Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2021-22
KEF Alm.del Bilag 44
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
Oct 2021
Mattias Andersson
and Peter Hjuler Jensen, DTU
Cover photo:
Kim Høltermand
Bax Lindhardt, Troels Friis Pedersen,
Iben Julie Schmidt, Witold Skrzypiński,
Tristan Stedman, Valur Vestmann,
Nordic Wind Consultants
Graphic Designer:
Lisbeth Neigaard, vinkdesign.dk
Download the electronic version:
ISBN 978-87-970265-7-1
EAN 978879702657
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
The Danish public-private partnership in wind energy
The early phase
Public ownership and the license to operate
Framework conditions and R&D
Entrepreneurship and industry
A renewed partnership for wind powered energy systems
2 0
System integration and sector coupling
2 8
Delivering gigawatts of wind power to the green transition
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
Per Hessellund Lauritsen, Chairman Megavind
IN 2020, the Megavind Executive Committee
agreed on organisational changes and a revised
mission for Megavind. The new Megavind will
incorporate a global outlook, extending its scope
to R&D for wind energy systems including sector
coupling, while creating a more agile organisation
with permanent strategic sub-committees.
This year’s Annual Research & Innovation Agenda
reflects on this new role for Megavind.
When we published the first Annual Research &
Innovation Agenda in 2017, we outlined four meg-
atrends that characterised wind energy R&I at that
time. This year, we revisit those megatrends.
Megavind was born of the public-private part-
nership unique to Danish wind energy and this
partnership has never been more vital than at the
present moment. The potential for global coop-
eration and business opportunities is rivaled by a
fierce international competition to attract com-
panies, competences and test infrastructures for
large components and wind turbines. How can we
renew our partnership in Denmark to respond to
the changing conditions? In this annual agenda we
review the history of the partnership. What were
its constituent parts and what set it apart from the
development of wind energy in other countries?
However, we are not only glancing backwards.
Together, the Megavind partners have identified
core elements that must be maintained, renewed
or reinvigorated to prepare the partnership for the
coming decades.
By navigating the megatrends, the new Megavind
will continue to play a key role in Danish and inter-
national wind energy research and innovation. This
year’s annual agenda includes a set of updated
recommendations for research and innovation that
reflect these new opportunities and challenges.
When the European Commission presented its
strategy for Offshore Renewable Energy in Novem-
ber 2020, the opening lines reflected on the crea-
tion of the first offshore wind farm, Danish Vindeby,
and when Innovation Fund Denmark launched
its 2020 strategy announcing the InnoMissions,
the success of Danish public-private partnership
in wind energy delivery was highlighted as an
example worth emulating. Adapting, extending
and strengthening our partnership as the green
transition goes truly global is the next step for
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
The Annual agenda 2021 focuses on megatrends within wind
power, the development and renewal of the Danish public-private
partnership for wind energy systems and the coming demands for
research and innovation enabling Denmark maintain its global lead in
wind power while working with citizens and stakeholders to ensure
wind power that is both socially and environmentally sustainable.
In revising the megatrends identified in the 2017
annual agenda, Megavind identifies five megatrends
shaping the evolvement of wind energy in the coming
1. Energy Systems Transformation towards zero
carbon economy
is influencing all aspects of soci-
ety. From regulations to finance, consumer behav-
ior to innovation investments, sector coupling and
political frameworks.
2. Industrialisation 2030
through digitalisation,
modularised manufacturing and innovations in the
supply chain will drive competitiveness across the
value chain from first design to decommissioning.
3. Globalisation of markets and companies.
panies, including subcontractors, must adapt busi-
ness models to scale, to cater for a global supply
chain and adapt to demands for local content.
4. Financially responsible markets.
markets are altering the risk profile of wind power,
and the potential for new business models raises
issues about market design and regulations to
balance risk and benefits for both investors and
5. Social and environmental sustainability
is a key
megatrend for the wind energy and renewable
technologies industries more generally. Recycling
of turbine blades, sustainably circular wind farms
and a new dialogue around the co-existence of
renewable energy sources with ecosystems and
communities are called for.
A revitalised public-private part-
nership for wind energy systems
We need a revitalised and strength-
ened public-private collaboration
for the green transition. The current
public-private partnership in the wind
energy sector in Denmark has played
a major role in the success of wind
energy globally. To understand the
trajectory of this development, how it
should continue and where we need to
plot a new course, a summarising of its
constituent parts will be beneficial.
The renewed partnership should
maintain a shared mission, building on
a strong global position and outlook.
Public R&D support, including suitable
framework conditions for test facilities
and infrastructures is vital. This will re-
quire political vision and a willingness
to take risks to build on and extend
the holistic policy approach that has
characterised Denmark over the past
40 years.
A renewed engagement with the
public and vice versa will establish
a foundation for the future of wind
energy in Denmark. Dialogue based on
scientific evidence and a shared am-
bition to save the natural environment
and hinder climate change is called for.
Competences at all levels of exper-
tise are the lifeblood of the industry.
Colleges and universities should work
with stakeholders to maintain high
levels of education as well as encour-
aging entrepreneurship and nurturing
talent that can establish and scale new
wind energy companies in Denmark.
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
How do the megatrends and mission statements translate into
future research and innovation?
Wind power and other renewables have been given a mandate to
deliver green power underpinning an electrified energy system.
That trust carries obligations and a set of concrete challenges
that need to be addressed and overcome.
Four areas of research and innovation are outlined below.
Delivering gigawatts of wind power
to the green transition
WIND POWER and other renewables are
recognised as the future mainstay of elec-
tricity generation in Europe. The delivery of
gigawatts of wind power to fuel the green
transition is now a necessity.
1. Reduction of LCOE through turbine
and wind farm R&I.
2. Solutions for flexible, resilient and
secure energy infrastructure.
3. Improving security of supply through
innovative new materials and alleviat-
ing shortages of current materials.
4. Financial and market instruments
to improve the value of wind energy
including better market design and
incentives for investment in wind and
alternative energy systems.
Upscaling and industrialisation
enabling cost reductions
and balance upscaling as well as industri-
alisation across the value chain. This will
1. Models and simulation tools for mega
turbines, to alleviate the uncertainty
in design parameters.
2. Test methods and facilities capable
of assessing larger components or
enabling smart testing and increas-
ing the use of digital twins to reduce
physical testing requirements.
3. Design for the manufacturing and
operation of extremely large compo-
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
Sector coupling to increase value
of wind for companies and society
THE ELECTRIFICATION of society through
sector coupling is altering the technology
and market dynamics that wind power
operates in. This requires technology solu-
tions and infrastructure based on market
dynamics and energy systems.
1. P2X systems and their dynamic in-
teraction with wind energy units with
variable energy production.
2. Load and production pattern opti-
misation, planning and scheduling
with combined wind energy and P2X
3. R&I in optimal wind power plant/tur-
bine configuration based on future
energy system market systems.
4. Efficient, grid-supporting and reliable
short- and long-duration energy stor-
age solutions.
5. Methods to assess and plan infra-
structural impact.
Sustainability for people
and the natural environment
CIRCULARITY of wind farms and the con-
struction of a value chain for recycling and
reusing material goes hand in hand with
engagement with local communities
1. R&I of material substitution in wind
turbines, to increase recycled
content, to minimise environmental
impacts and to enable recycling of
waste streams.
2. R&I to create a market for recycling
manufacturing waste and end-of-use
wind turbines.
3. R&I to extend the operational lifetime
of wind turbines.
4. Development of wind farms in harmo-
ny with surrounding ecosystems and
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
The energy system and its role in society has changed significantly
over the past five years, since Megavind published its first annual
agenda that outlined four megatrends in wind energy.
2020 MARKED A watershed in the development of
the green transition. Global investments in renew-
able energy reached 0,5 trillion dollars; NextEra
overtook Exxon Mobile as the most valuable energy
company in the US while China, India and many oth-
er countries set dates for reaching net-zero carbon
emission by 2050-60. Financially, the challenge now
is to find sufficient green energy projects to match
the financial resources eager to bank on renewable
technologies and services. And the climate needs
these investments. According to the Global Wind
Energy Council, we must install 180GW wind power
globally every year to meet climate targets
The financial market’s appetite for wind and solar
energy is a consequence of the continued cost
reductions in these fields, as well as the increased
trust in both technologies and developers, which
in turn leads to lower costs of new project financ-
ing. These cost reductions must endure, and the
industry must pursue them through a combination
of upscaling and technology advancements as well
as industrialisation. Lower margins and the require-
ments to supply higher volumes exerts pressure
on the supply chain. The number of mergers and
acquisitions are increasing. At the same time,
climate technology venture capital has grown to be
a multi-billion-dollar business that creates a new
financial ecosystem for start-up entrepreneurs to
grow their ideas into businesses.
The financial markets and governments have
confidence in wind energy as a primary driver for
the electrification of society. That trust comes with
obligations and industry needs to deliver. But wind
power and other renewable technologies cannot
deliver a decarbonised system alone. The energy
system and society must respond and react as well.
In regions with a high share of wind and solar power,
operators are forced to accelerate plans to mod-
ernise or adapt the electrical grid to control chang-
ing load patterns and encourage flexible consump-
tion. Managing flexibility and market signals drives
demand for sector coupling solutions while policy
makers must adapt regulations and market design.
More renewables result in a larger environmental
footprint which increase the potential for clashes
between technology, the environment and people.
The developments outlined here called for a reflec-
tion on the megatrends that we defined in 2017.
Digitalisation, for example, has become fully incor-
porated in the industrialisation of wind energy, while
globalisation is more specifically linked to market
development and innovation requirements across
the value chain. Subsidy-free wind power was
highlighted as a megatrend in 2017 following the
zero-subsidy bids for offshore wind power that took
the entire industry and energy community by sur-
prise. Five years on, this is now seen as one aspect
of a broader issue regarding how we shape financial-
ly responsible markets. Energy system integration is
seen in the wider perspective of the energy system
transformation and the move from cost to value. And
finally, sustainability appears as a new megatrend.
Based on these factors, Megavind has identified
five megatrends that influence wind energy and its
interaction with the energy system and society. The
new megatrends reflect the growing importance of
wind power in the green transition and the wealth of
business opportunities and societal challenges that
the system transformation provides and poses into
the future.
1. Maturation, industrialisation
and globalisation
2. Subsidy-free wind power and
technology neutral tenders
3. Digitalisation
4. Energy Systems Integration
1. https://gwec.net/global-wind-power-growth-must-triple-over-next-decade-to-achieve-net-zero/
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
Megavind has identified five megatrends that influence wind power
and its interaction with the energy system and society.
Energy systems transformation
towards zero-carbon economy
The energy system transformation
towards zero-carbon economies
influences all aspects of socie-
ty. From regulations to finance,
consumer behavior to innovation
investments, sector coupling
and political frameworks. These
developments are perhaps best
summarised in the shift from LCOE
driven growth to energy system
development based on the tripar-
tite elements of cost reduction,
value creation and sustainability.
This trend is reflected in compa-
nies expanding their scope beyond
delivering turbines or wind farms to
providing emission-neutral renewa-
ble energy.
Industrialisation 2030
Digitalisation, modularised man-
ufacturing and innovations in the
supply chain will drive competitive-
ness across the value chain from
initial design to decommissioning.
Digital twins can reduce the need
for physical testing in the design
phase and will result in improved
real-time dates for operation and
management of assets; modular-
ised manufacturing and assembly
can allieviate barriers to turbine
upscaling, reducing the need for
ever-increasing logistical equip-
ment. Combined with standardised
procedures and components, the
next phase of industrialisation will
allow the industry to both scale and
reduce the cost of wind energy.
180GW annually installed capacity
wind power will be necessary to
meet climate targets. Countries
around the globe are banking on
wind energy not only to deliver
cheap and green electricity, but
simultaneously generate jobs and
growth. A noticeable characteristic
of wind energy is that it creates
both blue and white collar jobs
locally, and many countries are
inserting requirements into con-
tracts for
local content
local production, supply chain and
competence building to help boost
their economies. Danish-based
companies will need to adapt and
evolve to respond to these new de-
mands: how do you innovate novel
solutions enabling the scaling up of
the value chain in new geographical
areas? How do you tailor technolo-
gies and services for new markets?
Many companies will have to build
new business models that include
collaboration with companies in
the new markets to deliver local
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
Financially responsible
Wind energy operating in financial
markets will become the norm in
the coming decade. The change in
the risk profile of wind power and
the potential for new business mod-
els raises issues regarding market
design and regulations to balance
risk and benefits for both investors
and consumers. Companies are
addressing new requirements and
market signals to deliver reliable
energy sources by pivoting towards
hybrid and energy management
solutions. How will this change the
role of the citizens and consumers?
To achieve a just and fair transition,
regulators will play a critical role
in accelerating market framework
development to unlock the massive
interest from investors while bal-
ancing an equitable distribution of
advantages and disadvantages for
consumers and citizens alike.
Social and environmental
In 2017, sustainability was not
among the megatrends identified
by Megavind. Five years later, the
exclusion of sustainability as a key
megatrend for the wind energy sec-
tor is unthinkable, and for renewable
technologies in general. At the top
of the agenda is the recycling of
turbine blades, but improved solu-
tions towards sustainably circular
wind farms is the larger target and
the wind energy industry is com-
mitted to ambitious sustainability
goals. At the same time, a new di-
alogue around the co-existence of
renewable energy sources with the
natural environment and communi-
ties is called for. Onshore wind pow-
er deployment has almost come to
a standstill in some countries due
to local opposition or concerns
about the impact on ecosystems
and wildlife. Offshore tenders are
progressing, but wind power is
competing with fisheries, maritime
transport and other stakeholders
for space at sea.
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
This new age of the green transition calls for a range of technologies to be matured and
scaled up to enable a 100% decarbonised energy system by 2050. The scale, pace and
complexity of the actions required are breathtaking, but also offer immense opportunities
for all societal stakeholders. To seize the opportunities, public and private stakeholders will
have to work together if we are to achieve a decarbonised energy system in a rapid, equita-
ble, and cost-efficient manner.
A renewed public-private
partnership for the green transition
Denmark needs a renewed and strengthened
public-private collaboration for the green transition
and Danish wind energy offers important lessons
on its implementation. Building on the foundation
the Danish model for societal organisation,
public-private partnership that constitutes the wind
energy sector in Denmark has played a major role
in the success of wind energy globally. As we move
towards a renewed partnership that expands into
sector coupling and increases its global outlook, it
is therefore worthwhile summarising the constitu-
ent parts that made the partnership a success in
the past: to understand the trajectory that devel-
oped, in which direction it should continue and
where it is necessary to plot a new course to avoid
becoming trapped in outdated organisational forms
and processes.
the organisational foundations for these missions.
It is important to understand how different stake-
holders contribute to these partnerships and work
together to deliver on our shared ambition to curb
climate change.
A partnership of partnerships
The green mission of this decade – an electrified
energy system powered by renewables - requires
a partnership of partnerships. The partnerships
developed in technology silos such as wind power,
solar and hydrogen energy will collaborate with
other sectors to create an integrated energy
system. Megavind and its members will be actively
involved in these new partnerships and the wind
energy sector can contribute with its technological
know-how and experience in maintaining strong
partnerships for decades.
Partnership for an age of missions
In 2020, the Danish parliament called for Innovation
Fund Denmark to set up Innovation Missions (Inn-
oMissions). The success of wind energy was high-
lighted as an example to emulate. The InnoMissions
reflect a new global trend: from Bill Gates’ Mission
Innovation to the Mission concept for the new EU
Framework Programme for Research and Innova-
tion, to national and even local levels of initiative.
Tackling grand challenges is no longer enough; the
world is on a mission to create an energy system to
help curb global warming and we have 30 years to
deliver on that promise. Partnerships will be one of
A N N U A L R E S E A R C H A N D I N N O VAT I O N A G E N D A 2 0 2 1
KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
The Danish public-private partnership
in wind energy - The early phase
IN THE WAKE of the 1973 oil crisis, interest in wind
power increased among citizens, politicians, industry
and the research community. Denmark was not the
only country to see public, industrial and political in-
vestments in wind power during the 1970’s and on-
ward. The US, Germany, Holland, Belgium, the UK and
others were all active in the field. Yet Denmark was
uniquely successful, especially during the 1980’s
and 1990’s, where Danish turbine manufactures had
cornered up to 80-90% of the global market.
The foundations for this success have been widely
documented. They rest on a combination of social
attitudes, institutions, and the organisation of Dan-
ish society; sometimes referred to as ‘the Danish
model’. Public and private partners have a tradition
of working together to reach solutions that are
both pragmatic and innovative while allowing soci-
ety to grow and companies to prosper. This has not
been altogether frictionless over the past 40 years,
but the holistic approach has been key to sustain-
ing the development.
The stakeholders and their contribution to Danish
wind energy can be summarised in the following
2. This chapter draws on work from Peter Karnøe, Flemming Petersen and Henrik Bach Mortensen
Public ownership
and “license to
Approval system
and certification;
knowledge creation
Test & research
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
Public ownership and
the license to operate
SPURRED ON BY the energy crisis of 1973 and the
debate over which energy sources should power
Danish society in the future (nuclear, coal, gas or re-
newables) a popular movement consisting of grass-
root organisations, academics and engineers and
individual entrepreneurs helped pave the way for
Danish wind energy. The movement contributed in
four ways to the development of Danish wind pow-
er. Firstly, they promoted wind power in opposition
to the political establishment and the Danish utility
providers who had placed their bets on coal and
nuclear supply. Through a broad range of activities,
the movement created a license to operate power
sources independently that would eventually lead to
the introduction of the Danish Energy Plan of 1976.
Secondly, the movement consisted of people who
invested in wind turbines privately, thus enabling
the early Danish wind power pioneers to construct
and sell their first turbines. Thirdly, they generated
and disseminated knowledge about wind power
and how to construct and operate wind turbines.
Finally, they exerted pressure on turbine manufac-
tures to improve the quality of turbines to improve
safety and yield. The cooperatives that formed the
backbone of the popular movement would go on to
become the primary investor in Danish wind power.
At the height of the Danish cooperative wind energy
movement in the 1980’s, cooperatives in Denmark
owned a major part of Danish wind turbines.
1. Market support mechanisms
Since the late 1970’s and up to 2001,
Denmark had a continuous set of market
support mechanisms in place that created
a stable market for wind energy, both for
industry and investors. The absence of
stop-go market development observable
in other countries in the 1980’s and 1990’s
allowed Danish companies to survive the
early days of busts and booms synony-
mous with those periods. This was the re-
sult of an ongoing close dialogue between
the public and the private sector. Since
2001, shifting governments have chal-
lenged the aspect of state market support,
however the domestic market remains key
to the Danish wind energy sector.
The success of the market support mecha-
nisms is closely linked to the introduction of
a Danish approval and certification system
for wind turbines in 1979. The system set
a minimum standard for market quality of
new turbines that pushed manufacturers to
build more reliable machines. The reliability
of Danish turbines led to their success in
conquering a significant share of the largest
export markets in California and Germany.
The Danish standardisation system formed
the basis for international standards for
wind turbines. This gave Danish companies
a head start when international standards
were introduced since they already com-
plied with Danish standards. In addition,
because Risø test center was tasked
with administering the approval system,
researchers and industry had frequent in-
teractions. This resulted in research organ-
isations gaining first-hand knowledge and
interest in the challenges facing industry
while industry was exposed to the re-
search-based know-how that were largely
absent in production in the early days. This
synergy between research organisations
and industry was a distinctively Danish fea-
ture during the first decades compared to
other countries where academic research
remained far more insular from industry
2. Approval system and certification
Framework conditions and R&D
In a statement to the Danish Parliament in 1976
about the new energy law, then Minister of Energy
Erling Jensen stated that renewables such as wind
power and solar would require extensive research
and development over the coming decades to
contribute meaningfully to the Danish energy mix
by the turn of the century (i.e. 2000). The political
willingness to continuously create legislation and
invest the necessary resources into renewables
cannot be underestimated, when considering the
success of Danish wind energy. In the decades
that followed the 1976 energy law, the necessary
elements were put in place to translate these ambi-
tions into reality. Compared to other countries such
as Germany, the Netherlands and the US that fo-
cused heavily on R&I funding, the Danish approach
was, and is, characterised by a combined focus on
four key elements:
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 44: Henvendelse af 26/10-21 fra Wind Denmark om vindindustriens anbefalinger til morgendagens forskning, udvikling, test og demonstration (FUTD) - Rapporten 'Annual Research and Innovation Agenda 2021'
3. Test centers and facilities
The establishment of the test center for small
turbines at Risø in 1979 was, in essence, a
continuation of Poul La Cour’s work in the late
century. La Cour provided test, approval
and consultancy support to turbine develop-
ers, and the researchers at Risø started out
in a similar vein. In addition to providing test
facilities and managing the approval system,
the test center played a pivotal role in bring-
ing engineering and research know-how into
play in a sector that up till then was primarily
driven by machine manufactures with few or
no engineers employed in the early phase.
The Risø test center and the research groups
at universities were therefore crucial in two
ways. On the one hand, through the test and
approval system, the engineers at Risø acted
as consultants who, with a broad know-how
from their involvement with the entire industry,
thus improved knowledge circulation within the
sector. On the other, the groups were critical
in researching and developing software and
hardware solutions for the industry.
The innovations in wind energy were fund-
ed through several Danish and European
programs including funding for developing
and testing prototypes and 0-serie turbines.
Funding for wind energy R&D went predomi-
nantly to testing and development in the early
phase. However, from the end of the 1980’s
substantial funding for research in the dif-
ferent fields of wind energy was introduced.
The Danish approach was initially based on
a learning-by-doing incremental approach
that brought all actors into close contact and
enabled a positive knowledge exchange. This
contrasts with the approach in other countries
that saw very significant investments in ad-
vanced wind energy research combined with
costly, large-scale demonstration projects.
4. Public R&D support
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Entrepreneurship and industry
port were vital to the success of the wind energy
industry, but it was the entrepreneurship shown
by the individuals, groups and companies who de-
signed and constructed the turbines that would be
decisive. A retrospective look at what differentiated
the early wind industry from its international com-
petitors reveals three key elements to this success:
Small, robust and reliable turbines
Vestas, Bonus, Micon, Nordtank and Nordex were
machine manufacturing companies when they
eyed the chance for a new business avenue in
constructing wind turbines. Their approach to wind
turbine manufacturing was to deliver low-tech, ro-
bust solutions. By today’s standards these turbines
were heavy, simple machines, constructed with
little finesse when it came to aerodynamic proper-
ties. But they were reliable and reasonably safe and
with an early domestic market already in place and
a later Californian market coming onstream, the
Danish turbine manufacturers were a success..
Learning-by-doing low tech approach
Photographs from Danish wind energy history in
the 1970’s and 80’s are full of people climbing
on turbines, testing the turbine blade’s structural
capacity by loading sandbags onto it, or conduct-
ing repairs on the small nacelles. These are images
of a learning-by-doing approach that character-
ised the first decades of wind power in Denmark.
Compared to the expensive, high-tech, large-scale
approach in other countries, the Danish method
allowed both industry and research organisations
to collect substantial data and personal experience
from the turbine operations at a much lower cost.
The story of Danish wind power contains stories of
family feuds and conflicts between individuals, but
the overall picture is one of collaboration. Employ-
ees moved back and forth between competing
companies and because of the then popular skep-
ticism surrounding wind power’s contribution to
the Danish energy system, there existed a strong
sense of community among people in the busi-
ness. This collaboration also extended to interac-
tions between public and private organisations,
which have grown in size and importance over the
last ten years.
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A renewed partnership
for wind powered energy systems
Wind power today is a different technology and a different business than it was 20, 30 or 40
years ago, but the core attitude of Danish wind power remains. Denmark has maintained a
significant wind industry and domestic market and the country is arguably the leading R&D
hub for wind power in the world. What should we retain and what must change to maintain a
strong public-private partnership in the coming decades?
Megavind has identified a set of characteristics for a renewed Danish partnership.
Shared mission in the wind energy
community and beyond
We are on a mission to save the world from dis-
astrous climate change and to build and maintain
successful companies to achieve this goal. In com-
petition with other regional wind energy hubs, Den-
mark must continue its tradition of collaboration to
remain competitive. If we compete on investments,
we lose. Smarter investment models for research
and test infrastructures that continue to leverage
both public and private resources, coordination of
new industry standards and a shared responsibility
to educate, train and attract talent are all significant
elements required.
jects as well as the demonstration of new solutions.
This in turn attracts companies from around the
world and creates strong vocational and academic
institutions to train engineers and scientists.
Test centers and facilities
Global outlook
Wind energy is a global business, and a Danish
partnership needs to orient itself towards global
challenges and opportunities. The Danish wind
power hub is closely connected with neighboring
countries around the North Sea, but also interna-
tionally through the network of companies and re-
search institutions. Acquisition and mergers create
stronger companies, but there is also a significant
potential for smaller Danish companies to expand
if they can adapt to the megatrends outlined earlier
in this report.
Denmark boasts some of the finest test facilities in
the world, but a new generation are required if we
want companies to retain their R&D in Denmark.
The blade test facility at Blaest or the facilities at
LORC need to be upgraded to accommodate the
growing size of turbines. Increasing the size of
some test facilities is one possibility, but there is
also genuine potential for new types of test sys-
tems. These include innovative test and measure-
ment systems that combine virtual and physical
testing, test facilities for modular manufacturing,
and geographical test zones for new forms of ener-
gy system management and customer relations to
enable the further testing of wind power and hybrid
power systems.
Public ownership and the
climate/environment movement
Public R&D support
Continued public support for research and innova-
tion remains vital for the Danish wind energy sector.
This should include both national funding and the
coordination of funding with other countries to
utilise national strengths as well as Danish compa-
nies’ presence in other countries. Public support
allows collaboration on high-risk, high-rewards pro-
Cooperative ownership of wind farms in Denmark
has declined from 80% at its height to 20% today.
This shift from community to investor-owned wind
farms and the ever-increasing size of turbines has
fueled public opposition to wind energy in Denmark
and elsewhere. This opposition must be addressed.
The establishment of the Co-Existence Lab by
WindDenmark and Dansk Energi is a concrete
example of ways to foster constructive dialogues
concerning the balance between renewable en-
ergy, environmental protection and social accept-
3. https://www.danskenergi.dk/sites/danskenergi.dk/files/media/dokumenter/2021-06/Forstaeelsespapir-CO-EX-Lab.pdf in Danish only
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Entrepreneurship and education
Developing megawatt turbines is a billion dollar in-
vestment and leaves little room for individual entre-
preneurship. Nonetheless, the business needs the
innovators and disruptors and there is still plenty of
room for entrepreneurs to innovate new solutions
and services. Schools and universities are edu-
cating skilled young women and men, but perhaps
we need to promote more entrepreneurship and
a go-do-it attitude in the wind energy sector. We
need the facilities, the educational programmes
and an interaction between academia and industry
that encourages new start-up companies or future
employees with the skills and attitude to make a
difference. The good news is that investors are
pouring into climate tech and are hungry for new
companies to scale.
Political visions and willingness
to invest and risk
Danish politicians must maintain a vision and a
willingness to translate that vision into effective
framework conditions to ensure our global lead in
wind power. If there is one lesson learned from the
last 40 years, then it is the importance of maintain-
ing a holistic approach: enabling and supporting
future infrastructures; maintaining an offshore and
onshore market; ensuring efficient planning pro-
cedures and the right market incentives; fostering
world-class research and innovation; and enabling
an electrical infrastructure capable of managing a
very high penetration of wind and solar power. The
current endeavors in hydrogen are an area where
those learnings can be applied.
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How do the megatrends and the missions translate into future
research and innovation?
WIND POWER AND other renewables have been
entrusted the mandate to deliver green power as
the cornerstone of an electrified energy system.
That trust brings obligations and a set of concrete
challenges that need to be overcome.
FIRST and foremost, thousands of gigawatts of
wind power will need to be delivered in the com-
ing decade. How do we ensure the right balance
between the pace and cost of this expansion? New
metrics for assessing best business models in
different markets and locations, improved under-
standing of market dynamics and financial models,
better infrastructure planning and awareness of the
raw material supply chain will be key elements in
achieving targets.
SECONDLY, the economic feasibility of a massive
expansion of wind power requires new methods
of increasing the value of wind through sector
coupling and wind power technology innovations.
Understanding the dynamic interaction between
power2x equipment with variable production units
must be addressed to reduce the cost of power2x.
There will be no green hydrogen without cheap
electrons from wind power. At the same time,
research into market dynamics and methods to as-
sess and plan infrastructure impact and optimised
production patterns are also needed.
THIRDLY, the upscaling in volume and scale,
combined with the globalised market, challenges
the entire value chain from developers to subcon-
tractors. Designing, manufacturing, transporting,
installing, operating and eventually decommis-
sioning turbines up to 15MW and more is pushing
current equipment, model and simulation tools to
their limits.
FOURTHLY, we need solutions to address the envi-
ronmental and social sustainability of wind energy.
New materials to minimise waste must go hand in
hand with innovations to create markets for recy-
cling turbine waste and solutions that extend the
operational lifetime of turbines. At the same time,
wind power enjoys broad public support in general,
but opposition locally when new wind farms are
installed. This is a paradox that must be addressed.
FINALLY, the green transition is powered by people.
Denmark faces its own challenges in this regard,
but this is first and foremost a global challenge:
to educate a qualified work force and to retrain
those transitioning from the oil and gas industry.
Countries will take different approaches to these
particular challenges, but Danish R&I can help by
enabling synergies in Danish projects with compa-
ny competences based in other countries.
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Delivering gigawatts of wind
power to the green transition
Competences and framework for the green transition
WIND POWER AND other renewables
are recognised as the future cor-
nerstone of electricity generation in
Europe. Now is the time to deliver Giga-
watts of wind power to fuel the green
transition. The wind energy sector can
play its part through sweeping indus-
trialisation measures in its value chain,
continued cost reductions as well as
increased value of wind power through
R&I. But the access to raw materials
and a flexible and speedy regulatory
framework including market design
must also be in place. Achieving these
goals is not only important for wind
power. The entire electrification of our
society is premised on the availability
of cheap and abundant clean electrons
from wind and solar energy. There will
be no competitive green hydrogen
without cheap wind power.
These challenges call for research in four
1. Reduction of LCOE
through classical wind energy research areas
(meteorology, aerodynamics, dynamics, materi-
als, grid integration), focus on further reduction
of LCOE and retaining the competitive strength
of the Danish Energy Hub. It represents the
foundation of the Danish R&D hub in wind pow-
er and is a unique strength in the public-private
Recent years have seen very little investment in
research to increase the flexibility and resil-
ience of our energy infrastructure. This must be
addressed if we are to achieve 100% renewable
penetration without increasing the number
of high-voltage additional power lines. The
research in infrastructure should also include
regulatory test zones for developing 100%
renewable-based local and regional systems.
Improve security of supply through innovating
new materials to alleviate shortages of current
materials. Optimised design to reduce material
use or waste and the use of novel materials is a
priority, and is directly linked to the sustainabil-
ity agenda.
Research and innovation to improve the value
of investing in renewables is required. The
same is true of analysis and solutions in market
design to identify and understand efficient
incentives for investments in wind power and
energy systems.
2. Infrastructure
3. Availability of raw materials
4. Financial and market instruments
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Upscaling and industrialisation
to achieve cost reductions
UPSCALING IS A consistent feature
of wind power, but as we move from
achieving price parity with legacy fuels
to delivering gigawatts of wind power
the entire value chain must balance the
demands of upscaling and industriali-
sation. 180GW annually installed wind
power capacity will not be achieved
without increased levels of industriali-
sation in the wind energy sector. In ad-
dition to accelerating production and
deployment, industrialisation also pro-
vides new avenues for significant cost
reductions. But so do larger turbines.
Finding the right balance to avoid the
loss of the benefits that the upscaling
of turbines and wind farms provide,
through the roadblocks this creates
for efficient industrialisation (as larger
turbines requires larger installation
vessels, larger furnaces for cast iron
components etc.) will be a necessary
area of focus in the future too.
Megavind sees three core areas of research
and innovation to pursue in this regard.
1. Models and simulation tools
for mega turbines.
The physics of larger turbines and wind farms
are insufficiently captured by current design
tools. Research and innovation to develop and
adapt models and simulation tools to alleviate
the uncertainty in design parameters will be a
major driver for cost efficient upscaling.
capable of engaging with larger components
or enabling smart testing and increasing the
use of digital twins to reduce physical testing
requirements. This allows for innovations in
areas including AI, additive manufacturing and
test equipment and tools.
Upscaling of onshore and offshore wind tur-
bines poses new challenges in relation to the
design, production, transport and installation of
very large components. A wide range of innova-
tion opportunities are already being pursued by
Danish companies, but many more exist.
2. Test methods and facilities
3. Design for manufacturing and operation.
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System integration
and sector coupling
Increased value of wind energy for companies
and society through sector coupling
through sector coupling and the high-
er renewable energy penetration is
changing the technology and market
dynamics that wind power is operat-
ing within. It is therefore necessary
to research and innovate technology
solutions based on market dynamics
and to understand and develop the
energy infrastructure for electrons and
molecules to facilitate the integration
of large amounts of additional renewa-
ble energy sources.
At the same time, the opportunity to
produce and use electricity directly
through combined wind power and
power2x facilities could remove the
need for connection to traditional
electrical infrastructures. This will dra-
matically reduce the cost of turbines
by removing expensive components
that are required for compliance with
the electricity grid.
A 100% renewable energy system with
superior grid stability and high security
of supply requires research and inno-
vation of processes and technologies
to enable short- and long-durational
energy storage as well as the reliable
provision of ancillary services.
Megavind recommends research
and innovation in the following areas:
1. Wind power & P2X interaction
Power2x systems and their dynamic interaction
with wind energy units with variable energy
production. This includes stand-alone systems,
and technology innovations in turbine and wind
farm technologies to increase capacity factors.
Reaping the full benefit of new systems also
requires load and production pattern optimisa-
tion, planning and scheduling with combined
wind energy and power2x systems.
R&I in optimal wind power plant/turbine config-
uration based on future energy system market
systems that will use hydrogen ammoniac sys-
tems to provide integrated storage capacity.
Efficient, grid-supporting and reliable short-
and long-duration energy storage solutions
enabling high renewable energy penetration
with favourable supply profiles.
New methods to assess and plan infrastructure
impact are called for.
2. Optimisation & planning
3. Wind power plant configuration
4. Storage solutions
5. Infrastructure planning
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Photo courtesy of NWC
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Technology’s co-existence
with people and nature
BY SCALING UP to deliver GWs of wind
power, the wind industry has the po-
tential to provide renewable energy to
help the world decarbonize in the face
of the climate crisis. However, the next
generation of wind turbines and wind
farm sites, while drawing on natural
resources, will impact their surround-
ings. Wind power can develop as a
truly sustainable energy choice within
a future circular economy if technol-
ogies are designed and introduced
in harmony with the environment and
surrounding communities.
Sustainable development of the
wind industry requires a holistic view
of interconnected value chains and
ecosystems that only comes from
strong partnerships, both busi-
ness-to-business and public-to-pri-
vate. Strong partnerships start with
shared understanding and purpose.
Denmark’s public and private sectors
share a common vision of sustainable
growth based on the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. Further embed-
ding these global goals into the wind
power industry requires a closer look
at the road ahead: what is the starting
point, what is the desired destination,
what mechanisms can be implement-
ed to accelerate the industry in its
effort to grow in a sustainable way,
and how will progress be measured?
Megavind recommends the following
research and innovation focus areas,
where Denmark can play a significant
role in enhancing the environmental
and social sustainability of wind power
developments through public-private
1. R&I of material substitution in wind tur-
bines, to increase recycled content, to
minimise environmental impacts and to
enable recycling of waste streams.
This includes reducing emissions by developing
alternative materials to avoid virgin raw mate-
rial and make separation and recycling easier.
Research into assessment of environmental
impacts of materials to avoid toxic or scarce
materials is also needed.
2. R&I to create a market for recycling man-
ufacturing waste and end-of-use wind
including efficient recycling process-
es and new products that incorporate recycled
A fact-based approach should be taken, and
recycling solutions should be environmentally
sustainable (based on life-cycle assessment or
similar), cost-efficient and capable of handling
large volumes of waste on a global scale. This
includes developing facilities and equipment to
process the waste streams as well as support-
ing the development of products/industries
that incorporate recycled materials.
3. R&I to extend the operational lifetime of
wind turbines
including leading edge protec-
tion for blades, service and maintenance solu-
tions and new monitoring systems for turbines.
4. Develop wind farms in harmony with sur-
rounding ecosystems and communities.
Research and innovative solutions to enable
better interaction between developers, public
authorities and local communities is a key area
for future R&I activities. Research and partner-
ship building to address wind farms effects on
ecosystems both onshore and offshore is also
imperative to address potential environmental
impacts of wind farms.
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Wind Denmark – Megavind
Vesterbrogade 1C, 2nd floor
DK-1620 København V
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