Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2020-21
KEF Alm.del Bilag 45
October 26, 2020
Kirstine Damkjær
Chief Executive Officer
EKF Denmark's Export Credit Agency
Lautrupsgade 11
2100 Copenhagen
Director of International Relations, EKF, Mariane Søndergaard-Jensen
Director Environmental & Social Risk, EKF, Kristin Parello-Plesner
The Climate Energy and Utilities Committee of the Danish Parliament
Invitation to take part in a Finance in Common initiative focused on ending fossil
fuel finance and accelerating Paris Alignment efforts
Dear Kirstine Damkjær,
We are writing to invite you to join our initiative focused on ending fossil fuel finance and
increasing support for a just transition to be launched at the upcoming Finance in Common
Summit, at EIB’s high level event on Paris Alignment, taking place on 12 November,
and in Paris.
The Finance in Common Summit, bringing together 450 public finance institutions
controlling $2 trillion in public money in November this year, presents an important
opportunity to leverage leadership on this issue. This can be accomplished through the
launch of a joint commitment from leading PFIs to end fossil fuel finance and increase just
transition support, as part of commitments to align with the 1.5°C target of the Paris
The commitment, supported by the EIB and the UN Secretary General’s climate action
team, is to end fossil fuel finance and increase support for a managed and just transition
from oil, gas, and coal towards renewable energy sources. In delivery, this would be a
concrete, tangible and media-friendly outcome that would be welcomed by the climate
movement and help make the Finance in Common Summit a success. It would also send
a strong political signal towards the private sector and help build momentum toward a
successful COP26 in 2021, for which finance has been identified as a priority topic.
EKF has in recent years shown through its portfolio a firm commitment to providing project
finance and guarantees supporting an export model prioritizing energy transition through
renewables and away from fossil fuel. It is our view that as a practitioner of export credit,
Forum for Bæredygtig Udvikling, er et samarbejde mellem 23 danske miljø- og udviklingsorganisationer.
92-gruppen arbejder for fremme af en bæredygtig udvikling i hele verden.
92-gruppen består af: Amnesty, Care Danmark, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, Dansk International Bosætningsservice, Dansk Ornitologisk
Forening/BirdLife Danmark, FN-forbundet, Global Aktion, Greenpeace, IWGIA, Kvindernes U-landsudvalg, Klimabevægelsen, Mellemfolkeligt
Samvirke, Natur og Ungdom, Netværket for økologisk folkeoplysning og praksis/Øko-net, Nyt Europa, Oxfam IBIS, Red Orangutangen, Rådet for
Grøn Omstilling, Sex &Samfund, U-landsforeningen Svalerne, VedvarendeEnergi, Verdens Skove, WWF Verdensnatur-fonden.
Vesterbrogade 2B, 1620 Kbh. V
Tlf: 21 72 79 57
e-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.92grp.dk
Koordinator: Troels Dam
KEF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 45: Kopi af invitation fra 92-gruppen til Eksportkreditfonden om at deltage i et initiativ under Finance i Common topmødet 12/11-20 om at stoppe finansiering af fossile investeringer og af Eksportkreditfondens svarbrev
EKF is in a unique position to join and lead the league of leading public finance institutions
including export credit agencies on this initiative.
To set a gold standard for climate leadership for other public and private finance
institutions to follow, such a commitment should meet or exceed the fossil fuel exclusions
in the Energy Lending Policy of the European Investment Bank (EIB), which covers all
fossil fuels, all fossil fuel infrastructure and direct and indirect finance and through which
the EIB is expected to end virtually all its unabated oil and gas financing by 2021. An
increasing number of institutions are ending their support for coal, but to stay within
climate limits they must go further and end their support for oil and gas.
We have selected your institution as a key candidate for this initiative
Do you agree and would your institution be interested in taking part in this initiative?
Do you support the spirit of the proposed draft language for the joint commitment
(see below). This final language would of course need to be agreed by all
participating institutions.
Is your government/institution willing to support the establishment of this initiative
including through outreach to key target governments and institutions to promote
the initiative?
If so, could you please put us in touch with the person in your government/at your
institution who will be leading on this?
Proposed language for a flagship commitment to end fossil fuel finance and
accelerate Paris Alignment efforts
On the occasion of the Finance in Common Summit, the first global meeting of all public
development banks, and of the 2020 Paris Peace Forum, we recognise the urgency of
implementing the Paris Agreement, which this year will celebrate its 5-year anniversary,
including its objective to align financial flows with “pathways towards low greenhouse gas
emissions and climate-resilient
development” (article 2.1.c.).
We, the undersigned public development banks and export credit agencies,
the clear scientific consensus that the combustion of fossil fuels has been and
continues to be the leading driver of climate change,
Taking note
of the
finding of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) that,
in pathways towards Paris alignment that take a precautionary approach to negative
emissions, the global production and use of fossil fuels must decrease significantly by 2030,
in order to preserve limited or no overshoot of 1.5° Celsius of warming,
KEF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 45: Kopi af invitation fra 92-gruppen til Eksportkreditfonden om at deltage i et initiativ under Finance i Common topmødet 12/11-20 om at stoppe finansiering af fossile investeringer og af Eksportkreditfondens svarbrev
the increasing threat that climate change represents to the health, safety and
livelihoods of people, to biodiversity and to sustainable development in many communities
that investing in fossil-related energy projects increasingly entails economic
risks of stranded assets in developed and developing countries alike,
the progress, driven in part by pathbreaking PDB investments over the past
decade, in reducing the costs of renewable energy alternatives to become cheaper than
fossil fuels in growing parts of the world,
the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to
“recover better” for a sustainable economic recovery which saves
lives and improves
Declare a shared commitment to,
Put a halt to new support for fossil fuels and other projects emitting more than
and phase out all support for fossil fuels already in the pipeline,
direct and indirect, by the end of [2021/2022].
This should cover associated facilities
and include all financial instruments and forms of support including advisory services,
technical assistance, and support through financial intermediaries. In so doing, we wish
to prioritize our contributions as public development banks to the energy transition,
using our resources to improve what can be delivered by the private sector;
Instead prioritize supporting non-fossil solutions
in power, heat and ground-based
clean transport, including but not limited to renewable energy, energy efficiency savings,
batteries and storage, interconnectors, smart-grid technologies and the electrification of
heat and transport;
Rapidly scale up investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy, and in
universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy (SDG 7)
by 2030.
This finance should prioritize ‘high-impact’ countries, where access rates to
electricity and clean cooking remain the lowest, as well as the mainstreaming of energy
access, off-grid and mini-grid renewable energy into energy planning and targeted
financing approaches;
Increase our support for a just transition away from fossil fuels,
including through
support for the diversification of fossil fuel dependent economies, [the early retirement
of fossil fuel assets], and support for workers and communities currently dependent on
oil, gas and coal production as well as on other high carbon sectors;
Increase the share of finance dedicated to climate action
to assist countries in
accelerating their chosen low carbon development pathways. This finance should
In accordance with EIB Energy Lending Policy (2019) (Para. 27 refers)
KEF, Alm.del - 2020-21 - Bilag 45: Kopi af invitation fra 92-gruppen til Eksportkreditfonden om at deltage i et initiativ under Finance i Common topmødet 12/11-20 om at stoppe finansiering af fossile investeringer og af Eksportkreditfondens svarbrev
observe the principle of “do no harm” —
to the Paris goals, local communities, or local
Commit to full alignment with the Paris
Agreement’s ambition of limiting
warming to 1.5°C, based on credible, robust scenarios,
and to encouraging our
clients and financial intermediaries to do the same;
Respect the right to free, prior and informed consent and deliver gender-
responsive support as closely as possible to local communities.
This will help
ensure that support meets local development needs and that projects are financially,
environmentally and socially equitable and sustainable;
Support other public development banks in their efforts to implement similar
commitments in the lead up to COP26.
We pledge to share our experience with
ending fossil fuel finance and aligning our finance with the Paris Agreement with peer
Public Development Banks and Export Credit Agencies to support their Paris alignment
efforts, including efforts to end fossil fuel finance and support a just and green recovery
from COVID-19.
We look forward to hearing your views and comments, which can be addressed to
Laurie van der Burg,
Oil Change International ([email protected]) and
Wawa Wang
VedvarendeEnergi ([email protected]). We would be delighted to have a call to discuss
Best regards,
Troels Dam Christensen
On behalf of the Danish 92 Group
Forum for Sustainable Development, which in this
matter is represented by:
CARE Danmark
Danmarks Naturfredningsforening
Dansk International Bosætningsservice (DIB)
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke
Rådet for Grøn Omstilling