Udenrigsudvalget 2020-21
URU Alm.del Bilag 178
Meeting of Foreign Affairs Committee (Denmark)
15 April 2021
Accountability for Yazidi Genocide: Legal approaches, problems and needs
Core problems of returning to Sinjar area: Security concerns (Turkey, IS again active in Syria
and Iraq), rebuilding process (Iraq/KRG), infrastructure and social problems
Political problems in the field and in the region affecting Yazidis presence and future,
especially political insecurity vs demands and first steps of self-determination of Yazidis
Health situation, esp. trauma within the society, esp. of (in the past) enslaved women
Ongoing genocide: still around 3.000 women and children in captivity, what happen to
children whose mother was held in captivity and father is an IS member (rapist)
Sharing of our approaches
Sharing of approaches of Women for Justice & other Yazidi associations especially in the field
for a sustainable future in Sinjar and Iraq: our legal steps, rebuilding projects and social care
Introduction of Yazidi Justice Committee: legal experts want secure accountability for
genocide of Yazidis
Request/ Questions
What is the position of Committee of Foreign Affairs concerning accountability and
rebuilding of Sinjar area?
What can the Committee do in order to support a sustainable peace process after IS has left
Sinjar (but not the region)?
Request: any possible joint activity on 3 August (remembering beginning of genocide)?