United Nations
Distr.: General
31 March 2022
Original: English
General Assembly
Seventy-sixth session
Agenda item 128
Interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments
and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Interaction between the United Nations, national
parliaments and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Report of the Secretary-General
I. Introduction
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution
the present report reflects on
the interaction between the United Nations, national parliaments and the
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). That interaction promises to provide a solid
foundation for the advancement of common objectives across the spectrum of United
Nations mandates and activities. The report, which is the sixth of its kind, provides
an overview of critical areas in which the collaboration between the United Nations
and parliaments has advanced shared objectives. More than two years on, the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have profound global
impacts. Parliaments and parliamentary alliances have proven to be vital partners in
efforts to address the socioeconomic consequences of the pandemic, as well as its
implications for human rights. They have played an active role in developing
emergency legislation, enacting laws, refining national regulatory frameworks,
approving public budgets and enhancing the accountability of Governments,
including fulfilment of human rights obligations and political commitments.
The pandemic has reversed some of the hard-won gains in the implementation
of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The number of people living in
extreme poverty has increased sharply, gender gaps in labour markets have widened,
and income and wealth inequalities – both within and between countries – have risen.
In this context, parliaments worldwide are playing an important role in helping
Member States to scale up their responses and make up for setbacks in achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals.
The General Assembly, in resolution
recognized the role played by
national parliaments and IPU in the response to the pandemic and recovery efforts.
The Assembly also recognized the role of the IPU Standing Committee on United
Nations Affairs in providing a platform for regular interaction between parliamentarians
and United Nations officials, including on advancing the 2030 Agenda.
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