Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2020-21
UPN Alm.del Bilag 9
European Council
Brussels, 16 October 2020
(OR. en)
EUCO 15/20
General Secretariat of the Council
European Council meeting (15 and 16 October 2020)
Delegations will find attached the conclusions adopted by the European Council at the above
EUCO 15/20
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 9: Konklusioner fra møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 15.-16. oktober 2020
15 and 16 October 2020
The European Council assessed the current epidemiological situation, which is unprecedented
and gives rise to very serious concern.
It welcomed the progress achieved so far on overall coordination at EU level against
COVID-19, including the recommendation on a coordinated approach to the restriction of free
movement. It calls on the Council, the Commission and the Member States to continue the
overall coordination effort based on the best available science, notably regarding quarantine
regulations, cross-border contact tracing, testing strategies, the joint assessment of testing
methods, the mutual recognition of tests, and the temporary restriction on non-essential travel
into the EU. The European Council will regularly revert to this matter.
Welcoming the work at EU level on the development and distribution of vaccines, the
European Council reiterates the need for a robust authorisation and monitoring process, the
building of vaccination capacity in the EU, and fair and affordable access to vaccines.
The European Council also encourages further cooperation at global level.
The European Council recalls that the transition period will end on 31 December 2020 and
notes with concern that progress on the key issues of interest to the Union is still not sufficient
for an agreement to be reached.
The European Council reaffirms the Union’s determination to have as close as possible a
partnership with the United Kingdom on the basis of the negotiating directives of
25 February 2020, while respecting the previously agreed European Council guidelines, as
well as statements and declarations, notably those of 25 November 2018, in particular as
regards the level playing field, governance and fisheries.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 9: Konklusioner fra møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 15.-16. oktober 2020
15 and 16 October 2020
Against this background, the European Council invites the Unionʼs chief negotiator to
continue negotiations in the coming weeks, and calls on the UK to make the necessary moves
to make an agreement possible.
As regards the Internal Market Bill tabled by the UK government, the European Council
recalls that the Withdrawal Agreement and its Protocols must be fully and timely
The European Council calls upon Member States, Union institutions and all stakeholders to
step up their work on preparedness and readiness at all levels and for all outcomes, including
that of no agreement, and invites the Commission, in particular, to give timely consideration
to unilateral and time-limited contingency measures that are in the EUʼs interest.
The European Council will remain seized of the matter.
To meet the objective of a climate-neutral EU by 2050 in line with the objectives of the Paris
Agreement, the EU needs to increase its ambition for the coming decade and update its
climate and energy policy framework. In that context, the European Council discussed the
Commissionʼs Communication on
up Europeʼs 2030 climate ambition’, including
the proposed emissions reduction target of at least 55% by 2030, and the actions required to
achieve that ambition.
Recalling its previous conclusions, the European Council considers that the updated target
should be delivered collectively by the EU in the most cost-effective manner possible. All
Member States will participate in this effort, taking into account national circumstances and
considerations of fairness and solidarity. All relevant EU legislation and policies need to
contribute to the new 2030 target and to the fulfilment of the climate neutrality objective,
while respecting a level playing field and preventing carbon leakage.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 9: Konklusioner fra møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 15.-16. oktober 2020
15 and 16 October 2020
The European Council invites the Council to take work on this agenda forward. It invites the
Commission to conduct in-depth consultations with Member States to assess the specific
situations and to provide more information about the impact at Member Statesʼ level. The
European Council will return to the issue at its December meeting with a view to agreeing a
new emissions reduction target for 2030 and the submission of the EUʼs updated nationally
determined contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC before the end of the year.
The European Council calls upon all other Parties to also submit an updated NDC.
It underlines the importance of strong coordinated action through active European climate
diplomacy, with a view to joining forces on the global stage to further advance the cause of
fighting climate change.
Relations with Africa
The EU attaches high priority to strengthening its strategic relations with Africa and its
partnership with the African Union, which remain based on mutual interests and shared
responsibility. Africa is a natural partner for the European Union, resulting from our
geographical, historical and cultural proximity, as well as common values and commitments.
The changing global landscape and the many short- and long-term challenges that both
continents are facing underscore the importance of deepening and renewing our political
relations and cooperation in all fields.
In the current context, solidarity and close cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19
pandemic, including the development of vaccines and their distribution, are crucial. The
European Council is committed to strengthening EU support to health systems and the
reinforcement of partners’ preparedness and response capacity.
EUCO 15/20
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 9: Konklusioner fra møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 15.-16. oktober 2020
15 and 16 October 2020
To help address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Council is committed
to furthering international debt relief efforts for African countries in a coordinated manner
within the relevant multilateral frameworks, and asks the Council to prepare a common
approach in this respect by the end of November 2020.
There are not only challenges but also opportunities. The
EU is Africa’s biggest trading,
investment and development partner. Building on this, we can do more to harness the
enormous potential of our relationship. In parallel with its own green and digital
transformation, the EU wishes to extend its partnership with Africa on its economic
transformation. In this context, the European Council discussed its intention to work with its
African partners and boost investment by working together on a comprehensive multi-sector,
multi-level and multi-stakeholder investment programme. The European Council sees the
following sectors as being key for further cooperation and investment: digital and knowledge
economy, renewable energy, transport, health, and agri-food systems. Moreover, recalling the
Strategic Agenda and the Council conclusions of 30 June 2020, universal values, non-
discrimination as well as equal rights and equal opportunities for all, women’s empowerment,
youth inclusion, education and skills, social, environmental and economic sustainability as
well as good governance and the rule of law would be key cross-cutting themes for EU
engagement. Support for economic integration at regional and continent level and for
promoting inter-continental economic integration are also of particular importance.
Long-lasting peace, security and stability in Africa are a shared objective and key conditions
for sustainable development. The EU is ready to continue supporting African efforts on peace
and security, good governance and the promotion of human rights. The EU also wishes to
engage African partners in addressing mobility and all aspects of migration, including legal
migration, combatting illegal migration, readmission, and the fight against migrant-smuggling
networks, both within and between the two continents. A mutually beneficial partnership
requires a balanced, coherent and comprehensive approach, guided by the principles of
solidarity, partnership and shared responsibility.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 9: Konklusioner fra møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 15.-16. oktober 2020
15 and 16 October 2020
The European Council calls for enhanced cooperation with Africa to advance multilateral
solutions in general in the global arena. Consultations with African partners in order to jointly
define common priorities are of the essence. By joining forces we will be able to better defend
our common interests in an increasingly complex and uncertain world. This requires us to be
more united in the stances we take on the global scene, and more determined and effective in
exerting our combined influence, including in multilateral fora. The European Council looks
forward to the upcoming political meetings with the African Union in order to take the
partnership to a higher level.
Southern Neighbourhood
In this year of the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona process, the European Council will hold
a strategic discussion on the Southern Neighbourhood in December.
The European Council endorses the Council conclusions of 12 October 2020 and expresses its
solidarity with Lithuania and Poland in light of the retaliatory measures by Belarus. It
condemns the continuing violence against peaceful protesters.
The European Council reaffirms its conclusions of 1-2 October 2020 and deplores renewed
unilateral and provocative actions by Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean, including recent
exploratory activities. The European Council urges respect for UN Security Council
Resolutions 550 and 789, underlines the importance of the status of Varosha and reiterates its
full solidarity with Greece and Cyprus.
The European Council urges Turkey to reverse these actions and work for the easing of
tensions in a consistent and sustained manner. It will remain seized of the matter in order to
follow-up on its conclusions of 1-2 October 2020.
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UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 9: Konklusioner fra møde i Det Europæiske Råd den 15.-16. oktober 2020
15 and 16 October 2020
The European Council calls upon the Russian Federation to continue the trilateral negotiations
between Australia, the Netherlands and the Russian Federation with regard to the downing of
flight MH17. After more than six years since this tragic event the 298 victims and their next
of kin deserve justice. The European Council supports all efforts to establish truth, justice and
accountability, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2166.
EUCO 15/20