Udenrigsudvalget 2020-21
URU Alm.del Bilag 140
OECD DAC peer re ie of De
Development Assistance Committee
(DAC) functions as a forum where 30 development co-
operation providers (29 countries and the European Commission) come together to set standards,
exchange experience and address issues of common interest or concern. Its overarching objective is
to promote development co-operation and other relevant policies so as to contribute to
implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Membership of the DAC obliges members to undergo a
peer review
every five to six years. DAC peer
reviews seek to promote individual and collective behaviour change of DAC members, helping them
to improve their development co-operation policies, systems, financing and practices. They hold
members to account for the commitments they have made and contribute to learning by capturing
areas of good, effective and innovative practice. Reviews consider how DAC members contribute to
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals through their domestic and global partnerships, their
engagement in partner countries and through other partnerships. Reviews take a system-wide
approa h to e ers’ support for de elopi g ou tries i ludi g, ut ot limited
to, official
development co-operation.
In 2021,
is being reviewed by two DAC peers
Austria and Finland
with the support of
the Development Co-operation Directorate of the OECD. The review process is standard for each
member and includes extensive research and consultations, including meetings with key external
stakeholders, oversight bodies and government officials. Following an initial process of consultation,
De ark a d the peer re ie tea ha e agreed to fo us the De ark’s
re iew
on the
supporting climate action at international level and local levels
implementing the DAC recommendation on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus
adapting to change and increasing coherence through Doing Development Differently (DDD)
maintaining significant and predictable levels of ODA
embedding concepts of Leaving No-one Behind, poverty reduction and human rights.
Meetings with external and government entities will be held virtually in March 2021, focusing on
how effectively the overall Danish development co-operation system operates and is organised to
achieve its policy objectives (discussions will not delve into effectiveness of individual programmes
or projects). The draft report will be discussed by the DAC in early July 2021. The peer review of
Denmark will include a more in-depth look at how Denmark works in Somalia.