Danish consultation response to the European Commission’s
Implementing Regulation laying down a list of specific high-value
datasets and the arrangements for their publication and re-use
Danish comments to the public consultation
16. juni 2022
The Danish Government supports the Implementing Regulation and the Com-
mission’s aim of making public data of highest socio-economic potential made
available for re-use with harmonized re-use conditions. High value datasets
(HVD) are key drivers to establishing an internal market for data and for making
the EU a leader in a data-driven economy and society. Nevertheless, we propose
some amendments to the Implementing Regulation and Annex.
General comments
Existing documents
Article 1 states that the Implementing Regulation establishes a list of high-value
datasets held by public sector bodies among the existing documents to which the
Open Data Directive applies. We recommend that it is emphasized in the pream-
ble of the Implementing Regulation that the regulation does not impose on Mem-
ber States to collect and make available data that is not currently held by public
sectors bodies within the Member State.
E.g., some of the statistical datasets described in the Annex are only published via
Eurostat and not by Statistics Denmark (the national statistics authority). We as-
sume that it is sufficient for the national statistics authority to provide links to the
datasets published by Eurostat, and that they are not required to create new da-
tasets, cf. the above paragraph.
Further, we encourage a more thorough explanation of Article 4(2), particular the
expectations to the data responsible authorities that exhibits historical data today.
Requirement to HVD-dataset
We suggest a clarification of whether the requirements to existing datasets cur-
rently implemented based on the regulations mentioned both in the preamble text
and in the Annex are regarded as sufficient for such datasets. If there are require-
ments that go beyond the existing regulations, it could potentially have significant
financial consequences, and should be more prominent in the text. This interpre-
tation issue has been a cause of general concern in Denmark, particularly with re-
gard to the relation between INSPIRE and HVD-requirements.
In both the Implementing Regulation and the accompanying Annex requirements
for data, documentation, description and publishing of data could be interpreted