- Parliamentary Web Dialogue
the Arctic to Global:
The Political Role in Addressing Climate Change”
The Arctic is often referred to as
“the world’s refrigerator” due to its important role in regulating
temperatures all over the planet. Climate change effects are not an exclusive feature of the region,
but simply happen more intensely and more quickly there. The trend is a global trend. Hence, the
Arctic should serve as an eye opener of what the whole planet is facing: a climate crisis with
profound impacts on the environment, on security, on the life of citizens and on society as a whole.
For this reason, on 16 September 2020 the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly held the Parliamentary
Web Dialogue “From
the Arctic to Global: the Political Role in Addressing Climate Change”.
The webinar started with a focus on the Arctic and then developed into the broader issue of
addressing climate change globally. The event, initiated and chaired by the OSCE PA Special
Representative on Arctic Issues Ms. Torill Eidsheim (MP, Norway), and moderated by OSCE PA
Advisor Mr. Guido Almerigogna, provided an informal platform for over 50 participants among
Members of Parliament, parliamentary staff and relevant external guests, to discuss the effects of
climate change in the Arctic and beyond, as well as ways in which Parliamentarians and
international parliamentary fora such as the OSCE PA can enhance their support to the much
needed global response.
Climate change should be considered and addressed as a
climate crisis,
with direct impact on
people’s security. It is therefore relevant to address it within
the OSCE.
Parliamentarians should make the best use of their key assets, notably legislative, oversight
and public awareness capacities, to support and provide long-term strategic political
leadership to efforts aimed at building resilient, sustainable and climate-friendly societies. In
particular, it is urgent to:
Adapt national legislation in order to implement commitments included in the COP21
Paris Agreement and other international agreements.
Mobilize adequate resources for the transition to a carbon-free, sustainable society.
Engage youth and work cooperatively with all stakeholders, de-politicizing the topic.
Consider joint responses to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change together.
The OSCE PA, while maintaining a focus on the Arctic, should also explore ways to give
more importance and coherence to the dossier of global climate change in its activities,
including within the framework of the 2
DISCLAIMER: The Highlights from the OSCE PA Web Dialogue are not intended to be official conclusions, nor
an exhaustive list of all issues raised during the debate, but rather a collection of main points as analysed by the
International Secretariat for possible future reference. As such, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly makes no claims
nor warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about their completeness and reliability.