Highlights from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Meeting with Young Political Leaders
Call for Action
Helsinki +50 Process
Thursday, 27 May 2021, 14:30
17:00 CEST
Main points discussed:
The meeting allowed the participants to share their understanding and vision for the
involvement of young people in multilateral decision-making mechanisms such as the
OSCE, with a view to developing a common strategy.
The participants agreed that the inclusion of a youth perspective is not only a national
matter but also a global issue that requires collective action. They emphasized the need for
change within multilateral frameworks such as the OSCE and the importance of political
will from the international community.
It was also underlined that in addition to those changes in the multilateral framework,
young people need adequate resources and the recognition that they should play a more
prominent role.
The topic of youth inclusion was also linked to the issue of effective democracy, as no
strong and sustainable democracy can be founded without youth participation. The model
of deliberative democracy was mentioned, as a way to reach youth more effectively.
Participants highlighted the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on young people and its role
in revealing the fragility of youth, particularly in terms of youth unemployment, job
quality, and access to social services.
At the same time, the Covid-19 crisis also brought to the fore the role young people play
in bridging intergenerational dialogue and building intergenerational solidarity through
innovative ideas and communication technologies.
Climate change was identified as a key topic for the agenda of an international cooperation
platform like the OSCE. It was also stressed that youth could play a crucial role in all the
three dimensions of security, including environmental and economic security.
Lack of trust has been identified by participants as one of the most significant obstacles to
the effective inclusion of young people. In fact, there was a perception that in an
The Highlights from the OSCE PA Call for Action - Helsinki +50 related meetings are not intended to be official
conclusions, nor an exhaustive list of all issues raised during the debate, but rather a compilation of points recorded
for possible future reference. As this compilation is not exhaustive, any comments or suggested additions are