Statement on Ukraine by the IPU Executive
Sat, 26/02/2022 - 16:04
A suburb of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, where a military shell allegedly hit, on February 25,
2022. Daniel LEAL / AFP
Dubai, UAE, 26 February 2022
We stand with the people of Ukraine. We express solidarity with our parliamentary brothers and
sisters from the Verkhovna Rada, the Ukrainian parliament, a fully-fledged Member of the IPU
since 1999.
We, the members of the
IPU Executive Committee,
condemn in the strongest possible terms the
Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine. It must stop now.
We condemn this blatant violation of the territorial integrity of a sovereign state and of
internationally recognized borders. The attack on Ukraine is also an attack on freedom, democracy,
the rule of law, peace and security. It is a flagrant violation of international law including the UN
Charter and the Geneva Conventions.
We deplore the catastrophic loss of life and human suffering, especially for the displaced people,
including women and children, desperately trying to find somewhere safe for their families. We fear
the devastating consequences for the people of Ukraine in particular but also for the people of the
Russian Federation and the whole world.
We are especially concerned about the impact of the invasion on the women and girls of Ukraine.
Armed conflict has a disproportionate impact on women and girls with greater risks of sexual
violence and other forms of human rights abuse. We also emphasize that women are key to peace,
and they must have meaningful participation in the resolution of conflict and post-conflict socio-
economic recovery.