OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2020-21
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 4
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To Mr Henrik Dam Kristensen, President of the Folketing
Geneva, November 6, 2020
Mister President,
More than a month has passed since Azerbaijan and Turkey attacked the Armenian
population of the Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).
Since September 27, the regions of Stepanakert, Martakert, Martuni, Hadrut, Askeran,
Shahumyan and Shushi, among others, have been shelled incessantly every day, several times
a day, targeting the civilian population and deliberately destroying all infrastructure as well as
cultural and environmental heritage.
The means deployed by the Turkish-Azeri army, including the large-scale use of cluster and
phosphorus bombs, although prohibited, violate all protocols and international conventions
and constitute war crimes. The colossal volume of airstrikes and the massive use of chemical
weapons are also causing irreparable damage and proving how little these armed forces value
the natural environment.
This war of aggression is part of the continuation of genocidal acts that began more than 100
years ago in the territory of Western Armenia, a territory illegally occupied by Turkey since
Its consequence is the illicit appropriation of the territory for the purposes of geopolitical and
economic exploitation. It should be noted that the three ceasefires of October 10, 18 and 26
were immediately broken by Azerbaijan.
The Deputies of the Parliament of Western Armenia through the voice of its President kindly
ask your honorable national representation to take into account the historical elements and
international law mentioned below for the lasting settlement of this war of aggression.
- This territory was offered to Azerbaijan in 1921 by Lenin and Stalin in an arbitrary
manner, against international law and against the will of the Armenian people. It is
where the azeri government pursued a racist and discriminatory policy against
After 70 years of colonial pressure, the Armenian people decided to implement their
right to self-determination by establishing their state structure in accordance with
legislation of the USSR, and in line with international standards, by starting its process
of secession from the USSR at the same time as the Soviet Socialist Republics of
Armenia and Azerbaijan.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 4: Brev til Folketingets formand fra Armeniens Parlament vedr. Nagorno-Karabakh
The referendum on the independence of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh took place
on December 10, 1991 in full compliance with Soviet law
passed o Ap il , 99 o
the procedure for resolving problems related to secession from the union of the
epu li of the USSR.
It should also be noted that this right to self-determination is in accordance with the
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of 2007. Therefore, it
o ea s a uestio of sepa atis , ut of the ight of peoples to self-
determination, the foundation of the United Nations Charter in its Article 1 Paragraph
2, and of the application of the International Peace Treaty signed in Sèvres on August
10, 1920.
This decision sparked ethnic pogroms which killed thousands of Armenians in Baku, Kirovabad
and Sumgait.
- In 1991, an azeri aggression against the Republic of Artsakh caused a war, resulting in
the deaths of tens of thousands and the victory of the people of Artsakh applying their
right to self-determination.
A mediation group was formed and a ceasefire was signed in Bishkek (Kirghistan) on
May 14, 1994. Co-chaired by the United States, France and Russia, the group included
Germany, Belarus, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, Armenia
(Eastern) and Azerbaijan, but not the State of Western Armenia, despite being
constituted in 1920 and recognized in international law.
During those tragic years, the Armenians of Western Armenia made a huge
contribution to the war effort. They participated in the defense of the historic sacred
land and suffered heavy losses of soldiers and commanders with illustrious names. On
April 1, 1993, the regions of Karvadjar and Lachin (Berdzor) were liberated by armed
forces made up of volunteers from Western Armenia, particularly the Liberation Army
under the command of Colonel Hovsep Hovsepian and Arménag Aprahamian (France),
among others. Their struggle opened up a vital territorial corridor between the
Republics of (Eastern) Armenia and Artsakh.
Since then and despite the almost continuous resurgence of aggression and short wars,
the State of Western Armenia is still not part of the Minsk Group.
In this context, we ask your instance to be aware of the legal situation:
The question of Artsakh is not an isolated issue, but must be seen in the context of the
borders of Armenia in 1920.
Artsakh is part of the State of Armenia of 1920 (established on the territory of Western
The State of Western Armenia is the continuator State of the armenian State recognized on
January 19, 1920, which remains occupied by turkish armed forces.
It is a people, a political organ, a territory (occupied) whose borders are defined by the
Arbitral Award of President Woodrow Wilson (western border) and Article 92 of the Treaty
of Sevres (eastern border).
I deed, i i te atio al la pe A ti le 9 of the T eat of Sè es, the espe ti e o de s
between Armenia (Western Armenia), Azerbaijan and Georgia will be determined by direct
ag ee e t et ee the States o e ed. The easte
o de
ust the efo e e
determined through diplomatic negotiation.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 4: Brev til Folketingets formand fra Armeniens Parlament vedr. Nagorno-Karabakh
However, Azerbaijan is trying to push back the demarcation line again by force
a first attempt
was made during the first Artsakh war in the 90s
as far as its military forces can allow it with
the objective of a junction with Nakhitchevan.
Thus, there is no territorial issue. The only suspended issue in international law is the
delimitation of the eastern border between the State of Western Armenia of 1920 and
This new war of aggression is therefore directly linked to the question which remained
suspended, that of the eastern border of the Armenian state
(established on the territory of
Western Armenia)
already recognized by Russia, the Allied Powers, the United-States and
Expansionist Azerbaijan continues to claim territories (Artsakh and Nakhitchevan) which
legally (per Article 92.21 of the Treaty of Sèvres) have never been part of Azerbaijan.
The question of Artsakh is linked to the State of Western Armenia, which in short is the
question of the independence of Armenia as a whole, indivisible and inseparable from its true
The current war must be the last one. The Armenian people are tired of being violated in their
rights, robbed, threatened and having to justify their legitimacy to live in peace on their
ancestral lands. It affirms their will as an indigenous people to restore justice and never again
ha e to justif thei ou t ’s legiti a to e ist.
Lasting peace and justice must be implemented at the level of international law, which
The expulsion of Turkey and Azerbaijan from the United Nations
by depriving them
of the title of member of this international organization for flagrant violation of the
Charter of the United Nations, for breach of international treaties, for the crime of
genocide on the indigenous Armenian population as well as on the Pontic Greek,
Yézidi and Assyrian-Chaldean population, for war crimes, for forced turkification of
the indigenous armenian population, for violation of the Arbitral Award of President
Woodrow Wilson, for misappropriation of the genetic resources of Western
Armenia, for the destruction of Armenian cultural heritage, for conspiracy and
collaboration with criminal terrorist organizations, for violation of the territorial
integrity of sovereign States.
The integration of the State of Western Armenia into the United Nations
accordance with international law and the Arbitral Award of President Woodrow
Wilson as well as in the peace talks within the framework of the group of Minsk. The
State of Western Armenia must also be part of the Minsk Group, which would be a
right decision from legal, historical, autochthonic points of view, allowing millions of
people to participate in a process that directly concerns them. This would help
realize the will of the group to resolve diplomatically, legally, effectively and
defi iti el the uestio of A tsakh.
The referral to the International Court of Justice
for crimes of genocide perpetrated
by Turkey and Azerbaijan.
OSCE, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 4: Brev til Folketingets formand fra Armeniens Parlament vedr. Nagorno-Karabakh
Lasting peace and justice must be implemented through the establishment of economic,
military and financial sanctions.
Lasting peace and justice must be implemented to help the indigenous population.
War-related trauma within the population, particularly among children, the disabled and the
wounded require imminent extensive support. We would appreciate it if you would engage
any structure that could provide material, physical and financial help to the bruised
population. The needs are immense especially in the medical and psychological fields.
The Armenian people have experienced untold suffering and the crime of crimes, which
resulted in the elaboration of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime
of Genocide. Most of its population lives in exile, having not received an ounce of restorative
History today repeats itself with the perpetuation of the crime of genocide against one of the
oldest documented civilizations
the source of Indo-European languages and a large segment
of global heritage.
Faced with this state of war, which de facto involves the world beyond the parties concerned,
our humanity will not recover unscathed.
We would like to thank you for all actions and initiatives already implemented aimed at
helping put an end to this illegal war against the will of a people who only want to continue
living and existing on their ancestral lands in accordance with their traditions and against the
flouting of international law by armies that have repeatedly demonstrated a high level of
Please accept the assurance of our highest consideration.
Leonardo Basmadyian
President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Western Armenia
Lydia Margossian
Vice-President of the Parliament of Western Armenia
[email protected]