Enhed: FOPS
Sagsbeh.: DEPNFF
Koordineret med:
Sagsnr.: 1903808
Dok. nr.: 2199667
Dato: 29-03-2022
Consolidated action plan: Aggerholm v. Denmark, Application no. 45439/18
Description of the case
The present case concerns a psychiatric patient who was strapped to a restraint bed
in a
psychiatric hospital for 22 hours and 50 minutes between 8 and 9 February 2013.
In September 2020 the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter “the Court”) held that there had been
a violation of Article 3 on prohibition of inhumane or degrading treatment in the European Convention of
Human Rights (hereinafter “the Convention”).
The Government of Denmark (hereinafter “the Government”) accepted the judgment in December 2020
and submitted an action plan regarding the implementation of the judgement in June 2021.
Individual measures
As stated in the Government’s action plan from June 2021, the applicant was awarded EUR 10,000 for non-
pecuniary damage and EUR 4,000 in respect of costs and expenses plus any tax that may be chargeable to
the applicant on the amounts.
The said amounts were transferred to the applicant on 22 December 2020.
For the record, the Government would like to emphasize that the applicant is no longer in psychiatric hos-
pital. Therefore, no other individual measures are possible or required.
General measures
The first issue in the judgment was that the doctor decided to maintain the restraint on 8 February 2013
at 10.46 p.m. because the doctor found the patient “potentially” dangerous to other people.
It follows from Article 14 (2) of the Danish Mental Health Act (lov
om anvendelse af tvang i psykiatrien
that compulsory restraint must only be used to the extent that it is necessary to prevent a patient from
exposing himself or others to an imminent risk of harm to body or health.
The Court noted that a “potential” danger does not suffice to establish that a danger is immediate or immi-
nent, and that a latent danger that may manifest itself under certain conditions or circumstances that may
occur later will not suffice.