Bygge- og Trafikpolitisk Udvalg
Løsningsforslag til inspiration
Fra deltagelse i EU-møder har vi eksempelvis fået kendskab til langt bedre adgangs- og serviceforhold i
andre lande, som anbefales overvejet som inspiration til Danmarks vision og strategi.
Turn-up-and-go -
HOLLAND: What´s the vision and strategy: The general strategy
Have a vision: independent travel by PRM as a final goal
Be concrete in what you want to achieve
Use political forces to promote accessibility
Now in the Dutch railway concession: independent access is the new norm, e.g. mandatory for the
railways - mandatory purchase of new level access (low floor) trains
Closing the gap between platform edge and train entrance is now mandatory for the RUs and IMs to
solve the gap-problem between platform and train.
Make a long term plan - long term transition period 2006
The total budget allocated is 660 mio. EUR.
What helps:
Clear governing structure, Independent travel as a rule
e.g. personal assistance as a fall-
back, Agreed reporting once a year
Furthermore, improvement of personal assistance system for PRMs by:
Shortening the pre-booking from 24 hours to now 1 hour
The goal is that monster-lifts are abandoned by 2030
Evt. kontakt: Hans van Dijk, Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu -
T: 070 456 1330 / M: 06 - 15 35 95 23
Spanien, Holland, Østrig, Danmark, Belgien
Member States such as Spain have completely abolished the pre-notification period at major stations
and passengers can now just turn up and go
The Netherlands have lowered pre-notification to 1 hour.
In Austria and Denmark, pre-notification has been reduced to 12 hours and in Belgium, it has been low-
ered to 1 hour at selected stations. This should also be the norm in other EU Member States to allow
persons with disabilities to travel on an equal basis with others.
Den amerikanske lovgivning og strategi for adgang til tog er meget mere rettighedsbaseret og fremmer
vores muligheder for at kunne tage toget uafhængigt - på ethvert tidspunkt og uden forvarsel -
USAs 1. prioritering er niveaufri adgang fra perron til tog, også ved ombygninger.
2. prioritering er at tilpasse en specifik del af perronen, så kørestolsbrugere får adgang ved
egen hjælp (i stedet for at tilpasse hele perronen).
Blekinge Boulevard 2 DK-2630 Taastrup Telefon +45 39 29 35 55 E-mail
CVR 55 26 98 15 Danske Bank, 4180 kontonr. 600 3435