Republic of Cuba
National Assembly of People’s Power
Havana, July 24, 2021
“Year 63 of the Revolution”
A: Henrik Dam Kristensen
Presidente del Parlamento
Reino de Dinamarca
Your Excellency,
In view of the disinformation and distortion of the Cuban reality that is constantly
disseminated through transnational media and digital networks, spreading slander,
manipulation of images and facts, as well as lies of all kinds, I am writing to you to
update you on the true situation in our country, while at the same time I kindly request
that you convey this information to the members of your Parliament.
A destabilization campaign has been launched against Cuba, which has been
conceived, financed and led by the United States Government, with the direct
involvement of the political machinery in Florida. It has made opportunistic use of the
pandemic situation and the serious difficulties and limitations we face, mainly as a
result of the genocidal economic, commercial and financial blockade, stepped up by
the 243 measures implemented by the previous US administration and upheld by
the current one.
The blockade has repercussions in all aspects of the lives of Cubans.
To this must be added the permanent campaigns of subversion and ideological
intoxication promoted by United States agencies and entities, aimed at discrediting
Cuba, slandering the Revolution, trying to mislead the people, fostering
discouragement, apathy and disapproval, fueling internal contradictions and
promoting disagreement and fracture between the people and their legitimate
representatives and institutions. They are also conceived to take advantage of the
unquestionable material shortages, of the difficulties faced by our population as a
consequence of the combined effect of the global economic crisis, the COVID-19
pandemic and the tightening of the blockade.