Udenrigsudvalget 2020-21
URU Alm.del Bilag 145
Critical Role of the 610 Office in the Persecution of Falun Gong
(Excerpt from http://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2021/1/19/189992.html)
Former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin established the extralegal organization
called the 610 Office, named after its establishment date of June 10, 1999. On July 20, Jiang launched
a nationwide campaign against Falun Gong, a meditation practice based on the principles of
Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance with about 100 million practitioners.
Operating under the Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC) of the CCP, the 610 Office was
dedicated entirely to implementing the persecution of Falun Gong.
The 610 Office at the central government level is composed of the 610 Leadership Team and
subordinate officials. Li Lanqing, first chief of the leadership (1999
2002), was Vice Premier as well
as a member of the CCP Politburo. Deputy chiefs were Luo Gan, then-secretary of the Central PLAC,
and Ding Guangen, then head of the CCP’s Propaganda Department.
With a deep connection to the top CCP decision-making body, the Politburo, as well as the PLAC and
Propaganda Department, the 610 Office mobilized nearly the entire state apparatus to persecute Falun
Gong. This includes the police, procuratorates, courts, justice system, military, armed police, spy
agencies, foreign affairs, education, healthcare, news media, and propaganda departments.
More specifically, the 610 Office directly planned, deployed, pushed forward, and monitored the
persecution policies. Many secret orders from Jiang were passed down through the 610 Office system
and implemented at all levels, such as his directives to “ruin [practitioners’] reputations, cut them off
financially, and destroy them physically;” “cremate [practitioners’ bodies] directly without checking
identities;” and “beat [practitioners] to death and count it as suicide.”
Information collected by Minghui.org shows that
over 4,000 Falun Gong practitioners
have lost their
lives in the past 21 years due to the persecution directed by the 610 Office system. Furthermore,
evidences strongly indicate that the 610 Office has participated in the forced organ harvesting of
practitioners, which has caused a significant number of deaths.
1. The 610 Office: Policing the Chinese Spirit (by Jamestown Foundation staff)
2. Investigative Report on the "610 Office" -- The Establishment, Naming, Structure, Funding
Mechanism and Main Tasks of the "610 Office"
3. Schematic of the "610 Office" Network -- Chain of Command of The Persecution of Falun Gong