Donors Delivering for Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Report Launch, Thursday 16 September 2021, 14:30
16:00 CEST
Dear colleagues,
It is our pleasure to i ite you to the lau h of the se o d editio of the report “Donors
Delivering for
sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)”
that analyses SRHR disbursements of every OECD donor
ou try, oth i ter s of total olu e a d as a per e tage of a ou try total ODA, ith a spe ial fo us o
rights .
The webinar event moderated by Lisa Goerlitz, Head of the Brussels office of Deutsche Stiftung
Weltbevölkerung will take place on Thursday 16 September 2021, at 14:30-16:00 (CEST).
Please find the
programme attached.
This latest edition presents data from 2019, setting up a pre-pandemic
baseline for donors’ support
to SRHR. Based on these findings, the launch event of the report will discuss why and how donors
need to step up their game in the future.
The e i ar ill ri g se eral stakeholders together to dis uss the report’s ai fi
dings and some
unexpected rankings. It will also be an opportunity to exchange ideas on how it can shape renewed
political and funding commitments, especially as we begin to emerge from COVID-19.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this invitation. Kindly confirm your availability by filling in the
online form here
13 September 2020 COB.
We hope that you can join us and we remain at your disposal
for any questions you may have.
Neil Datta,
EPF Secretary and
Lisa Goerlitz,
Head of EU office at DSW