5620 words
A) Human Rights Obligations and National Framework
1-2: Ratification of International Instruments
1: Ratification of ICPPED
Since the first UPR cycle in 2011, Denmark has supported recommendations regarding ICPPED and its Com-
mittee. However, the Convention has not yet been ratified.
Ratify ICPPED as soon as possible.
2: Ratification of International Human Rights Conventions
Denmark has not ratified a few other human rights conventions, including the
CRMW and the Optional Pro-
tocol to the ICESCR to open for the possibility to submit complaints to the ESCR Committee
and Protocol 12
to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
Ratify pending human rights conventions as soon as possible order to increase the scope
of protection of human rights.
3: Incorporation into National Legislation
e ha e ee o ha ges i De a k s positio o ot i o po ati g o e UN hu a ights
into Danish law despite the different legal status between incorporated and non-incorporated conventions.
The incorporation of ECHR into Danish law in 1992, demonstrated however that it does strengthen protection
to give full effect to the rights stipulated in a convention.
Incorporate UN human rights conventions into national legislation to give full effect to
the rights as enshrined in the conventions and ensure their justiciability.
4: Assessment of Human Rights Protection in Practice
Denmark should assess whether its international legal obligations are effectively implemented in practice
and whether policies violate or impact negatively on human rights norms. This is to ensure the effective
protection of human rights in practice and no regression on such protection. There is a lack of such an as-
sessment, e.g., in relation to several measures mentioned in this report.
In light of human rights pursuant to non-incorporated conventions, the lack of assessment of law proposals
should also be corrected. In certain policy areas, e.g. immigration policy, law proposals have been submitted
to the Parliament without such an assessment (although compliance with ECHR was included).
Assess implementation of human rights in practice, avoid or mitigate any negative im-
pact on human rights and assess law proposals in light of all human rights conventions.