Joint OSCE PA-OSCE/ODIHR Web Dialogue on
Gender Equality in Parliament: Transforming
Institutions, Delivering for All Women and Men”
Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 10:00
12:00 CEST, Zoom
This Joint Web Dialogue by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
(OSCE/ODIHR) and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA) was organized on 30 March 2022
12:00 CEST). It provided an opportunity to discuss innovative approaches on gender
sensitive parliaments and transformation of these institutions to better deliver for all women and
men. More specifically, the event provided a platform to exchange good practices, lessons
learned and innovations on how national parliaments could mainstream gender in their
composition, structures, operations, working methods, and day-to-day work. The key role of
parliamentarians as drivers of change towards gender parity was emphasized, noting the
importance of enabling participation of women in politics, lawmaking, conflict prevention and
resolution, as prescribed in the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
as well as in the
OSCE and OSCE PA acquis. The event also aimed to raise awareness among parliamentarians of
OSCE participating States (pS) of OSCE tools and resources in this field, including the
ODIHR’s new
guide on
“Realizing Gender Equality in Parliament: A Guide for Parliaments in the OSCE Region”.
It was held online, via Zoom conferencing platform, in English/Russian/English and International
Sign Language.
DISCLAIMER: The Highlights from the OSCE PA Web Dialogue are not intended to be official conclusions, nor an
exhaustive list of all issues raised during the discussion, but rather a collection of interesting points noted by the
International Secretariat for possible future reference. As such, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly makes no
claims nor warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about their completeness and reliability.
United Nations (UN), Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 15 September 1995. Available at