Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 663
Joint appeal of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Ukraine's Integration
into the European Union, the Committee of Foreign Affairs and Inter-
Parliamentary Cooperation and the Committee on Humanitarian and
Information Policy to the national parliaments of the EU and NATO
Member States, to the European Parliament, Parliamentary Assemblies of
the Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE and the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Russian propaganda which has replaced all the mass media in Russia presents
imminent threat also to other democratic countries, where it is misusing the
freedom of speech, trying to jeopardize their security and attacking the key values
of freedom and democracy.
The propaganda is not aimed at disseminating objective information and is a
dangerous weapon in hands of the Russian totalitarian regime. Its goal is to
distort public and personal awareness of citizens
through obvious lies and
manipulations which harm inevitably individual and collective mental health,
promote hatred and systematically use the language of hostility and call for
Russian propaganda is an essential part of the war machine exploited by Russia
as a physiological and information weapon against Ukraine and the whole
democratic world, trying to avoid accountability for its aggressive foreign politics
violating fundamental provisions and principles of the international law. Its
purpose is to deny all responsibility for war crimes committed in Ukraine and to
justify the war aimed at eliminating independent Ukrainian state and the
Ukrainian people.
Russian propaganda has been dehumanising Ukrainians for years and began to
encourage the genocide of the Ukrainian people and to justify such genocide.
Without such propaganda machine fuelled with hatred the genocide committed
by the terrorist state would not be possible.
Such instruments of informational terrorism as aggressive war propaganda,
distortion of historical truth, substitution of concepts, dissemination of
threats, outright and hidden lies, which were exploited by Russian propagandists,
cannot be allowed in a democratic society merely by using pluralism as the cover.
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 663: Fælles appel fra det ukrainske parlamentet m.fl. vedr. russisk propaganda i medierne
We call on democratic countries to ignore activities organised taken by the
Russian authorities on the occupied territories with regard to press conferences
where Russia tries in every way to justify its own crimes against the civilian
population of Ukraine by inventing fake facts and using fabricated evidences and
dummy witnesses.
Russian propaganda and Russian mass media should be completely banned in
all democratic countries. Media outlets controlled by the Russian criminal regime
for a long time have not observed any ethical and professional journalistic
standards, their employees are not journalists, and such outlets cannot be
qualified as mass media. Russia uses mass media only as a cover for the
achievement of its aggressive political goals.
Russian propagandists should be prosecuted as they are directly responsible
for the war propaganda and hatred promoted against Ukraine and other
democratic countries. The assets and property of Russian propagandists should
be confiscated and handed over to victims of ’Russia's aggressive war against
We call for stronger sanctions against Russian institutions involved in the
creation of fake, propaganda, manipulation in the mass media, and extended
sanctions on those involved in developing and disseminating them, as well as on
members of their families.
We call on international media not to cooperate with the former employees of
Russian propagandistic media and not to expose hereby your audiences to the risk
of becoming a target of Russians psychological influence.
We call to stop broadcasting Russian media through satellite communication
systems since they are used by the Russian Federation exclusively for achieving
aggressive political economic and military goals, entirely ignoring the nneed to
comply with journalistic standards of ethics. We call on satellite communication
providers to engage Ukrainian broadcasters instead.
We call on all mass media to stop the dissemination of Russian propaganda
narratives and not to provide Russian propagandists with a platform for
distribution of lies and fakes. We call on social networks administrators, video
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 663: Fælles appel fra det ukrainske parlamentet m.fl. vedr. russisk propaganda i medierne
hosts and other media platforms to stop the dissemination of Russian fakes and
propaganda, make additional efforts to verify information published in such
resources, to reveal Russian lies and manipulations and not to promote mass
spreading by Russian propaganda and its agents of the language of hostility and
calls for violence.