OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 5
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Ministerial Council
Stockholm 2021
Second day of the Twenty-Eighth Meeting
MC(28) Journal, Agenda item 7
3 December 2021
Original: ENGLISH
The Ministerial Council,
Taking account of the increasing challenges of climate change for the economy and
environment in the OSCE area, recalling the importance of co-operation in the OSCE’s
Economic and Environmental Dimension, bearing in mind the OSCE’s comprehensive
concept of security, and reaffirming the relevant commitments contained in the 1975 Helsinki
Final Act, the 2003 OSCE Strategy Document for the Economic and Environmental
Dimension, the 2007 Madrid Declaration on Environment and Security, the 2013 Ministerial
Council Decision on Improving the Environmental Footprint of Energy-Related Activities in
the OSCE region, and the 2014 Ministerial Council Decision on Enhancing Disaster Risk
Acknowledging that climate change is a global challenge to achieving the objectives
of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development
Goals, and that addressing this challenge requires the widest possible international
co-operation, as well as at the regional level,
Recognizing that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and
the Paris Agreement are the primary international and intergovernmental mechanisms and
fora for negotiating, developing and strengthening the global response to climate change,
Taking note of the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which
underline the many unprecedented and irreversible changes that have occurred in the climate
system in all regions of the world, and emphasizing the need for effective climate action to
reduce the risks and negative consequences of climate change,
Reaffirming that the OSCE, as a regional arrangement under Chapter VIII of the
Charter of the United Nations, has a complementary role to play, within its mandate, in
addressing the challenge of climate change within the OSCE area, notably by facilitating
collective and co-operative responses,
Emphasizing that the effects of climate change can exacerbate economic challenges
and environmental degradation, which may negatively affect prosperity, stability and security
in the OSCE area,
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 5: Letter from OSCE PA Secretary General on OSCE Ministerial Council adopted documents
3 December 2021
Acknowledging the importance of environmental restoration as one tool for climate
change mitigation and adaptation, and underlining the contribution of the improvement of
degraded forests, as well as the importance of sustainable management and restoration of
Recognizing the importance of participating States integrating climate considerations
into relevant national or domestic strategy, planning, documents and processes, in order to
mitigate and build resilience against the impacts of climate change,
Convinced that effective co-operation by the OSCE participating States on an
equitable, mutually beneficial, and non-discriminatory basis, taking into account different
national circumstances and capabilities in addressing the challenges caused by climate
change and the promotion of early warning, can be useful in building mutual confidence and
promoting good neighbourly relations and thereby contribute to stability, resilience, and
prosperity in the OSCE area,
Being aware that the use of renewable energy sources, low-carbon and clean energy
technologies and energy efficiency measures contribute to the adaptation to and mitigation of
climate change,
Acknowledging that the adaptation to, and mitigation of, the impacts of climate
change are important to achieve sustainable economic growth, and underlining the need to
advance co-operation through joint research and investments, and the development and
integration of new technologies in the field of climate change mitigation and adaptation,
including clean energy and low greenhouse gas emissions technologies,
Emphasizing the importance of the effective involvement of women in
decision-making processes in the field of climate change, and the full, equal and meaningful
participation of women, and also of girls where appropriate, in related programmes and
activities, and mindful of reporting indicating that women and girls are overrepresented
among those groups with less resilience to the adverse impacts of climate change and taking
into account their needs in this regard,
Acknowledging the importance of educating, training and raising awareness among
children and youth in the fields of environmental protection and climate change,
Affirming the importance of co-operation with relevant regional and international
organizations in addressing the impacts of climate change, where appropriate,
Taking note of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s debates on the security
implications of climate change, and being mindful of the role of parliamentarians in shaping
relevant national legislation and supporting the implementation of climate-related
Encourages the participating States to identify, raise awareness of, mitigate and adapt
to climate-related challenges and to intensify their dialogue and co-operation in this regard
with a view to minimizing the economic, social and environmental impacts of climate
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 5: Letter from OSCE PA Secretary General on OSCE Ministerial Council adopted documents
3 December 2021
Encourages participating States to integrate climate considerations into national or
domestic strategy, planning, documents and processes, in order to mitigate and build
resilience against the impacts of climate change;
Calls upon the participating States to give due consideration to potential synergies
between prevention, mitigation of, and adaptation to the possible negative impacts of climate
change, including through the development and utilization of early-warning mechanisms;
Encourages the participating States to make use of the OSCE as an additional
platform for facilitating the exchange of information and best practices, notably in relation to
the adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change, the development of relevant technologies
and innovation;
Encourages the participating States to co-operate, where appropriate, to build greater
resilience to climate change and to take relevant mitigation and adaptation measures,
inter alia,
through joint research and investment, climate-related analysis, disaster
risk reduction and management, and the increased use of clean and renewable energy sources;
Encourages participating States to address the short- and long-term impacts of
environmental degradation, as well as its restoration;
Encourages the participating States to adopt an approach to COVID-19 recovery that
takes climate change into account;
Calls upon the participating States to promote the effective participation of women in
decision-making processes on climate change prevention, mitigation and adaptation, and also
of girls where appropriate, in related programmes and activities;
Encourages the participating States to pursue a multi-stakeholder approach to tackling
climate change by actively engaging the private sector, academia, civil society and all other
relevant stakeholders, including women’s and youth organizations;
Tasks the relevant OSCE executive structures, in particular the Office of the
Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities and the OSCE field
operations within their mandates and available resources, with assisting participating States
upon their request in implementing the provisions of this decision, in co-operation with other
relevant regional and international organizations, where appropriate;
Encourages the OSCE Partners for Co-operation to voluntarily implement the
provisions of this decision.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 5: Letter from OSCE PA Secretary General on OSCE Ministerial Council adopted documents
3 December 2021
Original: ENGLISH
By the delegation of Canada:
“Madam Chairperson,
In connection with the adoption of this decision on strengthening co-operation to
address the challenges caused by climate change, Canada would like to make the following
interpretative statement under paragraph IV.1(A)6 of the OSCE Rules of Procedure:
We have joined consensus on this decision due to the serious importance we attach to
addressing the challenges caused by climate change, and their link to our comprehensive
security. We are disappointed, however, by the weak language concerning the
disproportionate impact of climate change on women. This impact is undeniable and has been
reaffirmed both through United Nations bodies and most recently at the 26th Conference of
the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Canada
underscores the necessity of taking a gender-responsive approach to addressing the risks
climate change poses to women, as well as to marginalized groups and people in vulnerable
Canada requests that this statement be attached to the decision and reflected in the
journal of the day. Thank you.”