The Secretary General
Members of the OSCE PA Standing Committee
Members of the OSCE PA Bureau
Staff of OSCE PA Delegations
Copenhagen, 8 December 2021
Dear Members of the Standing Committee,
I wish to bring to your attention the documents adopted by the 2021 OSCE Ministerial Council,
which took place in Stockholm on 2 and 3 December.
In particular, besides decisions of purely administrative nature, please find enclosed to this letter
the following:
Decision no. 2/21 on
the OSCE Chairmanship in the Year 2025
Decision no. 3/21 on
Strengthening Co-operation to address the Challenges caused by
Climate Change
Ministerial Statement on the
Negotiations on the Transdniestrian Settlement Process in
the “5+2” Format
While consensus could not be reached on several other drafts that were under consideration of
participating States for months, the substantive decision on climate change is a very important
one, as it underlines the linkage between climate and security on which also the OSCE PA has
been working on, as duly recognized in the text.
In the spirit of parliamentary - governmental cooperation within the OSCE, I kindly ask you to
forward this ministerial decision to the members of your delegation in order to promote its
implementation, including at national level. This is also in line with our
Call for Action – Helsinki
initiative, which aims at leveraging on parliamentary assets to raise the political profile of
the organization in each of the 57 capitals.
I take this opportunity to thank you for your engagement and support, and hope to see you soon
in person.
Yours sincerely,
Roberto Montella
Secretary General
Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark