Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 77
Mrs Ursula von der Leyen,
President of the European Commission
Mr Charles Michel,
President of the European Council
Mr Jens Stoltenberg,
NATO Secretary General
We, Chairs of our respective parliament’s Committees, strongly condemn the ongoing Lukashenko regime
hybrid attack at the Eastern borders of the EU and NATO. In retaliation to existing EU sanctions, the
illegitimate Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has been instrumental in creating an artificial
migration route and cynically exploiting migrants in his attempts to destabilise Poland, Lithuania and Latvia,
and the entire European Union, to force the EU to lift the sanctions imposed on his regime.
We acknowledge the efforts of the European Commission to find responses to the migration crisis created
on the external borders and engage in talks with third countries to stem the flow of migrants to Belarus, from
where in turn, they are to be used as part of Lukashenko regime’s hybrid warfare tactics. Since spring 2021,
we have observed and adapted to the evolving attack by the Lukashenko regime on the EU by orchestrating
intense migrant flows to the borders of Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland with Belarus. The recent escalation
near the Polish-Belarusian border has changed the security situation, creating severe humanitarian and
security challenges to the EU. It demands decisive and joint action to counter the crisis.
Today, despite international efforts of the democratic community and the work done on the ground to
physically defend Europe’s frontiers, thousands of illegal migrants are still planning or already on their way
to travel to Minsk to then attempt to enter the EU and NATO territories illegally.
Suppose the regime and Belarus refuse to respect its international obligations and commitments, undermine
the peace and security of Europe, and continue to repress and abuse people seeking nothing more than to
live in freedom. In that case, we will continue to pressure Lukashenko and those supporting his regime, and
will not lessen our calls for accountability and continue to draw the international community’s attention.
Developments on the EU border indicate a need to consider how to best adapt the existing legal framework
to the new realities to enable us to adequately address attempts of instrumentalisation of illegal migration
for political purposes and other hybrid threats. No third party – be it a country or supra-national groups –
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 77: Kopi af UPN alm. del - bilag 41: Open letter on Lukashenko regime attack on EU and NATO states
should be able to make use of the EU’s migration and asylum system to exert pressure and blackmail the
EU and its Member States. We need to respond with appropriate tools and measures to let us avoid rather
than deal with the grave consequences of these hybrid attacks and the suffering and indignity caused by the
cynical use of human lives for political purposes.
We call for sanctions on all Belarusian airports and ask that Belarus be declared a no-fly zone, and,
accordingly, for sanctions on all international airlines that breach this ban and continue to assist in the
inhuman instrumentalisation of illegal migration. Furthermore, if third countries airlines continue to engage
in these illicit activities, the EU and its partners should sanction these airlines in their territories.
We call on our allies and our Western partners to take action to prevent the hybrid aggression of Lukashenko
and to investigate if and to what extent third countries are involved in supporting the Lukashenko regime’s
illegal activities. This requires taking the appropriate measures to engage internationally to ensure that those
who seek to attack Europe by weaponising human misery know that the border will be defended. The tragic
plight of migrants on the border is part of Lukashenko’s mission to distract, provoke and intimidate.
We reiterate the importance of swift adaptation of the EU legal framework and developing tools underpinned
by adequate financial support to ensure a solid response to counter the instrumentalisation of illegal
migration and other hybrid threats.
We call for a broader inquiry into the wider scale of the plans of which these hybrid tactics are part of and
consider who and why may be engaged in the artificial creation of a crisis by stoking fears and inciting
political and social unrest via several tactics, thus undermining the legitimacy and therefore the resilience
of the EU and NATO. We invite talks at the highest level and would endorse a United Nations Security
Council engagement regarding the tactics of weaponised migration and hybrid warfare on the external
border of the European Union and NATO.
We call to initiate international trial process including universal jurisdiction for convicting Alexander
Lukashenko and members of his regime personally for the crimes committed against the people of Belarus
on a massive scale also we call to consider bringing the case of Belarus to the International Court of Justice
on the basis of the violations of the Chicago Convention, the Montreal Convention and the UN Convention
against Torture committed by Lukashenka’s regime.
There is a need for a systemic, coordinated response that boosts our resilience, a strictly focused economic
and diplomatic effort on the part of the EU to reign in any attempts against the bloc, and there is an urgent
need for the development of countermeasures to deter future provocations or attempts to sow distrust and
discord among us.
Mr Pavel Fischer
Foreign Affairs, Defence and
Security Committee
Czech Republic
Mr Zsolt Németh
Committee on Foreign Affairs
National Assembly
Ms Anita Czerwińska
Deputy Chairperson
Committee on European Union
The Sejm
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 77: Kopi af UPN alm. del - bilag 41: Open letter on Lukashenko regime attack on EU and NATO states
Mr Martin Lidegaard
The Foreign Policy Committee
Mr Charlie Flanagan
Foreign Affairs and Defence
House of the Oireachtas
Mr Rihards Kols
Foreign Affairs Committee
The Saeima
Ms Vita Anda Terauda
European Affairs Committee
The Saeima
Mr �½ygimantas Pavilionis
Foreign Affairs Committee
The Seimas
Ms Radvilė Morkūnaite-
European Affairs Committee
The Seimas
Mr Bogdan Klich
Foreign and European Union
Affairs Committee
The Senate
Mr Marek Kuchciński
Foreign Affairs Committee
The Sejm
Mr Titus Corlățean
Foreign Affairs Committee
Ms Rozalia-Ibolya Biró
Committee of Foreign Affairs
Chamber of Deputies
Mr Marián Kéry
Foreign Affairs Committee
National Council
Slovak Republic
Ms Monika Gregorčič
Committee on Foreign Policy
National Assembly
Mr Pau Marí Klose MP
Foreign Affairs Committee
Congress of Deputies
Mr Marko Mihkelson
Foreign Affairs Committee
The Riigikogu
Mr Siim Kallas
European Union Affairs
The Riigikogu
Mr David McAllister
Committee on Foreign Affairs
European Parliament
Mr Christian Cambon
Foreign Affairs and Defence
Mr Jean-Louis Bourlanges
Foreign Affairs Committee
National Assembly
Mr Norbert Röttgen
Foreign Affairs Committee
Mr Oleksandr Merezhko
Committee on Foreign Policy and
Interparliamentary Cooperation
The Verkhovna Rada
Mr Tom Tugendhat
Foreign Affairs Committee
House of Commons
United Kingdom