Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2021-22
KEF Alm.del Bilag 23
The Danish Government’s response to the European Commission’s
consultation on the communication concerning restoring sustainable carbon
The Danish Government’s key priorities for
the Commission’s Communication on restoring sustainable
carbon cycles
Development of a robust and transparent regulatory framework for certification of carbon remov-
Further integration of CO
removals from negative emissions technologies and nature-based solu-
tions in EU climate policy to incentivise their development and deployment.
Including negative emissions technologies in the Emissions Trading System could effectively cre-
ate better economic incentives for the technologies, which do not exist today.
Certification of carbon removals could pave the way for new business models for farmers and for-
esters etc., thus for example improving incentives for farmers to enhance carbon sinks and reser-
voirs in soils and forests.
Substantial removals of CO
from the atmosphere are needed to reach Member
States’ individual climate targets, the
climate target for 2030 of reducing net
greenhouse gas emissions by at
least 55 pct. as well as the EU’s objective of
coming climate neutral by 2050.
The Commission’s communication on restoring sustainable carbon cycles need to
be future-proof. It is therefore necessary that the Commission in its upcoming com-
munication focus on creating a system for certification of carbon removals, which
covers both nature-based and technological solutions. A robust and transparent cer-
tification system is a precondition for implementing effective policies that create
strong incentives for CO
Incentives for carbon dioxide removals for land managers
There is a need for initiatives that directly incentivise sustainable carbon manage-
ment for land managers, such as farmers and foresters, with the aim to conserve and
enhance sinks and reservoirs in soils and forests. This is particularly urgent with the
increased ambition in the LULUCF sector as decided in the European climate law
and the proposed amending of the LULUCF regulation. In addition, new tools such
as applying biochar from pyrolysis to soils must be encouraged and accounted for.
An EU methodology to certify carbon dioxide removals at the level of farmers could
enable policies incentivising the sustainable management of carbon stocks in agri-
cultural soils, e.g. through the CAP or by means of a new market mechanism. The
environmental integrity of such solutions should be ensured by robust and transpar-
ent carbon accounting to monitor and verify the authenticity of carbon removals and
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KEF, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 23: Orientering om dansk høringssvar óm ny EU-handlingsplan fra Kommissionen om genopretning af bæredygtige kulstofcyklusser
Integrating negative emissions technologies in the Emissions Trading System
While natural sinks can deliver significant removals, technological solutions for car-
bon capture and storage (CCS) delivering negative emissions will also play a signif-
icant role in the efforts to reach national climate targets as well as
the EU’s objective
of climate neutrality by 2050. Negative emissions can be achieved through, for ex-
ample, the use of bioenergy with CCS (BECCS) or from direct air capture of CO
(DACCS). Developments of BECCS is noted in several Member States, but currently
there are lacking economic incentives to deploy these technologies.
Consequently, the Commission is encouraged to present policy options for further
incentivising the development and deployment of these technologies. A special at-
tention should be paid to the possibility of integrating negative emissions in the Emis-
sions Trading System (ETS), which could effectively create better economic incen-
tives for investing in negative emissions technologies. This could be achieved by
allocating allowances to installations that generate negative emissions through CCS
based on robust monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) in the ETS. In this light,
a regulatory framework for carbon removals should complement and be closely in-
terlinked with current climate policies in the EU.
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