Klima-, Energi- og Forsyningsudvalget 2020-21
KEF Alm.del Bilag 368
Danish response to the public consultation on the revision of the Energy Per-
formance of Buildings Directive
Centre for Global Climate Ac-
EU Green Transition
29 June 2021
Case No
2021 - 1707
Danish key priorities for the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Buldings in the EU play an important role in achieving the EU energy effeciency target
of the EU’s final consumption by 2030. The Danish Government welcomes the revision
of the EPBD along with the Renovation Wave strategy, to ensure cost-effective energy
efficiency along with the decarbonisation of the existing building stock.
The direcive should support the phase out of fossil fuels for individual heating and
cooling of buildings.
General support for updating the framework for Energy Performance Certificates, in-
cluding a focus on the use of data and digitalization.
The Commission is encouraged
to ensure comprehensive alignment with the “Fit for
package”, especially regarding the ETS
and the inclusion of buildings.
When revising the EPBD, the Commission is encouraged to take into account the
national circumstances of the various member states in order to incentivize least-cost
paths for emission reductions and energy efficiency.
General remarks
The Commission strategy for a Renovation Wave for Europe will be an important
step towards the green transition and the EU target of climate neutrality by 2050.
The Danish Government therefore welcomes the revision of the Energy Perfor-
mance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) as part of the Renovation Wave strategy.
The Danish Government seeks an ambitious approach to the renovation of the
building stock and emphasises the need for a continued focus on a cost-effective-
ness approach in this regard. When proposing new measures the Commission is
encouraged to maintain a guiding principle on cost-optimality, as it will ensure
sound implementation in Member States and keep support from the building own-
Furthermore, the Commission is encouraged to ensure that cost-effectiveness
guides EU spending on the Renovation Wave to ensure that buildings most in need
of energy renovations are prioritised and in order to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
sions and deliver higher energy efficiency along with the decarbonisation of the ex-
isting building stock.
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There is a particular challenge related to the poor energy performance of the EU
building stock, which should be addressed to achieve the ambitious EU climate tar-
gets. There is a huge potential for energy efficiency in the European building stock
through cost-effective improvements of the building shell, transition to electric and
efficient heat pumps as well as the promotion of district heating and energy efficient
equipment and smart buildings through smart lighting and advanced buildings en-
ergy management systems.
Consequently, the Commission is encouraged to ensure that the principle of energy
efficiency first will continuously be a key objective in the Fit for 55 package as well
as the revision of the EPBD. Here, the Danish Government encourages the Com-
mission to raise the present energy efficiency target at EU level to 40 pct. of the
EU’s final energy consumption by 2030.
In addition, the Commission should ensure
full alignment between the revised EPBD and other relevant legislation highlighted
in the Commission’s
2021 Work Programme.
Energy efficiency also provides huge employment opportunities in green sectors
and industries, which is a high priority for a green recovery and the Next-Genera-
tion EU package. Here, Denmark has important competences and expertise on
green technological solutions and products in the building sector.
The Danish Government fully supports efforts focused on exploring effective ways
to target public buildings. Denmark’s Climate Action Plan for energy and industry
introduces ambitious initiatives on energy efficiency in buildings both owned and
used by government institutions.
In addition, the Danish Government finds that a potential proposal on increasing the
rate of renovation should focus on developing a framework that provides a more
consistent and equal saving obligations across Member States. The Commission is
encouraged to consider specific national circumstances and enable flexibility for
Member States in the revision of the EPBD. In addition, the emission reduction and
energy efficiency potential should be main drivers of energy renovations.
Remarks on key elements
In accordance with the above, the Danish Government
supports the Commission’s
overall approach regarding the Renovation Wave with the following detailed re-
marks for the revision of the EPBD:
Phasing out fossil fuels in individual heating and cooling
The Danish Government seeks to phase out the use of fossil fuels for heating and
cooling purposes. Here, it is necessary to consider all available options to phase
out the fossil fuels for individual heating and cooling of buildings, as mentioned in
the Council conclusions on a renovation wave that repairs the economy now, and
creates green buildings for the future. This could be achieved through for example
common European rules or by introducing flexibility measures for Member States to
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obtain more ambitious policies nationally. The general Fit for 55 package is going to
be crucial for the 2030 target of 55 pct. CO
e reductions to 2030. The revisions
must, as a result, enable member states to meet those targets. The Commission is
encouraged to work with the Member States to find solutions and available options,
which at a national level should provide Members States with the opportunity to
phase out fossil fuels in individual heating in compliance with EU regulation.
Sustainable buildings
The Danish Government welcomes the focus on sustainable buildings in a life cycle
performance perspective with an internal market for recycled materials. Here, de-
mands for management of non-recyclable waste from buildings should be intro-
duced to avoid harmful substances being recirculated back into the material flow. It
should be considered whether the EPBD is the right place to implement sustainable
buildings or whether this is better implemented under other relevant EU regulation.
Deep renovations
The Danish Government supports the introduction of a legal definition of deep reno-
vations to support the use of investment mechanisms. This definition could be cou-
pled with the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities and should be based on the
prerequisite of cost-effective renovations, which should also deliver on the quality
demands set by the building code. This will help achieve the highest potential for
energy savings. For example, this would entail that it would always be cost-effec-
tive to renovate while conducting the running maintenance of a building while also
gaining the highest potential, when energy renovations are of a high quality.
Financial incentives and market barriers
The Danish Government suggests that financial schemes for renovations with the
purpose of supporting CO
reductions are included under the requirements for pub-
lic financial schemes to be coupled with the achieved level of energy savings. Cur-
rently, only energy efficient renovations are subject to these requirements. This is
deemed inappropriate, since some projects, such as the conversion of gas supply
to district heating, do not achieve energy savings but do achieve CO
and are therefore not covered by the quality requirements under this scheme.
Recharging points for electric vehicles
The Danish Government suggest that the current requirements for recharging
points for electric vehicles may be adjusted based on the experiences from imple-
mentation. As an example, it could be considered if a lesser number of fast re-
charging points could replace a larger number of preparations of recharging point,
and thereby targeting the specific needs of the specific building, providing more
flexibility in the requirement. This could be for buildings such as grocery stores,
malls or hospitals.
Increased use of data and digitalization
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There is a huge potential for increasing the use of digital tools in order to ensure
optimal operation of buildings and maintenance of building systems as well as inte-
gration of renewables in buildings. The Danish Government welcomes an increase
in the use of data and digitalization.
Smart Readiness Indicator
The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) is a useful scheme to describe the ability of
buildings to adapt the operation to the needs of users, describe the energy effi-
ciency of buildings, as well as the ability of buildings to provide flexibility for the
grid. The Danish Government welcomes the use of the SRI to promote the energy
efficiency of buildings but encourages the Commission to continue the current
framework of the SRI as a voluntary instrument or to, at least, await results and ex-
periences from the 2021 test run.
Update and extended use of Energy Performance Certificates
The Danish Government supports the update of the framework for Energy Perfor-
mance Certificates (EPCs) (energy labelling) to improve the quality of the instru-
ment. In this regard, focus should be on the use of data as a prerequisite for the
digitalization of the instrument.
The Danish Government sees a great potential for increased use of data in the
EPCs both to increase the quality of the labels and to contribute to more energy
renovations. This is why the updated framework should focus on the use of data-
bases, initially adapted to national implementation.
Furthermore, the Commission is encouraged to ensure a coherence between the
updated and the current framework to ensure that the potential of the EPCs are not
limited by the strengthening of the instrument across the EU. In addition, the Dan-
ish Government supports the use of a building renovation passport as a supple-
ment to the EPC, where Member States should be able to choose which measures
should be part of it as well as be able to adjust the layout to the national context.
In addition, specific measures of adjustment to the framework are presented below:
1) The requirement of compulsory EPCs should, in some instances, be able
to be removed when implementing certified energy management systems
2) Increase the number of buildings with EPCs by setting requirements for
EPCs in all advertising. Additionally, compulsory EPCs for public buildings
should not be limited to buildings “frequently visited by the public”.
3) In some instances, there should be a possibility to grant exemptions from
the compulsory EPCs to be able to conduct innovative experiments of
EPCs to improve benefits, widening possibilities and use of the instrument,
including data and digitalization efforts.
A strengthened EU Emissions Trading System - include the building sector
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Finally, it is clear that CO
reductions need to come from the building sector where
there is still a large untapped potential across sectors and Member States. The
Commission is therefore encouraged to strengthen and extend the use of the EU
Emission Trading System (ETS) to include emissions from buildings. Extending the
scope of the ETS will support a cost-efficient approach by setting a price on carbon
emissions that will incentivize investments in renovation of both public and private
buildings in combination with strong sectoral legislation. Here, the inclusion of build-
ings under the ETS should be seen as complementary to the EPBD. The EPBD is
still a driver for reaching energy saving potentials in buildings.
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