Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Ministerial Council
Stockholm 2021
Second day of the Twenty-Eighth Meeting
MC(28) Journal, Agenda item 7
3 December 2021
Original: ENGLISH
The Ministerial Council,
Taking account of the increasing challenges of climate change for the economy and
environment in the OSCE area, recalling the importance of co-operation in the OSCE’s
Economic and Environmental Dimension, bearing in mind the OSCE’s comprehensive
concept of security, and reaffirming the relevant commitments contained in the 1975 Helsinki
Final Act, the 2003 OSCE Strategy Document for the Economic and Environmental
Dimension, the 2007 Madrid Declaration on Environment and Security, the 2013 Ministerial
Council Decision on Improving the Environmental Footprint of Energy-Related Activities in
the OSCE region, and the 2014 Ministerial Council Decision on Enhancing Disaster Risk
Acknowledging that climate change is a global challenge to achieving the objectives
of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development
Goals, and that addressing this challenge requires the widest possible international
co-operation, as well as at the regional level,
Recognizing that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and
the Paris Agreement are the primary international and intergovernmental mechanisms and
fora for negotiating, developing and strengthening the global response to climate change,
Taking note of the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which
underline the many unprecedented and irreversible changes that have occurred in the climate
system in all regions of the world, and emphasizing the need for effective climate action to
reduce the risks and negative consequences of climate change,
Reaffirming that the OSCE, as a regional arrangement under Chapter VIII of the
Charter of the United Nations, has a complementary role to play, within its mandate, in
addressing the challenge of climate change within the OSCE area, notably by facilitating
collective and co-operative responses,
Emphasizing that the effects of climate change can exacerbate economic challenges
and environmental degradation, which may negatively affect prosperity, stability and security
in the OSCE area,