Udvalget for Forretningsordenen 2020-21
UFO Alm.del
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W sum.dk
Folketingets Udvalg for Forretningsordenen
Dato: 25-06-2021
Sagsbeh.: DEPJBR
Sagsnr.: 2105631
Dok. nr.: 1765314
Folketingets Udvalg for Forretningsordenen har den 26. februar 2021 stillet følgende
spørgsmål nr. 27 (Alm. del) til sundhedsministeren, som hermed besvares. Spørgs-
målet er stillet efter ønske fra Karsten Lauritzen og Sophie Løhde (V).
Spørgsmål nr. 27:
ministeren kommentere, at den faglige direktør i SSI, Kåre Mølbak, på et presse-
møde den 5. november 2020 sagde, at han tidligere samme dag havde holdt møde
med verdenssundhedsorganisationen, WHO, og det europæiske smitteagentur, ECDC
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, og herfra var beskeden tilsy-
neladende klar: »De er enige i, at det er det rigtige, Danmark gør«, når ECDC siden
har benægtet dette?”
Jeg kan oplyse, at da WHO på et pressemøde den 6. november 2020 blev spurgt di-
rekte til, o det var forhastet ”pre ature” at slå alle i k i Da ark ed, svarede
WHO følgende:
issue in terms of the decision you make whether to cull or not cull is based on a
number of things; first of all the extent of that infection in that animal population and
the concerns you may have about viral evolution in that animal population, how
efficient that particular virus is at spreading within that animal population and how
fast it could evolve.
The second is the viral risk management around those facilities and there are many
countries in the world and many situations; Peter referred to the pig and poultry
farming sector, which have very strict virus security in place to prevent any virus
jumping back into humans so when you assess that biorisk and biosecurity measures
in place.
Then the third factor in making that decision is the implications for human health in
terms of the likelihood of that disease causing more problems back in the human side
in terms of severity or transmission or diagnostics.
Those three factors have to be looked at together. It's not one in isolation and the
sovereign authority then has to make a determination between its veterinary and its
human health authority and what represents the best decision for veterinary health
and for human health.
The Danish authorities are looking at all of that evidence, they're making decisions in
real time, they're taking strong action and we will continue to work with the scientific
community to understand the implications of the findings but in the meantime the
Danish authorities have to base their actions on the extent of the virus within that
UFO, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Endeligt svar på spørgsmål 27: Spm. om udtalelser fra faglige direktør i SSI, Kåre Mølbak, på et pressemøde den 5. november 2020.
mink population, the biorisk management available around that population and
concerns around any health impact in humans.”
For så vidt angår ECDC kan jeg henvise til besvarelsen af SUU alm. del spm. 279. Be-
svarelsen er vedlagt som bilag.
Med venlig hilsen
Magnus Heunicke
Julie Broholm
Side 2