Udenrigsudvalget 2020-21
URU Alm.del Bilag 145
Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark [mailto:[email protected]]
18. februar 2021 15:03
Nina Egebjærg Clausen <[email protected]>; Lone McPhee <[email protected]>
benny Brix <[email protected]>
Vigtig! Submitting the list of "6-10 Office" people in China for Sanctions
Kære Nina Egebjærg Clausen og Lone McPhee
Hermed sender jeg et brev og materialet fra
Falun Dafa Information Center i USA.
Kan I være venligt at vidersende dem til
alle medlemmer for URU?
Hvis der er mulighed at offentliggøre på
folketingets hjemmeside, vil vi meget gerne
Med venlig hilsen.
Linda Wu
På vegne af Foreningen for Falun Dafa i
e mail:
[email protected]
mobil: 52 22 36 28
February 17, 2021
Dear Chairman Mr. Bertel Haarder:
Dear Vice Chairman Mr. Rasmus Horn Langhoff:
Dear all members of The Foreign Affairs Committee of Denmark:
We are submitting a list of staff members of the 610 Office at
different levels across China and request that these individuals
be sanctioned with visa restrictions and having their assets
frozen for their crimes in the persecution of Falun Gong.
URU, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 145: Henvendelse af 18/2-21 fra Foreningen for Falun Dafa i Danmark om people in China for sanctions
The 610 Office was established in 1999 with the sole purpose of
persecuting Falun Gong and it has branches at all levels of
governance (province, city, county, town, and village), in all
departments of central government and in all educational
institutes. The 610 Office system has been directing and
coordinating the persecution across the whole country. Thus, the
personnel working in this system bear responsibility for the
arbitrary detention, torture, and death of many Falun Gong
practitioners in the last 21 years.
Sanctioning personnel in the 610 Office system will send a strong
warning to them and can help curb the persecution of Falun Gong.
Attached please see:
Critical Role of the 610 Office in the Persecution of Falun
The 610 Office: Policing the Chinese Spirit (by Jamestown
List of 9,297 individuals working in the 610 Office system
their roles in the persecution (others have similar participation)
Your support for the human rights of the persecuted Falun Gong
practitioners in China would be greatly appreciated. Should you
have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Evidences of 10 sample members of “610 Office” illustrating
Falun Dafa Information Center
World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong