Sagsnr. 05-0801-219
Bilag til undersøgelse af raskmelding for psykiske lidelser i sund-
hedsvæsnet i andre lande
Bilag 1: Spørgsmål udsendt til myndigheder vedr. raskmelding for psykiske lidelser i
To whom it may concern
The pu pose of this e ail is to get a i sight i to othe cou t ies’ expe ie ces ith docu e tatio of
clinical remission from psychiatric disorders.
Therefore, we have formulated the questions below
that we would highly appreciate your experiences and input on no later than
of November 2019.
The background for the inquiry is that in November 2018, a member of the Danish parliament put
forward a motion to the Danish Minister of Health in which it was proposed that people with psychi-
atric disorders should be able to obtain documentation for clinical remission from their psychiatric
disorder, e.g. documented in their clinical journals. The motion was put forward in order to solve
problems with people with psychiatric disorders being exposed to structural discrimination through
legislations, guidelines etc. Examples could be restrictions for people with current or former psychiat-
diso de s ega di g d i e ’s lice se, adoptio o ad issio e ui e e ts to diffe e t educatio s
or jobs.
As a result of the debate and political decisions following this motion, the Danish Health Authority
was asked to investigate whether other countries have an official procedure regarding reported/doc-
umented clinical recovery (complete remission) from psychiatric disorders. Therefore, we would
kindly ask you to answer the following questions:
1. Are people with psychiatric disorders able to obtain documentation for clinical remission
from their psychiatric disorders in your country? Does your country e.g. have a procedure
for reporting clinical remission for psychiatric disorder(s) in medical journals or other official
documents so that people with a psychiatric disorder can obtain documented proof that
they have recovered from their disorder?
a. If not, has there been a debate in your country about the possibility for people with
psychiatric disorders to be able to obtain documentation for clinical remission from
their psychiatric disorder(s) in order to fight structural discrimination (e.g. in legisla-
tions or guidelines) against people with psychiatric disorders?