Enhancing the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 across the
OSCE Region: Parliamentarians’ Contribution to Women,
Peace and Security
Call for Action
Helsinki +50 Process
Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 14:30
17:00 CEST, online
2020 marked the 20
anniversary of the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, a
milestone resolution which recognizes
women’s participation as central to conflict prevention,
management and resolution. The Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda showcases the
fundamental role of women in conflict resolution while concentrating on the link between
gender inequality and conflict, as well as on its impact on women and girls. Throughout the
past 2 decades, the UN Security Council adopted 10 resolutions
aimed at fostering the
universal recognition of women’s rights as human rights,
while underlining the importance of
full and equal participation of women in peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding
processes with a view to ensuring long-lasting and sustainable peace.
COVID-19 pandemic
has served to exemplify the indispensable role of women in preventing and responding to
persisting and new security threats and brought to light the disproportionate impact of such
threats on women and girls.
Despite the WPS agenda providing the international community with an extensive and valuable
acquis, progress on its implementation has been met with significant challenges and setbacks.
According to a 2019 independent assessment commissioned by UN Women, only 50 % of the
recommendations from the UN’s
Peace and Security Reviews have been
implemented and 10 % had either regressed or remained stagnant
. As of November 2020, 92
(47%) UN Member States and territories had adopted at least one NAP on WPS
In September 2020, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, reiterated his call on advancing
the WPS agenda under five key recommendations, namely: enhancing
women’s equal and
meaningful participation in peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding efforts, placing
human rights at the forefront, encouraging greater investment in the social
infrastructure and services that buttress human security , initiating a gender data revolution on
WPS that reaches the general public and ensuring a universal compliance with a 15 % minimum
In total, the UN Security Council has adopted 10 resolutions under the WPS agenda:
SCR 1325 (2000), 1820
(2008), SCR 1888 (2009), SCR 1889 (2009), SCR 1960 (2010), SCR 2106 (2013), SCR 2122 (2013), SCR 2242
(2015), SCR 2467 (2019) and 2493 (2019).
An important milestone for women, peace and security,
Asako Okai, November 10, 2020
UN Women, Independent Evaluation and Audit Services (IEAS),
TRANSFORM magazine,
Issue 21/June 2021