Virtual session, 24-28 May 2021
Mainstreaming digitalization and the circular economy
to achieve the SDGs, particularly responsible
consumption and production
Resolution adopted by consensus by the 142nd IPU Assembly
(Virtual session, 27 May 2021)
The 142nd Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,
Fully endorsing
the Political Declaration of the Sustainable Development
Goals Summit (September 2019), which reaffirms the commitment to advance the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development, and calls for accelerated action in order to achieve
the SDGs,
the Ministerial Declaration of the 2019 United Nations Environment
Assembly, particularly the commitment made by governments worldwide to "improve
national resource management strategies with an integrated full life-cycle approaches
and analysis to achieve resource-efficient and low-carbon economies", while taking into
account national circumstances,
the establishment of the Global Alliance on Circular Economy and
Resource Efficiency, which aims to support the transition to a global circular economy for
more efficient and equitable use of resources so as to achieve sustainable consumption
and production, and inclusive and sustainable industrialization,
that the circular economy and digitalization, and the interplay
between them, can make a major contribution to reaching the SDGs, particularly
responsible consumption and production,
that due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are facing major disruptions
that will force us to use our limited means even more efficiently against the background of
the crisis,
that the COVID-19 pandemic has reversed hard-won development
gains, particularly in achieving gender equality and reducing poverty, and has exposed
the deep economic and social inequalities and the challenges addressed by the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development, thus making the achievement of the SDGs all the
more necessary and urgent,
that responsible consumption and production are pivotal and
cross-cutting elements of the SDGs, and are crucial means to build back better and
greener, as they enable the efficient use of natural resources, minimize environmental
degradation, pollution and waste, and consider each stage of the life cycle while creating
opportunities for social and economic development, thus contributing to poverty
eradication and shared prosperity,
that the pandemic crisis has revealed the precariousness of long and
complex value chains, and the flaws of the linear "take-make-use-dispose" pattern of
production and consumption,