Udlændinge- og Integrationsudvalget 2020-21
UUI Alm.del Bilag 9
Eric Sandstrom
24. september 2020 23:36
Morten Villumsen
Charlotte Schwaner
Working Holiday Visa
Dear sir or madam,
I understand that it is unconventional to contact you directly, however, I feel I have no other option
at this time.
I am reaching out because I have been separated from my partner for nearly a year due to the
pandemic. She is an Italian citizen who began studying her Master's in Copenhagen in September; I
am a Canadian citizen and was to meet her in Denmark through the Working Holiday Visa. Since it
has been suspended, we are forced to be apart while other EU partners are able to use the
"Sweetheart Visa" to remain with each other.
I'm asking for help to be with her and be able to support myself while paying Danish tax and
following Covid-19 regulations, it's terrible being kept apart simply because I was born outside the
EU, especially given that Canada is on the unrestricted list of third countries.
At the very least, are there plans to revoke the Working Holiday Visa suspension?
Yours sincerely,
Eric Sandstrom