Udenrigsudvalget 2020-21
URU Alm.del Bilag 191
Kære medlemmer af URU og KEF
Til jeres information har vi modtaget denne invitation fra IRENA
Venlig hilsen Lone McPhee
[email protected]
14-04-2021 11:34
[email protected]
<[email protected]>
Invite -
GRC Parlia e tary Meeti g o Maki g Cha ge Happe : Boosti g Parlia e tary A tio
o Re ewa les
IRENA Parliamentary Engagement Team
is pleased to share with you an invite from the
Global Renewables Congress’
Chair, Hon. Bärbel Höhn, to join the GRC Parliamentary Meeting
“Making Change Happen: Boosting Parliamentary Action on Renewables”.
The meeting will take place virtually from
10 am GMT
12 pm GMT on Thursday, 22
and aims to foster a global, peer-led policy dialogue on the entry points for renewable energy
legislation in parliamentary processes to build back better together. You are cordially invited to
share your personal experiences and expertise with Parliamentary Members of the GRC, the
Advisory Board,
and energy experts as well as MPs from around the world.
The COVID19 pandemic has confronted us with the consequences of an unprecedented global
health crisis. Additionally, the effects of climate change are becoming increasingly visible and are
more severely impacting societies, economies, and the environment. It is time for profound political
action on both fronts! Legislators now have the chance to direct the large-scale post-COVID
recovery packages into green channels for a future that is sustainable, resilient and inclusive. The
decisions taken today on how build back will determine the infrastructure for decades to come.
Parliamentarians are at the heart of this transition.
To ensure your participation in this dialogue,
please save this event on your calendar and make
sure to register
by setting up your picture, name and affiliation
IRENA Parliamentary Engagement Team
IRENA Headquarters, Masdar City
P.O. Box 236
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]
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