Udenrigsudvalget (URU) Alm. del

Samling: 2020-21

Bilag 208

Henvendelse af 3/5-21 fra Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, President of DALFA UMURINZI, The Party for Development and Liberty for all, om Solution to improve governance in Rwanda
Emne: udenrigspolitik og sikkerhedspolitik
Dokumentdato: 06-05-2021
Modtaget: 10-05-2021
Omdelt: 10-05-2021

Henvendelse af 3/5-21 fra Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, President of DALFA UMURINZI, The Party for Development and Liberty for all, om Solution to improve governance in Rwanda

To Danish Parliament_Committee on Foreign Affairs May 2021 (pdf-version)