Miljø- og Fødevareudvalget 2020-21
MOF Alm.del Bilag 709
Pesticider og biocider 2020 - 11609
Ref. perrj
Den 14. april 2021
af mulig sammenhæng mellem ADHD-
symptomer og metabolitter af pyrethroider, baseret på Odense
Børne Kohorten
En forskningsartikel, hvor der rapporteres om en mulig sammenhæng mellem ADHD-symptomer og
metabolitter af pyrethroider baseret på Odense Børne Kohorten blev offentliggjort i 2019
Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet har bedt om en yderligere kvalificering af forskningsartiklen om en
mulig sammenhæng mellem ADHD-symptomer og urinmetabolitter af pyrethroider og chlorpyrifos i
henhold til den fastlagte praksis for reguleringsmæssig brug af befolkningsundersøgelser om effekter
af sprøjtemidler, jf. , idet
artiklen falder i mellemgruppen, hvor der er et middelstærkt grundlag for reguleringsmæssige indgreb.
vurdering af artiklen er fremsendt til departementet den 9. januar 2020. Vurderingen viste, at
undersøgelsen var af ”lav/middel pålidelighed” og med ”nogen evidens for en årsagssammenhæng”.
Miljøstyrelsen har efterfølgende bedt forfatteren til artiklen om kommentarer til den faglige vurdering
fra DTU. Miljøstyren har modtaget forfatterens kommentarer og sendt dem til DTU med henblik på at
vurdere, om kommentarerne giver anledning til at ændre vurderingen af artiklen. DTU’s opdaterede
faglige vurdering af artiklen fra den 29. juni 2020, indeholdt
meget få tilretninger. DTU’s
vurdering af artiklen er fremsendt til departementet den 3. juli 2020.
Miljøstyrelsen har endvidere sendt artiklen til EFSA mhp. at vurdere studiet og informere om evt.
igangværende EU-arbejde vedrørende aktivstoffer, som danner de pågældende
nedbrydningsprodukter.. MST har endvidere anmodet om, at EFSA vurderede statistikken og
robustheden af fundene. EFSA har vurderet studiet på deres 108. PPR Panel møde den 19. november
2020, hvor Miljøstyrelsen og DTU også deltog. EFSAs fulde vurdering samt svar på uddybende
spørgsmål fra Miljøstyrelsen fra 14. december 2020 og 22 januar 2021 følger herunder.
Det fremgår, at PPR panelet vurderer, at de statistiske metoder, som er anvendt er hensigtsmæssige.
PPR Panelet vurderer endvidere, at der er en mulig sammenhæng mellem prænatal eksponering for
pyrethroider og forældrevurderet ADHD-problemscore, men at der ikke er vist årsagssammenhæng.
Samlet set er det EFSA’s vurdering, at
de eksisterende epidemiologiske beviser for sammenhængen
mellem urin-niveauer af 3-PBA (og trans-DCCA) og ADHD er ret begrænsede og, da modstridende
Dalsager L, Fage-Larsen B, Bilenberg N, Jensen TK, Nielsen F, Kyhl HB, Grandjean P, Andersen HR.
Maternal urinary concentrations of pyrethroid and chlorpyrifos metabolites and attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in 2-4-year-old children from the Odense Child Cohort.
Environ Res. 2019; 176: 108533. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108533
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MOF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 709: Orientering om nyt om befolkningsundersøgelser om mulige sundhedseffekter ved udsættelse for sprøjtemidler, fra miljøministeren
resultater også er set i litteraturen for 3-PBA (hovedmetabolitten), at der er behov for flere
undersøgelser med optimalt design og udført i forskellige populationer for at underbygge fundene.
EFSA vurderer, at resultaterne for Trans-DCCA (en mindre metabolit, fundet i 11%), både kan
repræsentere en ægte effekt eller alternativt en tilfældig effekt på grund af det relativt lille antal børn,
der havde en score for ADHD symptomer større end 90-percentilen, og hvis mødre samtidig havde
trans-DCCA niveauer over detektionsgrænsen. Sandsynligheden for at et statistisk signifikant fund
afspejler en reel effekt påvirkes negativt af lav statistisk styrke i et studie, som det er tilfældet i dette
Vurdering af Dalsager et al, 2019 artiklen fra EFSA PPR Panelet, modtaget pr
mail den 9. december 2020:
Study under evaluation:
Dalsager L, Fage-Larsen B, Bilenberg N, Jensen TK, Nielsen F, Kyhl HB, Grandjean P, Andersen HR.
Maternal urinary concentrations of pyrethroid and chlorpyrifos metabolites and attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in 2-4-year-old children from the Odense Child Cohort.
Environ Res. 2019; 176: 108533. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2019.108533
Question raised by Pernille Rosenskjold Jacobsen (Ministry of Environment and Food
of Denmark)
We kindly ask EFSA to consider the paper (Dalsager et al, 2019) and evaluate the associations
(reliability and causality) observed for pyrethroids. Especially relating to the robustness of the
association observed between ADHD symptoms and the different metabolites considering the size of
the increases (odds ratio and relative change ratio) observed, the quality of the methods and the
statistical analysis used in the study.
Summary of the study
This study assessed the association between prenatal exposure to pyrethroids and chlorpyrifos and
traits of ADHD in 2-4-year-old children from the Odense Child Cohort (Denmark). The main results
showed that every doubling in maternal 3-PBA concentration was associated with a 3% higher than
expected ADHD score (adjusted ratio: 1.03; 95% CI: 1.00–1.07). Also, a doubling in maternal 3-PBA
concentration was associated with 13% higher odds of having an ADHD score ≥ the 90
(adjusted OR: 1.13; 95% CI 1.01–1.25).
The odds of an ADHD score ≥ the 90
percentile was 1.76-fold
higher in children whose mothers had trans-DCCA concentrations above LOD compared to children
whose mothers had concentrations below the LOD (adjusted OR: 1.76; 95% CI: 1.08–2.86).
Concurrent concentrations of 3-PBA and the chlorpyrifos metabolite TCPY above their medians were
associated with higher ADHD score (adjusted relative change ratio: 1.20; 95% CI 1.04–1.38) and
higher odds of scoring ≥ the 90th percentile (adjusted OR: 1.98; 95% CI 1.26–3.11).
The study
concluded that prenatal exposure to pyrethroids was associated with ADHD related traits at 2–4 years
of age.
Assessment of the study
Overall, the study of Dalsager et al. (2019) only supports a
association between prenatal
exposure to pyrethroid insecticides metabolites and the prevalence of ADHD traits in childhood. The
strengths, limitation and risk of bias of the study are briefly addressed below.
1. Main
of the study:
MOF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 709: Orientering om nyt om befolkningsundersøgelser om mulige sundhedseffekter ved udsættelse for sprøjtemidler, fra miljøministeren
The prospective follow-up design (birth cohort) and the large sample size (n=948) are the
main strengths of this study. The advantage of cohort studies is that exposure is assessed
before the occurrence of the outcome measured. Accordingly, the reliability of this study is
higher than that of a few other studies addressing the association between urinary levels of 3-
PBA and ADHD traits, such as Lee et al. (2020)
, Wagner-Schuman et al. (2015)
Richardson et al. (2015)
, which used a cross-sectional design.
The use of biomonitoring for metabolites of the exposure of interest is generally considered to
be the most relevant and reliable way to assess exposure in epidemiology studies. In this study,
a number of specific and non-specific pyrethroid metabolites were measured, albeit with
varying analytical sensitivity.
2. The major
of this study are the following:
Possible misclassification of the exposure over pregnancy as only a single urinary sample was
obtained at gestational week (GW) 28. Although the study claims that the exposure level is
assumed to be more stable in populations continuously exposed to low concentrations of
insecticides from residues in the diet, this assumption has not been demonstrated.
Potential for misclassification of ADHD scores as these were parent-reported and the severity
of symptoms may be systematically under- or overestimated.
The size of the effect when analysing for the expected relative change (ratio) in ADHD score
was rather low (3% and 13%) when 3-PBA was expressed as a continuous variable.
Furthermore, the results were significant only for girls (relative change ratio 1.06, 95% CI
1.00–1.12) but not for boys (1.02; 95% CI 0.98–1.06). Effect sizes were similar but slightly
larger for the OR for
scoring ≥ the
90th percentile on the ADHD scale. However, only 18% of
assessed children fell into this category.
3. The internal validity or
risk of bias
(RoB) of the study was appraised using a customised version of
the OHAT/NTP RoB assessment tool (Handbook for Conducting a Literature-Based Health
Assessment Using OHAT Approach for Systematic Review and Evidence Integration, 2015
). This tool
was developed to provide an approach to the evaluation of RoB in the context of hazard identification
for human risk assessment of chemicals. The following seven questions were assessed and rated as for
Q1: Did the selection of study participants result in appropriate comparison
Rated as definitively low RoB. The study participants (mother-child pairs) were derived from a
prospective birth cohort study, pregnant women were recruited from the same eligible population,
using the same method and inclusion and exclusion criteria
DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109739
DOI: 10.1186/s12940-015-0030-y
DOI: 10.1096/fj.14-260901
Handbook for Conducting a Literature-Based Health Assessment Using OHAT Approach for Systematic Review
and Evidence Integration. Office of Health Assessment and Translation (OHAT) Division of the National
Toxicology Program National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
MOF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 709: Orientering om nyt om befolkningsundersøgelser om mulige sundhedseffekter ved udsættelse for sprøjtemidler, fra miljøministeren
Q2: Did the study design or analysis account for important confounding and
modifying variables?
Rated as probably low RoB. Factors (covariates) that may influence either gestational maternal
exposure to insecticides or ADHD symptom score in the children were included in a directed
acyclic graph DAG
. Negative regression models were adjusted for maternal educational level,
parental psychiatric diagnosis, child age and sex, 3-PBA and TCPY concentrations, and urinary
creatinine. However, potential co-exposure to developmental neurotoxicants (e.g.,
organophosphorus compounds, lead, mercury, among others) was not measured with the
exception of urinary TCPY (a relatively specific metabolite of chlorpyrifos).
Q3: Were outcome data complete without attrition or exclusion from analysis?
Rated as probably low RoB, particularly because of attrition. The CBCL: 1�½-5 questionnaire was
mailed to 2551 parents and a total of 1942 (76.6%) answered it. Only 1515 pregnant women
provided a urine sample during pregnancy (N=1515). Finally, the study population consisted of
948 participants. Potential selection bias was assessed and it was found that study participants
were generally older and more often non-smokers as compared to both groups of non-participants.
Also, participants providing a urine samples generally had a higher educational level as compared
to non-participants.
Q4: Can we be confident in the exposure characterisation?
Rated as probably high RoB. Exposure was assessed by monitoring for the common pyrethroid
metabolite (3-PBA) and other more specific metabolites in a single urine sample collected at GW
28. Analyses were performed by LC-MS/MS with the analytical method being based on a slightly
modified version of a previously reported method.
Only a single spot urine sample was collected in GW 28 and considered as a proxy for the pesticide
exposure level during pregnancy, which is not necessarily representative of pyrethroid exposure
over the entire pregnancy. Furthermore, a potential exposure after birth up to the age of
assessment at 27 months cannot be excluded.
Although the study determined 3-PBA, 4-F-3PBA, cis-DCCA, trans-DCCA, cis-DBCA in urine, only
3-PBA was detected in a high percentage of maternal samples (94.4%) and the remaining
metabolites were detected in a very small proportion of samples (trans-DCCA in 11.4% and the rest
in less than 5%). 3-PBA is a common metabolite of many synthetic pyrethroids, including
allethrin, cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, fenpropathrin, fenvalerate, permethrin,
resmethrin, tralomethrin, and their isomers.
However, the use of 3-PBA as urinary biomarker to
assess exposure to these compounds is limited by the possibility that measured concentrations
may represent direct exposure to 3-PBA formed in food items from the degradation of these
pesticides in the environment or metabolisation by plants rather than exposure to the parent
compounds themselves. Hence, biomonitoring of these biomarkers in urine will lead to
overestimation and misclassification of exposure for risk assessments and epidemiologic studies,
particularly in scenarios of low level exposure such as occur in dietary and other non-occupational
settings (Chen et al., 2012
Directed acyclic graph (DAG) models are popular tools for describing causal relationships and for guiding
attempts to learn them from data. They appear to supply a means of extracting causal conclusions from
probabilistic conditional independence properties inferred from purely observational data.
doi: 10.1021/jf303116p
MOF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 709: Orientering om nyt om befolkningsundersøgelser om mulige sundhedseffekter ved udsættelse for sprøjtemidler, fra miljøministeren
Q5: Can we be confident in the outcome assessment?
Rated as probably low RoB since the Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1�½-5 years (CBCL: 1�½-5)
is considered a validated tool. It is a parent-report online questionnaire on which the child is rated
on various behavioural and emotional problems. However, from 100 questions of the CBCL that
addressed behavioural, emotional, and social problems, only 6 correspond to an ADHD problem
scale. Furthermore, CBCL can be used to screen for ADHD disorders in preschool children
population, but it is not a specific diagnostic tool for ADHD. Finally, the questionnaire was not
administered by experienced neuropsychologists.
Q6: Were all measured outcomes reported?
Rated as probably low RoB. The ADHD score was analyzed as ordinal data from CBCL:1�½-5
results, and also as a dichotomized variable (scoring ≥ 90th percentile on the CBCL:1�½-5)
appropriated regression analysis. Besides, 94 questions of the CBCL questionnaire were not
reported as they were not directly related to ADHD.
Q7: Were there other potential threats to internal validity? Were the statistical
methods appropriate?
Rated as definitely low RoB. The statistical methods used were appropriate. Bivariate and
multivariate (binomial and logistic regression analyses) were used. Crude and adjusted sizes of
effects were obtained.
When the algorithms of OHAT/NTP were applied to the aforementioned ratings, the study was
categorised as tier 3 (high RoB). The main driver for this categorization was Q4 (exposure
Overall appraisal with regard to the questions raised by the Ministry of Environment
and Food of Denmark
Human observational studies are not designed to provide direct evidence of causality. Instead, the
observed associations must be critically examined with regard to the likelihood of a cause-effect
relationship. There are several aspects of this study which make it difficult to assess the observed
associations with regard to causality. First and foremost, a spot urine sample taken at only a single
time-point during pregnancy provides very little information about the overall exposure to pyrethroids
during pregnancy and none about exposure during the first two years of life. Secondly, although
confounders were adjusted for, relevant co-exposures to other potential developmental neurotoxins
were not assessed with the exception of chlorpyrifos. Thirdly, the CBCL:1�½-5 instrument is parent-
administered and contains only a small number of questions related to behaviour possibly associated
with ADHD. Fourthly, the observed relative change (ratio) in the primary model (negative binomial
regression) was very small (only 3% higher than expected). Although the auxiliary model (logistic
regression) showed similar and somewhat stronger associations when applied to those children
≥ the 90th percentile on the ADHD scale, this only applied to a relatively small subset of
children. It must therefore be concluded that an association between prenatal exposure to pyrethroids
and parent-assessed ADHD problem score is possible but no causality can be determined.
Overall, the available epidemiological evidence in humans on the association between urinary levels of
3-PBA and ADHD is rather limited (Dalsager et al., 2019; Lee et al., 2020; Wagner-Schuman et al.,
2015; and Richardson et al., 2015). Thereby, more studies with optimal designs and conducted in
MOF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 709: Orientering om nyt om befolkningsundersøgelser om mulige sundhedseffekter ved udsættelse for sprøjtemidler, fra miljøministeren
different populations are needed to provide consistency to the available findings, as contradictory
results are also available in the literature (Quirós-Alcalá et al., 2014
Miljøstyrelsen sendte EFSA yderligere uddybende spørgsmål den 14. december 2020.
Miljøstyrelsens spørgsmål efterfølges af EFSAs svar fra 22. januar 2021, markeret med
rød tekst.
Thank you for this very thorough assessment it is indeed very helpful. We just have a couple of
questions for clarification for Trans-DCCA, which was also discussed at the meeting.
Under Q4 it is stated “Although the study determined 3-PBA,
4-F-3PBA, cis-DCCA, trans-DCCA, cis-
DBCA in urine, only 3-PBA was detected in a high percentage of maternal samples (94.4%) and the
remaining metabolites were detected in a very small proportion of samples (trans-DCCA in 11.4% and
the rest in less than 5%).”
Does this mean that Trans-DCCA (as the other metabolites mentioned) is considered detected in so
few samples/few subjects that it is difficult to use the result?
Re: According to the study, trans-DCCA was detected in 11.4% of the study population (which
consisted of 948 mothers) whereas 3-PBA was detected in 94.4%. There are two possible reasons
underlying this large difference in the percentage of detection of both metabolites in urine samples:
The analytic sensitivity of the methodology was different for the metabolites studied. The LOD
was 0.03 ng/ml for 3-PBA and 0.4 ng/ml for trans-DCCA. Because pyretroids yielding trans-DCCA are
hydrolysed to one molecule of 3-PBA and another of trans-DCCA, the analytical sensitivity of trans-
DCCA was 13.64 times lower than that of 3-PBA on a molar basis.
While many type I and type II pyrethroids share 3-PBA as a common metabolite, trans-DCCA
only originates from a few pyrethroids (permethrin, cypermethrin and cyfluthrin). It is possible that
the study population had higher exposure to pyrethroids other than those yielding trans-DCCA.
Both metabolites have a similar apparent elimination half-life, 5.4 h for 3-PBA and 5.7 h for trans-
DCCA in volunteers following ingestion (doi:10.1093/annhyg/mev059).
Based on the lower number of mothers with trans-DCCA levels above the LOD, the study categorized
exposure as a dichotomous variable, i.e. above and below the LOD. In contrast to 3-PBA, the study
may be underpowered to detect a potential significant association of trans-DCCA with ADHD traits
due to a smaller sample size. In other words, the statistical power to detect significant associations was
much lower as compared to 3-PBA.
Otherwise trans-DCCA
is only mentioned in the initial “Summary of the study” where results from the
Dalsager et al. paper, are presented. The effects associated with detecting Trans-DCCA above LOD
does not seem to be considered in the overall appraisal although they were discussed during the
Re: The appraisal paid more attention to 3-PBA because the study addressed the association of
pyrethroids (in general) with traits of ADHD. Based on the reasons mentioned above (i.e., a low
detection rate for trans-DCCA and potential for underpowered analysis) this metabolite was only
briefly considered for the study appraisal.
DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1308031
MOF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 709: Orientering om nyt om befolkningsundersøgelser om mulige sundhedseffekter ved udsættelse for sprøjtemidler, fra miljøministeren
Miljøstyrelsen bad om yderlige uddybning af svaret den 22. januar 2020. EFSAs svar
kom den 1. Februar 2021 markeret med rød tekst:
The result of Trans-DCCA in Table 6 in the paper,
show the odds of an ADHD score ≥the 90th
percentile was 1.76-fold higher in children whose mothers had trans-DCCA concentrations above LOD
compared to children whose mothers had concentrations below the LOD (statistically significant and
also seen in boys and girls separately). Based on the answers in red is it correctly understood that,
because of the low power to detect significant associations for Trans-DCCA, the observed statistically
significant result in table 6 may actually not reflect a true effect?
There is a risk of over-interpreting single findings from observational studies, which should not be
taking out of context in order to rationalise them. No firm conclusions should be drawn from an
individual finding either, but the latter rather should be seen in the context of the whole study. That
finding may therefore be related to the inherent limitations of the study, which may have a greater
impact on individual parts thereof.
Having said that, the finding under consideration may represent a true effect observed in the study or,
alternatively, a random effect due to the relatively small number of children who had a CBCL- ADHD
score greater than the 90th percentile and whose mothers had trans-DCCA levels above the LOD. A
low sample size, a small effect size, or both may negatively affects the likelihood that a nominally
statistically significant finding of a study actually reflects a true effect as a result of low statistical
power (Button et al., 2013).