Europaudvalget 2021-22
EUU Alm.del Bilag 341
24 February 2022 No XIV-930
The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania,
on the obligations of all States under the Charter of the United Nations (hereinafter: the
‘Charter’) to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial
integrity or political independence of any State, and to settle their international disputes by peaceful
the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, signed in
Helsinki on 1 August 1975, the Memorandum on Security Assurances in Connection with Ukraine’s
Accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (Budapest Memorandum) of 5
December 1994, the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the
Russian Federation of 31 May 1997, and other international agreements,
that eight years ago, the Russian Federation violated the these treaties and obligations
assumed thereunder and carried out the occupation and annexation of part of the territory of Ukraine,
namely, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, through the use of military
having regard
to the fact that this act of aggression was condemned by the United Nations
General Assembly on 27 March 2014 under Resolution 68/262, which expressed support for
Ukraine’s sovereignty and the integrity of its territory and affirmed the commitment of the United
Nations to recognising Crimea as part of the territory of Ukraine,
that, while ignoring the legitimate expectations of Ukraine and the international
community concerning the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, the Russian Federation has
not only continued its occupation and annexation of Crimea, but has also carried out acts of
destabilisation in the east of Ukraine,
that the Russian Federation has once again flagrantly violated international law and
international agreements, including the Minsk agreements, by the signing by the President of the
Russian Federation, on 21 February 2022, of decrees recognising the territories controlled by the
armed groups created by Russia in the Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Luhansk,
having regard
to the unprecedented amassing of the armed forces of the Russian Federation on
the borders of Ukraine and the open military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine
and its people, which began on 24 February 2022,
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 341: Brev fra formanden for det litauiske parlament til Folketingets formand vedr. krigen i Ukraine
pointing out
that Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine is being carried out with the aim
of seizing control of this state and overthrowing the legitimately elected Ukrainian government,
these actions of the Russian Federation as part of the Russian Federation’s policy
pursued since 2008 and targeting its neighbouring countries that have chosen the path of freedom,
democracy and rapprochement with the EU or NATO,
that the Russian Federation has already carried out the occupation of part of the
territories of Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine and is currently carrying out the further occupation of
Ukraine and the creeping annexation of Belarus,
pointing out
the active involvement of Alexander Lukashenko’s regime in the Russian
Federation’s strategy of aggression against Ukraine and the amassing of Russian troops on the
territory of Belarus,
being convinced
that the actions of the Russian Federation have a significant negative impact
not only on the security of the EU and NATO, in particular, of its eastern members; but also on the
security of Europe as a whole,
the attempts to return Europe to the days of sharing spheres of influence,
that the international community must take decisive action to defend the democratic
world order in response to the attack undertaken against it by the Russian Federation and Belarus and
that the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States of America (hereinafter: the
‘US’) have a particular responsibility for Europe’s security, including the future of Ukraine,
the long-standing contribution of the US to strengthening European security,
to urgently reinforce in Lithuania, before the end of this year, the host country’s
capacity, to create the necessary infrastructure which would enable the rapid and smooth deployment
of Allied forces and their operation on the territory of the country,
the military aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation and Belarus and
the attempt to overthrow the legitimately elected Ukrainian government;
its strong support for the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity of Ukraine
and the inviolability of its internationally recognized borders;
calls on
the parliaments of its allies, the EU Member States and NATO member countries:
– to immediately grant to Ukraine the status of EU candidate country and provide Ukraine
with a NATO Membership Action Plan;
– to provide all possible bilateral military, economic, political, humanitarian and legal support
to Ukraine;
– to urgently initiate a resolution of the United Nations Security Council urging the Russian
Federation and Belarus to immediately cease their aggression against Ukraine, as well as to urgently
appeal to Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres to expel the Russian Federation
EUU, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 341: Brev fra formanden for det litauiske parlament til Folketingets formand vedr. krigen i Ukraine
from its permanent membership of the United Nations Security Council, the main body of the United
Nations responsible for maintaining international peace and security;
– to immediately terminate the Russian Federation's membership of the Organisation for
Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Council of Europe, and to exclude the Russian
Federation from all international sports and cultural organisations;
– to impose tough new personal and sectoral sanctions on all key usurpers of power in the
Russian Federation and Belarus, including Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, their aids,
supporters, and major state-owned enterprises and banks, as well as secondary sanctions on those
enterprises and banks of the EU Member States and NATO member countries that are cooperating
with Russian enterprises and banks subject to sanctions;
– to restrict, to the maximum extent possible, the access of the Russian and Belarusian regimes
and their supporters to the financial resources of the EU Member States and NATO member countries,
by disconnecting Russia from the system of international interbank financial settlements (SWIFT)
during the period of aggression against Ukraine;
– to accelerate, to the maximum extent possible, the formation of Europe's strategic energy
independence by ending its dependence on Russian fossil fuels; to halt the geopolitical Nord Stream
2 and Ostrovets nuclear power plant projects;
– to continue and expand the ban on the transfer of any strategically important technology to
Russia and Belarus;
– to continue this policy until the full withdrawal of troops of the Russian Federation from the
sovereign territories of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and Belarus and the holding of transparent and
fair elections will be held in Russia and Belarus in line with international standards;
calls on
the European Union to significantly strengthen and renew its support for Russia's
democratic civil society, as its continued existence is the hope for lasting peace and stability in
to the societies of the Russian Federation and Belarus to influence the leaders of their
countries and to oppose their aggression against Ukraine;
calls on
the EU Member States and the European Council to take international leadership by
bringing together all states of the democratic world to provide support to Ukraine and to strive for the
widest possible accession of the world to sanctions against the Russian and Belarusian regimes;
calls for
strengthening the resilience of the societies of the EU Member States and NATO
member countries to hybrid threats from hostile countries and their special services.
Speaker of the Seimas
Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen