complies with and reflects the
efforts of our national legislatures to minimize expenses and remain within our objectives of austerity
and accountability in the use of our tax-payers money. Please note that, in the light of the COVID-19
pandemic, which postponed or cancelled a large majority of our events, the OSCE PA decided in June
2020 to freeze the Assembly’s budget and to accrue saved amounts, thus automatically reducing the
amounts contributed by all national delegations for the period 2020-2021.
At our upcoming Winter Meeting, next month, I will inform our leadership about the points
you raise in your letter in view of the budgetary process for the next financial year. This approval
process, conducted by the elected Treasurer of the Assembly, and which starts in April at the Meeting
of the Bureau and concludes by the budget consideration and approval at the time of the Standing
Committee every July at the time of the Annual Session, is fully transparent allowing all national
delegations to provide the necessary input.
Once again, Mr. President, I reiterate my appreciation for your interest and support of the work
of the Assembly. I assure you that we will respond to the many challenges affecting the OSCE area by
continuing to work with our limited resources towards the great objectives of comprehensive security,
dialogue, and co-operation in the OSCE area.
Yours sincerely,
Margareta Cederfelt
Mr. Peter Juel Jensen, Treasurer of the OSCE PA
Ms. Sereine Mauborgne, Head of the Delegation of France to the OSCE PA
Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark