Udenrigsudvalget (URU) Alm. del

Samling: 2020-21

Bilag 199

Henvendelse af 22/4-21 fra the President of CZ Senate vedr. resolution of the Czech Senate on relations between the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation in connection with attacks in Vrbětice
Emne: udenrigspolitik og sikkerhedspolitik


Dokumentdato: 28-04-2021
Modtaget: 28-04-2021
Omdelt: 28-04-2021

Henvendelse af 22/4-21 fra the President of CZ Senate vedr. resolution of the Czech Senate on relations between the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation in connection with attacks in Vrbětice

Coverletter from the President of CZ Senate (pdf-version)
Letter from President Vystrcil plus plenary resolution English (pdf-version)
Letter from President Vystrcil plus plenary resolution Czech (pdf-version)