NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2021-22
NPA Alm.del Bilag 17
With regard to the Charter of the United Nations, to the Helsinki Final Act
and the subsequent OSCE documents, to the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security
Assurances in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons, to the 2014 Minsk Agreements and the package of measures for their
implementation, signed in 2015;
Expressing deep concern at the fact that the values of peaceful coexistence
among peoples, democracy and human rights, promoted in Europe and in the world after
the Second World War, have been severely violated by the military aggression of the
Russian Federation against Ukraine;
Supporting the sovereignty, the territorial integrity and the democratic
development of Ukraine;
Fully supporting the stance of other countries around the world, which
aspire to and defend democratic values, in full compliance with the common foreign and
security policy of the European Union, including the European Union decisions on
austerity measures;
In respect and fully responsible of the role of Albania as a non-permanent
member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2022-2023;
Considering the risk of the influence of the Russian aggression in Ukraine
in our region, thereby demotivating the region's Euro-Atlantic perspective to maintain
security and stability in Europe;
The Parliament of the Republic of Albania
Condemns in the strongest terms the Russian military aggression in Ukraine
and the serious violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine by the
Russian Federation, as an act that violates international order, openly and flagrantly
NPA, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 17: Resolution on Ukraine adopted by the Albanian Parliament
violating the Charter of the United Nations, the Helsinki Final Act, the Budapest
Memorandum, the Minsk Agreements, and a series of other international and bilateral
documents Russia has willingly signed.
Urges and supports the diplomatic activity and the measures the Albanian
government has taken in coordination with our strategic allies, the USA and the EU, in
support of the sovereignty of Ukraine and of the principles of European security and global
order of relations between the states.
Supports the economic sanctions and the diplomatic measures taken by our
strategic partners against the Russian Federation, as well as their military and humanitarian
support to Ukraine and its people.
Appeal for the immediate stop of the use of force by the Russian Federation
in Ukraine and the withdrawal of the Russian armed forces from Ukraine ’s territory
according its internationally recognized borders.
Condemns in the strongest terms the Russian military aggression against
Ukraine, stressing that violence against innocent civilians are war crimes and that the
perpetrators of this aggression should be brought to the International Court of Justice.
The Parliament calls on the Government :
To continue being engaged, in close coordination with all ally and partner
countries in NATO, EU, UN Security Council, OSCE, CoE, in the Balkan region as well
as with other partners, in support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, of the
principles of international law and European security;
To reinvigorate with priority the efforts to the European integration of the
country and of the region, as an irreplaceable support to maintain the security and stability
in Europe.
Adopted on ____________