Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2021-22
MOF Alm.del Bilag 645
Re: URGENT - The Lynetteholm-project threatening the waterbalance in the Baltic Sea
We allow us to forward the attached letter on our concerns relating to the impact of the Lynetteholm-
project in Øresund in Denmark on the Baltic Sea with the support of 17 organisations from the Baltic Sea
Countries with more than 1.5 million members.
A longstanding understanding among the Baltic Sea Countries has ensured that no large construction
projects could limit the flow of water into the Baltic Sea.
However, the Lynetteholm project (an artificial peninsula in the Sound between Kattegat and the Baltic
Sea) was authorised in June 2021 and might block the flow of water to the Baltic Sea by up to 0.5%. This is
likely to affect the Baltic Sea severely.
This break from previous practices is passed without consultation under the Espoo Convention / the EIA
Directive with any implicated countries other than Sweden.
The change may jeopardize the marine environment of the Baltic Sea, and it is imperative that the project
be put on hold immediately while a hearing of all relevant countries / NGOs is conducted.
It is our hope that the Commission will consider our concerns and take the necessary steps
to get guaranteed that the Lynetteholm-project with certainty will not jeopardize the marine
environment in the Baltic Sea,
to safeguard that all the Baltic Sea- countries and the NGOs in these countries are heard on the
It is further our hope that the Commission as a first step send a formal notice requesting further
information to the Danish authorities.
The matter is highly urgent due to the state of the construction works.
Yours faithfully,
On behalf of the Danish Society for Nature Conservation
Michael Løvendal Kruse
On behalf of the Climate Movement in Denmark
Frederik Roland Sandby