OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 26
Nicosia, 19 July 2022
Heads and Members
of OSCE PA delegations.
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to express my sincere thanks and gratitude for your support to my candidacy
for the post of Vice-President of the OSCE PA. I assure you that I will do my utmost to
honour this responsibility.
The current geopolitical challenges stress the imperative need to uphold and further
enhance multilateralism. At the same time, they point to the urgent need for the OSCE PA
to reflect on its own work, on how to be more pro-active, useful and effective and how to
further explore its potential as a platform for dialogue and mediation, through making full
use of parliamentary diplomacy.
Addressing a host of challenges including terrorism, violent extremism, human rights and
the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime, environmental
degradation, climate change and gender equality, must remain as priorities.
In this respect, I am fully committed to working with President Margareta Cederfelt, the
other members of the Bureau, all of you, as well as Secretary General Montella, to facilitate
an open and constructive dialogue, to further strengthen the work of the three General
Committees and to reinforce our network of strategic partnerships with the OSCE executive
structures and other key international stakeholders.
At the same time, I am especially grateful to Marco Bonabello, Anja Stanisavljevic and Eleni
Georgiou for working by my side since 2019.
Counting on your continuing support and cooperation, I look forward to meeting you all
Yours sincerely,
Irene Charalambides,
Vice-President of the OSCE PA.
Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark
Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - [email protected] - www.oscepa.org