OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 19
AS (22) DRS 1 E
Original: English
Mr. Laurynas Kasciunas
6 JULY 2022
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 19: OSCE PA Practical and procedural information og udkast til rapporter og resolutionstekster for de 3 komiteer i forbindelse med dette års Annual Session
Rapporteur: Mr. Laurynas Kasciunas (Lithuania)
Alarmed by the unprovoked Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, with the
facilitation by Belarus as co-aggressor, which constitutes a gross violation of the
fundamentals of international law, including a severe breach of the OSCE’s
commitments and principles, the Charter of the United Nations, and the Geneva
Conventions, and thus poses a great threat to the civilian population and
infrastructure of Ukraine and jeopardizes the security architecture of Europe and
the whole OSCE region,
Recalling the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's Resolution on Clear, Gross and
Uncorrected Violations of Helsinki Principles by the Russian Federation, adopted
at its 23rd Annual Session in 2014, and the Resolution on The Continuation of
Clear, Gross and Uncorrected Violations of OSCE Commitments and
International Norms by the Russian Federation, adopted in 2015, whereby in the
former it is underscored that “the Russian Federation has, since February 2014,
violated every one of the ten Helsinki principles in its relations with Ukraine, some
in a clear, gross and thus far uncorrected manner, and is in violation with the
commitments it undertook in the Budapest Memorandum, as well as other
international obligations,” and welcoming the adoption of the UN General
Assembly Resolution on Aggression against Ukraine and the order of the
International Court of Justice on Russia to immediately
suspend the military
operations that commenced on 24 February 2022,
Welcoming the fact that 45 OSCE participating States, supported by Ukraine,
initiated the OSCE Moscow Mechanism, in order to collect evidence of the
alleged massive atrocities and war crimes and crimes against humanity in
Ukraine, committed by Russia, with the help of Belarus as co-aggressor,
Acknowledging the value of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission’s rigorous
work which delivered its mandate under a heightened level of volatility and
security uncertainties, and expressing regret over the lack of international unity
and consensus over the mandate renewal for the OSCE Special Monitoring
Mission due to the Russian Federation’s uncompromising stance,
Recalling the OSCE PA report “The Nemtsov Murder and Rule of Law in Russia”
of 20 February 2020, and determined to ensure all those responsible for this
murder are brought to account,
Underlining its unwavering support and solidarity with all those in Russia and
Belarus who are persecuted by the regimes in Moscow and in Minsk for
protesting against Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, implemented with
the complicit participation of Belarus,
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 19: OSCE PA Practical and procedural information og udkast til rapporter og resolutionstekster for de 3 komiteer i forbindelse med dette års Annual Session
Being seriously concerned with the attempts to destabilize the situation in the
Transdniestrian region of the Republic of Moldova,
Noting the final decision and declarations of the 28th Ministerial Council in
Stockholm, including the Statement on the negotiations on the Transdniestrian
settlement process in the “5+2” format,
Underscoring the importance of security and stability and the related
establishment of good-neighbourly relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan,
aimed at sustainable peace and development throughout the South Caucasus,
and supporting the continued engagement of the OSCE in this context, while
encouraging the wider international community to support multilateral efforts in
assisting the parties to that end through facilitating direct talks and promoting
confidence-building measures and abstention from the use of force,
10. Expressing deep regret over the unresolved conflict between the Russian
Federation and Georgia since 2008, and underscoring the necessity of full
implementation by Russia of the EU-mediated 12 August 2008 Ceasefire
Agreement, as well as the decision by European Court of Human Rights of
January 2021,
11. Emphasizing the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which has paved the way
for cross-border threats, organized crime, the spread of radicalization and violent
extremism, terrorism, the illicit trafficking of drugs and weapons, and a spill-over
effect on the security of the bordering Central Asia states,
12. Noting with concern the deteriorating situation in Belarus, in particular by violation
of international human rights obligations, its attempts to instrumentalize illegal
migrants, mass repression and oppression of opposing voices, and the overall
lack of commitment to OSCE principles and values,
13. Acknowledging the undeniable repercussions of the emerging digital realm which
require prioritizing the cybersecurity agenda and protection of critical and civilian
infrastructure from cyber threats emanating against and across the OSCE region,
14. Reiterating full support for the initiatives of the Polish Chairman-in-Office,
including the Renewed OSCE European Security Dialogue and the prioritization
of the human-centred security approach,
15. Noting the indispensable and valuable role of women and youth in preventing,
managing and resolving conflicts, as well as enhancing durable stability and
security across all OSCE participating States,
16. Emphasizing that transparent and accountable arms control, disarmament and
non-proliferation, and control of armed forces remain indispensable components
of the common military and political stability within the OSCE area,
17. Recognizing unprecedented heightened tensions, protracted conflicts, terrorism
and violent extremism, the instrumentalization of migrants, and the utilization of
destabilizing cyberwarfare and unprecedented distrust and diminishing
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 19: OSCE PA Practical and procedural information og udkast til rapporter og resolutionstekster for de 3 komiteer i forbindelse med dette års Annual Session
confidence in multilateralism and co-operation in the OSCE region requires all
participating States to recommit to OSCE principles; namely, in the dimension of
political affairs and security, in order to uphold the security architecture built on
the premises of the Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris in full conformity
with international law,
18. Reiterating the role of the OSCE as an effective all-inclusive platform where
through the facilitation of diplomatic efforts and co-operation, participating States
can rebuild basic trust and confidence, de-escalate long-standing hostilities,
enhance sustainable peace, comprehensive security and democracy, and
revitalize shared values and principles of the OSCE region,
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:
19. Condemns in the strongest terms Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against
Ukraine, facilitated by Belarus as co-aggressor, the illegal occupation and
annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, calls upon the Russian
Federation to establish an immediate ceasefire and withdraw Russian troops
from the whole of Ukraine, and urges all sides to engage in negotiations aimed
at a peaceful resolution of the crisis with full respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty
and territorial integrity;
20. Expresses deep regret over the casualties in Ukraine and sympathy for all those
affected by the war, including internally displaced persons and refugees, and
urges the OSCE participating States to support international humanitarian
organizations and the authorities of Ukraine and neighbouring countries in their
efforts to ensure unhindered evacuation, humanitarian assistance, and overall
safety to all internally displaced people and refugees;
21. Expresses support for the work of the independent international Commission of
Inquiry mandated by the UN Human Rights Council and the ongoing proceedings
at the International Criminal Court, which is conducting an investigation into
alleged war crimes committed by any party to the conflict on any part of the
territory of Ukraine;
22. Demands the immediate release of all those in Russia and Belarus who are
persecuted by the regimes in Moscow and in Minsk for protesting against
Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, implemented with the complicit
participation of Belarus, including prominent Russian opposition leader Vladimir
Kara-Murza, and encourages OSCE participating States to intensify their efforts
to ensure those responsible for the murder of Boris Nemtsov are brought to
23. Reiterates full support for the work of OSCE Field Missions, which constitute a
key role in providing fact-based and valuable intelligence necessary for all
aspects of the OSCE’s comprehensive security dimensions, especially within the
first dimension, and thus calls for the restoration of the mandate of the OSCE’s
Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine;
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 19: OSCE PA Practical and procedural information og udkast til rapporter og resolutionstekster for de 3 komiteer i forbindelse med dette års Annual Session
24. Encourages the intensification of result-oriented mediation efforts and
negotiations in the framework of the existing platforms for conflict resolution, and
calls on the parties to conflicts to immediately cease all hostilities and engage in
dialogue to achieve comprehensive and long-lasting peace in full respect for the
sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognized
borders of Ukraine, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova;
25. Emphasizes the necessity of maintaining consistent dialogue and result-oriented
engagement for the comprehensive, peaceful, and viable settlement of the
Transdniestrian conflict in the “5+2” format based on the sovereignty and
territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized
borders, with a special status for Transdniestria that fully guarantees the human,
political, economic, and social rights of its population;
26. Recommends the intensification of the involvement of the OSCE Mediterranean
Partners for Co-operation (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia)
in joint efforts aimed at co-operation and alleviating current threats in the region,
including transnational threats, migration crises, human trafficking, and financing
of terrorism;
27. Urges participating States to refrain from exploiting the vulnerabilities of
cyberspace and weaponization of the novel digital domain for cybercrimes,
disruption of critical infrastructure, and infringement of human rights, alongside
continuing the work on implementation of confidence-building measures across
all OSCE participating States;
28. Calls on all participating States to leverage the potential of women and young
people in their equal engagement with security and peace efforts and their overall
integration in the decision-making process and institution-building, including local
governments and international platforms;
29. Urges all participating States that have not already done so to develop and
implement national action plans on Women, Peace and Security, as required by
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, which constitutes a
comprehensive agenda for the full involvement of women in maintaining all peace
and security efforts;
30. Urges all participating States to be guided by United Nations Security Council
Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, which emphasizes that youth
constitute a priority in ensuring and promoting peace and security, and thus
encourages all OSCE participating States to empower youth representatives and
galvanize their engagements with all stakeholders at the local, national, and
international levels in line with this UN resolution;
31. Urges participating States to reinvigorate the debate over the revitalization of the
Open Skies Treaty and the full implementation and revision of the Vienna
Document in line with new security challenges on the ground;
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 19: OSCE PA Practical and procedural information og udkast til rapporter og resolutionstekster for de 3 komiteer i forbindelse med dette års Annual Session
32. Encourages all participating States to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons of 2017 in light of the deterioration of critical nuclear security
which could bring about dire consequences for the OSCE region and beyond;
33. Calls on participating States to put an end to any flagrant contraventions of OSCE
commitments, and instead to re-commit and persistently uphold the Helsinki
principles in full conformity with international law, which enables conditions for
stabilization, peace, and security in the OSCE region;
34. Encourages all political leaders in participating States to reinvigorate the debate
over European security through the employment of OSCE’s unique tools and
multilateral negotiation frameworks, particularly through bolstering dialogue with
international partners and other stakeholders to avert crises and ensure peaceful
solutions to regional and protracted conflicts, while recalling that the
inclusiveness, broad membership, and principles of the OSCE provide the basis
for this.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 19: OSCE PA Practical and procedural information og udkast til rapporter og resolutionstekster for de 3 komiteer i forbindelse med dette års Annual Session
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