The President
Heads of OSCE PA Delegations
Members of the OSCE PA Bureau
11 December 2020
Dear Colleagues,
Dear Friends
As you know, Georgia held parliamentary elections on 31 October 2020. The ensuing
political crisis has led opposition parties to refuse to enter parliament. Unfortunately, as a
member of this political alliance, I must follow this agreement and, as a consequence, I will
cease to be Member of Parliament from today.
It has been an honour to carry your voice as your President for the past three years, and
as a Vice-President for the five years prior. I want to thank you all for your friendship, for our
rewarding discussions and debates, the important decisions we have taken over the years, and
for your sincere commitment to the work and values of the OSCE. I also thank you for your
trust, your personal support, and your encouragements, which I have been privileged to enjoy.
Throughout these years, I have also been grateful for the excellent support and advice I have
received from staff at the OSCE PA International Secretariat.
I have conferred with Secretary General Roberto Montella in recent weeks to ensure
that a smooth presidential transition takes place. I would like to use this occasion to wish my
successor, Peter Lord Bowness, every success in guiding our Assembly until the Bucharest
Annual Session next July.
I am proud that over the past three years, we have continued to build honest and strong
collaboration with the other parts of our Organization. In Vienna, we continue to enjoy
excellent working relations with the Chairmanship and Delegations, the Secretariat and Field
Operations, as again demonstrated throughout this year by regular participation in virtual
events. Despite the current situation, we have forged stronger partnerships with the
Representative on Media Freedom, the High Commissioner on National Minorities, and the
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. I am convinced that under their new
leadership, the OSCE PA will further consolidate these strategic partnerships to benefit all
OSCE citizens.
As President of this Parliamentary Assembly, it has been one of my goals to upgrade
the visibility of the Assembly, not only within the OSCE but also on the international scene.
Tordenskjoldsgade 1, 1055 Copenhagen K., Denmark