Distr.: Limited
18 February 2021
Original: English
United Nations
Environment Assembly of the
United Nations Environment
United Nations Environment Assembly of the
United Nations Environment Programme
Fifth session
Nairobi (online), 22–26 February 2021*
Looking ahead to the resumed UN Environment Assembly in
Message from online UNEA-5, Nairobi 22
23 February
The Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly in Nairobi,
Meeting online
for the first part of the fifth session of the Assembly 22-23 February 2021,
under exceptional circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
the urgency to continue our efforts to protect our planet also in this time of crisis,
Wish to strengthen
our support for the United Nations and for multilateral cooperation and
remain convinced that collective action is essential to successfully address global challenges,
Is deeply concerned
about the devastating global effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, creating
new and serious health, socio-economic and environmental challenges, compounding existing ones
especially in developing countries, undermining our common efforts to eradicate poverty and achieve
the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
more than ever that human health and wellbeing are dependent upon nature and the
solutions it provides, and we are aware that we shall face recurring risks of future pandemics if we
maintain our current unsustainable patterns in our interactions with nature,
Is deeply concerned
by the continuing loss of biodiversity, especially through the degradation
and fragmentation of ecosystems and habitats for wildlife; the threats to lives and livelihoods from
climate change, as well as from pollution and poorly managed waste and chemicals, jeopardizing our
environment and our overarching objective of sustainable development,
the mandate of the UN Environment Programme as the leading global
environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes coherent implementation
of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and
serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment,
* In accordance with a decision taken at the joint meeting of the Bureaux of the United Nations Environment
Assembly and of the Committee of Permanent Representatives held on 1 December 2020, the fifth session of the
Assembly is expected to adjourn on 23 February 2021 and resume as an in-person meeting in February 2022.
The Message contained in this document does not constitute a negotiated outcome of the 5th session of the
United Nations Environment Assembly and shall not set a precedent for either its re sumed 5th session or any of
the Environment Assembly’s subsequent