Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2020-21
UPN Alm.del Bilag 6
Council of the
European Union
(OR. en)
PR CO 26
3774th Council meeting
Foreign Affairs
Brussels, 12 October 2020
Josep Borrell
High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175 B – 1048 BRUSSELS Tel.: +32 (0)2 281 6319 Fax: +32 (0)2 281 8026
[email protected]
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
Current affairs ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Belgrade-Pristina dialogue ................................................................................................................... 4
Belarus ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Russia ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Latin America and the Caribbean ........................................................................................................ 5
Establishment of a mechanism for bilateral consultations/high level political dialogue between the EU and
Panama .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
EU-Colombia: Joint declaration for a dialogue on environment, climate action and sustainable
development and non-binding instrument in view of strengthening and broadening the relationship .................... 6
Council decision and implementing regulation concerning restrictive measures against the proliferation
and use of chemical weapons .................................................................................................................................. 6
Council decision on the promotion of effective arms export controls ..................................................................... 7
Council Decision amending Decision concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in
Nicaragua - review .................................................................................................................................................. 7
Council Decision on a European Union action in support of the United Nations Verification and
Inspection Mechanism in Yemen (UNVIM) ........................................................................................................... 7
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Council adopts conclusions on EUFOR Operation Althea ............................................. 7
European Commission - Appointment of a new member ........................................................................................ 8
Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated
in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks.
Documents for which references are given in the text are available on the Council's internet site
Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by
an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's internet site or may be obtained from the Press
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
Migration, border and security funds....................................................................................................................... 8
Eurojust annual report ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Schengen evaluation - Iceland ................................................................................................................................. 9
Key messages from the Social Protection Committee (SPC) on the Social Protection Performance
Monitor Report ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Key messages from the Employment Committee (EMCO) based on the the Annual Employment
Performance Report (AEPR) and Employment Performance Monitor (EPM)........................................................ 9
Aviation safety cooperation with the USA .............................................................................................................. 9
Decision on international transport of goods on road transport ............................................................................. 10
Decision to apply for membership at the International Coral Reef Initiative ........................................................ 10
Decision about the settlement of disputes in the EPA Committee ........................................................................ 10
Decision on the list of arbitrators at the EPA Committee ...................................................................................... 10
Decision on classification in the context of the World Customs Organization ..................................................... 10
Commission Regulation on substances in tattoo inks or permanent make-up. ...................................................... 11
Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/985 .......................................... 11
Commission Directive (EU) on labelling of allergenic fragrances in toys ............................................................ 11
Commission Directive (EU) on the prohibition of allergenic fragrances in toys................................................... 12
Commission regulation amending the REACH regulation .................................................................................... 12
EU-Switzerland: greenhouse gas emission trading system ................................................................................... 13
EU-Switzerland: greenhouse gas emission trading system ................................................................................... 13
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
Current affairs
12 October 2020
Ministers were briefed by the High Representative about a number of recent developments and
upcoming events, including: the Kyrgyz Republic, Mozambique, the EU-Ukraine Summit,
Venezuela, and the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024.
On Nagorno Karabakh, ministers were informed by the French Foreign Minister about the efforts of
the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group to stop the hostilities and return to negotiations.
Ministers discussed how the EU could provide tangible support to the ceasefire agreed on 10
October 2020. They stressed that the ceasefire should be respected, and that all regional actors
should contribute to stopping the armed confrontation and contribute to peace.
The Council was also informed about the latest events in Varosha and in relation to Navtex issued
by Turkey.
Ministers agreed that the reopening of the Varosha beach undermines mutual trust, and stressed that
such actions increase tensions and should be reversed. It is of vital importance that the UN-led
efforts on Cyprus settlement are relaunched as soon as possible.
Similarly ministers stressed that the latest NAVTEX announcements by Turkey affecting Greek and
Cypriot maritime zones were regrettable, and will lead to new tensions instead of contributing to the
de-escalation efforts that the EU wants to pursue and is calling for.
Belgrade-Pristina dialogue
The EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan
regional issues, Miroslav Lajčák, updated the Council on the state of play of the Belgrade-Pristina
dialogue, its challenges and prospects.
During the debate, ministers underlined the importance of the dialogue for the stability of the
Western Balkans, and reiterated their determination to bring the dialogue to a successful conclusion,
working in good faith and in a spirit of compromise between the two sides.
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
The Council had an exchange of views on Belarus and adopted conclusions on Belarus, in which it
restated the united EU support for Belarus’s sovereignty and independence, and for the democratic
freedoms and rights of Belarusian citizens.
Ministers confirmed that Alexander Lukashenko lacks any democratic legitimacy, and gave their
political green light to start the preparation of a next sanctions package, including against
Lukashenko and other high-ranking officials.
Ministers also agreed on a concrete package of measures that the EU is ready to offer in support of
a new democratic Belarus, and the civil society.
Council conclusions on Belarus
The Council had a discussion on EU relations with Russia, during which it reaffirmed the continued
relevance of the five guiding principles unanimously agreed in March 2016, and the willingness to
strengthen them. In this context ministers underlined that the full implementation of the Minsk
agreements remains a key condition for any substantial change in the EU-Russia relations.
The Council stressed the need to step up support for the Russian civil society, human rights
defenders, and to continue foster building bridges between the peoples.
There was also a political agreement to take forward the initiative to propose restrictive measures
against those linked to this assassination attempt of Alexei Navalny.
Latin America and the Caribbean
The Council discussion on the relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean
highlighted a shared sense of urgency on the need to relaunch the inter-regional dialogue, given the
economic and geopolitical importance that the region has for Europe.
Ministers discussed the best way to revitalise the relation and stood ready to pursue together with
their Latin American and Caribbean partners ambitious environmental and digital policies.
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
Establishment of a mechanism for bilateral consultations/high level political dialogue between
the EU and Panama
The Council approved a decision authorising the EEAS to enter into negotiations on behalf of the
EU to establish a mechanism for bilateral consultations and high-level political dialogue between
the EU and Panama as a non-binding instrument
EU-Colombia: Joint declaration for a dialogue on environment, climate action and
sustainable development and non-binding instrument in view of strengthening and
broadening the relationship
The Council approved the decision authorising the Commission to enter into negotiations on behalf
of the EU on a Joint Declaration for a Dialogue on Environment, Climate Action and Sustainable
Development with Colombia as a non-binding instrument.
This Joint Declaration intends to restate commitment on both side sides to cooperate on the subject
and set up a policy dialogue in order to intensify cooperation.
The Council also approved a decision authorising the EEAS to enter into negotiations on behalf of
the EU on a non-binding instrument in view of strengthening and broadening the relationship
between the EU and Colombia.
This non-binding instrument intends to demonstrate both sides political commitment to cooperate
around priorities of mutual interest.
Council decision and implementing regulation concerning restrictive measures against the
proliferation and use of chemical weapons
The Council adopted the a decision extending the validity of the sanction regime for 1 year, until 16
October 2021.
For more details, see the
press release.
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
Council decision on the promotion of effective arms export controls
The Council adopted a decision on the promotion of effective arms export controls the budgetary
impact statement for funding activities to support the effective implementation and universalisation
of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). These projects include promoting effective controls on arms
exports by third countries by supporting third countries’ efforts at national and regional levels to
render trade in conventional weapons more responsible and transparent, and to mitigate the risk of
the diversion of arms to unauthorised users.
Council Decision amending Decision concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation
in Nicaragua - review
The Council adopted a decision extending by 1 year, until 15 October 2021, the existing framework
for imposing targeted restrictive measures in view of the situation in Nicaragua. The Decision keeps
the list of sanctioned individuals and entities unmodified.
Sanctions on Nicaragua were first imposed by the Council on 14 October 2019.
For more details, see the
press release.
Council Decision on a European Union action in support of the United Nations Verification
and Inspection Mechanism in Yemen (UNVIM)
The Council adopted a decision confirming the renewal of the EU’s support for the United Nations
Verification and Inspection Mechanism in Yemen.
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Council adopts conclusions on EUFOR Operation Althea
For more details, see the
press release.
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
European Commission - Appointment of a new member
The Council appointed, by common accord with the President of the Commission, Ursula von der
Leyen, Mairead McGuinness as new member of the European Commission.
The appointment follows the resignation of Phil Hogan and is for the remainder of the term of
office of the Commission, which runs until 31 October 2024.
In accordance with Article 246 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, a vacancy
caused by resignation of a member of the Commission is filled for the remainder of his or her term
by a new member of the same nationality. The new member is appointed by the Council, by
common accord with the President of the Commission, after consulting the European Parliament.
Migration, border and security funds
The Council adopted a general approach on the regulations establishing the border management and
visa instrument (10971/3/20), the internal security fund (10972/2/20) and the asylum and migration
fund (10973/4/20). This follows the political guidance on the MFF and the Recovery package
provided by the European Council in July 2020.
Partial negotiating mandates for these proposals, excluding the budget-related and horizontal issues,
had already been adopted in June 2019.
Eurojust annual report
The Council approved conclusions on Eurojust's anual report for 2019 (10910/20). The Council
welcomes Eurojust’s annual report 2019 and the overall progress made by Eurojust in fulfilling its
mission to facilitate and strengthen judicial cooperation between national authorities in the
investigation and prosecution of the most serious forms of cross-border crime, including terrorism,
cybercrime, migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings.
The conclusions also cover judicial cooperation under extraordinary circumstances in light of the
COVID-19 pandemic, the new legal framework, the importance of digitalization, cooperation and
future-proof resources.
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
Schengen evaluation - Iceland
12 October 2020
The Council adopted an implementing decision setting out a recommendation on addressing the
deficiencies identified in the 2019 evaluation of Iceland (revisit) on the application of the Schengen
acquis in the field of management of the external border.
Key messages from the Social Protection Committee (SPC) on the Social Protection
Performance Monitor Report
The Council endorsed the key messages based on the Annual Review of the Social Protection
Performance Monitor and developments in social protection policies.
Delivering on its mandate as per article 160 of the TFEU, the SPC produces for the Council each
year a review of the social situation in the EU and the policy developments in the member states,
based on the most recent data and information available. (11371/20 +
11371/20 ADD1)
Key messages from the Employment Committee (EMCO) based on the the Annual
Employment Performance Report (AEPR) and Employment Performance Monitor (EPM)
The Council endorsed the EMCO key messages accompanying the 2020 AEPR and the EPM.
In line with its mandate as per Article 150 TFEU, EMCO produces each year a review of the
employment situation in the EU for the Council. This review is contained in the 2020 EPM, which
monitors progress towards the Europe 2020 Strategy targets and identifies key employment
challenges and good labour market outcomes across the EU and in each Member State. The main
findings of the 2020 EPM are summarised in the 2020 AEPR. (11372/20
+ 11372/20 COR 1 +
11372/20 ADD1)
Aviation safety cooperation with the USA
The Council adopted two decisions relating to the positions to be adopted on behalf of the EU
within the Bilateral Oversight Board under the Agreement between the United States of America
and the European Community on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety. They
Decision N˚ 0010 adopting Annex
3 to the Agreement (11003/19,
and Decision
N˚ 0011 adopting Annex 4
to the Agreement (11008/19,
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
Decision on international transport of goods on road transport
12 October 2020
The Council adopted a decision (
) on the position to be taken on behalf of the European
Union in the Administrative Committee for the Customs Convention on the international transport
of goods under cover of TIR Carnets as regards the proposal to amend the Convention.
Decision to apply for membership at the International Coral Reef Initiative
The Council approved the request of the Commission to enter, on behalf of the EU, into
negotiations on EU's application to become a member of the International Coral Reef Initiative
(ICRI). (
Following approval of the Council, the Commission will send, in due time, the draft EU’s
application for ICRI membership to the Council for approval.
Decision about the settlement of disputes in the EPA Committee
The Council adopted a decision (
) establishing the position to be taken on behalf of the
European Union in the EPA Committee. This EPA Committee was set up by the stepping stone
Economic Partnership Agreement between Côte d'Ivoire, of the one part, and the European
Community and its Member States, of the other part.
The decision concerns the adoption of the procedure for the settlement of disputes and the code of
conduct for arbitrators
Decision on the list of arbitrators at the EPA Committee
The Council adopted a decision (
) establishing the position to be taken on behalf of the
European Union in the EPA Committee. This EPA Committee was set up by the stepping stone
Economic Partnership Agreement between Côte d'Ivoire, of the one part, and the European
Community and its Member States, of the other part.
The decision concerns the adoption of the list of arbitrators
Decision on classification in the context of the World Customs Organization
The Council adopted a decision (
) on the position to be taken on behalf of the European
Union in the 66th session of the Harmonized System Committee of the World Customs
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
This decision is related to the envisaged adoption of Classification Opinions, classification
decisions, amendments to the Harmonized System Explanatory Notes or other advice on the
interpretation of the Harmonized System. Also linked to recommendations to secure uniformity in
the interpretation of the Harmonized System under the Harmonized System Convention.
Commission Regulation on substances in tattoo inks or permanent make-up.
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission regulation amending Annex XVII
to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 as regards substances in tattoo inks or permanent make-up. The
proposed regulation sets out the list of substances the use of which should be limited or prohibited
for tattooing or permanent make-up.
The Commission regulation is subject to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that
now that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt the regulation, unless the
rpean Parliament objects. (9803/20
ADD 1)
Commission Delegated Regulation amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/985
The Council decided not to object to a Commission regulation extending by 12 months the deadline
for emission limits and EU type-approval procedures for engines fitted in agricultural and forestry
vehicles due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
The regulation is a delegated act pursuant to article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.
It can now enter into force, unless the European Parliament objects. (10211/20)
Commission Directive (EU) on labelling of allergenic fragrances in toys
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission directive amending Annex II to
directive 2009/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the labelling of
allergenic fragrances in toys.
The directive amends the list of allergenic fragrances that have to be listed on the toy, on an affixed
label, on the packaging or in an accompanying leaflet, if added to a toy, if the concentrations of
those fragrances exceed 100 mg/kg in the toy or components thereof.
The Commission directive is subject to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that now
that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt the directive, unless the
European Parliament objects. (10062/20)
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
Commission Directive (EU) on the prohibition of allergenic fragrances in toys
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission directive amending Annex II to
directive 2009/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the prohibition of
certain allergenic fragrances in toys.
The directive amends the list of allergenic fragrances that are prohibited in toys by adding atranol,
chloroatranol and methyl heptine carbonate.
The Commission directive is subject to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that now
that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt the directive, unless the
European Parliament objects. (10061/20)
Commission regulation amending the REACH regulation
The Council decided not to oppose the adoption of a Commission regulation amending Annex XVII
to regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the
registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH) as regards
carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxicant (CMR) substances, devices covered by regulation
(EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council, persistent organic pollutants, certain
liquid substances or mixtures, nonylphenol and testing methods for azocolourants.
The Commission regulation is subject to the regulatory procedure with scrutiny. This means that
now that the Council has given its consent, the Commission may adopt the regulation, unless the
European Parliament objects. (
UPN, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 6: Rådssekretariatets referat fra rådsmøde (udenrigsanliggender) 12. oktober 2020
12 October 2020
EU-Switzerland: greenhouse gas emission trading system
The Council adopted a decision (
) about the position to be taken on behalf of the European
Union in the Joint Committee with the Swiss Confederation.
The decision is related to the linking of their greenhouse gas emissions trading systems as regards
the adoption of Common Operational Procedures.
EU-Switzerland: greenhouse gas emission trading system
The Council adopted a decision (
) about the position to be taken on behalf of the European
Union in the Joint Committee with the Swiss Confederation.
The decision is related to the linking of their greenhouse gas emissions trading systems as regards
the adoption of Common Operational Procedures, as regards amending Annexes I and II to the
Agreement and the adoption of Linking Technical Standards.